Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust, Pro

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Admiral of the Quatloosian Seas
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Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust, Pro

Post by LightinDarkness »

Looking at the usual bats**t crazy forums, I am seeing a new NESARA style make-believe free money scam come up: "The One Peoples Public Trust" (website:

From what I can tell, it looks like another NESARA style fake prosperity fund. This time, someone claims that due to foreclosure fraud, magical money in the amount $5 billion per PERSON (minimum) is right around the corner. This new fake fund however is sort of like the Granddaddy of prosperity/sovereign woo built all into one - it looks like its taken: sovereign citizen mythology and prosperity fund mythology and combined it into one ultra-insane conspiracy dogma. I thought I'd heard the most insane stuff in this area until stumbling across this one.

The head of this latest prosperity fund scam is someone called "Heather Tucci-Jarraf" - not sure if its any relation, but there DOES appear to be someone by that name actually practicing law. I wonder if this is like the Dragon Family lawsuit - some real lawyer who lost connection with reality and is now embracing their delusions?

The conspiracy web is getting very excited over this, see this thread at ATS where the tin foil hat oeioke were cheering that they would all be getting their $5 billion soon and that all the evil bankers were going to be taken down by the all-powerful "Common Law.":

What I don't get is why people keep on believing this stuff. How many promises of unlimited money/arresting everyone conspiracy theorists don't like have we had over the past few years? NESARA, St. Germain, etc...and what drives the people who make this stuff up? Is it just the attention?
notorial dissent
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by notorial dissent »

Yep, real genuine sovrun UCC jibber jabber, and not worth the paper wasted printing it.

It would appear that the three principals are involved in a trucking company out of Gig Harbor, WA, and that Heather may be an attorney located there. Whether they are actually serious about this or just running an elaborate leg pull is yet to be determined, but it definitely has the true believers all stirred up.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
Admiral of the Quatloosian Seas
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by LightinDarkness »

Yeah I'm pretty sure this one falls into the camp of: not only do they believe it, but they are either mentally ill or making up delusions of grandeur to feed the conspiracy idiots.

I listened to the first 20 minutes of a 2 hour (!) "interview" with the supposed lawyer, Heather Tucci, and she goes into yet another fantastical conspiracy story of adventure where she heroically uncovers the international corrupt banker conspiracy and then serves "notice" on the UN, Rothschilds, Bush, Clinton, etc. and then claims to "foreclose" on "private debt systems." Shes weaving a fantastical story about how she was wined and dined by the Rothschilds and they offered her a "bank manager" but she (oh so brave, isn't she) didn't take it and issued "notice" to all the Evil Powers That Be that she was going to shut them down on July 4, 2012! Interestingly, the interviewer doesn't inquire why here we are in 2013 and nothing has changed.

She might have been a practicing attorney at one time, but shes drunk so much of the wacko kool-aid that whatever caliber attorney she now long gone. I wonder if we could find if she was disbarred for acting insane or actually gave up her license and otherwise had a good record at the time...
Admiral of the Quatloosian Seas
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by LightinDarkness » ... r_ID=30281

Looks like she did in fact give up the license...which may have been wise, I'm pretty sure promoting this kind of legal insanity is against any bar associations code of conduct.
notorial dissent
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by notorial dissent »

Well, since she, and the other two principals, are all listed as being involved in the trucking company there, leaves some serious questions about how well they are playing by the rules, since that is usually one of the whackadooster's prime weirdnesses having to do with driving and Federal oversight.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by Deep Knight »

Very Big Numbers, are, well, very big numbers. The very big number bantered about is in these documents is 35 with 17 zeros dollars, and there are apparently two funds of this size. From the first, everyone in the world get $5 billion in gold & silver each, which unfortunately is only enough for 700 million people, so I guess there was a math error somewhere or 90% of the world's population is gonna have to be eliminated first. Then, there's another fund of the same size (what are the odds) for the US only, to the tune of the same $5 billion, so I guess we all get $10 billion. In gold and silver. Except for your fools who hate freedom so much you weren't born in the US who only get $5 billion. I told you it would cost you someday.

Gold is worth a lot more, and more dense, than silver, so let's say for the purposes of mocking such big numbers that everything is in more-easily-stored gold. That would be 6.8 billion cubic meters of the shiny yellow metal, each cubic meter weighing over 20 tons and worth over a billion dollars. Before you start asking how your house's front step is gonna support the 200 tons of gold you'll be getting in the mail (more if some of it is Silver), ask where it's being hid now. That's a block of gold over a mile on each side, a bit big for most banks, or even a million banks. Then there's transport, everyone in the world gets over 100 tons of metal shipped to them. Might take a bit of time, especially as shipment personnel would no doubt quit when they got theirs.

But it doesn't matter, it's a Very Big Number and it means that soon everyone on Earth will live a life of luxury with huge estates, hundreds of servants, and fleets of very big cars. In fact, your next car will be 10 billion feet long, reach a top speed of 10 million miles an hour, and corner on a dime!

But Bone75 at ATS sees a fly in the ointment.

Definitely a step in the right direction, but let me ask all of you a serious question....

So it would appear that we are all owed $5,000,000,000 worth of silver and gold, and that all forms of currency are illegal (personally, I love the concept), but tell me this...

