Lies my Dinar Guru Told me

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Re: Lies my Dinar Guru Told me

Post by rogfulton »

BOBGETZ6 wrote: [ I read ...and saw a screen shot of the CBI @ .27 which equals 3.61.] That should be the Iraqi in country rate via the CBI. We should do much better, IMO. I am thinking $5 plus. I am wondering about the VND. I am hearing 32-42 cents.
Bob can't even do the math correctly. Unless it was really more than two decimal points that he saw, .27 equals $3.70 (apparently he beleives it shows $1 = .27 IQD and not the other way around :lol: ).

Oh well, can't get the date right, can't get the rate right. can't get the math right.

[tongue in cheek]Another impressive streak by the folks that bring us the If Not 'Date' Then 'Date' calendars![/tongue in cheek] :roll:
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Re: Lies my Dinar Guru Told me

Post by Deep Knight »

MacHaffie had been cool on the Dinar RV during most of August, what with all the excitement around Erasmus and all, but for some strange reason he's back to being warm again. A new cast of characters, though - is it possible he finally soured on OkieOilMan even though he was 100% correct except for the dates?

Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Dinar Intel - Cruiser

[Josey Wales] eagles4 hello ...I pledge Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all......THANK A VET TODAY!!!!

[feda] +++++ Do Not Call The Banks +++++++

[cruiser] Ok. Just go off the phone. The Earliest this will happen is tomorrow Afternoon!!!!! Feel Free to hope for today, but certain things have to happen before it goes live. They have NOT.. Sorry to disappoint, because I am disappointed also but there you have it. What those things are, sorry cannot discuss. If I could I would but it is better that I keep quiet about it, for now. BTW, What I am talking about has NOTHING TO DO WITH IRAQ!. I have to run. Just wanted to let everyone now what is going on.

[jetpack] Cruiser is correct about today actually I don't think we will see before Thursday but it's coming very soon

[stevhens777] cruiser Meaning its out of Iraq's hands?

[cruiser] stevhens777 Yes

[chrivers] cruiser in other words certain actions have to be taken or put in place before it can possibly rv??

[cruiser] chrivers Really cannot explain right now.

[Austin-Powers-For-PM] cruiser Are you saying that it's out of Iraq's hands, but possibly the IMF is waiting for Iraq to fully get it's act together? (HCL passed, Ministers named, Erbil Implemented) so as not to cause chaos in Iraq?

[cruiser] Austin-Powers-For-PM I am told Iraq is ready to go! Just like us.

[chrivers] cruiser I understand!! :) I'm just wondering iyo, do u think we will c this thing by Sept. 1st?

[cruiser] chrivers yes.

[stevhens777] cruiser Before Sept 1 2012?

[cruiser] stevhens777 yes


[gsp4] With banks closes on Monday here for Labor Day, it would give them an extra day to get organized.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 8:35 AM

Well, John may no longer like Okie, but we do here! In France they think he's a comic genius!




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Re: Lies my Dinar Guru Told me

Post by notorial dissent »

Deep Knight wrote:......OkieOilMan even though he was 100% correct except for the dates?
Or the facts, or anything else for that matter.

I think Oakie dokie may be under the bus, or maybe its the table, but that is about as close as he is going to come to being close on anything else.
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Re: Lies my Dinar Guru Told me

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Schadenfreude time... just now, I had this vision of a bunch of very bewildered people sitting around, looking at their stacks of carefully hoarded dinars, wondering just what the hell happened to the revaluation which was promised any, ANY minute now.
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Re: Lies my Dinar Guru Told me

Post by Gregg »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:Schadenfreude time... just now, I had this vision of a bunch of very bewildered people sitting around, looking at their stacks of carefully hoarded dinars, wondering just what the hell happened to the revaluation which was promised any, ANY minute now.

