Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Assessor wrote:I just don't see donations from broke, deluded people as a compelling reason to go as far out on a limb as these guys currently are. There's got to be significant money coming from somewhere in all of this insanity.
I don't agree that there has to be "significant money" in this. You are assuming all these scams and similar schemes are profitable, but we have no way of knowing this. You mentioned "Dove" who, from what I've read, is living in her mum's trailer, owes the IRS $12000 and is only getting by on gifts and donations. She's not running a scam, she's 100% fruit bat. She is so involved in it, the attention she gets, the completely bat-shit insanity of the whole thing notwithstanding, it is the major part of her life. The fact that she gets donations is a by-product. You could argue it is a scam, but it is a very ineffective one. I wonder how many others are like this. Yes, if you are running a scam you ideally want to be targeting the rich and stupid, but if only the poor and stupid is what you get as an audience what do you do? If you want to be the centre of attention, like Dove, you keep going. The "good" scammer will move on and look for "better" (= richer) victims. What you have here is various people who probably should be on some sort of medication, believing some crap and getting involved in it. Maybe there is some scamming going on, but it is poor quality, hillbilly moonshine stealing type of stuff.
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by The Observer »

ArthurWankspittle wrote:You mentioned "Dove" who, from what I've read, is living in her mum's trailer, owes the IRS $12000 and is only getting by on gifts and donations
Dove passed on some time ago.
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Burnaby49 »

The Observer wrote:
ArthurWankspittle wrote:You mentioned "Dove" who, from what I've read, is living in her mum's trailer, owes the IRS $12000 and is only getting by on gifts and donations
Dove passed on some time ago.
So they say.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Burnaby49 »

I was always a huge fan of Dove and her unique blend of batshit crazy and in your face arrogance and certainty. She was one of a kind and we won't see the like of her, and her mother's double-wide, again. With great difficulty I've come to terms with her passing on to a higher realm where she can fight the evil Pledian powers or whoever she was battling on our behalf when she kicked off. I recommend the Quatloos thread below to our compatriot Mr. Wankspittle for a full review of her passing;

"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Deep Knight »

Friday, July 6, 2012
The Pentagon wants this information to go viral
Maine Republic Email Alert No.146
“. . . that I should bear witness unto the truth.” — John 18:33 // David E. Robinson, Publisher

“. . . if the trumpet give an uncertain sound, who shall prepare himself for battle?” — I Corinthians 14:8 —

The Pentagon wants this information to go viral

Wikipedia states:

The Burning of Washington in 1814
was an armed conflict during the War of
1812 between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and the United States of America.
On August 24, 1814, led by General Robert Ross, a British force occupied Washington, D.C. and set fire to many public buildings following the American defeat at the Battle of Bladensburg.
The facilities of the U.S. government, including the White House and U.S. Capitol, were largely destroyed.[3]
The British commander’s orders to burn only public buildings and strict British discipline among its troops are credited with preserving the city’s private buildings.
This was the only time since the Revolutionary War that a foreign power captured and occupied the United States capital.[4]

Background information
Many have already heard of the abnormally large number of arrests and resignations of officials in banking, money funds, investment houses, insurance companies, and governments throughout the world that have taken place since September 2011.
What Americans have not known is that a huge operation is about to take place in the United States. In order to comprehend why we have heard nothing of this event, we must understand that the major newspaper and television media is very tightly controlled by the dark cabal or Illuminati. It is the Illuminati who intend to establish the New World Order by killing off huge segments of the planet’s population and enslaving the rest.

These are the persons who will be arrested and removed to a location where they can perpetuate no more harm, and for their protection before being brought to trial
Before you stop reading and refuse to take 3 hours of your time to listen to the audio listed below, you need to consider: Do I want to know what is about to happen? Do I as a parent, minister, news reporter, teacher, or citizen want to remain ignorant of what is ready to take place that will impact every phase of my life and that of my family and community?
Much preparation is and has taken place behind the scenes to prepare for the forthcoming mass arrests of top officials of corporations and government.

As you will hear on the audio, the Pentagon had already drawn up The Plan for such an event by around 1979. The legal preparation is in place. Extremely detailed planning has the goal of disrupting the general public and the activities that make up our lives as little as possible. However there will be a few days—hopefully not weeks—in which services may be disrupted.
During the actual mass arrests, a period of up to 72 hours (3 days) will involve the closing of our borders and the shutting off of satellites. This will be required to prevent escape of those to be arrested.

This is the period for which we need to be prepared. We will be given 24 hours notice in advance.
In order to prepare the American people, the Pentagon recently asked a former Vietnam veteran who has been involved in the legal preparations to go on the radio and internet and explain what is about to happen. This veteran is going by the name of ‘Drake’.
The below YouTube is an interview of Drake by David Wilcock, who also has high level insider information.

In the interview, Drake will explain the legal preparation done by average citizens in a majority of the states that allows this event to take place in accordance with our nation’s founding documents. This event will remove the major obstacles to a far better life for all Americans and eventually for all on the planet.
You owe it to yourself, your family, and to those to whom you minister to listen carefully to all three hours of valuable information. People who have no idea what has really been going on in America will be shocked and angry to hear all that has been done to them. As many of us as possible can greatly alleviate this shock by letting them know of this event and that the end result will be a much better world for all.
The Pentagon is also asking that all of us help to publicize the information we hear on this audio. Public panic will prolong the procedure and violence of any kind will do the same. We the people need to be in the know and to peacefully assist in any way we can—spreading the word being a major avenue of assistance. The goal is that this event is peaceful, with no violence.
Please send the URL below to all you know and to your local media. Ministers, you have access to large numbers of people. We are speaking of the resurrection of our nation. I beg of you to listen and help prepare your congre- gations.


David Wilcock’s website – here you may find a series of very important and explosive articles mentioned in the interview. These articles offer you an excellent background for what is about to happen.

Maine Republic Free State News, 3 Linnell Circle, Brunswick, Maine 04011 1

The Original 13th Amendment
Mentioned in the interview

“If any citizen of the United States shall accept, claim, receive, or retain any title of nobility or honour, or shall without the consent of Congress, accept and retain any present, pension. office, or emolument of any kind whatever, from any emperor, king, prince, or foreign power, such person shall cease to be a citizen of the United States, and shall be incapable of holding any office of trust or profit under them, or either of them.”

Quoted from the Senate Journal via
The TONA Research Committe:

The Corporation of the USA is also mentioned in the interview.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 7:49 PM


1. Anonymous July 6, 2012 8:32 PM
John: As far as Iam concerned,the pentagon is our enemy by virtue of the traitors in command positions! If they truly want this to go viral,let's see it on BS official letterhead! This is just another BS attempt to make us look more foolish by following the hearsay of some unknown person that is getting to be absolute insanity for anyone to take this crap for truth!
I say it's time for the so called positive Military to stand up and give the troops orders to arrest these criminals now! Enuf mind games!

2. Anonymous July 6, 2012 8:43 PM
Is it just me?
One document sent to the Hague says
united states
Then the original 13th amendment says United States
and the corporation is
Are they creating a new country within a country.
Seems like it.
It is possible and allowed.
Just like Federal has a zone on top of the same territory as a State,
maybe a united states will have the same territorial boundaries as the United States and the UNITED STATES and all share the same territorial boundaries but the supremecy of each would have to be decided so that one cannot have jursidictional control over the other once it's distinguished which is which.

