Birthers Again

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Re: Birthers Again

Post by Deep Knight »

Friday, January 4, 2013
Judge england is de facto saying, if you steal and run away fast, you can get away with theft

We had a hearing yesterday before judge England Chief Judge of the U.S. district Court of the US. Eastern District of California in Sacramento.
I had a problem with my flight, arrived late home after the hearing, did not sleep a night before and decided to wait till the morning to write a full report.
Bottom line, the case goes on, but the emergency relief was not granted.
US attorney conceded that if Obama is sued as a candidate, and not a federal employee, he cannot be represented by the Department of Justice, he cannot be represented by the U.S. attorney’s office.
The arguments given by the defense were outrageous at best. AG of Ca did not say much, most of the argument came from the US attorney.
There was media in the courtroom. Associated press reporter and photographer greeted me at the entrance and took pictures. AP reported that the courtroom was overflowing with people, was packed and most of the people were not Obama supporters. There were probably a total of a 100 people there. After the hearing people were shaking my hand, thanking me for the fight, while a number of people yelled out “mockery” as the judge was leaving the courtroom, indicating that the behavior of the judge was a mockery of justice. As I left the courtroom a large croud gathered and people were applauding me and chanting and thanking for standing up to criminals and corruption.
US attorney stated at the hearing that there is no requirement for the US President to have a valid birth certificate and a valid selective service certificate and a valid Social Security number, that the U.S. Constitution does not state that the president is supposed to have valid papers.
The judge nodded and told me, indeed the U.S. constitution does not require the US President to have valid IDs.
I responded to him that the U.S. Constitution does not require the President to have a pulse also. There is nothing in the U.S. constitution saying that the U.S. President is supposed to have any brain activity, however it is common sense to believe or at least hope that the U.S. President should have a pulse and a brain activity. Similarly the U.S. Constitution does not say that the birth certificate of the President should not be forged, however it is common sense to believe that if the President has to be a natural born citizen, he should have a valid birth certificate and not a computer generated forgery, that he would not be using a stolen Social Security number and a forged selective service certificate.
I stated that I provided him with a sworn affidavit of Jeffrey Stephen Coffman, former chief investigator of the special investigations unit of the US Coast Guard and a former special agent of the Department of the Homeland Security, who attested under penalty of perjury that Obama’s Selective Service certificate is an altered document, a forgery, for this reason alone Obama is not allowed to work in the executive branch, not as a President , not as a janitor in the White house. One is not allowed to work in the executive branch of the U.S. Government if he did not registered with the selective service.
The judge simply ignored this point, he could not care less and could not be bothered with something as unimportant as violation of law.
Then I raised the point of one and a half million invalid voter registrations In California, judge did not respond, could not care less about flagrant fraud in elections in CA.
I told him that my clients are Presidential electors and presidential candidates, he ignored that. I told him that Grinols is the elector for Romney, who came in second. the judge said: what don’t you understand about being second? I said that I do understand, that if one, who came in first, is using forged iDs and not qualified, then one who came in second, will be declared a winner. (I was thinking to myself, what a question, does the judge understand this simple consept?)
I told him that Obama posted his tax returns on line, did not flatten the pdf file, it showed him using a CT SSN, which was not assigned to him according to E-verify, the judge could not be bothered with something as insignificant as a US President using a stolen Social Security number.
He said that other judges dismissed my challenges and one judge sanctioned me.
I reminded him that when Thurgood Marshall fought for the civil rights of African Americans, a number of corrupt judges dismissed his cases time and again until he found one court that was willing to deal with segregation. If Thurgood Marshall would have been intimidated, we would have segregation until today. The judge lowered his head, he was holding his head with his hands, he was clearly following the marching orders from the regime and was deeply ashamed of it. A number of people later told me that they felt that the judge looked like he was ashamed of what he was doing. I reminded the judge that Susan B. Anthony went to court after court and not only was sanctioned, she was tried and imprisoned. She spent time in prison for what was right. If she were to be intimidated and discouraged by one corrupt judge, women in this country would not have any rights up to today. The judge did not say anything, he was silent in regards to that.
I asked to allow me to put on the stand my witnesses: intelligence officer Pamela Barnett and former employee of the National Security Agency, expert in typesetting, typewriting and computer graphics with 57 years of experience Paul Irey, who would testify that the alleged copy of Obama’s birth certificate is a computer generated forgery. The judge refused to allow witnesses to testify. I told the judge that yesterday his deputy wrote an e-mail, which I posted on line on my web site, it was seen by millions of people, where she stated that witnesses will be allowed to testify, I relied on this and brought witnesses. The courtroom is full fobservers, who are anxious to hear witnesses testify. It cost me a thousand dollars to pay for the air fair, hotel, $150 for production of exhibits, the judge said no. I told him that I am a civil rights pro bono attorney, that I made all this effort based on a permission given by him through his deputy only a day earlier, but he said no.
So all I could do, was to take out the exhibits, which were large, the media could see the exhibits thad I showed that the birth certificate was a clear forgery, that one cannot type something with a type writer and get letters of all different sizes and shapes and different fonts, it can be only done by a forger, cutting and pasting letters and words from different documents.
I showed him that it is impossible to have a white hallo around words if you only place a document on the green safety paper. this is possible only with computer manipulation, with an application called unsharp mask. I showed a birth certificate of Susan Nordyke and showed how Obama’s BC was out of sequence and that the name of the registrar is different from the name of the registrar in Nordyke’s BC, which was signed during the same time. The judge did not care.
I provided him information that in Obama’s mother’s passport Obama is listed under the name Soebarkah, that Obama is not his legal name, the judge did not care.
I reminded him that he has affidavits from the law enforcement: Sheriff Arpaio, Investigator Zullo, Investigator Coffman, the judge did not care.
His last iron clad proof, as he took upon himself to act as an attorney for Obama, was that Obama lives in the White house, he is the president and this is the proof.
I told him that the fact that he was elected in 2008, when we did not have all the evidence, does not mean that he should be confirmed now, when we have all the evidence of forgery in his IDs. The judge said: “who lives at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue? President Obama, that means he is the president.”
Chief judge of the Eastern District of California is de facto saying: it is ok to be a thief and a forger, as long as you can forge and steal and not be caught because there isn’t one honest AG or Da or US attorney or a judge to compel production of the original documents and prosecute you for fraud, forgery and theft, then you can continue keeping the stolen property forever…
It seems that during Obama regime the only ones who get protection from the law are the criminals, the law abiding citizens are completely deprived of all of their rights, the only thing they have to protect them, is ammo. Just a year or two ago, during the Arab Spring, when people of the Middle Eastern Countries realised that they have no civil rights in their corrupt regimes, they revolted and threw off their dictators, corrupt judges on the take, corrupt law enforcement on the take with the rest of the regime. Without an honest judiciary I am afraid this will be happenning in this country in the near future.
I will request the atudio tape and the transcript. I would appreciate donations to cover the cost of the transcript, travel and the cost of maitnaining these case and this fight. Previously I was quoted very high fee for the transcript. I am posting the pleadings and the article from the local press, which is skewed.
Please, keep calling, faxing and writing the Supreme Court of the US, demand that Chief Justice John Roberts issue his ruling in Noonan et al v Obama asap

Posted by John MacHaffie at 3:12 PM 0 comments

This "skewed" local paper offered a somewhat different view:

Posted on Friday, January 4, 2013
'Birther queen' Orly Taitz knows the drill, but she keeps trying to oust Obama

Sam Stanton The Sacramento Bee
SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Nothing succeeds like persistence - unless you're Orly Taitz.
The 52-year-old lawyer-dentist-real estate agent from Laguna Niguel brought her years-long battle to oust Barack Obama from the presidency to a federal courtroom Thursday in Sacramento.
Her appearance was part of a last-minute bid to stop the counting of electoral college votes in Washington, D.C., that will pave the way for the president's second inauguration Jan. 21.
She failed. Again.
But the hearing before U.S. District Judge Morrison C. England Jr. was hardly routine.
Taitz has been dubbed the "birther queen" for her claims that Obama was born outside the United States and therefore cannot legally be president.
"What we're doing here is the right thing," she said during the hearing at Sacramento's downtown federal courthouse. "It's stopping treason.
"We are looking for one honest judge who will look at the case on its merits."
She ran into a brick wall with England. The judge sparred with her for more than an hour as the hearing played out in a courtroom overflowing with spectators, many of them clearly not Obama supporters.
"Your argument, it doesn't make any sense whatsoever," the judge told her at one point.
In the end, England rejected her request for a temporary restraining order that would stop the tally of electoral college votes and deny Obama a second term.
The hearing stemmed from a suit Taitz filed Dec. 13 on behalf of two electoral college electors and three minor presidential candidates.
In an argument that England noted Taitz has pursued 13 previous times in court, she sought to present evidence that the president's birth certificate is a forgery.
"It's a joke," she told the judge. "It's not even a good forgery."
She added that the president is using a stolen Social Security number, that Obama may not really be his last name and that, basically, he has no right to serve, "not (as) president, not a janitor in the office of president."
The arguments have been explored and debunked for years, but a hard-core group of believers continue to raise them.
Taitz sought to introduce evidence from witnesses about the font size of the type on the president's birth certificate, as well as from an investigation launched by Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Arizona's Maricopa County.
Obama staffers had long ignored the claims, but finally addressed them in the latest campaign when Donald Trump began to raise the issue. A copy of the president's birth certificate from Hawaii was posted on the White House website in an effort to put the matter to an end.
Mention of that by Assistant U.S. Attorney Edward Olsen, who was representing the federal government in court Thursday, brought derisive chuckles from the courtroom audience.
But Olsen was not swayed. "Even if this is all true in their wildest hopes, they still have not presented any evidence that the president is not a natural born citizen," he noted.
Taitz did try to present two witnesses, including one she said she had paid to fly in from Florida, but the judge noted that his order for the hearing allowed only oral arguments.
Taitz spent much of the hearing arguing over that point. The audience became restless, with one man wearing a gray blazer and blue jeans eventually standing up in the front row as if to offer his own argument.
"Sit down," England sternly ordered.
He did, and a court security officer moved closer to him.
"Why do you keep filing these lawsuits when they keep getting rejected?" England asked at one point.
Taitz responded by comparing herself to Thurgood Marshall and his persistence in filing suits to fight segregation. She explained that one of the plaintiffs is a Republican elector for Mitt Romney, who came in second to Obama in November.
"But second," England countered. "What part of 'second' don't you understand?"
Finally, the judge rejected the request for a restraining order, saying Taitz had no hope of prevailing anywhere.
"There is absolutely no way that this case will survive the challenge it faces," he said.The reaction from courtroom watchers was unmistakable. "Mockery," one man shouted as he stormed out, followed by another who was holding his nose.
"That really stinks," he proclaimed.
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

WASHINGTON, April 17, 2037 (AP) -- Disbarred attorney Orly Taitz was wheeled into court to argue her latest lawsuit alleging that Barack Obama was never a native-born US citizen and thus every act of his Presidency is legally invalid, and that every act of every presidency since then is "fruit of the poisonous tree" and is also invalid. Taitz has been ordered, numerous times, to stop filing this sort of lawsuit, since she lacks standing to do so and lacks the ability to represent others who may have standing; but she persists, saying that "I am a crusader for civil rights, and I will not stop until justice prevails."

President Chelsea Clinton had no comment on the matter.
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by notorial dissent »

I take it from the general tone and whine, that this is Squirrely's latest excuse for her latest crash and burn.

Still whining that the judge wouldn't let her trot out her dog and pony show, when she had previously been told NO, and who apparently still does not get the idea that a hearing on a motion is just that, the motion and nothing else. And she lost, yet again. After being told that she has no valid proof, nothing to work from, has failed to properly, or at all, serve anyone, and has not complied with the requirements for what she is asking for, and then she wonders why she keeps getting slapped down.

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Re: Birthers Again

Post by fortinbras »

Once again, Orly slapped down by the courts: ... rylink=cpy

Somehow I feel this is not quite the end of the saga.
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by notorial dissent »

And what in Squirrley's past performances and actions would lead to any other conclusion.

She tried to stop the electoral college, effectively after it had happened, and she will undoubtedly still be trying to stop the inauguration long after it is over with.

She is truly the poster girl for "Don't Get It!!!!", as she keeps on proving.
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by Gregg »

Those of us in the 49 states where this dingbat would not even be allowed to apply to practice law are laughing at the entire state of California where she not only can practice law, but do it like this and not get sanctioned.

I can only take solace from the fact that when she's making a fool of herself in a courtroom she is at least not performing the work of another profession she has been licensed to, applying anesthesia to human beings.
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by fortinbras »

Latest birfer craziness: Proposing to impeach Chief Justice Roberts to punish/keep him from swearing in Obama. ... aing-grid7

There is, of course, no requirement that the CJ administer the oath. Immediately after the death of Harding, Coolidge was sworn in by his father, a notary. When JFK was assassinated, LBJ was sworn in by a local judge.

