Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Deep Knight »

Excuse City Arizona.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey
Date: Wednesday, 8-Aug-2012 06:45:14

We wish to make this special message in view of the amount of publicity that is associated with the Olympic Games, and the possibility of Disclosure. It is creating an enormous amount of goodwill by bringing the people together as never before. The benefits ripple out all across the world and help overcome the prejudice created and played upon by the dark Ones. People power is as relevant as ever if not more so, as you are awakening to your real potential as the powerful Beings you really are. What you focus upon is where you place your energy, and you are winning the battle for the Light in this way. Keep away from the negative messages and do not let them pull you down.
We feel this is the time to explain how there is gain from your focus upon the 4th. August and the period that the Olympic Games are held. When a possible date is given for the changes you have been promised and are anticipating, it is understandable that you are excited and place your whole attention upon it. You have been in this position several times only to be disappointed, but few of you realize that there is lasting value in what you have achieved. The thoughts, prayers and desire you send out for a specific purpose, create a pool of powerful energy that provides the conditions for its manifestation.
So even when the result is not what you have focused upon, you have helped bring it that much nearer to fruition. So perhaps you will understand that when we see the potential for strengthening the Light upon Earth, we will not cast doubt upon what you are doing but even encourage you to do so. For example the idea of the 4th. August being a special day, was born out of rumors circulating for quite some time that suggested that the dark Ones were themselves proposing to use the Olympics for a false flag attack.
We anticipated your thoughts that saw a way of countering such an idea, and rather than discourage you we stood aside to allow you free expression. By doing so in short time large numbers of Lightworkers shared the same desire for Disclosure to come out in some form or another, during the Olympic Games. That created a great aura of Light around them and offset the intentions of the dark Ones, and made it more difficult for them to succeed. So do you understand why we would not interfere, or try to distract you from what you were doing. What we knew about it did not matter, because your actions were serving a grand purpose even if you were unaware of it. In reality if sufficient numbers of you were all focusing on the same outcome, you could achieve a positive result. We would not pre-judge it or tell you it could not be done, as that would sway you in a way that could prevent it from happening. So what we are saying now about the Olympic Games, is keep your positive focus upon it knowing that it will put a Light barrier in place for its protection. Anything more that is achieved will be wonderful, but whatever you do it will take you a step nearer to Disclosure.
There was of course a Space Craft present when the opening ceremony was taking place, and it was intended to be seen as a way of showing that we were there. It received little coverage but millions of people observed it, and it will be another positive step forward to bringing pressure to bear upon the Governments to acknowledge our presence. We are pushing for such action, and our allies are putting pressure upon the authorities to respond. Dear Ones you know it will come, so please go with the flow and do not make the job of Lightworkers any harder than it is already.
We are aware that quite a number of sources are creating fear by spreading the idea that a false flag attack is imminent, but by doing so they give the dark Ones the precise energy they feed off. We do have Divine authority to intervene and while there may be an attempt to frighten people with a fake alien attack, nuclear devices will not be allowed to be used. We shall be ready to assess any attempt of the Illuminati to cause trouble, and that is all we are prepared to comment on for now. These closing months of the cycle of duality are not for the benefit of the dark Ones, but for you who have applied yourselves to the disciplines required to ascend. It is your time to take charge of your future and we will see that it finishes that way.
We also know that another attempt is being made that will possibly lead to Disclosure, and it is a preferable alternative to what we have in mind. We have always informed you that we wanted you to be seen to be at the front of such actions, but we cannot give you details at present as we do not want to prejudice what is in course of taking place. There are other developments that may also bring Disclosure about, and it is already general knowledge that Steven Greer has made a film that will also bring about a move to bring about full Disclosure.
So Dear Ones the pressure is on those who can authorize Disclosure to make it happen, and it cannot be held back much longer. So please do not think that if it does not happen as you expect, that it represents some kind of failure. Much is going on that requires good faith in us, knowing that all of the time we are working for your release from the dark Ones. Also remember that we have a far greater view of what is taking place on Earth, and move according to the opportunities that present themselves. We ask that you allow us to decide what is in your best interests, and wholeheartedly support us. Anything less is not helpful to the cause or goal to get you firmly on the path to Ascension.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and we do commend you for your dedicated work by helping the changes through. You have achieved so much in a comparatively short time, and have only to look back to the beginning of this century to see how true that is. Do not waver now and be on your guard for the last attempts by those who oppose the changes, and try to carry on imposing the old ways upon you. There are changes occurring faster than ever, but some are monumental in size and cannot happen overnight. Do your part and we will do ours, and together we are victorious. I close with Love for you our brothers and sisters from the stars.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 9:03 AM

MacHaffie had also published a channeling from Greg Giles earlier from this same Galactic Federation of Light which was much more vague and complained that most lightworkers weren’t “fulfilling their assignments.” One could almost think that they were from two different people, but that would be silly. Anyway, it was up early enough to get 23 comments, some of which I would like to share below.

