Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Deep Knight
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Deep Knight »

ArthurWankspittle wrote:That's going to be one hell of a mailing list.
Please indicate which of the following applies to you. You may tick more than one box:
Thank you for your time. Someone will be in contact shortly.
Sorry for the delay in getting this to you, but I couldn't find any boxes to tick off. So I answered each one in shallow depth. Hope that's OK.

Serious mental health issues (whether receiving medication or not)
I used to think I had serious mental health issues, but that was just a psychotic delusion.
Substance abuse (non-drug) e.g. huffing paint, car exhausts
Tried sniffing drainpipes once, well, OK, twice.
Substance abuse (drug use) e.g. LSD, hallucinogenic mushrooms
I have a lifetime supply of this brown acid from Woodstock
You'd have to convince me of that!
Interested in overthrow of government
Only if I get to watch.
Willing to take part in overthrow of government
Are you crazy, those sucka's have REAL guns!
Hold any weapons legally
Only my "love gun"
Hold any weapons illegally
The weapons may be illegal, but how I hold them is strictly according to Hoyle.
Hold any illegal weapons
Yes, but some like my 88mm cannons are technically too large to "hold." Come to think of it, the same could be said for my love gun...
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Deep Knight wrote:Yes, but some like my 88mm cannons are technically too large to "hold." Come to think of it, the same could be said for my love gun...
Ah, reminds me of the joke told to me as the telephone pervert and the old lady: when the pervert eventually gets round to asking "Guess what I'm holding in my other hand?" The old lady replies "If you can lift it one handed I'm not interested."
"There is something about true madness that goes beyond mere eccentricity." Will Self
Deep Knight
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Deep Knight »

Saturday June 09, 2012
Upcoming result of the Drake's proposal vote
By LadyDragon

MONTREAL--( has compiled the vote and gave it to Drake.
Drake will be announcing the vote result tomorrow at 1pm EST on live radio.
It will be a live show that will last 2 hours.
Plus you will be able to chat with same minds people through LadyDragon's chat
Drake and LadyDragon will like to thank all the people that has taken the time to vote.
Plus thank you all for your kinds words as well :)

About Drake

For those who are not familiar with Drake, Drake is a military gentleman that was chosen by the good people of the Pentagon to represent them to explain to the world what they are presently doing.
The world has we know now is run by criminels that will be remove very soon with a process that is called THE EVENT..
Drake's mission is to inform all of us as news can be released.
His new website is very welcome since he will be able to give updates directly to his subscribers on his site American National Militia

About LadyDragon

Internationally known over 175 countries as the woman expert of the industry because of LadyDragon in depth knowledge on all the facets of the industry which include the PC, the Video and the Wireless. Now with the new Xbox 360 that just came out and the PlayStation 3 coming to the market to choose from plus with the PC upgrading all the time and adding more hardware and accessories to play with not counting that everything is moving to become wireless people all over the world relies on her expertise in order to get the true facts and information that they need for their purchases or their knowledge.
Since now everything or anyone that is successful will become or be in a game sooner or later LadyDragon brings you powerful interviews like the one with Dalene Kurtis and Craig Lieberman from the Fast and Furious movie and the 2 exclusives with Joanie Laurer formerly know as Chyna from the WWF ( World Wrestling Federation).
Plus special report like being at the Playboy Mansion when Playboy unveiled their new video game
LadyDragon takes great pride in discovering new products, companies and people that are unknown and giving them a chance to be heard like the company Strategy First then was not known but now Strategy First is known as one of the best company in the world who develops strategy games.

Yep, just the kinda folks the Powers of Good would choose to get 'er done! NESARA NOW! GO RV!
"Follow the Money"
Deep Knight
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Deep Knight »

Saturday, June 9, 2012
Drake Poll Announcements
I was asked by a principal at GVN (Global Voice Network) with a message from Drake to post this, and I have posted it on the GVN Group FB page as requested.

If you guys are interested or have been following this, here is what is says:


Posted by John MacHaffie at 4:29 PM


We the People of planet Earth hereby set forth the NON-NEGOTIABLE CONDITIONS whereas to accept the COMPLETE and IRREVOCABLE PEACEFUL SURRENDER of the various Dark and Controlling factions whom have illegally and covertly usurped Human populations & societies with varying agendas intended to control, rule, manipulate, subjugate, and ultimately exterminate the majority of our Human populations. These Dark and Controlling factions have and operate under many names, structures, titles, and organizations. Some to include but not limited to are; The Illuminati, P2 Freemasons, The Cabal, Committee of 300, Bilderberg Group, The New World Order, Rothschild Group, Rockefeller Group, Neo Nazi Bush Cabal, Federal Reserve Central Banks, European Central Banks, Shadow Government, etc, etc… all hereinafter referred to as “Cabalist´s”.
*Foundational Premise*

It is understood and assumed as a Prerequisite to and in Addition of the below conditions listed, that the Cabalist´s STAND DOWN and allow a NEW GLOBAL FINANCIAL system to be enacted and ANNOUNCED; whereas the current FIAT and FRACTIONAL RESERVE Banking and Financial protocols of the FEDERAL RESERVE & ROTHSCHILD EUROPEAN banking Cartels and their Subsidiaries, are REPLACED with a new EQUITY based & ASSET backed Financial system and Currency exchange REVALUATION globally that ALIGNS with the INTERESTS and WISHES of the World populations. (ie: uS Treasury notes vs. Fed. Reserve notes) Additionally it is demanded the immediate release of the WORLD GLOBAL SETTLEMENTS, the PROSPERITY PROGRAMS, CMKX, FARM CLAIMS and all AMERICAN INDIAN SETTLEMENTS that Congress has APPROVED yet has still not funded, be RELEASED and INITIATED.


Adjudication: In addition to COMPLETE and IRREVOCABLE PEACEFUL SURRENDER, any and all Cabalist members and their Subordinates will BE ADJUDICATED for any applicable crimes against the human populations perpetrated by the Cabalists during their initiated agendas and occupation of influential and governing positions in any capacity. These crimes and charges thereof will be applicable from any and all relevant jurisdictional arenas including Public, Private, and International affairs.


* AGREE (96%, 3,974 Votes)
* NEUTRAL (EITHER WAY) (2%, 98 Votes)
* DIS-AGREE (2%, 56 Votes)

Total Voters: 4,128


Dissolution and Disbandment: All Cabalist Organizations, Hierarchy, and Structures will immediately and hereinafter and forever be DISBANDED, DISSOLVED, and OBLITERATED from existence. No such Cabalists organizations, hierarchies, and structures shall ever again be formed, operated or organized under their Past, Present, Future or Alternate names for any reason whatsoever for eternity hereafter. Enforcement and oversight of this Dissolution and Disbandment shall be conducted by an authorized and freely elected enforcement entity to be determined by the peoples of the various countries of Earth.


