Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust, Pro

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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by DailyPlanet »

Whoops !

I think this word will be the epitath of many Heather-followers
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Jeffrey »

Is OPPT essentially defunct?
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by DailyPlanet »

As any good OPPT cultist will tell you, the OPPT Trust itself was shutdown over a year ago.

But the OPPT-related cult went on and on after that. And Heather was furiously turning out documents in the second half of last year, and the cultists were still approach their banks with those documents, and lecturing banks about how the banks were "required" to allow them to access "their" value. All completely crazy, but dozens of people were doing this all around the world.

It basically faded out, when nothing happened. And I think the old Dream Team (of Lisa, Bob, Brian, ... and Heather, etc) moved on to other projects, such as Hopegirl's QEG Free Energy device, and Brian's urine therapy.

Since the weekly One People podcasts stopped (presumably, because suckers stopped donating money), there has been little news.

Probably the people still in Morroco are so stoned out, and poor, they hardly care anymore.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by JennyD »

She's back and finally everyone gets to view her divine presence as she talks.... Heather is in rare form, I haven't watched all the way through yet but wow they must be smoking some really good stuff....
Join the Former 5D Media Network as it relaunches after a 3 month hiatus with a new name, new home, new presenters and much more.
We are very excited to announce the return of our founding radio show, The Collective Imagination with Hosts Lisa Harrison, Brian Kelly and D along with our special guests Heather Tucci Jarraf and Sacha Stone, August 26, 2014.
nunc pro dork, pizza pizza, all rights regurgitated..
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by DailyPlanet »

Heather has succeeded in demonstrating that...
It is easier to build a new movement on Half-Truths and Over-Promising,
than it is to build one on Truth.

The Big Question, that the reaction to this relaunch may answer is:
Can it be sustained without Truth ?

This reveals plenty to me:
"All Comments : Comments are disabled for this video."

The dubious Sacha Stone* joins them in the Relaunch exercise.
He totally undermines his own credibility by saying positive things about
Heather's comic "UCC Filing" exercise.

HTJ says:
"The man who goes by the name of the King of Hawaii contacted me..."
That's surprising.
I thought he was in the Team Keenan camp.

*Says he: Sacha Stone: "I'm broke. I'm heavily broke"
"The first big step is... To stop paying Taxes."
He goes on talking about his adventures in dealing with police, and the Feds.
(It becomes clear, that these people have marginalized themselves from society,
and consider themselves to be heroes for doing so. It reminds me of the Hippy movement.)
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by LightinDarkness »

Oh dear, I am not sure Heather showing herself will be good for her image. Part of her mystique and her Goddess aura (given to her by OPPT devotees) was that all her photos were highly doctored to make her look mystical.

Random observations about the video:

- Did you notice how the first thing they did in that video is laugh and mock the call to prayer, which happened while they were recording? So much for being open minded new agers.
- I note right off the bat the crazy guy on the right wants to establish that they are concerned more about the "energy" of the OPPT than the "temporal matters." Translation: IT DOESN'T WORK AND WE KNOW BUT PLEASE SEND US MORE MONEY, SUCKERS. This new group is - wait for it - getting training from Rod Class and his private attorney general sovereign gibberish.
- The guy on the right really knows how to talk the new age BS, he might be better at it than Heather.
- New scam: International Tribunal for Justice! A new way to get donations.
- Heather says its the OPPTers fault that her paperwork didn't work, she can't tell them how to "BE AND DO."
- Brian is REALLY high in this video.
- The morocco compound is decreasing in numbers, it was at a high of 40 people earlier this year and now its down to 20 people.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by JennyD »

LiD: The International Court of Justice is a real organization and part of the United Nations, I think she used the wrong name, I believe she's referring to Kevin Annett's "International Tribunal of Church and State" which is a fictitious court.

Just an observation..
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by DailyPlanet »

"The morocco compound is decreasing in numbers, it was at a high of 40 people earlier this year and now its down to 20 people."