They're all at a homeless shelter in Reno. (google it, it's a sad story)
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Re: Lies my Dinar Guru Told me

Post by Gnoose »

I don't think this was mentioned here yet, but here's an older list of 'ways to protect your privacy' after the Dinar revalues, courtesy of Bulldog75 (I think I've heard this guru's name in several places, but I'm not all too familiar with the who's who of the Dinar RV social club, so whatever). I guess the only way they can pass the time waiting for their Camelot to arrive is by daydreaming about all the security (read: tax evasion) measures they're gonna take once they get their sweet, sweet lettuce. ... ivacy.html

There's some things on his list that are common sense regardless of your financial status (don't share private details, like passwords, with people), some suggestions that are a little bit or a lot bit paranoid (banks are full of 'wolves' who spend all day lounging around waiting for Dinarians to come in so they can, I dunno, rob them or something), and some suggestions are either shady (register a corporation in Nevada and pay all your bills through it) or downright illegal (put all your money into a business trust and never pay taxes again).

Somehow, it doesn't strike me as all that surprising that a Dinar pumper is also telling people to put their money in business trusts. :brickwall:
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Re: Lies my Dinar Guru Told me

Post by Deep Knight »

Gnoose wrote:I don't think this was mentioned here yet, but here's an older list of 'ways to protect your privacy' after the Dinar revalues, courtesy of Bulldog75 (I think I've heard this guru's name in several places, but I'm not all too familiar with the who's who of the Dinar RV social club, so whatever). I guess the only way they can pass the time waiting for their Camelot to arrive is by daydreaming about all the security (read: tax evasion) measures they're gonna take once they get their sweet, sweet lettuce.
There's some things on his list that are common sense regardless of your financial status (don't share private details, like passwords, with people), some suggestions that are a little bit or a lot bit paranoid (banks are full of 'wolves' who spend all day lounging around waiting for Dinarians to come in so they can, I dunno, rob them or something), and some suggestions are either shady (register a corporation in Nevada and pay all your bills through it) or downright illegal (put all your money into a business trust and never pay taxes again).
Somehow, it doesn't strike me as all that surprising that a Dinar pumper is also telling people to put their money in business trusts. :brickwall:
It was not only copied here, items 9 thru 19 were copied, split up a bit, and lettered by MacHaffie on Jan 4 2012 (after the great "it has to by Xmas/New Years" hope). A good way to distract the lemmings, have them dream about their future when they cash in. In the case of #s 9-19, dream about being paranoid and maintaining security because you're suddenly a filthy rich target.

You might think MacHaffie went too far, Deep Knight thought he didn't go far enough.

Re: From Thin Air - New Dinar RV Thread
Post by Deep Knight » Wed Jan 04, 2012 11:45 am

As usual, MacHaffie’s suggestions for cashing in Dinars doesn’t go nearly far enough! Since we are only minutes or perhaps seconds away from an RV, Deep Knight has prepared this list of bullet points for all of you about to cash in and become rich beyond your wildest dreams!

