For Real This Time

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Re: For Real This Time

Post by Deep Knight »

Mark your calendars, today's the day!

How 11/11/11 is tied to the Mayan Apocalypse - Depending on which prophecy you believe, Friday is day of doom or spiritual renewal
By Stephanie Pappas
updated 11/10/2011

Friday's numerical date is written out as 11/11/11. And for some people, that number sequence is more than a coincidence or inevitability — it's a spiritual signal linked to 2012 Mayan prophecies of both doom and spiritual renewal.

Nov. 11, 2011, mythologies are pervasive on New Age corners of the Internet, with believers suggesting that 11/11 numerical sequences are signals from angels or numbers with hidden meanings. Even people who think little of numerology are finding meaning in the day: The Orlando Sentinel reports that Walt Disney World will host 11 weddings on 11/11/11.

But perhaps the most intriguing 11/11/11 mythology to pop up is the number's link with the supposed 2012 Mayan Apocalypse. The ancient Mayan long-count calendar ends on Dec. 21, 2012, and some people believe that this date will usher in a new spiritual era, or even doomsday. Nov. 11, 2011 most likely became linked with Dec. 21, 2012, when believers noticed that the U.S. Naval Observatory had set the exact time of the 2012 winter solstice for 11:11 Universal Time on Dec. 21, according to John Hoopes, a scholar of Maya history at the University of Kansas.

"It's essentially based on the notion of synchronicities," Hoopes told LiveScience. Synchronicities are meaningful coincidences, he said. And while everyone has a psychological tendency to find minding in random patterns the subcultures that believe in 2012 mythology tend to be those that dabble in psychedelics and cannabis, drugs that increase feelings of synchronicity.

"If it seems like the 2012 mythology was thought up by people on drugs, it's because it was," Hoopes said.

Indeed, the U.S. Naval Observatory now lists the official time of the 2012 winter solstice, when Earth's tilt is angled as far away as possible from the sun, at 11:11 Universal Time on Dec. 21. This has not stopped 2012 believers from focusing on the 11:11 time.

In part, this is because 11:11 mythology has been floating around online for some time. The website holds that noticing a clock when the time is 11:11 is a signal from "1,111 fun-loving Spirit Guardians, or Angels." Other times, such as 12:12, 10:10 or 12:34 are messages, too, according to the site.

These numbers may seem special to people because they stick in our minds, Hoopes said. No one remembers looking at the clock when the numbers don't make a pattern.

"People are more likely to remember 11:11 than they are, say, 4:29 or 6:53 or 3:17 or something like that," Hoopes said.

Psychologists call the temptation to find patterns in random data pareidolia. This phenomenon is also responsible for visions of the Virgin Mary in toast or other objects.

Once you accept 11 as a meaningful number — whether because it looks so symmetrical or because you keep seeing it on your digital watch — it's easy to find the number everywhere. One article on the website ties together the Mayan calendar, the terrorist attacks of 9/11, the average length of polarity reversals of the sun's magnetic field and the author making post number 1111 on a 2012 message board.

"The sun having an 11.11 year cycle, the winter solstice of 2012 falling at 11:11 and people all over the world finding themselves bombarded with 11's (sic) just as science is predicting some kind of majestic solar event at the peak of this current cycle seems more than coincidence," the author writes.

(Solar activity does indeed peak about every 11 years, potentially disrupting satellite communications, but according to NASA, there is no special risk associated with 2012 and the peaks are not expected to be different than previous historical peaks.)

With all these 11s to pluck from, 11/11/11 predictions are flowing fast. New Age adherents have predicted everything from end-of-world scenarios to the ushering in of a new spiritual era.

"The buzz on the net and on Twitter and elsewhere is that 11/11/11 is the unofficial start of the 2012 metaphysical year," Hoopes said.

Even moviemakers are cashing in on the action, with a horror/thriller movie titled "11-11-11" set for release on the date. The plot of the movie centers on a scary, mysterious force that will enter the Earthly realm at 11:11 on 11/11/11.

Non-commercial predictions tend to be more positive than doom-centered, however. The number 11 is seen as a signal that all people are one, for example, and the date is more likely to be seen as an end to greed and disconnection than as an end to humanity. That puts 11/11/11 prophets in a different class than those such as Harold Camping, who predicted a Biblical doomsday in late October.

Whatever modern people may think of the Mayan calendar, it's not clear what, if any, significance the Maya would have placed on the end of their long count of days, Hoopes said.

"The reality is that the Mayas did keep track of large cycles of time, and there is a large cycle of time that began in 3013 B.C. on our calendar, and there are reasons to think that the cycle reaches a significant number on Dec. 21, 2012," Hoopes said.

But what that might have meant to the Mayas is an open question, Hoopes said. The Mayan people tended to see time as cyclical, he said, with important events echoing themselves on corresponding dates in a cycle. In that case, he said, the end of the calendar might have been seen as a new beginning.

"But it's fair to say there's disagreement about that, and some of the leading Maya scholars are skeptical," Hoopes said.

Notably, Hoopes said, Mayan end-of-the-world prophecies don't appear in the historical record until after the group made contact with Christian missionaries — a bunch of people with their own strong beliefs about the end of days.

In fact, astrological end-time predictions were popular in the 1500s, when Franciscan missionaries began voyaging to the New World. In 1524, Hoopes said, an astrological conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter spurred fears of a second Great Flood, touching off panic.

"They were actually preparing for this catastrophe by buying real estate on high places and by stocking up on whatever the 16th-century equivalent of duct tape and bottled water was," Hoopes said.

Biblical doomsday predictions would have certainly made it to Mayan ears, Hoopes said. In other words, Mayan prophecies simply appropriated Christian theology.

"The world for the Mayas really did end in the Spanish conquest," Hoopes said. "So they incorporated that into their explanation of what was happening to them."

The Mayan calendar may resonate today simply because the ancient Maya are seen as an exotic culture with an advanced spirituality, Hoopes said. A century ago, he added, people believed the same thing about Indian and Chinese culture.

What keeps the mythology alive, today, however, is the Internet and social networking, Hoopes said. In that way, he added, believers in a 2012 transformation of consciousness might be right.

"The world is changing because of this transformation of consciousness through the digital network," he said. "I would not be surprised if in the future people looked back and said, 'Oh yes, it was 2012 when all that happened.'"
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Re: For Real This Time

Post by Deep Knight »

It is Saturday 11/12/11 UTC (old Greenwich Mean Time) and after 11:11 11/11/11 in Tonga (westmost time zone) - so I guess we dodged that bullet. Whew! Had me scared, after all, that's a lotta ones in one date!
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Re: For Real This Time

Post by Deep Knight »

Turns out that 11/11/11 wasn't the "end of the world" but the "beginning of a new awakening." Easy mistake to make, probably a typo or transcription error.
11-11-11 ~ Awakening the Hearts of Humanity
By: Estaryia Venus

The 11-11-11 gateway is upon us. Many are speaking about it and many are beginning to feel on an energetic level the deeper awakening that is about to occur. As we continue to move towards 2012 and beyond, the hearts of humanity are going through an energetic shift from separation to an inner knowing of oneness and a sense of unity consciousness that will raise the vibration of this planet into its next evolution.

Human DNA is triggered by digital codes, awakening genetic sequences which release information (light) into our consciousness. This genetic memory that is being turned on, begins to release us from the constructs of time as we have known it. 11-11-11 is one of the codes of this activation process. It is part of the binary code that is part of the matrix of this reality and plays a role in the next phase of planetary awakening.
If this was the case, wouldn't it have already happened on 11/11/1111 or in 1911 instead of 2011?
Friday, November 11, 2011
1-11-11 Prophecy of Redemption

This is a day of redemption, redeeming the times. This is a day of import, for I will move on this day to empower My people. They are a holy vessel, groomed and trained to contain My power. Just as David overcame and prevailed in warfare, having had a victory mindset, so My people will prevail easily over the forces of the enemy.

