Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Burnaby49 »

"There have been an unusual number of flights leaving the Dover (England) airport today. The Queen was wearing “green” today. (We wondered if there was a connection to “green light” there.)"

Or, just maybe, it might be related to the fact that she was in Ireland meeting Martin McGuinness, a former IRA leader and she wore green as a diplomatic gesture the same as she did last year during her visit to the Republic of Ireland.

Now, about my purported location in "The Evergreen Playground", isn't that an obvious enough clue to conspirators clutching at straws?
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by ashlynne39 »

Hmmm, I haven't started packing yet for my escape. Should I get out of bed right now and commence packing or just wait and see? That galactic central sun thing does sound pretty unpleasant.
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Deep Knight »

ashlynne39 wrote:Hmmm, I haven't started packing yet for my escape. Should I get out of bed right now and commence packing or just wait and see? That galactic central sun thing does sound pretty unpleasant.
You should rest up - for the BIG BLOWOUT "GREEN LIGHT" PARTY from Saturday 'til Wednesday dawn! Nothing like a "The Forces are coming to get us" Illuminati shindig to sacrifice some virgins and kill some brain cells. As for the galactic central sun that never sets, it's thing is nothing to worry about, and despite what Ashtar says, it will be setting soon.

To get to the party, come to Washington, either DC or the state (we're everywhere) and ask - we're the best known secret organization in town.
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Deep Knight »

Thursday, June 28, 2012
New post on ANMilitia

It was expressed to me through 'channels' to state the following :

A - The Cavalry is coming.
B - If needed we will be contacted.
C - Sit back and watch the fireworks

There are two parts to this:

- First are the actions to be taken by our military in support of FREEDOM. This will be extraordinary in all ways. It does involve extremes in tacticalas well as logistical implementation. You may see some troop movement and supporting roles in public.
There may be minor delays in the usual traffic flows. The design is to make sure as much as possible is taken care of without problems.

- Second was the statement made that all of us are to be on full Alert. Engage drones and any troops under U.N. insignia. This is still in effect.
Be absolutely sure of your target. Do not engage our military.

IF needed our military will contact us. In the field this will be a couple of troops, an NCO, and an officer, lieutenant, captain, major, or colonel. They should be saying hello, or some other greeting, telling you they are there and want to talk.
Otherwise, sit back and watch the fireworks.
I suggest we remain fully alert and vigilant just in case.
According to the information that has been given, we beat their time table. Plus it seems that our military has won its battle/argument internally, the good guys won and are now in charge.
The three items above are what was given to me to broadcast.
The last item was the call of GREEN LIGHT.
There are TWO green lights. One as stated about the above (tactical) and the other deals with financials. Two commands, both acting according to what was decided as the best way to handle both.
Each being as complicated as they are, separation of these two was the best tactical maneuver because of the acceleration or move up of our enemies' plans of execution. This had been considered before, but left alone because both were to take place at the same time. Obviously that changed according to the enemy moving their plans ahead of their original schedule.
I was told that a tactical GREEN LIGHT was to be called if asked about it, and I did so. We are still waiting for the secondary GREEN LIGHT of finance. I look for this very soon.
Those who are experienced should be followed, as it is these people who demonstrate calm and cool under extremely intense situations. This can be anyone with this ability. Military personnel offer the ability to operate effectively under extremes and know how to offer the structure for success where any objective or mission is possible. Pay attention to them.
What we have before us is the awesome responsibility of freedom. Most have no idea as to the changes this will bring about at all levels, personal, social, and publicly. Everyone will discover that we all need each other, talents, professionally, and personally. Some hard places to get past are defined as race, creed (beliefs), and superiority.
I have never been prejudiced, as I didn't see a lot of difference between people. Sure, some people are different looking than me, but, other than that, the person inside was the same. Most people I've ever gotten to know, all had their own personal beliefs, no matter what church they attended. A sort of peace made between a person and their belief in a superior entity.
Superiority is going to be directed by what a person is able to do. A specific talent should be respected in that the person who knows and works with it, should be given a superior respect within that area.
Due to the changes in operation and the outing of this information, it should be obvious that plans of any kind need to be fluid in order to remain viable. Just as a football play may be changed on the field, tactics change to maintain advantage. Bear in mind that this is our last chance and all of us need to make sure we win.

