Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Deep Knight »

You'll change your mind after watching these compelling videos! ... ure=fvwrel

In Love and Light, You Are So Loved, I Love You, And Would Love A Light.
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Burnaby49 »

Deep Knight wrote:You'll change your mind after watching these compelling videos! ... ure=fvwrel

In Love and Light, You Are So Loved, I Love You, And Would Love A Light.
I could use some of Andy's Nu-Life plant food for, ahem, other purposes. Getting on you know.

As far as the first video goes I couldn't stand more than a minute of his droning. Talk about a Dead Man Talking. If that's the best the light workers can field I can see why you Illuminati have all the time in the world to party.
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by The Observer »

Real Green Light has not been issued.
So there is more than one green light? I guess we're going to have go though several stages of "green lights?" Such as Real Green Light, Very Real Green Light, Almost Real Green Light, Not Quite Real Green Light, Virtually Real Green Light, Temporary Red Light Before Real Green Light, and Pre-Real Green Light?

Maybe the Farces of Light are trying to build up the excitement for The Green Light, but I can promise you, the suspense is not killing me.
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by notorial dissent »

You forgot "sorta green light" which seems about as close as most of them can come.
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Deep Knight »

Sunday, July 1, 2012
Message from the Galactic Federation of Light by Greg Giles - June 30, 2012 'Arrests Update'
Date: Sunday, 1-Jul-2012 00:00:54

Debunkers are those who attempt to disprove theories and beliefs of others. The reasons why these individuals or even organizations choose to use much of their energy in such pursuits differs from person to person, but we will say for the most part these individuals attempt to disprove or dismiss other's views because these views to not match their own beliefs and understandings. We see this as an unproductive means to advance on one's journey, learning and picking up new ideas and concepts as one travels through this universe, but we will also say that all of the choices of others no matter what they may be should be respected and are respected always by us, and therefore we welcome any and all views even if they are on the contrary to our existence and our peaceful intentions to assist humanity and your planet at this time.

There are many of you with opposing views; this has been made very clear to us of the Galactic Federation of Light. We see these differences in opinions flaring up from time to time into heated debate and argument and even in the promulgation of insults being hurled back and forth. We do not wish to see this, as again, there are certainly more productive ways to share your ideas and your points of view to each other. We wish to say that there is no need for name calling or insulting of one another. You are all in this together. You have all gotten to this point together. If you could open up the pages of your true history you would read stories and adventures that team you with individuals that today you may argue with throughout your online communities. This is what we would like you to understand, that even those who today may appear your enemy or your foe of some kind may have been your brother or your sister or your closest friend or ally while you were at war with others. Try to see this, and try to understand that all of you are indeed friends and you are all indeed family. Try to think of this the next time debate turns heated throughout your online communities and we feel this can be your water to the flame.

[Translation, "so, when it turns out we're wrong and it shows we've lied to you, don't mention it because it's not productive."]

We would like to speak with you today about the impending arrests of many members of your criminal cabal who have conspired against the people of your planet. We would like to say that the operation to remove these beings from your world is proceeding smoothly at this very time. We are seeing troop movement into areas where we, through our monitoring capabilities, have concluded members of your criminal cabal await for their arrest or have chosen these areas as a place of refuge in an attempt to hide from what is inevitable and what is just. We see that there are many of you waiting with great anticipation for the news of these arrests to break through your popular media, and we say to you that it is appropriate to remain confident at this time, but we also urge you to remain patient, as although signals have indeed been given that these arrests will now proceed, this is an extremely delicate operation and matters must be dealt with appropriately as they surface one by one and appeased sufficiently before the operation can once again begin to move forward.
At this time, we have perceived several different difficulties on certain fronts of this operation, and we say to you that we, along with your Earth allies, are dealing with these problems and difficulties and are doing our best to minimize any and all delays. We will say, and are happy to say it, that we do see these arrests moving forward and we do see these arrests being accomplished in a very suitable timeframe from now. For those of you waiting and counting the minutes down of a 72 hour window that was opened a day or two ago, we say to you please do not count the minutes and try to remain as patient and as optimistic as you possibly can, as at this time there is great momentum being swept up by the people of your world including your Earth allies and we do not wish this emotional, mental and physical momentum to ebb and subside. We wish for this momentum to carry your people through these arrests and continue on into the many new projects that wait for your assistance in the days ahead.

