Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust, Pro

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by Burnaby49 »

Bentoverbackwards wrote:It seems that you are under the impression that I am promoting the oppt here, even though my original post on this thread said something completely different, explaining that I was very leery of this, and had seen lots of information about it but only on oppt's sites. I thought it was a little Peculier that there wasn't more discussion, and I literally typed in oppt along side other words like scam, hoax, fraud, etc; internet for to find out if there was any disagreement with these people. that was what landed me here in the first place. I mention that I had also been to ATS, which band talking about the oppt although they are still criticizing it there. I simply pointed out that you haven't shown anything to debunk the oppt. it still looks to me as if we could take it how we want to, as simply a vehicle for change.
I do believe this is a biased format for discussion however, not nearly as bad as over at ATS, but I figure if I sit back and give you time it will also decay to that level here also. it's apparent though, ridiculing this is your main priority rather than actually finding out more about it. I am seeing derogatory comments toward folks that oppose your opinions.
you guys actually make Fox News look fair & balanced, but it's youre site, so go ahead & carry on!
We had exactly the same progression from Searcher (Seeker? forgotten already) before he got HickHammered. Initially he was just asking for information about some sovereign positions he was apparently intrigued with but sceptical about, just a guy looking for the truth. However he ignored the responses and instead spewed out gibberish supporting the positions he was purporting to question. This guy won't respond with facts, Searcher responded with faked quotes, same thing.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Maybe "bent" and "searcher" are the same? Their writing styles -- such as they are -- closely resemble each other.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools

Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by Bentoverbackwards »

Oh, bummer... You guys see right thru my sinister plot, making this no fun anymore.

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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by Thule »

Bentoverbackwards wrote:I was looking for something negative about oppt, because of their amazing claims, and too good to be true promises, a
And you've found it. They make outlandish claims with no basis in the real world.

If you don't consider that "something negative", I have a couple of bridges I'm considering selling.
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by Deep Knight »

Let's face it, we've been made for the fear merchants that we are. I for one am tired of all the lies, so let me lay it on the line.

Of course we're trying to thwart the 10 billion dollars in gold and silver all Americans will get from being delivered. It's our job. We're evil members of the New World Illuminati Dark Agenda and that's how we roll. Mocking 200 plus tons of precious metal being delivered to each house is only one way we install fear and prevent everyone from becoming fabulously rich, never having to work again, being able to buy lots of things, and have a huge house staffed with a hundred servants. Everyone. Even those foreigners would get 5 billion dollars each, well, those that survive the purges. But they won't because we're thwarting it 24/7 and it will never happen. Look at our 100% successful record over the years, not one single prosperity program ever paid out. So none of it's gonna happen, ever. Well, except for the purges.
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by LaVidaRoja »

Minor, MINOR detail that might have escaped you----If EVERYBODY has 100 million dollars, who will you hire to do your yard-work? (or, as Gilbert & Sullivan put it "If everybody's somebody, than no one's anybody.") And BTW, they said that over 100 years ago!
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by notorial dissent »

Yep, if everyone is a bazillionaire then things are no different than they are now, except that you have a lot of paper you don't have room for or a lot of heavy metal with no place to put it. Yeah, I know, details details, and reality gets in the way of a really mediocre con.
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by ashlynne39 »

Bentoverbackwards wrote:It seems that you are under the impression that I am promoting the oppt here, even though my original post on this thread said something completely different, explaining that I was very leery of this, and had seen lots of information about it but only on oppt's sites. I thought it was a little Peculier that there wasn't more discussion, and I literally typed in oppt along side other words like scam, hoax, fraud, etc; internet for to find out if there was any disagreement with these people. that was what landed me here in the first place. I mention that I had also been to ATS, which band talking about the oppt although they are still criticizing it there. I simply pointed out that you haven't shown anything to debunk the oppt. it still looks to me as if we could take it how we want to, as simply a vehicle for change.
I do believe this is a biased format for discussion however, not nearly as bad as over at ATS, but I figure if I sit back and give you time it will also decay to that level here also. it's apparent though, ridiculing this is your main priority rather than actually finding out more about it. I am seeing derogatory comments toward folks that oppose your opinions.
you guys actually make Fox News look fair & balanced, but it's youre site, so go ahead & carry on!