Thank you,

~ Drake

Posted by John MacHaffie at 7:59 PM


1. Anonymous June 28, 2012 8:18 PM
John; what to you think about all of this? Is this the begining of something big?

1. John MacHaffie June 28, 2012 8:59 PM
More Importantly ---- What do YOU Think?
Myself - I got goosebumps!

2. Anonymous June 28, 2012 9:23 PM
John, so you believe that this is the real deal? You have the intel is this what they are conveying to you. Please if you could comment that would be great. Is your intel telling you that the cavalry is coming?

2. Anonymous June 28, 2012 8:27 PM
Mass Arrests continue apace, with prejudice.
Tom Heneghan reports LEO WANTA's protocols are being processed in court!
A whole group of people were arrested in Denver, including outside Aurora near the Denver Airport. This comes from first hand witnesses I spoke to.
Unless there is an awful lot of bank robbers suddenly getting picked up, Federal Reserve criminals have been bagged and tagged.
Arrests continue in Europe, the effort is barely beginning to ramp up.
Jamie Dimon, where are you?

3. Anonymous June 28, 2012 9:38 PM
"Jamie Dimon, where are you?
"posted 2 years ago"

4. Anonymous June 28, 2012 9:54 PM
I find it curious Alex Jones continues hie eant about the Corrupt commie treasonous scotus,raging mad? It's like he doesn't want the public to knaow about green light.I hope it's real,not seeing anything for real only rumors? I heard Alex J yesterday making fun of aliens coming to help us with a maybe they will arrest the bad guys,he really played sown like it was nonsense? What's up with that? As far as Limbaugh is concerned,he is a phony half truth puppet supporting Bush and Romney! Most of the conservative talk show hosts are phonies!It's been alleged that A/J is a fear monger,he gets his info from the elite.Then does his acting routine how he hates the globalist. After fifteen years,don't you think they would have taken him out? Strange,after all the true patriot whistleblowers,like Cooper, Schnieder, and hundreds of scientists have all been murdered accidentally on purpose!
You don't wave a f-ing flag that you are going to arrest the bad guys,then wait for them to do their dastardly deeds! You don't celebrate anything people until the job is done! Oh Drake thank you,I am so happy,what a bunch of premeditated idiot behavior! His track record hasn't been too awfully stellar people,youe getting ahead of yourselves.You all sounded like fools!

1. Anonymous June 29, 2012 1:37 AM
Funny I heard Shep Smith on Fox make a joking comment about aliens coming and removing the Congress, yesterday!! The timing was really stange.
All of the above talk show folks do this, yet we don't really know if they have this Drake info. AJones has been all about fear porn forever, and if he suddenly came out and said these things he would be out of business!
I celebrate knowing that we will win and how it happens... we shall see!

5. Anonymous June 28, 2012 9:55 PM
To Anon 8:27 PM: Sir, your posting is utter nonsense. What do you do? Take articles and try to rescript them and relate them to Mass Arrests. None of these articles have anything to do with the alleged and phoney arrests that Drake is contending. Maybe you should read your articles more closely. The one about Jamie Dimon is over 2 years old. BTW, Dimon was on TV today. Too bad the good guys didn't know where to find him. They could have arrested him live on TV. Jeez you Drake kool-aid drinkers; Get A Life!

1. Anonymous June 29, 2012 1:39 AM
But kool-aid tastes so gooooood! And life IS good!

2. Anonymous June 29, 2012 1:43 AM
Give me a break. Read between the lines! YOU get a life!

6. Anonymous June 28, 2012 10:55 PM
Drake has been had plain and simple he may be a good guy but some disinfo agents have flat out lied to him. If arrest were to happen how the hell did they let the SCOTUS just approve the largest TAX we will ever see? Obama Care upheld someone needs to make sure Roberts is high on that arrest list but I highly doubt anyone is going to be arrested they was us all to sit down shut up and pay the unlawful IRS!

7. Anonymous June 28, 2012 11:51 PM
ARRESTS CONTINUE IN FULL FORCE. The more arrests, the more it pops!
As JP Morgan is liquidated, arrest after arrest is incoming.

8. Anonymous June 29, 2012 1:46 AM
Is it just me or is he backpaddling already. Now all of a sudden it is two green lights and only one has been given. I bet that will be his excuse if nothing happened. Dont get me wrong I want those arrests to happen just like all of us, but why can there never be a clear and unquestionable statement.

