
Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Post by Deep Knight »

The person who is really Deep Knight got packed up on Tuesday night and spent all Wednesday at a home that was in a "pre-evacuation" zone about a mile and a half away from a rapidly-developing Colorado fire. So you can imagine that he would be interested in the REAL story, not just that fake story that lightening caused it because there was a lightening strike coincident with it.

Monday, July 2, 2012
Colorado Fires - Potential Causes

Colorado Fire = Cabal Arson, Fraud & Murder, Say ETs/EDs
By John Kettler On July 1, 2012

Colorado Fire–Forensic Specialist & ETs/EDs Expose Glaring Burn Pattern Anomalies

Colorado fire dominates the news, what with the unprecedented destruction of hundreds of expensive homes, thousands homeless and tens of thousands forced to evacuate, plus its nearly getting onto the U.S. Air Force Academy. And now, two are dead! Suppose, though, as Colorado police are already opining, the Colorado fire was the result of arson? Suppose further a Certified Forensic Photographer and trained Crime Scene Investigator found blatant evidence of ultra high tech arson and had the pictures to prove it? What do we see when homes are burned to the ground by wildfires? Forlorn looking chimneys, incinerated trees! Here’s one from California, in which wildfire got into part of a group of expensive homes; note the debris, chimneys, burned trees and ground. Now, contrast that with this, from the Colorado fire, where the houses are calcined to almost snow white and have fallen in on themselves as the same sort of pulverized structure we saw at the World Trade Center. Note particularly picture 19, an aerial view of destroyed homes in Waldo Canyon, Colorado Springs, in which the Colorado Fire, if that’s what it was, annihilated the homes, left no chimneys, barely touched the trees and left green grass clearly visible. Picture number may change, as new pics are added by CNN.

Colorado Fire–U.S. Scalar Satellites Reportedly Hacked & Cabal Plasma Weapon Armed Antigravity Craft Employed to “Intensify Colorado Fires & Destroy Evidence”

The Waldo Canyon Colorado fire had exotic high tech help; that’s the only reasonable conclusion to be drawn here. Ordinary wildfire does NOT destroy chimneys or fireplaces, nor does it spare lawns or trees. Neither does it leave snow white ash in its aftermath. The ETs/EDs (extraterrestrials/ extradimensionals) of the Liberation Forces say that highly secret U.S. scalar weapon satellites were hacked (very difficult to do, per sensitive contacts), then used by the Cabal to surgically destroy multimillion dollar homes containing damning records of unimaginable crimes. Further, they say the Cabal used its own antigravity craft, armed with plasma weapons, to ensure complete destruction. The latter are being reported in the mainstream media as “meteors,” which for a time, grounded firefighting crews.

Colorado Fire–ETs/EDs Say Cabal Attempts To Destroy Evidence Only Worsen Cabal’s Situation. Effort Futile, Since ETs/EDs Have Already preserved Evidence!

According to the ETs/EDs of the Liberation Forces, the Cabal/NWO (New World Order) deliberately started the overall Colorado fire via using HAARP (High (Frequency) Active Auroral Research Project) to change the weather to dry out Colorado, then set it ablaze to destroy incriminating evidence.

The Colorado fire, though, couldn’t be counted upon to do the job by itself, so assured destruction was sought, with the added bonus of huge insurance payouts for hundreds of multimillion dollar homes. Terror. Dislocation. Big payout. One problem, though. The houses wiped out by the Colorado fire, though, weren’t empty, and at least two people are known dead. Arson + corpses = murder. Oops! Worse, through mechanisms not disclosed, the ETs/EDs have the evidence the Cabal sought to destroy via the Colorado fire. This coverup effort was going to count heavily against Cabal members, but now the destruction of innocent lives must be added to the extraordinary and long list of charges facing them. This is such a mess it may require a Galactic Tribunal, if a competent and not corrupt Earth tribunal can’t be assembled. The Colorado fire, still ongoing, together with another in Utah and the expectations of same in New Mexico, point to an ever more desperate, cornered and cash strapped Cabal, one whose game clock has all but run out.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 1:42 PM

That's right, find a picture (which is no longer there) where there's no standing chimney and it's all a conspiracy! No way a wildfire could possibly explain homes getting burnt!

