Erasmus of America

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Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

I have no idea who this "Erasmus of America" is or what his "Omni Law" is about, but he is certainly both delusional and full of himself. Whatever the case, MacHaffie must like him because he's been posting his stuff frequently. Some excerpts for your amusement.

Monday, July 23, 2012
I descend from Johnny Armstrang who with his band of merry men got turned into the later legend of Robin Hood of England.

This family line as shown by its coat of arms asserted apparent ancestry from the Apostle St. Jude who wrote the Epistle in the New Testament. They claimed the hereditary gift of prophecy and my firebrand great, great grandfather from this line predicted a descendant of his in this age we now live in would suddenly arise against the federal tyranny of Wash., D.C., win, and true freedom would be restored to the people and states of America. If you would hear the family stories of this gift of prophecy, this prophecy of his would not then be a laughing matter to anyone. Did I inherit any of the family gift of prophecy? I won't officially admit the answer, but let's say I am extremely confident we will win once we have assembled the Merry Men and Women of America into Robin Hood's modern band and we pass the Omni Law which is the smart way to restore true freedom to America.

I was a chess champion in military school and know how to checkmate the other side so they lose the game.
I years ago reasoned that the drug culture of America was the prime recruiting ground for terrorist organizations in America back then. So I became friends with one of the most successful underground drug dealers in America. Since the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Pentagon had once given me a blankcheck military intelligence charter to do whatever would save America under military intelligence, I legally used it for this. They had apparently labled me "The Michaelangelo of American military intelligence" as their Pentagon spokesman told me when I was given the oral charter and rated me the most brilliant military intelligence operative in American military history, I, yes, took a little pot to pass "as one of them" when infiltrating the terrorist groups I was targeting. Finally with the help of this drug dealer, I was invited to the most secret Communist meeting maybe in American history. They had 15 Russian nuclear devices smuggled into America and were going to take over America after wiping out Wash., D.C. and maybe one or two other American cities. I think it was 5 terrorist leaders including this drug dealer represented me to the Communist Party underground leaders as "the deadliest political brain in America." I was offered the Communist dictatorship of America. They said they could by force take over America but could not hold power as all America would rise against them later on if they tried to set up their planned Communist dictatorship over America. They thought I was smart enough I could hold on to power if they put me into power and wanted me to be their Fidel Castro over America. I played their game until I knew all their operational plans. Then I sabotaged them so they could not try a military coup in America as they had planned. Then I disappeared so they would not figure how their throat had been cut so it was now impossible for them to now take over America. To be frank about it, I was probably the most daring military intelligence operative in the history of America. That was an important part why I scored so many stunning victories in military intelligence. Also, a clue to our naive in military intelligence. I never broke my word of honor with my sources. They trusted me and many of them would never have trusted Wash., D.C Wash., D.C. easily breaks its word of honor such as upholding the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Bill of Rights. And Wash., D.C. lies so much to the public, often times they forget the line between truth and fantasty even for themselves. When I met with this Rothschild, he asked for my word of honor that I would never give out his name that I had met with him. I have never told you what Rothschild I met with and even before Congress I would never give out the name of what Rothschild I had met with. When I met with the Treasurer to Fidel Castro, I gave him my word of honor I would not tell what bank in America supplied Fidel Castro 50% of the money used by Fidel Castro to take over Cuba with. It smelled to me that C.I.A. or else the Rothschilds, etc. financed Castro into power in Cuba. But like ancient Roman generals, etc., my word of honor is my bond and I will not break it. My character is very much Roman, not cheap. My word of honor is my sacred bond with you or others. I respect practical answers even from the enemy side if it is better than what my side has. Romans always had intense respect for any and all practical answers from any side whatsoever. That is why the Romans conquered most of the known world then and the Roman Empire lasted for hundreds of years before falling.
Like Gen. Patton, the roots of my character are secured in historical origins. I represent the American revolution. I represent the ancient Roman Race in thinking and character. I represent the Robin Hood of English legend in a natural born rebel to tyranny in the land I live in. I represent true Christianity but that soundly documented in he first writings of Christianity after Christ and the Apostles. I represent the thinking of Albert Einstein.I represent the thinking of Nikola Tesla and Thomas Edison. I absorb the genius of all ages and personalities and add these to my character. I am the sum total of many brilliant from the major ages of mankind. The Roman people of old would have understood this and automatically made me the First Consul of the Roman Republic if I had successfully pulled off this stunt of assimiliating the genius from all the practical races and nations known about. If the American people respect the practical answers like the ancient Romans did, you will have no hesitation but in massively pushing all the federal and state legislators to pass my proposed Omni Law as soon in 2012 as you can. The Omni Law is in modern form the most brilliant idea to the Roman Republic and what made the Roman Race the greatest race in human history for many centuries. The civil tribune concept is what made the Roman Race the greatest race in all of human history. I wish to give the American people what made the Romans the greatest race in human history.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

June 2, 2012 Comment: Erasmus of America (a pen name) will go totally public once the timing is right, but to reveal his identity before revealing his identity. In 1990, he prayed for a "L.B." of the Seneca Police Dept., South Carolina who had just been mass smashed in a car accident. The local hospital said to the local newspaper that due to his massive injuries, he would not live through the day. If somehow he lived, he would then be paralyzed for life. After Erasmus prayed in the Name of Jesus for him, he was instantly healed and walked out of the hospital the same day delivered there by ambulance. Other Miracles of God have occurred at times around Erasmus and it would be dangerous for fools in Wash., D.C. to think that God is not backing this proposed Omni Law and watching which way the American people and elected officials stand on this issue. In April, 2012, another powerful Miracle of God occurred which indicates that God strongly backs the passing of the Omni Law in America, and Now.

My mother was once rated by I.Q. test to be the most brilliant child in American history up to then and went to a state university without prior formal education. She was a child actress and had no time for formal schooling. My own I.Q. had once been tested in Wash., D.C. to be they claimed "beyond scientific measurement." I studied under six of the most brilliant economists of America and Europe. And once was written up by an international organization representing some of the Who's Who of America and Europe as "The Einstein of American Economics." I know how to set up "Jesus Money" which skyrocketed economies 4 times in history! And overthrown by bankers who hated super prosperity for you!

P.S. I can't prove it but get the strong impression that God smiles on me because I have the guts as a Christian leader to seriously stand up for what should be done in America today. And I bet all of you will be heroes in God's eyes who stand up with me! Okay, heroes, let's storm the enemies of God and America and make America once more "One Nation Under God" truly in meaning and not just in empty words! Once the Omni Law is passed, I can give a colossal industry potentially as big as the oil cartel to America to skyrocket the American economy. Wash., D.C. under Obama did not want me to give America this colossal national wealth and potentially millions of new, high paying jobs!

I think that's more than enough. Where does MacHaffie find these people?
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by notorial dissent »

I thought "delusional and full of themselves" was part of the requirements McHalfwit requires for him to take them seriously enough to post on his nonsense blog.

I rather suspect that the current, and real Earls of Locksley might just take some considerable exception to some of his claims.

Yep, definitely a legend in his own mind. I rather suspect that his firebrand g-g-grandfather was a moonshiner who partook too much of his own product, and used too much lead in the fittings, and the current generation is showing the evidence of it.

And I'll just bet you that somewhere in his "practical" effort in genius that he somehow ends up as Tribune or some such title for life.

I think the appropriate phrase is mad as a hatter, he should fit right in with the rest of John's pantheon of the looney.

The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by The Observer »

Here is what I thought: This sounds like the propaganda that the North Korean Kims circulate about themselves.
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by Olsenfin »

He didn't mention that he wears really cute aluminum hats
notorial dissent
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by notorial dissent »

It's the cute little aluminum undershorts that worry me.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

notorial dissent wrote:I rather suspect that the current, and real Earls of Locksley might just take some considerable exception to some of his claims.
As I understand it, the identification of Robin Hood (which may have been a generic folk name for highwaymen) as the Earl of Locksley has more to do with novelists than folklore or history. At any rate, the Armstrong (Johnny or Johnie Armstrang) this idiot is referencing only stole from the rich - he didn't give to the poor - and somehow was the origin of the word "blackmail."

On July 5, 1530, Johnny Armstrong the Border reiver and a number of his followers were hanged at Carlenrig, after having been tricked by King James V of Scotland into believing he wished to hunt with them. In reality, seventeen year old James wanted to establish his primacy over the Borders. 'Black Jok' Armstrang was know for extorting black rent as protection money from those who lived nearby. The memory of Armstrong's hanging lives on in a ballad Walter Scott included in his "Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border".
At the head of a desperate band of freebooters, this Armstrong is said to have spread the terror of his name almost as far as Newcastle, and to have levied black mail, or protection and forbearance money, for many miles around.

