The Ashtar Command in Briefs

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Deep Knight
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The Ashtar Command in Briefs

Post by Deep Knight »

From ... ssage/1430 - Edited only slightly to change it completely.

Captain Ashtar, The Ashtar Command and The Galactic Federation by Elizabeth Truthwind January 21, 2010

Posted by ҨΕlizabeth Toothwin₪ on January 22, 2010 at 13:00am

Captain Ashtar, The Ashtar Command and The Galactic Federation by Elizabeth Tushwind January 21, 2010

I have noticed that people interested in UFOs and Galactics often have not studied ascended masturbation. I also noticed some very advanced spiritual people often do not know as much about Galactics as I do in my little finger. Only recently have Star Seeds and Light Workers begun to learn they are one and sometimes two.

Ashtar is the Supreme Commander and Grand Poohbah of the Galactic Federation

The Ones working for Ashtar are the Ascended Masturbators. The Admiral of the New Jerusalem is Sananda, who is a higher form of Onan. Commander Ashtar and the millions in the Galactic Federation do not wish to be seen as different than you or I. They like to be seen as equals. So they spank the monkey or diddle their woowoo frequently, just like their channels here on Earth-Shan, hence the name "Star Seeds."

Many of us think we have our Twin Flames working in the Galactic Federation on the Ships and we are all on the path of evolution. Much of Ashtar's Mission involves helping woman and mankind remember the Galactics and their need to donate to the person who channels this information to them. Remember he is protecting the Planet as well as the Solar System from negative extraterrestrials groups and their desire to control Earth and other Planets and that don't come cheap.

One of the most important roles Ashtar has played in recent times with Earth and other Planets in the Solar System is to keep her inhabitants from knowing about them. Even though Captain Ashtar is in charge of the Space Fleet in this Solar System, he is still governed by the same universal law that keeps superheroes in masks so their identity will remain secret. Ashtar has been extremely successful in reaching this goal.

The Ashtar Command on Earth and in the Skies and under the Seas

On the 20 million MotherShips, Cloudships, Deathstars and StarShips under his command, there are 20 million Crew on each of the Ships. This means he has to sign off on 400 trillion performance reviews every year! Working with Ashtar is KOS (King O' Swords). KOS needs money, as do we all, and you can send it to us because we are representatives of the highest Source levels...with internal connections to much higher levels: Mother-Father, God-Goddess, All That Is.

KOS with St Germain, was appointed by the ILJ (International League of Justice in a secret lair inside an active Volcano somewhere in New Jersey) in 1999 as head of the 4 million man, world-wide mafia, and pro-forma Don of the U.S. He supervises Faction 3 Intel. KOS is an enhanced Galactic-Human with a 3D job that involves jerking off as much as Ashtar's does. He has a frigid wife who doesn't understand him and speaks 23 languages. Appointed by the World Court in 1999, he has martial law authority to ensure NESARA Announcement and Implementation, and his success in this speaks of his many skills.

He and those who work with him and the Galactics are in offices 38 levels above the President of the US, somewhere in the upper dome of the White House. He is also put in charge of Galactic-Human hybrids who now number about 16 million and who have all been trained on the StarShips and have full telepathic connectivity and are shape-shifters with enhanced abilities, and get 50 miles to the gallon. Barracks Obama is here representing both the Sirian Council of Nine (he's the 10th member) and also, on assignment from the Great Central Sun (Alcyone's newspaper).

Their task has been to coordinate the removal of the 40-50'tall dragons (renegade Annunaki) working in government, and in various powerful roles around the Planet. You can tell who they are, their offices have VERY high ceilings. As their Star Seed unites with our Mighty I AM presences (The Great One Eyed Snake of Ra, This Represents The Law of One). Now we connect with 12D and that level steps down the energetic messages from 100D, which is the Godmaidenhead, and 33 1/3D, which is a Long Player. So, on this level, KOS and his Twin Flame, Lady Master Queen of Knives, are very elevated souls with direct responsibility for urging all of you to send money to me, Elizabeth Tootwind.

Lady Master Queen of Knives has several powerful high heel shoes she wears. First, She is the President of the Solar Tribunal on Saturn, a very gassy planet with rings, a fact which KOS uses for many crude jokes at her expense. She is our NESARA 'Going Postal Lady' in charge of the Announcement and Deliveries.