Let's say for a moment that there were NWO homes near Colorado Springs that had evidence in them that needed to be destroyed. If you were the clever leaders of that conspiracy (and they've gotta have something upstairs to keep thwarting the forces of good day after day after day after day) would they:

1. Change the weather to dry out the area, start a fire 5 miles away, use weather to guide it to those houses, all of which were at the western edges of developments, burn them, and then zap them and their neighbors with two types of ray guns to make sure they were burnt enough.
2. Take the materials out somewhere and burn them in the middle of the night.

But, you say, they get the insurance money this way! Wait a second, they gotta replace the house... Besides, aren't the insurance agencies all owned by the New World Order?
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Re: Fire!

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06/27/2012 01:17 AM

Colorado wildfires & profane/useless eater relocation conspiracy

These Colorado fires are getting to be ri-goddamned-diculous. It's no great secret that Denver and Colorado are to be the Western North American headquarters for the New World Order. I think these blazes have been intentionally set and have been allowed to burn far and wide (despite the efforts of good people trying to combat this-probably with corrupt officials at the top, taking orders from the occult cabal, which are clusterfucking the fire-fighting operations) to clear the homes and these areas for the New World Order types who will be making Colorado their home and home base.

Just floating a conspiracy.

Zombie First Reponder
06/28/2012 08:50 PM

Colorado fire is definitely Muslim jihad


AN ENGLISH-LANGUAGE AL QUEDA PUBLICATION is advising its demented followers in the U. S. to start forest fires:

DHS Warns Al-Qaeda Is Planning Large-Scale Wildfire Attacks

And on and on.

And we have the Firestarter in Chief setting the world on fire everywhere else. Watch. The arsonists will be found to be Muslim, and you'll never hear anything about it ever again.

[Picture of President Obama]

Join the Tea Party near you

07/02/2012 at 2:32 PM

You are the first one to begin to confirm what I feel about this fire.

The first clue was one of the articles in the which announced that the fire officially started on June, 23 2012 at 1200pm.

The numerology of this caught my eye. It breaks down to 6-5-4-3 if you look at each module in sequence. Is there anything to that?

I feel also feel this was a psyop. Several more than the residents were affected by this fire if you consider the six degrees of separation, and the massive amount of military folks stationed there or who have retired there.
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Re: Fire!

Post by Deep Knight »

Terrorists setting wildfires? Rumors heating up with Obama's visit
By Patricia Calhoun Fri., Jun. 29 2012 at 7:34 AM

This has been one hot summer -- and it's bound to get even hotter. Tempers are flaring over the handling of the wildfires, and rumors are heating up over their possible cause: terrorists are setting the fires. And President Barack Obama's visit to the Waldo Canyon fire today is fanning the conspiracist theory flames.

The International Association of Fire Chiefs has issued a report on how terrorists can use fire as a weapon; a recent story posted on expands the concern to wildfires.

ABC had a report in early May. And Gwen Florio, who used to work for the Denver Post, moved the wildfire/terrorist theory into the mainstream media with a piece in the Missoulian -- the daily in the town that's home to the Smokejumper Visitor Center -- last month:
Terrorists who want to strike fear in the hearts of Americans would do well to set wildfires in Montana, al-Qaida advises in the most recent issue of its English-language magazine, Inspire.

"It is difficult to choose a better place other than in the valleys of Montana where the population increases rapidly," Inspire's "AQ Chef" columnist writes.

The magazine disappeared for a while after its founders, Anwar al-Awlaki and Samir Khan, were killed last year in a U.S. missile strike.

But it recently reappeared online, its grammatically challenged cover urging "It is of your freedom to ignite a firebomb." Inside, the AQ Chef gives three pages detailing the recipe for an "ember bomb" - along with the suggestion to deploy such bombs in Montana....
Last September, when Obama came to Denver on the third stop of a three-state political swing, and just four days after a major Homeland Security Exercise, rumors were flying that he was here to conduct a nuclear test, or take refuge in the dungeons of DIA from the Comet Elenin -- or both.

Rumors were flying again this spring, when news leaked out that twenty Russian soldiers would be training at Fort Carson -- and maybe doing secret maneuvers at DIA, some conspiracy theorists suggested. "There is no truth to the rumor that DIA is involved in a military exercise with the CIA and the Russian military; it is absolutely incorrect," airport spokeswoman Jenny Schiavone told us in May. "Conspiracy theorists continually surprise and delight us with creative tales that supposedly link our airport to government secrets."