* AGREE (98%, 4,000 Votes)
* NEUTRAL (EITHER WAY) (1%, 47 Votes)
* DIS-AGREE (1%, 31 Votes)

Total Voters: 4,078


Disavowed Participation and Interaction: After the COMPLETE and IRREVOCABLE PEACEFUL SURRENDER and ADJUDICATION of Cabalist members and their Subordinates, and in the interest of protecting free humanity from further and future propagation of Cabalist agendas in direct contravention to an agreed Treaty and Surrender; All Cabalist members and subordinates whom are cleared and released from the Adjudication process and any of their current living heirs or children, SHALL BE PROHIBITED from ANY Participation or Interaction with the Prosperity, Security, or Evolution of the Human Condition, in the form of Executive management or any other Direct influential position of the following Industries or Sectors whether they be of Public, Private, or International application:

* Any type of National, or local State, City or Province Governance or Elected office
* Any type of Election Protocol, Technologies, or Procedures
* Any type of Judicial structure or Infrastructure thereof
* Any type of Financial, Monetary or Banking Industry or Infrastructure thereof
* Any type of Energy or Infrastructure thereof
* Any type of Agriculture or Infrastructure thereof
* Any type of Transportation or Infrastructure thereof
* Any type of Medical, Pharmaceutical, or Alternative Healing Modalities or infrastructure thereof
* Any type of Education, Curriculum, or Child Development or Infrastructure thereof
* Any type of Environmental preservation or Infrastructure thereof
* Any type of Communications technology or Infrastructure thereof
* Any type of Internet or Informational technologies or Infrastructure thereof
* Any type of Military, Defense, or Police and Infrastructure thereof
* Any type of Natural Resources of Infrastructure thereof (water, minerals, metals, food storage, etc…)
* Any type of Religion or Spiritual teachings and practices
* Any type of Scientific Research, Advancements, or Discoveries or Infrastructure thereof
* Any type of Main Stream or Alternative Media outlets or Infrastructure thereof


* AGREE (96%, 3,887 Votes)
* NEUTRAL (EITHER WAY) (2%, 91 Votes)
* DIS-AGREE (2%, 73 Votes)

Total Voters: 4,051


For these united States of America:

* Enactment and Announcement of the lawful N.E.S.A.R.A. (The National Economic Security And Reformation Act)(Ends Federal Reserve & I.R.S)
* Return to our founding Documents; 1787 Constitution + the original organic 13th Amendment/Article, The Articles of Confederation, Bill of Rights, and The Declaration of Independence.
* Abolishment of these De-facto Corporations but not limited to the following, “THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Government Of The United States Corporation, also doing business as U S Government , and White House Corporation, also doing business as Executive Office of the United States Government. ”
* Abolish all State Corporations acting as dejure constitutional State Governments
* Abolish the Securitization (monetizing) of court cases, prison sentences and birth certificates.


* AGREE (97%, 3,811 Votes)
* NEUTRAL (EITHER WAY) (2%, 96 Votes)
* DIS-AGREE (1%, 25 Votes)

Total Voters: 3,932


For all Peoples and Populations of Planet Earth:

*Only the TRUTH can set humanity’s souls FREE and allow them to truly be SOVEREIGN in their evolution.

* Release of ALL Advanced Technologies. The Collateral Accounts will be used to set up manufacturing and installation.
* Immediate Disclosure concerning our brothers and sisters in outer space and in other dimensions. Establishment and Expansion of Diplomatic Relations in an open and global fashion.
* Reveal all Secret Societies, all occult knowledge, all TRUE history, expose and ajudicate all majick supernatural councils and subsidiary orders, brotherhoods, covens, mystery schools, Monarch, MILAB, MKULTRA, et al, that have been used to manipulate human consciousness with malevolent intent and harmful consequences.


* AGREE (99%, 4,023 Votes)
* NEUTRAL (EITHER WAY) (0%, 16 Votes)
* DIS-AGREE (1%, 16 Votes)

Total Voters: 4,055


Cease and Desist of Malicious Actions: The Cabalist must IMMEDIATELY CEASE ALL activities and operations whereas malicious operational agendas and actions that have been and are currently being instigated on the planet and its populations. Examples of these malicious agendas and actions are but not limited to; HAARP actions, Chemtrail spraying, Environmental destruction, Poisonous vaccines and pharmaceuticals, Starvation agendas, Eugenics agendas, Ocean and Fresh water contaminations, and any and all other malicious agendas and actions resulting in the degradation and harm to the planet and its human, animal, plant and other life organisms.


* AGREE (99%, 4,094 Votes)
* DIS-AGREE (0%, 16 Votes)
* NEUTRAL (EITHER WAY) (1%, 12 Votes)

Total Voters: 4,122
"Follow the Money"
Deep Knight
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Deep Knight »

Saturday, June 9, 2012

This has been an eventful week to say the very least. From a disastrous conference call to a three ring circus of misunderstandings, outrage of all sorts, opinions public and private to quiet investigations and intrigue, events have unfolded at break neck speed.

Several weeks ago a private document containing the names and personal contact information of certain individuals was leaked and published on the Internet without the consent of those on the list. Because that action could have and now has caused harm, an investigation was launched to track its source and reveal the person who had to have been one of the limited number of people rightfully in possession of the document. When all roads led to one individual a conference call among those involved in the investigation was held. Various aspects of the search were shared and discussed as well as a plan of action in regard to the guilty party. However there were still a couple of pieces of evidence it was felt needed to be obtained before the identity of the culprit could be shared with all those affected by the incident.

Drake and I were on that conference call and we also discussed his plan to announce on the Sunday Evening Block party show on Freedom Reigns his intention of moving his voice to another network. I too expressed my intention of leaving Freedom Reigns although in a more graceful and less impacting way. I also stated that I had never wished to have a regular roll in Internet Radio in the first place but had taken on the Tuesday show as a favor. Therefore I would not be moving to another network. In the middle of our conversation we received a skype message that most of us on the call were requested to attend another conference call in regard to Freedom Reigns at 8 pm est. It was stated that the call would be for the purpose of clearing up some rumors and addressing some concerns which affected the Freedom Reigns team.

Those of us requested to attend did so and I recorded it through my own conference line. As it turned out the stated purpose of the call was not indeed the reality. In fact there was neither discussion allowed nor any opportunity for it afforded. Instead the individual who had requested the call chose not to speak and had another speak. That individual made wild statements about some fantasy threats which by the way had NEVER been made, informed everyone on the call that he was in charge, there would be no disclosure in regard to the LARGE amount of monies having been donated to the network to anyone. He further stated that none of us, all working exclusively on a volunteer basis, had a right to any answers in that arena regardless of whether or not we were accused of having profited. He then said if any of us didn’t like it we could leave and “don’t let the door hit you on the ass on the way out.” This he said twice and then announced they had scheduled a show and he had to hang up. Click.