But I'm less interested in this than his being the "The Einstein of American Economics" and "The Michaelangelo of American military intelligence." I believe these are only 2 of his nicknames, others being:

The Sherlock Holmes of American delusion
The Galileo of American horse manure
The Sara Bernhart of American ranting
The Lipton of American teabagging
The Caesar of American salad tossing
The Dirty Sanchez of American hygene

OK, so I made the last three up - Erasmus o' America probably doesn't go in for such things, although I suggest it wouldn't hurt him in the least (but looking their meanings up might disturb the more sensitive devil worshipers here).

As for the tinfoil hat, I have always noted that they look a bit like Robin Hood caps.

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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

Another posting by this idiot where he can't seem to tell the difference between his wife's face and her chest, which says something or other about either his truthfulness or his wife's face and chest. OK, I'm being silly, it's unlikely he has a wife.

Saturday, July 21, 2012
By Erasmus of America
(originally released nationally Oct 27, 1993. Maybe America is now ready to learn about God And honor God for real!)

God endorsed this report on Oct. 27, 1993 with a stunning Miracle of God. The same day the national mailing of this report was completed, the large, deadly tumor that had been growing on the chest of the author's wife suddenly fell off that evening, and 14 hours later a doctor could find no evidence that there had ever been a tumor there! God smiles on this report! (And only time this ever happened in my life, one time I went under what I guess would be called a "Holy Ghost possession." I was asked if I truly loved Jesus. I would reply yes. Then I was told to publicize my family I.Q. background. I protested I did not want to do this. The third time I was asked to do this and it given to me by revelation that Christianity was being smeared by its enemies as no intelligent man would be a Christian and they claimed that there were no intelligent proofs of God, I finally agreed to do this and the possession of the Holy Spirit of God then left me. So the secret story is now admitted that I was ordered by the Will of Jesus Christ to put into print this family reference below.) My mother had been a child actress and never attended school (except for maybe six weeks). She self-educated herself after learning how to read and write from her grandmother. At 10 years of age she scored the highest I.Q. of any child in American history up to then. She later entered a university with no prior formal education. My own I.Q. has been scored at genius or above. (I refused to write in 1993 that a Wash., D.C. I.Q. test claimed I had scored beyond scientific measurement in I.Q. Enough said.)Since many in our colleges and newspapers seem to assert that no intelligent person would be a Christian or believe in God, I hope this information will put into a discredited position those pushing this anti-Christian propaganda and who are trying to trick the public (through our Marxist based brainwashing public schools) into believing that only stupid and foolish people would become Christians or seriously believe in God. I can only show in this tiny space maybe a small fraction of 1% of the scientific proofs I have which show the existence of God. For example. let us mathetically reverse the population figures for the human race. Mathematics indicate that mankind has been on this Earth for only 5,000 to 15,000 years due to the fertility of soil which controls population growth of races. That means that only God could create life on our planet in such a short time available, and there was no time for evolution to occur. (Population figures were standard and taken from standard references such as information almanacs.) The mathematics of the DNA genetic codes to living cells was fed into scientific computer systems. The computers calculated the mathematcal odds to be virtually infinity against living cells ever being able to evolve into other life forms. This frankly means that the theory of evolution is scientifically impossible! It never happened! When asked the serious scienific questions: "Did the chicken or the egg come first?", and "Did the seed or the tree come first?", the valid scientific answer to these two questions can only be, "God came fist and then created life!" When astronauts landed on the Moon, they found 1/30th inch of meterorite dust on its surface. The rate of fall of meteorite dust on the Moon indicates by mathematics that the Moon is therefore only a few thousand years old. The evolutionists claim that the Moon and Earth are the same basic age. If true, then the meteorite dust testifies that the Earth is also just a few thousand years old and physically way too young to have any evolution of life possible on Earth. Also, volcanic eruptions indicate that our Earth is still young, just cooling off from creation, not an ancient planet. Also, the decay of the Earth's magnetic field indicates that our planet is about 7,000 years to 10,000 years old maximum! Also, the pressure of our fields worldwide indicate they were formed less than 10,000 years ago. This means the Earth is YOUNG! Two science foundations tried to disprove me on the lunar dust issue. They quoted from numerous scientists all over the Earth. I answered back and showed why NASA's own data proved my position correct. They were stunned into silence and couldn't answer me back. (One foundation's vice president only comment back was, "You are a natural born genius!") When evolutionists claimed their tests proved one piece of lava was formed in a volcano at least 3 billion years ago, they were disproved when it was revealed that this piece of lava was known to have been in a volcano less than 200 years ago. "Scientific" dating methods do not prove the age of our planet. They only guess at it. "In The Beginning" by Dr. Walter T. Brown, Jr. shows these teststo be faulty! At over 500 sites, more complex fossils were found beneath simpler fossils which would be scientifically impossible if the theory of evolution was true. And it seems that no fossils are being created today! If the fossils were created by a great world flood( the world flood being reported in the Bible and up to 500 other ancient cultures also reported the world flood, the ark with the animals and a few humans to save life on earth. With that much smoke there must be some fire or historical truth to this world flood! And to crucify the evolutionists in their theory of evolution, they had to censor from science courses that two British scientists discovered the enzymes that correct damage to DNA genetic codes in living cells so they can in nature never evolve into other life forms! But silence please! And totally censor this from public education because it proves that evolution of life is scientifically impossible and never happened except in the minds of wild fools who are described in the Bible as, "The fool says in his heart that there is no God.") Now if the fossils were created by a great world flood and not by gradual processes over billions of years, then the theory of evolution is a GIANT HOAX! (As Grant Jeffrey once demonstrated, take standard math and standard population figures taken from scientific references, if mankind were really even one million years old as claimed by evolutionists, then standard math states by one million years there would theoretically be more humans on earth than all the atoms in the universe. Naive evolutionists need to study how fast compound math would skyrocket the number of humans on earth if man had been on this earth for even one million years! Sorry evolutionists, but you lose the argument that the theory of evolution is even a valid scientific theory!) The Bible has over 10,000 prophecies in it. of which most have already come true. The mathematical odds against this being possible are virtually infinity. (Don't forget folks, that after this report was released before it got widely publicized that a math code was found in Hebrew in the Old Testament. In math code, This defied mathematical odds of 3 billion to one against this being possible when this Bible Code in Genesis listed the names and year of death of 66 prominent Jewish rabbis for the last 2,000 years. Separately in the Old Testament, in a couple of short chapters, in this Bible Code was listed Jesus Christ, His Apostles, events in His life, etc.! Hitler, location of concentration camps, other Nazi leaders, all listed in Bible Code . The Koran, other books were tested, and apparently no books in the world had this prophetic Bible Code except the Bible of the Christians and Jews. That is God's signature that He wrote the Bible and not other books claimed God wrote. I haven't tried it yet, but another source using this Bible Code indicated that it indicated that Obama wanted to be the most evil leader in human history and would be savagely damned by God after this life unless he repented before God which I doubt he can!) This shows that God is behind he Bible and controls human history. And Jesus Christ fulfilled 332 prophecies out of 332 in the Old Testament. Also, critics of the Bible 150 years ago claimed the Old Testament was mostly fiction, and that most of the cities and battles listed never existed. Since the founding of Israel in 1948, almost all of the sites liste in the Old Testament have been found and verified. As usual, the Bible critics strike out and their claims against the Bble prove to be lies or else outbursts of stupidity instead of intelligence in their hatred of God and the Bible of God.) The Bible, prophetically, (supernaturally in constant Miracles of God in Christianity for the last 2,000 years whereas Islam, etc. don't have these supernatural Miracles of God occur with their religions), and historically has been proven to be quite accurate. The Bible is the supernatural Word of God for man! I briefly died in 1958. I was not spiritually ready to die. I made an offer to God if I was given back my life. I was given back my life and this article is part of the deal I offered to God if given back my life. (By the way, the man who predicted nearly all the important things to happen later in my life stopped me on a street when he told me that I had recently died but God gave me back my life. And then he made a long list of predictions about my future and told me secrets of my life. I was so startled by all this I forgot to ask him his name. I was a military cadet on summer vacation when this incredible meeting with this man occurred.) I have heard the testimony of medical doctors and other educated people who were diagnosed as clinically dead, some for many hours, and then came back to life, which is supposed to be "medically impossible." Our death experiences all have common factors to them which seem to confirm the testimony of those who died and whom God restored to life for whatever reasons. I learned in 1958 that the one and only reason for our lives on Earth was to become friends with God. The rest was not really that important in the scheme of eternity. If we do not become friends with God during our life, then we have wasted our entire life and will be condemned for eternity instead of living with God for all eternity. I alsolearned that you must make Jesus your Saviour so that you are not condemned for etenity because you rejected the mercy, frienship and love of God offered through Jesus Christ, God the Son, appointed Saviour of Mankind. In 1984 my wife Linda had a large tumor on her face and a much larger tumor inside her. The medical field urged immediate surgery in order to protect her life. The medical field urged immediate surgery in order to protect her life. We refused this surgery and instead practiced what the Bible taught us to do if we wanted a Miracle of God to take care of these tumor. Later, to the shock of the medical field, a national insurance company (Mutual of Omaha), our local church and othe sources, the large tumor fell off her face one evening and the larger tumor inside her disappeared into thin air, which startled the medical clinic when they examined her immediately afterwards. Yes, God does exist! Give your life to Jesus today and He will give you His Life, ETERNAL LIFE! Remember Jesus has crowns for soul winners! Don't forget the Great Commission! Evangelize! Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America (pen name. Look up other reports of Erasmus of America at Nesara News in their archive listings for May, June, and July of 2012. My email address is . Ask for a copy of my 4 page Omni Law and learn how we can save the American economy by using the Christian Economics taught by Jesus Christ in the New Testament.Be sure and make copies of this report by copy and paste or forward emails sent to you with this report enclosed in the email to you. Christians and churches, I have given you the victory of winning most of America back to serious Christianity if you but seriously push this report until virtualy all of America has seen this report. The atheists hate this report as they cannot answer it back with credibility! I have given you the weapon to win most of America back to Jesus Christ. Now be soldiers for Christ and storm America with this God-inspired report! I give God the credit for the knowledge I have shared with you!)

