Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by ashlynne39 »

What came first, the morons or the marines (Ok, the army but marines sort of rhymed). So, did the morons just get lucky and a bunch of tanks were caught rolling down Missouri streets just when needed to cooroborate their story or did they know the tanks were coming and made the story up to fit the tanks? ... -st-louis/

‘Makes Very Little Sense’: Why are Army Tanks Rolling Down Residential Roads for Training in St. Louis?

Late last week and through the weekend, citizens of St. Louis, Mo., were told not to be alarmed should they see military tanks roll by their home. Even with this warning, though, some wondered why the U.S. Army was taking the vehicles off the base and to the streets in the first place.

According to KSDK-TV, Army specialists from Fort Meade came into town for a training exercise for members of the 354 NP company. As the reporter states, this “drivers’ ed.” for tanks will take place on city streets and the highway.

As noted in the video, the military is warning onlookers to steer clear of the tanks should they be seen on the road. Still, this caused Brandon Smith from Alt-Market in a guest post for Zero Hedge to wonder why the military is really conducting this training in public at all, saying it “makes very little sense to me.” He poses these questions:

U.S. Army troops all the way from Maryland running open exercises in armored personnel carriers on the busy streets of St. Louis? I know Maryland is a small state, but is there really not enough room at Ft. Detrick to accommodate a tank column and some troops? Are there not entire fake neighborhood and town complexes built with taxpayer dollars on military bases across the country meant to facilitate a realistic urban environment for troops to train in? And why travel hundreds of miles to Missouri?

He also points out that some local reports did mention some citizens being worried about the purpose of the training exercise but those featured in the report were all supporters. The local Fox affiliate has a couple examples of the supporters in its report:

In the video, two locals explain that they think the presence of troops or law enforcement that looks like the military could help cut down on crime in the area.

Smith wonders this as well writing in response to his above questions that it “makes perfect sense if the goal is to acclimate citizens to the idea of seeing tanks and armed military acting in a policing capacity.”

“One of the interviewees even points out that in some countries they don’t use police at all; only military. This is true,” he writes. “We call those countries ‘tyrannies.’”

The training is expected to continue through June 28.
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Deep Knight »

ashlynne39 wrote:http ... theblaze ... makes-very-little-sense-why-are-army-tanks-rolling-down-residential-roads-for-training-in-st-louis/
I looked it up, and this "The Blaze" is somehow associated with Glenn Beck (I don't wanna know how), who is heavily influenced by W. Cleon Skousen, who was the godfather of many, many rightist conspiracy theories. For example, Woodrow Wilson being a Communist and behind the Russian Revolution.

As for "why St. Louis," the answer is "summer vacation." Sure you can go to the nearest fort, but imagine taking a convoy road trip to large place where you can make the local paranoids pee in their pants and you can get a cold Bud that was really beachwood aged. Would inspire me to join the guard.

P.S. I am unfamiliar with the Illustrious Legs division of the Illuminati, are you out of the Houston branch? I used to know a girl in the Luminous Legs group, but she got tired of being kept awake nights by her glowing gams and moved to the Devastating Disasters division.
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Deep Knight »

Monday, June 25, 2012
Archangel Michael on Our Response to the Looming Mass Arrests

– Steve Beckow, June 25, 2012

[AA-Michael-55] Today on the pre-record of An Hour with an Angel, Archangel Michael advised us not to fall into fear and not to embrace the old dramas and paradigms of the Third Dimension as events unfold.
He did not confirm that the mass arrests would be happening today but instead spoke about how we should respond to them when they do occur.
He said he wished to put the subject into perspective. He reminded us (starseeds) that our proper home is not in the Third Dimension and that we walk the Earth to bring it to peace.
He reminded us that the Company of Heaven seeks to bring the light to everyone, dark and Light alike, and that this is what the Transition is all about. We are all being penetrated by the Light from the source of the Heart of One. He added:
“Peace is not brought to your planet or anywhere, throughout the multiverse … through control and hatred, coercion, distrust, or drama. That is simply not the way of love and it is not the way that I urge you to move.”
I know there is a great deal of excitement in the air and I say that there should be. … This is the tipping point and the boulder is running downhill. … But perhaps not in the way you envision.
The Company of Heaven does not perceive a call to civil unrest with eager anticipation, he said. ... Do not be diverted from who you are. And do not get caught in scenarios that do not appear to be in love.”
Yes, we have heard you say you are tired of waiting and want visible signs. But the visible signs are in your heart. The visible signs are in your choices for peace
“There has been civil unrest all over Gaia and you have seen some of the actions and reactions as you look to Egypt and Iraq. Do you truly wish to set up this kind of scenario in the West? ... He wants us to speak up. He wants us to support each other, financially, emotionally, and spiritually, including the naysayers, and not to be confrontational.
The speaking of truth is not always easy. It requires courage and bravery and it may feel like stepping out on a limb and many may tell us that we are delusional and crazy. But we will be in the best company.
What he is asking us is to step out of our comfort zone, not in picking up guns or bombs, but in whatever way we can – for instance, beaming love to every person we meet. We are being given mighty help from our star brothers and sisters. Our star brothers and sisters are very active, not only with us but with the “resistant” group. They are not asking us to form a new resistance. We already are the new paradigm.
“Look in the mirror, beloved ones, and see yourself and also see us standing next to you. … We are next to you as we never have been before.
“We don’t want you engaging in coercion. We want you engaging in conversation, intelligent exchange. … There is no weapon more powerful than your sword and shield. None in anything the military has developed can in any way defeat what is available to you through us and your star brothers and sisters.”
With that Serapis Bey and El Morya joined the discussion. I’ll leave their discussions of peace for you to listen to.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 1:25 PM


1. Anonymous June 25, 2012 1:47 PM

I agree with everything you are saying but how do you fight the evil with love while they bring bullets. Explain that one.
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Deep Knight »

Fullford disses Drake, but Anonymous sez the events in St. Louis prove something or other!