We see these arrests as the catapulting event that will send your world over the walls that have kept you locked inside and locked within a system of antiquity, imbalance, injustice and unfairness. These arrests will be monumental, as nothing of this magnitude has ever occurred here in your world and this includes all of your wars, including wars that many of you have no idea have been fought as they occurred beyond the understanding of your local and recent histories. These arrests will finally put an end once and for all of all wars, conflict and skirmishes across your entire planet. There will never be another reason for a human to pick up an arm against another human and point it at them. This is a behavior that was ignited by the ruthless and cunning minds of your criminal cabal, as they tricked and conned you into believing you had enemies across seas or across imaginary borders drawn in the sand.
We tell you that you do not have any enemies but those who propagate this lie and this fear, this con and betrayal. These are the ones that you must learn how to handle and remove from your world. It is not each other that are the problem or your reasons for conflict, suffering and war, it is the doings of those that will now face justice for their heinous acts against you, the people of Earth. The people of your planet have spoken, and they have stated loudly and they have stated clearly that no longer will they be manipulated, ruled, controlled and oppressed by so few of opulence, of wealth, power, ruthlessness, cunning and deviousness. These are the traits of those who at this time desperately try to cling to their crumbling empire of control they have built like pyramidal structures throughout your systems, agencies, governments and people. They are losing their grip on their pyramids, and these pyramids are crumbling and toppling onto them. They will be crushed under their weight, and they will never be allowed to resurface in your home ever again.

This is one of the promises to you that we will make, and we keep our promises. Never again will these beings be allowed to filter through breaches in the dimensional enforcements. This is something that we of the higher realms are better qualified to deal with and deal with it we will, and we wish you to know that we have worked very long and very hard at a new, refined and strengthened system that will never allow again a crack to appear in the dike, if you will, and allow lower dimensional beings to trespass into the domain of higher dimensional beings which is what occurred here hundreds of thousands of years ago. This is what our mission is correcting at this time, and we will not stop our efforts until every being that has not earned the right to be here is removed and relocated to where it is they do belong, whether it be within the lower dimensions or somewhere else. They will be removed, and they will never be permitted to call this planet their home ever again. You can be assured of this and know that your new world will be ever safe and guarded from any infiltration, lower dimensional or extra terrestrial in nature, ever again.

We are your protectors and we are your family of the Galactic Federation of Light.
As channeled through Greg Giles

Posted by John MacHaffie at 12:20 AM

Soon, in fact, very, very soon, but still, don't hold your breath.

You might be interested to know what happened, or at least what MacHaffie wants us to think happened (the problem with being a liar at the NESARA/DinarRV scale) a short time after this posting.

Sunday, July 1, 2012
Sad News

This is his son posting john machaffie my dad (the duke) had a heart attack today at 2:00 am Eastern time it was very traumatizing for the family and he is currently receiving care at bayfront hospital St Petersburg the doctors are very kind and professional and are currently doing tests to determine the root of the problem he is speaking but is being kept under nitroglycerine we wish that you all will pray for him and wish him well I will post daily updates on his well being.

Posted by JohnMachete at 3:34 AM

John Machete?

Being kept under nitroglycerine?

So, this is the timeline of this medical crisis:

12:20 AM, John MacHaffie pushes the enter button and posts an important message on the mass arrests.
2:00 AM, John MacHaffie has a heart attack.
? A call is made to 911
? The ambulance arrives
? MacHaffie is rushed to the hospital
? MacHaffie's family is called
? The family gathers at the hospital
? MacHaffie's condition is stabilized, he's put under nitroglycerin, the doctor talks to his family, and they finally get to talk to him
? John, realizing that people are waiting to get updates on the mass arrests, asks his son John Machete to post for him on the RAP NESARA Forum, telling him all the necessary information to log on and post.
? John Machete returns home or finds a computer at the hospital.
3:34 AM Machete logs in, types the post, and enters it.