I keep thinking that this topic is such a rich vein that it ought to have a slot all its own.
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by ashlynne39 »

fortinbras wrote:Latest birfer craziness: Proposing to impeach Chief Justice Roberts to punish/keep him from swearing in Obama. ... aing-grid7

There is, of course, no requirement that the CJ administer the oath. Immediately after the death of Harding, Coolidge was sworn in by his father, a notary. When JFK was assassinated, LBJ was sworn in by a local judge.

I keep thinking that this topic is such a rich vein that it ought to have a slot all its own.

They must be behind the times. Obama isn't going to be sworn in because Bahner is already interim president and we are days away from a new election. Its on the public trust thread - reposted from NESARA so it must be true.
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

If, on Judgment Day, I am designated to go "Downstairs", one of the worst torments I could undergo would be to spent eternity in a small cell with Orly Taitz, and hearing her explain endlessly how she should be allowed to return to life and bring the lawsuit which will retroactively invalidate all of Obama's actions, and everything flowing from them, because he was not a natural-born citizen of the United States.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by notorial dissent »

Please don't giver her ideas, she is going to be litigating the electoral college, the electoral voting, the congressional acknowledgment, swearing in, and the inauguration, and second term until well past the next election, as it is.
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

notorial dissent wrote:Please don't giver her ideas, she is going to be litigating the electoral college, the electoral voting, the congressional acknowledgment, swearing in, and the inauguration, and second term until well past the next election, as it is.
She's keeping back the "conspiracy to elect a foreigner" which she'll bring against everyone who voted for Obama ?
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by Gregg »

fortinbras wrote:Latest birfer craziness: Proposing to impeach Chief Justice Roberts to punish/keep him from swearing in Obama. ... aing-grid7

There is, of course, no requirement that the CJ administer the oath. Immediately after the death of Harding, Coolidge was sworn in by his father, a notary. When JFK was assassinated, LBJ was sworn in by a local judge.

I keep thinking that this topic is such a rich vein that it ought to have a slot all its own.
When Kennedy was assassinated, a lot of quick and dirty research was done on that very topic. In what was a very bone headed approach, LBJ called Robert Kennedy and asked him who could administer the oath. RFK, understandably had other things on his mind but within a little bit John Seganthaler determined that any Federal Official who had taken an oath of office could administer the oath of office to a President. Calvin Coolidge's oath was redone the next day by a Federal Judge, just to be sure, as someone had wondered how a State Notary had the authority, and how that would square with the whole federalism thingy...
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by fortinbras »

In any case, the Chief Justice is not a requirement.
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by notorial dissent »

And just to prove that he has a sense of humor, Roberts has scheduled one of Squirrley's cases, Noonan v. Bowen, for consideration by the full court, the 15th of Feb, by which time the inauguration will be long over with and it will all be moot, and that I suspect he intends to deep six it for good with that action.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by Deep Knight »

Don't worry, as we say in the Illuminati "The Fix Is In," meaning in plain English that the fix is in! Since I was the guy who paid off Roberts for his ObamaCare ruling, I was the bag man for this caper, as well as the egg man, goo goo g'joob. A couple hundred trillion dollars in small bills later and he had agreed to treat Orly's mountain of evidence as if it was all the crazy ravings of a lunatic. Victory for the forces of evil that will lead to the destruction of life as we know it, but just another day at work for me.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Chief Justice of the Supreme Court John Roberts schedules in conference before the full Supreme Court Forgerygate (Barry Soetoro)