Monday, June 25, 2012
Benjamin Fulford Blurb: It Has Become Impossible For The Cabal To Hide The Truth; They Are Being Defeated

There is a lot of talk of arrests this week, notably from “Drake,” however, our direct sources cannot confirm this. As David Icke pointed out, this writer has in the past quoted sources claiming deadlines that came and went with nothing happening. That is why we no longer quote specific deadlines.

The White Dragon Society itself has never put out a specific deadline. It merely tries to drain the financial swamp until all the swamp creatures are flushed out. However, since it is hard to know exactly how many creatures there are or how deep the swamp is, it would be a mistake to come up with specific dates. If some sort of mass action was planned, we would certainly not give the bad guys any advance warning.

Anonymous June 25, 2012 3:41 PM

Yes, we can see very clearly the Mass Arrests are now beginning today in Missouri.
The Police in Saint Louis are very calm and non-antagonistic, there has also been no reports of any kind of tussles/shootings in Missouri as the militias are on stand by & no kind of illegal actions occurred.

If they were initiating 'Martial Law' we would hear a whole lot of commotion. There are those on the web spreading fear about troops in Missouri, these are likely cabal operatives and patriots who have been used by the archons. Instead, Missouri as a whole is relatively calm today and supportive of the efforts to arrest and detain trouble makers. (Cabal members, including the Bush/Scerff kids, Rockefeller Jr., Calderon, Blankfein etc.)

Commanders can say that its just a drill all they like, but once the T.V. cameras roll we will know some of the worst cabal members were placed under arrest & escorted off site to pay back their dues to a society they helped destroy. Then the patriot groups will activate and immediately hit Fox News.
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by JamesVincent »

ashlynne39 wrote: U.S. Army troops all the way from Maryland running open exercises in armored personnel carriers on the busy streets of St. Louis? I know Maryland is a small state, but is there really not enough room at Ft. Detrick to accommodate a tank column and some troops? Are there not entire fake neighborhood and town complexes built with taxpayer dollars on military bases across the country meant to facilitate a realistic urban environment for troops to train in? And why travel hundreds of miles to Missouri?
Whats funny about that is that there used to be a full tank battalion at Ft. Meade, complete with laagers and training areas... until it was downsized. There are specialty units that travel all over the country doing exercises like this, its nothing new or unusual. As far as Ft. Detrick goes, it has other things to do.
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by ashlynne39 »

Deep Knight wrote:
P.S. I am unfamiliar with the Illustrious Legs division of the Illuminati, are you out of the Houston branch? I used to know a girl in the Luminous Legs group, but she got tired of being kept awake nights by her glowing gams and moved to the Devastating Disasters division. [/color]

Oh Deep Knight, I'm not certain you have the type of clearance to know just how illustrious my legs are and what division they're in. I'm not in the Houston division but I am in another Texas division. That is as much info about my legs that I'm authorized to give without the super secret illuminati password that only someone 37 levels or more above the president would know.
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Deep Knight »

ashlynne39 wrote:Oh Deep Knight, I'm not certain you have the type of clearance to know just how illustrious my legs are and what division they're in. I'm not in the Houston division but I am in another Texas division. That is as much info about my legs that I'm authorized to give without the super secret illuminati password that only someone 37 levels or more above the president would know.
I have clearance for all personal and private parts outside of the highest levels of the Council of Evil Elders or Satanic Friends League. But, not being a leg man I don't need to know, especially if they're on a need to know basis 38 levels above ground floor. Now if you wanted to share details about a particularly sexy pair of horns or cloven hooves ... But that's not important now, what is is that they're on to us being on to them, so it's time to get on it! Pack up your legs and be prepared to hit the streets when the secret call comes! Fore!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Drake and all other messengers as fore the mass arrests
The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

Drake and all other messengers as fore the mass arrests...there has been a bait and switch done on us...
Posted By: igots2no
Date: Tuesday, 26-Jun-2012 08:53:43

Reader Striderus writes:
As all have probably heard and are awaiting on Drake and all other messengers as fore the mass arrests
We have been given word that there has been a bait and switch done on us and against the messengers
The elites have a NEW plan....MASS EXODUS of America. the so called planned "Event" has had its time table UP
The elites are trying to escape America before their arrests can be done, and hearing that there is no news as to where the military stand with us or against us
I think it might be time to interfer in every way possible with the tpb...every non violent way to make them understand that the targets are on THEIR BACKS and that we will NOT be fighting each other like they had hopes of happening
Block all their private airports so they can not get on their private jets, grid lock every route possible, as examples
These traitors must be brought to justice for their treasons !
We need ALL anti-NNWOglobalist groups to come together WORLD WIDE
PUT it on your people lists and send viral !