Anonymous August 7, 2012 9:49 PM
Ok, I am glad you will read the comments, because if you listen closely, you will read the feelings of honest and sincere Beings who came here to help change this corrupt and dark world, who are in the thick of the battle right here on the ground. You, hide in your space ships and allegedly channel information through men who may or may not be bringing it through purely, if at all. You make promises that you do not keep. You set timelines you do not honor. And we are supposed to believe you are for real through this channel? We on the planet are quiet sick of the lies and deceit of government, the so called judicial system, the corporations, all of those who are supposed to be protecting the rights of the people. And if that's not enough, we have to hear the dribble that comes from the mouth of those who claim to represent the GFL, who are suppose to be 5th dimensional Beings who are allegedly here to support us here on the ground. Well, if that is the case, then where the hell are you and why are you sitting back in your chairs claiming to support but in fact are just watching the show? Are you having a good time? Is it not the best movie you have ever seen? Quite frankly, we on the ground are tired of lies and deceit. We have come to the point where we do not trust channels nor do we trust what is called the Galactic Federation of Light. What have your really done? What have you accomplished? I mean, for real, what have you done. It seems since the day we were born, we have been here on our own, no help, no support. You can claim that you have been here, but do you have proof? Did you land at the Olympics or are you just another game? Another projection of mental mind f**k from the PTB? Really, it's time to, as mother used to say, sh*t or get off the pot. Do these channels really have anything to say, or is it dribble? I will tell you, some of the things I have read, are just wasted words, you say a lot and say nothing all at the same time. Get real... or go the hell away...!!!!

Anonymous August 8, 2012 12:12 AM
I agree, but not as harshly. I can sure understand where the last comment is coming from, but at the same time I understand most of the logic behind what is being said, but as the song goes, my Mother says she loves me, but she could be jivin too.
Although it appears to most, the madness that is playing it's course around this world, there are events taking place behind the scenes that are pointing to the right side of history. I also believe that Divine intervention is and has been at work. I have come to understand that we are the last of the evil planets in existence and to keep your trust and faith in our creator because it sure ain't man that is going to save our rear end in this picture.
How much more suffering, misery, death and wars are we to endure before it all goes away? Is that our choice? When I see the chem-trail campaigns completely stop and names like the Rothchilds,Rockafellas, Sorors, Bushes and Clintons get on the arrests list, I will then be fully convinced that this is the real deal. The battle continues.

Anonymous August 8, 2012 12:12 AM
After serious consideration regarding those who "Channel" I have come to believe that they have served a great purpose- And that is for us to see beyond the illusion of the Veil, the Charlatans, the False Prophets, the Dark Ones. They have taken us from sad "wishful thinking" beings to Great Seekers of Truth and we are all starting to take the next leap. And that leap is for us to realize and visualize that WE ARE and can only be our own true savior. So their role has been fulfilled.
John- I have changed my mind- continue to post all of this "Sci Fi" enchantment because it is empowering us all by waking us up to us. "Fool me once shame on you... "
The true test is to not allow the disappointment to turn into resentment or hate (which they crave) but to realize that we have been fooling ourselves and have been allowed to be fooled and NOW we are starting to see the Light.
From this point forward- every time you read a "Channeled Message" know that you are being tested and that you are aware of it and are able to make a greater leap closer to the Light.
Thanks, Channelers.

AnonymousAugust 8, 2012 12:21 AM
Does anyone really still believe in this channeling crap?
It is all psy-op hopium. Just wait a little more and someone will do all the work for you.
Those who sit in their arm-chair waiting for someone else to liberate them deserve no liberty.
The Colonialists who wanted liberty marched across frozen rivers with only rags around their feet, had their frozen toes amputated with no anesthetic. If you are not willing to make the same sacrifices today, forget any dreams about freedom - you are not worth it.
In the past TPTB used opium in war, now they use hopium and they are winning because people are swallowing this BS.

Anonymous August 8, 2012 12:27 AM
As an informed observer I read all of the reports etc. and am more convinced now than ever that the situation on Earth will not change for the better without direct intervention from the ETs. If you have the technology and power that we have been lead to believe it should be an easy matter for you to remove the people who have the power of life and death over us. This would give your allies here on Earth the incentive and means to do what must be done. And noone in the U.S. with a working brain believes that obama is anything more than an egomaniac with a NWO dictator complex. Like it or not we need your direct intervention NOW!!!!!! So, how about it???????

Daniel CoxAugust 8, 2012 1:14 AM
I've been waiting to get this show on the road for a very long time! Please send me your intentions using telepathy or through a dream. Daniel Cox

Anonymous August 8, 2012 2:33 AM
anon 9:49 pm.. I think you may as well be talking to a wall. No matter if it was the "channeler" or the GFL who did the lying over and over again. Bottom line is they have obviously lied sooo...Why would u even think to believe or trust them now even if they did attempt to make some feeble attempt to make good on one promise ? I tell ya.. all this reminds me of just more of the same ol bs that we get from our elected officals and the controllers.. lies and propaganda.. Best to just dismiss them . Im ready to just put them on IGGY! Maybe if we ignore them they will go away and stop bothering us with their lies? If someone lies to you over and over are they someone you should trust?

