Bizarre Lawsuit

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Bizarre Lawsuit

Post by Deep Knight »

I first saw this on MacHaffie's site, where of course he thought it was a sign of something good, not some crazed conspiracy theorist or scam artist taking a page from Ben Fulford's book.

Courthouse News
Bizarre Claim for $1 Trillion
Monday, December 05, 2011
Last Update: 9:42 AM PT

MANHATTAN (CN) - An American expatriate in Bulgaria claims the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, the Office of International Treasury Control and the Italian government conspired with a host of others to steal more than $1.1 trillion in financial instruments intended to support humanitarian purposes.
The 111-page federal complaint involves a range of entities common to conspiracy theorists, including the Vatican Illuminati, the Masons, the "Trilateral Trillenium Tripartite Gold Commission," and the U.S. Federal Reserve.
Plaintiff Neil Keenan claims he was entrusted in 2009 with the financial instruments - which included U.S. Federal Reserve notes worth $124.5 billion, two Japanese government bonds with a combined face value of $19 billion, and one U.S. "Kennedy" bond with a face value of $1 billion - by an entity called the Dragon Family, which is a group of several wealthy and secretive Asian families.
"The Dragon family abstains from public view and knowledge, but, upon information and belief, acts for the good and better benefit of the world in constant coordination with higher levels of global financial organizations, in particular, the Federal Reserve System," Keenan claims.
"During the course of its existence over the last century, the Dragon family has accumulated great wealth by having provided the Federal Reserve Bank and the United States Government with asset assignments of gold and silver via certain accounts held in Switzerland, for which it has received consideration in the form of a variety of Notes, Bonds and Certificates such as those described ... that are an obligation of the Federal Reserve System."
Keenan says that with accrued interest the instruments are now worth more than $1 trillion. He says the family designated him as its principal in an effort to select certain registered and authorized Private Placement Investment Programs (PPPs) for the benefit of unspecified global humanitarian efforts.
In his remarkable complaint, Keenan claims that the U.S. government enormous amounts of money - delivered in gold and other precious metals - from the Dragon Family many years ago, and that the money was placed into the Federal Reserve System for the benefit and underwriting support of the dollar, "which was to become and currently remains the global reserve currency".
Keenan claims the conspiracy began with the illegal detention of two Japanese citizens, Akihiko Yamaguchi and Mitsuyoshi Watanabe, and the seizure of $134.5 billion in bonds they were holding in Italy, in June 2009.
Yamaguchi can best be described as Keenan's predecessor in trying to place Dragon Family instruments in legitimate PPPs to advance the group's humanitarian aims, according to the complaint.
Keenan says he came to know both Yamaguchi and the Dragon Family through the Japanese man's efforts on the group's behalf, and that he introduced them to a bank in Cyprus with which they could do business.
Keenan says that in gratitude, Yamaguchi sought and was granted approval to execute a special power of attorney, whereby Keenan would also act on behalf of the Dragon Family to place their assets in PPPs.
It was then, he says, that he took possession of the instruments that are the heart of the lawsuit. For his assistance, Keenan says, he was to receive a profit share amounting to 30 percent of any particular PPP he arranged.
A month after the Japanese men were detained, an man named Leo Zagami, "a self-described 33rd degree Free Mason, who, as of April 2008, had reportedly claimed to be the leader of a breakaway faction of the Knights of Templar and high-level Freemasons centered around the elite of the Masons P2 (propaganda Due) Lodge in Monte Carlo," arrived on the scene, according to the complaint. (Parentheses in complaint.)
Zagami claimed to be a representative of the Vatican Illuminati and other European sect societies and "had been looking to make contact with certain Asian Secret Societies," the complaint states.
During a meeting in Japan, he says, he told a contact that Yamaguchi and Watanabe had been "set up" and that he had inside information about the seized instruments.
Subsequently, he introduced his contact in Japan to defendant Daniele Dal Bosco, a Vatican banker and associate of the P2 Masonic Lodge, who "would be able to 'cash the bonds seized by the Italian Treasury Police,'" according to the complaint.
The complaint alleges a complicated history with many moving parts and scores of internationally known and unknown characters, the sum of which is that Keenan claims he was entrusted with billions of dollars in bonds by the Dragon Family.
He claims that soon, he and Dal Bosco were in daily contact via Skype and they arranged to meet in Italy. During these conversations, Dal Bosco represented that he was not only financial advisor to Zagami, but also to the Vatican, Vatican City, Rome, and the treasurer for the P2 Masonic Lodge.
As a result, Keenan said, although he tried keep personal possession of the financial instruments with which he was entrusted, he nevertheless came to trust Dal Bosco, and turned the bonds over to him for "temporary safekeeping and custodianship".
Dal Bosco absconded with the bonds and sought assistance in selling the instruments "in the global marketplace through stealth, conversion and bribery," Keenan claims.
He claims that as the conspiracy continued to unfold, various high level officials repeatedly offered him a bribe of $100 million to "release" the instruments without disclosing their theft to the Dragon family, and to allow the instruments to be converted to a so-called UN "Sovereign Program" wholly under the auspices, protection and umbrella of the sovereign immunity enjoyed by the defendants.
Other defendants include UN General Secretary Ban Ki-Moon, Former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, Giancarlo Bruno, who is identified as head of the banking industry for the World Economic Forum, Italy's ambassador to the UN Cesare Maria Ragaflini, Ray C. Dam, president of the Office of International Treasury Control, and David A. Sale, the deputy chief of the council for the cabinet of the OITC.
Keenan seeks the return of the stolen instruments, punitive damages and court costs on multiple claims of fraud, breach of contract and violation of international law.
He is represented by William H. Mulligan Jr., with Bleakley, Platt & Schmidt of White Plains, N.Y.