3. Anonymous July 6, 2012 8:48 PM
Ab-uve it's shown
This veteran is going by the name of ‘Drake’.
Drake said in audio Drake was his real name.
Hoo wuld 'go by the name of' if it's the real name?

4. Anonymous July 7, 2012 12:22 AM
It's time for the Pentagon to speak for themselves. Drake has lost credibility and needs to recoup it.
Man up....answer for your last 'VIRAL' post Drake.
It leaves one wondering....what do you have to hide?
"Follow the Money"

Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by TheSaint »

Assessor wrote:Is there really any money to be made in being Drake, the Commander of Imaginary Legions?
Dove of Oneness scammed some San Francisco woman out of at least $10,000: ... 6095c.html Not bad for an unemployable, morbidly obese middle-aged woman living in her mother's double-wide.

And while there isn't always profit in being a commander of imaginary legions, it doesn't cost anything to try. Any bozo with an internet connection can type up email reports, create a DONATE link, and find an audience at negligible expense.
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by co-shoot »

'commander of imaginary legions'

Well sure he is, imaginary?, if but by another name....MAGOG?
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by co-shoot »

Fictional character biography
{well sorta fictional justice}
[edit] :arrow:

Kingdom Come Magog
"The New Man of Tomorrow," is a hero with a rising career in the last days of Superman's declining popularity. His true origins are never revealed in the story. His most controversial act at the time was killing the Joker, who was in custody for the murder of Lois Lane and dozens of other members of the Daily Planet. Magog then surrenders to Superman and the authorities. When put on trial for murder, Magog is acquitted, the feeling being that it is time for psychotic super-villains like the Joker to be killed off rather than preserve the belief of heroes of Superman's generation that all life is sacred no matter what the crime or risk of recidivism.

Superman publicly denounces Magog and the acquittal, prompting Magog to challenge him to a fight. Superman, disgusted with the verdict, refuses the challenge and instead goes into self-imposed exile for ten years. During that time, a new generation of heroes following Magog's violent approach begins to arise. Magog himself begins operating with a team of heroes known as the Justice Battalion (a group composed of characters based on the heroes of Charlton Comics). During a one-sided and unnecessarily brutal battle with the villainous Parasite, Magog's teammate Captain Atom is critically injured, causing him to explode with the force of an atomic bomb. This disaster leaves Kansas completely destroyed, over a million people are killed and much of America's heartland is covered in deadly radiation.

Magog and Alloy are the only survivors of the Kansas blast. This cataclysm is the event which finally draws Superman and many of the heroes of his generation out of retirement, thus leading to the story's inevitable generational conflict. Initially, Magog is considered the most wanted and dangerous criminal in the world and is hunted by Superman's new Justice League. They finally confront him as he tries with little success to put some small order back amongst the ruins of Kansas. Superman goads him with the remark "You must be proud (of this destruction)" which results in Magog lashing out at the Man of Steel, blaming him for the present crisis since he would not adapt to modern ways. After the attack fails to harm Superman, Magog quietly surrenders. It becomes apparent that he is traumatized by his experience and seeks forgiveness.

He is taken into custody by the League and held in their special prison where he and others are lectured about their violent ways — though Magog appears to spend most of his time remorsefully in his cell. However, the jail's walls are pierced by a brainwashed Captain Marvel and in the battle that follows, Magog noticeably avoids fighting and just sticks to attempt to save as many lives as he can. At the end of Kingdom Come, Magog retires to Paradise Island, where he is seen caring for the crippled Japanese superheroine Tokyo Rose — and giving Swastika a hard clout when he fails to show proper respect to Wonder Woman and the Amazons. In the Elliot S! Maggin novelization, it is revealed that Magog even becomes the Dean of Students at Themyscira.

[edit] Justice Society of America
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Deep Knight »

The Galactic Federation of Lit Up Guys tells us the arrests are happening, only the media won't report them. Meanies.

Ride like the wind now knowing that what has been hoped for so long by your people is now fully underway in size, scope and determination, and that this campaign to arrest all of the members of your criminal cabal and their associates and remove them from the halls of your society is now in full swing and will not slow and will not fail to garner you the results of your creative manifestation through your thoughts, intentions, words, acts and dreams. This is how it works, and this is how it has always worked here on your planet, no matter which dimension your planet resided in at any particular moment in time.

It does not matter much which dimension you find yourself in at any particular moment, as you always possess the ability to manifest whatever experience you wish for yourselves. This is important to always remember, as although there will be those departing this dimension for other dimensional destinations, those of you who are to remain here to continue your studies and experiences in the physical must realize that you too can and will experience just whatever it is you wish, and that what it is you do not wish to experience you do not have to, as nothing is forced upon you. Whatever it is that you create for yourself or yourselves is what you shall have, it is not any more complex than that. Do your best to always remember this no matter where the path for you up ahead may lead, and wherever it is you shall journey shall be a much more pleasurable, rewarding and consciously created experience for you.

It is now the time that these arrests of the members of your criminal cabal and their associates are broadcast through your major media outlets. These arrests are now in full swing, we are very pleased to report to you. What is needed is for the people of your world to take note of what is transpiring all around them.
Your media outlets are a very important component of this entire operation, as it is important that as many as possible experience this event and understand that it is freedom from their oppressors that they are receiving in full bloom and blossom like a beautiful bouquet gifted to them from their Creator. We ask at this time that all and not some of the media outlets that we have had prior discussions with and have reached amicable partnerships with proceed now with what it is they expressed they would do if these arrests were to begin to manifest here in your world. For those of your media that are reading these words (and we know that there are many movers and shakers within your worldwide global media outlets who are following these words through our channels), we ask of you at this time to now do what it is you assured us you would do.

There is no better time now to wait on, as these events are unfolding as you read these words and there will not be a more flowing cascade of motion than there is at this very moment. We ask you to find the courage that is inside each and every one of you and, even in the face of threat of violence, to stand tall, stand firm in your convictions and do what it is that you know deep down inside is the only right thing to do and that must be done to see to the complete freedom of the people of your world.

The people have spoken. They have awakened and they have demanded that they now be free from their captors and oppressors, and through this decree, this is what is now transpiring in their world and they deserve the right to witness this firsthand for themselves and not secondhand through our channels or any other means. You, the men and women of your media, are the people's eyes and the people's ears in many cases. You are sworn to uphold the ideals, morals and the integrity of your industry which is a vital bloodline through the life of any civilization. There are no civilizations in this universe without means to share information from being to being, from culture to culture, nation to nation or any point on a planet. This world is not unique in its infrastructure of media and communications, this is a surety. What is unique to this planet is the level in which the media has been controlled by those of the dark, this we can also say for a certainty, as we have visited and monitored worlds all over this galaxy and beyond throughout this universe and we have never behold before so many avenues of media and communications that are completely contained within a pyramidal structure of power, control, influence and persuasion.

We ask you at this time is it not the time to break free from your oppressors as well? Is it not the time to rid your profession from the likes and control of these dark individuals who are motivated by nothing more but their lust for more power, control, wealth, destruction and chaos? Has the day not come where it is now time for you to take a stand and fulfill the solemn oath that you took when you accepted your position of such great importance in your profession, a profession which should guarantee the people the truth in your reporting? There have been many great men and women of the media profession who have stood for integrity, truth and honor, and these names will go down in history for what they did and what they stood for and we say to you, the men and women who today hold the power, unlock the truth that has been concealed for far too long. Is it not time for you to add your names to these lists of honor in service to their profession and to the men and women of your planet?