Anonymous August 8, 2012 3:09 AM
To all who are not aware, the Galactic Federation of Light is not the group of spacefaring humans from the Pleiades, Ummo, Tau Ceti, Vega, Lyra, Aldebaran, and about 15 other colonized worlds who call other humans elsewhere and here as family. They are from Sirius A(a tropical world inhabited by a species of lizards who are amphibious and not too big on individual mindsets), they are ruled by a queen(a big queen) who has them mentally enslaved to her. She doesnt like the human species all that much, and therefore all of her children share her dislike. They dont like Dracos either, who call them lower than the low. They once had a big war meant to wipe the other out, but it didnt quite work out. They are all mentally in contact with each other, and with her. She is big into slavery of lower species, anything that isn't like them is less than nothing. They will pretend to be benevolent, loving, and caring; but thats all a show. They are also chameleons, but not like the ones here. They go that one step further, shapeshifting into whatever lifeform they wish to oppress and subjugate. They think they are experts at disguise and infiltration, but see the Dracos can see them, and telepaths can see them. Empaths can sense them, but they can fool them with phony surface emotions, like lust, jealousy, or just plain not feeling any emotion at all. But hey, they are the ones backing Obama right? He's one of them, they dont label ideals like capitalism or communism, cause they dont mean anything, they are just imagined concepts of a basic set of principles, selfishness and greed. They are both like those mindsets, communism and capitalism, heads and tails. They dont like sharing, they dont like telling the truth, and they definately dont like love.

Doug Duff August 8, 2012 4:32 AM
stop - Stop - STOP!!! Back the truck up; you're going down the wrong road. I stopped reading when you advocate "building seawalls" to protect everything inland.
Alright, foundational instruction: "Observe the ant, thou Sluggard." Observe the ant? Whatdoya mean? Yes, we are to be "Servants;" serve-ant, get it? We are to be working for the Beneficial Holders of earthly position - - the Creation. That does NOT mean we can go off an a tangent of useless/fruitless "work" just to keep us busy.
"Build a giant Seawall?" Get real.
Read Zeck, chapter 2. "Jerusalem" (I believe that word means "founded in peace") is a Land of UNWALLED villages with a multitude of men and cattle, etc. No, I'm not talking about the sandbox in the Middle East that, just recently, built a cement wall (30' high) around it. That alone excludes them from the equation.
So, - - if we're defined as a "Land of unwalled villages" why would we be so foolish as to try to "fence in" a Nation? Speaking of "fencing in (or out) a nation is what many advocate along the Mexican border. The Treaty of Guadalupe Hildago (if my memory serves me correctly) states there will be no closed borders (along that line). If you want a solution to that "problem" the only requirement is a level playing field; which means, no Benefits, no free medical, free housing, free food, free education, etc., etc. There's no need for borders. They'll hop in their chevvy peekup and come and go like they're supposed to. BUT, they won't be here as "Freddy Freeloader."
Well, hows that for educating the people. Many are cussing me out right now; but, when you think about it, you know I'm right.
While we're at it - let's take this one step further. Yes, there are many of us that are (and have been) living WAY below poverty standards that will soon be experiencing "new-found" wealth. How many of you gold-diggers out there have considered setting the American Native Nations up with a "grow-out" system of Tilapia fish in conjunction with greenhouses to provide complete food for a dejected people? While we're at it, how about a REAL recycling project of utilizing the Black Soldier Fly Larvae for a robust "waste to wealth and healthy food" scenario whereby your garbage becomes your fish and poultry feed? Come-on, anyone with a few ounces of gray-matter can figure this out; and, you don't need any lying media to "splain-it" to you.
You wanted a "comment" - well, you've got one. Now, get your damn microscope off the top of my head.
Doug Duff

Eric-GuntherAugust 8, 2012 7:22 AM
Jerusalem. AMERICA is the New Jer-USA-Lem. That little sandbox in the middle east does not meet any of the requirements of Israel. It has only been there since 1948. My Grandmother never thought of that little cesspool in the so-called middle east when she read her Bible. She knew she was a descendant of one of the tribes of true Israel, in particular the tribe of JUDAH which is now GERMANY. There are twelve tribes of Israel and the jews are not of any of the tribes. Proven by archaeologist Raymond E. Capt

Anonymous August 8, 2012 9:44 AM
For years I have been asking and offering my participation on endeavors of great significance... Either I am communicating with the wrong beings, my intentions are not clear enough or I am considered not worthy...
I have stated that for the right causes I am ready to jump with both feet with the utmost humility, compassion and dedication... Contact me and let's get going... Are you for real is my question. If you are real, you know who I am and how to contact me...
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by The Observer »

They are from Sirius A(a tropical world inhabited by a species of lizards who are amphibious and not too big on individual mindsets), they are ruled by a queen(a big queen) who has them mentally enslaved to her. She doesnt like the human species all that much, and therefore all of her children share her dislike. They dont like Dracos either, who call them lower than the low. They once had a big war meant to wipe the other out, but it didnt quite work out. They are all mentally in contact with each other, and with her. She is big into slavery of lower species, anything that isn't like them is less than nothing.
They must be talking about my former boss, "Vivian", in Conspiracy Central, who was assigned here from Sirius on an manager-exchange program for a couple of years. She was originally routed to manage DK's unit but he read the writing on the wall and filed enough paperwork to keep her workorders from going through timely, so she ended up here in CC instead for theduration. Never knew about the aquatic aspect, but it probably explains why she kept 8 humidifiers running in her office 24/7. And she was a tyrant from the word get-go. We lost two entry-level coordinators during her first week when they innocently asked to take off 5 minutes early for lunch. She later explained that she misunderstood what they were asking and thought that they were offering themselves to her as lunch.