Needless to say most of us on the call accommodated his wishes and resigned on the spot, removed ourselves from the skype chat rooms and where appropriate from other Freedom Reigns public discussions. There were two who stayed and we respect their reasons and decision to do so.

After the call all who had resigned rejoined my conference line and discussed the situation. The general consensus was that the truth of the various issues which led to the outburst to begin with were better left outside the public arena and none of us wished to display the dirty laundry in the public square as it were. In short we chose to let the situation resolve itself. Unfortunately the Block Party show went on anyway and not one word of truth was shared. To be fair I don’t think the unwitting person who caused the exodus is even aware that he was used. Many false claims have since been made in the Freedom Reigns forum, FB page and chats but as is always the case with truth, it will out sooner or later and for the moment, that is all I wish to say on the matter unless the lies being told should cause more harm to the innocent.

That should provide clarity on the subject of Drake and me leaving Freedom Reigns and if it doesn’t Drake will have to chime in on his own behalf. The investigation I mentioned will be completed and the results shared with those it impacts. Any resulting actions will be their decision.

On Wednesday night while I was conducting my regularly scheduled conference call on Debt Elimination and Collection Fraud my skype messages began to go berserk and emails were coming in from all over the place with questions and statements like; “what is your stand on this?”, “this is nuts what in the hell is going on?”, “has Drake lost his mind?”, “what do you think of the vote?”, “that’s it I am having no more to do with this”, “who thought up this crap?”, and the worst one from far too many which is downright scary, “so how should I vote?”. I had no flying idea what they were talking about because of course I couldn’t be running my call and listening to Drake at the same time. By the time my conference was over it was well after midnight and I took myself off to dreamland having decided to deal with whatever the great drama was on the morning.

By the time I turned on my computer on Thursday morning the issue had become a three ring circus of controversy. I was bombarded with telephone calls, skypes and emails the entire day with not one minute in between. I listened to the recording of Drake’s show from the night before while I fielded questions, dealt with outraged people, confused people and those who thought the “Rapture” had come. It was absolute lunacy the whole day. I knew I would either have to draft an email to my entire list stating my opinion or the calls and other messages were not going to stop. So I did. That email was subsequently posted here on NESARA with a title not written by me added to it. Of course that too went viral as is the nature of the beast we call the Internet.

I stated MY OPINION on the whole idea of the POLL voting, any notion of negotiation with the Cabal etc. I have not changed my stance on that. While Drake and I are friends and work together on many things we do not always see eye to eye and that is how it should be. I do understand that there was a “between the lines” message in Drake’s statements which there always is but most never get. Even so I do not support the strategy or agree with its purpose as it was explained to me.

Even if a POLL is simply to indicate a sampling of public opinion and reaction to a set of demands or negotiations or possible actions, the idea of sharing the results with the enemy is to my mind LUNATIC. We have been subjected to all manner of death and destruction for thousands of years by the same sick and twisted bloodlines that seized control from the time of Babylon. Never once have they told the truth, kept an agreement or acted in any way even remotely resembling honor or in the interest of humanity and this planet. Through incest and intermarriage over the centuries that gene pool is now so shallow and dangerous it would be suicide for a flea to dive into it. That is a simple biological fact and has nothing to do with hate or fear or even understanding.

The “Cabal”, encompassing many disguises is evil personified and mankind will never be safe from its tentacles until it is eradicated from our midst. However that might be done is yet to be seen and I’m sure there are no limits to the suggestions which would come forth if the public were polled on that issue. It isn’t rocket science to figure out why a rabid dog can never be loosed and must be destroyed. That action is not just to protect every other living being within its scope but to put it out of its misery as well.

There is only one solution to my mind that will finally bring an end to centuries of suffering of the masses at the hands of the few and that is UNCONDITIONAL SURRENDER with no quarter given save that of Due Process of Justice. The thing stolen from us must be for the sake of decency and right, be granted to them. We cannot shout Constitutional Justice from the rooftops while we ignore the Constitutional parameters for our actions and not be in fact no better than them. We are better than that.

Negotiating with the “Devil” (Cabal) can never work because the Devil never plays fair. In any agreement he makes you can be a thousand percent sure he already has a plan in place whereby he will not be made to hold up his end of the bargain and you will lose not only what you thought to gain but at least ten fold to boot. A person who will accept an ounce of evil in exchange for a pound of good will soon find himself totally devoid of ANY good and deserves what he got. This is not a matter of hate or intolerance but pure common sense. The rabid dog has only one ability in regard to you, to bite and infect and he cannot help it as that has become his nature.

We have seen the same scenario repeated hundreds even thousands of times throughout history and have yet to learn from it.

The Creator put all species on this planet in pairs to work together for the perpetual continuation of this world in harmony with the greater plan of which we are not privy. Humans thus far are the only species which not only has defied that plan but as yet does not get it. This is why a smattering of male members of humanity so many thousands of years ago were able to grab and keep the power to control the rest. For harmony to exist there can be no wars, no killing, no power in the hands of the few and no brute force to settle differences. Those things are the stuff of military mind set and if this great global disaster we face today is handled and solved by that same mind set it will not last and it will indeed continue for as long as it takes for humanity to learn its true purpose in nature.

I don’t have the answers but I can say that I see no balance emerging or even strived for. I see no common sense being implemented but instead just more of the same type of decision making which got us into this mess. So long as force and deals trump intellect and wisdom we will never be truly free and from my perspective here on this porch damned few are ready to be.

Teri Hinkle

Posted by TLGA at 4:33 PM


1. Anonymous June 9, 2012 5:55 PM
I respect her opinion and understand her frustration however there is a think tank behind the decision of the pole to allow "the people" to have a say. If we go after them and they set drones out on innocent people & blew up schools & bridges would we cry, "why didn't we have a voice". You can never please all the people so we have to weigh the safest option and implement that first. If that doesn't get results, there is always plan B

Reply 1. TLGA June 9, 2012 6:49 PM
Sorry but this poll does not in any way represent the people as the number taking part are a minuscule portion of even the North American continent.