Posted by John MacHaffie at 2:37 PM
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by Thule »

"God came fist and then created life!"
He basically punched the world into existence, I guess? After all, someone with an IQ in the quadruple digits wouldn't misspell "first", right?

Looks like this übermensch has been proclaiming his brilliance for a few weeks now.
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by ashlynne39 »

My own I.Q. had once been tested in Wash., D.C. to be they claimed "beyond scientific measurement." I studied under six of the most brilliant economists of America and Europe.
Too bad he didn't study under an English teacher. For someone so brilliant, his spelling, sentence structure, grammar and punctuation leaves alot to be desired.
I know how to set up "Jesus Money" which skyrocketed economies 4 times in history! And overthrown by bankers who hated super prosperity for you!
What is "Jesus money"
Another posting by this idiot where he can't seem to tell the difference between his wife's face and her chest, which says something or other about either his truthfulness or his wife's face and chest. OK, I'm being silly, it's unlikely he has a wife.
I realize it all runs together as crazy as it is but this was two separate events. In 1984 his wife had a life threatening tumor on her face and insider her body. Then one day the tumor fell off her face and the one in her body disappeared. In 1993 his wife had a tumor on her chest and that one fell off too. Apparently his wife has a tumor problem but that is probably better than the problem with crazy that he has.

Speaking of which, his story and its publication has inspired me to create a story of my own (see below). What do you think the odds are that MacHaffie will publish mine? (NOTE: I got bored after a while and just quit. Apparently I'm not crazy enough to spend hours at a time coming up with an imaginary background for myself.
I descend from Johnny Armstrang who with his band of merry men got turned into the later legend of Robin Hood of England.
This inspired me to reveal my own geneology. Prepare to be amazed:

I am descended from the Wizard Merlin and his secret ladylove, a beautiful, ethereal celtic seer and enchantress. I claim not just otherworldly beauty but the hereditary gift of prophecy and all the magical power of both my ancestors passed down through the ages and concentrated solely in me.

This family line as shown by its coat of arms asserted apparent ancestry from the Apostle St. Jude who wrote the Epistle in the New Testament.
My family line is shown on the magic wand that I use to cast my spells.
descendant of his in this age we now live in would suddenly arise against the federal tyranny of Wash., D.C., win, and true freedom would be restored to the people and states of America
In the writings of Merlin, passed down in my family are prophecies that one day in this age his female descendant will rise to more than 33 levels above the president as part of the illuminati and gleefully oppress the little people through the manipulation of banksters and politicians.
let's say I am extremely confident we will win once we have assembled the Merry Men and Women of America into Robin Hood's modern band and we pass the Omni Law which is the smart way to restore true freedom to America.
Let's say I am extremely confident that my magic wand and my fellow illuminati will quite easily dissassemble any Merry Men and Women.
I was a chess champion in military school and know how to checkmate the other side so they lose the game

I was the Wizard Chess champion at Hogwart's School of Witchcraft and Wizadry and top of my class in every subject.
Since the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Pentagon had once given me a blankcheck military intelligence charter to do whatever would save America under military intelligence, I legally used it for this
The Rothschildes have given me a blank check to do whatever it takes secure our way of life and our power base . . . and for me to buy cute shoes and a purse to match my magic wand and crown.
I never broke my word of honor with my sources.
I lie quite frequently. That is why I always win
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Oh dear. He must have borrowed David's time machine because Amstrang was 16th century and Robin Hood probably 12th or 13th. Another problem: Robin Hood was possibly gay. Anglo-Saxon England was more tolerant than the French Normans were towards homosexuality. Robin Hood and his merry men could have become outlaws to get away from repression by the Normans. The female love interest of "Maid Marion" only appears in stories centuries after the time of Robin Hood (like 15th or later), there were no women involved in contemporary accounts. Ditto Robin being an earl or noble of any sort. So all he would need would be an ancestor who "played for both sides" and a time machine and I'll believe him.
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by JamesVincent »

Is this guy related to Herazzmus Bedraggin?
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

This guy is amazing!