After that, no one dared approach her office and kept surplus rifles in their cubicles in case she came out looking for them. Most of us just increased our field time and moved ops to environments where we could justify the extra time being spent out of the office.
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Deep Knight »

The Observer wrote: They must be talking about my former boss, "Vivian", in Conspiracy Central, who was assigned here from Sirius on an manager-exchange program for a couple of years. She was originally routed to manage DK's unit but he read the writing on the wall and filed enough paperwork to keep her workorders from going through timely, so she ended up here in CC instead for theduration. Never knew about the aquatic aspect, but it probably explains why she kept 8 humidifiers running in her office 24/7. And she was a tyrant from the word get-go. We lost two entry-level coordinators during her first week when they innocently asked to take off 5 minutes early for lunch. She later explained that she misunderstood what they were asking and thought that they were offering themselves to her as lunch.

After that, no one dared approach her office and kept surplus rifles in their cubicles in case she came out looking for them. Most of us just increased our field time and moved ops to environments where we could justify the extra time being spent out of the office.
Vivian (“Viv” to her friends) was OK once you got to know her, I mean it’s not her fault she was a ultra-evil carnivore with a taste for human. We both ended up at the bar after one of the brainstorming sessions for ways to terrorize normal citizens, and after a few drinks (alcohol for me, ammonia for her) were back at my place ripping off each others clothes. Let’s just say the sharp teeth and scales didn’t prevent us from performing all sorts of intimate inter-species acts that are so disgusting that no one should have to ever think of, much less take part in, them. Never-the-less we had quite a thing there for a while, until the inevitable blow up that happens when your girlfriend eats your housekeeper. The place was a mess until I could get a replacement, which took almost a month.
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by LaVidaRoja »

And that was for the housekeepper. How long to replace the girlfriend (or did you just offer more $$?)
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Deep Knight »

Those mass arrests from April, May, June and July? They're still on an on-time-but-late schedule and will happen this or next week!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Drake Radio Interview Today. 6 - 9 PM, CST Radio Link
He said on the call that it will happen this week or next week. I urge you to listen to the call.

8/29/12 7:20 PM Drake Radio Interview Today. 6 - 9 PM, CST Radio Link
Drake Said:
* Tactically, everyone is in position.
* Most of the foreign special forces troops here are on our side.
If troops are wearing a NATO uniform, they are fair game.
If wearing a Russian or Chinese uniform, protect them.

They have orders not to interfere with civilians or our military.
* All of the logistics for mass arrests are prepared.
* He has more access to verifiable information.
* When we are set free, the church bells will be ringing to notify us.
* We have about 15 - 20 million people on our side and in place.
This includes military, sheriffs, deputies, militia etc.
* The show is now taking questions. This means that the announcements have ended.
Therefore, I am concluding the recap at the 7:20 mark.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 11:17 PM

1 comment:

1. Dan August 29, 2012 11:45 PM

Maybe ask your Sheriff if he will go along with this, or maybe you did when Drake said it months ago that it will be 2-3 days that the arrests will be made, but Romney will be Sworn into office before the U.S. Military makes its decision to make the arrests, but who cares as the plan has been in effect for 60 years so a few more days or ever a few presidents won't matter.
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by The Observer »

Deep Knight wrote:If troops are wearing a NATO uniform, they are fair game.
If wearing a Russian or Chinese uniform, protect them.
Well, the mass arrests are now foiled. We simply issued Chinese/Russian uniforms to the NATO troops, as well as to the people on the arrest lists.
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Burnaby49 »

The Observer wrote:
Deep Knight wrote:If troops are wearing a NATO uniform, they are fair game.
If wearing a Russian or Chinese uniform, protect them.
Well, the mass arrests are now foiled. We simply issued Chinese/Russian uniforms to the NATO troops, as well as to the people on the arrest lists.
I wasn't aware NATO had a separate uniform.
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Deep Knight »

Burnaby49 wrote:I wasn't aware NATO had a separate uniform.
If Erasmus of America says they have a different uniform, then they must! The picture below proves it! After all, he's not only the smartest guy who's ever been tested except for his mom, he spent 11 years in military academies!

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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by notorial dissent »

Yes, but then again, aren't most military academies only four or six year schools??? Somehow his math, like his stories just doesn't add up.
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

notorial dissent wrote:Yes, but then again, aren't most military academies only four or six year schools??? Somehow his math, like his stories just doesn't add up.
I'm guessing -- assuming, for the moment, that there is a shred of truth in ANYTHING Erasmus says -- that he spent time in military prep schools. Assume that he spent five years in a 7-12 prep school (had to get all of the academic benefits he could, of course) and then at a private military academy like Norwich, VMI or The Citadel (the word "goat" comes to mind), 11 years are possible.
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Deep Knight »

Don't they have military schools for grade-school boys? You know, the ones my mother always threatened to send me to if I didn't straighten up, fly right, and stop playing 'doctor' with the little girl next door?
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by notorial dissent »

Pottapaug1938 wrote: 11 years are possible.
So is the moon being made of green cheese.... However, based on everything else, the moon thing is the more possible of the two.

You are far more generous than I.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by The Observer »

Deep Knight wrote:Don't they have military schools for grade-school boys? You know, the ones my mother always threatened to send me to if I didn't straighten up, fly right, and stop playing 'doctor' with the little girl next door?
Yes, I attended a military academy in my wasted youth that offered schooling from kindergarten to 9th grade - in earlier years it provided high school as well.