2. Anonymous June 9, 2012 5:57 PM
I thought this 'poll' was a little strange, but trying to keep ANOTHER secret while contacting random people for opinions BY ANY MEANS seems unrealistic at best. Everything is monitored everywhere, the only safe assumption for communication. It would seem that the Cabal is busy trying to keep it's money, or get more, perhaps making this poll timely.
You lost this round, Teri. Suck it up. My instinct tells me to dislike you, but I will await further developments. Bottom line, the killing MUST STOP, when is the only question unanswered. TYJM frj

Replies 1. TLGA June 9, 2012 6:53 PM
What was the contest? Nothing to win or lose when voicing opinion or stating fact. Makes no sense. Whether you like me or not makes no difference in the grand scheme of things and certainly not all do. I will survive it.

2. Anonymous June 9, 2012 8:35 PM
Since you asked, the 'contest' as you described it is between your point of view and the other point of view. Last I saw, there was over 2000 responses, overwhelmingly in favor of acceptance of surrender of the Cabal peacefully. Liking or not liking a person is ALWAYS a factor in human relations. Your 'survival' was not in question or debated. I'm glad you will make it. Of course, in the broad spectrum of this vote, only a very tiny percentage of people have voted, hardly a conclusive determination for the uSA or the world. Thankfully, whoever is running this thought a general poll would be better than raw guesswork. Kudos, thanks for giving us a voice. It would be impossible to do this type of thing 'secretly,' as in keeping this from the Cabal. If this is REALLY actually happening, (surrender) the Cabal must be watching their fate being played out (in some sense) with trepidation. None of our actions here will bring back the people harmed or terminated, if that could be, I would say hang 'em all! The killing must end, and we may be here to make that happen. TYJM frj

3. Anonymous June 9, 2012 6:00 PM

4. Anonymous June 9, 2012 6:00 PM
Here, Here, Teri Hinkle, WELL SAID!

5. John MacHaffie June 9, 2012 6:20 PM
I am glad to see Teri posted this. Sure has been a wild week. Your comments are most welcome anytime and yep this Internet is crazy some time. Let me know if you want the previous posting modified or removed.
I get so many submissions for posting, my head is spinning some times.

Replies 1. TLGA June 9, 2012 6:59 PM
No the Genie left the bottle and plumped her bottom down in the middle of the fray. It's probably good that she did anyway as some clarity on the weeks events needed to be shared anyway. Don't fret.

6. Michelle Johnson June 9, 2012 6:34 PM
I am in the same place as Teri in this. I want to hope that there is a plan B once the poll is complete that will create a no-nonsense, complete and utter capitulation and surrender by the cabal. No terms except that they get the same justice that has been denied to all of us. We cannot expect a tiger to act like a pussy cat...similar DNA but totally different in behavior. Very shallow gene pool is a great way to describe their behaviors...they cannot and do not act rationally, and although we would ALL understand that the parasite dies when he kills off the host, they don't seem to have the capacity to recognize that.
IF we get that total and complete surrender, then the technology and accounts will automatically be available I would think. We shouldn't have to ask their permission to access those and implement NESARA if that really exists.

7. TLGA June 9, 2012 7:05 PM
Very good points Michelle. I forgot to mention that money in any form should never have been mentioned. Too many are in such desperate places that the validity of opinion when the right response can be seen by any to be a financial relief negates it. It's also far too much like something Turner would do. Those negotiating should know better. Freedom should not be wanted for the sake of a carrot.

8. Anonymous June 9, 2012 7:11 PM
"To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting" -Sun Tzu, the Art of War

Replies 1. TLGA June 9, 2012 9:03 PM
Wisdom Supreme!

9. Anonymous June 9, 2012 7:27 PM
This BS is utter nonsense. Why do you think Drake wants a vote? This is nothing more than an out for him on the promises he's made about bringing down the cabal. I guarantee you that no arrests will be made and the cabal will continue with its agenda as usual. When Drake is confronted by you sheeple, his excuse will be that there weren't enough votes to satisfy the cabal and therefore they will not agree to back off. Just watch and see! Drake is part of the disinfo group and works for the shills at Langley, VA. Just run a background check of his websites IP address.

Replies 1. Michelle Johnson June 9, 2012 9:02 PM
I"m a novice on this whole "IP address" thing. How do you check that? And how would one know if it is related to Langley?

2. TLGA June 9, 2012 9:07 PM
Drake made no promises. He delivered a message as it was given to him. He needs make no excuses nor has he said a surrender is dependent upon the results of votes in a poll. While I wholeheartedly object to the tactic I don't read more into it than it is.

10. Anonymous June 9, 2012 8:11 PM
Keep in mind that this particular surrender, believe it or not, will be overseen by our old friends, the Galactic Federation of Light.
That is why we don't have to trust them. We need to forgive them and send them love for everyone's sake. Justice will be served; it is the way of the universe.
This is a peaceful way to have the surrender; this is the only sane way to have the surrender. You don't want the rabid dog cornered and not have a shotgun handy... We don't want war. The number voting IS adequate as it is a sample of informed opinion. Others simply don't know. This whole thing has been carried out by those brave people to had to do much in secret to get this done. This open vote is ok. Who cares if the misguided powers that were know the vote? This is open for all to see and vote. We don't have the media to shout this opportunity from the roof tops, but those who post the vote are trying to get the word out... Guess by now the voting is done! Peace and Love will come and our Galactic pals will back us up on this one. The so-called "bad guys" are out of business and just want to keep the lives (albeit most temporarily perhaps for some) of themselves and their loved ones. It is time to forgive and trust in the Divine Intervention that is playing out in cooperation with those who picked up this cause likely in the 50's and those who have been overseeing the Divine Plan for eons.

11. guardian54 June 9, 2012 8:14 PM
In my opinion, none of these polls can be that accurate. #1-They have to use their email addy (how many people have several email addys?) #2-Look how many places set up for the poll(lady dragon's site, drake's site, could be more we don't know about. I've read that one poll has closed, but another is still open. so my question would be, how many times has the same person answered this poll using their several email addys, but its still one person voting. Too much chance in my view for this to be corrupt also.
I do not believe that you should be making deals of any kind with the enemy. Thats why their called enemy(they cannot be trusted),nuff said.I don't think any of us at this point really knows what all is going on behind closed doors,(too many things that drake can't say to my liking), but I do know that I don't want anyone making any kind of a deal on my behalf without me being able to put forth my own questions and getting my own answers direct from source, then I can make an intelligent decision once I have ALL the information.
I've never talked to Terri or Drake (although I would very much like to),or any of the many others out there who claim to have all these info sources like David wilcock, etc. They all have info that sounds good and I hope it is true. But I still want to see proof or talk to some of these people myself, hear it first hand, not 3 or 4 days later in a hurried radio show.
And just so you all know, I'm as much for peace and freedom as the next person. So give me the freedom to ask my own questions. And I'm a firm believer in "you will know them by their fruit." So let me talk to one of your sources Drake. I give you MY WORD that it will be kept confidential. Would also like to talk to you Terri.Tell me how I can personally contact either one of you.
Love, Light, Peace and Blessings to all,

Replies 1. TLGA June 9, 2012 9:12 PM
You can email me through my blog

12. Anonymous June 9, 2012 9:41 PM
Weren't we ONCE a nation of laws? It's time we got back to that! What types of punishment does the LAW provide for the crimes of theft, slavery (excessive taxation), fraud, and TREASON? One bad apple spoils the whole barrel eventually. You cut a cancer out completely or it will return. And, to continue with cliches, you can't change the spots on the leopard.