Monday, July 30, 2012
From Erasmus of America July 30, 2012

Matthew 24:44-47: Therefore, be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man (Jesus) cometh. Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his lord ( Jesus) hath made ruler over his household, to give them meat in due season? Blessed is that servant, (chief steward of Jesus Christ), whom his lord (Jesus) when he cometh shall find so doing. (Chief Steward of Jesus Christ when he appears is secret sign for Christians that Jesus is coming soon! Read it folks!). Verily I(Jesus) say unto you, that he (Jesus) shall make him ruler (chief steward - right hand of Jesus - prime minister to Jesus as Jesus states in Revelation) over all his (Christ's) goods."
St. Luke 12:42-44: "Who is that faith and wise steward, whom his lord shall make ruler over his household, to give them their portion of meat in due season? Blessed is that servant, whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing. Of a truth I(Jesus) say unto you, that he(Jesus) will make him ruler over all that he (Jesus) hath."
Revelation 2:26: "And he that overcometh, and keepeth my works (early Apostolic Christianity) unto the end(means Chief Steward is there just before return of Jesus), to him I(Jesus) will give power (authority of prime minister of Jesus Christ) over the nations." Rev. 2:28: And I (Jesus) will give him (the one willing to be Chief Steward to Jesus) the morning star.: Rev. 22:16: "I the root and offspring of David, and the bright and morning star."
Matthew 25:10: "and they that were ready went in with him (Jesus) to the marriage: and the door was shut." Matthew 11:13 "Afterward came also the other virgins (symbol for Christians as used by Jesus) saying, Lord (Jesus), Lord (Jesus), open to us. But he (Jesus answered, and said, Verily i say unto you, I know you not. (This according to first Christianity would be spoken at the hidden site for the Garden of Eden also called Paradise still on earth and the entrance to it according to the Old Testament hidden by the Holy Mountain of God Satan was expelled from). "Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of Man (Jesus) cometh."
Revelation 12: the dragon empire (Nazi Germany) warns against the wilderness (America. Wilderness was common term of first colonists for North America.) The remnant of real Christianity (the woman ) hides in this wilderness for 1,260 days until Nazi Germany is defeated. As Pres. Roosevelt explained to the American people in a "fireside chat" on Dec. 8, 1941 the day after the attack on Pearl Harbor, Nazi Germany ordered Imperial Japan to attack Pearl Harbor as the price of military alliance with Nazi Germany. The Japanese Imperial Fleet left port to begin its attack on Pearl Harbor on Nov. 26, but Nov. 25 Washington time, 1941, Under military law, Nazi Germany by ordering the attack on Pearl Harbor began the war on Nov. 25, though the attack did not hit Pearl Harbor until Dec. 7. Nazi Germany surrendered to Gen. Eisenhower on May 7, 1945 exactly 1,260 days later as prophesied in Chapter 12 of Revelation.
On the Friday evening before Pentecost just before I was 7 years old, what three adults said was the cloven tongues of fire of the Holy Ghost appeared over me and I then knew this explanation for Revelation even though as a small boy then, I had never read the Bible and was still an atheist until 10 1/2 years old. Christians savagely attacked the three prominent American adults who told others about what they had seen. One was a Catholic and won the award for being the top architect in America one year. His wife was Methodist and one of the richest women in America. The third was a prominent socialite and my mother. The American Christians charged the three must have been liars, drunk, on dope, or crazy to claim see the cloven tongues of fire appear over me when just before 7 years old. And surprise, I remember most of what happened but not all that night. The adults filled me in with that small amount I did not remember and the married couple asked me later in military school if I remembered this incident. I said yes I did remember it. They said they felt this was a sign of God that I was destined to be a great champion of Christianity later on in America. My mother who was about to become a Catholic convert felt this sign was for her, not me. I never saw her logic on that point as I received all this knowledge of the Book of Revelation which I had never read in my life at that time. And what I learned then when I was older in age was all verified as historically correct. And let me state bluntly what I learned then by revelation I judge of God is that Wash., D.C. is the most evil government in human history having as my earlier report charged with laughter murdered over 3 billion or more people on earth in the 20th century and thought this a hilarious joke before God whose face Wash., D.C. under Obama fiercely spits in the face of God this very hour!
Any man or woman who dares vote for or support Obama is supporting the man who in his heart wants to be the Antichrist to kill off all the Jews on earth and kill off all the Christians who do not renounce their faith in Christ. At just before 7 years of age, I did not understand this then but understood that I was in Revelation and the future champion of Apostolic Christianity the churches give lip service to, but carefully avoid supporting too strongly.
I will give a brief display of knowledge of early Apostolic Christianity the churches and their scholars do not know. Then you decide if you want to support the serious revival of Apostolic Christianity in America and the world, or else shadowbox with evil and when the wise virgin Christains are taken by Jesus into Paradise (early Christianity said where Jesus intended to house them for the prophesied world Tribulation), as St. Jerome who translated the Vulgate version of the Bible around 400 A.D. and top scholar in the Roman Empire then on early Christian writings, twice wrote the foolish virgin Christians will be kicked out by Jesus to face the Antichrist on earth and in utter terror they will flee for their lives across the earth. The wise virgin Christians will be safe with Jesus during the Tribulation and come back out after the Antichrist is crushed by Jesus, and they take over rulership and management of the earth after the evil are purged from the earth by Jesus Christ. How the wise virgin Christians get to be with Jesus during the Tribulation was not really stated by the first Christian writers. Whether by a rapture, a mass migration or other means, they end up at the right location so the Antichrist and all hell on earth is not their problem!
Most Protestant and Catholic scholars judge Jesus was born 5 B.C. or earlier. They are wrong! Early Christianity wrote that Jesus was born 28 years after the death of Cleopatra of Egypt in 30 B.C. Jesus was born in the 42nd year of the reign of Augustus Caesar. Our Christian scholars of today thought how dumb the early Christian writers were to write such a ridiculous statement in their eyes. I took three years of Latin which included a lot of Roman history while in military school. Octavian Caesar,stepson of Julius Caesar, considered it very smart to list the beginning of his reign from the reading of the Will of Julius Caesar just after he had been murdered in 44 B.C. Subtract 42 years and we end up with the same year as the death of Cleopatra of Egypt reference leads to the birth of Jesus Christ. Of course, Octavian Caesar changed his name to Augustus Caesar and because of the will of Julius Caesar was later able to have the Roman Senate declare him a god of the Roman Empire. I knew how ancient Roman culture worked. The modern Christian scholars so arrogant and dismissing towards the early Christian writers did not know that the modern scholars were the hicks as scholars, not the first ancient scholars of first Apostolic Christianity. The Roman Catholic Church has even said that she does not know the date when Jesus was born. If the sloppy Catholic scholars had seriously read the first writings of Christianity, in the early collection called The Constitutions of the Holy Apostles a Jewish convert to Christianity writes that Jesus was born on the 25th of the ninth month. But modern scholars did not realize he was referring to the Jewish lunar calendar. Its equivalent on the Roman or solar calendar was basically Dec. 25 which was the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah which symbolically means "The Lord dwells among us." I ran across a historical note that the Pharisees judging the Roman calendar was more accurate than the Jewish coordinated their Jewish calendar with the Roman calendar so the Jewish 25th day of the month was the same as the 25th of the Roman calendar. So Jesus Christ was for real born on Hannukah, Dec. 25, and probably 2 B.C. when a formation of planets as I understand it all came together on Dec. 25 and would have shown as a super bright star that night over Bethlehem. Also, the Eastern half of early Christianity used to celebrate the birthday of John the Baptist who was the cousin of Jesus Christ and born 6 months before Jesus according to the New Testament. Add 6 months to the birthday for John the Baptist and we are basically at or very close to Dec. 25. I use common sense in Bible scholarship. Too many do not.
The Roman Catholic Church knew how to bring defeat from the jaws of victory in some areas. They taught the same doctrine as first Christianity about the bread and water being prayed over becomes by a spiritual mystery the actual flesh and blood of Jesus Christ. They used the fancy word of transubstantiation which had no connection to early Apostolic Christianity and helped break up the unity of Christianity by use of this word. The correct word as early Christianity used 100 years and so after Christ was "transmutation" which is a Latin word meaning changing one substance into another. Look at the famous debate between Justin Martyr and a Jewish scholar around 160 A.D. Justin Martyr referred to this praying over the bread and water as transmutation. Also, the Jewish scholar said the Christians were heretics for worshipping on Sunday instead of Saturday. Justin Martry corrected him that they made Sunday their main day of worship to honor the day that Jesus resurrected from the dead but also worshipped God the other six days also instead of just one day as the Jews did.
As now both the Protestant and Catholic side suddenly realize, I am a very deadly scholar in what early Apostolic Christianity taught. Jesus was definitely opposed to divorce. However, for the comfort of millions of Christians in America who think they have committed the unforgiveable sin by having divorced their partner in their marriage, Jesus also allowed reasons for divorce. Tertullian Against Marcion around 200 A.D. covered several angles how Christians could be divorced and then remarried, and this not be a sin in the eyes of Jesus Christ. He was one of the most prominent Church Fathers of Early Apostolic Christianity and wrote such as, "Divorce, therefore, when justly deserved, has even in Christ a defender." "He prohibits divorce when He will have the marriage invioolable: He (Jesus) permits when the marriage is spotted with unfaithfulness." Tertullian covered other angles when divorce was permitted such as what the Catholic Church calls "The Pauline Privilege." St. Jerome who translated the Vulgate Bible around 400 A.D. was rated the top scholar on early Christian writings in the Roman Empire. They asked him rather than the Bishop of Rome a powerful question. A very outstanding candidate for Bishop in Spain had been twice married and divorced before becoming a Christian. And now as a Christian, he was married a third time but now as a Christian and with a Christian wife. Could he be allowed to be a Bishop in the Catholic Church with this background? To put it in capsule form, after much study, St. Jerome stated and his judgment became binding on the Catholic Church in the Roman Empire, once baptized a Christian, there was no exception of sin or wrong he could not be forgiven of in the Name of Christ including being married even several times. But now that he was a Christian and married in "the Lord," he should remain the husband of one wife and set the example for all Christians to follow. Yes, he could become a Catholic Bishop and with no sin or moral impediment.
The early Roman Empire had an abortion drug. The early Christian Church condemned this as murder of the unborn. They ruled for Christianity in 2012 A.D. Epicurus of Greece hundreds of years before Christ taught the Theory of Evolution long before Charles Darwin who merely revived an ancient theory taught in the Roman Empire. Early Christianity condemned the theory of evolution that life evolved from atoms as heresy (religious error) as it denied the Genesis account of the Bible. They successfully discredited the Theory of Evolution back then by arguments such as "Which came first? The bird or the egg? The tree or the seed?" The right answer was God came first as Creator of life and then these cycles of life such as in seed or else eggs got started on earth.
The New Testament states for Christians to confess their faults before fellow Christians. This grew very embarrasing at times so when great sin was involved, the local pastor was authorized by the local church to act in their name to hear the confession of serious sins and if needed to dictate penance so the sinner stopped this grevious sin. More minor sins were covered by generic public confessions recited by all at the same time in the local church.