Obama isn't going to DIA this trip; he's going directly to Springs. Or so his team says publicly. And now rumors are again flying that unnatural forces are at works in these fires. According to a Colorado Terror Alert tip sent out yesterday:
It can now be reported that many of the wildfires in the western United States have been started by highly trained and well equipped foreign terrorists. It can also be reported that these terrorists are also responsible for the numerous explosions that occured in Michigan on the 6th and 7th of June 2012. You may not of heard of the Michigan explosions as there has been a news blackout in place.

One of the major explosions in Michigan that sent radiation monitors thousands of times higher in two different locations was the result of a tactical nuclear weapon. The underground nuclear explosion and numerous smaller explosions, that were sometimes heard in rapid succession, were aimed at setting off the New Madrid Fault! The smaller explosions were created with scaler electromagnetic technology. Both the US and the USSR are known to have developed this type of tectonic plate weaponry.

The purpose of this e-mail is to expose those who were behind the attacks. For reports and background information on what actually took place in and around the Michigan Indiana border, visit the following sites. Link here, and additional link here.

It has now been revealed that the attacks were carried out by Russian Special Forces who were brought into the USA under the guise of joint training excercises with the US Military. There is plenty of corroborating eyewitness testimony following the prophetic warning you are about to read. There are also descriptions of the expensive motorhomes the terrorists are travelling in.

Please forward this information to local law enforcement, local news outlets and to your State and Municipal Governments and to alternative news websites. Do not waste your efforts contacting the Federal Government or the National Media, it will do you no good. Treason is rampant at the highest levels in the Federal government and also at the Pentagon. Regional law enforcement need to be on the lookout for the types of vehicles described in the testimony below. Get to work people and get these warnings out there!
Oh, and there's more. The alert included this post by Linda Newkirk on her .
A Message from our Saviour June 09, 2012

"Treason from within: the Russian attacks on America!"

My Blessed Child, I am your Father Yahweh, yea Jehovah, Most High God! My Blessed Child, the alarm bells are sounding for this nation! Very great alarm bells! And, you, as a nation, are sleeping! For, a Trojan Horse has entered into this nation! You have widely opened your gates, and the Trojan Horse has entered in!

While you, as a nation slept, they worked; and still you are in the dark about their works. What is this Trojan Horse, and who are these, who have entered into your gates, whose works will have remained hidden?

I tell you that this Trojan Horse is the Russian Operation in your nation. Their true intents and purposes have remained hidden from you, the masses! And, their works have been in the dark; and sadly for you as a nation, the leader of this nation bowed to them! He broke to their demands and he opened wide the doors of your nation to these infiltrators.

Do not be naïve! The Russians, who supposedly came in for joint, military exercises, have not left; and their joint experiences have all been terminated, except for some very few.

Now, their experiences are known primarily to themselves and to a very few at the highest levels of your government. For, their collaborative efforts are to keep in power the one, who is in power over this nation. And, their combined schemes are to destroy this nation and to put it totally into the hands of your enemies. Do not believe that the Russian troops have left! They have only gone underground.

You will see more underground nuclear explosions, like the underground explosion, which was reported in and around the Indiana/Michigan area. You have also seen that this nuclear explosion and its radioactivity were immediately covered up. For, when the Russians came, they brought nuclear devices.

Why would the Russians need to bring war planes into this nation; and why would you, as a nation, allow even one of their war planes to come into your nation?

When the Russians came, they brought nuclear devices. They brought explosive devices; and they intend to set off the New Madrid fault. They are viciously attacking the New Madrid fault zone with both nuclear devices and with their terrible weapons, which are known to cause earthquakes. They have also been busy setting fires and they plan to blow up nuclear power plants and to destroy dams.

They have been allowed into this nation for the sole purposes of destabilizing this nation! You will not recognize these Russian infiltrators. Their mannerisms and their training have been perfected so that they will neither be recognized, nor suspected as foreign. They are on your streets, in your tunnels, in your cities, in your subways, and in your countryside; and they have been brought in, brought into your nation by a few at the very top of this nation, particularly by your President. For, he will use their instabilities to get his iron grip on your nation. And, he will use their money to keep his place.Soon, devastating explosions will rip this nation from one end to the other.

You opened up and you allowed these troops and these many explosions to be brought in through Russian aircraft and vehicles. The plot is from within and the great treason is from within this nation.

I am showing you their works. I am not just telling you their plans; for their plans will come to pass in great measure. I am showing you their works: fires in New Mexico; fires in Colorado, nuclear explosions and various kinds of attacks on the New Madrid Fault lines. But, among their plans are planned attacks on your nuclear power plants, planned attacks on your dams and bridges, fires, fires all across this nation, many fires and explosions, and the planned release of poisonous gases! Yes, they plan to release the poisonous gases, and soon!