Thank you

Posted by John MacHaffie at 9:00 AM


1. Anonymous June 26, 2012 9:09 AM

What do you want?
Do you care that they are here and arrested or overseas and arrested?
Do you care that they have left their posts and positions and can no longer give orders to hurt anyone anymore?
Do you care that they 'having titles of nobility' have decided to walk away from their offices obtained by fraud rather than stand and fight in some Guerrilla war fashion?
What does it matter that the Event is Arrest or the Event is Exodus?
Would it be better their exit from a land they don't deserve to inherit than a forced exit of us from the other agenda methods they had set up?
What does this matter?
When will it be enough to stop being negative about a solution to a problem?
Has the universe answered you?
Why must it be your way, and only your way?
There are infinite ways to do anything, down to the minute details of the color shirt, right hand, left hand, by someone else's hand, and the time the 'thing' is done, there are infinite ways to do it, what does that matter?
A call went out to Universe to free Humanity from oppression.
Universe opened the door and one of an infinite number of possibilities is occurring right now?
Can we say Thank you?

2. Anonymous June 26, 2012 9:11 AM

Research Operation Stardust 2, they will NOT escape. Have no FEAR. Light and love to all.
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by The Observer »

I have been waiting patiently for the last two weeks to be arrested. I have my suitcase packed with all of the essentials (toothbrush, clean underwear, last 3 issues of Illuminati International, and a package of Twinkies) and a complete printout of sensitive, conspiratorial-like documents to use during my trial in order to mitigate whatever sentence gets handed down.

But now I am getting the feeling that these arrests are never going to happen. I have already broken into the Twinkies and ate one, and will finish the other one off before today is over.

I suggest that the Forces of Light amend their name to Forces of Unreliable Light.
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Deep Knight »

The Observer wrote:I have been waiting patiently for the last two weeks to be arrested. I have my suitcase packed with all of the essentials (toothbrush, clean underwear, last 3 issues of Illuminati International, and a package of Twinkies) and a complete printout of sensitive, conspiratorial-like documents to use during my trial in order to mitigate whatever sentence gets handed down.

But now I am getting the feeling that these arrests are never going to happen. I have already broken into the Twinkies and ate one, and will finish the other one off before today is over.

I suggest that the Forces of Light amend their name to Forces of Unreliable Light.
Don't get me started. These light workers' flakiness is bad enough during the rest of the year, but we're trying to plan summer vacations here and the possibility having to flee in terror really puts a crimp in taking the family to Disneyland.

Anyway, we're waiting here too, trying to kill time by killing random innocents who were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. By the way, here are some more comments to the Striderus "Fore" post.

Replies (to the "Can we say Thank you?" comment)
Anonymous June 26, 2012 10:09 AM
Thank you! Live in the Moment and Love all Life! Thank you!

manny June 26, 2012 11:17 AM
Thank you, thank you, thank you, well stated, it is what's in our hearts that will change the world, I am just now wrapping my head around this idea and it's working, yes there are many factions to this journey and they "The Cabal" will stop at nothing, but I believe in my heart of hearts that the good of the world is winning this battle.
We all know the answer if we could just look inside of us instead of looking externally, the answer has been there all along, we were all just to busy living the good life having a good time up til now, a shift is happening and more and more people are getting a deeper look at things.
If you watch TV, I would highly recommend turning it off and spend that time on yourself, internal so that we can all find the truth within,
Peace, love and prosperity for all

Anonymous June 26, 2012 10:01 AM
They won't be going anywhere after the destruction they caused. Every single one of these elite scumbags will be tracked down, detained and arrested and their attempted censorship of the internet will be a criminal charge as well.
Nothing to worry about, there will be no escape. Block the airports and keep these creatures of the night stuck in their home towns. Wear your vests, armor, and block all exits so they can't even get past the lines.
There will be no more subterfuge, their time is up.

Anonymous June 26, 2012 10:08 AM
drake has no teeth

Anonymous June 26, 2012 10:14 AM
As long as they go to their little island where they can't hurt the people of the world, I really don't care.
Just as long as they can't leave the island or have contact with the rest of the world...

Anonymous June 26, 2012 10:18 AM
Oh im sorry the you way guys are talking it makes me think that you think something is going to happen. Given the track record of pretty much every messenger...yes including drake, nothing will happen...aka talk is cheap.

Anonymous June 26, 2012 10:45 AM
Good Morning to All...
While listening to Drakes last interview I sensed (from what was said) that he was frustrated with chemtrails... Well according to my chemtrail spy network I can report that 6 regions (of the us) that there has not been any chemtrails seen for 5 days, as of this AM... Of the 6 regions I am speaking about from West to East coast .... there is always something going on... and as of this AM.... there is NOTHING...This may or may not be a clue something is going on...

Replies Anonymous June 26, 2012 10:59 AM
Roger that, I'm in South Texas and I haven't seen anything for about a week. When I got off work this morning, AWESOME!!!! Nothing but fresh!

Anonymous June 26, 2012 11:04 AM
Oh no! It can't be. You mean no arrests were made yesterday in St. Louis? The bad guys have left the country? My oh my! What wicked webs they weave. They must really be scared of Drake and his hillbilly militia. Time for all of you Draketards to get your guns and hunt these scumbags down. The military has deceived you. Yee,Ha!

Anonymous June 26, 2012 11:44 AM
Anonymous at 11:04 - I see another paid group of cabal disinfo trolls are on the prowl. How do you know that none of them were arrested, exactly? Do you know what sort of white collar criminals are shacked up in that neighborhood? Have you seen any first hand evidence of such, do you happen to know everybody in "Missouri" who has yet to confirm who was arrested? Do you happen to know the Mayor or the National Guard?
I see apparently you do not have any information. Well, according to Neil Keenan and others who placed the liens against the Federal Reserve - there was in fact arrests that day. We shall see even more, as the news gets turned over to the people.

