Dream Big Dreams

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Dream Big Dreams

Post by Deep Knight »

Ashtar watches Earth-Shan TV! No wonder none of his predictions ever come through, he's spending too much time on his soaps and "Dancing with the Stars."

Ashtar: Dream Big Dreams
January 4, 2010


Greetings, This is Ashtar.

The Galactic Federation has been finalizing the details for Worldwide Mass Decloakings.

When it happens there will be celebrating on every country on Earth. It is hard to imagine the magnitude of it.

There will be televised broadcasts of those who are double agents now, coming out to say We Did This!

There will not only be Mother Ships and their Shuttles seen in the sky, but also new technologies not before revealed.

We will then pause a few days for Announcements so everyone can get a clear understanding of what has just happened.

Have you taken in and thought about what this change will mean in your own life? Be prepared for that now.

After you have wiped away the tears of joy, tears of release, then what will you do?

Think about the Spiritual Service you came to Earth To Do.

You all Have A Mission. This Mission evolves around selfless service to others. It is the reason you are on Earth now.

Imagine, in a week or so, you have all the abundance necessary to carry out the Biggest Dream you can Imagine.

There was a television show like this. The Teams were to give away as much money possible. It wasn’t easy to do.

What if St Germain walked up to you and gave you a Million dollars? What if he said he would pay you that, only if you can give away 1 Million dollars in the next 1 hour? Could you do it? Who would you give it to? For what reason?

What if you wanted to give it to Animals, or the Sea?

How would you figure out who to call? Begin imagining your own personal scenario now.

Dream Big Dreams because there are none that are impossible now.

The only clue I will give you is, Make It Fun!!

Spark Your Joy! Only by Selfless Service, Through Love will you find these answers.

It will no longer be about surviving, it will be about LOVING. There will be no more fighting over things.

There is enough abundance for Everyone!

Love Each Other.

We will immediately show you how to travel in your own craft.

Begin to imagine where it is possible to go now.

You no longer need to be the Grid Keepers.

You are free to move about at will, to fulfill your dreams.

How did that change your Vision of a Dream?

There are absolutely no limits now.

Be In Joy!

Your Family is Here and We will Be Joining You and we will Dream into Manifestation a New Earth now.

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Deep Knight
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Re: Dream Big Dreams

Post by Deep Knight »


ChatsworthSharp420 says:
January 4, 2010 at 3:43 pm
wow this is trippy (in a good way).
when we get that peace thing going

Sathia says:
January 4, 2010 at 3:45 pm
I live blissfully in service to the Source, with or without decloakings. However any help would be appreciated.

Douglas MacDonald says:
January 4, 2010 at 4:49 pm
Hip, Hip, Hooray!!!!!!!!! It’s about bloody time. WAR IS OVER NOW.

Family of Violet Flame Warriors says:
January 4, 2010 at 6:39 pm
If St. Germain give me money now, I will give to the poor, homeless, peoples in the Philippines through the “Love Society International Club’, to be in service to our brothers and sisters in the Philippines and especially orphans childrens in Africa who right now slowly dying from famine and also around the world.
This is our highest purpose why we are choosen to be MOLD by our God the Creator of all, to have this different gifts to be in service to others.
Much love and blessings,

crow says:
January 4, 2010 at 6:44 pm
I have my *big dream* all ready right here right now!
Here, I will share it with you!
1) My twin flame and my Spiritual Family come to live with me.
2) We magically manifest ***tons*** of art supplies out of found object and discarded art stuff! Brushes, canvases, every paint color imaginable, glue, collage stuff, frames of every shape, and more, more more!
3) We eat yummy vegan food and yummy vegan smoothies and paint, create, and create some more! Our art will have divine messages of Mother Earth Gaia Ascension and will include creatures of all types in reality and myths…
4) We magically manifest a bus to live in and turn it into a majestic Art Car Tour. We call the bus “Art for Your Heart” and take to the road to show everyone the beauty of universal love!
5) Inward bound, outward bound, homeward bound… Weeeeeeeeeeee
6) We put an *improbability drive* into the bus and magically go to multiple dimensions, planets, and star systems!

Stephanie says:
January 5, 2010 at 12:11 pm
I love your plan!! Can I come for ride on the magic bus? Sounds like you will be having a cosmically cool time Blessings, Stephanie

crow says:
January 4, 2010 at 7:56 pm
I would pick up ChatsworthSharp, Sathia, Douglas, and Family of Violet Flame Warriors on the way to Erra!

ChatsworthSharp420 says:
January 4, 2010 at 8:49 pm

Ann Snelson says:
January 5, 2010 at 3:01 am
I pray that it will happen soon, the children that are starving just break my heart, even though I know they volunteered to go through this it is still hard to witness. I keep getting this excited feeling as if Im going on holiday, when I read this from Ashtar I know why, it must be near. Love and Light to all my earth family let the games begin enjoy enjoy enjoy.
ANN xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Vincent says:
January 5, 2010 at 5:50 am
I’m ready! I’ve been walkin this earth with sadness as a incarnated angel(I’ve been told) looking for purpose..now it becomes clear as I received messages for year and did not understand them. My energy must b strong as this life time has given me many challenges as dark hats tried to cripple me….in dreams multiple time I’ve seen jesus, ufos, spirits etc..been told I was a beacon of light on wall st.(Funny right?) I share my light and ask for other lightworkers to ignite with my energy so I can feel strong again…I feel others pain and wish to heal. I have been taking EC water which is to help transform my DNA quicker..my re-awakening came march of 96(think abducted).. I have many experience to share and am allowed now to share on my site. I love welcome the light and ask for support as I’ve been surpressed since birth on earth.. I pray for u. Pls pray for me…ps- funny my contract on wall st. is up 2012. – pls keep my path bright! Peace-Vincent
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Re: Dream Big Dreams

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

If I died and went to hell, I think that my personal corner would be populated by people like the Big Dreamers, bending my ear for all eternity.... :evil:
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools

Re: Dream Big Dreams

Post by bmielke »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:If I died and went to hell, I think that my personal corner would be populated by people like the Big Dreamers, bending my ear for all eternity.... :evil:
Only if satan is really really mean. Otherwise you might have to listen to them 6-8 hours a day.