I am watching how many subscribers sign up for Heather's channel.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by LightinDarkness »

That will be interesting to find out, DailyPlanet - if she had done this a year ago or two years ago she would have gotten probably five thousand in days.

JennyD - yeah, I did mishear it. I tried to find in the video where they mention it but its 2 hours to go through and am not being successful. I don't think its the Church and State fake tribunal stuff though set up by Kevin, this is a new fake international court being set up by a group called "new earth nation." The guy on the right in the video is one of its cult leaders.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by DailyPlanet »

"That will be interesting to find out, DailyPlanet - if she had done this a year ago or two years ago she would have gotten probably five thousand in days...."

Much more than that, at the Top of the OPPT mania, I reckon.

So far, she has exactly 145 subscribers. I think the old Red Thumb brigade got that within a few hours.

Meantime, one of the Red-thumbers: VJ or IMpower, is trying to revive her I-U website: ... ent-136156

She's the one who led the group that was trying to squeeze money out of banks, by using documents that would allow cult members to "access their value." Bizarrely, one or two people claimed that they received some money. Of course, the details were hush-hush.

Meantime, Heather and the Dream Team claims to be "broke" and sitting in Morocco, while they await more donations. Lisa managed to find enough money to fly off to Portugal for a conference a few weeks ago, and remarked on "what a great party" it was.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by DailyPlanet »

Heather and the One People are back.
But this time people are seeing through the chatter.

Here's the second "comeback" video:
Collective Imagination Sept 2-14
Not so many Hits as before - 1,800, which is respectable, but not Viral.

The big change is in the comments... we are seeing:

1 /
risingsun49 - 6 days ago
Nice video you guys are having alot of fun it looks like. Im curious did all of you move there? Forgive me but how are you supporting yourselves? Im curious because ive been struggling and unemployed on and off for 10 yrs. And im waiting for the RV for my survival. I live wiht my ex boyfriend and he wants me out, so i just might end up homeless because i cant find work and nor collecting unemployment so this is why im very unhappy were i am and my financial situation. Love what Heather has done.

2 /
wilf609 - 3 days ago
If you are waiting for the "RV" then you are waiting to fail. Like all the promises the OPPT made that failed, the "RV" is just another one of them. Go and get a job and do not wait around for someone to just hand you money, it will not happen. Or start a scam like the OPPT or Hypegirl and the QEG - she has scammed about $125,000 out of the gullible so far.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by DailyPlanet »

another good one, from the last 24 hours (will it get deleted?):

Wonderful to see you guys are back.
The One People movement has taught the world much about discernment.
Sometimes people are manipulated through False Flags and Fear.
In those cases, the trade-off the perpetrators are seeking, is to convince people to surrender their Freedom in return for Security. This may seem to work for the people in the short run, as the Fears associated with the false flag will seem smaller once the trade has been arranged. But in the long run, those who win and gain power through Fear, will be encouraged to pump out more Fear, to try it again. That's one type of manipulation.
There is a second type of manipulation that requires discernment. That's the promise of a better life: More Money, sometimes Free Money, prosperity, Free energy or gifts of love for everyone. This type of manipulation, is wrapped in good intentions. The perpetrators usually ask for Money, in return for some promise of future return. It may not start out that way. Usually, to build confidence, the perps will give free advice, or to paint beautiful images of how great the world can be. They will issue unique explanations of how the world works, coin new phrases, and try to get people to see them as gurus - that they are the high priest or priestessses of The Something New. (Their vision will contain just enough existing mythology, to make it seem real, something with some roots.) Then, once enough curiosity, and a group of followers has been created, the requests for money will begin.
Give it time, and see if the Prosperity Scam can deliver on its promises. But most will not wait so long. They will be persuaded to lend their help, or give their money, but some sort of urgent plea. Is that not what we have seen with OP?. After two years, time has passed, and history now gives us clarity. So thanks again for helping people to develop their personal discernment.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by LightinDarkness »

The OPPT successes just keep coming. Shane Bennett, who has so far lost his house because he went full OPPT and stopped paying (then tried courtesy notices when he got foreclosed), is NOT happy as his Claim of Right has been rejected by the Canadian government. He says in his latest rambling diatribe:
I got a bazaar response to my Claim of Right filed with the AG, They believe "LIKE MOST" that the laws of BC apply just because I am in BC and provided no facts to back this up and they state that that they will not respond to and future correspondence and this breaks the Section 1243 of the criminal code of Canada.