Anonymous June 26, 2012 12:31 PM
I think it is sad to see so much of a flipant attitude taking place among the readers. This is serious business....and many of you are right in stating that these evil ones have planned their getaway in secret to avoid the mass arrests program!
I believe that justice will prevail and our Galactic brethern will come to our has been the use of a superior technology...aka..stardust 2....there is no escape....and they will soon be apprehended!

Anonymous June 26, 2012 1:20 PM
Dearest Anon 11:44: You poor, poor misguided soul. You state Keenan and "others" claim arrests have been made. If this were the case, Keenan and his cronies would be blasting this info all over the internet by now. You sir, Keenan, Drake and others are the disinfo agents. So keep feeding the sheeple with your BS and illusions while the bad guys continue their agenda and laugh their asses off at you. Don't forget, Drake said if no arrests were made by the military yesterday that you should take on the bad guys yourselves. So get your gun and go down to the nearest cell phone tower, bridge or power plant and make sure they don't blow them up. Better hurry up! BTW, say hello to Keenan and Drake while your at it. I'm sure they'll be there waiting on you.

Hey, how did he know we were continuing our agenda and laughing our behinds off? There must be a leak somewhere. Time for another lockdown!
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by texino »

There are places in Maryland that lend credence to this story. The Aberdeen proving grounds are there and that is where they test new Army stuff. Now those vehicles are not tanks or APCs. They are a type of armored car used primarily for busting up crowds bent on some sort of insurrection. You might notice multiple tear gas launch tubes placed around the turret and the vehicle likely has a water cannon. If the Army NG were called out for riot control these would likely be the vehicle used. Why practice? Why not? You can't go very far on the internet before you run into some craziness or other about taking the government back by force. Anyway, training a NG MP Company in policing tactics is typical for guard summer fun.

Now if you should see one of these rigs cruising the hood with quad 50s mounted and a napalm nozzle in place, well I'd say all bets are off.
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Gregg »

Now if you should see one of these rigs cruising the hood with quad 50s mounted and a napalm nozzle in place, well I'd say all bets are off.
That,or you caught me going out for Root Beer...
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Deep Knight »

Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Well? Cobra's Blog has more to say about Mass Arrests
The Rumor Mill News Reading Room
Posted By: Luna
Date: Tuesday, 26-Jun-2012 14:29:37

Remember "Cobra" from the radio interview someone posted a few days ago? Cobra is someone who has a blog and writes about mass arrests in a similar version to Drake. I listened to the interview a few times. I'm watching to see how things unfold, hopefully. I don't make any claims as to the veracity of any of this information.
What with the things that Drake said in the latest update, I am on alert this week.
Yesterday and today there are new Cobra blogs.
Uranus square Pluto - Archons Activity

I would like to bring to your attention that this Sunday, June 24th, was the exact time of Uranus-Pluto square, a very powerful astrological alignment that brings much tension into the air.

This influence is most intense in the time window between June 21st and June 28th. This is the timeframe that major non-physical Archons set for the beginning of a violent revolution and civil war. They are hoping to spread this worldwide to create chaos in order to help their physical counterparts hide away from the mass arrest sweeps. That will not help them, even if they try to hide in Uganda. Rest assured that the Light forces know where they are in every moment.

This Archons’ plan will not come to fruition as there are higher positive forces preventing this. Know that non-physical Archons and their minions are behind most violent acts on this planet and they will not be able to initialize this as they are losing power daily.

Goddess wants peace. And peace shall come.

There is hidden war now taking place in Pentagon. The dark Cabal tried to infiltrate the Positive Military group to stop the mass arrests but this is currently successfully being dealt with. This was one of the main reasons for delays that frustrated so many people.

Stardust 2 is a defence and not an attack weapon. It will be activated only to prevent the Cabal from doing harm at the time of the Event. This technology can be activated on a distance with a precision of about one millionth of a millimeter. It will be targeted specifically to the neurotransmitters in nerve cells in the bodies of the members of the Cabal. This technology is very target - specific and no innocent individual will be harmed in any way.

Taking certain hard-core members of the Cabal into the Galactic Central Sun is healing, not punishment. Some of them have been damaged beyond repair. They have rejected the Light completely and this is the only way to deal with the situation. They will not feel any pain while being disintegrated. They will simply be gone forever.

Regardless of the events in the next few days, please remain calm, but alert.

Archons and their minions will try to provoke you. It is natural and human to feel anger, fear, doubt or impatience. But do not act on it. Just calmly observe your emotions, take a few breaths, maybe play your favourite song and then decide how to act.

Do not engage in violence, whether physical (rioting, violent revolution) or verbal (attacking messengers on the internet, hateful comments to anyone, relationship quarrels). Violence will NOT solve our problems. Clearly planned and focused action will.

Focus instead on beauty, nature, meditation. Find calmness within. And when you need to act, act from that calmness.