Now, you see! Now, you know! There is a president in this nation, who is a true Russian intelligence agent! He is one among them; and he has been one among them for most of his adult life.

Will one change the feathers of a bird? And, will this bird easily give up his power? He will not, for his controllers will not. And, his controllers are not just the Russians, but, as you know, his controllers also control the world's wealth. Therefore, he will do as he is told to do; for he is Satan's frontrunner, who controls the military and who will also bring this nation to its knees through the violence of this Trojan Horse; and also through the violence of the international banking cartel.

I tell you these important truths! For, soon, very soon, the poisonous gases will fill the skies and fires of all sorts will erupt all over this nation, fires and explosions, and a very great destabilization of the New Madrid Fault will take place.

And, you shall hear! Chicago is fallen! Chicago is fallen! Chicago is fallen, and so great are the numbers of the dead! For, Chicago is fallen and the city is broken, clean broken down! For, a very great earthquake will rip through Chicago!

Hear Me in this! The plans of their great works are to rupture the Great Lakes! See their evil works! See what they do! For, in this way, Chicago shall fall!

I am your Father, Yahweh, yea Jehovah, Most High God!
And still more, this one an alleged eyewitness account of the Russians at Fort Carson in May:
May 13, 2012

A week ago I was at Fort Carson on business picking up surplus equipment for the town I represent under a government program that gives surplus military equipment to local law enforcement agencies.

We're going into what is commonly referred to as a boneyard as a group of soldiers were coming out through a small gate. I accidentally bumped into one of the soldiers and he turned and apologized in Russian, I took a quick look at his uniform and noticed that there were no insignias of any type or name tags.

Being that he told me he was sorry in Russian I responded no problem in German and received a very dirty look. At that time a man that looked like a 1950s KGB agent walked up to him grabbing him by the collar and shook him as he screamed at him.

"English, you idiot, English."

By the time he finished yelling at him we were out of range and I couldn't tell what else was said but this was a platoon size unit of young man that seem to be very fit and I would not doubt that there are members of the Russian special forces. I have a little experience in spotting soldiers as I was in the Army as a military police officer for 10 years.

Will return to the administration building I ran into someone I met after Hurricane Katrina and we began speaking as I congratulated him about his promotion "whose name and rank I will not divulge" he tried me to his office and we spoke for about 20 min. while our chief law enforcement officer was signing out the vehicles.

The conversation turns in the past and present as he was surprised to see me in the uniform I was wearing and I asked him about the Russian troops.

He started to stammer and he said what Russian troops? And my reply was the one I bumped into that study excuse me in Russian and his KGB handler who start raising hell with him.

He broke in to remind me that KGB no longer exist, on my reply was that, yes the KGB's gone, but they're using another name now and they are still in business.

He acknowledged that there were Russian troops on the base by head nod and asked him are they training with the 10th Mountain division again all I had for an answer was a head nod, then I asked why in the hell are we training the Russians with our best troops and he whispered that we are not training them, wer'e training with them. At that point he said he was busy and had to get back to work, it was nice seeing me and get the hell out.

I think your assumptions on why Russian troops are on American soil training with US combat troops could be right.

The government knows that state and local law enforcement would most likely refuse an order to seize firearms from legal owners, and they only way to disarm the American public would be by force of arms by a an overwhelming force of military personnel. Being that we don't have enough military troops they would have to resort to bringing in troops from other countries. far is the Waldo Canyon fire from Fort Carson?
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Re: Fire!

Post by notorial dissent »

Other direction entirely, great big bald granite mountain in between it and fire area, really hard to miss, visible from space and all that, that sort of thing. If they were aiming for the new super duper super ultra purple secret international HQ of the NWO, they missed, by a lot.... Besides, just because they think that is the new super duper super ultra purple HQ of the NWO, doesn't mean it really is. That was all just disinformation put out by the Security and Deception Group, you know that stuff McHalfwit deals in with both hands, to bump up sagging real estate prices there to pad their retirement portfolios. The new real super duper super ultra purple international HQ is well, either you already know and are in the know, or you never ever will...
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
David Merrill

Re: Fire!

Post by David Merrill »

Then the person known as Deep Knight knows how much critical time was spent evacuating a sixth of the City instead of dousing embers blowing off the mountain. Deep Knight would be familiar with exactly what was clogging up evacuation traffic too.

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Re: Fire!