If we were all billionaires, just what is that you have, that you think you would be willing to trade for a piece of gold or silver?
What about "It's gold and silver!" doesn't this fool understand. Of course gold will always be valued, even if you have 200 tons of it stuffed in the mattress. I mean, it's gold and silver! It's legal money! BY LAW people have to sell you stuff for it! Case closed!
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by Gregg »

Except for your fools who hate freedom so much you weren't born in the US who only get $5 billion. I told you it would cost you someday.
Just out of idle curiosity, do they have Obama down for $5Bn or $10Bn?
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by fortinbras »

Another document from these same people: ... t-No-2.pdf

and this, apparently, is how this new scam is reported among NESARA followers: ... ful-money/

As if you needed to be told, their 'legal documents' are totally amateurish.

The name of the first signer is given as Caleb Paul Skinner. So far I haven't found out anything about him, assuming that's his real name. Ditto for the third signer, Hollis Randall Hilner.
But for the middle signer - Heather Ann Tucci-Jaffar - found this unpublished federal case about a mortgage: ... 175048/15/
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by Deep Knight »

MacHaffie posted the same screed as the "lightworker" post, with some interesting comments. There is a droning on-and-on 2.5 hour "video" too.

Sunday, January 6, 2013
BREAKING NEWS: Abundance For All Is Upon Us!

Abundance For All Is Upon Us!BREAKING NEWS: Abundance For All Is Upon Us!
Last updated on January 6, 2013 at 12:00 am EDT by in5d Alternative News

A banking fraud investigator has confirmed that foreclosure has been completed on the Federal Reserve and the BIS, which ultimately will create abundance for every person on this planet in many different ways.
Please find the time to check out this video which will fill you in on the details!

Those who have been following in5d already know about a rare, astrological alignment that we're experiencing (Pluto in Capricorn) which we haven't seen since the American Revolution in 1776. Pluto is known as the destroyer as it tears down everything that needs to be rebuilt.
This news fits perfectly within our current timeframe and will literally launch us into the Age of Aquarius in the blink of an eye!

Just yesterday, the following news headline appeared: Italy blocks Vatican credit card payments over financial transparency concerns
We've all seen the plethora of bank officials who have jumped ship recently. It's all adding up in our favor. Unfortunately, there are a few within the Bush faction who do not want to relinquish control, but there is nothing they can do at this point other than try to maintain the facade of control that they no longer have.

Stay tuned, the ride has just begun!

Posted by John MacHaffie at 9:24 AM


Dan January 6, 2013 10:58 AM
Is it TRUE that the Hague has been Foreclosed Upon?
So the the Sovereignty Notices of the 30+ USA States are NOW SEIZED UPON and therefore We The People are property of The One People's Public Trust?

Anonymous January 6, 2013 11:42 AM
The ride has begun allright! The total destruction of the U.S. and the Constitution. The only ride awaiting you is a bus trip to the nearest FEMA camp.

Anonymous January 6, 2013 1:34 PM
Same shit different shiter! She didn't answer one direct question. She claims we are all free but we have to learn how to free ourselves(dua).If they are all ready beat'n why doesn't she have access to their most powerful tool T.V. If these criminals are being arrested why not their partners in crime the news anchors? Why mix the U.C.C. in with natural law? Just another distraction. The majority of the sheepel won't know what happened if We did succeed they will follow whoever the supper bowl half time commercial tells them to follow. "People get the government they deserve"And so do I. Unfortunately there's nowhere on this planet I can go to get a government I deserve.

Anonymous January 6, 2013 2:05 PM
I've listened to this and she is evasive of every question put to her! She is watergateing on her answers which makes her not credible!

Anonymous January 6, 2013 2:16 PM
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by Deep Knight »

OK, all you lightworkers get in a circle facing each other, ready, aim, and fire!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Subj: casper 1-7-13

There are many subjects worthy of attention right now and several recent weeks of events which WE could discuss but one current event takes precedence in our opinion so we will limit this update to this one very important subject.

New ‘players’ have appeared on the scene since last we wrote. I refer to The One Peoples Public Trust (TOPPT) folks, related announcements, audio interviews available at Rumor Mill News and subsequent ‘public’ conversation discussing the relevance from Prosperity Program Participants point of view. On the surface of it what their Trustee ‘Heather’ and other Trustees Randall and Caleb appear to have done and/or are attempting to do would certainly appear at first glance to be in the best interest of all Americans who wish to see an end to the ‘Corporation’, the Federal Reserve, the corrupt Cabal of Bankers and Politicians and an end to their use of the Legal Fictions known as our ‘Straw Man/Woman’ as the Capital Basis of the Corporation. And a return to Constitutional Law immediately and bad guys arrested and/or sent to the Hague and we are FREE and we all live happily ever after. What’s not to like? Would this not seem to be, if accurate and true, worthy of new history books praising those who have accomplished these things on behalf of all of us?

WE don’t profess to know what is accurate and true and what is not.

WE do have questions and observations and a report to make to those of you who have counted on us to bring you the current news and the best truth available as best we can identify it, all within our twenty year old caveat which says “WE don’t know everything”. And since WE don’t know everything but agree with those who are saying publically that we (we the people) have a right to know what is actually going on, then, on behalf of the several tens of thousands who follow our updates and the several hundred thousand who have an equity interest in the truth, THE WHOLE TRUTH, we address the following questions to TOPPT on our collective behalf.

Heather, if I may address you this way, are you using your real name? I ask because there is a rumor overseas that you are Chinese.

Have you and your allies been obstructing the funding/delivery of the Prosperity Programs for the last two years with the continuous filing of various claims and/or documents? Are you continuing to obstruct PP Deliveries with recent filings?