Today's blog on Cobra's site is very cryptic.
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Posted by John MacHaffie at 4:16 PM


Anonymous June 26, 2012 5:19 PM

Yeah, Bubba! We got to get them Archons and cabal guys before they get us. I gots me a new laser gun from one of them Galactic Federation spacemen. I think his name was Salusa. He told me to call up Drake and get the militia ready to go. The military petered out. Too many of them was scared they'd lose their pensions. We'll zap them suckers and send them to Planet Baldar. Then we can live like kings on them prosperity packs everybody's been talking about. Some guy named OkieOilMan gave me some paper called Dinars. I didn't know what they wuz, but they shure make good toilet paper. Ya'll ready! Let's go!
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by The Observer »

Taking certain hard-core members of the Cabal into the Galactic Central Sun is healing, not punishment. Some of them have been damaged beyond repair. They have rejected the Light completely and this is the only way to deal with the situation. They will not feel any pain while being disintegrated. They will simply be gone forever
Being disintegrated and eliminated forever is "healing?" What kind of universal health plan is this? I'd hate to see what passes for euthanasia.
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by JamesVincent »

Gregg wrote:
Now if you should see one of these rigs cruising the hood with quad 50s mounted and a napalm nozzle in place, well I'd say all bets are off.
That,or you caught me going out for Root Beer...
Screw the .50 cals. When you start playing with these thats when you know its time to go home.
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Prof »

The Observer wrote:
Taking certain hard-core members of the Cabal into the Galactic Central Sun is healing, not punishment. Some of them have been damaged beyond repair. They have rejected the Light completely and this is the only way to deal with the situation. They will not feel any pain while being disintegrated. They will simply be gone forever
Being disintegrated and eliminated forever is "healing?" What kind of universal health plan is this? I'd hate to see what passes for euthanasia.
Ron Paul's proposal for Medicare reform at the (pending) Republican Convention?
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Deep Knight »

Drake says it's done, gives us a doo doo list, and it's all over but the flushing!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

1. take a 2wks worth of $ for basics
out of your bank (in case your bank closes);
2. have enough TP and meds for the same;
3. non-perishable food, etc for 2 wks;
4. popcorn and drink for celebration :)!!!

Tonight Drake gave mid-week updates concerning our freedom.
Drake Interview this Evening.
Drake Said:
* New Chat Room: then go to top of page to FORUM.
* The Rio G-20 meeting earlier this week had as its purpose to create a NWO.
* The only purpose of Obama's State of Emergency executive order had was
to keep the U.S. in state of emergency powers act for a dictatorship.
* This is from the military: The Calvary is coming.
If needed, the militias and citizens will be contacted.
They say sit back and watch the fireworks

* The Rio G-20 failed to create the NWO.
* We have won!
* There should be no interruptions of infrastructure.
* He implies that all should happen by July 4th.
* The foreign troops are no match for our troops.

* Majority of the G-20 told Mrs. Clinton they are no longer interested in creating
the NWO due to lack of money.
* The House Oversight Committee approved a Ron Paul bill today opening
the Federal Reserve to a full audit.
* This is Green Light status issued by the military. Look for activity within 24 hours.
* The Euro is on its own now.
* A lot of globalization agreements are now void.
* U.N. goes back to its original charter purpose.
* He got information from some of the highest ranking military.
He knows those leaders and trusts them.
* You will not see NATO uniforms, just U.S. uniforms.
* Central banking systems will be closed.
* All of the things that are contrary to We the People will be taken care of.
Look for extraordinary changes.
* We have cut ties with all foreign relations.
* Top off your auto; hold 2 weeks of cash, have food on hand for several weeks.
* We will have to be schooled to learn how to communicate with the ETs.
* Drake will be updated in a day or so by Neil Keenan.
* International travel will be shut down for 72 hours. To begin ???
* Obama will have serious problems.
* Government checks will be going out as normal without interruptions.
* NESARA will go into effect, with the peoples having the ability to vote changes to it.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 10:06 PM 0 comments

Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Hi John,

I'm listening to Drake on the radio right now, hope you are too. If not --I'm telling you now that he has given THE GREEN LIGHT notice. He said itwill be posted on his site after the show. Expect a grand 4th of July!!!!!!!!

Thanx for all you do,

This not a drill. we are on the call and he announced it twice.
Just letting you know

God Bless

Posted by John MacHaffie at 10:08 PM

1. Jim Costa June 27, 2012 10:12 PM

Drake Interview this Evening.

2. Anonymous June 27, 2012 11:01 PM

The Democratic Cabal that took over the U.S.A 100 years ago is finished, done for, and kaput. Leo Wanta's assets continue to be retrieved and repatriated as collateral all over the globe.

Operation Greenlight has been confirmed as "Go". Confirmation for this comes not only from Drake, but from first hand contacts I hold in Denver & Missouri including local residents.

They saw authorities escorting Federal Reserve criminals out in shackles, literally just today. This is not a drill.

Democrat John McCain, Michael Chertoff, George (Bush)Scherff Senior, Charles Schumer and Jay Rockefeller will be apprehended shortly. Democrat Lloyd Blankfein has already been apprehended in the Goldman Sachs case and his associate Jason Rubin awaits trial in New York.

Finally at long last, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase and Bank of America are going to be liquidated in bankruptcy. It was written as required law in Ron Paul's final bill.

Within days JP Morgan Chase will not even exist. Chase Bank will exist only in small form.

So those of you who said the Mass Arrests were all lies, you are in for a mighty wake up. The Mass Arrests of the democratic cabal have begun!

I have also activated Operation "Rain Maker" personally.....LET IT RAIN!!!

What that means is the above people are shortly to have trial dates set. For their treason against the United States in stealing over 4.5 trillion dollars of Leo Wanta's funds, the Wanta Reagan Mitterand Protocols.

Folks, look it up. It's the only reason the military shall have such lawful authority.
Leo Wanta's Protocols

The above scumbags are all members of the Federal Reserve like Rumsfeld is, are all democrats, stole Leo Wanta's money over a period of 45 years & bankrupted the U.S.A. They're going on trial for it, since the Federal Reserve is going off to jail.

RED FLAG NOTICE: Operation "Rain Maker" will not miss Mitt Romney who stole Wanta's funds & more than six times attempted to poison Leo Wanta in jail.