Oh bs. Its the ones who say "I'm just trying to learn" or "I don't believe it but was just curious" or the like who are shills for this sort of thing so let's cut through the bs and be honest. Your posts, clever as you may think they are, reveal you for what you are. All in, a true believer, looking for free money and so willing to jump on the bandwagon of whatever scam comes along. No it isn't fear on our part or f9r that matter merely skepticism. What it is -- is a group of people who have studied these types of scams, the types of people who run the scams, and the utter idiots and greedy people who are sucked into them. Guess what, they are all similar and this is just new people and a new name but same as the last chapter.
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by ashlynne39 »

Burnaby49 wrote:
Bentoverbackwards wrote:It seems that you are under the impression that I am promoting the oppt here, even though my original post on this thread said something completely different, explaining that I was very leery of this, and had seen lots of information about it but only on oppt's sites. I thought it was a little Peculier that there wasn't more discussion, and I literally typed in oppt along side other words like scam, hoax, fraud, etc; internet for to find out if there was any disagreement with these people. that was what landed me here in the first place. I mention that I had also been to ATS, which band talking about the oppt although they are still criticizing it there. I simply pointed out that you haven't shown anything to debunk the oppt. it still looks to me as if we could take it how we want to, as simply a vehicle for change.
I do believe this is a biased format for discussion however, not nearly as bad as over at ATS, but I figure if I sit back and give you time it will also decay to that level here also. it's apparent though, ridiculing this is your main priority rather than actually finding out more about it. I am seeing derogatory comments toward folks that oppose your opinions.
you guys actually make Fox News look fair & balanced, but it's youre site, so go ahead & carry on!
We had exactly the same progression from Searcher (Seeker? forgotten already) before he got HickHammered. Initially he was just asking for information about some sovereign positions he was apparently intrigued with but sceptical about, just a guy looking for the truth. However he ignored the responses and instead spewed out gibberish supporting the positions he was purporting to question. This guy won't respond with facts, Searcher responded with faked quotes, same thing.

If it is searcher maybe he can respond to the question I asked after he was banned about where his quote came from. I'm still guessing made up as with everything else but still curious
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by LightinDarkness »

I'm going to be honest. I think its beyond insane to ask us to provide proof that thhe OPPT scam is just that- a scam. The burden of proof is on the believers of the OPPT. We can't debunk something that doesn't exist, its like demanding us to prove unicorns are not real. OPPT is simply a stack of meaningless paper written up by a few delusional people. There is nothing for us to debunk because it hasn't done anything - but it can't do anything, being legal gibberish and all.

Its up to true believers to prove it actually can do something. It should be the easiest thing in the world to do. If OPPT is true, then provide any of the following (any of these should be easy - since OPPT promises all of them and says all of these things are in place):

- Pictures of the $5 billion in gold bullion sent to you or anyone in the world. Or maybe you believe they just haven't gotten around to sending it to you yet. Then picture of the warehouse where they store the billion will do. I should mention that OPPT promises more money to each and every person than has ever existed, and has promised more gold than actually exists - far more gold than has been mined from the beginning of time until now.

- We've been told the magical "common law" is now in place and everyone is sovereign. OK. Find a course case where someone presented the OPPT gibberish paperwork and then the case was dismissed since the "common law" was in place. Any case from any court anywhere in the world will do. I say "common law" because the real common law is not what OPPT says it is, nor is it what most believers think it is.

- We'll also accept a video of you or anyone else doing things not against the "common law" (the magical non-existent common law as defined by OPPT) but against statute (AKA real) law in front of the police. You should feel free to go down to your local police station with your camera and record yourself doing pot (if your in a state where its illegal) or anything like that in front of a police officer. Since the magical common law is in place, they should just watch you and wish you a good day since you are now immune from those terrible statute laws.