Wow! Even in a crisis that's one family that knows how to move fast! Where I live you wouldn't get a third of the way down this list in 94 minutes!

Or is suggesting subterfuge here just because of a long history of lies being a little too cynical and sick?

Naw! With the whoppers these thieves told day after day, I'm still not sure Dove is really dead!
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Maybe John junior has just gone back to dad's place and cut and pasted a "my dad's had a heart attack and is in hospital" post on all his sites and blogs. Maybe he doesn't know what dad writes on them, which is what I'd like to think. Doesn't bode well for any updates for a while unless junior is as into this garbage as dad.
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Gregg »

Someone should call and find out

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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Kestrel »

Now it's just flat wrong to stop and update your Facebook or forum blog status when you're having a heart attack.

That's what Twitter is for.
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by notorial dissent »

The height of ego certainly, but then who were we discussing, only wrong if you update your facebook page after you're dead.
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by The Observer »

Gregg wrote:Someone should call and find out
Won't work for us, unless McHaffie included you on his permission list:
For the privacy and confidentiality of our patients, we will only provide the room and telephone number if you are a friend or family member and can provide us with the patient’s full name. According to the Federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), the patient must have signed a consent form for us to release any information.

If a consent form has been signed and you are noted as a person who can receive medical information about the patient, brief updates are available daily on the patient’s medical condition
Gotta read the fine print.
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Deep Knight »

There are 2 updates after this, which begs a question of who John's little helper might be, or does he have a terminal in his hospital bed?

Sunday, July 1, 2012
Update 1 John's Health

Results came back from the heart doctor saying john has his arteries clogged and type 2 diabetes(400) which is no surprise for his condition he says. John is doing well however saying he's feeling better , his heart rate dropped by 10% from 134 which is really high so that's a improvement. As soon as he checks out of the hospital he's eating nothing but greens and no sugar at all :) please keep your blessings and prayers alive so he may overcome this sickness.

Posted by JohnMachete at 5:06 AM

Labels: Theduke health update

The one after this is from Truth Warrior, er, Poofness.

Sunday, July 1, 2012
Poofness – Moments from the Flip 07/01/2012

Greetings and Salutations;

June was busy month for weirdness, the skies have been filled with anomalies all over the world. The earth is being monitored at this critical juncture in time and transition. Disbelief in et’s doesn’t make them go away.

All over this world, by different people and groups, folks have held prophecies and writings for the ‘end times’. When the big universal clock turns, stuff happens. No amount of praying to make it ‘your way’ does any good. This transition is reaching deep into the financial world as evidenced by what’s in the news, the explanations vary, but change is there non the less. How about europe all the sudden, solving their problem and anybody shorting the euro, lost a bundle. Justice Roberts even flipped the script, against a bet. Universal health care is coming to america, like it not. The money will not keep going to the top. No gov can sustain itself by making its populace top heavy. Rome is the most recent example. Only fair ness works….duh.

How can you call yourself a christian and not follow what the master said about taking care of the ‘least’. There are principles of nature that even effect govs, greed will get you in the end. The st germain trust exists because it’s intention was always to shift the wealth of the world from the greedy to those in need and make life’s principles real for the common folk. Nature will always make a balance and no amount of politics can change that. They joined withe the dragons because their purpose was the same. The elders joined them both for the same reason. They could see the eddies of time moving to the big shift and they have ‘age’ on most. They broke the code on longevity and have lived accordingly ever since. The secret is ‘attitude adjustment’. Change your mind, change your life. Take ownership of your own crap. Man, it is time to end serfdom for the masses. The lords are being whupped big time, from the top and not a thing they can do about it, they borrowed and failed to pay back, the casino has been foreclosed upon.