Our particular uniforms were based on the secret NATO uniform, except on special mass-arrest days when we wore Soviet or PLA uniforms.
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Deep Knight »

Isn't this the same question to Drake as was posed in July, and didn't he ignore that one also?

Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Directed Questions To Drake
From a reader

Kudos are in store - the broadcasts are getting better and better - more interesting reports and answers to good questions with less time spent in ongoing banter -

Several members of the huge listening audience in Texas commented on the report given in the Sunday, Sept 2nd, broadcast concerning the 'arrest' of big mouth NP and others said to being arrested. This would, indeed, be exciting were it to be proven to be true along with the arrests of the many many others who deserve same.

Two questions were posed over and over, and I was asked to put these before you:

1. WHY arrest ONE A DAY? WHY NOT ROUND THEM ALL UP AT THE SAME TIME - GET IT OVER WITH - AND AVOID ANY ONE OR ALL GETTING AWAY? If you have a 'group' - go for the entire group - as we all thought would be done with the Cmt 300, Bilderbergers, CFR, Tri Lats, etc at recent meetings.

2. A few weeks/months back we were given earlier reports of the arrests of those such as: Bernanke, Geitner, Bush, Clinton, Bill Gates, etc and subsequently then observed these same individuals on TV and read about them in the papers, blogs, etc. conducting their 'business as usual' - even as it is now.

Although everyone wants to see and to believe that the arrests are taking place, the report of these 'arrests' is not yet believable until credible proof that the arrests are, indeed, factual is provided. The people are asking for PROOF THAT THE ARRESTS ARE FOR REAL AND, IN FACT, ARE BEING DONE.

Hopefully, proof can be provided very soon.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 6:48 AM


1. Shirley September 5, 2012 7:22 AM
An unknnown caller on Drake's Sunday show said Nancy Pelosci had been arrested. These are high profile people so I checked it out. Once again, it was not true. Pelosci was in North Carolina the very next day giving speeches.

2. Anonymous September 5, 2012 7:42 AM
Yeah, so who got arrested yesterday & who's getting arrested today??

3. Anonymous September 5, 2012 7:53 AM! I concur....without knowledge of these arrests....people will just treat it as another unquaified news release. We need the media to come on side and broadcast the truth!

4. Anonymous September 5, 2012 8:01 AM
Remember, once arrested, that person can be replaced with a hologram. Only a trained eye can tell the difference.

1. Anonymous September 5, 2012 8:33 AM
Maybe you can explain just how someone can shake hands with a hologram.

2. Anonymous September 5, 2012 11:20 AM
Not a trick of the light, such as "normal" hologram.
A false pattern in the Space-Time. Not the visible light spectrum. It is still all energy, there is not "solid

5. Anonymous September 5, 2012 9:21 AM

6. zonsb September 5, 2012 9:23 AM
Arrested and judge denies bail. Where in the world is Waldo/Nancy/Ben/Tim?

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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by The Observer »

An unknnown caller on Drake's Sunday show said Nancy Pelosci had been arrested. These are high profile people so I checked it out. Once again, it was not true. Pelosci was in North Carolina the very next day giving speeches.
And it's a good thing it's not true. From what I understand, poor Ms. Pelosci is getting very tired of being arrested time and time again, only to be released after she proves she is not Congressperson Nancy Pelosi. Although Ms. Pelosci refused to grant any interviews, one reporter claimed he overheard her mutter that she'd like to get her "... hands on Pelosi and squeeze her chicken-like neck till her eyes popped out for all the trouble that she [Nancy Pelosi] has been causing me." Apparently the reference to speechmaking that Ms. Pelosci was involved with was not political in nature, but due to her attendance at the local Toastmaster's club that meets at the local Denny's once a month.
"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

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Deep Knight
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Deep Knight »

Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Drake's Response to the "OPEN LETTER"

I would post this as one response to that 'open letter' :
It is not up to me to be people's mother or nanny.
I will not do other people's homework nor am I willing
to offer up my contacts to those who are no more interested
in securing our FREEDOM than to sit at a keyboard complaining.

IF any of you can do better, show me so I can regroup and
post it. Show me your documents proving I'm wrong...?
I am able to offer what I do because I am unafraid. I am
willing to serve my country any way I am called to do so.
Interesting that NATO stated that it was about to launch
the largest propaganda effort ever, and no one heard this?
The actions that were supposed to take place that have not?
-Could that be the Martial Law Obama promised?
-Maybe that we had foreign troops here to come get us?
>There are very few who do know what is, has, and will happen.
The main duty I was given was to offer as much information
as possible to as many people as I could reach.
To Awaken everybody...
To let them know there are people trying to FREE them.
To encourage people to stand together against an obviously
oppressive government.
That each American has a duty to return to freedom by removing
both the structure and people who decided they are our rulers. How?
The 'how to' of Citizen Arrests, Insurrection Act, and Article 1,
Section 8 : Powers of Congress, are posted so a person knows how.
Many say a lot, nothing at all, and do less...
Very few offer real action that can be taken, so I posted it.
I suggest that the things we are all looking for are very close to
being done.
How many are ready is The question?
Got the neighbors together?
Talked to your Sheriff?

If needed or requested to do so, I will lead or clean the toilet as need be.
I pledged myself in 1966 : To defend the constitution of The United States
of America against ALL enemies, both foreign and domestic.
Have you?