1. Never, ever use your real name, address or phone number. The Dark Agenda crowd is desperate to maintain power and will do anything to get the money you so richly deserve.
2. When you are forced to put down personal information, always use a real name, phone number and address of someone else (they can spot a phony in seconds). It’s a good idea to keep a list of people you wouldn’t mind seeing tortured and killed with you at all times for this use.
3. Since the New World Order won’t stop until they get your money, it’s a good idea to use the names, addresses and phone numbers of fellow Dinarians for your list.
4. Even though you probably want to see your immediate neighbors dead, the forces of evil have the bad habit of making mistakes and entering an adjacent house, which could be you! Always use the names of people who live more than a couple of blocks away just to be sure.
5. Although it’s a good idea to bury your Dinars for safe keeping, once the RV is announced surveillance of people digging up coffee cans in the back yard will be intense. Instead, bury your Dinars inside of your house, where you won’t be seen digging them up. A jackhammer will quickly take care of any cement you need to go through.
6. When going out to cash your Dinars, always hide your identity. A pair of dark glasses, a hat and a fake beard are necessary at a minimum, if you are good at theatrical makeup, adding a series of prominent facial scars are even better. Always carry an extra hat and different-color beard so you can make a quick change.
7. When you leave to cash in your Dinars, never travel to the bank in your own car! This is way too obvious. Instead follow the following steps:
7a. Walk at least one mile from your home, wearing your disguise, and then hail a taxi. Have the taxi take you to a large apartment building in the center of town.
7b. Go in the front of the building and randomly press the entry buzzer for half a dozen or so residents. One will almost certainly “buzz” you in. Enter the building, quickly change your hat and beard, and leave by the rear entrance. The people following you will torture and kill the people you buzzed, giving you time for a clean escape.
7c. Using alleys and secondary streets, walk at least a mile to another part of town, hail a taxi, and have them take you to the airport.
7d. At the airport, go into a bathroom, change your hat and beard yet again, and leave. Go to where the taxis are parked and take the second taxi in line (never the first!) to the bank you are planning on using to cash your Dinars.
7e. Enter the bank and leave through the rear entrance. Walk at least a mile in a large circle, returning to the bank and entering again by the front door.
7f. Stand in line to see a teller, never choosing the first teller to become available. Keep your conversation to a minimum to avoid voice recognition.
7g. Because all the newly designed bills have special GPS tracers in them, get your payout in old-style one dollar bills or coins only.
7h. It’s not over yet – bad guys trailing you from the bank are even more dangerous than those trailing you to the bank. Use the same strategy you used going to the bank but double the number of changes and stops, using a bus or train station if your city doesn’t have two airports. Schedule your trip so the last taxi will drop you off at least 2 miles from your home after dark in an area with few streetlights. Walk home being careful to look for anyone who could conceivably be following you. If you see anything suspicious, walk to a neighborhood you don’t live in and start the process over again.
8. Don’t immediately spend your new wealth, this will be a dead giveaway that you are a Dinarian. For the first few years never spend more than 5 or 10 dollars at one time. Later you can spend $20 at one place, and after 10 years or so even make significant purchases, like a used car. Do not quit your job or take an expensive vacation, people who do will be the first to be picked up.
9. Most of all, remember to have fun!
"Follow the Money"

Re: Lies my Dinar Guru Told me

Post by Gnoose »

[quote="Deep Knight"][/quote]

Darn it! I should've paid better attention and been a bit more thorough before I posted that. Oh well. Pretty good for a laugh. I'll at least need to be more selective the next time I prowl the NESARA News archives. Since they tend to post a dozen (ok, I have no idea how many, but I know it's quite a few) or so entries a day I feel like some real gems sometimes get buried prematurely.

Anyways, it's getting late where I am; better go throw some dinar notes (denominations of 25,000; only the finest, of course) on the fire. In the meantime, let me give it another shot:

Was this VICE magazine interview with a dinar investor shared here as well? I looked and didn't seem to find anything about it, but I'm bad at this, so who knows. As for the article...speaks for itself, really. Nothing truly revelatory (I would've settled for at least 'amusing'), just another peek into the mindset of someone who doesn't know they've been had.

...It is always nice to chuckle at the fevered chants of "1:1! 1:1!" though.
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Re: Lies my Dinar Guru Told me

Post by Deep Knight »

Gnoose wrote: Darn it! I should've paid better attention and been a bit more thorough before I posted that. Oh well. Pretty good for a laugh. I'll at least need to be more selective the next time I prowl the NESARA News archives. Since they tend to post a dozen (ok, I have no idea how many, but I know it's quite a few) or so entries a day I feel like some real gems sometimes get buried prematurely.
Don't be silly, this was some of Bulldog75's best material, one of the most interesting aspects of the Dinar scam, and an excuse for me to copy and repost some of my writings. As you said, the whole Dinarian robbing wolves aspect is not only curious, it's easy to milk for laughs.
Gnoose wrote:Anyways, it's getting late where I am; better go throw some dinar notes (denominations of 25,000; only the finest, of course) on the fire. In the meantime, let me give it another shot:

Was this VICE magazine interview with a dinar investor shared here as well? I looked and didn't seem to find anything about it, but I'm bad at this, so who knows. As for the article...speaks for itself, really. Nothing truly revelatory (I would've settled for at least 'amusing'), just another peek into the mindset of someone who doesn't know they've been had.