Post by Deep Knight »

David Merrill wrote:Then the person known as Deep Knight knows how much critical time was spent evacuating a sixth of the City instead of dousing embers blowing off the mountain.
Right you are, the people should have stood their ground and fought and died rather than evacuated. After all, the fire is only a fire, but we are humans who can bend anything to our will! If the people of Colorado Springs couldn't fight back a garden-variety raging wildfire using garden hoses, they don't deserve to live in the smelly toes of Pikes Peak's foothills.
David Merrill wrote: Deep Knight would be familiar with exactly what was clogging up evacuation traffic too.
Um, traffic? Wait, wait, don't tell me. ... A conspiracy of the New World Dark Cabal using a stargate kept inside Cheyenne Mountain? Am I warm?
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Re: Fire!

Post by The Observer »

Deep Knight wrote: Am I warm?
I don't know. Are you on fire?
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Re: Fire!

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Friday, July 6, 2012
The Rumor Mill News Reading Room
Posted By: Seawitch [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 6-Jul-2012 04:31:28

Posted by Vatic Master

Vatic Note: The entire state of Colorado is on fire and no one is dumping fire retardant on it. Watch the video of the potential that Jumbo Jet has to put out these fires well before they got to the point they are at right now.... and it shows what a great job of dumping the fire retardant that system does, so why hasn't Colorado or the Feds called for leasing it to address the fire? I think its because the fire was intentionally set. Remember the Iron Mountain report of 1966 recommending eco-disasters to achieve their agenda.

The videos are a must watch to see how it all works. Excellent in fact, but given it was probably the CIA who started the fires, I find it unlikely they intend to put them out. Remember, Forests are essential for "hiding" things and the powers that be, Khazar Zionists controlled by the British MI6 are "Anal Retentive Control Freaks" as are all abused children when they become adults and they hate losing control, so probably decided the west and south were:

1. Armed and willing to use the arms, and
2. locals know the local terrain better than anyone, and could easily hide large numbers in the forest with all the other warm blooded animals in there. and
3. Can hide their guns and ammo, and silver and gold in these forests as well, so the fires were really essential for them to garner back that control.

It would be impossible to identify the humans, so this was the next best option. Its the only reason the CIA will not make money intentionally, by leasing out the jet to fight the fires, because they have a bigger agenda. They are definitely getting more and more desperate, but here is the good news. Its like a mass timed awakening. Everyone knows about the chem-trails now. Its no longer a secret and they dump all the time. I still think its for multiple purposes and one of them is to hide the pole shift and Nibiru. Just my humble opinion.

With rare exceptions, I find more are seriously waking up and I can't tell you what did it either. Things are already getting out of hand for the bad guys even after all this planning. It still will require courage and action on our part, so be prepared to dig deep down and find that courage hanging around your heart somewhere along with the love for your children and fellow Americans and others around the globe.

This government is ours and not Hitlers. So we are responsible for stopping its international rampid crime spree of our foreign occupied government and we must do it soon before we kill anymore innocent civilians and destroy anymore property or crash anymore markets.

Remember, it was the Khazars in WW I that put that horrible reparations on Germany that destroyed their economy and I bet $20 that is what they intend to do to us as the designated losers. We are the McCain of this agenda.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 8:05 AM

It think it's this Vatic Master's sense that's missing, but probably not in action.
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David Merrill

Re: Fire!

Post by David Merrill »

Deep Knight wrote:
David Merrill wrote:Then the person known as Deep Knight knows how much critical time was spent evacuating a sixth of the City instead of dousing embers blowing off the mountain.
Right you are, the people should have stood their ground and fought and died rather than evacuated. After all, the fire is only a fire, but we are humans who can bend anything to our will! If the people of Colorado Springs couldn't fight back a garden-variety raging wildfire using garden hoses, they don't deserve to live in the smelly toes of Pikes Peak's foothills.
David Merrill wrote: Deep Knight would be familiar with exactly what was clogging up evacuation traffic too.
Um, traffic? Wait, wait, don't tell me. ... A conspiracy of the New World Dark Cabal using a stargate kept inside Cheyenne Mountain? Am I warm?

You seem a bit skewed from reality about that. The six-minute drive took three hours because they evacuated far more real estate than necessary, hobbling the firefighting. Maybe now they know better than such overkill. In casual conversations with several informed people it would seem as though the officials were much more concerned about "mandatory evacuation" muscle-flexing than preserving homes. However you got to hand it to them, evacuating two cities, several towns and about a sixth of Colorado Springs showed a lot of concern for human life!