Note to self, no matter what DON'T allow yourself to be represented by anyone from Bleakley, Platt & Schmidt (I would use my regular lawyers - Dewey, Fleecem & Howe). You might recognize some of the other players here as being parts of other various scams mentioned here over the years. It's hard to say if this guy is trying to use this lawsuit to further his own scam or actually believes it because he's batsh*t crazy.
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Re: Bizarre Lawsuit

Post by Prof »

I could not resist. I went on PACER and looked at this train wreck. Then I looked up the law firm that signed the pleadings, and the lawyer and firm are as represented by DK -- a legitimate lawyer in a real law firm.

I find it difficult to believe that anyone with a law license practicing in a firm would be allowed to sign such a bizarre pleading.
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Re: Bizarre Lawsuit

Post by fortinbras »

The Pacer file was posted on the SuiJuris forum by, surprise!, David Merrill Van Pelt: ... agonfa.pdf

Something I had not grasped from the description here. The plaintiff, Keenan, is claiming to represent The Dragon Family, and he is suing just about everyone who's anyone to pry loose money on behalf of The Dragon Family. I have no idea why a bona fide law firm is representing him.
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Re: Bizarre Lawsuit

Post by Gregg »

Vatican Illuminati
Even Van Pelt should know that this is akin to Jewish Nazis. I suspect a little digging into the law firm would turn up either a low level ambulance chaser gone nuts ala Al Hodges, or someone who takes any case where the retainer check clears.
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Re: Bizarre Lawsuit

Post by notorial dissent »

I personally think Keenan is a good candidate for serious Thorazine therapy.

I can't decide if he is just that completely out of touch with reality or is trying to run some kind of con on another collection of con artists, although what he thinks going to court will accomplish is beyond me. The filing is nearly incomprehensible, and is all a fantasy, against a whole host of fantasy opponents. I have to agree with Gregg here, I can’t imagine any lawyer with any sense coming anywhere near this hound dog, although I agree with Prof that train wreck is a better description. The filing is a good cure for insomnia if nothing else.

This particular scam is so old the whiskers have whiskers. Although I think the Japanese and Kennedy bonds are a new wrinkle, although I could be wrong here, but I don't remember them in the equation before. The marked up fake Fed notes have been making the rounds for years and about every five years they start a new cycle with a new selection of treasure hunter/suckers. I haven’t see the other batch yet, so don’t know for sure what they are. If the Japanese bonds are anything resembling real, they would be in the realm of the Peruvian Gold bond that shows up every now and again, and like the Peruvian bond would have been repudiated by the succeeding gov’t in Japan after the war, and so would be equally worthless.