Are you co-operating with or in any way involved with the OITC? With ‘Whistleblower’?

Are you and your allies attempting to control and/or direct the ‘Collateral Accounts’?

You and one of those interviewing you (‘D’/Removing The Shackles) say the Fed is down, was taken over or whatever, October 24, 2012. There is no public sign of this. Sources at UST say no, Bernanke is still scheduled to testify before Congress next month (regular schedule), Regional Fed Bank Presidents are continuing to make speeches as recently as this weekend just ended, the St Louis Region President (Bullard) spoke openly this weekend about continuing to print money, the Fed is using thin air e-currency to buy 85 Billion of U.S. Sovereign and Agency Bonds each month, associated Central Banks (ECB, Bk England, Bk Japan) are continuing massive printing and distribution as announced publically by the various governments, in short the funny money funding of the hopelessly corrupt Status Quo continues without interruption with no visible sign that the Fed or the Corporation have any intention of changing their stripes. What are we missing/not seeing?

Why are your various documents virtually impossible to access, impossible to download/print or to forward and in many instances virtually unreadable? Do you intend to offer them in a more accessible way?

Our sources at the Hague say there have been no arrest, no one has been delivered there (you said 77 I think, or was it ‘D’ who said that)? Our Court Sources say they do not have the authority to arrest anyone in the U.S.. Why are they contradicting your reporting?

Over two decades WE have developed many sources in Law Enforcement, Marshalls Service, Military, Agencies, etc. all of which say they know of no unusual arrest going on now or in recent months. These arrest reports began 90 or so days ago and during that time WE have not been able to confirm any arrest other than those considered ‘normal’ as reported in the MSM. Why do you suppose none can confirm these 3 months of arrest reports?

We hear, again from overseas, that a scheduled meeting with attorneys investigating your claims and documents, scheduled later this week, has been cancelled by you or your attorneys. Why? You have made a very big deal of ‘transparency’ and expressed several times your willingness to answer questions. Have you changed your mind?

You said you have met WONG. Are you in any way involved with Wong and his recent delaying tactics?

I do hope you will see fit to answer these questions publically Heather. You have everyone’s attention here and ‘over there’. Many thousands of people have many many years and untold difficulties invested. If you and yours are ‘Wheeling and Dealing’ as interviewer ‘D’ asked, the people have a right to know don’t you think? If you have, over time, filed documents and continue to file documents which have the net effect of delaying deliveries, the people have a right to know don’t you think? If you are attempting to insert yourself into the twenty plus year old affairs of others regarding their funding and delivery the people have a right to know don’t you think?

WE (which means myself and those associated with me) much prefer to believe your description of your activities as delivered by you verbally (since we are unable to access the posted documents even after disabling security and fire walls, not even with adobe). But WE can’t help but wonder why it has been made so difficult to access and assess your documents? What a tremendous accomplishment it will be if in fact you have led ‘we the people’ in a successful assault upon the corrupt establishment resulting in the demise of the Corporation and our ‘Straw Man’. A new group of ‘Founding Fathers’ and new history books.

Will you please address specifically Heather the rumors, stories and/or accusations that TOOPT is involved in delaying deliveries to Program Participants.

Thank you very much.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 8:13 PM

32 comments: (only a few shown here)

Anonymous January 7, 2013 8:32 PM

Anonymous January 7, 2013 9:39 PM
well, how does he get that Heather is Chinese? She didn't sound Chinese to me but I suppose she could be. The only thing that resonated is that no, it doesn't seem like anyone has been arrested or that they are threatened in any way. That part I have questioned myself. Geez, what a cess pool.

Maddtom January 7, 2013 9:53 PM
Casper are you a Cheney stooge? Are you sanctioned by the Texas camp? What is really your story?

Anonymous January 7, 2013 11:21 PM
What's the fuss? If she's not legit, she would fizzle out. Why is everyone up in arms????
She must be stepping on some toes because I hear a lot of OUCH's :)

Anonymous January 8, 2013 1:16 PM
OMG when are we going to get the truth? can anyone tell the truth? how could we ever know?

Anonymous January 8, 2013 10:45 AM
Much of what Heather said reminded me of some of the things Dove Of Oneness said. And Dove, sadly, turned out to be so very much wongly informed. All her claims about people in Orange County, CA having their mortgages forgiven, and all those stories about people having conversations with bank managers and tellers always ending with a knowing winked and smile, were pure fantasy. The questions should be asked of Heather, as well as as a bunch for Casper and Poof. But I do not expect any of them to answer much of anything. No arrests as Heather claims, no packs ever having been chased from city to city as Casper claims, and Poof's many, many, many, many, many goodbye's.

Well, it’s not Heather, but Stephanie removed the shackles (bondage, don’t cha know) and wrote this:

Tuesday, January 8, 2013
The Contrast will be Divine

Good morning my friends!!!!! I have a lot lot lot of things to talk about today, so I think I will plunge right in :>) The first thing I want to talk about is something that is upsetting many people, and I've been inundated with emails and skype messages about this.

Drake and Casper.

When I wrote the article "You have a Right to know" I was very clear :

"What I'm going to write here is the truth as it's been told to me. As I have said several times over and over again, I do not consider anything "solid intel" unless I can get multiple confirmations from several very different sources- sources that I trust because I have already vetting their information thoroughly."