Funny how nobody is criticizing the approach of evacuating vast amounts of neighborhoods in order to sacrifice the one in the path of the fire.
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Re: Fire!

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David Merrill wrote: You seem a bit skewed from reality about that. The six-minute drive took three hours because they evacuated far more real estate than necessary, hobbling the firefighting. Maybe now they know better than such overkill. In casual conversations with several informed people it would seem as though the officials were much more concerned about "mandatory evacuation" muscle-flexing than preserving homes. However you got to hand it to them, evacuating two cities, several towns and about a sixth of Colorado Springs showed a lot of concern for human life!

Funny how nobody is criticizing the approach of evacuating vast amounts of neighborhoods in order to sacrifice the one in the path of the fire.
I'M a bit skewed from reality?

By the way, 32000 people are estimated to have been evacutated, and the population of The Springs metro area (which is where most of these took place, not within the city limits), is 660,000, so that's less than 5%, not 16.7% or one sixth.

But I've gotta admit that you're right about only evacuating the houses that burnt. Why the emergency management people didn't go into the future, ID those houses, come back to the present time, and then only evacuate those we'll never know.
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Re: Fire!

Post by The Observer »

Deep Knight wrote:Why the emergency management people didn't go into the future, ID those houses, come back to the present time, and then only evacuate those we'll never know.
I'm sure David knows. It's because the emergency management people didn't buy your time machine, right David?
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Re: Fire!

Post by notorial dissent »

Let's just put this down as yet one more thing in the long list of Things about which Merrill hasn't a clue, and move on.
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Re: Fire!

Post by Deep Knight »

From USA Hit Man (a great "love and light" name for a blog, don't cha think?)

Something Very Suspicious In Colorado Fires

I agree with John Kettler (see his post here [or above in this thread]) regarding the questionable cause behind the Colorado fires. There appears to be substantial evidence that these fires are not the result of natural causes. And my intuition is telling me that they are a distraction. Something else is going on here. The question is what?Home of NORAD and the future capitol of this country for starters leads me to think that it has something to do with the underground bases and something they don’t want out there.

The question is, whether they are covering up a nuclear incident underground that may have happened as a result of a battle with certain ET groups down there or if there is some need to get the people and homes out of those areas for some future purpose. Or both.

This situation bears closer investigation.

Conservatives Find A Way To Blame Obama For Monster Colorado Wildfire

Nick R. Martin- June 29, 2012, 6:03 AM
While Colorado burns, conservatives have looked for ways to blame it on President Obama.

Some of the same people who have bashed the president as a big government, big spending liberal now say a wildfire that destroyed hundreds of homes in the conservative stronghold of Colorado Springs can be blamed on the president because he has been too slow to spend money to beef up the federal fleet of air tankers.

The meme began more than a week ago when pundit Michelle Malkin, who lives in Colorado Springs, wrote a piece for the National Review Online titled “Obama Bureaucrats Are Fueling Wildfires.”

“The Obama administration’s neglect of the federal government’s aerial-tanker fleet raises acrid questions about its core public-safety priorities,” she wrote.

Malkin noted the number of fire-fighting air tankers in the national fleet had dropped from 44 a decade ago to nine today. The fact that the administration killed a contract last year to to build more tankers, she wrote, had put a manufacturing company out of business. A bill the president signed earlier this month to spend $24 million for new planes came too late to stop the spread of the fires now.

“[T]he money won’t come until next year, and the dog-and-pony rescue moves will not result in any immediate relief,” Malkin wrote. The delays were unacceptable, she concluded. “Where there’s smoke swirling over Team Obama, there are usually flames of incompetence, cronyism, and ideological zealotry.”

The criticism caught on in some circles. Wayne Laugesen, the conservative editorial page editor for the Colorado Springs Gazette, linked to Malkin’s post this week in his own piece titled “Obama shrunk aerial firefighting fleet.” A writer with PJ Media mentioned the Gazette opinion in a blog post under the headline “Colorado Burns. Are Obama’s Environmental and Defense Policies to Blame?”

The suggestion even made its way to a news conference on Wednesday with Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper (D), who was answering questions about multiple fires burning in the state. The Denver Post reported that a question about conservatives blaming the president for the size of the air fleet set the governor off.

“Were these the same conservatives that were so worried about the Obama administration spending too much money, or were these different conservatives?” Hickenlooper said.

The line of questioning, he added, was inappropriate with more than 30,000 people forced to evacuate their homes.