...It is always nice to chuckle at the fevered chants of "1:1! 1:1!" though.
I had never heard of Vice Magazine, but have been run in by the Vice Squad for chatting with the girls on Sunset. I was only inquiring about the retirement plans, I swear!

My favorite part.

Thing is, when you buy large quantities of money like this, you don’t want to get it sent in the mail. We went along for a ride into the Arizona desert with some folks exchanging nearly four thousand in US dollars for hundreds of thousands of Iraqi dinar.

We chilled in the van while the traders went inside, where it was reportedly weirdly nonchalant. You know, just going to this soldier’s house where he keeps a vault stuffed full of Iraqi money in his teenage daughter’s bedroom in the middle of the desert. Whatevs, it’s casual. And then they went to a nearby bank lobby to count it all.
Don't they know the bank lobby's full of wolves?

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Re: Lies my Dinar Guru Told me

Post by Deep Knight »

It seems that by talking about wolves, we were ahead of the curve!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Attention Dinarians!

I have been paying $15 a month to PTR (Peoples Talk Radio) since January - all for nothing. I have tried for months to get 'unsubscribed' so they would quit robbing my debit card - but to no avail. (If you belong, just TRY to find a way to unsubscribe!) Finally, I got hold of someone who said it was confirmed that I was free of them - but then I was charged again... and again.

The only way I could shake these leeches was to go to my bank and cancel my debit card. You can imagine how painful the whole thing has been: paying out nearly $150 for nothing but the chance to get hot air from Tony & Dan, spending many frustrating & stressful hours trying to get relief, then having to cancel my debit card. As with most scams, it's so easy to join - and all but impossible to get out.

Months ago when I emailed them, they sent back a sarcastic email which, of course, blamed the whole problem on me. But con artists often work through deception & intimidation - just as they do at PTR. I'm sure I will hear more accusatory threats from them again - but you can bet your bottom dollar I will never see any of my money back from these hucksters!

Also, they have now 'gone silent' and won't even let their garbage be posted on Dinar Recaps (probably doing everyone a favor anyway). I happen to know someone personally in Sacramento who knows Tony - and the report about him is not good at all.

So I would suggest either a) don't ever join, b) warn others, or c) get out before they suck you dry. $15 a month isn't that bad a loss, but just imagine how many people they have talked into joining their empty program (For example, $15 x 1,000 = $15,000 a month - for nothing!).

Here is their phone number if you need to contact them (very hard to find on their website - on purpose, I am sure!): 1-877-817-8008.


Best Regards -

Posted by John MacHaffie at 11:34 AM


Anonymous September 20, 2012 11:48 AM
You go to your bank to get it stopped and ask if they can recover some of your money that was taken without permission. Hope this helps.
If you was using a credit card it would have helped to recover.
I would also E-mail PTR when it is stopped and ask for a refund of what you have comming. Ken

AnonymousSeptember 20, 2012 11:51 AM
tony and damn asided, it seem that all of these drinar 'goorus' are all full of sh8t and have no more "inside infromaton" than the guy on the sreet.
save you money and just buy dinar if you like but dont pay to hear anynones nonsense, or non cents more likey. all bs from them.

AnonymousSeptember 20, 2012 12:10 PM
I can appreciate your complaint, but why didn't you just cancel your card from the start? I have been through the same issues with other such scams and I just cancel my card right off the bat and have even gotten back my frauds, (dollars)with help from my bank.
You say that you had spent months fighting with this issue while they just kept hitting your account every month. I would say that this was your own fault. You could have immediately closed your card out and gotten another one within days, so quit your sniveling and hopefully you have learned a good lesson from this.

AnonymousSeptember 20, 2012 12:13 PM
try more like 10,000 @ $15 per month!

AnonymousSeptember 20, 2012 12:25 PM
To all those who don't know:
A Debit card is an instrument of your own bank. Just like any other fraud that uses your bank as a medium, you can contest the transaction.
Go to your branch manager and tell him that you have a Grievance! Tell him that the charges are fraudulent and the goods/services have not been received as promised. This will get the charges stopped and the bank will take punitive action against the third party.