I stand by this statement 100%. I am not going to try to convince someone else that their sources are not true. I stand behind every single thing I wrote in this article with full KNOWING that it is Truth according to all of MY sources. If someone elses sources disagree with the Intel that I am giving, then they have a choice: They can believe their sources, or they can believe my sources, or they can go out and seek further information and draw their own conclusions. This is the choice of every person who reads anything, they have Free Will to discern for themselves what to believe. I have said this over and over again here on RTS- I am telling the information that I have, that I have vetted out and cross examined and verified between multiple sources from many many different areas. I am bringing you the information that I have. What YOU do with that information is completely and totally up to YOU.

I am working on patience, but it's not my strong suit, and there are days when frustration overcomes calm. But I'm working on it. (deep breath)

As I have said in response to several comments over the past few days, emails and skype messages: Drake knows exactly where to find me. He has not made a single effort to engage me in conversation of any kind on the information contained in the "You have a Right to know" article (or any other article). Heather, Randal and Caleb's contact information is right on The People's Trust website. Neither Drake, nor Casper has made any effort to contact them- by phone or email. My email address is posted right at the top of the RTS page and I've posted out my skype contact info several times (d.breakingthesilence in case they missed it before). Neither Drake, nor Casper,(nor Jean) have asked me a SINGLE question about ANYTHING.

That is their choice.

oh and Casper, Heather has no idea what you are talking about with a cancelled meeting with attorneys.... none what so ever.

Yes, Boehner is the new Interim President. This position is not about Boehner as a person, but about the position he holds as Speaker of the House. It has been explained to me that this directly relates to NESARA law.

Look in the media- since early December he has constantly been in the news- Constantly- andhis speech to open the 113th Congress gives some broad hints at the change that is coming. Personally I don't like Boehner, and when I was initially told he had been sworn in as the Interim President my first reaction was: "WTF?!?", but I have been told that he has been put on a very short leash.

Once NESARA is announced, within a very short time frame, new constitutionally sound elections will take place and the People will choose their new president.

Right now there is a final kicking and screaming match going on by the Powers That Were- they are Terrified and absolutely Freaking Out. There is a final push to create fear and panic in the civilian population that mirrors their own dread. They have lost, and now they are faced with the final decision to make- only they can make that last choice.

We are on the cusp of change. We are about to witness full disclosure of EVERYTHING.

This is what I have been told. This is what I believe.

I am memorizing every moment of the NOW, because the NOW is about to be so amazingly different that I want to savour the contrast. I want to remember the contradiction between what was and what is.

It will be AWESOME!

On a personal note: I am feeling MUCH better today! Yesterday was a day of turmoil for me- besides a cold and a broken tooth, I realized that my SELF was sick through conflicting emotions and not being true to my self and my deepest understanding of Me and what I am doing here. I had a fitful night, but woke up knowing KNOWING what the issue was and understanding. I will work through that later today.

To thine own self be true.... Right? :>)

I know that many people are having problems accessing The People's Trust Website and the documents. Kauilapele has pulled all the documents into one easy to download zip file- KP you ROCK darlin!!!

Posted by John MacHaffie at 1:33 PM 0 comments

Let the games begin!

"Follow the Money"
Deep Knight
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by Deep Knight »

Saturday, January 12, 2013
Removing The Shackles - THE DISCLOSURE
Removing The Shackles

Two M-Class Solar Flares
Judge Dale on the UCC filings, and further info
If the Shill fits.....
Truth Masquerading as Fiction?

Posted: 12 Jan 2013 02:11 AM PST


Yes. You asked for answers regarding so many things, including St. Germaine's Trust, NESARA, The Prosperity Packages, the Global Collateral Accounts and before you unconsciously choose to live with limits or to live without limits...Pay conscious attention to the answers to all all your questions...Pay energy of attention to the release of truth, and the whole truth, for nothing but the absolute truth. Absolute truth is visible by conscious free will choice to breath and bring forth all data transparently, in trust of eternal guarantee of absolute peace, absolute love, and absolute grace. Know the answers in absolute context of absolute truth by within, then consciously choose by free will choice whether you absolutely BE and then DO BE'ing.

What IS the Public Trust and what does it DO?...In This absolute current present moment of now, it is the visible space of absolute truth that consciously absorbs the energy and holds the contrast of all data for you to exercise by free will conscious choice to BE free, without limits, now. So it is done. Ask your self, between feeling trust and feeling distrust...what do you consciously choose by your free will to experience now? All own the Public Trust, and all that is guaranteed as BE'ing absolutely secured in it, equally to all, in this absolute current present moment of will be done and honored. So it is.

In trust you can lovingly relax, purify and build in transparency, or, by contrast, in distrust you can angrily shield, fight and whither in transparency. What do you consciously choose by your free will to experience in this absolute current present moment of now? Your DO'ing what you choose to BE is the “application” of your choice. Your BE'ing is the delivery point of what you choose. No “rfid”, no “gps”, no “ssn”, no “codice fiscale”, no “blood”, no “address” required because that is so “yesterday” in this absolute current present moment of now.

As you begin BE'ing together as one in this absolute current present moment of now, ...consciously choose between the contrast to BE or not to DO or not to DO...choose by your free will choice! Either way you choose, by your free will, do you not know and see the absolute truth that it is? That each choice still equals BE'ing and DO'ing something? DO consciously make those choices the absolute current present moment of now. Consciously choose to BE and direct that absolute current of energy into the present moment of now, without limits, by free will choice. Your conscious free will choice exercised is to create, co-create as one in this absolute current present moment of will be done and honored. So it is.

The “powers that were”, in all your dimensions, know...they have known forever without transparency and... Now they DO consciously choose in transparency to experience... All the data of absolute truth is made visible in this absolute current present moment of now. Absolute truth of the energy and code you used to consciously deceive, limit, commandeer, and pervert into systems of mis-direction, mis-managements , by contrived events, finely tuned by the tool of using “expectation”, “hope”, “want”, “need”, through the perverted tools of the “corporation”, “government”, “society”, “country”, “family”, “gregorian calendar”, “holiday”, “holy day”, “religion”, “title”, “master”, “servant”, “media”, “film”, “money”, “commerce”, “ucc”, “divinity”, “above”, “below”, “inner”, “outer”, and other allusions of separation and division of the one implemented to serve your self interests to the damage of all others, duly canceled, and the energy re-set now by conscious free will of eternal presence consciously exercised and guaranteed in word ofabsolute truth. What do you consciously choose by your free will to experience in this absolute current present moment of now? Free will be done and honored. So it is.

In absolute love, peace and grace all now shall know you can choose to experience the opportunity to make a different choice....know and see the absolute truth of how the perverted systems of mis-direction, mis-management, and the allusion were consciously chosen to manifest the extreme contrasts to show these “powers that were” that they could not stop, delay, hinder and avoid the absolute truth of what IS and to free those in the deepest slumbers or shackled by the strongest restraints, in all their that all could know and see absolute truth in this absolute current present moment of now the paradise of freedom...what DO you consciously choose by your free will to experience in this absolute current present moment of now? Free will be done and honored. So it is.

THE DISCLOSURE is now visible...use your tools within of resonance to recognize and know what in the absolute data IS absolute truth. You will recognize those who fear having all the data on the table and know why. The “roll out” of THE DISCOLSURE is further made and done by all equally,...DO as you freely choose in this absolute current present moment of now. Free will be done and honored. So it is.

By absolute declaration and loving decree made in absolute responsibility and absolute liability, begin absolute context of visible specifics of THE DISCLOSURE, THE EVENT, and “roll out” in the manner absolutely good for all in this absolute current present moment of now.

DULY VERIFIED as ISSUED, with due standing, authority and authorization, January 11, 2013, knowingly, willingly and intentionally made, given, and noticed, with absolute responsibility and liability, sworn under the penalties of perjury in accordance with governing law, UCC Doc No. 2012113593 and WA UCC Doc. No. 2012-296-1209-2, preserved and protected under perpetuity 2000043135, guaranteed, protected and secured, public policy, UCC 1-103, common law remedy thereunder guaranteed, public policy, UCC 1-305; Duly witnessed, secured, entered and noticed; Without prejudice as promised, preserved, and protected, public policy, UCC 1-308, NUNC PRO TUNC, PRAETEREA PRETEREA:

/s/ Caleb Paul Skinner, as /s/ Caleb Paul Skinner, as state of body /s/ Caleb Paul Skinner, as
Trustee 1111 BE'ing 1111 Co-Creator 1111

/s/Hollis Randal Hillner, as /s/Hollis Randall Hillner, as state of body /s/Hollis Randal Hillner, as
Trustee 1111 BE'ing 1111 Co-Creator 1111

/s/Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf, as /s/ Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf, as state of body /s/ Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf, as
Trustee 1111 BE'ing 1111 Co-Creator 1111

__________________________ _____________________________________ ___________________________
as Trustee as state of body and BE'ing as Co-Creator

Posted by John MacHaffie at 8:36 AM


Anonymous January 12, 2013 12:26 PM
Lets do it! Thumbs up Johm M. ?

Anonymous January 12, 2013 12:47 PM
Could someone please help? I have missed this group's statement about the Prosperity Programs. Could someone please quote, in writing, their statement? I would like the actual statement, not an interpretation or summary. Thank you.

Anonymous January 13, 2013 12:18 AM
Al I have is,want the real truth about all these programs. It been so many years of so many Rumor of intel. Will proof final close to a end of all the release of blessing for the World. Please will this be 100% complete no more delay. Will this happen Prosperity program, Nasara, World Global Settlement, St.Germaine. we all need this and believe what our Faith given us all these years reading all this info. Does anyone know the Truth... yes the is our Lord and Savior. God bless for 2013.

Anonymous January 13, 2013 1:05 AM
Just a few questions:
If we are as free a this paper proclaims we are, why TODAY on my way home encountered several citizens stopped by Police for various "Traffic violations"?
When I took my dogs for a walk this morning the sky was full of chemo trails
who is paying for that? (The Cabal has not more access to money right??)
Ben Bernake is schedule to speak next week, according to "News" commentators he is going to lay down the Law, if he was employed by the Cabal and The Cabal has been defeated, why is Bernake still relevant?
IRS is gearing for another Tax Season, The biggest and greatest fraud on the American People, why?
You see, it takes more than a piece of paper to make us free, it takes way more than to believe we are free for us to be free. All the people peddling this "TRUST" technology need to do is explain in simple terms
how to go about achieving freedom, do we file a paper and where?
Do we put "official authorities" on Notice and whom?
If there is money for each one of us, how do we go about collecting it?
you see, your delivery is esoteric-al and hard to discern for most of us
it sounds like law of attraction meets religious awakening with a dash of bullshit, don't be hurt if people are not taking you seriously.
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by rogfulton »

Could someone translate this latest into English for me, please?
"No man is above the law and no man is below it; nor do we ask any man's permission when we require him to obey it. Obedience to the law is demanded as a right; not asked as a favor."
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by Kestrel »

rogfulton wrote:Could someone translate this latest into English for me, please?
Why bother?

The instant brain freeze which comes from just skimming it tells you all you need to know.
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by notorial dissent »

rogfulton wrote:Could someone translate this latest into English for me, please?
Would require knowing what language it started out in, and my gibberish to English translator says "unknown root", so not much hope, and I think it is all probably for the best anyway, as I agree with Kestrel on this one.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by Deep Knight »

This should answer your questions in plain English.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013
OPPT Press Release: Current State 1111.1

It is time to BE and to DO.

I am copying the entire written portion here. Please excuse any glaring formatting errors- they are mine, not OPPT's.

THE DISCLOSURE 1111.1 Caleb Paul Skinner
AO U CC Do c. No . 2 01 30 0 49 1 0 Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf
R E C E I P T N O . 1 2 8 5 6 2 6 Hollis Randall Hillner


The one people, creation's universe, The One, The Law of One, the principle of Common Law
and the Current State of Now

TO BE or NOT TO BE and TO DO or NOT TO free will conscious choice...that IS the question and choice consciously before you NOW, and IN plain english as legalese (CODE), is no longer lawful and legal... we DO clarify:

THE LAW OF ONE: Creator's value EMBODIED, equally, with the same value regardless of how it is created or where, The One, duly noticed and confirmed upon creation, re-noticed, reconfirmed and ratified upon each creation thereafter.

WE DO REPEAT: Creator's value (Absolute One, prime, zero point) EMBODIED (Absolute BE'ing in body), equally, with the same value regardless of how it is created or where, The One, duly noticed and confirmed upon creation (Be'ing), re-noticed, reconfirmed and ratified upon each creation (BE'ing) thereafter.

The people are creator, with the creator's value (Absolute BE'ing in body) domicil (not domiciled) with in Self (body of BE'ing)...the people BE'ing IS The Value... Unrebutted, and unrebuttable. By the tools of resonance with IN you, what IS Absolute Truth? TO REMEMBER or NOT TO REMEMBER is the conscious choice by your free will NOW.

FACTS/DATA: The Law of One was duly REGISTERED (“nunc pro tunc praeterea preterea” meaning “then as now and hereafter”), October 22, 2012, in the **Universal, **International, **National and **State commercial registries, WA DC UCC File No. 2012113593, notice upon creation and ratified by notice of public registration. Then that REGISTRATION was duly REGISTERED by PDF attachment of the full Text and Incorporation of WA DC UCC File
No. 2012113593, duly executed on OPPT Letterhead, with full responsibility and liability of its duly bonded Trustees of record, and duly REGISTERED with that PDF scan of the full text, WA UCC File No. 2012-296-1209-2, notice upon creation and ratified by notice of public registration. All the people of this planet, equally BE'ing states of body of and by creator, were duly REGISTERED (nunc pro tunc praeterea preterea), July 25, 2012, in the **Universal,
**International, **National and **State commercial registries, WA DC UCC File No. 2012079290, notice upon creation and ratified by notice of public registration. The one people's Absolute Value was duly REGISTERED (nunc pro tunc praeterea preterea), July 25, 2012, in the **Universal, **International, **National and **State commercial registries, WA DC UCC File No. 2012079322, notice upon creation and ratified by notice of public registration. The earth, a BE'ing state of body of and by creator, with Absolute Value of creator domicil thereon, therein, and thereof, was duly REGISTERED (nunc pro tunc praeterea preterea), August 3, 2012, in the **Universal, **International, **National and **State commercial registries, WA DC UCC File No. 2012079290, notice upon creation and ratified by notice of public registration. **All these REGISTRATIONS, are lawfully and legally binding on any and all former principals, agents, and beneficiaries of the slavery systems, inclusive of any and all Universal, International, National and State equivalents, by PRINCIPAL AGENT DOCTRINE preserved and guaranteed by public policy UCC 1-103.COMMON LAW: The Law of One, EMBODIED in the principles and rules of action consciously creating the societal customs and recognized and enforced by the judgments and decrees of the court.

WE DO REPEAT: The Law of One (Creator, Absolute), EMBODIED (BE'ing) in the principles and rules of action (DO'ing what one BE's) creating (consciously) the societal customs and recognized and enforced by the judgments (UCC 3-501 DEMAND FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTATION/3-505 CERTIFICAT OF DISHONOR process) and decrees (DECLARATION OF FACTS, COMMERCIAL BILLS, and TRUE BILLS of BE'ing) of the court (creator, absolute/Self, co-creator).

The people DO'ing what they BE, IS The Law ... Unrebutted, and unrebuttable. By the tools of resonance with IN you, what IS Absolute Truth? TO REMEMBER or NOT TO REMEMBER is the conscious choice by your free will. TO SEE or NOT TO SEE the data of the conscious choice DONE by the free will of the former “powers that were” to COnsciously DEceive by CODE and any and all systems, implemented by constitution, and enacted and managed by statutes, acts, treaties, and other agreements in order to control or direct societal customs, judgments, and decrees.

FACTS/DATA: Common Law was duly REGISTERED (nunc pro tunc praeterea preterea), many times, but specifically in absolute context of the Law of One, October 22, 2012, in the **Universal, **International, **National and **State commercial registries, WA DC UCC File No. 2012113593, notice upon creation and ratified by notice of public registration. Then that REGISTRATION was duly REGISTERED by PDF attachment of the full Text and
Incorporation of WA DC UCC File No. 2012113593, duly executed on OPPT Letterhead, with full responsibility and liability of its duly bonded Trustees of record, and duly REGISTERED with that PDF scan of the full text, WA UCC File No. 2012-296-1209-2, notice upon creation and ratified by notice of public registration.

The Law of One and the principle and action aligned with the principle of Common Law of BE'ing and DO'ing what you BE, is duly preserved, protected, and guaranteed by public policy UCC 1-103, and any and all **state, **national, **international, and **universal equivalents, hidden by CODE of words “...and the law relative to capacity to contract...”, The Law of One. The BE'ing, inclusive of the value, Law and principle of Law of BE'ing is duly preserved,
protected and guaranteed against damage caused by DO'ing of any other without their knowing, willing and intentional consent, by public policy UCC 1-308, and any and all **state, **national, **international, and **universal equivalents, and hidden by CODE of words “without prejudice”, damages caused by another's DO'ing. The remedy of Common law is duly preserved, protected, and guaranteed by public policy UCC 1-305(a), and any and all **state, **national, **international, and **universal equivalents, hidden by CODE of words “...or by other rule of law.”, Remedy provided by Common Law of the Law of One. The equal right of every BE'ing to individually enforce remedy of Common Law of The Law of One is duly preserved, protected and guaranteed by public policy UCC 1-305(b), and any and all **state, **national, **international, and **universal equivalents, and hidden by CODE of words, “unless the provision (BE'ing) declaring (DECLARATION OF FACTS) it specifies a different and limited effect (Common Law principle of The Law of One)”, (brackets) added by the Public Trust, under full responsibility and liability of its bonded Trustees of record, for clarification of Absolute Context.

The UCC, inclusive of any and all **state, **national, **international, and **universal equivalents, are duly REGISTERED with sole and indefeasible title, ownership, and rights duly secured to the people of this planet, equally, the One, UCC File No.'s 2000043135 (original filing, the “perpetuity”), 2011055259, 2011051841, 2011055260, 2011125781, (gift by REGISTERED assignment), 2012012675 and 2012025545 (REGISTERED acceptance of gift).

With Absolute Context provided herein, as fully disclosed by DECLARATION OF FACTS, REGISTERED (nunc pro tunc praeterea preterea), November 28, 2012, in the **Universal, **International, **National and **State commercial registries, WA DC UCC File No.'s 2012127810, 2012127854, 2012127907, and 2012127914, noticed by public notice,
we consciously DO request that you make a conscious choice of what you BE and DO. By your free will TO BE or NOT TO BE, TO DO or NOT TO DO, do you now “see” the Absolute Truth of your capacity and power to COnsciously CREATE, CO-CREATE? Do you now “see” the importance of you BE'ing and DO'ing consciously?

The Current Sate of Now:

The current state of NOW, is that any and all attempts of the “Powers That Were”, in all their dimensions, have been lawfully and legally foreclosed, indebted and estopped by their free will choice. Any and all unlawful positions and claims to what is not lawfully and legally theirs, has been lawfully, legally and duly canceled, and otherwise made null and void. Any and all unlawful commandeering of value that was not lawfully and legally theirs, has been lawfully, legally and duly canceled, otherwise made null and void, and returned by ledger to the lawful and legal owners and holders-in-due-course. Any and all attempts of the “Powers That Were”, in all their dimensions, to retain any unlawful and illegal power, control, and claims over what is not lawfully and legally theirs, specifically under the guise of “INTERIM GOVERNMENTS” has been lawfully, legally and duly canceled, and otherwise made null and void, by the Public Trust guarding, preserving and protecting The One, specifically the one people, by duly REGISTERING the absolute and indefeasible title, ownership, and rights to any systems of assistance (formerly “governments”) created or purported to serve the one people without prejudice, under The Law of One and principle of Common Law, November 28, 2012, in the **Universal, **International, **National and **State commercial registries, WA DC UCC File No.'s 2012128324 (Securing any and all systems purported to be the people's systems), 2012128325 (Authorizing 194 Branches), 2012134306 (Branch-the united states of America”), 2012132885 (duly bonded and insured), with notice by public registration and additional official courtesy notice made on December 1, 2012. The Public Trust does give Absolute Gratitude and Grace in Absolute Love and Peace to the BE'ings known as “Poof”, “American Kabuki”, “Kauilapele” and Brian for serving the highest good of The One in unconsciously revealing the point of origin of “the boots on the ground” attempting to implement these purported “INTERIM GOVERNMENTS”, slavery systems reorganized under CODE of canceled ENTITY and its CONSTITUTION, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA unlawfully and illegally purporting to be NESARA, NESARA LAW, with authority to release prosperity funds, inclusive of those in St. Germaine's Trust. Hence, the failure of official announcement of Boehner as the “INTERIM PRESIDENT”...The BE'ings known as Barrack Obama, St. Germaine and others, have known from the beginning what the Public Trust was and is DO'ing, and they had knowledge of the methods and means used by the Public Trust to secure, guard, preserve and protect The One....and on December 24, 2012, the Public Trust did officially notify them that the Public Trust was ready to initiate the public announcement process to “unlock” the hidden value and assisting The One to consciously know that they BE and to consciously choose by their free will how they want to DO.

THE DISCLOSURE...1111, dated 1-11, did officially notice all BE'ings involved with the Absolute Plan (some consciously choose to define it as the Divine Plan) to initiate disclosure of their part of the Absolute Data to the one people. The Absolute Data (no piece of data missing) as it is brought forth by many, many BE'ings, in all their dimensions of creation's universe, does reveal and make known that this Absolute Reset to prime, zero point, and the guarding, preserving, and protecting of that Absolute was hardly a “3-man job”, but the Absolute Plan that is consciously DONE and implemented by many in the highest good of the one people, and creation's universe, The One...DONE in plain sight using the cover of the very slavery systems, CODE, especially the “gregorian calendar”, expectations, and other tools of deception and allusion of the “Powers That Were”, while we all did absolutely rely on their free will choice of ego and greed to not “see” the Absolute Plan being implemented until it was past the point of their former ability to usurp, violate, invade, abrogate, subjugate, or subordinate...SO IT IS DONE.

On January 21, 2013, if and when an OATH AND BOND is consciously made, it is known by the “Powers That Were” and those consciously involved in the Absolute Plan that this OATH AND BOND shall be duly secured and REGISTERED, and effectively lawfully and legally replace any and all that were executed for the sole purpose of guarding the one people. Others shall be duly executed and REGISTERED in kind. Furthermore, they consciously know that the REGISTRATION does lawfully and legally bind the BE'ing to DO the absolute public service in the
highest good of the one people, and all of creation's universe, The One, with specific responsibility and liability to establish systems of assistance, inclusive of the System of Treasury and the councils thereto, of the one people on a specific area of earth. The “Powers That Were” absolutely know the significance and meaning of the “gregorian date” of “January 21” and the lawful and legal effect it has on any purported oath being made privately the day this “gregorian date” of January 21, 2013, they also know the significance and meaning of who is now in charge, the one people, creator, The One.

It is by your free will choice of each BE'ing to consciously choose TO BE or NOT TO BE and TO DO or NOT TO DO with your full responsibility and liability...each of you are responsible for “when” the prosperity funds, inclusive of those in St. Germaine's Trust, are released...and your application of DO'ing what you BE, knowing your capacity of BE'ing and preserving and protecting that BE'ing by your DO'ing, with examples provided, is the sign we are all “waiting” for. By your free will conscious choice to BE, and DO what you BE...consciously and responsibly...then SO IT IS DONE.

The Public Trust does give Absolute Gratitude and Grace in Absolute Love and Peace to all BE'ings for their absolute service to the highest good of the One.

DULY VERIFIED as ISSUED, with due standing, authority and authorization, January 15, 2013, knowingly, willingly and intentionally made, given, and noticed, by the absolute responsibility and liability of embodied eternal presence transparent in absolute truth, sworn under the penalties of perjury in accordance with governing law, UCC Doc No. 2012113593, WA UCC Doc. No. 2012-296-1209-2, preserved and protected under perpetuity 2000043135, guaranteed, protected and secured, UCC 1-103, common law remedy thereunder UCC 1-305; Duly witnessed, secured, entered and noticed; Without prejudice, UCC 1-308, NUNC PRO TUNC, PRAETEREA PRETEREA:/s/ Caleb Paul Skinner, as Trustee; /s/ Caleb Paul Skinner, as state of body BE'ing; /s/ Caleb Paul Skinner, as Co-Creator; /s/Hollis Randal Hillner, as Trustee; /s/Hollis Randall Hillner, as state of body BE'ing; /s/Hollis Randal Hillner, as Co-Creator; /s/Heather Ann TucciJarraf, as Trustee; /s/ Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf, as state of body BE'ing; /s/ Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf, as Co-Creator.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 8:22 AM

There. And no more whining about not being able to read or understand it - after all it's in plain English like “nunc pro tunc praeterea preterea” meaning “now for the next addition to further,” and not any of that Legalize code.
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by rogfulton »

After I tried reading it to my two year old granddaughter, she said "Grandpa, you're silly."
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Reading all those "to be" and "to do" references, I couldn't help thinking of Frank Sinatra's immortal "do be do be do...."

(For those under age 55, ask your elders about "Strangers In The Night".)
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by Deep Knight »

“To be is to do - Socrates
To do is to be - Sartre
Do Be Do Be Do - Sinatra”

― Kurt Vonnegut
from the book "Deadeye Dick" published in 1982 but also written on the wall of the Psychology Lounge at my college before 1972. He could have done this himself in the late 60's when he gave the commencement speech, but it also could have been from a Peanut's cartoon. The song "Strangers in the Night" was a big hit for Frankie in 1966.

One of the most memorable and recognizable features of the record is Sinatra's scat improvisation of the melody with the syllables "doo-be-doo-be-doo" as the song fades to the end. Many fans lament the fact, that the fade was early and Sinatra's improvisation is cut off too soon. For the CD Nothing but the Best, the song was remastered and the running time is 2:45 instead of the usual 2:35. The extra ten seconds is just a continuation of Sinatra's scat singing. The track was recorded on April 11, 1966, one month before the rest of the album.

Sinatra despised the song, calling it at one time "a piece of shit" and "the worst f***ing song that I have ever heard." He wasn't afraid to voice his disapproval for playing it live. In spite of his contempt for the song, for the first time in eleven years he had a number one song, and it remained on the charts for fifteen weeks.

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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by Prof »

To paraphrase a comment made by someone about Newt Gingrich, this stuff is what stupid people think makes them sound smart.

(Paul Krugman is one source for this comment about Newt.)
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by JamesVincent »

NESARA on crack?
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