Posted by John MacHaffie at 2:29 PM


Anonymous September 11, 2012 2:45 PM
What Drake didn't mention that was at the heart of ever "open letter" I have read, was information that he gave out stating certain events were going to happen on specific dates ect., NEVER happened. Not once, not twice, not three times but at least four times if not more. NOTHING ever happened.
Drake, you can not turn around and get all lippy with people after things you discussed and PROMISED never happened.

How do you expect people to continue to follow what you say when everything you promise, fails to come true?

Anonymous September 11, 2012 2:50 PM
so no answer's to all the wrong info, dates, ect that he put out? just attacks i will not read his dis info any more. i would not join his group sites either because they may already be deemed you know what! and now just phishing for your name to add to that list! i wonder if anyone would even try a Citizen Arrests on some one of power! the court would protect them and arrest you! in my opinion

Anonymous September 11, 2012 3:09 PM
Yada, Yada, Yada! There are plenty of other people who have exposed the cabal and their agenda for years. A lot of people are aware and awake, but most Americans are brain dead and just go with the flow. Your problem is that you claim to have insider info with various military elite, have met with the ETs and communicate with them through telepathy, have made promises of arrests and given dates that have come and gone, and so on and so on. Your credibility is shot to hell and I for one don't buy it.

Anonymous September 11, 2012 3:10 PM
"That each American has a duty to return to freedom by removing both the structure and people who decided they are our rulers. How?
The 'how to' of Citizen Arrests, Insurrection Act, and Article 1,
Section 8 : Powers of Congress, are posted so a person knows how."
"Got the neighbors together? Talked to your Sheriff?"
Talk to your neighbors .. they call the sheriff .. the sheriff will come and arrest you and lock you up and then you can tell the sheriff your story.
I would like for Drake to lead the way and arrest Obama.

Anonymous September 11, 2012 3:21 PM
Lets see Drake, kill the messenger is the path You choose to avoid your lack of credibility. Your self aggrandizing response is very parochial.

Anonymous September 11, 2012 3:36 PM
One question Drake who have you presented to the authorities and have arrested?
You have some balls to ask us to arrest while you sit back for 3hrs saying nothing regurgitated gibberish. I believed you at first I helped spread the word you made us who believed in you look like fools by teling others what DRAKE was saying.
Face it unless you produce PROOF you will be tuned out by the smart people. John it is time to remove the green light message on top of this blog as DRAKE is no closer to a green as Ron Paul is no closer to the nomination. We will tune into Drake tonight and we will hear the same gibberish from him and minute man its getting old I continue to listen simply to hear what the latest DISINFO they are distributing.

Shirley September 11, 2012 3:39 PM
The open letter totally makes sense and states the truth for many of us. Cudos to whoever wrote it. Drake's response is childish at best with no validity whatsoever. He has repeatedly said he would verify or backup the repetitious info he has provided and it never happens. His 3 hr calls have very little pertinent info in them and he just rambles on. There is a old saying: Talk is cheap unless you can back it up.
The fact is Eric Holder nor Pelosci have been arrested nor is there any proof whatsoever that anybody else "on the list" has been arrested. None of the alleged Pentagon info has come to pass therefore obviously "Drake's inside connections" are not valid.
Drake seems to think that only he and the militia have done anything and the rest of us have been sitting on our asses. That alone makes him a fool. Lightworkers have been "awake and aware" and going beyond the call of duty for decades.

Anonymous September 11, 2012 3:49 PM
I for one stand with Drake, I had doubts at first because he sounded to much like Tim Turner and we know how that turned out. But I was listening to another show on talkshoe, and some man called in an went off on people because they doubted that there was any truth behind the restoring america. I heard too that china in particular wanted to use massive propaganda here in the states, I thought Drake was apart of that campaign. I've tried to get fellow workers, family and neighbor to learn and know, but they call me a nut case, idiot, conspiracy nut,etc. I believe that there are people trying to restore our constitution but I don't know if it will be in time. I pray and hope it will. Obama is stockpiling ammo. They said he knew he could never get the guns but if you have no ammo your gun is useless. People for GODS sake wake up and try to get the sheeple to wake up. It doesn't matter if they call you a nut. I work in a small business for a catholic attorney, you talk about having to be careful of what you say and how you say it, I have to watch how I say things or I could get sued by him. I still try to wake people up .

Anonymous September 11, 2012 3:59 PM
Pot calling the kettle black. True leaders lead.
The irony here is "sit at a keyboard complaining"
is exactly what this is.
I'm sorry my friends, the future is already laid out and going as planned. So it was written, so shall it happen.
There are those that seek wisdom and truth that understand this - and there are those that will allow their emotions to drag them into the great falling away.
Step back - get out of things you cannot control and get right with the things you can -

Kevin MIlls September 11, 2012 4:06 PM
I couldn't agree more. I have read and listened to too many people belly-aching about how bad everything is and complaining that no one is saving them as they sit behind their computers all day long.
Then, there are those I know who dismiss what I tell them with a smirk, offer absolutely nothing solid or tangible to back up their positions or why they have valid reason to believe the way they do, then stick their heads back in the sand.
I personally have no idea whether Drake is revealing the whole truth and nothing but the truth. I do know that if I choose to listen to him, and I do, then the responsibility falls on me and not him or anyone else.
I wish all the whiners would just shut up and find something better to do with their helping the cause.
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Deep Knight
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Deep Knight »

Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Our Open letter answers.. to Drake's response…..