13. Anonymous June 9, 2012 9:42 PM
.....Keep in mind that because everything is SO FAR BEHIND time wise, after the Event and things following, we will usher in a NEW EARTH/5D quickly.
Those wishing to SEE the punishments of the Cabal will be left in 3D to get their wishes.
Be careful what you focus WILL get it. It is a UNIVERSAL LAW :)

Replies 1. Anonymous June 10, 2012 2:17 AM
We are instructed to live by every word of God: An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. If that leaves us in 3D, whatever that is, then so be it. It does act as a deterrent for others who follow...

14. Anonymous June 9, 2012 10:10 PM
Geezus H Khrist what a bunch of drama drama drama. You are dealing with incompetent people, who do not understand what is taking place on the planet.
Everyone is far too preoccupied with their own grave psychological problems, before they could even get to first base to do anything about anything, in order to overcome the very severe circumstances in which they find themselves in.
What a waste of time and energy to explain all this drama, let alone even answering to it. And everyone wonders why positive change for the better is taking so long.

15. ProfJim June 9, 2012 11:31 PM
There is one little item that all these bleeding hearts that want to “just put the cabal in prison” haven’t addressed. Who is going to pay for the food for all these cabal prisoners? Who is going to pay for all the other services these prisoners will need (medical, etc.)? Who is going to pay the prison guards? Who is going to pay the people that will maintain these prisons? Who is going to pay the prison administrators?
Never thought of that did you?
Well, I have a suggestion. As soon as the cabal is in prison (it will have to be soon or they will starve to death) let’s have the new government set up a department or agency to take a little money from all of us who have this new found wealth from NESARA, RV and such to pay all these prison expenses.
I sure it will only be a small amount from each of you and will remain small. Of course, we will have to add a little bit on to pay the department or agency administering this “small” amount of money from each of you. No problem…only a little bit more. I am trusting that there will be none of you that disagree with this plan of mine. Otherwise we would hate to have to expand the department or agency to deal with you malcontents and trouble makers who don’t want to chip in. No problem…it’s only a little bit more.
Oh man! I’m so proud of my new and unique solution to this problem. I know one shouldn’t toot his own horn. But, damn I’m good at solving problems in a totally new and unique way. Cool!
I hope all the cabal members are old so they won’t last long. As soon as the last one dies in prison we can shut down this department or agency though we will need a new agency to work out a smooth transition for the first agency. No problem…only a little bit more. Unless, of course, some of the cabal members get the word out about how to do what they have done or others figure it out. That would have to keep the prisons and the agency to fund them going a little bit longer. No problem…only a little bit more money. …only a little bit longer.
Damn I’m good! Neat, new solution isn’t it? I’m sure glad we solved that so prison is a viable option.
On the other hand, a few bucks for a hangman and less than a gallon of diesel to dig the hole. DONE!
Extra added benefit: Seeing those cabal legs failing in the air might encourage protégés from attempting to learn those methods the cabal used or to forget what they do know about those methods.
Think about it.

16. Anonymous June 10, 2012 12:26 AM
We can agree to whatever swap they may want, but the real point is: The Cabal must give up power and surrender to a new power structure that truly represents the people.
If they do not surrender power, or merely surrender it to lieutenants that they have hand picked, then the struggle is not over.
The real thing the Cabal families should aim for, would be for a future where their children are allowed to live normal, rather than privileged lives. But they must be somewhere far from the reigns of power.
We do not want to be subjected to another "Nazi Paper Clip" rescue of elites, where they appear to surrender power, but then just quietly claw it back. Let's all be smarter this time.
Geologic - from GLP

18. fedup June 10, 2012 6:25 AM
Almost everything on this planet is controlled by the Cabal; what makes us think that the vote is not manipulated by them.
We had no say; they made decisions for us; we were hoodwinked into the life that they afforded let them find their way out. God's way is going to trump in the end.
Thank you for such a wonderful summation.
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Deep Knight »

How this all started. The eternal quest to make excuses for things you pulled out your butt not coming true.

ALERT!!! Mass Arrests of Illuminati Politicians in April 2012

It would have been a coup, but the Military has the authorization of the American people, due to a new Inter-State agreement.

The day that the entire world has been waiting for may be closer than you think. According to credible sources, the American Armed Forces have been given authorization to sweep the demons out of Washington.

“I would not believe it myself if I did not know these folks personally and had not penned my true autograph on the New York Nation State constitution myself,” states the Author of the Sovereign Citizen’s Handbook.

David Wilcock with Drake Interview – MASS ARRESTS and GLOBAL SETTLEMENTS
March 29th 2012 update 2:59pm

You are about to hear a stunning interview with Drake, an insider specifically asked by the Pentagon “good guys” to come forward and explain what is going to be done.

I was blown away by the information he was giving. If you didn’t already believe this was really going to happen, this may very well change your mind.

I ran Drake through an extensive validation process with one of my top insiders and he passed with flying colors. He is the real deal.


Of course there was one of those "too-long all-audio videos" the conspiracy nuts seem to like so much, and later a lot of comments, including these by Drake himselves.

Drake wrote:
April 3, 2012 at 1:15 am

There is no day or month given as yet.
As info becomes available it will be posted on the website freedomreigns
I suggest all Military go there as there is info on groups, orders, and directives…
The difference between lawful and unlawful orders, etc.
I was requested by the good guys in our military to get in touch with as many groups, militias, and armed people as possible.

Therefore I have done my best to inform and stop the fears going around.
Those who note the county project might start by small groups or numbers of local people and build from there.
I will be having more interviews in the future.
Thank you.

Drake wrote:
April 5, 2012 at 12:42 pm

This notice gives a specific date when that has NOT been given as yet.
I offer that as specifics become available, everyone will be notified.
I hope to have additional info very soon.
Until that time, get as ready as you can, BUT, stand down. Do not engage anyone until either the situation becomes obvious or you are told to do so.
Any ‘groups’ reading this should contact us at freedomreigns

Thank you,

Update: As of the call on 4-8-2012 evening…this will take place within the next 30-45 days or sooner, but that there is a lot of shuffling going on, which is usually the case just before something happens!!