She is the Ascended Masturbator. She foreclosed on our Corporate Government on 30 September 2008 when Bush defaulted on his payments. The King of Swords then put us inside NESARA Law and saved the world banks and stockmarkets from crashing. She and St Germain are the architects of a whole new planetary economic and legal revitalization to prepare us for Ascension's reunification with Source.

The Ashtar Command works with GAIA/VYWAMUS/SLYME

Another important role the Ashtar Command has done is working with GAIA and her brother VYWAMUS and their secret organization SLYME. Important but boring.

The Galactics and Angelics Work Together As One

Commander Ashtar also works closely with the Angelic Kingdom, and with the Protective Forces, most specifically with Archangel Michael. Commander Ashtar is an extremely loving and gentle man and Archangel Michael a very feminine-looking angel for someone who bears a flaming sword. Unfortunately they've practiced self abuse for so long they never get together even though they're both obviously gay. Another example is Tom the Schwingtail Cat Paschat, another is the Poppy Lady, and also the King of Egypt (KOE).

The Ashtar Command serves in a certain sense as Heaven's bagmen and they are placed in many roles all over the World where they can do anything with their omnipotent powers. The Galactics, however, cannot override the wishes or the free will of those living on Earth, so in practice they can't actually do anything like save us from Mark's kids cutting off that source of income.

The only path to PEACE is Peace and a Just World is a World of Justice. KOS, Admiral Sananda, Lady Master Nada, Ashtar, St Germain, Archangel Michael and Archangel Megaton, Mother Sekhmet and Alcyone, are the only ones who know this, except of course for me. What we are seeing in January 2010 is the final maneuvers of the last negative ETs leaving the Matrix, you know the ones who left last July and then again in November. None of the Ones here today are originally from Earth, they are all extraterrestrial illegal alien parasites controlling and living off human bodies. It's OK to kill then, but remember that the alien presence disappears when they die and no autopsy will reveal it, so you might want to take care not to get caught when you do.

Ashtar and the Galactic Federation Work Within The Office of the Christ

Ashtar and all in the Galactic Federation work from the Office of the Christ! This is an actual office located somewhere you'll never find it. When the term "Jesus Christ!" is used here it is not meant in the Christan sense, it is used in the Universal sense of the word people use when they drop something on their foot. All spiritual paths lead to Jesus Christ! and the Holy Spirit of "Bloody Hell!", "Damn It All!" and "Holy Shit!". All religions also lead to the God/dess.

There are different levels in the Office of the Christ! There are the Planetary Christ, Solar Christ, Lunar Christ, Galactic Christ, Universal Christ, Multivariable Christ and Cosmic Christ Levels, each with it's own Plaza and Food Court. Megaton hangs out at the Burger King on the Level of Cosmic Christ. All Masters of all religions and spiritual paths help their students to get a lease in the Office of the Christ Complex, and have the honor of sharing an address along with Sanada/Jesus, Lady Master Noodal, Lord Buddha, Krishna, Batman, Lao Tse, Henry VIII, Zoroaster, Tiny Tim, Kalki Maitreya, Melchizedick, Ra, Lady Gaga, Mother Sekhmet, Alcyclone, Archangel Metranome, Archangel Michelangelo, Archangel Raphael, Archangel Donatello, Archangel Leonardo, Master Splinter, Mother Mary, Archangel Urinal, Omegamoo, Helios and Vesta, St Germain, Llord Llando, Kuthumi, Serapis Bey, James Bond, Lord Arcturus, Ashtar and Athena, Lord Rama-Lama-Ding-Dong, Commander Hatonn, Commander Soltec, Commander Korton, Commander Monk Ka Te, Tom the Dongtail Cat Paschat, Ka Tar Tech, Tech Ra, GertMa, Yoda, Choda, Mota, DeSota, and The Amazing Gordo!.

These spiritual Masters are all members of the Galactic Federation and all work from the Office of The Christ. You are created by God as a Christ. Planet Earth is already in the 5th Dimension. It is only when we work from the 3rd Dimension that we forget. Remembering is about waking up and leasing office space at the 5D Office of the Christ Complex today. Send the money to me.

Every Planet in every Galaxy and Universe call us a different name. Most are not nice. Then again, all of the members of the Galactic Federation are what we call "Jerk Offs," so why should we care? Well, you should care. When we have Decloakings and Landings we will get to see our Galactic Family. These Ones will be returning to Earth to move in with us, just like Rama and Tara tried to do with me. They'll empty your refrigerator and ruin your sheets. So, when you send your money into your cult of choice, remember that we here at Galactic RoundTable have a proven record of NO decloakings, No landings, No announcements and No deliveries. You're safe with us.

by Elizabeth Tushwink
"Follow the Money"
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Re: The Ashtar Command in Briefs

Post by YAAFP »

How in the world do you keep finding this stuff?? Is it some kind of hobby?
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Re: The Ashtar Command in Briefs

Post by Deep Knight »

YAAFP wrote:How in the world do you keep finding this stuff?? Is it some kind of hobby?
No, it is definitely NOT a hobby, but an evil scheme to keep you from your prosperity deliveries! That's right, a secret law named NESARA has been on the books (secret books) since 2000 but hasn't been announced. This law would give you and every other whatever-you-are huge prosperity deliveries in the mail and other unbelievably-good things too numerous to mention. However, we here at Quatloos, minions of the CIA, NWO, Binderburgers, CFRs and such, thwart this announcement and/or prosperity deliveries at every turn!

If your name is really YAAFP (and, believe it or not, some people use aliases here), our records show a Mr. Quintus Z. Yaafp of 1066 Hastings Rd., Nevadaville CA has a packie worth $64,576,309,223,690.12 in gold ready for delivery (it's actually been taken out of storage and shipped 1435 times, but we keep thwarting it and they put it back into storage). That's 4,048,920,198 pounds of gold or 40,489,202 hundred pound bars which are about 8" x 6" x 4" each in size! Wow!

Two things you should know: One - Because many of your friends and neighbors will be getting similar or larger deliveries (the total will be $40 Quatzillion dollars) your gold bars will be worth considerably less than they are today and would best be used for building or paving your driveway and local roads. Two - Even though your bars will be worth less than bricks, you should still keep your name and address secret because the people who have been moving this in and out for delivery 1435 times are getting really pissed off and might come looking for you even BEFORE your deliver (too bad, if they waited for deliveries they would get to drive on those beautiful gold-paved roads and it might reduce their homicidal anger).

Deep Knight
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Re: The Ashtar Command in Briefs

Post by YAAFP »

Oh, darn... my middle initial isn't "Z"!
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Re: The Ashtar Command in Briefs

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Deep Knight wrote:
YAAFP wrote:How in the world do you keep finding this stuff?? Is it some kind of hobby?
No, it is definitely NOT a hobby, but an evil scheme to keep you from your prosperity deliveries! That's right, a secret law named NESARA has been on the books (secret books) since 2000 but hasn't been announced. This law would give you and every other whatever-you-are huge prosperity deliveries in the mail and other unbelievably-good things too numerous to mention. However, we here at Quatloos, minions of the CIA, NWO, Binderburgers, CFRs and such, thwart this announcement and/or prosperity deliveries at every turn!

If your name is really YAAFP (and, believe it or not, some people use aliases here), our records show a Mr. Quintus Z. Yaafp of 1066 Hastings Rd., Nevadaville CA has a packie worth $64,576,309,223,690.12 in gold ready for delivery (it's actually been taken out of storage and shipped 1435 times, but we keep thwarting it and they put it back into storage). That's 4,048,920,198 pounds of gold or 40,489,202 hundred pound bars which are about 8" x 6" x 4" each in size! Wow!

Two things you should know: One - Because many of your friends and neighbors will be getting similar or larger deliveries (the total will be $40 Quatzillion dollars) your gold bars will be worth considerably less than they are today and would best be used for building or paving your driveway and local roads. Two - Even though your bars will be worth less than bricks, you should still keep your name and address secret because the people who have been moving this in and out for delivery 1435 times are getting really pissed off and might come looking for you even BEFORE your deliver (too bad, if they waited for deliveries they would get to drive on those beautiful gold-paved roads and it might reduce their homicidal anger).

Deep Knight
Hey -- if gold is truly going to be that common, that's great! Dental work will be that much cheaper, coin collectors will be able to pick up gold coins at less than their nominal face value (and we can convert our entire coinage system into gold-based coinage, from cents right up through dollars), the jewelry industry will be able to produce bigger items at cheaper prices, and the fish and game industry will have a new, nontoxic substance to replace lead in things like bullets, shotgun pellets and fishing weights. :wink:
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools