Erasmus of America

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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by The Observer »

Burnaby49 wrote:Solyent Green?
Can't be - they were serving that up in the Illuminati headquarters cafeteria earlier this week.
"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

The Observer wrote:
Burnaby49 wrote:Solyent Green?
Can't be - they were serving that up in the Illuminati headquarters cafeteria earlier this week.
You eat in the cafeteria? And you wonder why that embarrassing rash that you cover with the mask keeps coming back! Word to the wise, the Greek joint down the street is a better bet, even if some of their food is kind of "funny."

But back to more pressing matters. Encouraged by MacHaffie’s posting of his garbage, Erasmus put up 23 pages of excerpts which even a goat couldn’t digest. 5 pages of some of the better bits, including how he now owns the "Govenment of the Confederate States of America!"

Erasmus from N.News..... may 27th to august 10th...+august 16th

Since they were using tactics used by the Communist Party in America, and copycat federal psychological warfare operatives, learned the Communist tricks of crowd control, I will answer their angle of attack on my last report. It was the head of the Soviet spy ring in America, who said Moscow had America virtually defeated and the President of America was ready to militarily surrender the United States to the Soviet Union, when my Slavic Royal Alliance Ruse hit Soviet intelligence. By the time the Soviet intelligence boys figured it out that I had tricked them out of certain military defeat of the United States, they couldn't set up again the ambush they had organized for America. It was the head of the Soviet spy ring in America talking to the F.B.I. undercover informant, who worked for a detective agency in Wash., D.C. but the Soviet spy head didn't know that, the Soviet spy head indicated I had defeated the Soviet Union, in their plans for the military defeat and conquest of America. Taking what the Soviet spy head said of me, using his position, not my own, I had defeated the Soviet Union, when they were certain of the military defeat of America.
The Soviet spy head was a close, secret adviser to the President of America, and had access to all the military secrets of America. As the Soviet spy head said and as reported by the F.B.I. informant to J. Edgar Hoover, he said I had saved America from certain military defeat.

Jesus Money as Jesus taught, keeps money from being hoarded. Also, two other teachings of Jesus are used to insure the value of all money, so inflation is impossible in an economy, except maybe briefly if a war or national disaster occurs. This soons wipes out all unemployment, poverty, or hard times in an economy. An economy designed to end up making all the people and businesses rich in a nation. It always works, and was overthrown 4 times by bankers, who did not like all the people getting so rich and prosperous in a nation. They had to keep this censored from school courses, to keep the people poor by enforced ignorance in the schools. They had to censor the Bible from the schools, or at some point the people would understand what Jesus taught, and then end of banker created poverty and hard times, in a nation.
Folks, stop being the suckers of the con artist politicians and Satanist bankers.

May 17, 2012. My pen name will be Erasmus for now and I belong to the private Society of the Holy Cross-bearers of Jesus Christ, which will become a force to be reckoned with soon in America. - Erasmus of America in the Year of Our Lord … I Erasmus of America once had a unique economic library composed of economic books and economic reports given to me by six of the top economists of America and Europe who considered me to be a super star in economics.

As the F.B.I. well knows, my father was written up in the Congressional Record of the U.S. Congress in the 1950's, and my father is quoted in the Congressional Record as calling me "a splendid son." This Congressional Report reported on U.S. Army tests on my father's food product, that the Vatican had endorsed so powerfully.... The F.B.I. picked up an absurd prophecy I mentioned, that a man had met with me and said I would in about 3 years, receive authority from a foreign land, where some of my forefathers came from 100 years ago. Strange prophecy that came true. 3 years later the Jefferson Davis family signed over all legal claims to the Confederate Government, to me, which was later recognized under international law as being valid, since the Confederate Government never legally surrendered to the Union. This is according to the terms of the Confederate Constitution modeled after the U.S. Constitution in most ways, except the Confederate Constitution honored Jesus more openly perhaps, than the U.S. Constitution.
One of the top British Commonwealth Parliaments sent a secret diplomatic letter to me in Wash.D.C. recognizing that I had legally reestablished the effective Confederate Government of the Confederate States of America, in authority. Also, two other branches of the Jefferson Davis family, also granted their claims to the Confederate Government authority to me. What I did not tell anyone then, was this man with the incredible prophecies that nearly all have come true since, then said I was to use this authority to restore the Confederate Government to national authority and power, and lead the South in national independence if Wash.D.C. was too rotten to become a Godly and constitutional government in America again. I hereby legally declare upon the authority of the Provisional Government of the Confederate States of America, that the South will be legally declared an independent legal nation from Wash.D.C. as of Nov. 7, 2012, if my proposed Omni Law is not passed as a constitutional amendment by Nov. 7, 2012. Judge William Roy Bean agreed years ago to be Vice President of the Provisional Govenment of the Confederate States of America, to legally certify that he and other Southern leaders had examined the legal documents and recognized that I was the legal President of the Confederate States of America
If Wash.D.C. won't shape up now, I declare the national independence of the Confederate States of America as of Nov. 7, 2012. As the Confederate Govenment never signed the Geneva Conventions or UN Treaties, if war must come, we have no restraints on what ultimate weapons we may use, to guarantee the effective national independence of the Confederate States of America, from this outrageously tyrannical government of Wash.D.C.
Either the Omni Law I wrote up, is passed as the national law of America by Nov. 7, 2012, or the Confederate Government of the Confederate States of America, legally declares the national independence of the Southern States from the federal Union, as of that day. All State Governors are to be prepared to mobilize their national guard units, to be the first elements of the reborn Confederate Army. If you make one move militarily towards the South, I have military surprises, that can smash the Army of the North. I prefer peace. Let there be no miscalculation that I am soft or any pushover. I am tough as nails, and once our military raises the Confederate flag again, we go independent,and nothing you can do can win us back to your Antichrist foul federal union.
Also, you will immediately return to me the federally stolen $525,000 federal operatives stole from me in 1996, and then tried to federally murder me in June 2006, when I demanded of Wash. D.C. that this federally stolen $525,000 be returned to me immediately. The incredible prophet that predicted I would get this authority for the land my forefathers came from 100 years ago, said that God was behind this, to show the utter contempt of God for this incredibly evil federal govenment in Wash.D.C. Also, as I am not stupid in policies of governments, I also have legal claims to a large part of the rest of America, and will after we raise the flag of national independence of the Confederate States of America, I will that day declared legally annexed to the Confederate States of America,to give us legal claim to half or more of all the land in the 48 states of America and we will enforce our claims to all land not yet occupied by Southern loyalists.
… When my father met with Gen. Marshall, Secretary of State then, and told Wash.D.C. of the Nationalist Chinese intercepted Chinese war plans, of Communist China to later invade North America over the Bering Straits with support of the Russian military, and said America must support the Nationalist Chinese to regain control of mainland China. Gen. Marshall was not concerned about the Communist takeover of mainland China, and so did nothing to help the Chinese Nationalists. When Wash. D.C. suppressed my father's Vatican endorsed trade secret food process, every time I tried to get it reestablished in America, .....I am sure by God's standards you apparently murdered up to 3 billion humans on earth, and thought this a laughing matter to kill off so much of the human race in your hatred and despicable mockery of God, who you dared God, to stop you from killing off the entire human race on earth if you wanted to. My message from the prophet of long ago, is that God now answers you, that you are the most evil and Satanic government that has ever existed on earth, and God now laughs at all the evil that will soon come upon you. God has cursed you. You were tried and found unable to ever repent of your evils and mass murders of mankind. I was the instrument of God, to see if God should let Wash., D.C. continue as the national government of America, or else fire you from national and world power.
To the other states not technically under the lawful authority of the Provisional Confederate Government, we gladly will welcome you into the Confederate States of America, when you are ready and tired of the lunatic and wildly evil government of Wash.D.C. which God as I understand it, considers to be the most evil government to have ever existed in human history. No other government has ever murdered 3 billlion people or so, and consider it a funny joke to mock God with. God despises you, curses you, andmy instructions from the prophet of long ago, is now to lead the South into true national independence. I give you until Nov. 7, 2012 to pass the Omni Law, or I lead the South into becoming a resurrected nation, with the full blessing and encouragement of God, to divorce yourself from this whore, Antichrist Government of Wash. D.C.
I invite the Pentagon to put Obama under military arrest for high treason against America,and see that the Omni Law is fast passed in America. If this is not done, I cannot change the policy I am now committed to. As you clearly know, I cannot be bribed nor intimidated by threats. Like Martin Luther I say, Here I stand! I cannot and will not recant!" Yours for God and Country (.either United States or else Confederate States, depending on whether the Omni Law is passed or not,. I will not submit my people of the South,to the planned total Satanic police state planned by Wash. D.C. to crush and destroy the people of the South forever henceforth. And as a final legal point, when the Provisional Confederate Government held its mass meeting of the representatives for the Southern States, including a Col. from Laureen Wallace's personal staff, I proposed and all the delegates voted for it, that we united declared that Jesus Christ was the declared legal King of the Confederate States of America and of the Confederate people of the Southern States..)