That's May 9th to May 24th, OR SOONER! What does you're red-blooded American insider 38 levels above the President do? You cite delays, then say it's really about to happen but bring in surrender negotiations and a poll, that's what!

This interview also got this endorsement by someone who wants to be known as "Red Dragon" (what's with all the "dragons" in this bunch?). Anyway, he not only explains what Drake said, he adds a bit of color of his own.

Illuminati Cabal Flee By The Hundreds As Mass Arrests Await Them From States Becoming Free From The Fed…
By Red, on April 2nd, 2012

The Cabal Members and their 6,000 or so minions are now quitting their banking positions in the hundreds and soon to be thousands, because the individual states filed the proper paperwork to become independent of the US Corporation (own by the Federal Reverse Bank, who’s controlled by the Cabal)… which means that the US Military must obey what the states want, and not what the cabal wants!

This is HUGE! The military is sick and tired of following the orders of the Cabal as they know it’s totally wrong… but they were forced to because it’s the law. They must follow what the governing body tells them to do, and that governing body has been the United States Corporation which is controlled by the Elite Illuminati Gangsters. They have put the US Corporation in debt Trillions of Dollars through fraudulent actions of passing the losses on it, while stealing the profits through companies like Goldman Sachs, Bank of America and JP Morgan Chase.

They force the Treasury to borrow money from the Federal Reverse Bank (which they own, and is a “private corporation” that reports to NO One) and have basically piled all the debts that “THEY” created (not the America people) onto the Treasury which makes the US Corporation so far in debt that they are essentially bankrupt. They plan to make us “sheep” pay that debt while they live like kings and use us as their slaves.

Their plans will fail, and are currently failing as I write this…

In this new interview with an insider named “Drake”, who speaks with David Wilcock about what is currently going on behind the scenes, the people “not are”… but “HAVE” now taken action to free the America people from these Illuminati Cabal Gangsters. They have filed the proper paperwork to make the various states (I don’t know how many, but a majority of them has do this) “independent sovereign nation states”.

In this 3 hour interview Drake explains how he was was listening to a radio show where the host was giving bad information on how to argue with a judge in court on how to get out of a speeding ticket, not pay your debts, beat the IRS, etc… Drake knew this information was not correct and could get you up to 6 months in jail if done the way that host was telling people to do it.

Drake got frustrated and decided to call into the radio show to correct it. He’s studied the law for over 2 1/2 years recently about how to get your freedom back, which covered a lot more then what this guy was telling people. Drake was introduced to a group of people in 1979 that wanted him to read a 5 inch thick stack of documents that would free America from the cabal way back then, so he wasn’t new to the idea of using the legal law to protect yourself in court.

It went much deeper then anything this host of this radio show was speaking about. In fact (back in 1979) these people even thought of staging a military coup against the ruling elite that was enslaving the America people, but decided against it and instead looked to find legal laws that would do the same thing.

Drake talks about how you can declare your own sovereignty, which I’m sure got the host of that show to listen more to what Drake had to say as he clearly was giving out information that wasn’t fully correct. Drake speaks on that show of how you can declare your own “Nation State”… independent of the “US Corporation”. This was all 100% legal and all it took was filing the correct paperwork.

Someone from Pennsylvania was listening to the show taking notes who was very knowledgeable in the sovereignty and lawfulness about the law and decided to implement what Drake has said. They put together a “Process of Notification” and sent it off to The International Court of Hague. (This is the civil division). It was sent by certified mail to make sure that they had proof they it was delivered to them. The Court sent a reply back that they received it.

Stay with here folks, as it’s just getting interesting…

This meant that it goes into Hague public record and is similar to posting a notification in an international newspaper. It’s basically stating that “I’m not responsible for my debts any longer” and “We are now an Independent Sovereign Nation State”. This freed Pennsylvania from the debts created by the Elite Illuminati Cabal through the Federal Reserve Bank that was put onto the US corporation.

When this happened the office of the International Court of Hague gets a call from a higher up in the pentagon (the military good guys who are sick of this cabal) who want to know if they can duplicate the paperwork (to be used to free other states of course). The clerk that answers the call was sure but said that it’s possible. (This clerk simply works there and had no clue what the document really meant I believe, and I’m sure he/she didn’t have any affiliation with the Illuminati Cabal… which meant that he/she would be happy to assist the request by the higher up in the pentagon).

So, they started to duplicate this paperwork (all this starting in about October of 2011). And since it was started with someone from Pennsylvania whose got the idea from listening to the radio show that Drake called into… they contacted Drake and asked him if he would help in putting this together. Drake was of course extremely happy when he realized that someone from Pennsylvania was listening to his call into that radio station… and that they actually decide to take action and do what he was talking about.
Currently, as of about February the 20th of 2012 there are enough states that filed to make America free from the US Corporation!

He gladly assisted them in helping to put this package together for many other states (a majority is all I heard in the interview, and no specific number) which has now been completed, sent off, received, and filed by the International Court of Hague. They (the good guys in the pentagon) received notice in the end of February of 2012 that the office of the International Court of Hague basically got all the paperwork from all the states and filed it. This makes it legal and declares these states as ”Independent Sovereign Nation States”.

The basic premise of a “nation state” is that while they could write their own new constitution (or use their existing one), it had to agree with the 1787 US Constitution, with the original 13th amendment (founded in 1812), the bill of rights, and the articles of confederation… and “The Declaration of Independence”.

By the states declaring their own “nation state sovereignty”, and therefore removing themselves from the US Corporation, this rebirths the “The Declaration of Independence”… which states (on page 2) that if the government gets out of control you have the right to get rid of the problem.

The manor and format of using these original founding documents, injunction with a meeting of resident representatives of those states gives those people the right to make the declarations. This in turns gives legal rights by the civilian authority to request the military to take action as necessary to back up the civilian action (basically carry out the will of the people of those states).

The military just loved it, as they can now follow the legal law and actually carry out the will of the civilian people… not the elite Illuminati cabal anymore. There was also a group of Indian nations that submitted paperwork in such a fashion that the United States (the individual states) has been set free from the corporate government (the cabal gangsters) literally… on a lawful basis and recognized internationally just like the Indian nations were.

Having this “International” recognition means that the “Governing Body” of America is NO Longer the “US Corporation” (run by the Cabal) and is now the individual states that filed the proper paperwork that together make up the “United States”, which is basically the people of each state and not some evil group of old rich men that I call the “Illuminati Reptilian Cabal Banksters”. From now on, the people are in control of America and have told their state representatives to arrest these gangsters!