Because I watch Bloomberg in the wee hours of the night, I frequently see things happening before they hit us shores. Last week’s delay appeared to be named merkel, she’s still hanging on to that master race **. She wants nothing to interfere with that plan, tho things already have. Big surprise, Aryans were not ‘white’. She was told to her face, that concept was not going to fly in the new system. Ahh cockroaches are cockroaches, and they will die being that, like her cousin, still trying to dazzle the populace with manipulation in the us. That’s ok, you will know who’s been ‘working’ you for years and as hoped you will never allow them back into a position of power again. Many retired military officers know the bottom line and are fully on board with restoring the constitution to it’s rightful place. It’s already been done but you need to hear the ‘announcements’ to verify it for you. There’s been ongoing arrests in the us, but it’s been mostly lower rankers, not commander cockroach him self yet. But he knows the Raid is coming and that seems to be upon us all. Don’t be shocked or amazed, secretly you’ve suspected for some time, anyhow.

Things have been moving and testimony has reached me. The masses are next, you and me. Hold your powder and don’t fire til you see the whites of the couriers’ eyes. True independence is coming to a town near you. It’ll start small, then become huge. One foot in front of the other, walk into the future and don’t look back….you’ll get turned into a pillar of salt…lololol. It’s all over but the shoutin’ don’t know the ‘moment’ all flips on it’s head but it’s close enough to smell. Be well and take care of yourselves, be good to one another. This has been poofness, over and out. Broadcasting from the Phoenix.

Love and Kisses,

Posted by functional mute at 10:59 PM

Is that the Phoenix Omega? And if it's close enough to smell, but doesn't, does that mean it was actually far away but smelled so pungently that ... Hmm, doen't sound like a "positive" report to me at all.

Speaking of reports, the party kicked into high gear today with a Music fest. The crowd hummed and swayed to the sounds of Herman's Hermits, The Lemon Pipers, The Association, Gary Lewis and the Playboys, The Union Gap, and as the closing acts, Twisted Sister and Motley Crue. The 100 beers in 24 hours marathon started at noon, and by 6:00 the contestants were already wiped out. More than one judge found a contestant peeing on his shoes, and in one case that contestant was a woman (Marge from Accounting, it's her thing). Anyway, since today was Canada Day and we've secretly ruled Canada since 1967 (why do you suppose the Queen is still on the money?) we celebrated by torturing and ritually sacrificing a beaver using canoe paddles and maple syrup while saying "Eh?" a lot. A fun time was had by all, well, except for the beaver, eh?
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Deep Knight wrote: Anyway, since today was Canada Day and we've secretly ruled Canada since 1967 (why do you suppose the Queen is still on the money?) we celebrated by torturing and ritually sacrificing a beaver using canoe paddles and maple syrup while saying "Eh?" a lot. A fun time was had by all, well, except for the beaver, eh?[/color]
I've spent several weeks at a Scout camp in Quebec, over the years; and I can usually count on finding myself unconsciously throwing an "eh?" or two into my speech by the time the week ends.
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Burnaby49 »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:
Deep Knight wrote: Anyway, since today was Canada Day and we've secretly ruled Canada since 1967 (why do you suppose the Queen is still on the money?) we celebrated by torturing and ritually sacrificing a beaver using canoe paddles and maple syrup while saying "Eh?" a lot. A fun time was had by all, well, except for the beaver, eh?[/color]
I've spent several weeks at a Scout camp in Quebec, over the years; and I can usually count on finding myself unconsciously throwing an "eh?" or two into my speech by the time the week ends.
It's a regional cultural expression pretty much focused on Ontario, Quebec, and the maritimes. Can't recall having ever heard it here in Vancouver except from a few expatriate easterners. Our linguistically illiterate west coasters prefer stuffing each sentence with as many instances of "like" as possible.
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Cathulhu »

Wow, DK, I didn't think anyone but me remembered the Lemon Pipers. I think I have "Green Tambourine" on vinyl around here somewhere...wonder where the Zombies are?*

*Ok, boys, don't say I never gave you anything. That's one hell of a straight line.
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by texino »

Under Nitro eh? Well, that would reduce angina which sometimes gets pretty severe if the PT has undergone a cardiac cath to determine if he or she needs a procedure to either open the the blocked artery by placing a stent or doing a graft (by-pass) difference being with the stent you avoid the open heart deal. Anyway, the way they DX a myocardial infarction is to do serial blood tests to determine if there is an increase in the level of certain enzymes which only show up when there is damage to myocardial tissue. I know that's sort of voo doo but that's how it's done.
As far as his HR being 134 he's probably scared or in pain or both. It will stabilize.