Militias have one hundred percent contact-vision on Romney & know where he is at all times, period, they can arrest him at any point.



3. Anonymous June 28, 2012 12:49 AM

Man oh Man! This stuff is getting real deep. If Federal Reserve people were escorted out in shackles in St. Louis, someone must have a video and/or the local news media would be eating this up. I'm very cautious about what Heneghan says since he has claimed bad guys have been arrested for the past year and nothing has ever been proven. Discretion people, discretion! I want to see the "big boys" get arrested like Corzine, Diamond, Bush, Kissinger, Soros, etc. Then maybe I'll have a beer and celebrate.

4. Anonymous June 28, 2012 1:56 AM

I cant f@#$@$% wait to see these a@@#$$#$ go on trial and be exposed for the dirty snakes they are...... FREEDOM!!!!!!!!!!!!! Our forefathers can finally stop rolling in their graves in dissapointment on what we have let this great country become and now is the time to take the power back! I hope we are not having smoke blown up our bums on this because it would be soooo wrong to get peoples hopes up by tricking us into thinking we will soon be free. I believe Drake knows that if this does not happen it will be bad for him but I believe he is telling the truth all the signs are there you just have to open your eyes. Damn its gonna be REALLY hard to sleep tonight, gonna have to drink some beers to assist with that. This is a very momentus occasion and calls for some cold ones!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Notes for Drake Call of 6/27/2012 ---- "This is the GREEN LIGHT"
Latest News
by thedoor

Here are my notes taken during Drake’s call going on from 6-9 PM CST, 6/27/2012.
The military has told Drake “This is Green Light.”
The spirit of the call was like freedom bells ringing throughout, once Drake said the green light had been given by the military.
Notes from Drake call of 6/27/2012

* G20 meeting was all about the NWO takeover.
* 12 false flags around the U.S. had been planned, including nuclear devices, for October (maybe a rerun of last year’s “October Surprise” that didn’t happen), so there would be no elections. They’ve been handled.
* According to the ET’s, “the cavalry is coming.”
* They will take care of things.
* “Sit back and watch the fireworks.” They’ll call on the military only if needed.

“We have won.”
With mass arrests and removals from office, the MSM may not have a choice about reporting it.
Yesterday and today Drake got his answer from the military:
They have the paperwork and it’s been submitted correctly.

The majority of the states have submitted notification that they are free of the corporate govt.
The military can take action on behalf of the people against the corporation.
The military will begin supporting the vets as they should be.
Get some cash out of banks, though no major interruptions are expected.
Drake has been given a day for the event–this week. (I assume that means in the next 3 days, and possibly tomorrow or Friday.)
He thinks the military has finally gotten the idea that if they didn’t act, the people would.
Every time the opposing forces have tried to do a trial run with air vehicles, they’ve been met by superior forces and told to land.
Lady Dragon reporting:
FBI was on CNN about braking up a large child prostitution ring.
The audit the fed bill made positive progress today. There was a unanimous vote in the House in favor of it, something unheard of in the past.
Cobra also confirmed things are working well and to remain calm.
Drake again:
The politicians are seeing the handwriting on the wall. Some of them will be lucky to retain their lives.
Drake again.
The military has told Drake “This is Green Light.” It will be posted on his website after this call.
Many other countries are watching us. They feel if we can do it, they can too.
England and the European Union are having extreme duress maintaining life support. G20 said they would cut all financial ties to other countries. The European Union is on its own. The E.U. was the prototype of the NWO.
A lot of the money that should be going into our highways has been going into the trans-America highway for the North American Union (Mexico/US/Canada). (From the nature of the call, we can probably assume that that won’t happen.)
He suggests that the U.N. will begin to have some very difficult problems very shortly because they’re following globalist policies. They will be terminated as they are and be reinstated according to the original plans for it. It was taken over by the globalists.
The religions (religiosity) will be attended to shortly also. The E.T.’s will give us the true story that’s been denied us.
He did some checking with other countries about what’s going down and got confirmation there too.
He said the military will go mainstream with this as soon as they can. They’re listening to these calls to ensure that the info is being put out correctly. They wanted Drake to be educating the public about this coming event. They’ll also be using some people well known to “out” the info. Wanted freedom and militia communities to be reached, so they wouldn’t take action unless necessary.
Canada will have to determine if they will cooperate or not. The central banking system on this continent will be closed, which includes Canada too. So they’ll be up against hundreds of other countries wanting them to cooperate if they don’t comply.
The notification process (declaring our independence from the corporate U.S. government) to the Hague set us free from the other ties and treaties contrary to the American documents–Constitution, Bill of Rights, Declaration of Independence. Nullification of all former contracts which are contrary to these documents.
Listen to traffic stations for possible slow downs.
All things that are contrary to the best interests of the people will be attended to, including courts, judges, etc.
Women will be much more in charge.
Governments start wars, not people.
There will be major changes coming. The legalities will be changed. Finance will be changed. “Eventually we may not need money.”
Individual rights will be reinstated. Attending to the needs of our brothers and sisters will become standard.
IRS will be going. People in prison because of them will be released.
We have cut ties with England, City of London, and other controlling places like that.
Vatican Bank has serious financial problems. Been cut off largely (called the Northern Connection). That’s been severed.
Federal Reserve goes out.
Was asked when E.T.’s might make an appearance? A time has been given but he must hold that info for now.
He suggested a week’s supply of food; stock up on necessities in case of interruption. Take two weeks of money out of bank account. May have hits and misses in terms of deliveries. May have some food shortages due to delivery issues.
He has update on Neil Keenan and the various financial law suits but can’t say it now. It may become public before he can say.
A traveler told a caller that their flight was sent to Las Vegas and couldn’t land in Denver because the military were arresting several hundred people there.
Drake has been in “school” for about a month learning how to communicate with the E.T.’s, through imagery and thought. They will be sharing that with us, so we can better communicate with us.
There have been an unusual number of flights leaving the Dover (England) airport today. The Queen was wearing “green” today. (We wondered if there was a connection to “green light” there.)
Drake said since he has been allowed to go public with this, Alex Jones and Rush Limbaugh could do the same. They both have Drake’s email if they want more details.
When military determines we are free, church bells will be ringing.
Military doesn’t have much respect for B.O. He hasn’t been listening to them.
Govt. checks should continue as expected. May get larger.
NESARA law will be publicly discussed and perhaps enlarged.
We have a bright and shining future.
Central banking system will go out in the near future.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 10:59 PM