All of this should be VERY easy and take VERY little time. And since OPPT is real, you don't even have to do it, I am SURE there are thousands of youtube videos already showing people doing these things. Just link 1 here. Just one.

We'll wait.
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by LightinDarkness »

By the way...maybe I am reading things wrong...and I probably am because this is most odd: on ATS it appears as though SkepticOverlord is actually participating in the debunking in the most recent OPPT thread. This is quite unusual because SkepticOverlord makes his living off peddling conspiracies - he makes big bucks off ATS - and its not in his interest to do ANYTHING which debunks the fruitcakes on his own forums.

That means OPPT is so far out crazy that even the Maestro of conspiracy mongering himself is debunking. Which means OPPT is a whole new level of crazy. In that thread SkepticOverlord even says in response to a OPPT true believer:
I have no idea what you're pushing other than typical mortgage/currency nonsense typical of these OPPT Sovereign misinformed types.
I want everyone to stop and note the time, because this is conspiracy mongering history in the making.
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by JamesVincent »

LightinDarkness wrote: its like demanding us to prove unicorns are not real.
LIES!!! I guess you're gonna tell me Santy Claus isn't real too huh.....
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by Crakeur »

BoB sounds a hell of a lot like fourthmeal who was posting over at ATS until he realized that the entire TOPPT game was debunked.

As to the site, which I am an admin, making fortunes for anyone, rest assured, that is very far from the truth.
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by wserra »

LightinDarkness wrote:Looking at the usual bats**t crazy forums, I am seeing a new NESARA style make-believe free money scam come up: "The One Peoples Public Trust" (website:
Over in the Sovrun forum, we're discussing the beat-down a disciple of these guys is taking.
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by Deep Knight »

Great stuff. I also LOVE the term "Gibberish Blizzard" and need to write a fan letter to Judge Leighton.
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by LightinDarkness »

Deep Knight wrote:Great stuff. I also LOVE the term "Gibberish Blizzard" and need to write a fan letter to Judge Leighton.
Sometimes I wonder whether stuff like TOPPT are made up by skeptics and trolling us all. I mean, the entire concept from the start is the equivalent of legal gibberish. But with TOPPT, its beginning to get out there beyond even the insanity of NESARA. Heather, the ex-lawyer who filed all this non-sense, is weaving an epic story about how all the gold will go to the trustees (her!) so she can fight the evil gubment, and how she is at war with extra terrestrials who are of course trying to stop her from bringing down the evil gubment. I know you cant diagnose people over the internet, but if she isn't acting then it seriously sounds like shes becoming mentally ill at this point.

I find it very hard to believe that once we get into fighting with aliens that there are still people who believe this complete BS, but if the blogs and websites are any clue and they aren't all trolls...we still have true believers hanging on to this one. It could very well be the next NESARA.
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by LightinDarkness »

As an example of the insanity lets look at this round table crackpot discussion including Heather herself: ... deos-mp3s/

She makes such insane statements as "the uniform commercial code is the supreme international law, everything is under it" and "when you go to court they tell you it doesn't apply but if you look at a criminal complaint it says universal criminal code which is the UCC." She also explained the legal woo magic of the OPPT by saying that by registering everyone on earth as a BEING under "THE SOURCE" (aka what she calls God), "the system" just automatically collapsed! Poof!

Now, from what I can tell looking at the Washington State bar this crackpot voluntarily gave up her law license, so at one point she was smart enough to go to law school and pass the Washington state bar (of course some states are much easier than others...). She KNOWS its complete and utter non-sense that the UCC is the supreme law of anything.
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by Burnaby49 »

LightinDarkness wrote:
Deep Knight wrote:Great stuff. I also LOVE the term "Gibberish Blizzard" and need to write a fan letter to Judge Leighton.
Sometimes I wonder whether stuff like TOPPT are made up by skeptics and trolling us all. I mean, the entire concept from the start is the equivalent of legal gibberish. But with TOPPT, its beginning to get out there beyond even the insanity of NESARA. Heather, the ex-lawyer who filed all this non-sense, is weaving an epic story about how all the gold will go to the trustees (her!) so she can fight the evil gubment, and how she is at war with extra terrestrials who are of course trying to stop her from bringing down the evil gubment. I know you cant diagnose people over the internet, but if she isn't acting then it seriously sounds like shes becoming mentally ill at this point.