Our answers / questions are in RED after
Drake’s comments in black…. Have fun….

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Drake's Response to the "OPEN LETTER"


I would post this as one response to that 'open letter' :
It is not up to me to be people's mother or nanny.
I will not do other people's homework nor am I willing to offer up my contacts to
those who are no more interested in securing our FREEDOM than to sit at a
keyboard complaining.

Drake, this is an assumption based on BS…. This is exactly what you do…

Drake, no one here has suggested that you be our mother or nanny! No one here has asked you to do their homework. No one here has asked for you to offer up your contacts. What we ARE asking for is proof to back up your statements, one being that 75% of the US military – yes, the one that serves NATO and the UN/NWO – to PROVE to the people of America that they ARE for FREEDOM and saving America. So far, NONE has been forthcoming. We ARE asking for PROOF that the arrests of the ‘government’ and Federal Reserve/ banking traitors in America are being done and that they are NOT being let out on the streets to continue their ‘business as usual.’ And, as for ‘sitting at a keyboard complaining,’ no one here is ‘complaining.’ We are asking for accountability for statements being made.

IF any of you can do better, show me so I can regroup and post it. Show me your
documents proving I'm wrong?

Show us your documents proving you are right.

Drake, during your broadcast you encouraged your listeners to send you information. Someone on the last show emailed you information then was accused of ‘fear porn’ by Denise at the conclusion of your last broadcast. Emails are being sent to you, Drake, with information providing updates on sightings of foreign troops in this nation, foreign military equipment being moved nationwide, locations of foreign troops busy preparing for whatever is coming, and other info. However, it appears that our emails are being intercepted and responded to by Paul, some times with less than acceptable and friendly responses.

I am able to offer what I do because I am unafraid.

So are we unafraid …. What does that have to do with the ‘truth’?

Drake, are you saying that your listeners ARE ‘afraid’? Most of us ARE informing others about what is going on, encouraging them to prepare, speaking out in public forums – tv, radio, blog sites, public forums, etc. – and doing what we can as we can to ready ourselves and this nation for the pending battle. It takes guts to do this when EVERY thing – the net, cell phones, our travels followed by corner cameras and the chips in everything we wear and own, and even our mail and our conversations are totally surveiled in this nation.

Some of those who send emails to you with certain information are being accused by your staff (Denise AND Paul) of distributing ‘fear porn’!!! I don’t understand why you would say that we are ‘afraid’ when most of your listeners are doing our best to inform you and our fellow Americans about what is going on in our nation!

I am willing to serve my country any way I am called to do so.

So who is really calling the shots, and are they really telling the truth or some more fluff to make us all happy until the next show?

Serving our country can be done in MANY different ways, my friend. Not all have the same gifts and talents, financial means, intel or abilities to perform physical feats. Paul Revere rode a horse for a few miles – was that not serving his country?

Interesting that NATO stated that it was about to launch the largest propaganda
effort ever, and no one heard this?

Who knows…You are supposed to have the information. Don’t talk about something unless you have something definite. We are tired of wilted carrots.

Drake, since when has NATO and the NWO/UN NOT BEEN DISTRIBUTING PROPAGANDA???? It has never stopped!!! Those ‘in the know’ are fully aware of the constant continuing PROPAGANDA. We are aware that there is no TRUTH, particularly in the American media, being told to the people. Those who have true intel sources and knowledge of how the enemy works know how to discern and how to use what is being put out there.

The actions that were supposed to take place that have not?

All the arrests were supposed to have happened 5 months ago and have not happened…

Pelosi is ‘arrested’ and back on the street within 24 hours to continue her traitorous activities
Geithner is ‘arrested’ and back on the street within 24 hours to continue his traitorous activities
Is this the meaning of your term ‘arrests’?
WHY aren’t these traitors along with the rest in the so called US ‘government’ and the federal reserve/banking system NOT IN JAIL WAITING TRIAL? Or better yet being hung for being traitors?

-Could that be the Martial Law Obama promised?
-Maybe that we had foreign troops here to come get us?

Interesting that you list these two scenarios!!!! Especially since these two are very real threats to this nation. There have been numerous reports of all the ammunition and military hardware being purchased by the Nazi phony government agencies, including the ‘departments’ of social security, post office, forest service and many other US ‘government’ departments. FOR WHAT REASON would these departments be purchasing ammo and hardware? WHAT ENEMY ARE THEY PREPARING TO SHOOT AND KILL? Care to provide the correct answer, Drake?

There are very few who do know what is, has, and will happen.
The main duty I was given was to offer as much information as possible to as many
people as I could reach.

Drake, is the ‘information’ that ‘they’ want you to provide to us propaganda and lies to mislead us? We say this because most of what we are being told in the broadcast simply does not ‘compute.’

To Awaken everybody... To let them know there are people trying to FREE them.
To encourage people to stand together against an obviously oppressive

You’re waking people up alright. The information so far has been two steps off the port side.

Most definitely America is under an oppressive government, as are many other nations worldwide. People will stand together. The problem we see right now is that there are no real ‘leaders’ who are organizing worthwhile actions and carrying them out. For instance, why aren’t the arrests being done? What is the military waiting for? There have been meetings of these traitors and thugs all summer long, perfect opportunities to conduct these arrests enmasse, and NOTHING WAS DONE! Now, what kind of (dis)encouragement is that????? That lack of action simply does not ‘encourage’ us, nor does it let us know that ‘people are trying to free us’.
Drake, most tuned in to your broadcast are fully AWAKE. Most know more than your handlers think they do!!! Most are testing the information your handlers are providing to you to tell us!!! Intel works in two directions – not just one! Being provided with scripts to read to us what ‘they’ wants us to know provides no real ‘intel,’ as most Americans are obtaining intel from their own intel efforts. We are letting your handlers know that we are reading their mail!!!!!