After the Apostles and their first successors appointed the first bishop in any area, the local mother church in the cities were to elect their own bishops meaning overseers. The Church of Rome elected the Bishop of Rome for I think it was a bit over the first 1,000 years and then later ended up with the election by the College of Cardinals.
Tertullion around 200 A.D. wrote of the ancient Christian custom of making the sign of the cross. Since one of the major denominations called this a "pagan practice" invented by the Catholic Church during the Middle Ages, I expose sloppy Christian scholarship regardless whether Protestant or Catholic side.
Early Christianity had committees of copyists in their churches. They made copies of the Scriptures so all in their churches could read them when they wanted to and Bible reading was encouraged for all Christians to do. When the Catholic Church tried to forbid Catholics from reading the Bible aroung the time of Martin Luther, they forced the hand of God as God had always had the Christians to use the Bible to expand their knowledge of the teachings of Jesus beyond what was just mentioned in weekly church services. Martin Luther slappped the Catholic Church down for wrong policy, not wrong doctrine, contrary to what early Apostolic Christianity had taught. When Martin Luther went too far and taught that Christians did not have to worry about doing good acts as Christians, he got into hot water with God and early Apostolic Christianity. We are saved by grace of Jesus, but then we do good works from the reborn heart we now have as Christians instead as pagans. As Jesus said the tree that bears no good fruit Jesus will throw away! Is that plain enough?
I am an economist by training. So this point strongly interested me. I have seen nations in Africa that have 9 children by one woman. This does not take long before the nation has famine, civil war, and other evils occur because the national economy cannot handle this burden of too rapid of population growth. Years ago when living in Wash., D.C., I got ahold of a Jewish reference book on Jewish birth control tactics in Israel 2,000 years ago. They had angles a bit similar to ours and a number of tactics I have not seen in our modern culture. When Jesus lived in the land of Israel, Jesus knew that birth control was widely practiced by the Jews, yet never saw the occasion to denounce it. The Jewish concept was not to deny the God command of "Be fruitful and mutliply," but rather to have responsible parenthood where you wanted children but have them as you could afford to raise them decently as their parents. If Jesus did not condemn this, then neither do I. Some Christian scholars would raise the objection of, "But what about the sin of Onan in Genesis?" He spilled his seed on the ground as the Bible states it, but he had married the wife of his dead brother and in humilation to his pride, he was supposed to by custom raise children in the name of his brother and he not be credited with any sons by marriage. In great anger, he spilled his seed so he could not ever make this wife pregnant his father Judah had ordered him to marry after his brother was killed by the anger of the Lord for being so evil. The Lord then struck him dead because he had no intention of ever raising any children by this wife which would violate the commandment of God "to be fruitful and multiply." The sin as I understand it was the deliberate intention that he would never allow his wife to become pregnant with any children by him. That is the sin here. And two quick points since sex is a tought subject to touch in an article on Apostolic Christianity. Genesis said God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve! Adam and Steve were not designed by God to have sex with each other. Sdam and Eve were! And fornication in the Bible meant to have unlawful sex with foreign flesh. Sex with another outside of marriage was not approved of in either the Old or New Testament. But in the Old Testament, if a man seduced a woman outside of marriage,, then he was honor-bound to marry her to restore her honor as a woman! How I step on toes.!Also, fornication meant marriage was not supposed to be between a member of a race loyal to God to a pagan race, a race which would create the destruction of the culture of your own race based upon the God of the Bible. As Tertullian commented around 200 A.D., you were not supposed to marry a stranger to your God and if in such a marriage, you were allowed to end it by divorce. Similar to the Pauline Privilege taught by the Apostle Paul in the New Testament.
Tertullium around 200 A.D. wrote how Christian churches were exploding across the Roman Empire. They were generally independently organized and he commented that so long as they taught the same doctrines as the mother churches in the big cities founded by the Apostles, they were also considered equally Apostolic as Christian churches. However, they should strive to join in fellowship with one of the big mother churches in the cities founded by the Apostles once they could.
As the Treaties of Cyprian (251 A.D.) commented "... He is not joined to the Church who is separate from the Gospel."
Also, the early Christian churches taught some key teachings from the Old Testament as equally representing the New Testament. Among these would be II Chronicles 15:2: "The Lord is with you while ye be with him:...but if ye forsake him, he will forsake you."
And as one of the leading Christian Church Fathers commented back in this early era of Christianity, St. John Chrysostom (c. 347-407 A.D.), Bishop of Constantinople, "Nothing so provokes God's anger as the division of the Church."
Tertullian around 200 A.D. in "Scorpiace" commented on the Last Days as apparently we are living in, "He who had not denied the name of the Lord (meaning True Apostolic Christianity) was delivered from the last trial (world tribulation of the Last Days)."
Commentaries of Bishop Hippolytus around 212 A.D. or so, "For the soul that is united with Jesus forsakes its faith, it is given over to perpetual death, viz eternal punishment."
St. Jerome who translated the Vulgate Bible meaning vulgar or common tongue version of the Bible for the Roman Empire once commented, if traditions were passed on in the churches given them by the Apostles of Jesus Christ, then they should honor these traditions in their churches. If later traditions were added to the churches, then the Christians were not honor bound where they had to honor them as binding on them.
Early Christianity had some toleration for incorrection preaching about Christ. As Phillippians 1:18 taught, Christ is preached rightlty or wrongly, but rejoice for Christ is glorified.
Tertullian repeated the teaching of the Apostle Paul in Romans that in key areas where essential truths were not sacrified for the sake of unity in the churches, there was plently of room for Christians to have differences of religious views or beliefs. For example, if one wanted to worship on the Lord's Day (Sunday) or else Saturday to observe the old custom of the Sabbath, both could be practiced in Christianity. If one person was a vegetarian and another a meat eater, both would be welcome to attend the same church. In areas that did not challenge fundamental teachings of first Apostolic Christianity, Christians could hold different and opposite beliefs in some areas. In modern terms, the Miracle of the Sun at Fatima in 1917 and message requiring repentance of mankind from mass sin in order to prevent World War II or later World War III, a person did not have to believe later things like this that can not be explained by ordinary means. If a later message is truly from God, it might be smart and bring personal blessings to listen to it. But the Apostolic Christianity delivered us by Christ and the Apostles saved us and we don't need later additions or modifications to be saved by Christ in the Last Days. However, personal comment. Early Christianity said there would be interpreting prophets in the Last Days Christianity. They would not issue new prophecies, but have God-given understanding to understand Bible prophecies of old that could not be understood until the Last Days. For example, Jeremiah 30 predicts the Last Days Community of the elect of God just before the world Tribulation and their governor (founder) would be invited to meet with God while still in the carnal flesh. And he would live because he was invited by God. I think this prophecy refers to the location of the lost city of Enoch rather than Jerusalem because the meeting with God sounds most likely by the Holy Mountain of God mentioned in the Old Testament which is the entrance way to the Garden of Eden also called Paradise. But people never noticed the mention in the Bible that this Mountain of God is by the Garden of Eden. The Garden of Eden never went out of business. It is just hidden from our view like a Space Portal of science fiction put in terms you might understand. I have been over much of the world and I will not say where, but once I visited an area I suspect is the hidden location for the destroyed city of Enoch which would be the oldest city in the world according to Genesis 4. I have a bit of an "Indiana Jones" personality and have successfully cracked already a number of secrets of history. The location of Enoch intrigues me and I found four clues that this might be the City of Enoch destroyed by the Great World Floor. But I will keep secret what I know until the time is right. I have several friends who know what I found and all want to join with me if I go back to the location I found somewhere in the world. The Book of Genesis as I read it pointed a straight arrow to where the lost City of Enoch should be and 4 clues at the site powerfully intrigued me. I may have found another lost city by chance, but I know more than I am going to commit to print. By the way, according to ancient Jewish legend, the largest treasure on the earth should not be too far away from where Enoch is located. But I know more Bible history than most Bible scholars. I am just being frank about this subject.
One final point and then our visit to Apostolic Christianity must stop here. The Canons of the Fourth Lateran Council, 1215 A.D. which was the largest church council gathering in Christian history up to then ruled that one could be saved outside out of the Church, but not outside of Christ. If validly baptized, you could practice Christianity outside of the formal Church, but you must repent of sins or your baptism will not save you. Also, I think it was clearly understood that if a Church taught you the authentic teachings of Jesus from the Bible, then the Church would be a valuable asset to make you a far better Christian than you could be outside of the official Church.
Speaking of the True Church, I spent eleven calendar years in military academies and to me it would be illogical for Jesus Christ to found a Church without a central command to it. Early Christianity was heavily governed by councils of bishops elected from their city mother churches. But both the Roman Catholic and Greek Orthodox Catholic admit that Peter was the Bishop of Antioch before going to Rome and joining with Paul to found the powerful Church of Rome. Now Antioch took over the leadership of Christianity in the Middle East after Jerusalem fell to the Roman Army which destroyed much of Jerusalem. This Middle East authority moved upwards until it ended in Constantinople much later on. I recognize both the authority of the Church at Rome and the Church at Constantinople as having come from the Apostle Peter. How I step on toes! Symbolically I ask how Peter of the East could excommunicate Peter of the West or visa versa? I intend to be the bridge between the pride of men of both sides and see we get back the original united Peter Church but heavily governed by church councils as early Apostolic Christianity was. If the Protestants are reforming back to early Apostolic Christianity, then I am the final destination for them. If the two giant Catholic Apostolic founded churches stand for Apostolic Christianity as they claim, then in the end they must consent to the restoration to power of the original Apostolic Constitution which governed all Christianity for the first few hundred years.
Jesus had a job listing in Chapter 2 in Revelation. I told Jesus the job was now filled and it is time to get the final job done Jesus wants for Christianity. I think Jesus likes my boldness. While others are crying what can we do to save Christianity, I just pick up the script Jesus gave us and say "Let's finish the job now Jesus gave us to do!"
Pass my Omni Law now like fanatics for Christ. Look up a copy at Nesara News or else ask for a copy from me at email address of . Also, funds are welcome so we can steamroll our opposition in America and win America effectively back to Christ. Send checks made out to NIFI and to the address of NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679 .
If we have the faith that moves mountains, then we are going to win America back. When I played football, they gave me the nickname of "Guts." When I entered a boxing tournament in military school, soon I had the nickname of "the lion-hearted." I was born with all the guts Christianity needs to storm America now! So soldiers for Christ, what is your excuse now? It is time to storm America and win America for Christ! Yours for God and Country, Eramus of America (pen name briefly. When I hold the winning hand, no need for this pen name any longer! The nation knows that it is rotten in Denmark meaning Wash., D.C. in this case. So let's make America a Christian nation again. Back me seriously and we will storm America now for Christ!)