AnonymousSeptember 20, 2012 1:17 PM
I have belonged to PTR for well over 18 months. Each month I simply allow my subscription to run out without renewing. Make the decision and then renew. In reading your post, you have what would at first blush, appears to be a real bad attitude toward the founders of PTR. You wouldn't happen to be one of the 3 members that were banned for starting false rumors yesterday, Hummmmmmmmm?

AnonymousSeptember 20, 2012 1:20 PM
When are you people going to learn. This Dinar BS is a scam and has been from the start. The Dinar snake-oil salesman are making a killing off all of the hope-a-phobics who believe this crap.

AnonymousSeptember 20, 2012 1:28 PM
ALL OF US KNEW THAT THERE IS/HAS BEEN SCAMMERS IN THE DINAR WORLD. Any common sense person that has heard hundreds of predictions and dates THAT NEVER HAPPEN should see this. Oral Roberts can pull this off because he never has to prove anything. YOUR BANK/TRUST ACCOUNT WILL BE THE ONLY RELIABLE PROOF YOU WILL EVER GET. Any 'dinar site' that charges any fee will never see me. These sites are easily paid for by click-thru's and advertizing, and most are tainted with selling Dinar, a VERY BIASED prospective. You want 'donations'? SHOW ME THE BOOKS, I AM NOW A STOCKHOLDER, AND HAVE A RIGHT TO SEE WHERE ALL THE MONEY IS GOING! Pay for things with money orders, this solves ANY 'plastic pay' problem, including the scanners that 'read' your card at a distance and steal from you. It's only slightly more trouble than plastic, money orders are sold all over, at prices from $.05 to several dollars each. Plastic/credit isn't vulnerable if you don't have them, outright identity theft is much easier to combat then contracts you already agreed to. This person could have cancelled that card, then easily gotten a new card. Tony and his annoyingly loud sidekick have never impressed me one bit, continuously spewing 'secret' information that is no more accurate than my dart board toss. There are only a few gurus left worth listening to, and none of these few have been right about the only thing we really give a S**T about, THE DATE! I say, quit paying now, the scammers will disappear when the profit is gone. TYJM frj

siriusvoidSeptember 20, 2012 3:13 PM
This is a great opportunity for you to learn a valuable lesson...
Becoming personally responsible for your money will help you become stronger, wiser, happier...
Real responsibility brings with it a sense of ability, contentment, and well being.
After you have become truly resilient,
you may then consider apologising to the people you once accused and blamed for your problems.
These are human weaknesses we all possess to some degree...
Do yourself a favor and take full responsibility.

Getting ripped off is an oportunity to learn a valuable lesson! These dinaridjits must be real wise guys by now.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Date: Thu, 20 Sep 2012 09:51:38 -0400
From my skype intel friend:

On 9/19/12, at 8:21 PM, xxxxxx wrote:

> [7:20 PM] XXXXXX:

<<< 8:56 PM xxxxxx: I just got a call....Iraq out of Chapter 7 .. 2 days ago. Tomorrow AM Iraq will be welcomed into the WTO (World Trade Organization) and they have to have a tradeable currency. My friend had emailed earlier: It RV'd this AM at 3am at public rate of $15.00 and said Shabibi and Madam Wu held it until they could meet at the UN today to finalize some things, was told they got it done, and we should get the RV any time from now until midnight tonight. Another friend had told me: I was told Madam Wu and Shabibi are meeting in NY today.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 12:58 PM


AnonymousSeptember 20, 2012 1:03 PM
Hog wash! Don't hold your breath.

Replies AnonymousSeptember 20, 2012 1:50 PM
won't you be happily suprised

AnonymousSeptember 20, 2012 1:06 PM
Again, unless this is a miracle from Almighty God Himself, the RV Rate of $15.00 per dinar is another fantasy by the kool aid drinkers or just a down right wicked plan by those who enjoy putting out mis-information to get the hopes up of individuals who still believe in the tooth fairy. I was born at night, but it wasn't last night!
Jackie Blue

AnonymousSeptember 20, 2012 1:58 PM
the better question is, is Iraq out of Chapter 7

AnonymousSeptember 20, 2012 2:16 PM
Good point that it could be just another wicked plan to put out misinformation since this is way it's been going for quite some time now. But on the other hand if it is true God Bless us all.

AnonymousSeptember 20, 2012 3:00 PM
Sooo. Written yesterday, claiming the RV will be at midnight. Now its today and the rate is..... same as always on

siriusvoidSeptember 20, 2012 3:22 PM
That's a good rate for Dinar holders...
However, it could indicate some pretty serious $USD deterioration...
~ Red Flag

AnonymousSeptember 20, 2012 3:42 PM
Horse Hockey! It's coming, but will not be today neither tomorrow.

AnonymousSeptember 20, 2012 4:41 PM
I hope to be VERY happily surprised.

AnonymousSeptember 20, 2012 5:10 PM
I Wish This Would Finally HAPPEN!!!!! How much longer must GOD make so many suffer!!!!!

It's GOD's fault now?
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Re: Lies my Dinar Guru Told me

Post by GlimDropper »

It is with great pleasure that I share some genuinely good news, not from a dinar guru but about one (well four):

3 Toledo-area men charged in scheme to sell Iraqi money
Three Toledo area men pleaded not guilty Thursday to federal charges that allege they were involved in a multi-million dollar scheme involving the sale of Iraqi currency.

Bradford L. Huebner, 65, of Ottawa Hills, Charles N. Emmenecker, 65, of Sylvania, and Michael L. Teadt, 66, of Maumee, appeared for arraignment before Magistrate Judge James Knepp II. All three men entered not guilty pleas through their attorneys.

The 83-count indictment issued Thursday also named Rudolph M. Coenen, 47, of Jacksonville, Fla. Mr. Coenen was not in court.

According to court documents, the men were charged for alleged involvement in the operation of a $24 million fraud scheme involving the sale of Iraqi dinar currency and two non-existent hedge funds. Each faces charges of conspiracy to commit wire fraud and wire fraud. Mr. Huebner and Mr. Coenen are also charged with multiple counts of money laundering, and Mr. Huebner is charged with multiple counts of structuring and willful failure to file currency and transaction reports.

Steven Dettelbach, the U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Ohio, said that the defendants’ conduct resulted in a loss to investors of nearly $23.8 million from dinar sales and more than $700,000 from the sale of non-existent hedges funds.

“These defendants made false statements time and again to convince people to part with their savings and hard-earned cash,” Mr. Dettelbach said in a release. “The fact that one defendant falsely claimed he was wounded while fighting in Iraq is particularly egregious.”
Bolding mine.

[Link to the rest of the article from the Toledo Blade.]

Rudy Coenen and Brad Huebner were a bit of a pet project for me early last year. The Blade article includes a "perp walk" photo and it does my heart good to see it. I'm hoping to find a pic of Rudy wearing similar jewelry (but a mug shot will do).
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Re: Lies my Dinar Guru Told me

Post by Cathulhu »

Bravo, Glimdropper! Or as us gamers say, WOOT!
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Re: Lies my Dinar Guru Told me

Post by notorial dissent »

Getting ripped off is an oportunity to learn a valuable lesson! These dinaridjits must be real wise guys by now.
Ought to be bloody geniuses at this rate with all the experience they've accumulated. Although they don't seem to have wised up any from having been ripped off repeatedly by the dinar peddlers, so maybe not.

Don't I remember Brad Huebner from some earlier posts about this? I keep thinking he was one of the guru types, maybe I'm remembering him as one of the really shady dealers?

At any rate good to hear the news Glimdropper. Sounds like they got them on some good solid charges and will be able to do something about them.