I am committed to a political agenda. Anyone who engages in major political activities, is always committed to a political agenda. Okay, what is my political agenda? It is ultimately much bigger than the political shopping list, I will give here, but this gives the political flavor what I am aiming for and committed to. First of all I seriously believe that America must for real honor God, or else this nation will have no real future to it. I do not know why, but God seems to smile on me.

It is a sad commentary on America when the reality under Obama is far worse than a science fiction horror movie! And it is a far worst commentary on the American people if they try to trust Obama with their futures and their lives by reelecting him to the White House. Agenda 21 is already being treated by Obama as law that half of the land of America is now owned by the UN and the other half goes under legal authority of the UN where basically everyone in America gets kicked out of their homes, their personal property and bank accounts, etc. are now subject to instant confiscation anytime the UN which has now replaced the U.S. Constitution as the national law just judges all Americans must live in a totally Communist society where you are all herded into anthill settlements to live for the rest of your life. Also, with plans for population controls over America, it is likely they will later want to kill off much of the American people to lower population figures approved by the UN. But trust Comrade Obama! He loves you dearly or else he would not want you to lose the land of America and give it over to international powers to replace the U.S. Republic set up by the founding fathers of America.

Charles Kettering, one-time President of General Motors and former director of their research and development, saw a list of 920 inventive concepts I had come up with in a two week period. He wrote back to me that he rated me to be the most original inventor brain in America and expected I would become known as the greatest inventive genius in American history. If I had lived in a free America instead of a regulated to hell America which gave lip service to freedom but in reality did not even understand what serious freedom is, I probably would have given America maybe up to 2,000 new industries and Americans so rich as to dazzle the world with all the wealth of even the most ordinary Americans and good jobs for all in America. Because the Americans had lost their belief in freedom and love for freedom, they have lost the chance to already be maybe 500 years ahead in industry to what they have now. Free enterprise does not work without freedom in a nation. And Obama is the archenemy of serious freedom in America.

HR4646 is reported by many sources to be passed law. Regardless if passed or else soon to be passed by Obama, as he apparently wants this in his inventory of Communist laws for all Americans, there is to be a 1% service fee(sounds nicer than saying federal sales tax which it is) on all written bank checks or other banking transactions. Take $100,000 spent 2 times a week subjected to this 1% service fee each transaction of money and by the end of one year, and you might have enough left not taxed away to buy a coke drink, a few packages of gum, or candy, etc.

And to prove my point how Romanized early Americans were, The Society of Cincinnati founded by George Washington and other officers of the Continental Army fighting in 1776 and afterwards, took this Roman name of the Roman leader who saved Rome in a dark hour. His Roman name symbolized the Roman virtues respected by all Americans then, as all Americans then, knew well the entire culture of ancient Rome, then which was the example which taught the Americans the high qualities they wanted in all of the American people then.
Yours for God and Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name briefly for the descendant of several families who fought in and risked all in the American Revolution to found the new nation of America, "One Nation Under God”)

Posted by John MacHaffie at 8:42 AM 0 comments
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by Gregg »

The Voices in this loony's head wrote:If Wash.D.C. won't shape up now, I declare the national independence of the Confederate States of America as of Nov. 7, 2012.
I'm positive that earlier in the thread I told you to save your Confederate money, cause the South is gonna rise again.

Not so funny, now, is it?
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Somehow, the picture of an evidently deranged man, clad in a Confederate general's uniform, roaming the streets and raving at the top of his lungs, comes easily to mind....
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by Burnaby49 »

I just can't fathom why you are all so skeptical. A man who knows that watering the garden will make it grow obviously has access to vast realms of incredibly valuable secret information not available to ordinary schubs like us.
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by The Observer »

Burnaby49 wrote:I just can't fathom why you are all so skeptical.
Because he didn't invest in dinars, dongs, or those chocolate medallions wrapped in gold foil. I never trust anyone who fails to develop a serious financial portfolio.
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by Thule »

The Observer wrote: Because he didn't invest in dinars, dongs, or those chocolate medallions wrapped in gold foil. I never trust anyone who fails to develop a serious financial portfolio.
Well he did whine about som revaluation. I immidiately thought dinars.
Ask, why has Obama repeatedly blocked the revaluation of foreign currencies which would have been the antidote to the economic crash Obama is trying to engineer for America?
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

Finally some recognition! I know this guy can bore the socks off a hyena, so if you like just scroll down to the good parts in the middle, where Deep Knight is revealed as “S.S. "Super Stud" federal boy!” And I thought only a few insiders knew what the secret meaning of the initials “SS” stud, er, stood for! Posted yesterday with no part 1. But, given the way Erasmus o’ America writes, it probably doesn’t matter.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

A few years ago I released the national report "The Scorpion's Sting" which detailed how C.I.A. stole money from nearly 100% of all banking accounts in America. A former Navy Seal who had worked with the federal C.I.A. computers used to steal from virtually all bank accounts in America got disgusted with doing dirty things like this to the American people. He disappeared from Wash., D.C. and told us how C.I.A. stole from basically all bank accounts in America with full secret approval of the F.B.I., etc. The trick tactic was to hit several million bank accounts nightly small amounts like 10 cents to one quarter and people would not notice small amounts disappearing from their accounts like this. They would just think they had made a bookkeeping error and let the matter go. By the time millions of accounts of bank accounts were hit nightly, it added up to millions of dollars stolen nightly from up to all the citizens of America who had bank accounts. Also, much larger accounts such as for businesses, maybe even agencies of state governments, etc. were hit for larger amounts. We heard of one woman who had $50,000 lifted from her private bank account in Roanoke, VA and when she demanded the missing $50,000 be restored to her account, since the federal government had stolen this money from her, federal influence was used so she could force no legal investigation into this whether state or federal. All legal angles were blocked to her by Wash., D.C. so she could never recover this federally stolen money.
Obamacare finally legalizes the federal government stealing up to 100% of all money in any bank account in America and again no legal investigation can ever be initiated to recover the federally stolen money. It is like when my mother was just a young woman who had $300,000 in a New York bank when F.D.R. decreed his 10 day "banker's holiday" in America when all the banks were federally closed. When the banks reopened, she had $5,000 in her bank account as that was the amount that was "federally insured." After I was grown up and had studied so much national economics, I finally knew where the missing $295,000 had gone to. F.D.R. had the federal government steal all this money that disappeared from all bank accounts across America. At that time the Wall Street bankers arranged the money disappearance the same as when the Stock Crash occurred which New York bankers did on the day Sir Winston Churchill was their guest as they wanted to show him how they controlled the American economy, British, etc. and at will could bankrupt any economy on earth overnight if they wanted to. They wanted Sir Winston Churchill to understand that Britain could not be independent of international banking control. They were threatening him not to oppose their banking policies in Britain by the example how they had just smashed the American economy overnight. They had warned their allies in America to quick get their money out of the stock market before Bernard Baruch and allies smashed the American stock market for them. At one point, Wash., D.C. totally out of money was loaned a secret $1 billion by Metropolitian Life Insurance to keep the federal government from totally collapsing from lack of money. The $1 billion secret loan was later paid back once Wash., D.C. got money coming in again.
I understand due to the incredibly dumb and totally corrupt financial policies of Obama, the federal government at a secret time likely later this year is to hit all bank accounts in America and either wipe them out or else nearly wipe them out. Obama will do this under news censorship policy so the American people will not understand why the American economy has suddenly totally collapsed in America. Then Obama with a smashed American people under him turns America into a Communist nation, Communist government, and Communist economy.
To help save America and the American people from this planned national disaster engineered by Obama, my hand was forced and so I resurrected the Confederate Government authority not seeing any other effective angle how to save the American people and nation from total national destruction by Obama and co-traitors in Wash., D.C. You have a secret coalition of traitors in control of Wash., D.C. Around 20 years ago, the registered private nurse for maybe the leading Satanist leader in America had secret meetings with me. She reported how many leaders in the State Government were secret Satanists, also in other states of America. But Wash., D.C. took the cake! The real power of Wash., D.C. was secretly in the hands of the Satanists. She showed me one time the ring of Satanist authority for this Satanist leader she was working for who was the head royalty for all the Satanist underground infiltrated heavily into all state and federal levels of government they could infiltrate and take over. This nurse asked me if I knew anything about this Satanist ring of royal authority over all Satanists in America. I said I knew nothing about this secret ring. However, examining it, it was several hundred years old, The ring was worth a fortune and the images placed in it came from noble or royal culture of likely one of the Slavic nations of Europe.
The Satanists in Congress, the Communists in Congress, and direct agents of the Illuminati (secret ruling society of the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, etc.) in Congress all have a working alliance to totally take over Wash., D.C. I understand they plan to kill off probably between 50 million Americans up to maybe 200 million Americans. They are very insane but filled with savage hatred of the American people, backed by even trillions of dollars of Illuminati money also joined with Arab oil money laundered by Obama and co-traitors in Wash., D.C., they are now all in united alliance and all filled with savage hatred of the American people and America as a nation.