I’m not terribly surprised that the clown prince of fruitloopia is taken with this, it is right up there with all his other fantasy filings, and will certainly get just about as far depending on the poor judges sense of humor or lack there of. Obviously the judge, or more likely his clerk, hasn’t really had a chance to read this monster. I would hope that once it has been gone through, that the lawyer involved gets some serious sanctions dropped on him for wasting the court’s time.

I know the Secret Service got involved in this because they were trying to smuggle what looked like US securities across the Italian border, and when the Italians saw what it was they quite happily turned it over to the US to deal with. These particular fakes show up periodically, almost invariably coming out of the far east, usually the Philippines, and always have some long, convoluted, improbably story attached to them, and they are just as worthless now as they were 20 years ago.
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Re: Bizarre Lawsuit

Post by Kestrel »

Deep Knight wrote:A month after the Japanese men were detained, an man named Leo Zagami, "a self-described 33rd degree Free Mason, who, as of April 2008, had reportedly claimed to be the leader of a breakaway faction of the Knights of Templar and high-level Freemasons centered around the elite of the Masons P2 (propaganda Due) Lodge in Monte Carlo," arrived on the scene, according to the complaint. (Parentheses in complaint.)
Zagami claimed to be a representative of the Vatican Illuminati and other European sect societies and "had been looking to make contact with certain Asian Secret Societies," the complaint states.
Subsequently, he introduced his contact in Japan to defendant Daniele Dal Bosco, a Vatican banker and associate of the P2 Masonic Lodge, who "would be able to 'cash the bonds seized by the Italian Treasury Police,'" according to the complaint.
He claims that soon, he and Dal Bosco were in daily contact via Skype and they arranged to meet in Italy. During these conversations, Dal Bosco represented that he was not only financial advisor to Zagami, but also to the Vatican, Vatican City, Rome, and the treasurer for the P2 Masonic Lodge.
Well I'm glad I put my drink down before taking a close look at this mess.

Vatican banker and treasurer for the P2 Masonic Lodge? 33rd Degree Mason and member of the Vatican Illuminati? Must be some branch of the Illuminati that fell off the tree a very, very long time ago.

Anyone who knows anything about Catholic Church history knows the Vatican and the Freemasons had a little falling out in the Year of Our Lord 1738, and it hasn't been fixed.

Here is the current official Declaration on Masonic Associations posted on the Vatican's website.
Therefore the Church’s negative judgment in regard to Masonic association remains unchanged since their principles have always been considered irreconcilable with the doctrine of the Church and therefore membership in them remains forbidden. The faithful who enrol in Masonic associations are in a state of grave sin and may not receive Holy Communion.
The document was signed 26 November 1983 by one Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. For anyone who doesn't recognize the name, Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger is now more commonly known as Pope Benedict XVI.
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Re: Bizarre Lawsuit

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Two things:
Plaintiff Neil Keenan claims he was entrusted in 2009 with the financial instruments - which included U.S. Federal Reserve notes worth $124.5 billion, two Japanese government bonds with a combined face value of $19 billion, and one U.S. "Kennedy" bond with a face value of $1 billion
So about $145billion became $1.1trillion in 2 years? Who's paying this sort of interest rate?
As a result, Keenan said, although he tried keep personal possession of the financial instruments with which he was entrusted, he nevertheless came to trust Dal Bosco, and turned the bonds over to him for "temporary safekeeping and custodianship".
Like anyone who has $145billion in bonds (and how much paper would that be?) just lets someone else they barely know look after it for them. All of it. If you're worried about the security of it, surely you spread it about?
The story is that complex I'm willing to bet he couldn't tell the same one twice.
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Re: Bizarre Lawsuit

Post by notorial dissent »

Well, you know what they say about six impossible things before breakfast or maybe it's lunch, but you get where I am going, and I would definitely say this qualifies.

The Illuminati, Mason, Catholic feud was all just a smokescreen, that has now been blown. Heck, I can’t believe I just got to link all three of those in one sentence, let along one delusion.