1. Anonymous June 27, 2012 11:56 PM

Let there be light!

2. Anonymous June 28, 2012 12:02 AM

Let us hope and pray that it is true.

Thursday, June 28, 2012
Green Light! Mass Arrests Will Now Commence!

Pentagon and military insider Drake has announced, tonight 6/27/12 at approximately 8:30PM, that the long anticipated green light has been given and the military and law enforcement alliance known to the people as the 'Earth Allies' will now move in within a time frame of
72 hours to begin the world wide sweep and mass arrests of thousands of members and associates of the criminal organization known as the 'cabal'. For those unfamiliar with this action, these arrests will free, once and for all, all of humanity from their dark captures who have conspired to bankrupt, sicken and finally imprison every human being on the planet.

All citizens are advised to pick up a week or so worth of food, water and all necessary provisions as some store closures and utility outages are possible. All citizens are also advised to withdraw from their financial institutions enough cash to last at least a week, and preferably up to three weeks, as certain banks are expected to close their doors, rendering credit and debit cards useless for at least a certain period of time. All citizens are advised to remain calm and within a centered emotional state. All citizens are strongly urged not to riot or engage in any violent actions of any kind.

Military units and law enforcement personnel will be witnessed making these arrests throughout the United States as well as in some other parts of the world, and all are advised to understand that these men and women are working in service to their brothers and sisters, to freedom, to constitutional government and to love. These military and law enforcement units are not moving in to arrest the citizens of their respective countries as some media outlets may erroneously report in the early stages of this far ranging operation. These units are engaging in the arrests of the members of the criminal cabal and their many associates, that is all.

All are advised to stock their homes with the basic necessities and also advise as many family members and friends what to expect and what these arrests will mean to the people of this world who have suffered too long under the oppression of these criminals and their dark agenda of power and control. This day has been a long time coming, and all are advised to celebrate as these arrests are televised world wide as a signal to our brethren that this is not more of the same bad news we have been programed to believe is the only form of news. This is a time to celebrate, and the celebrations will continue through the July 4th holiday, which will be a true celebration of independence for the people of the U.S. and all the people of our world.

you are love, you are loved, and I love you

Posted by John MacHaffie at 5:01 AM

1 comment:

1. Anonymous June 28, 2012 6:05 AM

God Bless The White Hats and the Forces of Light!!

That's right, Drake has given the White Hats the green light to go to the red light district. NESARA NOW WON!
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Drake has been in “school” for about a month learning how to communicate with the E.T.’s, through imagery and thought.
His previous attempts at communication through the medium of dance having caused an inter-galactic misunderstanding resulting in the wiping out of a planet or two during a brief but ferocious cosmic war.
Still waiting for the exact replica replacement announcement.....
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Gregg »

Drake has been in “school” for about a month learning how to communicate with the E.T.’s, through imagery and thought.
Sorry, but when I read that all I could think of was Jim Morrison and the naked Indian in "The Doors"
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Deep Knight »

Gregg wrote:
Drake has been in “school” for about a month learning how to communicate with the E.T.’s, through imagery and thought.
Sorry, but when I read that all I could think of was Jim Morrison and the naked Indian in "The Doors"
Weird scenes inside the gold mine.
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Deep Knight »

Thursday, June 28, 2012
Waiting For A Sign - THIS IS IT!
The Awakening/Ascension NewsFlash | DRAKE * GREEN LIGHT * [UPDATED] June 27, 2012

Green Light! Mass Arrests Will Now Commence!
GREEN LIGHT IS ON: Current Update: Breaking News, America! Drake confirms it’s ON!
Drake Declares “Green Light”
The Green Light Has Been Given~Drake – BREAKING NEWS – The Cavalry Is Coming, Watch The Fireworks
Drake just gave the Green Light for the Event plus the CanadianGoverment better be on the side of their people


—————————————–Many events are happing on the 2012 timeline leading to what we call the EVENT! This EVENT is the freedom of man!After this first series and “event combos”, there will be rapid “illuminations”, shall we say, or maybe we could say, “apocalypses” (unveilings). For those “ones” (so-called, “dark ones” ‘THE ARCHONS’) that really buy into that EOTW scenario (End of the World), yes, their own personal EOTW (End of their World) will be realized.

And one last note is that I often approach these “all at the same time” events or visualizations this way. If I’m not “right on exact” with the time, I can always “step out” of the 3D timeline, and be there anyway, at “exactly” that time.