Here’s how this works… the military must obey the wishes of the “Governing Body”… which in the past has been to stage undeclared wars on innocent people around the world… something they are sick of doing as they know it’s wrong. The constitution forbids them from breaking into civil homes and arresting innocent Americans, but the cabal has been trying to stage this “World War 3″ for quite some time now so they can declare martial law in America and force the military to ignore the constitution and obey their orders to round us all up and put us in FEMA camps.

This plan isn’t going to work, and it will actually turn against them as they will be the one’s rounded up and put in these FEMA prison camps… not us sheep! (ROFLMA here!… payback is a Bitch Baby!) Sorry gang… I just write down what I feel and sometimes it’s anger, and sometimes it’s laughter… he he he he! Too funny here! I just had to make this picture!

Anyway, back to how this is going to work. The good guys in the pentagon (that are mostly military people) have wanted the people of America to rise up and take their right back (peacefully and legally of course… not violently), and that’s exactly what the states have done by filing the proper paperwork with the International Court of Hague.

So, now that the international community has recognized these individual states as currently being the new “Governing Body” of America, (and not the “US Corporation”) the military of the United States can legally act on behalf of the will of the people who want these gangsters arrested… and you can believe that they are very happy to get this request!

The process that follows is for the people to inform their respected states of what the want done (which they have), the state’s to inform the military (which they did), the military to instruct the US Marshall’s Office to deliver this list of gangsters to be arrested to the local sheriff’s office in the various cities and towns across America… which they are working on currently, but haven’t done yet.

This will be of course be a very coordinated effort, involving a whole lot of people to carry out these arrests. It is a plan that will be done in about a 72 hour period once started. The date for this mass arrest is unknown currently, but will be told on the internet 24 hours before it happens to create a viral explosion. They want everyone to know that the military will NOT be entering any civilian’s home to arrest them.

This is to be done 100% legal, by the law of the constitution, which prohibits them from acting in the policing of American citizens, but instead they will be simply standing by to assist the US Marshall’s and the local Sheriff’s officers during these arrests to make sure they are protected in case these gangsters don’t come out willingly.

There is 1,000′s of resignations to date and 450 last week as well as 200 arrests.

That’s 650 people involved in finance running scared like the rats they are… and just in one week! This is world wide right now and growing as every day passes. This link from CNBC (a “Main Stream Media” outlet… not just internet conspiracy blogs) shows a Hong Kong gangster getting arrested, so this is REAL folks… not just a bunch of talk!

Drake has his sources and the match up with the latest from Ben Fulford as well. The arrests are continuing and will bring freedom to the American people and the world. The dollar will collapse but the funding set aside by the good guys will likely keep the stock market from crashing as huge as was previously expected (by myself and many others). This is really a good thing of course, even if we bears don’t get our chance short this pig as we have all be waiting on for so long now.

So, when the time comes later this year (May/June is my expected high in the market) I’d only be looking to short the dollar after it peaks within the two week window from the time the euro crashes. Drake stated that we would have about 2 weeks after the euro collapses before it hits America, which confirms what Lindsey Williams says too. It’s coming… but the when part is still unknown?

I’ll be very glad to see all this happen, as I know many of you will too. I’ve had enough of these gangsters and would love to live in a world free of wars, were peace reigns in every country. Drake speaks of them airing the entire history of these Illuminati gangsters on a dedicated television channel after all these arrests happen and the new government is in place. I look forward to learning about all their hidden secrets and hope that the rest of the sheep in America wake up and watch this channel instead of mindless trash that’s on TV right now.

While I don’t let what other people think of me bother me, I will get some satisfaction when those “non-believers” see it all on “Main Stream News” and I can smile and say “I told you so”…. LOL! Yes, there are aliens… yes, there are people called the Illuminati… and yes, you really are being posioned by them with chemtrails, floride, processed foods, prescription drugs, electromagnetic low frequencies (ELF’s), and yeah… there really is a secret space program based in Area 51 where we have over a 100 spaceships and go to Mars and the Moon all the time.

Ending this post on a good note, I”m happy to see all these positive things happening right now. This is going to be a very interesting year indeed!

Best of luck to all us sheep…

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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Elite Illuminati Gangsters
Great name for a rap act.
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Deep Knight »

Sunday, June 10, 2012
This is a directed message to Drake and a response is a respectfully requested.

Drake - If you have read the PLAN, why haven't the Supreme Court Rulings in the Farm Claims/Bank Claim case been enforced yet?


Please advise ASAP.



John MacHaffie

Posted by John MacHaffie at 6:09 PM


1. Anonymous June 10, 2012 6:19 PM
Doesn't anyone watch CSPAN? It was on last Thursday, a congressman asked the Justice Department about it. The congressman thought it was ALOT of money towards the claims. The congressman want more information and insight on the sum of money leaving the Department of Justice.

2. Anonymous June 10, 2012 6:22 PM
yea Drake, what's your story? Are you a plant of the cabak? Same s&*t different day. s&*t or get off the pot,
Johnny the bear

3. Anonymous June 10, 2012 7:05 PM
John, dont worry he will not reply. He is a criminal like the rest of them. Criminals do not respond in truth. Who cares what he says.. he is full of it... WE need to move on from this guy.

4. Anonymous June 10, 2012 7:27 PM

5. Anonymous June 10, 2012 7:35 PM

6. Shirley June 10, 2012 7:59 PM
Drake is a fraud. He admitted today that his contacts are not valid, that he did the polls out of curiosity, nobody requested them, he allegedly gave them to Keenan. Months and hours of time spent for nothing. Just another distraction and pack of lies from the Cabal to stall for more time I'm sure. They are all getting a good laugh over this one.

7. Anonymous June 10, 2012 8:21 PM
The negotiations were closed in 1993 with a 9-0 ruling by the Rhenquist court. Everything was smoke and mirrors since then.
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Deep Knight »

Unbelievable! Instead of cowering in fear of getting arrested, they're getting ready to party down! Something tells me The Drake is gonna have a hard time explaining this!

From J.L. Navarro, see ... orado.html

Thursday, June 07, 2012
Illuminati bankers to orgy in Colorado during Summer Solstice...
Without doubt, Aleister Crowley will be there in spirit. Aside from his utter devotion to Satan and all things 666, Crowley is believed to be the biological father of Barbara Bush. This alleged paternal relationship is a clear metaphor of what the Illuminati is as a collective when it comes to spiritual devotion of any kind. Apropos that the Illuminati bankers picked the Summer Solstice to preform their ancient magick, coming on the heels of the Venus Transit. It is yet one more cog that turns with the big cycles that are presently coming to a close.