Posted by John MacHaffie at 3:44 PM

"Eramus" of America's Job listing in chapter 2 of Revelations (KJV):

Chapter 2

19 I know thy works, and charity, and service, and faith, and thy patience, and thy works; and the last to be more than the first.
20 Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols.
21 And I gave her space to repent of her fornication; and she repented not.
22 Behold, I will cast her into a bed, and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation, except they repent of their deeds.
23 And I will kill her children with death; and all the churches shall know that I am he which searcheth the reins and hearts: and I will give unto every one of you according to your works.
24 But unto you I say, and unto the rest in Thyatira, as many as have not this doctrine, and which have not known the depths of Satan, as they speak; I will put upon you none other burden.
25 But that which ye have already hold fast till I come.
26 And he that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations:
27 And he shall rule them with a rod of iron; as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers: even as I received of my Father.

I never knew that 'Rasmus was married to Jezebel, Lived in Thyatira, or that he ruled nations with his rod of iron (is that Viagra a miracle drug or what?) but that he is the world's #1 bible scholar is obvious. After all he studied for years and knows the location of the City of Enoch, which is close to a fabulous treasure!!!

"Follow the Money"
Deep Knight
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

He has moles! I had the same problem once, and they really ripped up my garden.


Thursday, August 2, 2012

From Erasmus of America,
I have a very sharp military intelligence mole who reports to me, not one else. I also have other very sharp sources. Obama is an utter political fanatic in the White House. We have mass graves dug all over America for the planned killing of millions of the Middle Class of America. We have had a large number of guillotines that have been shipped to America. Chopping off of heads is the Islamic way of killing off your enemies. We have secret federal concentration camps set up all across America. C.I.A. and other intelligence sources are supposed to help engineer terrible economic conditions in America for October to help stir up the people to mass discontent, rioting in the streets, etc. and this gives Obama the legal excuse to place America under martial law. Foreign soldiers are already arranged for to help mass disarm the American people of all their guns. Homeland Security for example has already been notified to prepare for massive uprisings in America in October. Why would this warning be given to Homeland Security if something big was not already planned to cause this mass uprising in America? Obama has been secretly sabotaging a worldwide currency realignment that would help improve the American economy, economy of Europe, etc. Part of the secret Obama strategy is keep the people tricked by Washington propaganda while the real economy gets weaker and weaker. Obama already had access to enough money to potentially pay off the national debt and this money instead disappeared to keep the American economy weak. By the way, the money went to the secret wealthy backers of Obama who helped put him in the White House. Also, the Federal Reserve is supposed to carry out secret trick tactics to help crash the American economy. What they want is for the American people to explode in the streets due to lack of food, money, etc. and they claim this as their excuse for the mass seizure of America through declared martial law. Police elements across America are being organized like the Gestapo for the intended crushing of the American people when the engineered riots on the streets, etc. are created by those working for Obama. The Illuminati took over Czarist Russia by arranging that food shipments over the Siberian rail service got stopped and then blamed the Czar for this food shortage in St. Petersburg, Russia, etc. The Communists heavily financed then seized control of Russia having tricked the Russian people against the Czar of Russia who knew nothing of this international conspiracy against him by elements from Wash., D.C., New York City, and part of Europe. They plan to seize control of America like they earlier did in Czarist Russia. They think the same tactics should work again in history. The Communists are in secret control of Wash., D.C. now and planning to shortly seize national power by tricking the American people.Obama wants to start one or more new wars to distract the American people while his forces prepare to seize control of America.

I invite the U.S. Congress to investigate these charges. I will present witnesses, legal evidence, etc. and then ask for arrest warrants for high treason for Obama and all those in the federal government working with him for the planned Communist takeover of America through Wash., D.C. I will ask for the death sentence for those in this conspiracy who knew what they were really doing. Some in the military have been tricked and don't yet know why they are being organized to totally crush the American people once ordered to by Obama.

I spent eleven calendar years in military academies and have a heavy background in military intelligence. I know shrewd ways to stop this would-be military takeover of America aimed for in October, 2012. Pass this report all over the internet so all Americans see it. Demand Congress investigate my charges as to be true or false. Of course, Congress corrupt and disloyal as all hell is not going to investigate these charges. Between the corrupt and cowardly in Congress, few are left who are really on the side of the American people. Put Obama on the spot and have him asked to appoint Ron Paul as the military regent over internal military affairs of America until the national election is over and a new President put in the White House. Ron Paul is to have total powers of authority and investigation over all branches of government involved with the internal security of America civilian and military. I will be glad to coach Ron Paul on where to investigate and watch like a hawk their actions with him having the authority to fire them instantly from government if required. And turn them over to criminal prosecution for planned high treason. If found guilty, then executed by firing squad or hanging. When involved traitors in Wash., D.C. see this report, they are going to get scared fast. And many are going to want to get away from Obama suddenly like he just acquired Bubonic Plague. Obama is also to be investigated over this conspiracy to overthrow the U.S. Constitution and put America under an intended lifetime dictatorship under Obama. Also, whether he could legally run for President or else he conned the daylights out of the American people not even being a U.S. citizen. Out of his own recorded words, I can show that he said he was not born an American, but a citizen of Kenya.

If Ron Paul does not want this temporary post, with reluctance I will agree to accept this post just long enough so this intended military takeover of America by Obama is blocked. Then I quit. I consider Wash., D.C. about as enjoyable to be involved with politically as swimming in a cesspool and claiming how wonderful it is to swim in the political cesspool of Wash., D.C. If Obama does not agree to legally set up this position which I really anticipate he would put on airs of righteousness that he would never do such a thing as I charge, then Congress should promptly vote for and authorize this proposed position immediately and stripping Obama immediately of any legal authority over the internal security of America whether civil or military. I am a deadly boy in military intelligence. I suggest the elements in Wash., D.C. in conspiracy quick quit Obama's conspiracy and then pretend you are innocent and hope to God I don't catch you and hang you once I get the legal proof on you. For military reasons, political reasons, and legal reasons, this is the correct way you break the Obama conspiracy to soon kill off or otherwise eliminate basically the entire Middle Class of America.