OK, it was long and boring, but this makes it all worthwhile!

Now that the trap is sprung, I have flushed out large numbers of traitors in Wash, D.C. including S.S. "Super Stud" federal boy who boasts that he has slept with millions of women and as a federal psychological warfare operative boasts on the internet how he loves to do evil all day long. He was one of those hiding from public view while pumping to all you out there how "boastful, arrogant," etc. I was. When a boy claims in public print on the internet that he has slept with millions of women in America, he has the wildest imagination and colossally conceited boasting I have ever seen in any man in American history. Investigating him while he did not know that he had been spotted and tracked down, his actions legally add up to that his Washington secret assignment is to track down patriots in America, smear the daylights out of them and thus remove any leadership for the American people exposing or opposing the high treason now going on in Wash., D.C. He is not good at law. I once beat in court a Jewish lawyer who had never lost before in state court until he faced me. I also won a number of other legal upsets. I am not an amateur in law, but God blessed me with a good mind for law. Now S.S. made a fatal mistake in law. He tried to engineer a secret smear campaign against me while I was exposing the high treason plan of our secret Muslim, Communist pretender "President" Obama to murder maybe 10 million at least up to half of all the American people in America. If that is not high treason under American law, then high treason does not exist under law. By S.S. trying to protect the rear end of Obama from getting legally investigated for a massive conspiracy of high treason and mass murder which would make Adolf Hitler or Joseph Stalin look like Sunday School Choir Boys in comparison, S.S. committed high treason as a co- conspirator to planned mass murder of Americans. I therefore formally request the F.B.I. as a branch of the U.S. Justice Dept. to promptly arrest S.S., co-conspirators of his in federal employment, and Obama for high treason in America! Getting a little hot in Wash., D.C. now?

That explains the FBI agents at my door yesterday! And I thought it was a little joke by the boys at the office, and you know how it is when you have all sorts of deadly weapons laying around the house. I’ll have to write a little apology note to our brother agency. By the way, you don’t have to “make Adolf Hitler or Joseph Stalin look like Sunday School Choir Boys,” both of them DID look like this is real life. The pictures you see in the books and movies were their stand-ins, created by the Illuminati to look more imposing than bare-faced pre-pubescent boys dressed in lace gowns.

Knowing how federal law works, it is easy to have the Confederate States of America legally withdraw under federal law from the federal union on Nov. 7, 2012. Texas joined the federal union with the legal clause they could later secede. Under federal law, this means that Texas can legally secede from the Union anytime they want to. We join under a confederation with Texas and we can peacefully and legally secede from the federal union all quite proper and legal under federal law. I hereby appoint Governor Rick Perry as Vice President of the Confederate States of America effective Nov. 7, 2012 at noon Eastern Standard Time. Unless I cancell this legal declaration by Nov. 7, 2012 at noon Eastern Standard Time, Governor Rick Perry may be sworn in to office at that time. The Southern States loyal to the Confederacy can meet together and update the Confederate Constitution and set up permanent elections can be held for all offices and positions elected to the Confederate Government.
If the Omni Law is passed before noon Nov. 7, 2012, I will cancel the authorization for the Confederate States to go legally indepedent as a nation, but put Washington on the hotseat to behave themselves or else we can secede later on if we judge necessary.
To teach the smart aleck federal officials and operatives, return the $525,000 to me you stole from me by August 25, 2012 or else return to me $25 billion in damages for the deal you sabotaged I had for up to that amount of profit. Do not pay one or the other amount by the time factors required, I will not sign the cancellation papers for the secession of the Confederate States of America for Nov. 7, 2012.
You federal boys do not always figure things out, if we secede Nov. 7, 2012, your federal credit is dead with the world and you will shortly go bankrupt as a national government and all 50 states will automatically join us as the new national government of America then.

Now for my favorite part – last week I took a little dig at Erasmus talking about masterminding a prison breakout using a “trick” utilized by Hitler’s blitzkrieg through the low countries.
Deep Knight wrote:
Erasmus o' America wrote:… As I always said in military intelligence, there is no security system invented by man on earth that cannot be cracked. I told them to show me the security of this prison. They did and then I pointed to them the one hole in the excellent security of this originally British built prison. I told him a story how Hitler went through Belgium like lightning instead of being held up for two years by Belgium fortresses as predicted by his generals. I told him the trick Hitler figured out and it worked. I said use the same tactic and it would work on this prison. … Hollywood was later to use this same escape angle from prison in two or more of their Hollywood movies.
I know we like to make fun of this guy here, but this sounded familiar and a bit of research led to confirmation of this brilliant IRA escape. Basically the IRA attacked the prison wall through the gap left by the low countries Belgium and Holland, using all-motorised force concentration of tanks, infantry, artillery, combat engineers and air power, concentrating overwhelming force at high speed to break through enemy lines, and, once the lines are broken, proceeding without regard to its flank. Yeah, that's the one, remember? Hollywood used the same escape angle in the movies "Dirty Dingus Magee," and "Xanadu."

At least we're honest enough here at Quatloos to admit when we're wrong.
Apparently I got it wrong ‘cause I is so dummiest.

By the way, I was amazed that some of your "military intelligence experts" thought you figured out how I arranged the I.R.A. escape angle and when. I did not know that you were that Mickey Mouse amateur. You got the wrong incident, wrong technique, and two wrong Hollywood movies spun off the event. Since you are so colossally amateur in C.I.A. and I am afraid Pentagon intelligence as well, the London newspapers said one week later after I told the I.R.A. how to do this, an American pilot was hired and rented a heliocopter to set up the escape. I did not know that C.I.A. and Pentagon were that colossally moron and rank amateur in military intelligence. You couldn't even put the pieces together right when I handed it to you on a silver platter to decode correctly the true story I released. No wonder that you don't know a damn thing how Russia has tested your national defense and correctly found four ways to annihilate America in one fast blow and you never even knew in Washington intelligence that they had just tested you and gave you an "F" for the dummiest intelligence service in the world. The Russian generals are laughing at the Pentagon now you look so dumb to them. You couldn't name correctly what Nazi tactic I told the I.R.A. to use. Now I used the I.R.A. to prove a point because I was using the I.R.A. to give America the angle needed to save America again when the idiots in American defense screwed up everything. The I.R.A. was very professional in military tactics but spent two years trying to figure out how to beat the British designed security system of the prison. They couldn't find an answer and I gave them the right answer how to arrange the prison escape in 5 minutes flat after they showed me the security for the prison. Now Russian intelligence and Chinese intelligence and others will keep from nuclear attacking America in 2012 or 2013 because they will figure I am too good at military intelligence and have the Soviet-era Doomsday Bomb technology and the Hitler Ultimate Weapon System while you will look so dumb in military intelligence to them they will judge you should go back to kindergarden in military intelligence instructions as they will be amazed that you could be so dumb that with all the key clues given to you, you couldn't even crack correctly and figure out the I.R.A. escape, when it occurred, what Nazi idea was borrowed to make it work right, etc. You had better turn over American intelligence to me and I like a drill sergeant will put your boys into shape and teach you how you play the game!
Since Washington acts like morons and pretends they are geniuses, your national farmland is threatened with potential collapse of most of the farmland in America and you like Nero playing his fiddle while Rome is burning haven't even recognized yet how close American agriculture is to potential national collapse. When the Omni Law is passed or else the Confederate Government must rise to power again, we will save the agriculture of all America, not just the South. As the South is a Christian nation, we won't let the people of the North mass die due to enormous collapse of their agriculture created by the morons in Wash., D.C. currently running your national agriculture.

OK, ok, the two movies were “The Apple Dumpling Gang” and “Pink Flamingoes.” I knew this all along but was just seeing if HE knew it, which obviously he didn’t or he would have said which movies they were, which he doesn’t.

Since you are not smart in Wash., D.C., if the South withdraws and won't support your national currency, you will go bankrupt and all 50 states will join the Confederacy because our economy will be great while yours will be collapsed.

Okay folks, promote this message all over America. Yours For God and Country, Erasmus of America (pen name briefly. I have already received threats "how they know where I am at" and so on. If I don't take the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Pentagon and teach them 4 ways Russia can currently annihilate America and is heavily weighing whether to annihilate America or not, if Russia attacks, all Americans dead except for the South. Russia will consider us an independent nation and spare the South from annihilation. A message for Russia. I win in America either by the Omni Law or else by raising up the South to national independence again, I have big plans for Russia to share my giant world industry with Russia so America and Russia jointly control the world food market. This will skyrocket both the economies of America and Russia. This now changes the playing field. Russia will be enraged at Washington, D.C. if you try to do anything to suppress or harm the people of the South! God did not make me a dummy! There are lots of smart and brilliant people and I love them all. But I was born with a good gift for cunning and Wash., D.C. has just been checkmated! The South is going to win!)

Posted by John MacHaffie at 5:25 PM


1. Eric-Gunther August 18, 2012 6:12 PM
This is what happens when jews control the money.

2. Anonymous August 18, 2012 6:17 PM
This poor guy has absolutely lost his mind. He thinks he's some kind of god. No doubt he's crazy if he wants scumbag Rick Perry as VP of the Confederate States. Get this character outta here!

We all work hard here at the New World Order for very little recognition, and most of that is from internet nutjobs who couldn't use spell check to save their lives, so it is nice to be singled out every once and a while.
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

This posting, does not have anything about Deep Knight in it, but it does about Clyde Hood and Omega! A blast from the past!

Monday, August 20, 2012

A few years ago, a source of mine tipped me off about a very secret C.I.A. operation intended to set up a military takeover of America. However, they were acting under bad advice from lower level scientific brains. I got ahold of the two top scientific experts in the world in the involved field and they gave me their evaluation that if this tactic was used on America, it had the potential to kill off 300 million Americans and also kill all Canadians and Mexicans because they were too close to America. … I think it mandatory that we abolish the C.I.A. as soon as we can. They are too criminal, too treasonable, too dumb, too insane, and pretty much only know how to conspire against the American people instead of serve the national interests of America. … Of course, C.I.A. through fronts will try to scream out, "These charges are crazy, etc." Just the cries of a dying federal agency trying to save itself from the wrath of the American people ...
Let me ask some embarrassing questions for Wash., D.C. Where did all that gold go that was stored at the 9/11 location? Even with heat, it wouldn't evaporate! No gold was found at the debris left by the 9/11 attack! The largest deposit of federal reserve currency was in A FIREPROOF BANK VAULT (HUGE!) STORED AT THE 9/11 Attack Location. …By the way, F.B.I. and U.S. Justice Dept., did any backers of Omega Trust under Clyde Hood ever get any part of the $174 million you had when you arrested Clyde Hood and got this money from him?
By the way, Clyde's wife as I understand it attended to their son who would quickly die if not medically taken care of. By legal doubletalk they were threatening to kill off the son of Clyde Hood if he did not confess he was guilty of the federal charges. They would charge his wife also if he did not confess. If she was in jail, their son died. With such a federal murder threat to kill off his son, he confessed. Whether he was guilty or innocent of the federal charges I do not know, but threatening to federally murder his son is not the way American law is supposed to work in a free and constitutional nation which America is no longer.
As for his associate in Omega Trust, they demanded he confess to the federal charges. He said he was not guilty and so would not confess to false criminal charges. In court the judge refused Mike Kodosky to be allowed any of his own money to buy insulin with as he was a diabetic. He was having all of his money seized by the U.S. Justice Dept. down to the last penny. He protested to the judge that he could lose his feet if he had no insulin. As our witness there at the Illinois courtroom reported back to us, the judge with a smart aleck grin then snapped back to Mike Kodosky , "Well, lose your feet then!" The Justice Dept. plan was deny him insulin until he to save his life would confess to anything on earth they wanted him to. He later lost one foot chopped off at the hospital. Still he would not confess and kept asserting after losing one foot that he would not confess to a crime that he was not guilty. Later he was back at the hospital and he died of a heart attack while they were chopping off his second foot as planned by the U.S. Attorney General and fellow lawyers at the U.S. Justice Dept. as this was a high profile case of Wash., D.C. The newspapers reported all the propaganda lies put out by the U.S. Justice Dept. and never reported I understand the defendant sides of the story. Correct me if wrong, but with all the people I interviewed who had put money into Omega Trust, none got even one penny back from the U.S. Justice Dept. who was "acting to protect the interests of the American people." I wonder if they ever entered into public federal records that they had gathered first round $174 million directly from Clyde Hood. If no money was ever given back to financial backers of Omega Trust, then I smell a colony of super federal rats who split up the $174 million between themselves and laughed at the dumb, gullible American people who trusted the federal government to be honest with them. … The Omni Law needs to be passed. Then we slap into prison any federal personal pulling stunts like this and close down federal agencies who think they may ruin the American people by such vicious, colossally criminal tactics.
Shortly before I left Wash., D.C. years ago, the Washington elite had a secret plan for closing down nearly all the churches in America. Any churches who financed church construction or founding a Bible college, etc. would be automatically closed down by the S.E.C., etc. for not releasing financial disclosure documents first required for stock offerings in America. With support of others, I set up the intelligence ruse on Wash., D.C. that bishops had secretly met and resolved to call for the end of the U.S. Republic if Wash., D.C.did not back down and my supporters cheered for me. We all knew that the clergy lacked the backbone to face down Wash., D.C., so we saved Christianity in America without the spineless support of the churches for then. By the way, the U.S. Bill of Rights as written and explained in "The Federalist Papers" by James Madison, "Father of the U.S. Constitution" and "Father of the U.S. Bill of Rights," explained that required federal registration of stock offers in America was outlawed from the U.S. Republic as it would severely limit the growth of the national economy otherwise. For our pretended morons in federal law including the U.S. Supreme Court, the term "to impair the obligation of contracts" meant to try and regulate the offering of stocks and bonds in America. "Wow! We federals never knew what our U.S. Constititution meant including that funny little phrase that meant nothing to us!" And to quick answer our legal morons who never learned U.S. Constitutional Law in law colleges, under common law, if a contract which included stocks and bonds should later prove to be fraudulent, the American citizens had full recourse in a common law court to sue for civil damages or else press for criminal charges but under common law. Property and money could never taken by either federal or state government except first by trial by jury in America. America was founded on the two God-given Rights of "The Right To Property" and "The Right to Contract" which could never be forbidden the American people by either federal or else state law. After the Omni Law is passed, I shall propose up to life imprisonment or even national execution when a national economy is ruined for all the American people because of a smart aleck paid off judge mocking the rights of the American people in either his federal or state court. …
Now back to the unfinished business with the C.I.A. They through a front were advising foreign governments and terrorist groups of the Middle East how to hit American hard with single nuclear bombs. They wanted the appearance of a foreign terrorist group hitting America with a nuclear bomb so that C.I.A. could put into power a national dictatorship pretty much run by them and allies in government. Their scientific advisers were a bit amateur and on the Mickey Mouse level. If this single nuclear bomb attack angle they were teaching to foreign sources was actually carried out by any, according to the two top scientific experts in the world in the field involved, it would probably kill off all 300 million Americans today and likely kill off all Canadians and Mexicans at the same time. If the sort of chain reaction went too far, then there was a strong chance it would kill off all 7 billion people on earth today. Now I suggest the crap stop now. The feds stole the $525,000 from me just before I closed the deal with a rather mad scientific source but they knew their science and had the answer in technology that would have defused this type nuclear attack so no Americans died in America rather than up to 300 million dead if the real attack occurrs. Return the federally stolen $525,000 to me by Aug. 25, 2012 or else I jack the figure up to $25 billion for that much likely profit on a large business deal everyone who has heard the outrageous tactics the U.S. Justice Dept. pulled to block this totally legal business deal judge I am for real owed $25 billion or far more for what they did. I assert to the American people that the lunatics have taken over the insane asylum in Wash., D.C. and now they are trying to mold the rest of America into a madhouse run by Washington lunatics like they are. They are very mad or insane like those running "The Colony" in the British intelligence series "The Prisoner." The lunatics are in charge folks in America and you can only get them out of power by either getting the Omni Law passed or else I have to play my trump card and the Confederate States of America to save America and the world from these lunatics in power in Wash., D.C. has to go free as an independent nation and now as of Nov. 7, 2012. …
Since you notice the attacks of those who obviously think themselves so brilliant for not believing in God and think we Christians are such dumb hicks according to them to believe in God, I can hit them on every level and show them for fools and morons to not believe in God on every level of logic and science, but God makes Himself so obvious to honest, intelligent people on earth, let's start with the obvious that God so far has put up with the federal plants on the internet who are hitting the panic button that I might win America back to God. They are displaying their poor brains and highly evil characters that they hate God so plainly, so openly, but let's present them to the public ridicule they deserve as incredible idiots to be atheists. Albert Einstein who was very brilliant in science indicated that all of science proved the existence of God to him. But these scientific proofs are apparently above the heads of these self-declared "geniuses" for not believing in God. I could probably deliver maybe even 50,000 documented cases of Miracles of God in continuous succession of the beginning of Chritianity up to nearly 2,000 years later in 2012. But to give the flavor of this massive flood of Miracles of God which still occur on earth, God loves good Christians in both the Catholic and Protestant churches or else these Miracles of God would not constantly occur even in our pagan, Antichrist culture in America. Obama is trying to wipe out all of Christian civilization and values in America if we Christians will let Obama turn America from Christian America to Antichrist America.
… By the way, Pastor Dan predicted my movement when he said before Jesus returned which would be soon, the wealth of the wicked (Rothschilds, Rockefellers, etc.) would be transferred to the righteous (true Christians apparently in America.) Like my forefather Robin Hood whom my family claimed ancestry from and confirmed by genealogical records, I am committed that the federally stolen trillions of dollars secretly given by Obama and others traitors running Wash., D.C. in 2012 will be returned to those people whom this colossal fortune was stolen from - the American people! Obama, you shouldn't have stalled on the currency revision that would have blessed the American people, people of Europe, etc. Your delay cost the Illuminati control of Wash., D.C., America, Europe, etc. A frustrated national people are much easier to rally to my Christian Southern movement.)
And to show Russia should love to see my Omni Law win America or else the rebirth of the Confederate States of America as one of the leading nations of the earth effective Nov. 7, 2012, I am a descendant of the royal line of Russia. No evil will come from me to Russia.You can cancell your nuclear attack plans against America. I know your secret plans you considered necessary for the survival of Russia since as you correctly judged Wash., D.C. was your bitter enemy and planned to destroy Russia forever when Obama raised up his planned One World Government in America starting in October, 2012 .Yes, he assigned C.I.A. to engineer and create a civil war between Blacks and America and then he would decree martial law and becomes dictator of America for life. In the process, he was going to engineer the total collapse of Russia if his plan worked out by C.I.A. worked right!
As for the Black people, what happens to you under the Confederate Government of the Confederate States of America? I went to elite private schools including one also attended by our recent Pres. Bush. I intend to raise your educational school system for you as well as Whites or other citizens of the Confederacy to that of the best elite schools of America. You will be the sharpest Black Race on earth under the Confederate School System. The Whites will be the sharpest White Race on earth. American Indians, we have fabulous plans for you! Other races, you wouldn't want to live anywhere else when you live in our fabulous Confederate society. The economy of the South will be the envy of the world. If all 50 states join the Confederacy, then as part of us your economy skyrockets way past anything Wash., D.C. could ever do for you.God is with the South, not the Antichrist Northern government and culture!

I offer America a colossal future under either the Omni Law or else the real resurrection of the Confederate States of America. Wash., D.C. under Obama offers America nothing for the future but hell on earth. As the Bible teachines, the nation that chooses to have a wicked king (or President ) as Obama is trying to do, God will deliver that nation over to hell on earth.
Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America (pen name briefly. All the threats from the haters of God in America show why this pen name was briefly a justified act.)

Posted by John MacHaffie at 5:48 PM
Correct me if wrong
That’s easy, you’re wrong.
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by Burnaby49 »

Watch what you say about Erasmus. He saved all of us Canadians along with you American roadkill. He has my non-eligible vote for president anytime now that it appears that Webhick is just playing with us.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

Burnaby49 wrote:Watch what you say about Erasmus. He saved all of us Canadians along with you American roadkill. He has my non-eligible vote for president anytime now that it appears that Webhick is just playing with us.
I take great care in what I say about Erasmus of America, and not because he saved Canada. After all, the Dark Agenda makes huge amounts of money smuggling canoes, canoe paddles, toques, back bacon, and Northwest Mounted Police south across the border and "climate porn" about about life in places with warm winters north. And what I say is that he's crazier than your Aunt Shirley.
Erasmus wrote:I assert to the American people that the lunatics have taken over the insane asylum in Wash., D.C. and now they are trying to mold the rest of America into a madhouse run by Washington lunatics like they are. They are very mad or insane like those running "The Colony" in the British intelligence series "The Prisoner." The lunatics are in charge folks in America and you can only get them out of power by either getting the Omni Law passed or else I have to play my trump card and the Confederate States of America to save America and the world from these lunatics in power in Wash., D.C. has to go free as an independent nation...
Crazy is as crazy does. And Erasmus DOES, you can read it written on the toilet walls of the Whiskey-A-Go-Go.

By the way, "The Prisoner," a TV series that profoundly influenced my 15-year-old mind, took place in "The Village." It was a drama, not a documentary "British intelligence series."

Wikipedia wrote:The series follows an unnamed British agent who abruptly resigns his job, apparently preparing to go on a holiday. While packing his luggage, he is knocked out by a chemical agent in his quarters. When he wakes, he finds himself held captive in a mysterious seaside "village" that is isolated from the mainland by mountains and sea. The Village is further secured by numerous monitoring systems and security forces, including a mysterious balloon-like device called Rover that recaptures those who attempt escape.

It only takes a few seconds to check this online, just as I did for "The Colony."
Wikipedia wrote:The Colony is a reality television series that is produced by the Discovery Channel. The program follows a group of people who must survive in a simulated post-apocalyptic environment.
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by Burnaby49 »

"The Prisoner" was not a drama, it was a fantasy, and one that doesn't pass the test of time. The last episode was supposed to be enigmatic and provocative, it was instead an incomprehensible "everything but the kitchen sink" mess.

I tried to visit the actual village in Portmeirion Wales but they were closed to casual visitors. Doesn't matter, you can walk through the whole thing, on a nice sunny day, just by putting "Portmeiron" in Google Maps then going to StreetViews. In colour too!
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by ashlynne39 »

I have to say, I'm a bit excited for November to get here. Since I think we all know the Omni Law won't pass before then (what are the odds), it appears the South will rise again as Erasmus reinstates the Confederate States of America. I wonder what exactly that means to him. Is he planning to actually "do something" on that date? If so, what? Or is this another one of those situations where a date is given, passes and a new date is given. I just want to see Erasmus (and Rick Perry) announce the reinstatement of the Confederate States and start their takeover. Should be fun.
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

Burnaby49 wrote:"The Prisoner" was not a drama, it was a fantasy, and one that doesn't pass the test of time. The last episode was supposed to be enigmatic and provocative, it was instead an incomprehensible "everything but the kitchen sink" mess.

I tried to visit the actual village in Portmeirion Wales but they were closed to casual visitors. Doesn't matter, you can walk through the whole thing, on a nice sunny day, just by putting "Portmeiron" in Google Maps then going to StreetViews. In colour too!
Sorry, but Deep Knight, conqueror of a billion and counting maidenheads, doesn't slice and dice his descriptions any finer than "drama" unless they're a shapeshifting reptilian that will grow back if you don't make the pieces small enough.

As for passing the test of time, no doubt "kids" today would be confused and bored. Not only is there a new standard for "action," the series was definitely was set in its time. I first caught it purely by accident during the summer of '68, the episode where number 6's brain was transferred. I literally had never seen anything like it on the white-bread TV I was used to. I caught a couple of the other episodes, including the final one, and yes, it was confusing. Then again, I probably figured it related to British things we American's weren't exposed to. Later I saw most of the other episodes re-broadcast on PBS, including the final one again while visiting my girlfriend in San Francisco. After the show they had a "fan show" where a bunch of people discussed the episode, including someone who said he had been part of the production company. He talked openly about how McGoohan had been experimenting with LSD and had the insight "being a secret agent is just like doing acid," which was the original basis for the show. This and a short deadline was also given as the reason for the confused nature of the last episode.

Truth or rumor (or should that be rumour?). A lot of BS gets spread around out there, the topics of this forum are proof of that, but it certainly would explain some things.

By the way, who was the young "them bones" guy in the final episode? I always figured he was somehow famous in Britain but unknown over here.
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by Burnaby49 »

Yes "rumour". You lazy Americans have some problem hitting "u" on your keyboards with your pudgy fingers and so you get color, rumor, favor, honor, harbor, it goes on and on. Always cutting corners. We virile athletic Canadians add all kinds of unnecessary letters (see "programme" from quote below!) just for the exercise!

I call it a fantasy, actually more of a fever dream, because of a number of things. There was no internal consistency in the series re location staff etc. These things changed episode to episode. The same cast members kept coming back from episode to episode in different roles. Also Rover was clearly in the sci-fi realm.

I agree it was very much a product of its times. Frisco in early 1968 would have been the ideal time and place to see the last episode. Even at 18, and a big McGoohan fan at the time, I didn't find the last show provocative, or relating to undecipherable British culture, it was just a thrown-together mess. To quote Wikipedia;

"Fall Out" generated controversy when it was originally aired, because the last third of the episode was designed to be very obscure and be open to interpretation. The reception forced McGoohan, who wrote and directed the episode, to go into hiding for a period of time because he was hounded at his own home by baffled viewers demanding explanations.

At the time "Fall Out" was first broadcast there were only three television channels available in the UK and the long-awaited final episode of the series had one of the largest ever viewing audiences seen until then for a television programme.[1] As VCRs were not available until some years later,[2] some viewers missed the fleeting glimpse of No 1's face.[1] This, along with the intentional ambiguity of the finale caused bafflement and a great deal of anger amongst the public and McGoohan claimed he was ‘hounded’ out of the country after the episode was shown.[2] The popular press joined in the ‘protest’ against this ‘rubbish’ McGoohan had foisted on the viewing public and he never worked in Britain again.[2]

I doubt the LSD story. Patrick McGoohan was a very straight-laced catholic who demanded that his Danger Man contract (his best series, inexplicably re-named Secret Agent Man for American TV) stipulated that he wouldn't even kiss on TV.

Speaking of Danger man, a bit of historic irony. McGoohan started Danger Man as a half-hour series but it failed and was cancelled. However, because of his role as a secret agent in that series, he was offered the role of James Bond in Dr. No. He turned it down because he thought Bond's womanizing character immoral. Some no-talent hack called Sean Connery got the role, played Bond, then disappeared into well-deserved obscurity. However the popularity of Dr. No revived interest in Danger Man so it was re-started as an hour show and this time was very popular. As a teenager I loved it.

No idea who the kid was.
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by Gregg »

ashlynne39 wrote:I have to say, I'm a bit excited for November to get here. Since I think we all know the Omni Law won't pass before then (what are the odds), it appears the South will rise again as Erasmus reinstates the Confederate States of America. I wonder what exactly that means to him. Is he planning to actually "do something" on that date? If so, what? Or is this another one of those situations where a date is given, passes and a new date is given. I just want to see Erasmus (and Rick Perry) announce the reinstatement of the Confederate States and start their takeover. Should be fun.
I can't wait because I have some old CSA war bonds, payable in gold, that have been accruing interest for 145 years. Hell, they'll owe me billions!
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by LaVidaRoja »

Are they registered? YOU need to be the "original holder of record" or the direct decendent thereof. Otherwise, the escheated to the state when the direct blood line died.
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

LaVidaRoja wrote:Are they registered? YOU need to be the "original holder of record" or the direct decendent thereof. Otherwise, the escheated to the state when the direct blood line died.
I was escheated once, it wasn't pretty. As for the bonds, these are bearer bonds, and can be cashed by any species of bear.

But back to committing treason by ridiculing Erasmus with his own words. Today he posted an 11-page single spaced screed of cut and pastes from earlier boastings and a few new things. Like he's been doing every day. My favorite, of course, is about me.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The first is this suggestion about the President of the United States. FBI agents take note, he publishes his mailing address with every report.

First position I take is any nation supplying Obama with soldiers to take over America, they will be the last to receive this Vatican endorsed food process that will save their race and nation from apparently fast coming biological extinction according to the dire results predicted by these medical labs all over the world. Second position, until Obama is executed by the military, America will never get this food needed for the survival of the American race. And since Obama is mocking and laughing at constitutional law and bill of rights in America, I will legally honor his legal position and say that he and 10 top co-conspirators with him are all to be dropped into hot sulphuric acid and inch by inch dropped down until their entire bodies are eaten up by acid which will scientifically likely be the most painful slow deaths any leaders have ever suffered in human history for planned treason against their own people. Do I mean it? Yes! Not symbolically but for real! I am a tough son of a bitch when reality requires it!
Also, must not forget. Any nation supplying Obama with foreign soldiers to take over America, I either never will let their nations receive this Vatican endorsed food needed for the survival of their own race and nation or else jack up the price on it so high as to drive their national economies into bankruptcy. As a well trained economist, I know how to engineer the total bankrupty of nations if it is necessary to show them how this can be done.
… Obama is the most evil leader in character I can spot in nearly 6,000 years of human history. The man is consumed by colossal hatred of the American people, colossal hatred of Christianity and Christians, and is filled with many other forms of hatred too massive to list. His hatred is translated into all the ways he wants to kill those who he hates once he can trick them into letting him get the power to mass kill off Americans and others. Obama was recruited by the secret power elite behind the Council on Foreign Relations which has acted as the secret government of America for some time now. He has played ball with them and so they have through him as a front swindled enough money out of all Americans by his first term in office to pay off the national debt of America and much more.

Now he shows that Obama fella he knows how to play hardball.

Now since I am putting pieces on this chessboard of world power, let's play the game further. The Confederate States of America goes legally independent as a nation if Obama is reelected as so-called President. As he himself admitted in a taped meeting in 2006 that he was not born in Hawaii but in Kenya. He is therefore a legal imposter, not even an American citizen, but reflecting the colossal corruption of Wash., D.C., he is running for President in 2012 with most leaders in Wash., D.C. knowing that he is a foreign citizen and cannot legally run for President. Wash., D.C. is so corrupt a national government, it would be a blessing to all of America to have it replaced by the revived Confederate Government of America.
If Obama is reelected to the White House on Nov. 6, 2012, the official seccession of the Confederate States of America will take legal effect unless I consent to cancell this legal proclamation before then on Nov. 7, 2012 at noon Eastern Standard Time.

And what if the Yankees decide to invade Dixie when he seccesses?

Pieces are going on this chessboard which makes this deadlier every moment for the Obama planned military takeover of America. I descend from the royal line of Russia. … To make the real estate higher and higher in price for Wash., D.C. to try and seize control of and mass kill the people of the Southern States of America, if one federal soldier enters the Southern States of America to harm or crush the people of the South, I then very boldly declare myself to be the Czarist Pretender to the Czarist Throne of Russia. In exchange that Moscow agrees to and elects me to this title and authority, I will then order the mobilization of the forces of Russia and already knowing both sides how they operate, I will when Russia crushes Wash., D.C. hang all the traitors in Wash., D.C. and I will be as brutal as the Wrath of God to track down all traitors in Wash., D.C. The Confederate States of America will be joined in confederation with the reborn Czarist Russia and treated as a full-fledged independent nation in the Czarist confederation modeled after the British Commonwealth. Those states wanting to join the South can up to all 50 states. Those not, you will be left on your own and you can support Wash., D.C. if there is anything left to support. Knowing Washington thinking, if one representative or more of the Confederate Government is hurt by federal sources, this is to be legally treated as an act of war against Russia since the Confederate States of America will be joining the Czarist Confederation and therefore an attack upon the South will be an act of war against Russia.

The deal Lenin had to make for Wall Street banker financing was after he won to turn over to these New York Wall Street bankers all the Czarist Gold he could find after winning power in Russia. Russia was stripped of all Czarist Gold which was then shipped to New York City shipload after shipload. If the Russian people wish to elect me Czar of Russia, I will have the legal authority to force the return of the stolen Czarist Gold plus interest made on it. This may be enough to give Russia the biggest national treasury in the world now and Russia can easily then finance itself into being a super giant in all aspects of industry in the world. I know who took the Czarist Gold and know how we can recover for Russia all that was stolen and likely much more owed to Russia. As an economist I know how to add up the bill and we will end up owning the secret empires of the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, etc. That should make Russia well rewarded for the decades of hell Russia was subjected to by the Washington created, engineered, and financed Communist Revolution in Russia. With this colossal wealth, we will also need to build back up the population of the Russian people decimated by the Washington imposed stripping Russia of much of its potential wealth policy. Also, if made Czar, I will win back the people of the Ukraine to be part of Russia when the Ukraine was the birthplace for the founding of Russia and the Russian people. And Russia will help the South raise up the Confederate flag once again as an independent nation. Likely all 50 states will join the South when and if this happens because Obama was dumb enough to push things too far and not know when to quit.

I throw the gauntlet down before Obama. If he persists, he will be executed for high treason. If he stops now, he can choose his place of exile as he leaves America. As for the power elite, lie low and do not attract my attention. If I come after you, I will smash you and you will lose all your wealth as all will go to the American people and others you stole from. Don't try to kill any leaders or people backing me. You shed blood and then you will be hunted down all over the world like ex-Nazi War Criminals and nowhere to hide.
Okay folks, you have seen me play my game of chesspower against Obama and his allies. Make copies of this and see all Americans see this incredible but true report. This morning it was reported to me by my military mole that the American people were effectively defeated and checkmated by Obama and could not be stopped. My tactics by this daring report based upon power tactics just gave the victory to the American people instead of Obama. When you have got a cunning general on your side, play the military game his way as the mob has never shown brains when the survival of a race or nation is involved. I have given you the winning hand. Post this report everything and Obama will melt before you like the "Wicked Witch of the North" only we rename this "The Wicked Obama of the North."
Yours for God And Country, Erasmus of America (pen name briefly. Everyone in Wash. intelligence has already indicated to me that they know who I am. Federal officials and personnel, immediately stop carrying out orders for the military takeover of America by Obama and I will overlook your temporary insanity of high treason in America. But persist and I will end up hanging you for high treason in America! Everyone knows that when the Omni Law is passed, I will be the head of the 10 Civil Tribunes of America, so what I say now represents what the other 9 tough, patriotic leaders turned civil tribunes will say once they are sworn into office as the civil tribunes of America. The Romans broke treason and corruption in the Roman Republic by this tactic. We will borrow a smart idea from the ancient Romans!)

Posted by John MacHaffie at 3:03 PM

But the best part is here. Remember, “SS” is “Super Stud,” that is “Deep Knight.”


1. Anonymous August 22, 2012 3:50 PM
Wow...this guy is a Legend In His Own Mind.His self-absorbed, agrandizing assertions are getting deeper and deeper!

Replies 1. Anonymous August 22, 2012 5:20 PM
LOL, for sure and I love his lil invite for "Those wanting to send financial backing".
.....come on Cobra, fess up, we know this is you!

2. Anonymous August 22, 2012 5:46 PM
It takes one to know one.... S.S. This is not a mind legend... this is a reality. We are co-creators with God. Most people in the World want to live in peace and happiness. Not what your master Obama has in his plans for everyone, which is dictatorship. If you have a choice of 3 flavors of ice cream...vanilla, strawberry, and chocolate, and you choose chocolate and decide you don't like it, then just choose again. You don't have to be stuck with chocolate....

3. Anonymous August 22, 2012 5:57 PM
So? Who cares if he appears to be self-absorbed and carried away with his record? The way I look at it he is simply verbally stating his resume so that we don't think he is/was just a beer swilling couch potato who never did anything in his life except sit and watch TV with a beer in one hand night after night like so many do! At least the man has a plan, is capable of thinking and gives us a ray of hope in this frightening mess we find ourselves in.

2. Anonymous August 22, 2012 5:30 PM
NESARA News readers, make up your own minds about this Erasmus fellow, but here's a few choice quotes to illuminate where his real desires lie:
"I personally decide whether the human race lives or goes soon extinct like the dinosaurs did."
"I was clever at law and had the first of the descendant Jefferson Davis families sign over all claims to the Confederate Government and Confederate States of America by having him sign the legal document that on behalf of his great grandfather Jefferson Davis, he appointed me Commander-in-Chief of the Confederate Armed Forces."
"I know who took the Czarist Gold and know how we can recover for Russia all that was stolen and likely much more owed to Russia. As an economist I know how to add up the bill and we will end up owning the secret empires of the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, etc..."
"When Obama is removed from office, I will be willing to show the Joint Chiefs of Staff 4 ways Russia can annihilate America right now. While Obama is in office, I will never share with you what I know. I am the leader of a nation about to be reborn again and not a lackey of the Pentagon at this time. I have rank and don't pretend otherwise."
"I offer $100 million as a patriot reward for each of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Pentagon to switch from Obama back to loyalty to the American people. I offer $10,000 reward for every member of the U.S. military who will join on the side of the American people and stop Obama..."
"It was not a mislabel when a very prestigious international organization called me "The Einstein of American Economics.""
Entertaining, scary, or thought provoking? I personally feel like Erasmus (his story is, of course, a little hard to swallow) is looking out more for his own gain than for any of us. And I think the idea of bribing American soldiers to fight against the government is a little shady.

Just to let Erasmus know, I'm not the "deeper and deeper!" Anonymous August 22, 2012 3:50 PM. "Deeper and deeper!" is what my lovers say, not me, you pervert. And besides, I would have written something like, "I think Erasmus is right about what to do to Obama and should send this to the White House in a signed letter. We're behind you 100% and please include your full address."
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Deep Knight
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

More about us here at Quatloos, and less about things he's talked about before 'cause I cut 'em out.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

U.S. Constitution Article 111., Section 3.Treason against the United States shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court."
Since this is to be a fight between good and evil for who will control and lead America shortly, the following quotes should help focus the issue.
Commentaries of Bishop Hippolytus (around 170 years after Christ) : "For when the soul that is united with Jesus forsakes its faith, it is given over to perpetual death, viz. eternal punishment."

St. Padre Pio wrote me when I was in military school that I was the one Jesus wanted to found the "holy cross-bearer" movement and I was the one prophesied would smash the enemies of Christianity just when they think they have won and would shortly massacre the Christians across all the world. Jesus twice said for His followers to take up their crosses and follow Jesus. These are the true disciples of Jesus Christ on earth.
L.B. of the Seneca Police who had been mass smashed in his body when he was leaving out by his door of his police car when the person he was to ticket smashed his car against that door trying to crush L.B. alive. That was in 1990. L.B. had the local Gospel singing group. F.B.I., check all you want. Jesus gave that sign that day to all in Wash., D.C. Jesus backs me and any in Wash., D.C. who oppose me will face the fierce wrath of Jesus Christ when they died. Since I already prayed that the curse of God descend for all eternity on all in Wash., D.C. who opposed me from reestablishing my father's Vatican endorsed food product needed if the human race is to survive and not go extinct like the dinosaur. Know now that those who in Wash., D.C. this day of August 25, 2012 who opposed me being repaid the $525,000 federal operatives stole from me earlier and knowing that this $525,000 would be used to save the human race on earth from pending extinction, you face the following judgment for all eternity if my prayer for you to be cursed for all eternity is honored by Jesus Christ. I had prayed that you for all eternity will feel the full pain of the 3 billion or so humans killed by Wash., D.C. policy for earlier suppressing my father's great food discovery given to our family by the blessing of God as God knew that we would be good stewards of this gift of life and health from God for all mankind loyal to God on earth. For all eternity, you guilty with the blood of billions now dripping from your hands before God, for trillions of years you will face the Wrath of God and for trillions times trillions of years you will apparently feel the pain of the billions of victims your babylonian harlot government murdered in the face of God and mocked God as you did this.
Now to start playing surprise aces. How many I have yet to play, you in Wash., D.C. do not know. The reason why these old Christian prophecies kept playing up that this enemy of tyranny in this evil land outside of America or the Middle East would descend from the great French royal line considered extinct by all, by plan of God I assume, I descend from the French royal line with the authority to cancel the Louisiana Purchase of the United States since you stole years ago $15 million or more to stop me from reestablishing my father's Vatican endorsed food product back then. You stole away the purchase price of the Louisiana Purchase and I hereby declare null and void this purchase of land by Wash., D.C. I will give hints what is involved. My great grandfather did something most unusual. He gave both his first son and daughter the same name which was Francis and Frances. The other four children of his all carried different names from this great French royal line. My grandfather was named Joseph. And all bore the birthmark which came with this French royal line which was written up by an Austrian nurse in Latimer's History long ago about Europe. My line which was supposed to have been successfully murdered was not. Our family secret has been the line survived its would-be murderers and came to America. I hereby declare the Louisiana Purchase cancelled and I will decide if it is to be restored to France directly or else transferred to the rising Confederate States of America whose people are called by St. Francis of Paola "the holy cross-bearers of Jesus Christ" as God recognizes the people of the South to be the most Christian people in 2,000 years of Christian history. God declares the people of the South are more dearly beloved than were even the Children of Israel according to St. Francis of Paola. Now people of the South, live up to the praise God has heaped upon you as His Chosen Elite and beloved on earth.
Since we tracked down and found the planted critics on the internet trying to turn the people away from supporting the Omni Law were apparently C.I.A. plants as their website they operated from was identified as a C.I.A. front website, we know who you boys are and that you were working for Obama to try and trick the Christians in America from standing up before Obama struck and killed off many to most Christians in America. When we win, we will charge you with accessories to high treason and accessories to several conspiracies of mass genocide against the American people and all other races on earth. The American people will want to hang all of you when we bring you to national trial for all the nation to witness.
Now since you on behalf of Obama tried to smear as dumb country hicks all who believe in God in America and you boast how you are such geniuses because you do not believe in God but you do believe in Satan I hear (1), I will in quick capsule form but effective show what total idiots, morons, and lunatics you are to not believe in God or so you claim. By the way, since Obama is trying to take all who disagree with him to be sent to psychiatrists as being crazy which is the old Soviet Union trick pulled on all who did not believe in the Communist Government but protested against it, any psychiatrist who allows himself to be used as a would-be "thought control police" for Obama will when the 10 civil tribunes are in power through the Omni Law, we will hit you with so many criminal charges and hit you with so many civil rights lawsuits as you will not likely get out of prison before 10,000 years later and you had better be a multi-billionaire to try and cover all the damages you will owe to your intended victims under pretended medicine and pretended real law.
It was found by three Israeli mathematicians that the Book of Genesis in Hebrew code had correctly listed 66 prominent Jewish rabbis, etc. and year they died going back to around 2,000 years ago. The mathematical odds against this being in Geneis by accident or random chance are around 3 billion to one against this being there by random chance. You see God is a colossal genius and the entire Bible appears to be loaded with these billion to one prophecies being there defying all odds of math for them to be there by randon chance. Censored by the evolutionists because it automatically makes scientifically impossible the entire theory or should we say psuedo-theory of evolution, two British scientists discovered that enzymes in all living cells correct genetic code when damaged so the living cells cannot evolve into new life forms. Bad damage can be passed from cell to later cell but ends up with the extinction of the bad cell or else correction of the damage. Reverse standard population figures for the human race and man has only been on this earth for a few thousand years, not 4 million years or so as claimed by psuedo-scientist evolutionists. I could go down your long list of fraudulent claims for scientific proofs of evolution and show all claims to be false with standard scientific discoveries and math, but I think the message is delivered what colossal jackasses you would be before God who would rate you as 20 levels below standard moron as being that sloppy and amateur in real science.
Now follows a quick quote from another recent report of mine showing the mighty Hand of God in our modern American society formed by Satanist Wash., D.C. which tries so hard to deny God and spit in the face of God every way you can.
[7 pages removed]

Posted by John MacHaffie at 2:58 PM


1. Anonymous August 25, 2012 4:02 PM
And Drake has been reassuring his listeners time and again that at least 75% of the US military is on OUR SIDE??????? Something stinks BIG TIME here in America. Actions speak louder than words - WHERE are the PRO-American actions of the US military?

2. AnonymousAugust 25, 2012 9:30 PM
Yes, many Christians falsely believe that Christians should not go to war. They apparently haven't read the Old Testament in the books of Kings, Samuel, Chronicles, etc. where skillful warriors were referred to as "mighty men of valor" and praised. David, the Apple of His Eye, was a warrior. Nor are people familiar with this verse where Christ advised his disciples in Luke 22:36...
"He said to them, But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one."
Why would they need a sword if they weren't supposed to use it? Remember in the the Garden of Gethsemane Peter had a sword and cut off one of the soldier's ears and Christ had to replace it. Remember too, in the book of Revelation when He returns he will carry a flaming two-edged sword.
Reading a few verses in the Bible on Sunday does not give one a real understanding of the Word of God, nor does reading a book stating another man's interpretation help. It should be read it in its entirety!

Erasmus, ol' buddy, be sure to read the New Deep Knight Adventure, "The Rise of Erasmus of America and the Battle in the Hollow Earth for the Stargate of Doom!" You're not only in it, but will soon no doubt be killed in what's sure to be an overly-dramatic and horribly bloody way. Even worse than what you want to do to President Obama! Fun for the whole family!
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Deep Knight
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

Erasmus of America wrote: I will give hints what is involved. My great grandfather did something most unusual. He gave both his first son and daughter the same name which was Francis and Frances. The other four children of his all carried different names from this great French royal line. My grandfather was named Joseph. And all bore the birthmark which came with this French royal line which was written up by an Austrian nurse in Latimer's History long ago about Europe. My line which was supposed to have been successfully murdered was not. Our family secret has been the line survived its would-be murderers and came to America.
Perhaps he's talking about Elizabeth Wormeley Latimer, the Tracy Lords of American gay nineties, who wrote a series of very chatty and unrefferenced books in the 1890s about European history (which are available for free on the web, someone having scanned them into the Internet Archive). If so, the garbage he's looking for is not there, but instead in the book that inspired The DaVinci Code, "Holy Sh*t, Holy Grail."
Samuel Tippit Bears Royal Birthmark and Noble Heritage

Many royal families have descended from that Merovingian king in France who was a member of the tribe of Judah and the royal house of David just as Jesus was.

/24-7PressRelease/ - MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA, November 02, 2007 -- Samuel Tippit is a resident of Melbourne, Australia who has a distinctive lineage and the birthmark to validate it. Samuel Tippit's investigations into his roots go back beyond the time of Christ. Both old and more modern writings speak of this royal bloodline and of the birthmark that goes with it.

Samuel Tippit is in a direct line that goes back to the Holy Grail. The Holy Grail is not a chalice, as some believe. The Holy Grail has to do with Mary Magdalene, and refers to her womb, where she carried the bloodline of Christ.

Mary went into France with this bloodline, which is also known as the blood royal, or the Sangraal. The bloodline stayed in France at least until the eighth century, when a king of the Jews associated with the Grail lived there. He was a Merovingian king and it is to this king and beyond that Samuel Tippit has traced his roots.

Many royal families have descended from that Merovingian king in France who was a member of the tribe of Judah and the royal house of David just as Jesus was. The blood royal was known to be in Spain in 1144. Samuel Tippit is a present day descendent.

Samuel Tippit has the birthmark that points to his inclusion in this line. The book, The Holy Blood and The Holy Grail, discusses this birthmark, and who had it, in detail. The book declares that the birthmark is an instant identification mark.

"This birthmark reputedly took the form of a red cross, either over the heart - curious anticipation of the templar blazon - or between the shoulder blades." The book explains on page 247.

Samuel Tippit has this birthmark. It signifies a position of power and influence. Talk of the royal birthmark has been hidden in plain sight in fiction and poetry. Since 1956, the references to this birthmark have been seen continually.

"The research I have done is extensive. My birthmark and my genealogy speak for themselves if you know the history." Samuel Tippit says.

Samuel Tippit has an amazing heritage, with genealogy and a distinct birthmark to prove it. Through many royal families starting with the Merovingian kings, Samuel Tippit comes as a descendent of the most royal of bloodlines.
I don't know who this Tippit is, but he and Erasmus should get together as they are both apparently the King of France.
"Follow the Money"