9. Anonymous June 29, 2012 3:12 AM
Again, i have a hard time believing it. For one time i would like to refer to Benjamin Fullford. He said: "Don't believe anything we say till it actually happens". WEll, that is wat i am going to do. The only confirmation i can get is confirmation on BAD news, not good news like this. Just like the 4 arrests on B. Gates en T. Geithner which probably never happened. Not even once.
Speak you on the 5th on july. Because by then it is obvious this whole thing is a scam. Boy, i am hoping i am totally wrong on this one but the chances are slim to none.

1. Anonymous June 29, 2012 5:36 AM
I couldn't state it much better...:(

10. Anonymous June 29, 2012 4:28 AM
"Speak you on the 5th on july. Because by then it is obvious this whole thing is a scam. Boy, i am hoping i am totally wrong on this one but the chances are slim to none."
So do we all my friend. :)
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by The Observer »

Ok, more confusion. First there was this:
* This is from the military: The Calvary is coming.
Now they are saying:
A - The Cavalry is coming.
Which is it?
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

The Observer wrote:Ok, more confusion. First there was this:
* This is from the military: The Calvary is coming.
Now they are saying:
A - The Cavalry is coming.
Which is it?
Whichever it is, it will be as effective as cavalry charges were after the invention of the machine gun and rapid-fire artillery.
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Deep Knight »

Calvary - The site outside Jerusalem's early-first-century walls, where according to Christian belief the crucifixion of Jesus occurred.
Cavalry - Soldiers or warriors who fought mounted on horseback.

The answer of course is both and neither. Horsemen and a piece of geography from the Middle East will be making an appearance before the 4th of July, but the real message was that "The cavity is coming," a reminder from Drake to himself to get that annual dental cleaning and checkup before that same date.
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by ashlynne39 »

Deep Knight wrote:
ashlynne39 wrote:Hmmm, I haven't started packing yet for my escape. Should I get out of bed right now and commence packing or just wait and see? That galactic central sun thing does sound pretty unpleasant.
You should rest up - for the BIG BLOWOUT "GREEN LIGHT" PARTY from Saturday 'til Wednesday dawn! Nothing like a "The Forces are coming to get us" Illuminati shindig to sacrifice some virgins and kill some brain cells. As for the galactic central sun that never sets, it's thing is nothing to worry about, and despite what Ashtar says, it will be setting soon.

To get to the party, come to Washington, either DC or the state (we're everywhere) and ask - we're the best known secret organization in town.
Yes that was my decision. I decided that whether I was going to be arrested or make my escape or just blithely go about my business and thumb my nose at the masses that I needed my beauty rest so I could look my best. After all, why bother packing? With all my "ill gotten gains" as a high ranking illuminati, I can afford to buy a whole escape wardrobe while on the run.
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by notorial dissent »

I think the "goosebumps" John is having are hives from the cheap rotgut he has obviously been swilling in ever larger quantities lately. I'm not sure who is the more delusional, Drake for making up this dreck, or Mchalfwit for swallowing it whole.
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Deep Knight »

Portion of a transcript of Cobra Interview with Lisa Harrison June 19, 2012

Lisa: That’s interesting, so at the moment we’ve got several people talking about possible surrender and we’ve got this 21st June, which is only in 2 days time for me, deadline the problem I see at the moment is that people have been hanging on, so to speak, one deadline date after another after another that have come and gone and we’ve not seen any real action, we are not seeing anything break through to the mass media we’re not, you know to our knowledge everybody is still in place and still doing what they’ve always planned to do. If this date of the 21st comes and goes again, that people are just, that will be it, that may well be the final straw because there has been so much talk of it. How do you foresee, how can I put this, how do you foresee a surrender or not breaking through I mean are they really, really going to come onto mass media, on mainstream television and talk about what they’ve done and who they are, I mean that is going to blow so many minds.