All you American people copy and paste this report in emails so all American soon see this. Massive sunlight is a good antidote to a very deadly conspiracy of high treason now going on in Ameica. Also, if you don't drag your heels and fast push my Omni Law to create 10 civil tribunes to act as a legal oversight committee over Wash., D.C., once passed, the Omni Law will stop this conspiracy of high treason of Obama the moment it is passed. I will be one of the ten appointed civil tribunes of America by its terms and once I am one of the ten and I am confident the others will totally back this, we will go after Obama and his co-conspirators and they will break out in cold sweat whether we get the legal evidence and witnesses to order their arrest for high treason and put them on trial for their lives. The 10 civil tribunes under Roman law were the legal sword of the people ruled by the Roman Republic and made sure that things like Obama never happened to their Roman Republic. The civil tribunes had to be undermined and then disappear before the citizens of Rome could lose their freedom and prosperity which lasted for centuries under the protectionship of the civil tribunes of Rome. James Madison, father of the U.S. Constitution, praised the Roman people for their brilliant idea in creating these 10 civil tribunes of Rome. It is smart to use what worked so brilliantly before in history. The Omni Law is a modernized American version of the 10 civil tribune law of Rome which kept Rome free and prosperous for several centuries until finally overthrow by the corrupt of Rome who did not want such an honest government for Rome. You can look in the google search engine under Erasmus of America - Omni Law for many listings for the proposed Omni Law I wrote up. I knew the lawyer tricks and made sure the law was written for the American people, not the corrupt of America who hire lawyers to use their legal tricks to make Washington law corrupt in America and working for them rather than the American people. You can look up the Omni Law in the Nesara News in their archive listing for May, June, and July as well as other reports of mine they posted nationally. Or send an email requesting a copy of the Omni Law from XXXXX. Financial support for this Omni Law movement is welcome. Send checks made out to NIFI to NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679 which is used just as a clearing house for finances and bookkeeping service for this movement. I treat these finances received as loans, not outright gifts. And in reports of mine, tell how if the Omni Law is passed, the loan principle should be repaid and two programs how I intend to financially reward those who were patriots of America and give them financial blessings they will be very happy with. By the way, any legal sources wanting to pick a fight with in any way with this movement to try and interfere with it, I am sharp at law. To try to interfere with this makes you a legal accessory to high treason in America. Also, President Ronald Reagan signed the Genocide Treaty into national law. The American statute law version of it is the Proxmire Act where you can go to prison for life if found guilty of conspiracy of genocide against the American people which Obama definitely is guilty of at this stage. If tried internationally, then you can be executed under international law. Want to push your luck in law with the high treason aggressively being engaged in by Obama now? I do not call Obama President. He is not an American citizen, but was born a British subject or citizen in Kenya as he admitted himself in a recorded session in 2006. As he said, he was not born in Hawaii but in Kenya. Also, corrupt as Congress and the U.S. Justice Dept. are right now, the U.S. Constitution which you despise still states that Obama has to be a natural born citizen meaning both of his parents were American citizens. This was written in by James Madison, etc. so no person of divided loyalties between two nations could become President of America. I suggest that Obama withdraw from the race and I will pass from being the prosecutor that delivers all the legal evidence proving his already practiced and intended future execution of high treason against the American people. Obama does not know how much I may actually know about him including the murders he ordered of American citizens. Obama, time to quit while you are still ahead and not prosecuted for high treason. Or we could call you a foreign agent engaged to kill off millions of Americans with which we can just as easily execute you with under law. Time to quit Obama and let the Vice President become President as happened when Richard Nixon resigned as President. I think it is getting too hot for you to push your luck any further! Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America (pen name for a military intelligence super ace who is too honest and cannot be bought off or else intimidated by threats. I am an alley cat fighter by nature and love to turn the tables on would-be bullies who hate the American people and want to do great harm to them!)

Posted by John MacHaffie at 3:25 PM 0 comments
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Gee -- MacLaffie seems to be a bit weak on comprehension when it comes to comprehending the treason clause in the U.S. Constitution.

He also says that he spent eleven years in military academies. My first impulse was to say that most people make it out of them in four; but I'm guessing that he went to a pre-college military academy -- probably one like the East Podunk Military Academy, Gas, Bait, Tackle and Gun Shop, Convenience and Liquor Store, and Lottery Agent.

(BTW -- I've been to the original Podunk many times. It's a village in West Brookfield, Massachusetts)
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by ashlynne39 »

Makes me wonder who Erasmus really is. He might need some help getting back on his meds.
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

A highly-condensed version of the latest from "The American Baron Munchhausen."

Monday, August 6, 2012

I enjoy working on scientific and engineering projects far more than political or military intelligence, but I have to help the American people out as they are faced by very deadly, smart, cunning, very evil people in national and world power. I am a match for all their best in political and military intelligence, but hated by the power elite because I am not working for them but working for the American people who need all the help they can get from those who care about the American people. For any on the other side who think a person cannot be smart who is also a Christian, I will in one lethal scientific statement wipe out the whole Theory of Evolution of life as pushed by the enemies of Christianity as they think this will make the Book of Geness and therefore the Bible look like myth to the ordinary students of America. This is censored from American scientific courses as it destroys the entire credibility of the Theory of Evolution as a valid branch of real science. …
As I have a sharp mind in science, also in mlitary intelligence which is based upon a combination of a good cunning mind and a sound scientific type brain. As the new space rover just arrived on Mars today, might as well make the comment I have a proposed system of how to make space vehicles that might go as fast as one million to four million miles per hour. Of course, in outer space as they would burn up in friction in air if flown at such speeds in our atmosphere on earth. These figures sound impossible until I show good scientific friends of mine why this is likely theoretically possible. An angle suggested by Albert Einstein shows how this could be done. When in intelligence work I studied the works of a very brilliant scientist in the world on his studies into gravity to power an industrial society. He was stumped on a missing item to make his gravity system work. As a good engineering student years ago (actually they thought I was incredibly gifted in engineering so let me study at one week of engineering study each day and kept an A average while doing this, I am pretty sure I invented successfully the engineering item needed to make his gravity concept work right. I set up 44 experiments on what gravity really was while I was in military school. When I submitted my concept of gravity which got the identical math results of standard physics, a national scientific foundation studied my concept. They commented they couldn't say I was right, but couldn't say I was wrong as I covered all angles of gravity very effectively and they would love to hear my results if I experimented in depth on this concept of gravity. I said it was the exact reverse of what science guesses gravity is. … When the most brilliant defense engineer of America for 25 years of the Cold War worked together with me to finish development of the top ultimate weapon design of Nazi Germany I got from the exile German team which were trustees for this Stuttgart based top secret project of Nazi Germany, he commented after we completed the final version of the greatest ultimate weapon system that will likely even be seen in human history, he said I was the most unorthodox engineering brain he had ever worked with in his life, but my engineering was sound. He also commented that if we had worked together while he was active with Pentagon R & D projects, then he and I as a team would probably have worked out the answers that any other Pentagon R & D team would have taken years to come up with the equivalent answer to. I will comment I love working with brilliant people and brilliant people love to work with me. I bring out the maximum genius in them and they love my engineerning angles also. … Hitler would have turned in his grave if he knew I got this technology and it will someday be used by America instead of a revived Nazi Fourth Reich!
As you sense by now, I am a talent in science and engineering, but the ability to do professional military intelligence work has turned me into a force to be reckoned with by the nations of the world. The nation I back becomes the greatest military power in all of human history if I am willing to trust them with my technology. I will never trust the madman Obama with this technology, so the American people had best make sure he does not get reelected or is allowed by the American people to pull off his planned military takeover of America in Oct, 2012 which I have already exposed by a prior national report. Also, I will show you a few of my arsenal or huge inventory of tricks I pioneered in military intelligence. When I first arrived in Wash., D.C. many years ago, for the frank dare to see if I could pull it off, I went to the Soviet Embassy in Wash., D.C. and met with their cultural representative Gemini Fursa who I figured was likely their real head of Soviet spy operations out of the Soviet Embassy. I gave him so wild a story why I should help the Communist side after spending eleven calendar years in military academes, he thought this story was for real. I gave him such a bombshell story how colossally great American nuclear power now secretly was, he bolted out of his office and left his files, etc. open to me. I left the Soviet Embassy with the ulra-secret speech of Khruschchev to top Communist leaders of Russia how Moscow now had the nuclear angle how to totally annihilate America with if world war came. If the Soviet side noticed this top secret Khruschev speech had disappeared from their files, I guess this explains why they later cancelled this project of the Soviet Union. … Foreign bullies are not so brave when they know you can knock their teeth down their throat if you decide to.
I have been sending reports to Nesara News which I knew would soon attract the attention of foreign intelligence services from all over the world and also elements of Wash., D.C. working with Obama for the planned military takeover of America in October, 2012 as Obama does not want another election unless he gets trapped by circumstances and cannot wiggle out of it. I flushed out the top leadership of the Soviet spy ring in America when I set up the Slavic Royal Alliance Ruse over Soviet intelligence. Even the F.B.I. did not know who was the real head of the Soviet spy ring in America until I flushed him out with my tricks. …
I pulled the same trick on the Obama conspirators as I earlier pulled on the Soviet spy ring which I flushed out into the open with my military intelligence tricks. I flushed out a number of traitors in Wash., D.C. who got scared my reports on Nesara News might awaken the American people to the great conspiracy of high treason going on in America under our archtraitor and archenemy Obama. As I know Chinese Intelligence will be watching now these reports intensely, with this report they will judge that Obama is on his own and Chinese soldiers are not now going to occupy America as they had earlier agreed to with Obama. … If the U.S. Military play ball with me and dump Obama at the right moment, I have a trick way I can with Pentagon inventory make an impromptu version of the Soviet-era Doomsday Bomb. If the U.S. Military carry out orders after getting rid of the traitors in their own ranks, if any foreign nations try to send their soldiers to invade America, if I am in control as I know secretly many of the military would want to back me at that time,I will order the Soviet-era Doomsday Bomb used against China or any other nation on earth willing to send soldiers to back up Obama for the military takeover of America planned at this time for Octobe, 2012. Using this ultra-vicious Soviet ultimate weapon system against China, etc., no nation will have any of their race in their nation such as China or elsewhere left alive. Any nation hit with this becomes a memory in history books of a race and nation that once existed in history but was totally wiped out in one day by the most incredible attack seen in human history. …
To show a little of my hand in military intelligence, I had the secret Confederate Intelligence Records for this turned over to me and then I returned it to the secret location for these after studing them. 10 huge volumes of Confederate Intelligence Records. … I studied heavily British Inteligence which I labeled "The Prince of Foxes." Almost forgot one trick of early British Intelligence. They printed up by counterfeiting the colonial money financing the American Revolution in order to try and bankrupt the American Revolution in financing itself. The counterfeit American colonial money was sold cheaply by the British side from New York City. I had planned earlier to pull a sucker ambush on American Intelligence elements committed to the American internet to control the American people by psychological warfare. I wrote a report saying among many things that Jack Van Impe had once explained that the word computer in numeric code equallyed 666. I used 1 as the number for a, 2 for b, 3 for c, etc. The correct figures to make computer add up to 666 would be make a equal 6, b equal 12, c equal 18, and keep 6 to each succeeding letter of the alphabet. This makes computer add up to 666 by numerial addition. …
Folks, we are playing hardball against the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, etc. We don't need their money, but we with much better tactics than theirs still need some funds to match their huge fortunes with tactics far better than theirs and so don't need their fortunes to win in America. Even $10 from a lot of people adds up fast! If no money, help push this report all over America by email. Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America (pen name briefly. Probably all Washington intelligence by now knows exactly who I am. But for security reasons, is still smart to play the name game briefly. When all done, will tell the real reason this was judged smart. You will approve totally once you know the secret reason why I used the pen name to start my military intelligence war against the traitors in Wash., D.C.)