We will assure you once again that we, the Galactic Federation of Light, will do all that we can do to protect each and every member of your media, just as we have been and will continue to do so. We have many highly advanced technologies that we are employing to oversee you and protect you as these arrests move ahead. What we would like to see is someone of your media outlets take the reins and give the signal to their employees under them that it is now time to do what it is you do best and report the news, report the truth, and spread the word like a wildfire through your world that those who have oppressed your people for decades and even centuries are now being rounded up, arrested and incarcerated to stand trial for their crimes against humanity.

We ask you to rise up to the challenge. We know you can do it. We have met with some of you personally and we know what you are capable of and we have nothing but confidence you will meet this challenge head-on and you will conquer it, and this is why we came to you in the first place. We look to see movement on your front, and we thank you so very much again for your efforts and your resolve, drive and determination in the face of such adversity to do what it is you know must now be done.

We are with you in spirit and we are with you in the physical at this time, and we offer our cloak of protection over you. We are the Galactic Federation of Light.

Pretty lit up, if you ask me. This was followed by a petition asking the media to blab.

Show your support for the men and women of our worldwide media and respectfully request that they tear down the wall of the cabal imposed media blackout and report the story of the mass arrests of the members and associates of the criminal cabal who have committed crimes against all of humanity. Please follow the link and sign our petition! ... nal-cabal/

Posted by Greg Giles

Anonymous said...
Thanks Greg for initiating the petition. Now everyone sign up quick!! Lets get this thing maxed out and see some coverage on CNN!! Post it on facebook. Have your friends fill it out. Here's your chance to speed things along instead of complaining.
July 10, 2012 1:10 AM

Anonymous said...
give us names and proof of the arrests of these "criminal cabal"
i will not say things to the people like: wooopwooop massive arrests are being made..
i mean.. where? who? when? i need more info before i can actually inform others about something -_-
July 10, 2012 8:02 AM

And who is Greg Giles?

Greg Giles
I am a Starseed, incarnate of the Indigo Ray & direct voice channel for the Galactic Federation of Light and my Star Family from the Ashtar Command
, an 11th dimensional Osequeq collective from the Star System Tauri C; Amanda, Arisa, Rona, Jella, Morgana, Sophia, Germana, Capella, Jackie, Romana, Angela, Patricia, Anthony, Gifta, Maria, Mercula, Pierca, Ramulete, Augusta, Chevron, Thomas, Uritel. I have incarnated at this time on assignment to advance my education and assist this planet and her people as they experience final challenges before being welcomed to their galactic community.
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by texino »

Yeah? And my real name is Elaine Anderson, Mr. Star Seed, so bring on yer Bobbies and Bow Street Runners because I'm comfortable in my illumination, and I'm not giving up. Mass arrests?
My foot!
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by The Observer »

Ok day 34 or so and I have still not been arrested. Neither has my direct superivsor in Conspiracy Central, nor his boss, nor has the executive officer at Control/Subterfuge Operations. Everday this week so far, it has been nothing but phone calls back forth between the various offices and levels of supervision to check on who has failed to report to work.

While many put it down to the possibility that we don't rate high enough on the villiany board to qualify for arrest, prosecution and being dumped into the sun, that explanation just doesn't make sense. We all have signed contracts that specifically state that we agree to oppress, prosecute, harass, arrest, steal from, lie to, and stick our tongues out at Lightworkers, among other things. We even had agreed to kidnap their pets and hold them from ransom (but pity the poor Illuminati recruit who once stole a Ligthbringer's dog that had a bad case of flatulence). You would think some of these atrocities would get one of us a honorable mention on the GFL's Most Wanted List.

One of the rumors going around is the that Not-So-Bright-Lighters haven't come up with a way to overcome the "We-were-just-following-orders" or "I-couldn't-refuse-since-I-was-under-hypnotic-control" defense that many of the Illuminati plan to use if arrested and put on trial. Apparently legal counsel for GFL has not had a lot of success in the past prosecuting the bad guys. As an example, Beelzebub kept beating the rap time and time again after giving jury panels the Evil Eye and intimidating them into voting "not guilty." And the GFL judges weren't above accepting a little payment on the side or a date with a succubus in exchange for ruling on procedural changes in favor of the Illuminati.

If the above is the case, then it is probably not likely we will ever see arrests happen in our lifetime. Or the next generation's lifetime.
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

I would think that if we Illuminati are as evil as this crowd thinks we are, just being within The Fold should qualify us for automatic arrest, just like membership in certain Nazi organizations prompted automatic arrest by the victorious Allies in 1945.

In the meantime, my succubi summon me, and I must go. Duty calls....
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Deep Knight »

Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Notes from Drake’s Vital Update Call July 8

Current Update: Notes from Drake’s Vital Update Call July 8
by 2012thebigpicture

Some very interesting details came out on this teleconference. Such as…
Paul says we should check the Global Voice Facebook Page for news articles and information posted by the team. It’s all been researched and vetted. Someone was posting remarks to discredit what Drake and the team are doing and they’re dealing with that.
Paul is creating an FAQ section so people can reference the most common queries and Drake won’t need to spend time answering the same questions again.
Drake and the Team shared updates until the first break one hour in and then they got right to the questions.
The treaty designed to steal the People’s guns and leave them defenseless must be stopped. They’re trying to make an “end run” to push it through so we can’t do anything. Be aware.
Lady Dragon emailed Cobra and he revealed that right after Drake gave the Green Light, the cabal threatened to release a weapon of mass destruction, so the military couldn’t go forward with their plan.
Another reason the mass arrests have not gone forward is because 50 per cent of the U.S. Federal Marshalls aren’t on board with it. It’s important that we keep the momentum we have right now. That is one reason why Drake asked for the public arrest of Soros or Holder; so the people can see the plan is real and no one can dispute it. We have to keep our energy and expectation high.
Cobra said when Drake gave the Green Light the energy and Light on the planet soared, and that makes the job of the Resistance Movement and other Freedom factions easier and moves us along faster because it steals power from the cabal, who feed on our fear and negativity.
Cobra will be doing an interview with Lady Dragon at a future date.
The “cavalry” isn’t just the positive military; it’s many factions and millions of members of the Freedom Movement.