Cobra: Ok first let me explain about the deadlines, this is a huge process and each deadline is just one step in this process until the major breakthrough happens and when the major breakthrough happens it will be really major for everybody and that will actually include things like the cabal stepping up to the mass media and saying what they did or them being arrested or anything of that nature, so, if the 21st June comes and goes, which is possible then the further plans will be implemented which are being prepared right now so I would not fix myself on any certain date I would focus more upon the process itself. From one perspective nothing is going on they are still in power but if you look at the background there is many changes happening daily and also if there would not be any activity of the light forces the situation would be much, much, much worse. There was a lot of talk about the war between Israel and Iran a few months ago and now this has been almost cancelled, there had been talk about new world order putting everybody into FEMA camps, this has not happened and why this has not happened, exactly because of the activity of the light forces, so the light is real it is proceeding there are no guarantees about the exact date of the breakthrough but we are getting closer and closer and each of those deadlines is a step further in that process so I would say there is a certain possibility that the cabal will surrender on the 21st June and if they don’t which is also possible then further plans will be implemented and I will update people about this when it is necessary or when it is appropriate on my blog.

So, nothing's happened like we promised, but by nothing happening this means that something must have happened because things would have been much worse that they are if nothing had acutally happened!
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Burnaby49 »

Deep Knight wrote:
ashlynne39 wrote:Hmmm, I haven't started packing yet for my escape. Should I get out of bed right now and commence packing or just wait and see? That galactic central sun thing does sound pretty unpleasant.
You should rest up - for the BIG BLOWOUT "GREEN LIGHT" PARTY from Saturday 'til Wednesday dawn! Nothing like a "The Forces are coming to get us" Illuminati shindig to sacrifice some virgins and kill some brain cells. As for the galactic central sun that never sets, it's thing is nothing to worry about, and despite what Ashtar says, it will be setting soon.

To get to the party, come to Washington, either DC or the state (we're everywhere) and ask - we're the best known secret organization in town.
Finally, some old school virgin sacrifices. I thought you'd all lost any sense of decorum and tradition in your rush to replace them with nubile interns. Glad to see you're getting back on track. But, as a practical matter, while locating nubile interns is no problem in DC, can you find sufficient virgins there?
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Deep Knight »

Burnaby49 wrote:Finally, some old school virgin sacrifices. I thought you'd all lost any sense of decorum and tradition in your rush to replace them with nubile interns. Glad to see you're getting back on track. But, as a practical matter, while locating nubile interns is no problem in DC, can you find sufficient virgins there?
We get virgins shipped in fresh, sort of like lobsters. Just one of the side benefits from having that fleet of Chemtrail planes.

By the way, I'm off to the "Green Light" party and will be live-blogging from this epic drunken orgy's ground zero. If you like ritual sacrifice, conjuring up the devil, worship of graven images and girls in wet t-shirts chugging pitchers of beer (and who doesn't?) you won't want to miss 'em.
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by ashlynne39 »

Deep Knight wrote:
Burnaby49 wrote:Finally, some old school virgin sacrifices. I thought you'd all lost any sense of decorum and tradition in your rush to replace them with nubile interns. Glad to see you're getting back on track. But, as a practical matter, while locating nubile interns is no problem in DC, can you find sufficient virgins there?
We get virgins shipped in fresh, sort of like lobsters. Just one of the side benefits from having that fleet of Chemtrail planes.

By the way, I'm off to the "Green Light" party and will be live-blogging from this epic drunken orgy's ground zero. If you like ritual sacrifice, conjuring up the devil, worship of graven images and girls in wet t-shirts chugging pitchers of beer (and who doesn't?) you won't want to miss 'em.
Are you going to have hookers and blow for Gregg? :whistle:
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

There have been an unusual number of flights leaving the Dover (England) airport today.
More than 0 would be an unusual number as Dover doesn't have an airport.
And is this cavalry light cavalry?
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Deep Knight wrote:
Burnaby49 wrote:Finally, some old school virgin sacrifices. I thought you'd all lost any sense of decorum and tradition in your rush to replace them with nubile interns. Glad to see you're getting back on track. But, as a practical matter, while locating nubile interns is no problem in DC, can you find sufficient virgins there?
We get virgins shipped in fresh, sort of like lobsters. Just one of the side benefits from having that fleet of Chemtrail planes.