Posted by John MacHaffie at 4:08 PM
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by texino »

Well my friends, I will take a flyer on this by adding the missing "R" word to the mix; "Reefer." Then suggest Erasmus follow the the advice of The Mighty Kweskin: "Light that tea, let it be, if you the viper!" "Yasssssss"
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

texino wrote:Well my friends, I will take a flyer on this by adding the missing "R" word to the mix; "Reefer." Then suggest Erasmus follow the the advice of The Mighty Kweskin: "Light that tea, let it be, if you the viper!" "Yasssssss"
As much as I honor the lightwork of Jim Kweskin (and have a best of album on vinyl) I refer all of you to Ascendant Master Stuff Smith and his advice to those who would channel The Masters.

Dream about a reefer five feet long
A mighty immense but not to strong
You'll be high, but not for long
If you're a viper

I'm the king if everything
Well I gotta be high before I can sing
Light a tee and let it be
If you're a viper

Now when your throat get dry
And you know you're high
Everything is dandy
Truck on down to your candy store
Get you kicks off peppermint candy

Then you'll know your bodies set
You don't give a damn about payin' no rent
The sky is high and so am I
Whoa ho, if you's a viper

However, in truth I have to admit that I don't believe even the strong stuff these kids use now-a-days would make someone a distant from reality as 'Rasmus is. Brown acid left over from Woodstock? Mushrooms gone bad? Too large of a peyote enema? So many questions, so few answers.
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

Erasmus o’ America writes great far-out-there stuff, but it’s too long for your normal (i.e. sane) reader, so I’m both cutting this down to excerpts and adding comments after each part.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

I have secret assets in military intelligence Wash., D.C. does not know about. A military man trained for the military takeover of America as planned by Obama gave me a very detailed report on how Obama plans to militarily take over America in October, 2012. The 30,000 armed drones Obama has bought are designed and intended to be used against the veterans of America Obama and co-conspirators in America know will fight Obama when this military takeover is tried.

[This 30,000 armed drones started as a FAA authorization bill 6 months ago that The Congress passed and The President signed. It allowed a new classification for drones, nothing more, as they were being used more and more for various things, including surveillance and digital relays, but not armed strikes which are illegal. Various conspiracy sites picked up that in a decade there could be “as many as 30,000 drones registered to the FAA” and made this into 30,000 predator (armed) drones being ordered by Obama for his secret army. Parr for the logic course with these guys.]

He indicated according to his information that all the recent mass shootings in America were coordinated by federal elements (C.I.A., Defense Dept., etc.) who have for a long time experimented on mind control to create assassins who are mindless and act like Manchurian Candidates when ordered to singly murder or else mass murder. They later do not remember their brainwashing, training, and instructions for the intended federal murder mission assigned to them. The mass shootings coordinated by federal elements are to help convince Americans that they must all give up their arms and trust Wash., D.C. for their security in life.

[OK, so where’s the new gun control laws then? Strange that they did all this perfectly, but forgot the last part…]

Obama has sent many signals to Muslim audiences in the Middle East that he is also a Muslim. The Muslims know what these signals mean. The naive Americans not knowing Muslim culture did not know that Obama just gave the sign that he was also a Muslim.

[There are hand signals used by the NWO crowd to communicate in secret. For example, a raised middle finger with all other fingers folded is the sign for “welcome”]

U.S. Soldiers are now being trained to fight Americans in America. If American soldiers start fighting American citizens, then I will show American citizens how to build a trick electronic device that will be able to wipe out treasonabe no longer American soldiers now trying to conquer and kill off their own American people. This electronic device does its job, then the soldiers reached by it will take several months to die and in constant pain without stop where they will hope someone will kill them to put them out of their misery. They will be in pain beyond human imagination until finally they die.

[Not much of a “trick”, our Illuminati R&D division came up with this in the 70’s and named it “disco music”]

Once hit by the electronic signal, I have knowledge of no answer on earth how to save their lives. If Obama tries to start this civil war and conquest of America, I want him to experience what his soldiers under him will experience. And I will have trained teams knowing how to use this to track down the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, etc. and hit them with this electronic beam. Then for months they can scream their heads off begging for someone to kill them. And these hit teams from the American people will hit other enemy leader targets until none are left alive on earth.

[Uh Oh, this guy sounds serious, we better not mess with him]

Obama has according to my sources 6 times blocked a currency revaluation that would have helped the American economy out and the European economy, etc. A booming economy would not have helped his plans to trick the American people into civil strife and civil war. … Obama resign and I won't push the legal issues you fear. Don't resign and you and co-traitors will end up with deadly high treason trials like the Nuremberg War Trials run by the Allies after defeat of Nazi Germany. I will seek to be the chief prosecutor to make sure that no bribes or threats can stop these trials from hanging all the traitors currently behind this plot of Obama to wipe out constitutional government in America and kill off countless millions of Americans.

[Makes sense that he would be the chief prosecutor because he has such a good grasp of the law]

And since Erasmus of America has been rated the most talented military intelligence operative in American military history, do you want this investigative bloodhound to check you out and expose all of your criminal acts before all the American people? … One attempt at murdering any member of our leadership or membership and we will then declare war on you and hunt you down like Nazi war criminals after World War II was over. You will have no place on earth safe from us. You were planning to kill off millions or countless millions of Americans through Obama if we had not stopped you first. One clue at the original name of Erasmus of America. In Hebrew, it means The Judge of God or the Judgment of God!"

[Erasmus as a boy's name is of Latin and Greek origin, and the meaning of Erasmus is "to love". Latin form of the Greek Erasmos. Saint Erasmus was a saint popularly known as Saint Elmo, and a popular children’s toy in ancient Rome was called “Tickle Me Erasmus”]

… the Satanist power elite who had already boasted internationally that the American people had now been conquere by them. Sorry, the American people are not defeated! You are the losers!

Posted by John MacHaffie at 3:45 PM 0 comments

[Reminds me of the idiots who called people who listened to what was posted at Quatloos “Quatlosers” and told them they would “lose” when they were left out of Prosperity Deliveries, the IQD RV, Omega investment returns, and free fries with their Whopper]
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by ashlynne39 »

Can't decidei if this guy is a nut off his meds, a con man who is trying to set himself up as some sort of leader, or a quatlosian or someone with jsut too much time on his hands who cooked this up just to mess with the minds of the gullible. I tend to think it is the first. This person thinks an awful lot of himself and his skills and all the power he thinks he has.