> Date: Wed, 9 Jan 2013 16:43:13 -0700
> From: donotreply
> There's no question Barry Soetoro aka Barack Obama is using someone else's social security number.
> There's no question his Selective Service Registration Card was altered; a forgery and a felony.
> It also means he cannot hold any job in the U.S. government:
> Register for the Draft: It's Still the Law
> "Federal Jobs - men born after December 31, 1959 must be registered to be eligible for jobs in the Executive Branch of the Federal government and the U.S. Postal Service."
> Soetoro was born in August, 1961.
> It has already been proven Soetoro's SSN didn't clear with E-Verify, the program designed to check SSNs to keep illegals from obtaining employment in the U.S. E-Verify says Soetoro's SSN doesn't match his name.
> There's no question in my mind his passport records were sanitized:
> Did CIA pick sanitize Obama's passport records?
> There is no longer any question the birth certificate supplied by Soetoro for all the world to see is a poorly done forgery.
> Soetoro cannot be impeached because he usurped the office of president. He has never held office. The Oval office has been empty since January 21, 2009.
> Obama could be removed by his own signature
> "Is there any other way the putative president could be removed from office other than a quo warranto action? Mario Apuzzo, is an attorney who has been representing plaintiffs in cases involving the putative president's ineligibility. Mario has raised the issue of standing, a judicial hallucination, in a case, Bond v. United States, 564 U. S. decided by the U.S. Supreme Court, June 16, 2011 [emphasis mine]:
> "Applying the Bond decision to a case challenging Obama's eligibility, one would have to be criminally charged or be compelled to pay money under a statute passed by Congress when Obama was President. One would argue that under Article I, Section 7, Clause 2, laws passed by Congress need the action or inaction of the President (the veto power) before they are allowed to become laws. This requirement satisfies separation of powers and checks and balances doctrine. One would argue that Congress passed the charging statute, with the President's action or inaction. One would argue that a legitimate President must satisfy the eligibility requirements of Article II, Section 1, Clause 5, which contains the "natural born Citizen" clause. Then one would argue that the law is not valid because it never was presented to a legitimate President for consideration under Article I, Section 7, Clause 2, arguing that Obama is not a legitimate President because he does not meet the requirements of the "natural born Citizen" clause..."
> The gutless cowards in the Outlaw Congress, as quietly as possible, once again have all participated in the biggest fraud ever committed against the American people next to the Federal Reserve Banking Act of 1913:
> Electoral College count affirms Obama's win
> January 4, 2013:
> WASHINGTON — "Congress made the obvious official on Friday. President Barack Obama has been re-elected. In a joint session, Congress formally certified that Obama and Vice President Joe Biden were the winners in the November election with 332 electoral votes, well more than the 270 required. Republican Mitt Romney and his running mate, Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin, won 206 votes."
> I know Americans all across this country demanded electoral college delegates not cast their vote for the imposter. I know Americans practically begged the phony Michelle Bachmann, queen of the tea party movement to exercise her right to object to the vote. They also contacted Sen. Rand Paul to do it from the senate side. Both remained mute and refused to stand up for the U.S. Constitution, as did every member of Congress - including Mr. Constitution, Ron Paul, on January 9, 2009. THAT is how we got a fraud installed in the Dirty House in 2009.
> One more try:
> Chief Justice of the "Supreme" Court, John Roberts, who hallucinated the Obamacare as a tax, has scheduled a full hearing by the court for the Forgery-gate case that has been slowly moving along.
> Those of us following the most incredible acts of cowardice by federal judges and Secretary of States have seen every case kicked to protect an individual who committed perjury when he took the oath of office and has committed provable, criminal acts.
> We know the "Supreme" Court has deliberately ducked the eligibility issue:
> April 17, 2012: Justice Clarence Thomas: We're 'evading' eligibility
> "U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas told a House subcommittee that when it comes to determining whether a person born outside the 50 states can serve as U.S. president, the high court is “evading” the issue.
> The comments came as part of Thomas’ testimony before a House appropriations panel discussing an increase in the Supreme Court’s budget earlier this week."
> Will anything come of this latest conference scheduled by Roberts? I wish I could say yes, but look at the court. Ruth Bader Ginsburg, CFR liberal, Sotomayer who should have been indicted for fixing bankruptcy cases and tax evasion, Elena Kagan, a Marxist and so on. I guess we'll wait and see.
> Personally, I think the court is just playing the American people, again. Throw the great unwashed some scaps from Longshanks table. Get everyone's hopes up and then dash them. They could care less because no matter how corrupt and how bad their decisions are, they know the U.S. Congress doesn't have the guts to remove one of them.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 7:07 PM

1 comment:

Anonymous January 9, 2013 7:50 PM
We cannot expect help from Judge Roberts with this problem. Remember Judge Roberts was the one who saved ObamaCare.
Wouldn't it be interesting to know how much Obama and the democrats paid Roberts to throw Obamacare..........It was in the paper and on the news about Judge Roberts taking a vacation in a foreign country after that. He went out of the country to deposit his money........don't you think.
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by Deep Knight »

Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Breaking news!

Subj: Breaking News!!!

The articles posted represent only the opinion of the writers, do not necessarily represent the opinion of Dr. Taitz, Esq.Dr. Taitz, Esq. has no means of checking the veracity of all the claims and allegations in the articles.