There are many people, even in other countries who are doing what they can personally to share this information with others; i.e. in South Africa, Victor printed up flyers.
Lady Dragon revealed that some of the ATMs at Germany’s Deutchbank were not working this weekend.
Russia also experienced technology malfunctions with their ATMs there. Expect more of these kinds of scenarios. It’s not a good idea to store anything of value in a bank safety deposit box, and you may want to remove at least some of your money from the BIG banks. Credit Unions may be a better choice because they’re usually independently run and don’t have a close tie to the Federal Reserve.
Barclays Bank in London is under investigate for LIBOR fraud; “fixing” lending rates and colluding with partner banks to scam the people. The CEO of Barclay’s, Bob Diamond, was forced to resign this week.
For the first time in history, the Vatican , the most secret bank in the world, is under investigation for money laundering regarding €80 million. The Italian police arrived on the scene this week .
Hillary Clinton threatened China and Russia is not pleased.
Lady Dragon said there is a fraudulent email going around saying there have been changes to one’s DNS and you need to go to a specific website to make an update. The DNS (domain name system) has nothing to do with your PC. Don’t go to that website and enter any information.
Lady Dragon has a picture on her website of an earthship (that’s an eco-friendly, sustainable home made of rammed earth) from Michael Reyholds. She suggests we check it out.
There’s even more going on this week than there was last, and much of it has been significant enough that it got the attention of a lot of people who weren’t paying attention before.
Since the BIG banks are in default, things could get very interesting soon. It might be a good idea to stock up on food and supplies, cash, batteries, fuel, and necessities in general. Lady Dragon suggests the best way to know what you’re going to need in the event of disruptions is to get one morning visualizing that you have no electricity, or gas and can’t get to a store. That will tell you exactly what kind of items you would require if there are major disruptions.
Keenan has not yet refiled the lawsuit. Drake can’t say more. He has the power to sign off on the collateral accounts and everything is not as it seems. We do not have an American currency. What we’re using as the American dollar is a Federal Reserve note; not our currency.
The freedom movement is working on removing the banks’ ability to operate as financial institutions, so it’s looking quite likely that some banks will close; particularly those with a close relationship with the Federal Reserve. There’s no way to know right now, so expect minor to major disruptions in business.
Drake says within the next two weeks a whole lot of things are being formulated to bring the gears of the money-making cabal to a grinding halt. Drake says hopefully much less than 2 weeks. The ground crew has to do their part, then the Galactics will step in to assist.
Part 2 of that initiative will probably involve mass arrests in combination with the exposure of some individuals we never thought of as being part of the cabal; people we thought were honest and acting in our best interests.
Drake recommended we know who are neighbours are and form community groups so in the event there are disruptions in the food chain, basic supplies, etc. we can band together and share or work in cooperation with each other to achieve basic goals until things become orderly again.
While it would be nice to see every complicit body marched off to jail, we need to keep our basic infrastructures in place.
Drake told the military that in lieu of the mass arrests that didn’t happen, we need to see the public arrest of at LEAST one major figure to validate Drake’s position and that of the positive military. Drake suggested George Soros or Eric Holder.
The cabal’s military powers are rapidly dwindling so soon the mass arrests will be taking place and the unconscionable acts of the elite will be made public.
Drake was not involved with the notification process for the Nation State documents that accompanied the Pentagon’s request to go viral with the email statement. The packages sent out declaring the People of the USA are a free and independent nation were prepared before he came on the scene by a group in Pennsylvania. That paperwork also decreed that the military are to defend us while we finish the project to free the public from the corporate government. What was distributed was a cover sheet for a 28 page document and Drake thought it was important to share it to support what was done. The packages were sent to a private law office in the town of Hague for processing and that was completed some time ago.
Keshe foundation technologies will be released to the public in a pre-determined order because they will dramatically change our lives.
Has Obama signed an executive order to control all communication in a crisis situation? There is talk of a date when the cabal will just turn off the Internet. The good guys have positioned themselves so that cannot happen—if the cabal even had the guts to try it. A caller said they took that notice down from the White House website so perhaps they chickened out.
Drake wasn’t able to source any information on the Prosperity Funds , but if they’re linked to the Strawman accounts, those are Reserve funds so would have to be paid back if someone accessed them.
Drake was surprised by David Ickes unprovoked attack on him on Icke’s website last week. Drake’s experience with that kind of behavior is that the perpetrator is either out of the loop completely as to what’s going on, or they’re an agent. There have been some who asked Drake to do an interview with them and when he turned them down they retaliated.
If one sees the terms LIBOR or MIBOR in their mortgage contract, they may be able to …sorry, missed the rest.
For more details and questions, listen to the archived call.
The next teleconference will be Wednesday, July 11th at 7:00 p.m. EDT, 4 Pacific.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 10:59 PM


1. Anonymous July 11, 2012 12:00 AM
The crap these people come up with is just out of this world. Snakeoil salesmen at their best. So set yourselves at ease folks. Nothings going to happen as usual. Same mindless BS over and over.

2. Anonymous July 11, 2012 12:17 AM
Asking questions - no need to answer, I 'know' what the answer is.
Status says:
The treaty designed to steal the People’s guns and leave them defenseless must be stopped. They’re trying to make an “end run” to push it through so we can’t do anything. Be aware.
Question: If the people or as most say (We the People) are free, and under the original jurisdiction of the original constitution, why would this matter?
Question: Who cares if they rush it or write it on toilet paper and have the Charmin company print it and it's the only thing we can purchase in the stores to read in the bathroom and wipe our derrieres.
Status is:
Another reason the mass arrests have not gone forward is because 50 per cent of the U.S. Federal Marshalls aren’t on board with it.
Question: Wasn't the people (I'm sorry, We the People) supposed to issue the order for arrest and then the federal marshall go do it and it would be backed up by local law enforcement and be a civilian action or something like that?
Question: Arrests don't happen unless you have cause, and once you have cause you arrest. So can't they do the 'You are under arrest for the suspicion of ...', and pick up those they have firm evidence against?
Status is:
Has Obama signed an executive order to control all communication in a crisis situation?
Question: Didn't the Executive Order giving every asset in America to some form of the government for protection enough to cover controlling communication? I mean you control the equipment you control the communication.
Status about the Nation State documents (which by the terms mentioned and typos, I can't see who dredged it up) The packages were sent to a private law office in the town of Hague for processing and that was completed some time ago.
Question: I comprehended from the audio that it was sent directly to the Hague and that it was a notice and gave no appearance of requiring a law firm private or otherwise to 'process' it.
I'll also say, I've listened to every audio and I've gone back 'to the beginning' and listened again to audios for clarification.
The man has changed his statements about things, and I notice he doesn't use the ly words as much lately as he did in his early audios. In early audios, he stated a lot of 'in my opinions' (they were slipped in so neatly you'd miss them), and they were peppered with probably and basically, and other ly words, I can't remember now but will go back to listen.
Someone was kind enough to put all the audios at one link.
And Former White Hat (which some knock, but in this world there is some truth in every communication), said he left the White Hats because they were compromised, and that something similar that when the Cabal found out about the military and arrests they infiltrated that group too. Also the Drake is a clone and other things, but that's what 'he said'. I know how to discern and it's not for me to tell anyone what to think or believe or know.
Also, O setting up all those Orders I find interesting. IF the Cabal does anything to a bridge or building or food or life sustaining structure, they would be operating against the US and have to deal with the full brunt of the military, whereas without the Orders if they did things to those structures and substances, they'd be attacking the People and there would be chaos and investigations that go no where.
So there is indeed some order out of the Orders.

3. Anonymous July 11, 2012 12:34 AM
IF they would:
1. Immediately STOP the chemtrail planes from hurting their friends, family, and us.... they are still dropping heavily over Dallas. They are flying higher so as not to be seen, and using a clearer formula in puffs instead of streaks to disguise the trails. My nose, and throat is letting me know that it is for sure still going on... Just an example on this a Paralegal friend in Salt Lake city just lost her 8 year old grandson. No reason has been found. I believe the heavy metals in these aerial cloud bombs are what is doing this. If they (the military)refuse to do this, this to me is a HUGE red flag waving in my face....
2. Take over the radio and TV stations, and have well known announcers tell the people what has been happening, and what they are going to do about it. Include some top name politicians as well as Movie stars also telling the story.... Show the public what they have been doing to us. Have a web address with a lot of reading and stories they can go to and download iinformation. They will learn from this and except it...
3. NOW ......... Arrest all of the SOB's....
This is the KISS principle ....... they need to get started removing all the feces managers before they pull off something real bad that really hurts a lot of people....

