Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust, Pro

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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by LightinDarkness »

Behold, the first OPAL tour meeting where we were promised thousands would coalesce and open energy portals and commune with aliens:

Whoops, make that thousands more like...dozens. Not even close to the "over 100" people that Brian Kelly claimed were present in this weeks propaganda call.

I have to point out again from a scholarly perspective this just shows OPPT becoming more cult-like. They are beginning to form their own mythology and they use this meeting to create and spread the story of their origins. Brian Kelly weaves a dramatic tell about his interview with the crazy (now deceased) "Poof" somehow enraged some Hong Kong General (who doesn't exist) and this was how he got in touch with Heather. That was the magical moment when Heather sent the gurus the filings. Its weaving a mythology to spread to the most fervent of true believers, who are the people present at this meeting. The babbling UCC filings are like sacred objects to the OPPT believers.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by LightinDarkness »

It looks like Heather has lost all semblance of sanity now, either that or she is ready to start sending her believers to jail. Behold, the release of more gibberish documents:

Gibberish Document #1: The Declaration of Depository Deposit ... EPOSIT-pdf

Gibberish Document #2: Declaration of Receipt ... ECEIPT-pdf

Gibberish Document #3: Declaration of Conversion ... ERSION-pdf

Gibberish Document #4: Declaration of Account ... CCOUNT-pdf

So what sort of insanity is Heather promoting with this newest set of gibberish? Now OPPTers will all be able to "deposit their value" because Heather has made custom documents just for that. And because Heather really wants to see her true believers in jail, she has also added this lovely nugget of text:
if an inbodyment chooses to "play" with the banks (all lawfully and legally foreclosed)....then they can take the following in to any bank teller and the bank HAS to accept them as a foreign deposit....and if they refuse, they can all be arrested and shut down by the secret just has to make the phone call, make the statement, and then when secret service asks what you want them to make the order and they will do it
Oh I cant wait for the indictments to start falling. Heather has just told her followers not only to harass the banks with this gibberish, but when the banks inevitably tell the OPPTers they aren't getting a dime the OPPTers are going to call the secret service and start making demands. I am sure the secret service is going to take very kindly to this. I expect to see our first serious US OPPT arrests from this, as these documents all have 8,000+ views in less than 24 hours - if even 5% do this that is 400 cases of financial fraud and harassment.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Jeffrey »

Two thoughts on the video:
1. The guy is still wheelchair bound despite the "healing" in Morocco.
2. It confirms the drug hypothesis.
3. Gives some insight into how they got into the OPPT scam.
4. Disturbing to see a scam that is so disproportionately female.

As to Heathers new bank documents, it's interesting that Kiri was arrested for doing exactly what Heather told her to do in an interview prior to the arrest. I'm kind of glad she's doubling down and escalating things, more arrests and stuff to read about.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Deep Knight »

MacHaffie posted the documents also. A quick scan shows the same references, just different "bad poetry word play." You know, I AM I, YOU ARE I, WE ARE I.

As for the video, I've been picking my way through it. Mostly boring, I count 60 people at the start. I also loved the coy references to smoking pot and Brian Kelly's Poof & Dragons story at the end.

Is there any "live streaming" or daily blogging I haven't been able to find? Also, I was hoping for a picture of the RVs, which doesn't seem to be there. My thought is that if they bought the RVs they would have 3 POS antiques that you would need to "fix or repair daily." I figured they would also paint them with "OPAL," "BE," "DO" and such. However, it would make more sense to rent their fleet of RVs, better quality for less, only they couldn't paint them.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by The Observer »

Any update on their journey to Sedona? I am hoping that they run out of money before Sunday so they will have to leave town before I arrive. Otherwise I will need to requisition an Evil Reptilian Escort when I go out to deactivate the energy vortexes.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Cathulhu »

Deep Knight wrote:MacHaffie posted the documents also. A quick scan shows the same references, just different "bad poetry word play." You know, I AM I, YOU ARE I, WE ARE I.
And we are all together. Coo-coo-ka-choo.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by LightinDarkness »

The OPPT true believers are setting themselves up for even more trouble this time, the first report of someone "playing with the banks" is threatening a Norway bank to give them their millions or they would call the secret service (...again, this is IN NORWAY) on them. ... -the-bank/

Regarding the RV tour, the gurus are enjoying being treated like demi-gods by the true believers way to much to be doing any sort of daily blogging. And as far as Sedona, they were there November 1-3 to do a new age wacko conference but they left the area yesterday I believe. Still make sure you get the Illuminati secret agents to close their ETERNAL ESSENCE energy portals though!
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by LightinDarkness »

Just one of what will be dozens of more failures:
I visited the local Bank here in Detroit JPMorgan 6mile Branch. My documents were taken seriously but were never seen or worked with by this Branch manager, who called to level above to assist him. As I waited in the Branch managers office, several top levels were involved in attempting to make this deposit happen for this customer, after about an hour, I was asked several questions by two Branch managers about who the one people public trust was, how did I obtain this information, and how did I get knowledge of this information about the banks and they did not? I was told that JP Morgan could not accept the deposit or open an account based on this foreign deposit because there was no routing number to the Bank for them to get paid their fee. I called the Secret Service Detroit office and was told that if I was a customer and the bank did not accept my documents, and if I did not loose any money in the attempt to deposit, he could not help me, and refused to give his name or state his oath and duty and hung up on me. So, I have visited three banks this was the last one in my attempt to delay getting out of this system.
What I find funny is these guys are so insane that they think it somehow means something that low level bank staff don't laugh at them immediately. Of course they don't, they are being presented with gibberish documents and most of them aren't going to assume your nuts off the bat. They are going to assume it some sort of legitimate document they just don't have experience with. Its only after a manager usually gets involved that the red flags will start going up that your dealing with a crazy person. And so much for the secret service doing we all knew...I wonder how Heather will spin all the failures?

What Heather is essentially telling her followers to do is to go to the banks with documents that look like checks but have fake routing numbers and account numbers (usually the person's birthday or something). The true believers think this is some sort of legal magic that allows you to deposit their value. They don't even get what they are essentially doing is going into the bank with a fake check, and OF COURSE it doesn't work because all of it is made up!

BZ Meyers, future guru I think, is leading the charge to harass as many banks as possible starting tomorrow and giving them 24 hours notice before calling the secret service. I can't wait to see how the 100% failure rate is explained on Thursday when no one has accessed their value.

Sadly, as hilarious as all this is, they are destroying peoples lives with this gibberish. There have been several callers to the One People shows talking about how people have QUIT THEIR JOBS because they were going to go access their billions and now have run out of money. Even the gullible don't deserve this.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by notorial dissent »

I guess it shouldn't be anymore surprising since they they think that a strictly American law, the UCC, would even have any effect whatsoever on a foreign bank or institution, that it then wouldn't be any jump at all for them to think that the American Secret Service, could, or would do anything about it when they get laughed, and/or thrown out of a foreign bank. I suspect that will change when the international banking authorities decided that this is actually an attempt at bank fraud and start coming down on them like a ton of bricks. It has always been my impression that foreign banking laws tend to have far less humor about this than the American ones, and I can't say they take it lightly either.

Part of the reason they think they got access to upper levels of management is, that they in fact did. I would suspect that between the general weirdness of the documents, and the amounts they undoubtedly submitted, that upper level supervisors HAD to be called, and eventually someone who had been reading the circulars said unh uh, and sent our doers and beers on their merry way. What most people don't realize is that account people at banks have limits as to what they can sign off on, either paying out or accepting in, and then they have to go to someone who does have the authority to do so before anything can be done. Cuts down on bank fraud.

I suspect that it will be a few days before the next circular comes out from the comptroller about this latest scam attempt, and the the banks will quit being nice about it and just call either the Secret Service or FBI, I'm not sure which one really has jurisdiction on this, probably the FBI though or local law enforcement. At which point the doers and beers will not be having a good time. Dumb, just really damn dumb.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Deep Knight »

From Facebook (I registered just so I could follow this, but have been mostly disappointed).


GivE of Yourself!

From a Tarot reading last weekend:

“She has learned to temper her life in such a way that she maintains and expresses her passion perfectly. By learning to do this, she is living her life as fully as possible with her internal beliefs in perfect harmony with her external actions.”

“Moderate your life in all ways: physically, spiritually, emotionally and intellectually. Let your action (or inaction) be appropriate to the situation.”

“We are able to turn in any direction from a point of balance and higher perspective. We are both in motion and suspended above the mundane activities of life, understanding both the material and the spiritual as important.”

I was at the One People’s gathering in Tehachapi, CA last weekend. There I met up with many extraordinary people. There were over 100 people from all over the country and from around the world. In the course of 5 days I connected with more than 40 of them personally and was able to hear and observe the other 60 in the course of several activities. I have been to many similar gatherings and events and now, a week later, I look back at the connections I made and am filled with deep joy. Here is the proof for me that we are in the midst of a great transformation of humanity. These were many, many individuals with a mature understanding of what the Tarot text above tells us.

Such was the impression of the weekend gathering, which was the kick-off event for the OPAL Tour (One People Absent Limits), that Alia was moved to join the caravan of (at that time) 10 RV’s and several pickups and vans. She is traveling in a new-found friend’s RV together with another woman from the gathering at least as far as Texas. I am back in Gold Beach, OR minding our Feline Merlina and supporting Alia from here.

I know that the entire caravan is powered by spirit, however, since (as the Tarot mentions) we also need Earthly fuel, plus money for repairs, RV park fees, etc. etc. I am appealing to all of you to donate what you feel is possible for you to support this amazing traveling event.

You find the “Support OPAL” button at this link: http://www.noyouwon'

The following for Core Principles of the OPAL Tour give some insight into the quality of this event:

Four Core Principles:

Oneness - We are all ONE. Respect and love each other equally as Eternal Essence family.

Universal Value Exchange - Moving beyond representations of value, we are transitioning into a direct value exchange. True value is within each being and is gifted to others without conditions or expectations of receiving something in return. We continue to utilize all forms and tools of the old 3D paradigm until we shift fully into the new Universal Value Exchange.

Self Responsibility - All beings are acting in full self responsibility & liability, representing only themselves.

Participation - We encourage you to break through boundaries and limitations by participating fully in community with each other in a loving and supportive environment. Be open to assisting and helping the collective wherever needed.

Please Give of Yourselves in Support! Thank you!

The Tarot reading mentions their need for fuel and donations? Wow! This guy must really be able to read between the lines! The OPAL Tour allure must have been really great for his twin flame to RV up with her "new-found friend" and abandon him for the road. Anyway, an interesting perspective and report.

P.S. Another posting says they'll be at Lake Norman State Park in NC Dec 13-15. Not on the OPAL tour page though.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by AndyK »

Lake Norman State Park
5 hours, 280 miles :?:

560 miles round trip -- about 50 gallons of fuel [revreational vehicle] ($200 - 300) plus lodging costs there plus meals PLUS northern North Carolina in December

Nah, not worth it.

Now, If they decide to hold something in southern SC or Georgia or in northern Florida, I'd be severely tempted stop in.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by The Observer »

Deep Knight wrote:The Tarot reading mentions their need for fuel and donations? Wow! This guy must really be able to read between the lines!
And you don't see it? What happened to your inner discernment? It is quite obvious in the Tarot reading about fuel and donations:
We are both in motion and suspended above the mundane activities of life, understanding both the material and the spiritual as important.
See? Plain as the 100 dollar bill just collecting dust in your wallet. Just fork it over to the OPALettes. If losing your money to a floozy in a RV doesn't teach you something about inner discerment, I guess nothing will:
Universal Value Exchange - Moving beyond representations of value, we are transitioning into a direct value exchange. True value is within each being and is gifted to others without conditions or expectations of receiving something in return. We continue to utilize all forms and tools of the old 3D paradigm until we shift fully into the new Universal Value Exchange.
Translation: Your money is our money! So hand it over!
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by LightinDarkness »

The stupidity of these people floors me:
Greetings my Brothers and Sisters;

I just got back from attempting to make a deposit to my account using the provided documents. I got there to the bank five minutes before they lock up the lobby and was promptly assisted, copies were made and forwarded off to a separate department of Seacoast National Bank, a community bank here in Jensen Beach Florida. I was informed that they could not process the transaction because there were no routing numbers provided. I politely told them I would follow up with them tomorrow since it was after hours in the lobby. ( Really because I did not have a response).

I do not have enough data so I am not certain what should be the next step and I am wondering if anyone has any suggestions.

It does not seem possible that Heather’s documents would be void of anything necessary to make a deposit so it looks like I need to call in the Secret Service and file a complaint. Any thoughts would be appreciated.

Yes Don, it just can't be possible that you are trying to access money that doesn't couldn't possible be that Heather wrote up gibberish documents. Surely the fact that there is no routing number (BECAUSE NONE OF IT IS REAL) isn't a go ahead and call the secret service, I am sure they will help...
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Jeffrey »

Their little cult isn't even internally consistent. If EVERYTHING was foreclosed by their UCC filing then calling the secret service should have no effect!!!
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Deep Knight »

Jeffrey wrote:Their little cult isn't even internally consistent. If EVERYTHING was foreclosed by their UCC filing then calling the secret service should have no effect!!!
I'm afraid that the Secret Service wasn't into the nitty gritty of fighting the kind of conspiracies hatched by us Dark Agenda types long before they were foreclosed on. But there once was a time they did, back in the late 19th century. Then, literally dozens of attempts by evil men to take over the world, including no doubt the banking system, were destroyed by agents of the Secret Service.

The Wild Wild West told the story of two Secret Service agents: the fearless and handsome James T. West (played by Robert Conrad), and Artemus Gordon (played by Ross Martin), a brilliant gadgeteer and master of disguise. Their unending mission was to protect President Ulysses S. Grant and the United States from all manner of dangerous threats. The agents traveled in luxury aboard their own train, the Wanderer, equipped with everything from a stable car to a laboratory. James West had served as an intelligence and cavalry officer in the US Civil War; his "cover," at least in the pilot episode, is that he is "a dandy, a high-roller from the East." Thereafter, however, there is no pretense, and his reputation as the foremost Secret Service agent often precedes him. ... The show incorporated classic Western elements with an espionage thriller, science fiction/alternate history ideas ... and plenty of humor. In the tradition of James Bond, there were always beautiful women, clever gadgets, and delusional arch-enemies with half-insane plots to take over the country or the world.

I suggest ginning up a time machine (using the same technology as they do to burn water), sending Don back to the 1870s, having him get James West and Artemus Gordon, and bring them back with him to kick some Seacoast National Bank butt!
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Deep Knight »

Thursday 7th November 2013

All going well we arrive in Roswell New Mexico,
Staying at: Bottomless Lake State Park
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by LightinDarkness »

From Goddess Heather:
[06.11.13 16:14:06] Kathrine Jelstad: Hi Heather :) So I was at the bank on Monday, had a freakin awesome time!! My best 2 minutes of my TOP life so far (chuckle)
They havent responded to me in the timeframe I gave them, so I called secret service today, and got no help… So I am guessing its supposed to just BE like this right now? Or am I missing something here? :) (heart)
[06.11.13 17:58:03] HeatherAnnTucciJarraf .: you are missing NO THING!!!!!!!!! (heart)
[06.11.13 17:58:59] HeatherAnnTucciJarraf .: …..I am beginning to imagine how many calls secret service has gotten over the last few days. (heart)

[06.11.13 18:37:47] Kathrine Jelstad: (heart)
One question, that comes up alot lately:
Why is secret service the people to call, and is there any documenation or something we can give the banks re this?
[06.11.13 18:47:33] HeatherAnnTucciJarraf .: ……they already know “why”, Love……and they are now very aware that you are about to get it too.
[06.11.13 18:47:37] HeatherAnnTucciJarraf .: (flex)
Indeed, Heather, indeed. I am *SURE* the secret service is just loving all the phone calls they are getting from their followers. But what about them shutting down all those banks that said your documents were BS? Interesting, they haven't done that...and none of the OPPT people ask why. Note person after person saying the secret service isn't helping them and no on questions it.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by LightinDarkness »

OPPters finding themselves in jail, and surprisingly, none of the filings are helping! I wonder why. Enjoy these tidbits from: ... y-for-him/
Eduardo Rafael Velazquez, fiancé and father of two, bondservant, state of body, one of “the one People” (as defined per UCC Doc. No. 2012079290), eternal essence (as defined per UCC Doc. No. 2013032035) is scheduled for status hearing tomorrow, Thursday November 07, 2013 at 12:00 noon at the Dirksen Federal Bldg located at 219 S. Dearborn in Chicago, Illinois.

Alleged case no 08 CR 00372 is to be heard in front of alleged presiding Judge James B. Zagel in his courtroom number 2503. Eduardo is involuntarily domiciled at the MCC Chicago at 71 W. Van Buren St in Chicago, Illinois. Despite having filed his declaration of Fact & Rebuttal on 9/25/13 to not accept any offers to contract past, present and future in this public matter of the Guild, we fear Eduardo will again most likely be forced to go to this alleged court. As took place on September 26, 2013 Eduardo was the victim of a barbaric attack and inhumane treatment by a 10-15 swat team of MCC guards, US Marshalls, warden Kuta, Captain Salas and other officers at the prison. The order from alleged Judge Zagel to bring Eduardo into court, “even if defendant refuses” was to use “reasonable force” but instead they executed a deliberate & horrific beating
The family asks that you please hold the energy for Eduardo, particularly tomorrow so that he is safe and protected, especially while he still has not recovered from the initial attack.
We ask that you witness what happens to Eduardo from this moment on so that he is vindicated. Please send the courtesy notices and freedom flyers and cc Eduardo’s fiancé at We, part of the one people, thank you in advance for your love and support.
Not sure what Edward did to land himself in jail, but DESPITE THE FACT that none of the OPPT/soverign citizen gibberish is working they still want people to send the OPPT "courtesy notices" - I'm sure that will work.

And another stunning "access your value" success story:
Ok so here is some follow up.

I returned to the bank today 9 am sharp, they met me there with a lawyer and a VP and told me the document was an internet scam they referred to it on the internet. I insisted that it was lawful and that they do the research however they wanted nothing to do with me, so I informed them I would contact the Secret Service and have them investigate the matter which seemed to anger them. They wanted no further discussion. I left the bank, they still have my originals.

Later the Sheriff (4 of them) showed up at my home and told me that the bank had a trespass warrant for me from the bank prohibiting me going to all branches and said that the bank was closing our bank accounts.

Well obviously they were not receptive to my DOing and BEing.

I had only just moments before the sheriff arrived at my home sent an email to the VP wrapped in LOVE and Kindness inviting them to be on the forefront of the new banking system that is headed our way and letting them know we are all one.

While in between these two incidents today I spoke to the Secret Service, told them specifically what the problem was; that a lawful Foreign deposit was refused and that I wanted an investigation and that I suspect they were committing fraud. He indicated it was not his jurisdiction, and I could not get him to elaborate further so I was not able to get us any details to look at.

I am not certain if this is the kind of energy we were asked to put in the system but I did my best to send love and a message of we are all one, they are being stubborn but eventually they will come around.

Poor Don. It just couldn't be that maybe this is all made up and your following a cult, surely if you just send enough love energy they will give you your $5 billion that Heather promised. Even though

(1) You were told by the bank's attorney and Vice President that this is a scam
(2) You were told by the Secret Service that the documents were gibberish
(3) You were told by the sheriffs deputies not to come back to the bank and had all your accounts closed

I am sure, despite all that, that if you just send enough loving energy it'll all be OK...
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by notorial dissent »

Considering that the Secret Service has exactly zero to do with banks unless counterfeiting is involved, I will be they are getting more than a bit tired of the calls.

Poor things, all confused because the banks are ignoring their magic paperwork.

I am kind of curious as to what poor old Eduardo did to warrant 10-15 SWAT types, bet the real story is more interesting that the version presented.

I really do begin to question the mental health of some of these people, when they don't even get the obvious when it smacks them in the face.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Deep Knight »

notorial dissent wrote:I am kind of curious as to what poor old Eduardo did to warrant 10-15 SWAT types, bet the real story is more interesting that the version presented.
LightinDarkness wrote:Not sure what Edward did to land himself in jail, but DESPITE THE FACT that none of the OPPT/soverign citizen gibberish is working they still want people to send the OPPT "courtesy notices" - I'm sure that will work.
Illinois Resident Edward R. Velazquez and His Three “V-Tek” Companies Sanctioned Over $11.6 Million in Settlement of CFTC Commodity Fraud Action

Washington, DC – The U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) announced today the issuance of a consent order settling CFTC commodity fraud charges against Edward R. Velazquez and three companies that he controlled, V-Tek Trading Group, Inc., V-Tek Capital, Inc. (IL) and V-Tek Capital, Inc. (BVI), and imposing over $11.6 million in sanctions.

This consent order, which was entered by the United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois on January 31, 2008, stems from a complaint filed by the CFTC on September 8, 2004 (see CFTC News Release4988-04, September 16, 2004).

In the consent order, the court finds that at least 121 foreign and U.S. customers gave at least $8.88 million to the V-Tek Capital companies for the purpose of investing in its purported “common stock”, “convertible preferred stock” or “convertible preferred fixed income” programs. As found in the order, those V-Tek Capital customers appear to have received back approximately $2.48 million, leaving approximately $6.4 million still owed to them by defendants. Also per the terms of the order, defendants were found to owe V-Tek Trading Group, Inc. customers approximately $300,000.

The court also finds that approximately $3 million of the funds given to V-Tek Capital (BVI) and (IL) were pooled and used by Velazquez to trade commodity futures and foreign currencies from September 2003 through September 2004; Velazquez’s trading of these funds resulted in losses of approximately $1.1 million. The court further finds that the defendants misappropriated customer funds and/or made material misrepresentations and gave false and deceptive statements to their clients and pool participants through the use of the Internet and other means. In particular, the court found that Velazquez misappropriated at least $1.03 million from a V-Tek Capital (IL) bank account and that some of the positive trading performance records for 1995 through 1999 portrayed in the V-Tek Trading Group, Inc. Disclosure Documents were false.

Velazquez and the companies were ordered to pay $6,742,116 in restitution to customers and also pay a $4,951,332 civil monetary penalty. The consent order also permanently enjoins defendants from: 1) engaging in further violations, and 2) engaging in future commodity trading on behalf of themselves or others.

He was indited by grand jury in 2007, made a plea deal in 2010, but has apparently changed his mind and is looking to Heather for help.
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