That each American has a duty to return to freedom by removing both the structure
and people who decided they are our rulers. How?
The 'how to' of Citizen Arrests, Insurrection Act, and Article 1, Section 8 : Powers
of Congress, are posted so a person knows how.
Many say a lot, nothing at all, and do less...

So let us get this straight. You want us to go up to one of these dirt bags, that probably have several aho secret service agents around them, and arrest them? … Is this how they arrested Pelosi and Timmy boy Gagner?? Drake both you and Militiaman said you were going to do this! What happened??

Drake, get real! There is no way any American can approach any ‘government’ or Federal Reserve employee without being shot to death before ever reaching them. This approach does NOT accomplish the needed results. Citizens making arrests will take a well organized concerted strategy orchestrated by and working with those within all levels of law enforcement in this nation who will agree to cooperate and work with each other, and who will pledge to protect those Americans these law enforcement agencies may need to work with them to carry out the arrests. So far there has been NO demonstration of this ever occurring – and NO demonstration of qualified leadership to make it happen.

Very few offer real action that can be taken, so I posted it.
I suggest that the things we are all looking for are very close to being done.

You have said this more times than I have fingers or toes.

We ARE offering very real suggestions here, suggestions that should have ALREADY been thought of and begun across this nation!

How many are ready is The question?
Got the neighbors together?
Talked to your Sheriff?

The Sheriff on the take so he knows who to arrest?? Duh!! really a smart comment Drake.

Drake, WHY aren’t the Sheriffs across America informing those in their jurisdiction of what is pending? Why aren’t the Sheriffs doing the community organizing? Why aren’t they taking the leadership roles that their positions afford them?

If needed or requested to do so, I will lead or clean the toilet as need be.
I pledged myself in 1966 : To defend the constitution of The United States of America against ALL enemies, both foreign and
Have you?

You DO KNOW there are 2 DIFFERENT Constitutions? To which Constitution did you pledge?? The US Corporation’s? Or the Republics??

Many of us are pledged fully to our God and to this nation to defend this nation in whatever way we are able to serve. As in the days of Washington and the less than 1/3 of Americans who fought to be free from England, there are probably that or less today who would give everything they are and have to defend this nation right now. Numbers is not so much the important issues. HONESTY AND INTEGRITY and COURAGE are! Those who are making a stand to defend this nation are fully aware that the enemy is not just without – BUT DEFINITELY WITHIN. We are well aware that defending this nation may well cost us our very lives. Better to die fighting for freedom than to live in slavery and totalitarianism.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 8:19 AM
"Follow the Money"

Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Gnoose »

Look, this Drake guy is basically blaming his audience for the mass arrests not happening. "You're not believing hard enough!"

Not exactly something that's uncommon amongst failed prediction makers. :thinking:
Deep Knight
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Location: Washington DC

Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Deep Knight »

Gnoose wrote:Look, this Drake guy is basically blaming his audience for the mass arrests not happening. "You're not believing hard enough!"

Not exactly something that's uncommon amongst failed prediction makers. :thinking:
As you know, we are co-creators of our own reality. If something didn't happen it was because you didn't have true faith or otherwise you would have created it. Unless it takes 100 monkeys.

What I like most about Drake is that he seems to have admitted that he's Drake Bailey who is 56 years old, but still talks about his service in Vietnam and pledging himself "in 1966" when he was 10.
"Follow the Money"

Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Gnoose »

Deep Knight wrote:
Gnoose wrote:Look, this Drake guy is basically blaming his audience for the mass arrests not happening. "You're not believing hard enough!"

Not exactly something that's uncommon amongst failed prediction makers. :thinking:
As you know, we are co-creators of our own reality. If something didn't happen it was because you didn't have true faith or otherwise you would have created it. Unless it takes 100 monkeys.

What I like most about Drake is that he seems to have admitted that he's Drake Bailey who is 56 years old, but still talks about his service in Vietnam and pledging himself "in 1966" when he was 10.
The guy's also completely bonkers (well, he comes across as a little bonkers on his radio show, but it's even worse behind the scenes). I don't know if this has been shared around here, yet, but I found a forum post (on Project Avalon, of all places; who knew some of the CTers had it in 'em to actually research one of their gurus) where a guy delved into some of the weird things Drake had gotten himself into online before he became famous as the 'spokesman' for the imaginary military coup: ... yal-Dragon

Of course most of the CTers over there came to his defense. Drake himself wrote to the moderators of the forum complaining about 'inaccuracies' in the OP's post, but upon invitation he never wrote anything rebutting it. Instead, he went on his radio show, hinted that he was a member of the 'good' Illuminati, never denied or even addressed his nutty statements about being the long-foretold savior of humanity, and threatened that he (and some of his mysterious compatriots) was gonna file a lawsuit against the site. Classy.

Oh, and he talks to woodland animals, apparently. Maybe he'll resurface in a couple years making fat stacks as a celebrity pet whisperer.