Replies 1. AnonymousJuly 11, 2012 2:29 PM
What proof or logic have you used to believe that the E.T's are here for good? Channelers are no different than demon possessed people. All this E.T channelling comes from Alice Bailey (she is a satanist that the cabal follow). Why are all you smart and educated people being so dumbed down? Follow the paper trail, investigate, do not believe some channeler that never had any friends and decided to become the body that housed bad spirits in order to gain popularity. You people have to be smarter than this! Don't you?

4. Anonymous July 11, 2012 1:30 AM
IMO Drake is being used to spread disinfo he may be a good guy a patriot but someone is stringing him along. The military is going to do what the JCS tells them to do period and seeing as they seem to be just another part of the cabal machine we can listen to Drake but I believe that all we are being fed is disinfo just stringing us all along until they decide which puppet to put in the white house next. Drake is being used to calm down the restless patriots he may believe they are telling him arrest may happen but I'm not buying it asnd Drake shouldn't either if the military does not produce soon he should stop being a messenger for them.

5. Anonymous July 11, 2012 7:48 AM
In a country of spineless yelow belly cowards aint nothin gonna happen...

6. Anonymous July 11, 2012 8:40 AM
When we were told of the "MASS ARRESTS" (their term) months ago. Drake's message was direct and to the point. Now, he has a three hour show twice a week that is far removed from the original message. How are we suppose to believe anything we are told when we have been disappointed time and time again? But yet it seems that we are the ones who need an attitude adjustment. I'll believe it when I see it on main stream media and not a moment before.

Replies 1. Anonymous July 11, 2012 2:30 PM
You will be known for your fruits, or lack there of.

7. Anonymous July 11, 2012 10:03 AM
Drake is being used as a disinformation agent and to calm the people down. I think he knows it. They are misleading people without discernment. He is too vague with his answers. Why does it take a three hour show?

8. AnonymousJuly 11, 2012 2:10 PM
Drake is just like the Dinar gurus. He caters to the hope-a-phobics and strings them along as nothing ever happens.

9. Anonymous July 11, 2012 2:42 PM
Only a fool looks for verification of mass arrests on the MSM. That is the many are programmed to believe whatever they see on the TV...where you are being spoon fed exactly what they want you to see and think and call truth.
I post the day by day progress from the GFL, but as more and more of you skeptics (who lack respect) call them names and discredit what they will find yourself deeper & deeper into the dark and you will become totally lost.
Meanwhile you offer nothing as a resolution other than to burn the bridge your now crossing.
Then you boast how smart you are by claiming you find no eveidence on the MSM. WAKE UP! Mr.Ed

10. Anonymous July 11, 2012 4:34 PM
To Mr. Ed: And just where do you suggest we find evidence of mass arrests? Fact is, there aren't any and never will be. You, my dear man, are the one that has no evidence and never will. Posting day be day progress from the GFL is nonsense. It's the same ole crap. Nothing changes. Where's your evidence of arrests taking place? GFL has no evidence of anything happening. You sir live in a fantasy land with different flavors of kool-aid. You're the one that's lost!
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by The Observer »

Drake was surprised by David Ickes unprovoked attack on him on Icke’s website last week. Drake’s experience with that kind of behavior is that the perpetrator is either out of the loop completely as to what’s going on, or they’re an agent.
But you gotta remember that Icke is an expert on the shape-shifting lizards from outer space. And it doesn't help that Drake's name is reptilian in nature. Perhaps Drake is just uncomfortable that he isn't fooling Icke?
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Deep Knight »

The Observer wrote:
Drake was surprised by David Ickes unprovoked attack on him on Icke’s website last week. Drake’s experience with that kind of behavior is that the perpetrator is either out of the loop completely as to what’s going on, or they’re an agent.
But you gotta remember that Icke is an expert on the shape-shifting lizards from outer space. And it doesn't help that Drake's name is reptilian in nature. Perhaps Drake is just uncomfortable that he isn't fooling Icke?
I know a way to find out for sure! If you eat Reptilians, they taste just like chicken. So, if we roast and eat Drake ...
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Gregg »

I do find myself wondering what kind of crazy you have to be for David Ickes to say you're nuts.
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by notorial dissent »

Well, the prospect of one psycho calling another nuts is always nothing if not entertaining, but it does give you pause to wonder upon what grounds they make the claim. On the other hand, one fraud should easily recognize another.
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Deep Knight »

Wednesday, July 18, 2012
- Couldn't have said it better myself! :)
Posted By: Bob
Date: Wednesday, 18-Jul-2012 18:59:23

Great suggestion offered by this writer (bottom last paragraph)
15 July 2012
Well what a let down, as per Drake's show, he has basically said the military are not going to do anything. the show then suddenly got cut off after 110 mins., after him and Minuteman have called for malitia to go an arrest and "grab" people in the middle of the night.
I would say Minute and Drake are going to get a visit from some people very soon and probably end up in cuffs or shot in a gun fight.
Well well well, the US military is now not stepping up to the plate, because they are so incompetent they cant even work out who is a patriot and on the side of good or who is in the dark, so they wont now do what they have been stating they will all along.
So my question is to you, WHAT GOOD ARE THEY? all they seem capable of is destruction! if they cant take positive action in anyway then they have OFFICIALLY DECLARED themselves obsolete and can now only be regarded as nothing more than a violent and destructive organisation, lol organised.
So now they are obsolete, they should only be used for logistic transportation of material and construction labourers, nothing more.
For so long now, Drake an co have been saying the cavalry / military are on their way to take action an commence mass arrests but now they back off an say "nobody is coming to save you, you have to do it yourself" well thats a complete reversal.
As for everybody doing it themselves, how do you think that is going to happen now then, because the only people who are in the know of this knowledge of what is really going on are people who have been aware for ages,
All other public have no idea about this "unless the military take control of airwaves and play their videos" (like they said they would do.) so how are people meant to stand up an let the military know if they are completely unaware ?
This is a travesty on behalf of the military and now, the messengers, nothing you have been saying is going to happen, so the past months have been a waste of time for all listeners, it is obvious now it is all rumour / a lot of hot air, and no evidence of action promised. thanks for wasting everyone's time!
I wont say 'god help the world', or 'jesus save us', because he a mythical man, in with a white beard doesn't exist, and jesus wasn't a real man either, in that 'context', the closet your come to him is Julius Cesar, it was all a lie by the roman cult.
So i would suggest everybody just ignore this nonsense now, and find a quite place off the grid and connect to the source by yourself and try to ascend due to the fact your so called cavalry is NOT coming, i would feel deceived and lied to and utterly disappointed if i were you, Americans. __________________________
Thank you 'no green tea'.
From the 'Comments Section' at:

Posted by John MacHaffie at 7:30 PM


1. AnonymousJuly 18, 2012 7:45 PM
Well put!

2. AnonymousJuly 18, 2012 7:45 PM
You would of been a fool to believe that there was going to be some sort of arrest, PLEASE ! This guy DRAKE is just another fool along the way. Know whats most interesting they are all Southerners ! why is that so ?

3. AnonymousJuly 18, 2012 8:20 PM
I'm not surprised. Fool me once your fault,fool Me twice My fault. Tim Turner got Me first. Be a army of one.Resist the scum in your face.Stop wasting time and energy on the mountain just move the rocks.

4. AnonymousJuly 18, 2012 8:26 PM
Poor, poor Draketards! I can't imagine anyone would have ever believed this con man to begin with. Drake is trying to stir up trouble and someone's going to get hurt before it's all over. Face it people, the cabal is in control and ain't nothing you can do about it. The military will do whatever they're told by the elite and that's a fact. Get ready for the UN takeover.