By the way, I'm off to the "Green Light" party and will be live-blogging from this epic drunken orgy's ground zero. If you like ritual sacrifice, conjuring up the devil, worship of graven images and girls in wet t-shirts chugging pitchers of beer (and who doesn't?) you won't want to miss 'em.
Speak for yourself. MY girls in wet T-shirts will be chugging West Coast style IPAs. I like things hoppy, y'know.
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Deep Knight »

We greeted the dawn and kicked off the party by kicking some members of the Cobra Resistance out of their secret tunnels under New York and off the top of the Washington Monument. After raising the symbol of Baphomet (you know, the goat's head in the inverted pentagram) on the Lincoln Memorial, we put on our hooded black gowns and own goat masks, started chugging vintage Champagne and dancing at a live outdoor concert by Justin Bieber by the reflecting pool. At noon there's a barbecue planned, sack and 3 legged races, and a pagan fertility rite. For each of the 4 night's virgin sacrifices the Powers That Be have flown in the daughters of Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sylvester Stallone, Chuck Norris and Bruce Willis, sort of saying "I dare you" and "bring it on" to The Forces of Goodness!
ashlynne39 wrote:Are you going to have hookers and blow for Gregg? :whistle:
All manner of dangerous substances, both legal and illegal, are available to those "above the law" and free to anyone with the 666 tattoo. As for hookers, are you crazy? It's one thing to have virgin sacrifices and openly worship evil, but if sex for money came into it we'd be all over the news. Look what happened to the Secret Service agents in Columbia a couple months ago!
ArthurWankspittle wrote:More than 0 would be an unusual number as Dover doesn't have an airport.
And is this cavalry light cavalry?
He was speaking of the secret underground airport. Using alien technology we've put them all over the world and have invisible planes that land below the ground on runways in solid rock. Kinda freaky the first time you do it, but beats having to get to the airport 2 hours early to stand in line to get groped by the TSA.

As for the cavalry being light, everything about Lightworkers is of the light - lightheaded lightweights who are light in the brains department! Every day they read about how we've thwarted all these wonderful things they've been promised, but they don't have the sense to join the Dark Cabal's winning team!
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Deep Knight »

Saturday, June 30, 2012
On Green Light, The Event, and Drake BY THE GOLDEN RULE 29 June 2012
29 June 2012

I was having a bit of writer’s block yesterday, actually going so far as to do a 15 minute audio recording last night that I ended up not liking. Fact is, the information seems to be coming so fast now I am just having a delay in processing time as I digest the news. Everyone seems to feel an acceleration, a quickening of events so it’s important to step back and fit the puzzle pieces together. Some call this the “big picture,” and we’ve been hearing some lofty claims of very positive shifts happening…SOON. Turns out I posted an article in haste which has so many gold nuggets buried, it took a day for them to shine through.
At the bottom of this post, Drake has posted a new note regarding theGREENLIGHT he issued which has been discussed since he began giving broadcasts. This was given officially around 8:20 EST Wednesday night, and is posted at his blog American National Militia. Before you read it though, try and keep these key points in mind, as I think they must be telling us something critical.
It’s the economy, silly!
Yesterday I posted an article from Reuters which has been mentioned in many places but didn’t receive quite the attention I thought it should, especially for all those “aware” of the mass arrest scenario. If you haven’t read this article, take 20 minutes and really read it over carefully. It took me 2 or 3 read overs to fully grasp the immensity of what it was suggesting;
The article, entitled “Big banks craft ‘living wills’ in case they fail,” dives right into it immediately:
Five of the biggest banks in the United States are putting finishing touches on plans for going out of business as part of government-mandated contingency planning that could push them to untangle their complex operations.
The plans, known as living wills, are due to regulators no later thanJuly 1 under provisions of the Dodd-Frank financial reform lawdesigned to end too-big-to-fail bailouts by the government. The living wills could be as long as 4,000 pages
Did I hear that right? End too-big-to-fail bailouts by the government? They continue…
Since the law allows regulators to go so far as to order a bank to divest subsidiaries if it cannot plan an orderly resolution in bankruptcy, the deadline is pushing even healthy institutions to start a multi-year process to untangle their complex global operations, according to industry consultants.
“The resolution process is now going to be part of the cost-benefit analysis on where banks will do business,” said Dan Ryan, leader of the financial services regulatory practice at PricewaterhouseCoopers in New York. “The complexity of the organizations will shrink.“
For those scared of the world bank and the international corporate banking institutions – well – we’ve already had that haven’t we? This is what we want to deconstruct. That’s been the mechanism so far, and here it is in mainstream news that there is some kind of July 1 Deadline, whereby a 4,000 page document is being tendered to shrink the complexity of these organizations. Follow me?