Of course the ignoricenti will all claim it is a plot to deprive them of their dinars and fortunes. Just watch.
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Re: Lies my Dinar Guru Told me

Post by GlimDropper »

Thank you N.D. and for as long ago as it was since I've read any Lovecraft it still makes me feel a little shuddery to say Thank you Cathulhu (but I'll say it anyway, from inside a pentagram). I may have been an early reporter of what Rudy and Brad were doing but from a "how did they get here" perspective I'd be looking for a smoking gun near a telephone in a well secured bunker guarded by a savage daschund.

I'm pretty sure I can't hotlink files from RealScam so I'll just say that a copy of the indictment is linked at the bottom of this post over there. In reading that I'm not sure that the investigation wont expand from here. Rudy Coenen is garbage wrapped in skin but he's already burned most of his bridges in the Dinar community. Brad and Charley however are networkers, Mr. Emmenecker bringing a lot of his Xango friends with him into the dinar deal.

After the IRS raid in August of 2011 the BH Group were unable to sell Dinars by themselves, Brad became a commissioned salesman for Rodger (Dinar Daddy) Dorman's "Treasury Vault." And after losing Rudy as a keynote speaker on the BH Group calls Tony (Breitling) Elder and Scott (Scooter) Pember were frequently added to provide flavor to the Dinar pitch.

When I read the indictment and encounter the phrase "together with other conspirators know and unknown to the Grand Jury" I think of Dinar Daddy, Breitling, and Scooter and I smile.
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Re: Lies my Dinar Guru Told me

Post by Deep Knight »

Add my voice to the chorus of appreciation. It never ceases to amaze me that dealer sites that post RV rumors with insane returns are still up and running. Or for that matter anyone could believe this stuff after years of "it's happening really soon" predictions.
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Re: Lies my Dinar Guru Told me

Post by Cathulhu »

Glimdropper, if you don't surround the pentacle with a circle of sea salt, the Hounds of Tyndalos can still get in through the corners, y'know.

So where's the damn emoticon for "Moowahaha!"?
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Re: Lies my Dinar Guru Told me

Post by notorial dissent »

GlimDropper wrote:When I read the indictment and encounter the phrase "together with other conspirators know and unknown to the Grand Jury" I think of Dinar Daddy, Breitling, and Scooter and I smile.
And such a toothsome and room chilling smile it is.

After I wrote the above, I went back and remembered where I'd crossed Brad before, and it was over his "hedge" fund con.

Maybe, with any luck at all, there will be a number of other pretty pictures to add to your collection before this is all over with, as I'm sure the rats will fairly soon start playing let's make a deal on each other.
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Re: Lies my Dinar Guru Told me

Post by Gregg »

That indictment is just a great diagram to the many ways the dinaridgits are getting screwed. It should be required reading on every Dinar site. Of course, on the ones I have read they're all saying "this is about the hedge fund and the dinar stuff is just people who didn't get their Dinar"or such. In fact, the indictment spends several pages pointing out that the change is a reissue of a new currency that will not make anyone rich overnight, that the US Treasury in fact holds not a single Dinar for investment, that the Executive Order doesn't say a thing about Dinar blah blah blah....

Oh, and bringing out Rudy's little white lies about being a combat marine who lost his liver to a bad blood transfusion after taking a .50 cal to the shoulder (which would pretty much mean he shouldn't have one shoulder BTW) and his statement of being a VP at JP Morgan Chase turned out to be he worked there 1 whole day...those are memories I'll cherish for quite a while.

Anyone else want to take Rudy to a Veterans Day party at a biker bar, and make him pass out copies?
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Re: Lies my Dinar Guru Told me

Post by notorial dissent »

Gregg wrote:Anyone else want to take Rudy to a Veterans Day party at a biker bar, and make him pass out copies?
I really like that idea, could be really fun to watch, from a distance. Some of the old ex vet bikers I know have really imaginative ways of dealing with things like that.

As someone once said, "never underestimate the power of stupid", and this just goes to prove it. $23M and change, ouch, that's a lot of stupid.
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Re: Lies my Dinar Guru Told me

Post by Gregg »

The scary part is BH Group was a minor player in the DInaridgit market, imagine the numbers when the big guns start going down.
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