I’m just waiting to see what happens when this actually does come in front of a real judge. I can’t believe it actually got filed in a court to begin with.
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Re: Bizarre Lawsuit

Post by Deep Knight »

Kestrel wrote:The document was signed 26 November 1983 by one Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. For anyone who doesn't recognize the name, Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger is now more commonly known as Pope Benedict XVI.
Known to "the boys" in the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith as "Joey Rats."
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Re: Bizarre Lawsuit

Post by Prof »

DK, have you thought about sending a copy of the lawsuit -- perhaps just a copy of the first page and signature page -- to the lawyer who allegedly signed the Complaint? I wonder if his signature was forged? The firm and lawyer seem pretty "normal," according to the legal directories, which makes me suspicious. Although how the matter could have been filed without PACER verification, I do not know. (I am reasonalby sure that all S.D.N.Y. filings are electronic.)
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Re: Bizarre Lawsuit

Post by Deep Knight »

Prof wrote:DK, have you thought about sending a copy of the lawsuit -- perhaps just a copy of the first page and signature page -- to the lawyer who allegedly signed the Complaint? I wonder if his signature was forged? The firm and lawyer seem pretty "normal," according to the legal directories, which makes me suspicious. Although how the matter could have been filed without PACER verification, I do not know. (I am reasonalby sure that all S.D.N.Y. filings are electronic.)
News of this lawsuit has "gotten legs" and been posted on many conspiracy-friendly internet sites. I would be very surprised if a dozen or so crazed gadflies haven't already contacted this lawyer or his firm to pursue their own delusions. If the signature was forged, I'm pretty sure they know about it by now. If not, I'll bet they're regretting their decision, especially when some guy calls back every 15 minutes demanding they sue "The Greys" for alien anal probings.

David Wilcock (a "professional lecturer, filmmaker and researcher of ancient civilizations, consciousness science, and new paradigms of matter and energy") has put up hundreds of pages about this on his Divine Cosmos site. He also says he contacted the lawyers (in bold below).

CONFIRMED: The Trillion-Dollar Lawsuit That Could End Financial Tyranny
Written by David Wilcock
Monday, 12 December 2011 12:12

It could be the biggest, most explosive story in modern history. We are just starting to put the pieces together and understand what is going on in the occult financial geopolitical scene, and how a 117-nation alliance is working to free the Earth from financial tyranny.

[UPDATE, NEXT MORNING: On the same day this article came out, Benjamin Fulford was allegedly detained in a hotel against his will by a "CIA-type group"... and his life may be in danger.

This caused him to miss his appearance on a TV show he was scheduled to be on. The videos are at the end. This could be serious. We pray for Ben's well-being and encourage you to help spread the word. Publicity is protection!

UPDATE, 12:44 AM SAME NIGHT: We just found out that Fulford is alive and OK. He may have been held in the hotel for his own protection, but we do not know yet. More information will follow as soon as we get it and will be updated below.

UPDATE WEDNESDAY 3:48 PM: I have received a very serious death threat from a highly-placed insider, who told me it would be "a very good idea" for me to release Part Two tonight. I will be working non-stop towards that goal. More at the bottom of the article.

UPDATE WEDNESDAY 5:43 PM: To all holders of the Wilcock File: DO NOT attempt to contact me in any way. Your instructions are now included in the most recent update.]

DW: Hello. This is David Wilcock and I’m here with Benjamin Fulford. This is another Divine Cosmos audio blog.

I’m interviewing Benjamin Fulford today, which in my time here in Los Angeles, California would be November 28th, 2011, a Monday – for Ben it’s already a Tuesday.

DW: [The Old World Order] also tried to silence him and bribe him by offering him – I forget, Ben, was it an ambassadorship they wanted to offer you, or something like that?

BF: They offered me at one point the job of Finance Minister of Japan.

DW: Finance minister of Japan. Right.

BF: They also, believe it or not, offered me General Electric and General Motors.

DW: Really!

BF: Yeah.

DW: Like you would be the CEO, or something?

BF: Yeah, and I guess the chief shareholder.

The problem, of course, is I had to go along with their plan to kill four billion people. It’s the classic “sell your soul to the devil” situation.