I find it very hard to believe that once we get into fighting with aliens that there are still people who believe this complete BS, but if the blogs and websites are any clue and they aren't all trolls...we still have true believers hanging on to this one. It could very well be the next NESARA.
I other words, another potential Dove in the making. Dove's last reports had evolved from mundane conspiracy theories against Bush to a fleet of thousands of space ships circling earth and her personal battle against an evil alien commander. She also moved from postcard campaigns to the World Court to her purported attempt to get control of all the world's gold so that she could use it to trigger NESARA (actually way more than all the gold in the world, she claimed that the official numbers were lies and the Illuminatti had massive hidden gold reserves. Maybe Gregg or DK can confirm the Illuminatti holdings). She seemed, no matter how much she piled it on, to have a large dedicated group of true believers. Dove's last posting is shown below. Are Heather's any less credible?

[doveofo] Possible Prevention of Earth Changes
May 18, 2010 8:30 pm PDT

Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,


About six weeks ago, the government interfered with our website as they have other times in the past. No one could get to our website for a few weeks. Then we were able to get the problem fixed.

Our website is still up today – I just checked it.

I did not do a Dove Report in April 2010 because I have been working non-stop talking with the Pleiadian commander who has been betraying us. He has realized that he is at risk of his own death unless he does the right things before the end of May, 2010.


Now the Pleiadian commander knows that he must go into a clinic which will give him therapy to clean up his aura which has turned black over the years. He also found out that he must request a replacement team for himself and seven huge Pleiadian ships to surround the Earth and move it to its correct orbit to prevent the earth changes.

I will have proof if he does this and he is claiming he will do it this coming week.

If you have a telescope and watch the stars, you may see when the earth changes its position. It will be further from the sun after the orbit is fixed. Earth changes are currently expected the first week of June 2010.

The Pleiadian commander has learned the Prime Creator has a monitor on if/when the earth changes begin. Then the Prime Creator will arrive within 10 minutes and destroy the males responsible for allowing the earth changes to happen. The Pleiadian commander was told the Prime Creator would never check on the mission, but now he knows he will be killed if he does the wrong things.

The Prime Creator has created about 50 Universes including this one and the Prime Creator has been taking the “male power hierarchies” out of power because the males do not take good care of their responsibilities so they are losing their power and will be killed when they do the wrong things.

For example, the Sirian ETs are lying to Sheldan and the world. They plan to pick up healthy, under 30 years old people to put into suspended animation to use for good DNA when the Sirian ETs need new DNA for their race.

They are trying to get good DNA from humans the same as the grey ETs have been. Not all ETs in this universe are good.

I am hoping the right things get done this week. I will have physical proof if they do. I will let you know.

NESARA will be announced if we avoid earth changes. NESARA now!

Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
Executive Director
International NESARA Take Action Teams
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by Gregg »

Maybe Gregg or DK can confirm the Illuminatti holdings
Not my department, all I know of is the 7 tons of platinum in my basement next to the canned food.
But, as Supreme Commander of the Imperial Illuminati Air Force, I do know how many black helicopters are operational, where the chemtrails are being deployed today and the location of the cargo planes staged to take people to the FEMA camps.
Supreme Commander of The Imperial Illuminati Air Force
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by Burnaby49 »

Gregg wrote:
Maybe Gregg or DK can confirm the Illuminatti holdings
Not my department, all I know of is the 7 tons of platinum in my basement next to the canned food.

But, as Supreme Commander of the Imperial Illuminati Air Force, I do know how many black helicopters are operational, where the chemtrails are being deployed today and the location of the cargo planes staged to take people to the FEMA camps.
Well next time you're chowing down on pizza with your Luminate buddies over at Argillite just slip the question in casually "How much gold do we have in reserve by the way? Anybody want to split another Triple Cheese?".
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".