Malkin didn’t mention where she got some of the figures that appeared in her piece, but many of them appeared just a few days earlier in an exhaustive Denver Post story that examined the complicated debate over what to do about the nation’s air tanker fleet.

The story said the tankers often have a limited impact on large wildfires and are designed to slow the spread of smaller fires. It also said officials with the U.S. Forest Service, which runs the fleet, believe the number of aircraft they already have is sufficient given the helicopters and smaller planes they use.

The reporting follows a 2008 investigation by the Los Angeles Times that revealed how the air tankers often do little to quell big fires but cost lots of money and tend to look good on TV. Fire officials told the newspaper they nicknamed the air missions “CNN drops.”

While investigators try to find the real cause of the Waldo Canyon fire, the fact remains that it has become a massive tragedy for Colorado Springs. Hundreds of houses in the city burned to the ground in recent days and tens of thousands of people were still barred from returning home under standing evacuation orders. President Obama is planning to visit the scene to view the damage later today.

When Malkin’s piece was published by the National Review last week, the wildfire was still making its way toward Colorado Springs. Days later, Malkin revealed on her own blog that she and her family were among those being forced to evacuate. As of Thursday, they were still unable to go back.

“Our house remains in one of the most threatened areas of the city, but it is still standing for now,” she wrote. “Please pray for Colorado, and especially the firefighters, pilots, emergency personnel, and support staff on the front lines battling the Waldo Canyon fire and all the other fires raging across the West.”

Did downed UFO cause Colorado Wildfires?

So I'm noticing these new threads on ATS regarding unidentified Flying Objects showing up on live network footage covering the aerial effort to control the Colorado wildfires in Waldo

Synopsis: Strange flying objects appear to be shadowing helicoptors as they are engaged in the firefighting effort.

The ATS debate continues in the usually predictable manner; hoax, reflections, drones, swamp gas...etc. vs. true example of extra-terrestrial craft.

Intrigued, I started doing searches for other reports of strange objects being seen around the wildfire containment effort.

I came across this article in the Denver Post from June 20, which records that 'something' strange and unidentified in the sky (the article speculates it was a meteor, but concludes that nobody really knew what it actually was), was interfering with the firefighting effort by forcing authorities to ground their planes for an hour and a half.

Here are a few quotes from the article:

"A Pueblo air-dispatch center began receiving reports of "balls of fire or something in the air" this afternoon, and officials grounded flights to make sure no aircraft were hit , fire team spokesman Ron Roth said.

Planes were allowed to resume flights about 90 minutes later.

"We don't have to determine what it is, just that it's safe to fly at this point," he said."

The North American Aerospace Defense Command based at Peterson Air Force Base in El Paso County doesn't think whatever fell was man-made."

"We have no indication anything manmade entered that area." said NORAD spokesman John Cornelia, adding, "We have no information as to what this might have been."

"Ron Davis, who lives part-time in Lake City, said by e-mail that he was hiking on Redcloud Peak in Hinsdale County when he saw what he thought was silvery "space junk" burning across the eastern sky, traveling from north to south with a white tail. "

This, in conjuction with this UFO showing up on live tv reporting the wildfire fighting effort, leads me wonder beyond the question as to whether or not UFOs are interested in monitoring our efforts to contain these fires.

Are they, in fact, trying to hamper containment efforts...or, perhaps more importantly, was a crashed UFO actually responsible for starting these specific fires....and they are monitoring our efforts in this area to prevent any type of discovery or recovery?

Yes, I know this is far-out speculation on my part, but there does seem to exist, at least in the form of the above referenced mainstream print and broadcast media, circumstantial evidence to at least provoke this speculation.
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Re: Fire!

Post by fortinbras »

Hey, any explanation for the Colorado Fires except the most obvious -- it's Global Warming, people!! Once the shrubbery is all tinder-dry just about anything and everything can start a wildfire.
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Re: Fire!

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fortinbras wrote:Hey, any explanation for the Colorado Fires except the most obvious -- it's Global Warming, people!! Once the shrubbery is all tinder-dry just about anything and everything can start a wildfire.
According to MacHaffiie, Bellringer, Lord Rama, and a host of NESARA players, global warming is a hoax! But prosperity deliveries, the Dinar RV, first contact, ascension, a joy ride on the spaceship Neptune, and a giant all-encompassing conspiracy to hide them are real!
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Re: Fire!