DW: Right. They just need to lighten the load and get rid of some surplus. That’s how they like to talk about it.

BF: Well, they want to save the environment and get rid of the “useless eaters”.

DW: Exactly.

BF: There has been, though, and I’ve mentioned this… there’s been a very, very intensive campaign to make me seem like a flake.

DW: Sure.

BF: They have a book, about as thick as a phone book – a file on me.

First of all, they tried to kill me.

Then when they realized there was protection behind me, and whoever ordered the kill would be killed themselves in retaliation, the next thing was they tried to drive me into bankruptcy – by blacklisting me.

When that didn’t work…

DW: Hold on. What do you mean by blacklist?

BF: OK. I used to have regular TV shows in Japan.

DW: Oh, you did?

BF: Oh yeah! Big prime-time shows.

DW: Like on NHK, or what network? [DW: NHK is the biggest, most popular TV network in Japan.]

BF: NHK had a 20-minute special on me on prime time. I had various networks.

The point is I was also able to publish stories in places in major Western media. But I got put on a blacklist.

DW: You mentioned a mind-blowing piece of information about the Titanic.

BF: Remember a book came out a year before about a ship called the Titan that sank on its maiden voyage?

DW: That’s right!

[DW: Previously, Ben has said this book was deliberately released to “hide it out in the open.” This is a key aspect of the occult science these groups are working with. It helps them feel that we have chosen to be enslaved by them. Technically, the book came out 14 years before the Titanic sank.]

BF: They got rid of, in one fell swoop, about 600 industrialists who were opposed to the taking over of the Fed. JP Morgan was saying “Hey, let’s all talk about it as we cross the Atlantic.”

Of course, he missed the ship at the last moment.

They were prevented at gunpoint from boarding the lifeboats.

BF: What happened now was a counter-plot. They sent these people to cash a trillion dollars’ worth of these bonds that were given to them by the Feds.

DW: So [when you say “They”,] you’re saying now that the Asian Secret Societies.

[They] control enough gold that if it were repatriated, it would be thousands of trillions of dollars – that’s what it says in the legal document…

BF: Yes.

DW: They created a sting operation with these guys…

BF: Together with the CIA guys who they used to work with in Southeast Asia.

DW: Who don’t want the Powers that Were to still be running the show.

BF: Yeah. They realized they were insane and incompetent. They were one level below these guys and knew that they were crazy.

DW: OK, but let’s get one thing clear, though. These bonds were generated in 1934, by the Federal Reserve.

But, in 1934 they made sure that if China ever actually tried to use these bonds, they would appear fraudulent when they were attempted to be cashed.

BF: Yeah. There are deliberate typos. And the numbers themselves are astronomical.

You’ve got to understand that there are two financial systems in the world.

The stuff that’s on the books, in there, according to the official government statistics, the world GDP is 63 trillion dollars, right?

DW: Mm hm.

BF: And then we have these bonds that are supposedly worth 371 trillion dollars.

There’s a disconnect.

DW: What bonds are worth 371 trillion?

BF: The total amount held by the Dragon Family. The 85 percent of the world’s gold and treasure. That’s how much it was assessed at.

DW: OK. So this is the stuff that was blacklisted – prior to Bretton Woods.

[DW: Keith Scott, one of Fulford's insiders, told me he has repeatedly tried to correct Ben on this point, as the 371 trillion was only the value of one large treasure site in Malaysia. The full number is in the many thousands of trillions.]

DW: One thing I want to make sure we cover before we would end this interview is this presentation of this legal document.

The law firm that is listed on the document is Bleakley, Platt and Schmidt LLP, in White Plains, New York.

The principal attorney behind it is William H. Mulligan, Jr.

I’ve been to their website. They are definitely a very bonafide legal firm. I haven’t actually called them yet, but I plan on calling Mulligan and asking him just to verify that this suit is real.

[DW: I did call Mulligan and speak to him on the phone. Please do not bother him. He released an official, recorded statement via my colleague Kimberley Jaeger confirming the lawsuit is genuine, as you hear at the end of the MP3 of our interview.]



Thirty years' worth of dedicated research into the greatest hidden mysteries of science, and of the Universe, led to the creation of my magnum opus, the encyclopedic The Source Field Investigations, which debuted as a New York Times bestseller in August.

In this work, I reveal compelling proof that life on Earth is being guided by a Universal consciousness I call the Source Field -- the ultimate author of space, time, matter, energy and biological life.

This is no longer a speculative, "woo woo", "New Age" discussion -- it is squarely rooted in a great wealth of scientific facts that have never been fully understood.

The Universe is not a "dead", unthinking and unfeeling void. It is vast, vibrant and full of life -- written directly into the quantum level.

In this book, I reveal that dozens of ancient cultures around the world were given prophecies about a coming Golden Age of peace and prosperity. The focal-point for when this would come about was the year 2012.

Regardless of what else may or may not happen around this time, it is remarkable to see the real-world evidence of this mass, international uprising against the Powers that Were coinciding so neatly with prophecies that are thousands of years old.
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Re: Bizarre Lawsuit

Post by Deep Knight »

David Wilcock posted the following on a GodLikeProductions thread. These are the folks who have banned me numerous times for saying sane stuff about NESARA (or, in one case, promoting "NESARA V" which was exactly like NESARA only it could be announced right now with no further rigamarole).

I also have a new insider source that is directly connected to the queen of a Southeast Asian country. This man got directly involved in linking the queen to the Chinese royal family — the direct descendants of the Dragon line.

This man independently verified what Fulford has been saying without even knowing about the story. According to him, one of these Dragon people is over 165 years old. The Chinese bailed out the US after the Civil War in the 1800s. They still have the contract and tried to call in all the interest.

This person told me the US argued that the contract was null and void unless one of the original signatories was present. Little did they realize that one of the people who signed it as a young man in the 1800s was still alive. Last year, so I was told, this man appeared before the world court and wiped out the US’s excuse.

Ben wouldn’t go there, but it appears these Chinese elders have such a long lifespan because they are extraterrestrial human immigrants who have kept their bloodlines intact, and they naturally have a longer lifespan. The history of China and the Dragon family supports this idea.

I do think that one key aspect of the “Illuminati” is that they are hunting down these immigrant “royal families” and destroying them — but they’ve never been able to get to the Chinese. That’s a source of great frustration for them.

This material is interesting, it came unexpectedly, and it corroborates what Ben has been saying. This source said the same thing — the Chinese elders are involved in a plan to defeat the Old World Order, and it’s almost complete.

I will soon get the chance to speak to this middle-man myself and hear more, but this is now another independent point of contact that appeared in my life and validated the same thing Ben has been saying. This is the second very strong validation of this I’ve had in the last six weeks.

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Re: Bizarre Lawsuit

Post by JamesVincent »

Gregg wrote:
Vatican Illuminati
Even Van Pelt should know that this is akin to Jewish Nazis.
Dont forget, Hitler himself was part Jewish. His entire campaign to eradicate the Jews was self-hate, another part of his psychosis.
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Re: Bizarre Lawsuit

Post by Gregg »

Deep Knight wrote:
Kestrel wrote:The document was signed 26 November 1983 by one Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. For anyone who doesn't recognize the name, Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger is now more commonly known as Pope Benedict XVI.
Known to "the boys" in the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith as "Joey Rats."

Let me guess, he's also a 34th Degree Mason, right?
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Re: Bizarre Lawsuit

Post by Kestrel »

Gregg wrote:
Deep Knight wrote:
Kestrel wrote:The document was signed 26 November 1983 by one Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. For anyone who doesn't recognize the name, Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger is now more commonly known as Pope Benedict XVI.
Known to "the boys" in the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith as "Joey Rats."
Let me guess, he's also a 34th Degree Mason, right?
If the Pope is a 34th degree Freemason, it's only in an alternate-universe venue where even the inmost part of the ruling circle's inner circle would have to be shot if anyone ever told them.

Either there, or in one of Tim LaHaye's "Left Behind" boilerplate novels.