Replies 1. AnonymousJuly 18, 2012 9:53 PM

2. AnonymousJuly 19, 2012 12:05 AM
To Anon 9:53 PM: Go for it Anon. Join your local militia and get those "Bad Guys". We'll all be waiting for you to take the lead. Problem is, you're all talk and waiting for someone else to save your sorry ass. So you're the one that needs to pack your bags and head for the Fema camp. You'll just love it there!

5. AnonymousJuly 18, 2012 8:27 PM
i agree completely...very well stated...goodbye world ,im doing it alone,it will probably help accelerate the end we need

6. Eric-GuntherJuly 18, 2012 8:59 PM
I bet they would go to bat for the BASTARD,ANTI-CHRIST state of ISRAE-LIE.

7. AnonymousJuly 18, 2012 9:01 PM
Well do you really think this was true? No it wasn't
There is n always have been total control from the cabal with giving you all a saviour well wake up you're. Being played with the best. So ic you all want to worship or wait for this good luck your on your own truth hurts but as the dAys go by you to will figure it out but the question is how long

8. AnonymousJuly 18, 2012 9:12 PM
The military is treasoness so lets hope their kids will get to pay for their lack of oath of office. This is a strike against us as it was with Christ. Their children are going to pay for everything their moms and dads have done. This is a strike against us as it was with Christ. I bet they will do the bidding of the NWO because thats how they make their money. This is a strike against us as it was with Christ. Shame on the military they think they are saving their families but they are not. This is a strike against us as it was with Christ. They have made their choice so you know we will be another Iraq and Lybia there is no one to make peace now but Christ because apparently we can not do what Christ asked us to do and that was love one another through it ALL as He did! Our sons and daughters are now become treasoness to their own people , the ones who gave their energy and value to make sure they would have it all, this Christ did as well, I have spoken of this in past post. The emotional toll has come and this world will become a horror for all of us. We are a lazy bunch, we have always waited on a hero when we knew all along that we were our own heros and it will come to pass that everything that God said will come to pass for we can not go further until we make our choices to put the past down and forgive these people who have so destroyed the world and they wont be happy because they will tire of abuse towards those that have loved them. They have surpassed us as the devil tried to surpass God and we created them through an adversarial spirit that we unleashed upon this earth with our laziness. From the macro to the micro we have done this thing and if we do not say we are guilty of the shame we have placed upon the Living God by our deeds then we have no future for as Christ died we will too if we dont forgive, this is what is meant by the martyrs who will have to die for the lie we chose to live. We the People have made Obama possible and we the People are responsible for this mess because we refused to listen when God said to study to show yourself approved a workman unto the Lord. There can be no freedom when we want to live as slaves. Until we decide to forgive these low lifes we will not make Ascension and we must do it with a full heart for their safe passage as well, or we will get to spend eternity with these !#%&'s in a mighty warm place. Now if this isnt perfectly clear then let me state it this way they are more victims than we, because we knew better GET IT? We must face this as brothers and realize that as they kill and destroy us that they have made their choice to be gods and we all know we are one so what polarity do these lost ones have that we can not understand as we are just as guilty we took advantage of the system they provided us with and it may not be illegal but it certainly wasnt lawful so we have hurt one another by reason of greed and getting it over on the other guy just as this cabal has done. There isnt one of us who can say we did not break the Golden Rule of Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. This is judgement for some and for others it will be their finest hour . I love the brothers all and if this means that we die so they can live then that is no less than what Christ did. Now can you hang with Christ? I bet you can, to many smart intelligent people come here for real news.

9. AnonymousJuly 18, 2012 9:59 PM
How soon you forget, and if you think I'm talking to you, then I probably am.
Military took an oath of office to protect the country from enemies foreign and domestic.
But half the majority of the people complaining sit and say 'there is nothing we can do about it', the other half of that majority want to go out and kill someone or take someone's freedom for their perceived loss of right.
The wake up.
You contract into slavery. The military will protect the sovereign and that's who their oath is to.
No such thing as a sovereign citizen. -- oxymoron -- no such thing.
The military will not protect those who thought mass arrests were going to happen and total debt forgiveness was going to happen and they go out and purchase a bunch of stuff and hope to ride it out for the slate to be clean. (yes..there are some that took that action based on those promises)
While my home was legitimately stolen by a business I never communicated with, others complained that they signed papers that showed them making more money than they actually made and that they were misled by the broker, or realtor, etc. (yes, there are people who actually purchased more home than they could afford, and allowed them to fudge the paperwork so they could get the home and are mad that the home is being taken away because they should be able to keep it. AND there are those who thought filing bankruptcy would let them keep the too much house they could not afford only to not be able to pay the taxes after being bankrupt (by their choice and unemployed within a time frame after that cause they wiped away their creditor status by cleaning the slate and naming others as creditors).
Then there are people who say the military said they would do mass arrest.
I never heard anyone say it but Drake and it was parroted by many others.
Drake started off saying civil action with Federal Marshalls and then said civil action with local police backed by military or something like that.
He changed the message and there was some 'in my opinion', and 'maybe', and 'probably', and 'basically' thrown in that changed what he said so it wasn't a lie.
If he said, 'We should all eat all the icecream we want and basically take it from the store without paying for it', people will say '"(name insert) said we should take icecream from the store without paying for it!"
No! That was not said. What was said specifically was..we should eat all the icecream we want, the rest of the sentence was left for interpretation by the insertion of the word 'basically'.
Ah, and you have ears to hear, but heard something else...and whose fault is that?
The goal was successful...Angry people do not forgive, and if they don't forgive they aren't ascending. So you get to stay here with the leader who lead you to stay here.
Good for you...and you did all that of your free will. Wow. What a wonderful world.
Pick an audio..any audio..and do your own transcript...adding the uhms, and ahs, and ahems, and whatever other pauses he had, and all the 'ly' words and the 'in my opinions' and you'll see it was months of fluff.
In my opinion, someone was chosen for their ability to basically do word art and they did their job well, don't you think.
See how I popped those artful words in that sentence..what did you see the first time? what did you see the second time now that I told you what I did.
Deception is easy if discernment is not done in due diligence.
Love to all. (Hoping to be an 'ascended' master.)

10. blueskygalJuly 18, 2012 10:03 PM
Look, the military industrial complex is the problem! Our world is not supposed to be like it is!!! We are to love one another, surrender to our higher power - our God mind...Love ourselves and love all others as ourselves as we are ALL ONE. There is no "ultimate or better religion" Catholics, Protestants, Jewish, Muslim, Baptist (to name a few)we are ALL PART OF SOURCE - WE ARE SOURCE - WE CREATE OUR OWN REALITY. Noone needs to be saved because we have the power to CHOOSE how we act and what we do. Dictators and Countries have been plundering and pillaging each other for thousands of years - stealing to gain power - power over WHAT??? While innocent children and human beings starve and die of thirst - Something as basic as water for survival is overlooked in the name of profit, greed and monetary gain. The whole thing is WRONG!!! Have you ever visited the Vatican? Ill never forget my visit there. I waited in line for hours to get in to see this fantastic pillar of the Catholic Faith (I was Catholic 16 years of schooling and all) - I was ILL when I saw the gold and jewels and hypocrisy!!! I thought you have all these resources yet people are starving - DYING in the name of WHAT??? Thou shalt not have false idols...thou shalt not one another I mean where is any of this in our corporate/military system??? NOWHERE Its all about getting more and keeping it at ALL COSTS. We do not have to participate in this system!!! It does not align with our highest purpose. If we would all be more concerned with helping each other instead of that new pair of shoes or fancy car the entire world would ASCEND rapidly. Bottom line WE ARE ALL ONE - Always were, always will be. We dont need to be saved. We just need to turn our backs on the dark and focus on the light - this alone WILL make the difference. Waiting for someone/something to "save you/us" only lowers your/our vibrations - we dont need saving - step way - dont participate. This is peaceful resolution. If you dont feed it, it will starve and die on its own :-) Focus on LOVING more, on surrendering your OWN EGO - of spreading light far and wide. It will come together on its own for AS ABOVE, SO BELOW. And So IT IS. Love and Light, Blueskygal :-) ((HUGS))