But wait, there’s more…

JPMorgan Chase & Co (JPM.N), Bank of America Corp (BAC.N), Citigroup Inc (C.N), Goldman Sachs & Co (GS.N) and Morgan Stanley (MS.N) are among those submitting the first liquidation scenarios to regulators at the Federal Reserve and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp, according to people familiar with the matter.
The five firms, which declined to discuss their plans for this story, have some of the biggest balance sheets, trading desks and derivatives portfolios of financial institutions in the United States.

This is a stunning statement! The biggest banks on the planet are the first to submit 4,000 page plans for liquidation scenarios but declined to comment on them! Why isn’t CNN, FOX, or MSNBC going crazy over this? I believe Drake said in his broadcast that things will get so immense, “they won’t have a choice.” Alex Jones, Gerald Celente and many others have covered the derivatives mess for years. When it comes to financial tyranny, derivatives are THE WEAPON OF CHOICE for enslavement and takeover – also known as the housing bubble and foreclosure crisis, IMF bank loans et al. Yet in this one article this seems to be addressed:
If the extensive planning and review process works as proponents hope, big banks will become less hazardous to the public and regulators will be more confident that they can let wounded institutions die without wrecking the economy.
In congressional hearings earlier this month, JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon said that the bank’s contingency plan for going out of business would let it fail without cost to taxpayers.
I’m no fan of JP Morgan and certainly not Jamie Dimon, but this is a stark contrast to what we heard from similar figureheads in 2008…
The tune has changed. The tables, turned.

Under the Dodd-Frank Act, banks and regulators must imagine liquidations in two different ways. The first is through bankruptcy courts with banks negotiating with their creditors. This is the going-out-of-business method planned in the living wills due July 1. The living wills must include how subsidiaries inforeign jurisdictions will be liquidated.
These gems keep shining through and help corroborate a lot of what Drake has been saying. More specifically, he has said they will be seizing control of the collateral accounts which are the basis upon which the whole fiat debt system has been propagated. These accounts, which are specifically addressed in the Neil Keenan lawsuit are amounts of historic Gold and other “prosperity funds” that were stolen from we the people, and Reuters makes mention of it right here in black and white!
The second way is through a new kind of liquidation process in which the FDIC takes control of putting a financial giant down. This method has more flexibility than is allowed in bankruptcy courts, but still uses critical information collected in the banks’ living wills, such as where exactly to find collateral.
One of the other key points in “the plan” as I understand it, is that eventually the top of the pyramid would actually step forward and announce who they are, a la Nuremberg trials or as Ben Fulford puts it, a “truth and reconciliation committee” in a semi-televised manner. Again, Reuters reports:
The rules for crafting the living wills are 74 pages long, including an explanatory supplement. The plans could even include drafts of press releases showing how the banks would announce that they are going out of business, Herring said.
Bearing all this in mind, there are so many other key economic bullet points which indicate a very bumpy next few days.
Recently Lord Christopher Monckton reported that the G20 meeting in Rio de Janeiro was focused not on humanitarian efforts, but instead how they will go about clamping down the entire planet. This tiny group of people are struggling to maintain their suppression of a growing and rapidly awakening humanity. Watch Monckton break it down below:
In no less dramatic fashion, Lyndon Larouche released an audio blog on June 26, entitled “Our Enemies Could End Civilization This Weekend.” Give it a listen or continue on below for my comments.
Yes, he was referring to June 28-July 1, 2012.

Larouche has long been a proponent of reinstating Glass-Steagall which is specifically referenced in the aforementioned Reuters article. This rule was the original safety mechanism which prevented the banks from becoming gambling houses, as they have become in recent years. LaRouche writes and speaks of this particular rule as a way to sever the US monetary system from the private foreign central banking system and re-establish a national credit system. Yet again, Reuters reports that these regulations would take ques from this exact rule!
Larouche has long been a proponent of reinstating Glass-Steagall which is specifically referenced in the aforementioned Reuters article. This rule was the original safety mechanism which prevented the banks from becoming gambling houses, as they have become in recent years. LaRouche writes and speaks of this particular rule as a way to sever the US monetary system from the private foreign central banking system and re-establish a national credit system. Yet again, Reuters reports that these regulations would take ques from this exact rule!
Lyndon has some pretty strong things to say about what might be a crummy weekend, even going so far as to say “stock up on toilet paper” and cites the imminent plans between Geithner and Bernanke to seek additional printing of money to bail out Europe. This would come in the form of a long predicted stimulus program called Quantitative Easing 3 or QE3. His report is detailed here. This program has been LOUDLY anticipated by a whole host of extremely well respected analysts including Peter Schiff, Jim Sinclair, James Turk, Eric Sprott and others. This “stimulus” is the only facility available to provide the funds necessary to prop up the Eurozone. This was always the plan! Destroy Europe, and have Americans pay for it.
Geithner and Bernanke Demand New Mega-Bailout of Europe:
Capitol Hill sources have confirmed that Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke are demanding that Congress prepare emergency legislation for yet another hyperinflationary bailout of the hopelessly bankrupt trans-Atlantic financial system. For the past week, the two men have been meeting secretly with leading Congressional Democrats and Republicans, demanding that they draft new legislation to bailout the banks on an even larger scale than after the 2008 collapse.