Now, as to whether the Pope is one of the illuminati, I think it best the uninformed remain uninformed. I'm certainly not going to affirm or deny any such suggestion on a public website.
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Re: Bizarre Lawsuit

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

Somebody alert Dan Brown. :brickwall:
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Re: Bizarre Lawsuit

Post by Deep Knight »

I once heard a radio caller talk about how one had to see things from a "conspiratorial perspective." His thesis was that unless you looked at conspiracies correctly, they would appear to be crazy. You see, the elements of the "grand conspiracy" are constructed to protect the whole from discovery. The truth of any one part is meant look like a delusion, but if you could see the whole picture, how the pieces of the puzzle fit together...

He was talking about his own out-there politics, but could just as easy have talking about Fulford's ilk. Everything from UFOs to extended life to forged bonds to lost gold to Chinese secret societies to the sinking of the Titanic is part of the this particular weaving. Maybe Dan Brown could make some literary hay out of this - "Angels, Dragon Families & Demons?"
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Re: Bizarre Lawsuit

Post by Deep Knight »

If things weren't crazy enough, Rayelan joins in!

Thursday, December 15, 2011
I was one of David's Source's for the Information on the Philippine Gold Treaty
The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

David Wilcock Mentioned David Guyatt - I was one of David's Source's for the Information on the Philippine Gold Treaty
Posted By: Rayelan
Date: Thursday, 15-Dec-2011 19:06:48

We have many new readers, and now I realize that even people I considered friends never took the time to learn about what Gunther and I did in 1994 when we transferred 500,000 metric tonnes of gold from where it had been hidden since 1955, back to the Austria and the former countries that made up the Austro-Hungarian Empire.
I have been telling people since 1994 about the 50+ year plan to bankrupt ALL the member banks that make up the Federal Reserve Banking System.
You can read about this plan in this article:
In 1994 Gunther and I, along with many other people, successfully concluded the largest gold transfer in history.
If you want to read about this, here is the link to David Guyatt's page: THE SECRET GOLD TREATY
The documents you see are ones that I faxed to Guyatt for inclusion in his book.

Letter from Gunther Russbacher to Gabriel Singson of the Philippine Central Bank
OFFER TO SELL - Letter to Dr. Werner Metz of the Austrian Central Bank from the Philippine Central Bank offering to sell a vast amount of gold...

From Deep Black Lies -- THE SECRET GOLD TREATY
Russbacher told the BBC journalist that huge quantities of Nazi gold had been shipped to South America, via Spain, just prior to the close of World War II. The loot had sat in South America for a number of years, but as soon as its existence became known to Israeli intelligence the plunder was immediately transferred to the Philippines and hidden, Russbacher said.
Over a year after my interview with Russbacher, I was put in contact with Ken Krohn, who I was told was a business associate of Russbacher's. I telephoned Krohn in California on 27 February 1998, telling him I was conducting research into black market gold deals. He immediately asked if I had been speaking to Russbacher. At that time, I had not, and I told him so. Krohn then stated that he was a member of "Gunther's Team" and had acted in the role of "Stateside Anchor." Krohn then asked me to call him back the following Tuesday so that he could, in the meantime, refresh his memory from his files. He had, he said "names, dates, files. It'll make your hair curl."
The gold from these transfers is going to be used to BACK currency... WORLDWIDE. The first currency to be backed in the Euro. The Dinar has been gold backed for some time. The ONE major currency that is NOT gold backed is the DOLLAR. The dollar will become WORTHLESS unless the United States returns to a gold backed currency.
These are the links containing the information that I faxed to Guyatt in 1996 and 97. I have tonnes more of this information on the gold that is stored in the Philippines and around the rest of the world. The one thing David is right about is that there is more gold in the world than anyone can imagine.
The thing he has wrong is who owns the gold and who hid it.
The sovereign leaders of the nations that the illuminati raped and pillaged are the ones who joined together to hid their gold. The HID it from the illuminati who would have stolen it.
It was hidden so that at one day in the future the vanished nations of the world could rise again and restore the wealth of their people to their people.
These families are all related by blood. It started with King Solomon's daughter by the Queen of Sheba. Her children intermarried... as did their children until a time came that all the ruling families of the world were related by blood. These families were murdered and their kingdoms were destroyed.