It's curious that these "top 100 banksters" are not being arrested and going to jail at the hands of the US military, but are instead about to tear their desires into the space-time fabric of our reality as they've done for hundreds of years.
Top 100 Illuminati Banksters Meeting for Satanic Ceremony in Colorado on June 20th – 21st
Place: The Kimball Castle aka The Cherokee Castle
Date: June 20th-21st, 2012
Time: 9pm to 6 am
Directions: Take I-25 south of Denver approximately 30 miles to the Castle Rock. Exit west to Sedalia North 1/2 mile to the Kimball Castle - Cherokee Castle

NOTE: This event could down on either the night of the 20th or the 21st! We need people on the ground on both days! We're not going to get an invitation to know which day it is so we want people to be aware it could go down either night!

Update: 6/6/12

Stew Webb got breaking news that Benjamin Fulford has now been identified as an MI-5 agent of disinformation! Please read the latest Intel report by Tom Heneghan and watch the video of the show with Stew the previous night. We are proud that "Late Night in the Midlands" and Radio Nsearch were the first to bring out the story on the radio and on video because disinfo agents have stopped REAL action from taking place for years now! Also covered is how David Wilcock is being used to push out disinformation that the aliens will save us! This is DANGEROUS because David Wilcock and Benjamin Fulford have been hooked up for a long time and deceiving millions in the truth community. Even before the confirmation of Benjamin Fulford being an agent for MI-5, It was obvious that Benjamin was working for somebody for many reasons. First, he said there was no radiation around Tokyo and it was only affecting the Fukushima local area! This is a LIE! Also Benjamin Fulford never funded any free energy projects with his trillionaire friends even though websites such as this one have at least 5 that are ready for mass production! The lesson that must be learned from this important video is that aliens and agents of MI-5 will not save us! We ALL have to get involved in spreading the truth and recalling all the people who voted for NDAA etc! Every truth website should be pushing truth cards such as the ones we make available here. We all have to get focused and get active! Thank you for all the people that are helping us push the story about Occupy Cherokee Castle!
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by notorial dissent »

So Fufi is now an MI5 agent, makes acout as much sense as anything else he has produced. I love the satanic ceremonies at the castle, really premo news items there.
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Cathulhu »

It's so cute when the psychos all fight each other about which version of idiocy they're believing at this moment...
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Deep Knight »

A new comment from the Johnnie's Dirrected Questions to Drake post

Anonymous June 10, 2012 9:23 PM

What is taking place on planet earth in this momentous time period is NOT open for negotiation according to Cobras interpretation or is it in the hands of Drakes pentagon white hat contacts. Drake is a faction 2 information agent carrying grievances around for what he helped to create in the first place.

The very crummy government he is working for that he finds himself complaining about and unable to accept the responsibility for that he had his own hands involved in doing so.

He does not understand that what is taking place, is on a majestic level. There is faction 3 information 38 levels above the president of the united states with the alien contact intelligence organization, which is extremely smart stuff Drake is not privileged to.

Mr Drake does not get to know what that information is. He is a decoy and truly has not the slightest clue in this great big world what is occurring on the grandest of scales unimaginable with the transformation of consciousness.

He is just another mind controlled incompetent soul like most everyone else and can do no-thing about no-thing to help himself, let alone anyone else by running people around unnecessarily. If he knew so much about individual sovereignty, he could teach people, but you cannot give what you do not have in a codependent situation.

He has a piece of information and it is nothing that has not already been around and known for years and he thinks he was bringing anything new, except to rally the incompetent troops for a resistance movement with a snake named Cobra who doesn't know what is taking place either.

It's just a pep squad rally for a junior high school cheerleading team for incompetent slaves to follow other people around in a popularity contest, who are not serious souls themselves that are capable of making up their own minds. Go team go, fight team fight.

No one will be sharing critical information about timelines in advance with website owners to rally troops to vote for a militia against pretend bad guys representing a ghost corporation who does not exist, which is already scaring the holy living crap out of the entire population, because they don't understand their identity has been stolen and they are not who they think they are.

The constitution is a fiction document used for those who are not responsible for themselves to be self governing.

The people cry out for a savior. They want someone else to do something for them. They want someone else to act on their behalf and to provide various physical, emotional, and spiritual comforts and securities.

Yes, what a great pleasure a mentally and emotionally destitute (“meek”) man finds knowing that for the nominal fee of blind obedience, someone else will fulfill his needs and also dispense hell and damnation to his enemies.

Who could pass up such a platinum deal? The day the current guru fails to cut it, then the next gimmick-merchant on the block will do just as well.

Truth can perish, and the world can come to ruin, but as long as the ego and the persona, and the illusion of salvation at the hands of others remains constant, we believe.
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by The Observer »

Deep Knight wrote:[W]hat's with all the "dragons" in this bunch?
Good question. I thought that anything reptilian was immediately on the side of the Cabal\Illuminati\Dark Forces conspiracy. Now, all of sudden, we're supposed to be listening to what dragons have to say?
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Cathulhu »

Well, this is the Year of the Dragon. But why didn't we hear from anyone during say, the Year of the Pig, or the Rat?
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by The Observer »

Cathulhu wrote:Well, this is the Year of the Dragon. But why didn't we hear from anyone during say, the Year of the Pig, or the Rat?
Well, with Bellringer, every day is Year of the Rat.
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by ashlynne39 »

Who is Drake? After reading through this thread (every painful word of it), I have come to some possible options:

1. Drake is a flat out nut job who is so delusional that he truly believes the BS he is putting out there.

2. Drake is a con artist who is just messing with a bunch of gullible nut jobs desperate to believe in NESARA and aliens and the dark Cabal

3. Drake really is an agent from Langley because the CIA has nothing better to do than jack around with morons who believe in an intergalactic council and that they are going to get a big fat money pouch via NESARA

4. Drake is someone from Quatloos who got bored one day and decided to create an alternate identity to mess with the biggest group of morons I've ever had the misfortune to read about
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Gregg »

4. Drake is someone from Quatloos who got bored one day and decided to create an alternate identity to mess with the biggest group of morons I've ever had the misfortune to read about
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by notorial dissent »

ashlynne39, it could be any of the above, although I kind of lean to 1 and/or 2, the worst part is that is that they are so gullible that anyone who wanted to mess with their heads, more than they already have on their own, would have easy pickings, since the rationality discriminator is completely off line in that group. The only requirement is to make up some cock and bull story and pretend to be someone "in the know", since none of this crowd obviously is, and it is automatically gospel to them despite anything that rational sense says to the contrary.
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Gregg »

I'm sure the list of e-mail addresses that responded to their poll is for sale, advertised in a polite way as a "really gullible sucker list"
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Deep Knight »

It must be happening, MacHaffie has a poll which says it is!

Visible Massive Arrests Will Appear In

A FEW DAYS 294 (24%)
A FEW WEEKS 263 (21%)
Don't Know 546 (44%)
Nonsense 114 (9%)

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Votes so far: 1217
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