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Deep Knight wrote:
fortinbras wrote:Hey, any explanation for the Colorado Fires except the most obvious -- it's Global Warming, people!! Once the shrubbery is all tinder-dry just about anything and everything can start a wildfire.
According to MacHaffiie, Bellringer, Lord Rama, and a host of NESARA players, global warming is a hoax! But prosperity deliveries, the Dinar RV, first contact, ascension, a joy ride on the spaceship Neptune, and a giant all-encompassing conspiracy to hide them are real!

And, of course, all brush fires are only the result of global warming, right? Even during the '70s when the climate experts were alarming us about global cooling, brush fires then only happened because the forests knew there would be global warming in the future.

While it certainly may be premature and idiotic for Rama and Bellringer to conclusively condemn global warming as a hoax, it is certainly as idiotic and premature for fortinbras to be concluding that global warming is the reason for brush fires. Different sides of the same coin.
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Re: Fire!

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The Observer wrote:And, of course, all brush fires are only the result of global warming, right? Even during the '70s when the climate experts were alarming us about global cooling, brush fires then only happened because the forests knew there would be global warming in the future.

While it certainly may be premature and idiotic for Rama and Bellringer to conclusively condemn global warming as a hoax, it is certainly as idiotic and premature for fortinbras to be concluding that global warming is the reason for brush fires. Different sides of the same coin.
I am not a climatologist, just a chemist who's the son of a geophysicist, but let me take a stab at this.

There have always been droughts and the resulting high fire danger. In the western US there was a huge drought from 1842 - 1847 well before the recent increase in CO2. What warming due to CO2 (and if elementary physics is right, and it has appeared to be for a long time, this is happening) will do is change weather patterns. This is neither "good" or "bad" by itself, just different. Some places will be wetter, some drier. OK from a big perspective, but a problem if you own a farm or live near a forest that's getting less water then it did 100 years ago when your farm or city was built.

It's like rising sea level, neither "good" or "bad" by itself, but there are a lot of coastal cities that are in inconvenient places...

The problem is one of political propaganda - the marketplace of ideas is more like a screaming match these days and countering "there ain't no such thing as climate change" by scientifically-correct speach has a low impact. Thus, you'll get people saying things like global warming caused the drought and fires. This very well may be true, but it is unprovable for any single instance, and once you could prove the general case it would probably be too late.

Anyway, I think the point here is the NESARA crowd is very selective in what they want to believe. As are a lot of people. The only problem is that reality doesn't care what you believe, and it would be very good to pay attention to what professional climatologists say about this, but lots of people don't (or select the "experts" they want to believe). Yes, this goes both ways, but the two sides of this coin are hardly equal. Honest.

One more thing. Ever since people realized there had been ice ages and that we were in the middle of a warm period, there have been concerns about this. In the 1970 several popular magazines featured this, which is different than it being some sort of mainstream thought. In fact, ever since people realized CO2 levels were going up, they have been concerned about the effects. I sat through a seminar at NCAR (National Center for Atmospheric Research) in 1972 or 73 about "what is happening to the CO2?" where things like the ocean as a CO2 sink were discussed, along with what would happen to average temperature if the CO2 level continued to rise. At no time did anyone discuss going into another ice age.
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Re: Fire!

Post by LaVidaRoja »

Well said, DK, well said.
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Re: Fire!

Post by The Observer »

Deep Knight wrote:...and it would be very good to pay attention to what professional climatologists say about this, but lots of people don't (or select the "experts" they want to believe). Yes, this goes both ways, but the two sides of this coin are hardly equal. Honest.
Except most of the climatologists want to ignore data that has contradicted what their models have predicted as well as ignore what the fossil data has shown over the last several million years in terms that the temperature and CO2 levels acted independently of each other. Throw in the shredding of e-mails, cover-ups, lying and the general snarky attitude of these climatologists and I get the impression that they have been taking lessons from the NESARA crowd.
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Re: Fire!

Post by notorial dissent »

Not to mention the added variables of acres and acres and acres of dead trees that have been sitting, well standing there actually, for years just waiting for the opportunity to turn in to torches, as well as all the dead underbrush that hadn't been cleared out in like forever to act as starter fuel, and those trees wouldn't have had a chance even if it had been a wet year. Add wind, and worse, wind from the wrong direction, and you have the hideous fires in Waldo Canyon. As the former Fire Chief for CS pointed out, he had been expecting this particular time bomb for years, and it had finally gone off. This same scenario could just as easily have played out in several other areas of the state for exactly the same reasons, and exactly the same results, just luckily, so far, they haven't.
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