Posted by John MacHaffie at 9:50 AM


Anonymous June 28, 2012 11:01 AM
yes, we await 'the arrests' patently.
of course, drek has said this b4, so if it dont happen, just add a few more days to it and repeat until if happens....zzzzzzzzzzz........
now it will really happen because 'I' have gifted permission for the arrests to happen. yes i did!

Anonymous June 28, 2012 11:40 AM
If this intel turns out to be true I have a suggestion for the military; "Start with the Supreme Court!"
If we are to return to our original constitution, with its original 13th amendment, None of them even have a right to be a Citizen of these united States let alone hole any office, elected or appointed, in any branch of government. They are all lawyers with titles of nobility (Esquire). So I would recommend that the military start with the Supreme's, then Holder, the Bush's and all their shrubs, the Clinton gang, most of the house and senate, Kissenger, Rockefeller's, Soros, Gates, Buffet, Geithner, Bernankie, Greenspan, Paulson, Rubin, Blankfein, Dimon, CEO's and executives of most large banks, Pharmaceutical, Energy, main streem Media, military industrial complex corporations, etc., etc., etc. also don't forget: Cheney, Rove, Rumsfeld, Condi, Powell, and on and on and on. This should be good for starters but I would definitely start with the Supremes. However, if nothing happens between now and the 4th of July I think Mr. Drake will be hard pressed to get anyone to listen to him again. So I sure hope it's true, this time.

Replies Anonymous June 28, 2012 12:41 PM

Anonymous June 28, 2012 1:13 PM
This is beginning to sound like the Dinar gurus "any day now". It is clearly evident that this is all BS made up by Drake. This guy is a snakeoil salesman aka Pied Piper, leading the sheeple off the cliff. This guy has too many screws loose to be considered reliable. I actually feel sorry for the sheeple that follow this crap put out by Drake, Fulford, Wilcock, Heneghan and others. It's all hype and no results yet people continue to follow these scam artists. I can guarantee you that nothing will happen this week or by the 4th of July like Drake contends. He'll just have some other excuse why things didn't work out and lead the sheeple on another "wild goose chase." As far as I'm concerned, these guys are just as bad as the scum they're planning on arresting.

Replies AnonymousJune 28, 2012 2:45 PM
I find it so interesting that people who are doing ALL OF THE BASHING are the ones who have done NOTHING to help the process along except sit in front of a computer and COMPLAIN!
How many times has it been written that this is a complicated process and if you were really reading the detailed volumes of info, you would fully realize just what an entangled web (thousands of cabal members) that has been master-minded for centuries!
STOP COMPLAINING "everyone" and just for once - FOCUS YOUR ENERGY on an outcome that is for the good of the entire planet and not just for the good of the USA!
We have been so manipulated for such a long time that our immediate reaction is always a NEGATIVE one (programmed so) and this plays into what THEY want - a FEAR STATE!
WE KNOW THEIR END GAME AND THEIR AGENDA; WE HAVE THE ASSISTANCE OF HEAVEN including our Star Brother and Sisters as well as Inner/Hollow Earth family; WE HAVE THE POWER and with OUR ENERGY and OUR Efforts TOGETHER, GAME OVER!!!
PLS. at the 11th HOUR - HAVE FAITH AND BELIEVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OK, Cobra is on board with Drake, OR IS HE?????

Thursday, June 28, 2012
Operation Omega Phoenix
Victory of the Light!

Operation Omega Phoenix

I have contacted my sources and this is what they said:

The infiltration of the Positive Military group has been completely removed. The Positive Military is now ready for action. Also, the Resistance Movement and the Pleiadians are ready to back them up with their support.

However, I did not receive direct confirmation for the Green Light or that the sweep period has already started. If the Positive Military wants to confirm the Green Light or if they want me to distribute any message to the public, they can contact me.

The Resistance Movement will have its own role in the Event and this is known under the codename Operation Omega Phoenix. This operation has two parts.

The First part of Operation Omega Phoenix has just been declassified and I can speak a little bit about it. At the time of the Event, a certain number of Resistance operatives will emerge from their subterranean bases to the surface. They will be wearing plain civilian clothes and not military uniforms. They will closely monitor the mass arrest process and will help the Positive Military and civil authority in the arrests themselves when necessary. Members of the Cabal that will be arrested by the Resistance operatives will be taken to undisclosed locations and later released into the hands of Positive Military / civil authority. The only exception for this are a few members of the Cabal that have committed crimes beyond this planet in their past and must appear before the Galactic Court. Most of those will be later returned to Earth for humanity to determine their destiny, but a fraction of them will be taken to Galactic Central Sun immediately.

Top people inside the Positive Military have been notified about Operation Omega Phoenix and they fully agree with it.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 12:39 PM


Anonymous June 28, 2012 1:06 PM
I want this to be real sooooooo badly. The cry wolf syndrome however is now in effect Show Me!!!!.

AnonymousJune 28, 2012 1:39 PM
SAY WHAT ? They should not have declassified this.

Anonymous June 28, 2012 2:36 PM
STAY CALM and with no fear!
Cobra is as smart as a read between the lines!
Prepare yourself and others who will listen (make sure you have
enough food, money, etc for 2 weeks)!
"Thank you GOD/SOURCE/Infinite Intelligence, our Star Brothers
and Sisters, our Hollow/Inner Earth family, the Resistance
Movement, our Military, and all the LIGHTWORKERS, STARSEEDS who
are visualizing as well as praying for the removal of the Cabal
while ushering in a new government/financial system NOW!"

~ namaste.

I prefer Operation Gamma Mama Jammer.
"Follow the Money"