Breaking news! Chief Justice of the Supreme Court John Roberts schedules a case by Attorney Taitz regarding Obama’s forged IDs to be heard in conference before the full Supreme Court
Posted on | January 9, 2013 | 45 Comments

Press release!
Law offices of Orly Taitz

Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States John Roberts scheduled a case by attorney Orly Taitz dealing with Barack Hussein Obama’s use of forged IDs to be heard in conference before the full Supreme Court. The case titled Noonan, Judd, MacLeran, Taitz v Bowen provides a mountain of evidence of Barack Obama using a last name not legally his, forged Selective Service application, forged long form and short form birth certificate and a Connecticut Social Security number 042-68-4425 which was never assigned to him according to E-Verify and SSNVS. Additionally, this case provides evidence of around one and a half million invalid voter registrations in the state of California alone.

Please, keep in mind, Richard Nixon was reelected and sworn in, but later was forced to resign as a result of Watergate. over 30 high ranking officials of Nixon administration including Attorney General of the United States and White HouseCcounsel were indicted, convicted and went to prison. ObamaForgery gate is a hundred times bigger then Watergate. More corrupt high ranking officials, US Attorneys, AGs and judges were complicit, committed high treason by allowing a citizen of Indonesia and possibly still a citizen of Kenya Barack Hussein Obama, aka Barack (Barry) Soebarkah, aka Barack (Barry) Soetoro to usurp the U.S. Presidency by use of forged IDs and a stolen Social security number

SCOTUS printout is below. For more information on this and other cases please, go to
web site Attorney Taitz can be contacted at, fax-949-766-7603. In case of an emergency only she can be contacted by phone 949-683-5411

No. 12A606
Edward Noonan, et al., Applicants
Deborah Bowen, California Secretary of State
December 13, 2012
Lower Ct:
Supreme Court of California
Case Nos.:
Dec 11 2012
Application (12A606) for a stay, submitted to Justice Kennedy.
Dec 13 2012
Application (12A606) denied by Justice Kennedy.
Dec 26 2012
Application (12A606) refiled and submitted to The Chief Justice.
Jan 9 2013
DISTRIBUTED for Conference of February 15, 2013.
Jan 9 2013
Application (12A606) referred to the Court.
Attorneys for Petitioner:

Orly Taitz
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy
(949) 683-5411
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688

Party name: Edward Noonan, et al.
Attorneys for Respondent:
Kamala Harris
Attorney General
(916) 445-9555
P. O. Box 944255
Sacramento, CA 94244-2550
Party name: Deborah Bowen, California Secretary of State

Posted by John MacHaffie at 8:33 PM
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by Prof »

Inquiring minds want to know:

Subject: Birthers Again
Deep Knight wrote:Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Breaking news!

Subj: Breaking News!!!


For more information on this and other cases please, go to
web site Attorney Taitz can be contacted at, fax-949-766-7603. In case of an emergency only she can be contacted by phone 949-683-5411
I've got to ask: Is this her real e-mail address? Please say that it is.
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

So this great, esteemed legal scholar is now proclaiming that:

"More corrupt high ranking officials, US Attorneys, AGs and judges were complicit, committed high treason by allowing a citizen of Indonesia and possibly still a citizen of Kenya Barack Hussein Obama, aka Barack (Barry) Soebarkah, aka Barack (Barry) Soetoro to usurp the U.S. Presidency by use of forged IDs and a stolen Social security number."

Funny -- when I was in college, even before I entered law school, I learned that lawyers were charged, among other things, with learning about and understanding the Constitution of the United States. Among its provisions, we find, in Article III, Section 3:

"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court."

Sooooooo, Oily. According to the Constitution, there is no such crime as "high treason"; and your allegations, even if true, don't come remotely close to meeting this definition. Y'know -- if I were as batsh*t crazy as you, I would hope that someone would keep me away from a computer so that I didn't let the entire world know just how detached from reality I was.
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by The Observer »

Deep Knight wrote:A couple hundred trillion dollars in small bills later and he had agreed to treat Orly's mountain of evidence as if it was all the crazy ravings of a lunatic.
Silly, silly Deep Knight! You are always doing things the hard way! If only you had paid attention to those Conspiracy Central Infobulletins we send out, you would have realized you could have avoided lugging around all that baggage full of bills and just used a couple hundred coins instead.
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

... and, noting that Oily's latest legal magnum opus is going to be included in the Supreme Court conference of January 15, I wonder what the over/under is on how many minutes it will take for the justices to deny certiorari. I'd say 2, tops.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools