Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust, Pro

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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust, Pro

Post by Jeffrey »

Oh lord that video (audio?) is graphic as hell. Uses fake names but you can tell who everyone is. Straight up accuses them of prostitution and drug dealing in Morocco among other things.

Bit of ass covering by HopeGirl to be honest, she's trying to paint it like OPPT were the bad guys and she did nothing wrong.

Essentially confirms that the QEG money went to supporting the OPPT's drug fueled sex dungeon in Morocco.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust, Pro

Post by LightinDarkness »

DailyPlanet wrote:Hopegirl cuts lose on the Magic Sex Bus Crowd
Chapter 14: The Demise of the OPPT
Published on Dec 18, 2015

This chapter of the audio book on youtube has been blocked on youtube in several countries. However you can also view it for free here: ... UxOTAzOTI0
You know, I was always joking about the magic sex bus - well mostly. I knew with these many new agers in a confined space lots of drugs/sex would happen. But it really does look like the entire thing was just taking donations for a drug-fueled orgy, from the bus tour to the Morocco thing.

Also, Hope Girl just slays me with her level of self-importance. Really, an audio book about her QEG scam? What's next, a book tour (where no one will show up)?
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust, Pro

Post by Deep Knight »

Remember the posts she made while there? Glowing over the high level of energy, etc., with videos of lightbulbs going on an people cheering?

Aouchtam Community Update: QEG, Hopegirl and more! 03/20/14

Hello all we wanted to give everyone a small breakdown of what is currently happening here in Aouchtam, Morocco! As many of you are aware you can find current information on the 5D radio network through various shows there. In addition to the shows we will also include this blog post when appropriate.

A lot of exciting things are happening here and we truly are eager with anticipation to share all our DOing and BEing with the world.

One of the most exciting things taking place right now is that we have SECURED a QEG (Quantum Energy Generator) for our residing town of Aouchtam. The QEG was funded through HopeGirl's recent campaign, to which we lent our support, to help the people of this town become energy independent as well as to help with the distribution of water, especially during the dry season which can leave the residents in a drought. To us, this serves as a proof of concept and grounding of the New Energy Paradigm for all the One People the world over.

Hope Girl announced that there had been enough donations through the Fix the World project to be able to donate a QEG, all we had to do was help get the right people and equipment to Aouchtam to have it built. No problem! Within 24 hours we had acquired more than enough to cover the travel expenses for Hope Girl and Jamie, the engineer. They needed $6460 and she was able to raise over $7800!

Dani, of Removing the Shackles, and her husband Nick, have also arrived in Aouchtam! They both share a passion for Free Energy and Sustainable Living which will harmonize well with the community here.

The Amazing Story of the QEG Build in Morocco
hopegirl2012 / June 4, 2014

QEG Morocco GroupIn a historical event unlike any other, a free energy device was crowdfunded and open sourced. Then one was donated to an impoverished village in Morocco. The Morocco QEG build was made open to the public with an invitation to anyone who was interested to come and learn how to build a QEG. Close to 80 people from 24 different countries showed up in the little village of Aouchtam Morocco for this unique event which was hosted thanks to the hard work of some of our best friends and fellow truth movement bloggers. Those attending where some of the highest caliber engineers and physicists on the planet. This is what happens when you open source and give away technology! Below is a beautiful recalling of the experience of the QEG in Morocco written by our friend and future blogger Mel B. It begins here in England where the FTW family is busy preparing for our next build and 3rd phase completion of the project. Thank you Mel for capturing the true essence of the miracles that unfolded in Morocco during this unprecedented time in our human history!


I am sat on a balcony in a quaint little village in England surrounded by exquisite greenery. The birds are chirping and on the lawn in front I can see momma horse and her little baby playing joyfully. I am feeling truly blessed that I have been invited here. Hope and her mum Val are sat to my behind in the living room working on a list of articles, uploads and data that needs to be released so that you are all up to date. Ray is out Being and Doing which he does so very well, and it is safe to say, there is a lot of work to be done; the QEG UK build requires organising. As a result, we mutually agreed that we could help to get the information out from our own perspective if we had shared that particular experience. This is where I step in as I most definitely shared the QEG Morocco experience and my oh my – what an experience it has been and continues to be.

I had visited the community in Morocco after listening to the radio shows and reading the documents. I had planned and been treated to go for two weeks with family and friends, thank you June <3 and this is a phenomenal story in itself, but most importantly, I had happened upon some of the most beautifully inspiring, caring and loving people one could wish to meet.

The morning I was to fly home I had an intense intuitive feeling that I was not meant to leave yet. I just ‘knew’ I was meant to meet the souls that would be arriving that were connected to the QEG build, and after expressing and discussing this with many, I went against my mental chatter, shouting “go home, it will cause problems and x, y and z will happen!” Instead I listened to what my heart was saying, and I stayed.

I was aware of Fix the World and the dream of their first project becoming a reality by open sourcing a free energy device and gifting it to humanity. Here, they would donate the finished QEG to the local impoverished village of Aouchtam to generate the power to pump the village water well. This was being made possible by over 600 members of the public generously donating funds through the crowd funding structure set up by Hope to demonstrate this astounding project.

I’d watched all of the community assist in many ways in the preparation and during the build. Brian Kelly worked so hard arranging accommodation for all of those that were arriving for the build, making sure everyone had a mat to sleep on, a blanket and a pillow. He also attempted to ensure the arrival of the array of parts required into a country whose customs are far more stringent than most, and far from abundant in the requisite parts. He greeted over 50 people who were soon-to-be-like family. Some had brought parts over at short notice in their suitcases which he had arranged – big shout out Brian, another remarkable being <3

All told, 75 people from 24 countries were present. The talent and passion ranged from scientists, engineers, permaculturists, agriculturists, astrophysicists, bloggers, radio hosts, professional singers and musicians, artists, former bank trade and finance, lawyers, police and military, natural physicians, alchemists, professional chefs, professional authors, alternative health experts and inventors. Over twenty different languages coming together, learning and growing together, all intent on helping birth a different earth, one far more beautiful and abundant for all. This common dream budding a bond between the entire group, that resulted in fine food, laughter, music, data exchange, expansion, bliss and love night after night. This is what happens when you opensource!!

The heart within this QEG family and their passion for this planet-changing project radiated instantly, and some serious connections were crystalised. Everybody got to work. Hope and Jamie gave presentations which will be shared, engineers watched and helped Jamie taking data and video footage. It was an absolute joy to watch the children, the up and coming generation, ranging from the age of two to age twelve, help the guys build and prepare the workshop for the QEG, and also watch its creation. Hope asked the guys what stage they were up to and Quinlan age 12 replied “they are building a light box for the spark gap.” You know those times where your eyes fill with joy? This was one of those.

Two 10-hour all round road trips, and one 2-day trip were made to pick up parts, and many obstacles were overcome daily including no internet connection 95% of the time. Everyone struggled with this, and there were many other – erm – interesting events, e.g., necessary equipment from the build going missing from the garage.

Nevertheless, on the 28th April 2014, everyone in Aouchtam Morocco who came for the build witnessed the QEG reaching resonance. Please take a look at the video posted below and you will see the excitement; quite the deal reaching that specific frequency as a necessary prerequisite to the second stage. Boy did we have a beautiful night of celebrations that night, and did I mention that Hope gobsmacked every one of us when she stood up and sang opera!! Wow!

The second part of the build had as many obstacles and hurdles and more friends arriving bringing parts in their suitcases. Many had to return home as did I, whilst Dave traded places and flew to Morocco with testing equipment and a helping hand to Jamie. (After travelling straight from Taiwan to Morocco instead of going home as was planned, and with the worst imaginable communication problems for well over a month and a much greater expense due to the lack of parts available, Jamie, Hope and Val opted for the completion of the QEG in the UK, and we are together again preparing for the build.)

And guess what…………WE REACHED OVERUNITY!!!!! On 17th May 2014 in Morocco they reached 6 times overunity, which basically meant that the machine was capable of putting out six times more than than that which was coming in, and this figure has now risen to 33 times overunity!!!!Thus FREE ENERGY IS HERE! I’m no techy but I know what the implications of this are, and I understand that the engineers are now going to have to acknowledge quantum physics in a big way!
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust, Pro

Post by DailyPlanet »

DK, thanks for adding that to the record here.

Hopegirl says now that she was never sure about OPPT and maintained a merely cordial relationship with them. But to those listening to the podcasts, they must have seemed to be all part of the same group. They promoted each other's projects very heavily. To those listening and drinking the OPPT Koolaid, it must have seem that contributing to QEG would help to support OPPT's ground-breaking New Age community in Morocco.

Later, she talks about how after OPPT failed, the OPPTers wound up sleeping on the floor of "her family's villa". The reality was that the villa was paid for by donations to the QEG scam, and OPPT's band of misfits had promoted that scam very heavily.

I think they are all very lucky that they did not wind up in a Moroccan prison for breaking laws related to drug-dealing, prostitution, or fraud. If you think I am being harsh, listen to Hopegirl's podcast.

Is there honor among thieves? It seems not. Only RVD rewards those whose scams he promotes with loyalty. He only turns on those who tell the truth about his activities
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust, Pro

Post by notorial dissent »

Tragic, just tragic I say, that one scammer should get taken advantage by another bunch of scammers, just tragic I say.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust, Pro

Post by Jeffrey »

Oh man the rest of the chapters just keep getting worse and worse. She trashes everyone and everything. She keeps complimenting herself and never admits to making any mistakes. Essentially confirms that the QEG crowdfunding money went to funding her traveling and sleeping with random men around the world (including a married man and brags about causing their divorce). Says they're now making a comfortable living teaching people how to build QEGs (even though they don't work). Either suggests or states that her marriage failed due to the QEG crap. Says she's dating a new guy but doesn't think it's weird that she's supporting him financially.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust, Pro

Post by Deep Knight »

My biggest disappointment about the OPAL Tour is they never made the movie/video they promised. I had popped popcorn, gotten a giant soda, but it was never posted. And I had also stolen, er, written some music for the soundtrack. Here are the lyrics.

Magical Sex-Bus Tour

Pay up, pay up for the Magical Sex-Bus Tour!
Pay up, pay up for the Magical Sex-Bus Tour!
This is an invitation
To make a big donation
The Magical Sex-Bus Tour is waiting to take your money away!
Hoping to take it away, take it today!


Day after day, alone on the web
Heather is writing Courtesy Notices to keep her well fed
But nobody wants to accept them
Though they see the governments have been foreclosed
And they never give an answer
But the fools in the courts
Will let you access your value real soon
And the OPPT filings you make
Will spell the NWO doom!

Well on the way, Heather in Morocco
Tells you Aouchtam is the place you must go
But nobody seems to hear her
Or the filing she seems to make
So we need an OPAL tour
‘Cause those fools on the hills
Don’t see the legal grounds
And the eyes in their heads
Don’t see the QEG spinning ‘round!

She never listens to them
She can see that they’re just fools
So she’ll publish another notice
But the those fools on the hills
Don’t see the legal grounds
And the eyes in their heads
Don’t see the QEG spinning ‘round!


There’s an RV dealer in LA
Who will send us on our way
With reconditioned motor coaches they say
From a lot on Bluejay Way.

Please don’t be long
Please don’t you be very long
For I need a place to sleep

Well it only goes to show
You can tell them how to go
And legal theories they don’t know
Our crowdfunding account will grow

Please don’t be long
Please don’t you be very long
For I need a place to sleep

When I get a roving bed you know
That I’d really like to go
Many new lovers will show
And the OPAL Tour will grow

Please don't be long please don't you be very long
Please don't be long
Please don't be long please don't you be very long
Please service Bob's dong
It's not long, it's not very long, it's not long
Do be long, do be long, do be long


Let’s all get out and fix the brakes on a van
That was built before your mother was born
Though she was born a long, long time ago
This RV should go (go, go)
This RV should go (go-oh)
Fix it again


I do be as you do be the OPPT
And we do be together
See how they run like things out your bum
See how I AM
I’m crying

Sitting in a parking lot, waiting for the van to run
Only got a t-shirt, broken down since Tuesday
Man you been a naughty boy, you took her knickers down
The will of I AM: now, all I AM, be and do I AM!!!
The work of I AM: I AM!!
Goo goo goo joob

Mister City Policeman sitting
Wonders why we’re at the Walmart at night
See how they fly like Lucy in the sky, see how they run
I'm crying, I'm crying

Yellow matter custard, made by our gourmet chef
Crabalocker fishsticks, OPPT priestess
Man you are a naughty girl, please take your knickers down
The will of I AM: now, all I AM, be and do I AM!!!
The work of I AM: I AM!!
Goo goo goo job

Expert sexting, choking pot smokers
Don't you think the government’s watching you? (Ha ha ha! He he he! Ha ha ha!)
See how we smell like pigs in a sty, see how we lied
I'm crying

Lisa Harrison, climbing up the Eiffel Tower
Brian Kelly, singing Hare Krishna
Man you should have seen them kicking Kiri Campbell
If she was here Bob would take her knickers down
I am Heather Tucci-Jarraf, they are Doing and Being
The will of I AM: now, all I AM, be and do I AM!!!
The work of I AM: I AM!!
Goo goo goo job
Goo goo goo joob goo goo goo joob
Goo gooooooooooo jooba jooba jooba jooba jooba jooba
Jooba jooba
Jooba jooba
Jooba jooba

With all due apologies to John, Paul, George and Ringo. If you're not familiar with the Beatles this won't make sense, but then again, what about OPPT does?
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust, Pro

Post by Burnaby49 »

Damn you Deep Knight! Now I can't get The Fool On The Hill out of my mind. DAMN YOU!
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust, Pro

Post by notorial dissent »

Sounds like the old scorned lover routine to me.

Truly a loss to the generations DK.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust, Pro

Post by DailyPlanet »

Awesome start, DK.

Don't forget that Hopegirl can sing operatic style.
Maybe you can add in some clips from Queen of the Night

Or maybe this one:

Caught on a landscape
No escape from reality
I'm Easy come, Easy go
A little high, a little low...
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust, Pro

Post by Jeffrey »

OPPT fallout continues, Hopegirl has been promoting this blog post with lurid tales of lesbian intrigue over in Morocco: ... one-thing/
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust, Pro

Post by LightinDarkness »

I can't help but wonder whether all this "insight" into OPPT is a way for Hope Girl et. al. to focus more attention on themselves. They know the only success they ever had in milking donations out of prosperity cultists was when they were with the OPPT. They now think by focusing on the OPPT they will get some of the spotlight back on them to get more money.

But there is a flaw in that thinking: OPPT was only popular because it offered free money. This is not offering free money, and thus their attempts to get more attention will fail. The people dumb enough to fall for the OPPT and give them money years ago have moved on to new prosperity scams (COLB, Hendo Henderson, etc.).
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust, Pro

Post by wserra »

For the recent posts concerning Tucci-Jarraf's money-laundering indictment, go here.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust, Pro

Post by DailyPlanet »

She tried to start a New "Prosperity" Religion, and what happened? (when it proved to be a scam)

Heather Ann Tucci Jarraf Sentenced FINAL!

Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf sentenced to 57 months of BEing and DOing in the federal slammer (

> ... months_of/
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust, Pro

Post by DailyPlanet »

Well-known 'sovereign citizen' sentenced in federal bank fraud case in Knoxville
Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf believes her imprisonment will amount to a "hostage situation."

The former prosecutor turned evangelist for the so-called sovereign citizens movement said as much Tuesday before U.S. District Judge Tom Varlan sentenced her to serve 4 years and 9 months in prison for conspiring to launder money. Her sentence will be followed by two years of supervised release.

A jury in Knoxville found Tucci-Jarraf guilty of the federal charge in February. Authorities say she counseled Randall Keith Beane while he used electronic sleight-of-hand to rip off a bank to the tune of millions of dollars.

Beane also was convicted of conspiracy to launder money as well as wire fraud; his sentencing is set for July 24.

At her three-hour-long sentencing hearing, Tucci-Jarraf gave a 45-minute speech during which she repeatedly denied the jurisdiction of the judge, used terms like "collusion" and "foreign actors," cited convoluted legal documents, and portrayed herself as a bold truth-teller being persecuted for working to expose the alleged corruption within the U.S. banking system.

"I'm the one voice they don't want heard," she said of the Federal Reserve.

Prosecutors accused Tucci-Jarraf — who has a sizable following online, where she's often referred to by her initials, HATJ — of merely seeking fame. They pushed for a longer sentence, citing the need to deter others, like Beane, from following her advice to commit fraud.

"This is not a vast conspiracy," Assistant U.S. Attorney Cynthia Davidson said. "The defendant is not a martyr."

> ... 793925002/
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust, Pro

Post by CrankyBoomer »

It would appear the dishonourable lady known as "Hope Girl" is still "at it" with a fair amount of woo crossover (she's also got a channel about 'targeted individuals' and is also mentioning 'satanic ritual abuse'). I know she has her own thread but that doesn't appear to have been used for some years.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust, Pro

Post by notorial dissent »

HopeGirl is if anything worse than HAT in my opinion, and has more than a few screws loose. Channel doesn't seem to be there anymore.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust, Pro

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

CrankyBoomer wrote: Thu Mar 19, 2020 9:44 am I know she has her own thread but that doesn't appear to have been used for some years.
A lot of that would probably be down to her con being reported on Hoaxtead, as she has indeed been very active over the last few years, and a lot of people here visiting there for their Hoax Girl fix. Like most if these idiots selling the same thing there is plenty of crossover but it's probably time to resurrect her thread.

One of her most recent YT's has been the Targeted Individuals Evidence Channel.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust, Pro

Post by notorial dissent »

HoaxGirl does have quite a whine going on there, poor poor picked on her. I didn't pay enough attention to Hoaxtead to know she was there, I can't say I 'm surprised. With her past I 'm not surprised that she has branched out to other levels of cray cray.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust, Pro

Post by Gregg »

She should have plenty of coin after developing the Queeg or whatever she called her perpetual motion generator.
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