When I married Gunther, it took me a long time to for me to grasp what was really going on. The people with whom Gunther and I worked, were from the Philippines, to China to all of the countries in Europe... and off world.
If you have read the Obergon Chronicles, you know that some of our gold has always been taken back to the home world to keep the atmosphere in tact so that the original bodies can continue to live until the time that everyone is here on earth.
There is so much more to this story that David Wilcock can imagine. it would take me weeks to bring him up to speed. If any of you who know my version of this story would like to try to bring him up to speed, you are welcome. IMO he would have to read the Obergon Chronicles, read all the articles Gunther wrote on the gold transfer... and then listen to all 9 hours of David Sales interviews.
There's not much more I can do. I have been telling this story since 1994. It appears that David Wilcock was not familiar with this part of my story.
Here are some of the links to the documents I faxed to David Guyatt. Most of the information I gave to Guyatt was over the telephone.

Rayelan Russbacher, tells a tale that is identical to Krohn's account in all material respects, except as to the quantities of gold involved. In early May 2000, Rayelan Russbacher faxed me copies of about 30 documents relating to her former husband’s gold deal as described above. The code name for the transaction was “White Robe/150-920-458." The documents she faxed show that the intended transaction was, in fact, a series of between ten and 50 transactions, each involving a quantity of 2,500 metric tonnes of gold negotiated at a discount rate of 10% (rather than the 11.6% rate described by Krohn). Additionally, the commitments for these transactions could be “rolled over” and “extended” up to a total of 500,000 metric tonnes.
A first “test” tranche of 2,500 tonnes with a face value of approximately US$30 billion was called for (giving a price of about $370 per ounce). This staggering deal, if consummated in full, had a price tag of US$6 trillion – equivalent to the current US national debt!
At today's price, the 500,000 metric tonnes equals
500,000 metric tonnes = 551,155.655 t(US)
OR 551.155 t(US) and 13.10 cwt(US)
1 short ton = 29 166.6667 troy ounce
$1575.80 gold closes today
Someone else can do the math and figure out how much money the $500,000 metric tonnes would be worth today. [16 billion troy ounces worth $25 trillion - wanna do the math on what it would take to move this much gold?]
BTW... the Scottish Irishman who was talking to David is the same Shamus who worked with me for over ten years and then married me off to Gunther. Shamus is a starship captain. He is Gunther's higher self and now that I have heard his again, I know where Gunther is these days! And I hope to hell those of you who know what he is capable of are shaking in your Texan boots!

Posted by John MacHaffie at 4:36 PM


Anonymous said...

Here is the link to the Project Camelot radio interview with David Wilcock following the death threat he received yesterday. David crys during the interview. Very sincere, I believe. He wants this out far and wide to protect his life. In addition, the info he reveals is incredibly dot-connecting.

December 15, 2011 5:19 PM
"Follow the Money"
notorial dissent
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Re: Bizarre Lawsuit

Post by notorial dissent »

Speaking of another couple of candidates for Thorazine therapy, along with Fulford. Yee cats and speckled garter snakes.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Bizarre Lawsuit

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

I telephoned Krohn in California on 27 February 1998, telling him I was conducting research into black market gold deals. He immediately asked if I had been speaking to Russbacher. At that time, I had not, and I told him so. Krohn then stated that he was a member of "Gunther's Team" and had acted in the role of "Stateside Anchor." Krohn then asked me to call him back the following Tuesday so that he could, in the meantime, refresh his memory from his files. He had, he said "names, dates, files. It'll make your hair curl."
Really super secret that! :lol: "Hello, are you involved in moving gold around?" "Yes, call me back in a few days while I dig out all my records. Who did you say you were?"
The first currency to be backed in the Euro. The Dinar has been gold backed for some time.
Wonder why the Dinar hasn't revalued then?
Gold (wiki):
A total of 165,000 tonnes of gold have been mined in human history, as of 2009.[1] This is roughly equivalent to 5.3 billion troy ounces...
I think that's $8.5trillion. (Roughly half of all gold is in jewellery.)
Euros : GDP of the EU : $16trillion. Public debt of the EU: €10trillion ($13+trillion)
Not even close.
"There is something about true madness that goes beyond mere eccentricity." Will Self