11. Pete L.July 18, 2012 10:12 PM
Whether there are mass arrests or not, we the people will come out on top. Just look at all the exposure the corrupt bankers are getting right now! Soon tfree world that we he media dam will break and all the lies will be exposed. July is going to be an exciting month. Don't give your energy to them by focusing on the arrests. We are all creators and if we focus our attention on the what we want our world to be, we can collectively make it happen! (PEACEFULLY)

12. blueskygalJuly 18, 2012 10:22 PM
I hope you post my comment as I did not copy it and I would like to keep it for my blog (soon to be created) thanks!

13. AnonymousJuly 18, 2012 10:23 PM
Oh, my goodness! What in the world happened to the 'light and love' always propagated by you that are 'ascending'???? Don't you really mean 'DEscending'? I haven't seen so much hate in one place ever. Obviously those 'guides' you are consulting and listening are lying to you and are possessing you. Whoooooooooooo - scary. Better watch your backs - never know when they are gonna get cha!

14. AnonymousJuly 18, 2012 10:45 PM
The Christ has returned and his name is Brian Leonard Golightly Marshall. Google it. He is Yahweh, the father, who was the old soul in Jesus. Jesus said, "If you have seen me you have seen the father." Yahweh is here for the judgement of mankind. There are channels on YouTube that carry videos sent out to the world.

Replies 1. AnonymousJuly 19, 2012 12:01 AM
Read the word of God to find out the events that precede Yahweh's return. The events haven't happened so Golightly can't be Him.
Where is the white horse?? Where are the angels? Where are the trumpets?
Many will be deceived....

15. AnonymousJuly 18, 2012 10:54 PM
Yes, Anon. 9:12, we have brought it on ourselves. We have thrown God out and accepted things that He calls an abomination. Now that the military has literally thumbed their collective noses at the Creator by removing "Don't ask, don't tell," and officially accepting what the Creator has described as an abomination, there is no way we will win any more conflicts. If you don't believe that a prophecy made over 2000 years ago is being fulfilled now, read Deuteronomy 28. Everything is coming to pass from the lack of rain, hardened earth that won't produce, to the insanity (Alzheimers/Bipolar, etc.?)heart disease, arthritis and other problems. Even the stranger within the gates (illegal aliens and Jihadists?) that will outnumber and rule the citizens is mentioned. to the people that we OWE, (China?) instead of being the creditor and having them owe us. Even now, we rely on others' philosophy, ideology and counseling for comfort and advice instead of following the Word of God. Can't say we weren't warned...

16. AnonymousJuly 18, 2012 11:16 PM
Everything you know is wrong, black is white, up is down, and short is long. Everything you thought was so important, doesnt really matter at all. I know this is a line from Weird Al's song, but I gotta say, thats how it is. I see it, I know some other people see it, but a lot dont. I cant quite figure out why, but there it is. I think, if everyone stopped and thought, "what if thats true?" What would happen, if everyone looked at all the crap, and thought, what would be the end result, if everyone started looking at the idea that if they looked around, and if you look at what those mouthpieces say, see it as the opposite. I guess maybe that sounds nuts, but you know what? Oh well, I see what is really going on, I know thats not the program, and I know thats not what the masses want to believe in. I get it, it seems so rediculous, but what if?

17. AnonymousJuly 19, 2012 12:03 AM
"Another Part Of Me" -- Michael Jackson
We're Takin' Over
We Have The Truth
This Is The Mission
To See It Through
Don't Point Your Finger
Not Dangerous
This Is Our Planet
You're One Of Us
We're Sendin' Out
A Major Love
And This Is Our
Message To You
(Message To You)

18. AnonymousJuly 19, 2012 12:47 AM
Well - I told you so............I have posted many times that there will be no arrests and was called negative and every ugly word you can imagine. I didn't know what I was talking you know.
This poor country will strugghle on and there will be no global settlements, no prosperity funds delivered and if the dinar ever revalues that will be a real shocker.
It is amazing what money will buy. It will control the military, it will control a supreme court judge, it will control Maliki to keep the dinar from revaluing, it controls our own president and to top it off, it will control Romney.
Anyone who believes that the funds will suddenly appear one day is dreaming. So.........happy dreams.

19. AnonymousJuly 19, 2012 1:06 AM
You only have to read the news lately to see that things are moving although not as fast & the way we wanted them. I feel that Drake, David & Ben are credible and they sure have alot more courage than i do to risk their lives & reputations to give us the information but they are only as good as their sources. There is something bizarre going on with the military and it may be a strategy of timing that we are not to be made privy to. I have given up on the mass arrests because there are way too many people out there who don't have a clue and think things are normal & brainwashed into thinking this is how things are supposed to be. I am going to a global conference next week and the guest speakers are George W. Bush & Bill Clinton & I'll bet that the 2 thousand or so people attending will be clapping for them when i will be thinking they should be in handcuffs. I don't know what to do personally anymore because I don't feel that i can tell people since nothing pans out but deep down inside I know there is a plan. I just don't have a clue how it will work.

Replies 1. AnonymousJuly 19, 2012 5:03 AM
Anon 1:06 Thank you for reminding us that things are not always what they seem. If I was the military I wouldn't want the enemy to know my next move either. Things can change rather quickly. I have a hard time imagining what it would be like surrounded in a room with so much darkness. I feel for you. It's wonderful that you are awake. You were put in that place for a reason, allow God to work through for the good of everyone and remember what the bible says, "fear not he who can kill the body but not the soul". God will give you strength. Peace and Love brother.

20. AnonymousJuly 19, 2012 1:47 AM
Go on, do it! End all the wars and bring peace to the world, or stop spouting new age BS.