The Day is come for victory, even victory over My enemies, and I will use My people to achieve this victory. Powers of darkness will fall. Towers of established strength of the enemy will crumble, as did the Twin Towers crumble, as My people move in to take the land, their land, given to them by Me.

So fear not the turbulence, the upset, the change to come, for it is all good. The blood of the martyrs at the Twin Towers speaks. I will avenge that blood in America by destroying the enemy forces which caused that disaster. It was not Me but Satan who planned that attack, to diminish and bring despair on America, because he knew her time of glory, revival and awakening is at hand. For I say, where sin abounds, grace shall more abound. Amen.

Note: An impression came that the enemy's twin towers ready to come down in America are power and greed.

The reference to David's victory comes from 1 Chronicles 19:1-19.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 6:43 PM 0 comments
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Re: For Real This Time

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FYI, the movie 11-11-11 opened Friday and grossed a mere $38,100 over the weekend in the US. #1 The Immortals grossed $32,000,000 and even #20 (bottom of the list) Martha Marcy May Marlene did $490,000.
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Re: For Real This Time

Post by Omne »

Deep Knight wrote:FYI, the movie 11-11-11 opened Friday and grossed a mere $38,100 over the weekend in the US. #1 The Immortals grossed $32,000,000 and even #20 (bottom of the list) Martha Marcy May Marlene did $490,000.
Um, it only opened in 18 theatres.
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Re: For Real This Time

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Omne wrote:
Deep Knight wrote:FYI, the movie 11-11-11 opened Friday and grossed a mere $38,100 over the weekend in the US. #1 The Immortals grossed $32,000,000 and even #20 (bottom of the list) Martha Marcy May Marlene did $490,000.
Um, it only opened in 18 theatres.
From what I've read, this might actually be a good movie (if you like that sort of thing) - the comment was made due to the 11-11-11 believers making a big deal about this being a "big Hollywoood production to warn the tuned-in lightworkers about the upcoming end of the world." Not only was the timing wrong (if this end was at 11:11 on 11-11-11 nobody would have had a chance to see it), but so were the number of theaters...
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Re: For Real This Time

Post by Gregg »

Tuesday is the REAL day, it's 11-11-11 PLUS 11 days!
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Re: For Real This Time

Post by Deep Knight »

Gregg wrote:Tuesday is the REAL day, it's 11-11-11 PLUS 11 days!
Human DNA is triggered by digital codes, awakening genetic sequences which release information (light) into our consciousness. This genetic memory that is being turned on, begins to release us from the constructs of time as we have known it. 11-11-11 is one of the codes of this activation process. It is part of the binary code that is part of the matrix of this reality and plays a role in the next phase of planetary awakening.
So, three 11s aren't the DNA activation code but four 11s are. It would be good if these guys did a bit of research before they publish this stuff.

This does explain why people who play craps are always so spiritual, their DNA gets activated every time they try to roll an 11 and chant, "11, 11, 11, 11, mama needs a new pair of shoes!"
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Re: For Real This Time

Post by notorial dissent »

The problem is that when they rolled the genetic dice, they came up snake eyes.
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Re: For Real This Time

Post by Deep Knight »

KauilaPupu, er Pele, points out that today, 12/12/11, is the powerful date we've been waiting for, not 11/11/11! Easy mistake to make...

A powerful 12:12 activation from Shanta is available at the bottom of this message.

Dear Ones,

The 12:12 Alignment on December 12, 2011 will bring the full force of the Angelic Dimensions into assistance. From this realm there is clarity about your Soul capacity to receive, as well as your readiness for the integration of the highest frequencies yet available for transformation on this planet.