What’s Next for the Dollar? QE3?
According to several congressional sources, Geithner and Bernanke have pledged that they will do everything in their power to flood European banks with bailout funds through the Federal Reserve, but they candidly admit that it may be impossible, and that congressional action may be required. If the crisis hits, they warn, there must be legislation already prepared, because the speed and magnitude of the crisis may require extraordinary intervention to “save the system.”
Last and not least – on April 22, 2012 Forbes reported China would begin purchasing oil from Iran in gold on June 28, 2012 bringing a de facto endto the US Dollar as the world’s reserve currency. In response, world renowned Gold analyst Jim Sinclair stated:

Dear CIGAs,
The implications of China paying for Iranian oil in gold is the most important event in the modern history of gold
1. It is reasonable to assume that China has been threatened with total or at least selective exclusion from the SWIFT system if it pays in any currency for Iranian oil.
2. Gold has been decided by China as the means of making payment for massive international purchases free of the SWIFT system.
3. Other Asian and Middle Eastern nations will now see the gold they hold as money free of Western economic interference.
4. Gold now is not only money free of liability, but also free from interference regarding settlement by the long arm of Western influence.
5. The SWIFT system is becoming ever more a weapon of Western international political will.
6. In case of war anywhere, it is now demonstrated for all to see that only gold will buy the materials required. Paper currencies are under the SWIFT system’s control in settlement.
7. Far from being a barbaric relic, gold is now clearly the money of state survival in every sense.
8. It is reasonable and possible for the supply of physical gold to fall far behind the size of the massive short positions now common to algorithm and hedge fund paper shorts. That will make an effective cover at a reasonable price as compared to a certain day’s close impossible the following day on an exogenous event.
9. It may not be possible to use TA of any nature to determine a price of overvaluation for gold. Should the USA decide to take on China in full out economic war with the physical market totally illiquid, such as through isolation from the SWIFT system, consider the gold price that might result.

Make up your own mind.
All I know is that the anticipation in the air is so thick you could nearly cut it with a butter knife.
Whether you are fully conscious or still very much asleep, a momentous point in time is now undeniable for the majority of people. Ultimately 2012 will be about finding your own individual truth amidst peaceably fitting it in with the collective. Then, we can co-create as one…

With that said, a Native American proverb seems apropo;
“It takes 1,000 voices to tell a single story.”

Posted by John MacHaffie at 2:18 AM
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Gregg »

ashlynne39 wrote:
Deep Knight wrote:
Burnaby49 wrote:Finally, some old school virgin sacrifices. I thought you'd all lost any sense of decorum and tradition in your rush to replace them with nubile interns. Glad to see you're getting back on track. But, as a practical matter, while locating nubile interns is no problem in DC, can you find sufficient virgins there?
We get virgins shipped in fresh, sort of like lobsters. Just one of the side benefits from having that fleet of Chemtrail planes.

By the way, I'm off to the "Green Light" party and will be live-blogging from this epic drunken orgy's ground zero. If you like ritual sacrifice, conjuring up the devil, worship of graven images and girls in wet t-shirts chugging pitchers of beer (and who doesn't?) you won't want to miss 'em.
Are you going to have hookers and blow for Gregg? :whistle:
At the insistence of my security detail, I bring my own.

However, anytime you have virgin sacrifices, I hold tryouts. Anyone interested can bring a resume, portfolio and information about next of kin etc...
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Deep Knight »

Whatever you do, don't let Gregg try out the virgins! The last time we had to ship new ones in, the ceremony was half and hour late, and the Lord of Darkness, who don't like no waitin', was more than just a little upset! Luckily he didn't recognize me when we were doing flaming watermelon jello shots this afternoon at the party.

Saturday, June 30, 2012
David Wilcock Update: The "Green Light": Wouldn't It Be Nice?
The Rumor Mill News Reading Room
Posted By: Jordon
Date: Saturday, 30-Jun-2012 09:57:57

Three different insiders independently told Drake that mass arrests are imminent. We spoke personally to Drake on the phone to get you the latest update in this intriguing story.

I am still recovering from two solid months on the road -- taking me through Great Britain, France, the Netherlands, a brief respite with the flu in Los Angeles, then New Zealand, four cities in Australia in two weeks, one day off, then an all-weekend event in New York.
It was quite an adventure to do this many conferences in such a short time. Reviewing the material again and again, and continuing to present it in a live context, really helped it to integrate and process within me on a much deeper level.
I did end up with inflammation on my right eyelid -- bordering on becoming a stye -- and some rather significant jet lag and fatigue, where I hammer out 12 hours of sleep at a time and still feel tired when I get up.
Nonetheless, the eyelid is clearing up and I'm starting to be able to capture my dreams again, which has been a very valuable source of data over the years.
In the meantime, while I was in Australia I heard credible insider reports, from the highest levels, that the US dollar is within weeks, not months, of collapsing -- and the Euro is even closer.
My dreams seem to be mirroring this information as well. I keep hearing that massive changes are imminent -- almost every morning.
I see this as a positive shift. Until the oxygen has been cut off, the Federal Reserve cabal still has power to do great damage to anyone who dares stand in its way.
I have been told that the liens we posted here at Divine Cosmos against the Federal Reserve and its strongest member states in Europe are directly responsible for helping to accelerate these economic changes -- which I believe is a good thing.
The liens are of no value unless there is a significant force using them to accomplish its objectives. That force is the 143-nation alliance backing the return of massive amounts of gold that was seized from the world in the 1920s and 30s by the Federal Reserve.
The liens we posted on this site have apparently been used as a legal precedent to lock the Federal Reserve out of the international financial system, behind the scenes.
I have posted these liens on my website using my real legal name, and have continued making public appearances, fully aware of the potential consequences. I would not have done it if I did not feel it were absolutely necessary to take these risks.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 11:25 AM


1. Anonymous June 30, 2012 11:55 AM
Good Lord is there a green light or not?????

2. Anonymous June 30, 2012 12:31 PM
Oil went up $7 a barrel yesterday because of the strength of the dollar.

3. Anonymous June 30, 2012 7:10 PM
Please tell everyone how oil being sold to us for a disgusting amount of money would bring strength to any currency that the american people relies on? While everybody is struggling to pay every other bill?

Saturday, June 30, 2012
Green Light Update
Victory of the Light!

Real Green Light has not been issued yet. When that happens, action will be taken within 24 hours timeframe. This action will be very evident for everyone and nobody will have any more doubts whatsoever.

I have received hints from independent sources that action might indeed take place by Fourth of July. However, they were just hints and I can not completely confirm this. Even if nothing happens by then, rest assured that mass arrests WILL happen. The Cabal must be removed from this planet and that removal will happen within a reasonable timeframe.

It is worth mentioning that there are interesting developments in occult economy taking place. The Resistance Movement has been playing with and testing the computer systems of the Rothschilds banking casino to prepare for the Reset:

Eastern Alliance and White Dragon Society are very active during this weekend, putting additional pressure to the system.

This is all in preparation for the “financial Green Light” as Drake calls it.

Many members of the Cabal are now seriously considering “silent surrender” when the Event happens.

The Event is a worldwide operation. In USA it will happen through the Positive Military. In Canada and Australia it will be a combination of their own Positive Military and Interpol. In Europe, it will be carried out through the positive faction inside Interpol and NATO. In Asia, it will be a combination of Interpol and White Dragon Society. In Latin America it will happen through a certain positive group that has members throughout most of the South / Central America and whose name can not be disclosed. Situation in Africa is more complex and will receive special assistance.

And finally, the Resistance will give support with Operation Omega Phoenix
And the Pleiadians with Operation Stardust 2

Posted by John MacHaffie at 7:55 PM
"Follow the Money"
notorial dissent
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by notorial dissent »

The problem with the insiders whispering in Drake's ear is that they are either all inside the local looney bin, or in his head.

In other words, yeah, yeah, yeah, real sooon now, for sure this time.........
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.