21. AnonymousJuly 19, 2012 1:59 AM
I've been wondering about wisdom of announcing to a cabal, "We're coming to get you." If military or others know regarding crimes against humanity have been treasonous, then they've already been silent, sadist partners in crime--like a mother who stands back & allows a father to continue abusing children. That's just sick. Perhaps people need to also know names of treasonous military responsible for knowledge & lack of action, & people they're insisting make arrests need to come after them & arrest them, too. Perhaps the military now realizes this potential of being arrested themselves & this is the reason for back-peddling. I grew up being told "guilty are the first to point fingers." (And I came from a military family.)If one has knowledge of crime & doesn't report this, is one also not guilty of breaking the law? What happened to truck loads of documentation? Big dog. Loud bark. No bite.
It's a little dog that bites! Watch out for little dogs. We're the little dogs, but have never been powerless. American people aren't sitting in front of TV's with beer & chips ignoring problems in our country & not taking action. We're school kids, homemakers, people of spiritual convictions of all kinds, businessmen, teachers, farmers, secretaries, sanitation workers, writers of all kinds, artists, militia, doctors & others. We organize & establish, grassroots watchdogs giving platform to express our voices, fight unjust actions attempting to take away freedoms & hurt our well-being, attend "townhall" meets extended by Congressmen in every state. Little dogs & little dollars help fund Super-PAC's & have our voices heard in Washington. Let them know you might be a little dog, but also a watchdog.
We're members of ANH-USA--watching & fighting for freedom to have clean foods, healthy medical care, etc. We're ones who haven't forgotten service members of the military--little dogs--who've fought for us & others by support of the VFW or Wounded Warriors Family Support organization (voluntary gifts, not taxes.) Military is strong not because of brass at top, but because are mostly little dogs with great heart! Great things happening all the time. You can be part & help good things grow.
Cinco de Mayo memorializes a small group of freedom fighers, out-numbered & armed but won a battle against impossible odds strictly on strength of heart alone. Three-hundred Spartans were out-manned but took down tens of thousands based on strength of hearts alone. A small biblical army conquered a large army using clay pots, torches & shouts of their voices to confound the enemy & caused them to become confused & defeat themselves. They won with heart. Gun control? Give us a break! Sticks & stones and great heart broke those bones.
If you are feeling discouraged right now by what's going on that's negative, dust off Stallone's "Rocky" movies & be inspired & reminded on what a little dog with great heart can accomplish. Join little dogs who're actually doing positive things all the time--making a difference--because our hearts are in the right place.
A Divine Intelligence watching out for & helping us because our GOD (Grand Omnipotent Designer) loves little dogs! Watch out evil doers--little dogs, painful bites.
P.S. to Drake: Paul Revere would have been so very proud of you!

22. AnonymousJuly 19, 2012 2:03 AM
We know we've been lied to for hundreds and thousands of years about our true history. Look to Ireland, the books that were destroyed, the faith and truth that was viciously destroyed so the NWO could rule the world.
The truths are being revealed and those who look will find. Peace is not religion, military, killing. Peace is brought when we respect one another as ourselves and do unto others. It's up to US to throw "them" out of power. No one is coming to save us, WE are the saviors, the ones who tell the truth. We will have justice through the courts and TOGETHER as one people.
"Follow the Money"
Deep Knight
Posts: 5397
Joined: Wed Feb 05, 2003 4:42 am
Location: Washington DC

Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Deep Knight »

Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Drake Interview Summary 7/18/12

7/18/12 9:00 PM Drake Interview Tonight
Drake Said:

* He will not have "earth shaking news" as planned today as he did not receive the
paperwork on it
* There is a $100,000 reward for Fast & Furious insider information.
* There is a lot of rumors being put out to scare us. Most of the articles are not fully
explained. If they were, you would no longer fear them. If the events being warned
about are not actually happening now they probably will never happen. The Govt
has run out of money.
* Tim Turner screwed up in front of the California Militia by saying he was their commander.
The militia got up and walked out.
* Minute_Man said the FBI must be included in the arrest process because they were
created to deal with bad politicians.
* Drake: Not all of the law enforcement people are bad people.
* In regards to the Neil Keenan lawsuit, the liens are in default. When the suit is
refiled within a day or two days those liens will close the Federal Reserve. The
Federal Reserve has been trying to print money [outside] of the liens. The Eastern
Alliance of 147 countries are not recognizing that illegal money.
* In a day or two that re-filed Keenan suit and the liens will be put on the website.
* Because the Fed Reserve has failed to respond to the liens they are in default.
The court can only rule in favor of the lien holder (Keenan). This will end the
Fed Reserve instantly.
* The Cabal is trying to make a deal to survive.
* Minute_Man: It was never the military's job to secure our freedom. It is the responsibility
of the people.
* Drake: The liens and the Keenan law suit are two different things.
* He cannot verify what the Galactic Federation says regarding hundreds of Cabal members
being taken.
* NATO is implementing a huge disinformation campaigns to scare us about troops getting
us or shooting us.
* Do not be concerned about earth changes or Nibiru hitting earth.
* The military is hoping we can put enough pressure onthe Cabal and their minions so that
the minions will have to show themselves. This way the military can finish cleaning
their own house.
* Neil Keenan is responsible for the collateral accounts. These accounts are the basis of
all the wealth on the planet. His authority came from the families that own those accounts
that are meant for the peoples of the planet. Some of the families have been stealing
those accounts for personal use.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 11:26 PM
"Follow the Money"
Deep Knight
Posts: 5397
Joined: Wed Feb 05, 2003 4:42 am
Location: Washington DC

Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Deep Knight »

Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Message from the Ashtar Command 7/18/12 ‘What We Are Accomplishing Here’
Posted By: MESETA
Date: Wednesday, 18-Jul-2012 23:13:04

It is you that are closest to completion and perfection than others, as it is you that follow our messages because it is you that resonate with their similar vibration to your vibration. ...
Today we would like to discuss with you some of the events that are indeed transpiring here in your world. We would like to make clear that we, the Ashtar Command, also report to you that we are witnessing arrests of many members of your criminal cabal and their associates, their paid gunmen and missionaries. These individuals are being apprehended and taken into custody one by one and day by day, and we see this process continuing on and through this month and next month and beyond. We see this event as an ongoing cleansing and purification of your world that will take many months and even longer due to the fact there are so very many of those who have signed on, if you will, to the agenda of these dark ones. Do not for a moment feel this is bad news, because it is not dear ones, it is delightful news, it is good news, news you have deserved to hear for so very long.
What we are saying to you is these arrests are happening, they are happening now, they have been happening and they will continue to happen until each and every member sworn to the allegiance of the dark is apprehended, taken into custody to face sentencing and rehabilitation for their crimes involving many conspiracies to control the people of your world. Because these arrests will take more than a few days or a few weeks to reach their conclusion should not be a surprise to many of you who have studied and have learned how very many of these individuals there are, and although it is true there are only a few of these individuals in power at the top of these vast pyramidal structures, these pyramids are very extensive and reach far and reach deep into the soils of your earthly systems all over your planet, just as there are physical pyramidal structures all over your planet.
Until that day, continue to do your best to get along with each other and work with each other. as so much counts on what you together are accomplishing. Continue on now and give every moment of every day your all and we know each of you will succeed in what we are working so hard to achieve together.
We are your allies, your friends and your family of the Ashtar Command.
As channeled through Greg Giles

Posted by John MacHaffie at 11:29 PM


1. AnonymousJuly 19, 2012 1:05 AM
I knew it. What happened to "you won't be able to miss it, the arrests will be shown in full view of those who were wronged", "all over every channel for the public to be aware". Pft. You know how many people think I am a nut?! I believed. And now I walk around feeling like a smacked ass and kicking myself for trusting these stories. Figures that the "arrests" and all "facts" will be in private as well, so as to "protect us" or some nonsense, and only explained to us through a channel, again. :(

Replies 1. AnonymousJuly 19, 2012 8:26 AM
the thing is to ignor these messages and focus on the light my friend,,,yes these messages do damage to people,,that is proven,,but dont allow anyone to influence your belief in yourself,,light and love to you friend...

2. AnonymousJuly 19, 2012 2:49 AM
The Bible identifies the philisophical and spiritual teachings given by this source as untrue and deceiving. Taking note of this fact will not necessarily constitute 'harshness', or, fear. Additionally, "disdain" for certain beliefs and statements cannot be universally construed as being tantamount to "disdain" for another person. This is a tactic used to propagandize and deceive, to 'criminalize' and avoid opposing viewpoints and their evidences.
It is not the way of truth. Fear does not have to enter into the equation at all.
"Follow the Money"