The Twelve represents an activation of Divine Love within, through and around you. When Divine Love activates the light-encoded filaments within your being, there is a communion of awakening. It moves the body into the 12-helix system and allows the connection of the DNA strands. This activates subtle energy which unites the new 12 chakra system. Light alone cannot create the connection, even though the Divine Intelligence is there within the Light Force. Divine Love is required to awaken the coding of your Soul’s union with the completion inherent in the Twelve. This can be called the Light of the Christ.

Through the power of the associated gateways held open by the Archangels, a new force of the Christ Consciousness will be made available during the 12:12 Alignment. The power of this awakening energy enables each person to have the experience of the Christ Light at the moment of the 12:12 Coding. Once experienced you will not fall back into old ways, as the Golden Christ Light literally expunges from your being frequencies that no longer serve you. Transformed by Light, the cells awaken to the coding embedded in your soul. This activation has been held in abeyance until the earth consciousness would support mass awakening. Awareness and preparation are key signatures for the transformation available through the Christ Light. That time is Now.

Here is a prayer to assist the activation:

Divine Presence,

During this 12:12 Alignment, please bring the Golden Light and Divine Love of the Christ Consciousness through my being and anchor it upon the Earth. If it is in my highest good, may it awaken the connection to the 12 strands of DNA within me and create the full helix of Light that activates my 12-chakra system. I ask for my Soul’s alignment to all the Divine Love and Light that I can receive for the good of my evolution and the evolution of the Earth at this time. I invite the assistance of my guardian angel and all the beings of Light who work for my awakening to be with me in this process.

May all beings awaken their Divine Potential and bring the presence of Divine Love and ever more Grace upon this planet. May the Earth be honored in a new way that allows our beautiful planet to thrive. May every heart feel the gifts of this loving Presence within them so Peace may prevail on Earth. Thank you God for this and all our blessings.

And so it is.

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel

Could "Shanta Gabriel" really be "Shanta Claus?"
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Re: For Real This Time

Post by Cathulhu »

Deep Knight wrote: Could "Shanta Gabriel" really be "Shanta Claus?"
I think they're all a bunch of ho, ho, hoes.
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Re: For Real This Time

Post by Deep Knight »

From the Spiritual Ascension 2012 website, the "best information on 2012."

11/11/11 – What really happened?
Posted by admin on Nov 30, 2011 in 11/11/11, 2012, Lightworkers | 0 comments

During the time leading up to 11/11/11 there was much spiritual hype. Many groups talking about a conscious awakening, the earth moving into a new dimension. Conspiracy theorists talking of major natural disasters and maybe even more dramatic theories than that. So, did the earth really move for you? What really happened?

Well, our opinion is that there is one person who will change the thinking of the world. On 11/11/11 with the enhanced energy coming to earth, combined with the spiritual groups that were anchoring the light into the earthly plain, this one person had the seed of a thought. A spark in their brain which gave them a new view on life, a new ‘concept’ of truth and reality. This person will now be driven forward with this idea.

The ‘concept’, whatever it may be, will be developed and once understood, will start to change the consciousness of others.
Recently, upon reading a biography of Einstein, the book stated ‘Physics awaits a new Einstein who, inspired by a simple, radical insight, will resolve this contradiction’ (contradiction between theory of relativity and quantum theory).

What happened that day may not be a revelation in the theory of physics but something that will change the way many view reality. Let’s hope this person, whoever they are, has the courage to keep walking the path and follow their idea to fruition. They are now a lightworker and have to accept the responsibility that comes along with that. Overcoming the challenges that will inevitably be put in their way….

Sending love and light their way, wherever they are.

That person was Deep Knight of course. And the thought/idea/insight/concept he had was "Boy, a pepperoni pizza would really hit the spot right now."
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Re: For Real This Time

Post by LaVidaRoja »

Add some mushrooms and invite me!
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