So it sounds like a cardiac scare for the moment, otherwise they would have done something invasive by now. Hope he gets better; maybe he will quit telling lies!

Oh yeah concerning the mass arrests: Duncan said Brady you is under arrest. Brady shot a hole right in Duncans' chest; cause he been on the job too long.
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Cathulhu wrote:Wow, DK, I didn't think anyone but me remembered the Lemon Pipers. I think I have "Green Tambourine" on vinyl around here somewhere...wonder where the Zombies are?*

*Ok, boys, don't say I never gave you anything. That's one hell of a straight line.
I'll be 60 in November, and I remember the Lemon Pipers. "Psychedelic Bubblegum" was the lable one deejay put upon them.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Burnaby49 »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:
Cathulhu wrote:Wow, DK, I didn't think anyone but me remembered the Lemon Pipers. I think I have "Green Tambourine" on vinyl around here somewhere...wonder where the Zombies are?*

*Ok, boys, don't say I never gave you anything. That's one hell of a straight line.
I'll be 60 in November, and I remember the Lemon Pipers. "Psychedelic Bubblegum" was the lable one deejay put upon them.
Unfortunately I remember all of those groups. It shows just how unspeakably vile DK and his minions are that they would party to the likes of the Union Gap and Gary Lewis. At least the Lemon Pipers only had one song.
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Burnaby49 wrote:Wow, DK, I didn't think anyone but me remembered the Lemon Pipers. I think I have "Green Tambourine" on vinyl around here somewhere...wonder where the Zombies are?*

*Ok, boys, don't say I never gave you anything. That's one hell of a straight line.
I'll be 60 in November, and I remember the Lemon Pipers. "Psychedelic Bubblegum" was the lable one deejay put upon them.[/quote]

Unfortunately I remember all of those groups. It shows just how unspeakably vile DK and his minions are that they would party to the likes of the Union Gap and Gary Lewis. At least the Lemon Pipers only had one song.[/quote]

Well, Gary Lewis et al. weren't bad. With the Union Gap, however, it seemed like every one of their hits and semi-hits, after the first one, was an obvious attempt to rework "Young Girl" (especially... no, I don't want to remind you all of the title. You might be unable to get it out of your head).
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Deep Knight »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:
Cathulhu wrote:Wow, DK, I didn't think anyone but me remembered the Lemon Pipers. I think I have "Green Tambourine" on vinyl around here somewhere...wonder where the Zombies are?*

*Ok, boys, don't say I never gave you anything. That's one hell of a straight line.
I'll be 60 in November, and I remember the Lemon Pipers. "Psychedelic Bubblegum" was the lable one deejay put upon them.
I met their former manager in Cincinnati, he had something to do with the Ludlow Garage (a music venue there) but I can't say what. A friend knew him, and also saw the Lemon Pipers once, believe it or not opening for the Grateful Dead in 1968 in the basement of a church. Which is why I remember who they are - if I hadn't wiped the name "1910 Fruitgum Company" from my memory I would have included them for their hard rock anthem "Yummy Yummy Yummy I Got Love In My Tummy."

As for the Zombies, they're waiting on the word from the Overlord or Evil to rise from their graves, feast on the brains of the living, and sing their big hit, "She's Not There (she's up at Deep Knight's learning what it really means to be a woman)." It's rumored that it will be during the party's climax on Tuesday night.
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Gregg »

Ludlow Garage, wow. Excuse me while I have a flashback.
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