A bazaar response, indeed.

I mean, HOW COULD THIS BE? With these Powerful Intergalactic Claims of Right (yes, this claim wasn't just for the earthly realm!), the government is supposed to shake in its boots and tell you that you can do whatever you want. How dare they just deny this Powerful Paperwork! It must be due to corruption, it surely cannot be because the paperwork is gibberish.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Alcibiades »

Thanks for the update on Shane Bennett, LiD. I had lost track of his ongoing crusade.

Talk about persistent. He must be one of the few remaining active OP believers outside Morocco, although it seems that he had Freeman-on-the-Land leanings prior to OPPT. The Intergalactic Claim of Right should have been respected. After all, he did write it himself.

I didn't listen to his entire diatribe, but noted that he freely ranged across a variety of subjects including the Divine Right of Kings and the Canadian Constitution. He also seemed to embrace the teachings of Robert Menard, a notorious Canadian scam-artist and FMOTL promoter who actually managed to get people jailed for following his advice (for which he charged fees). I don't know what his current status is, but possibly languishing in some Canadian dungeon.

The important news is that Shane is going to run for Mayor (of Whistler, BC I think). Certainly an election to watch closely.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by notorial dissent »

I think Shane is one of these people who have sworn off of reality as too hard, and are busy looking for a good fantasy, and as soon as one fails for them they move on to the next. I'm not sure he even knows what reality is anymore, but if it is totally outlandish, utter nonsense, new agey sounding, and without any basis in reality, and fits his current needs, I'm sure he'll fall for it, until the next one comes along.

Regrettably Bobby is still at liberty to cause sorrow and misery in his wake. It is uncertain currently upon whose couch he is surfing, but with Winter approaching that is a certainty. I believe he is currently hiding hanging out in BC, but I may be misinterpreting something I read elsewhere.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Burnaby49 »

LightinDarkness wrote:The OPPT successes just keep coming. Shane Bennett, who has so far lost his house because he went full OPPT and stopped paying (then tried courtesy notices when he got foreclosed), is NOT happy as his Claim of Right has been rejected by the Canadian government. He says in his latest rambling diatribe:
I got a bazaar response to my Claim of Right filed with the AG, They believe "LIKE MOST" that the laws of BC apply just because I am in BC and provided no facts to back this up and they state that that they will not respond to and future correspondence and this breaks the Section 1243 of the criminal code of Canada.

A bazaar response, indeed.

I mean, HOW COULD THIS BE? With these Powerful Intergalactic Claims of Right (yes, this claim wasn't just for the earthly realm!), the government is supposed to shake in its boots and tell you that you can do whatever you want. How dare they just deny this Powerful Paperwork! It must be due to corruption, it surely cannot be because the paperwork is gibberish.
I'm attending a trial on a similar issue. Rory Hawes is currently facing trial in British Columbia for driving while under suspension. He's putting up a full-frontal Freeman defense including what will apparently be his main argument at trial; the province of British Columbia doesn't actually exist and therefore the laws of British Columbia don't apply to him. He had another hearing today which was adjourned. I'm waiting for the final trial before writing it all up but if his antics today are indicative the trial will be entertaining.

Hawes and his past adventures have been reviewed in the linked discussion. I noted there that in his first scheduling hearing for his trial he put up the phantom province defense but the court continued on anyhow.

"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Alcibiades »

Perhaps it's something in the water, but here is another Canadian, a Bonnie M Baker, who has been an OPPT advocate for some time, appearing a week or so ago on this radio show: ... hats-yours

This paradime (sic) shift is outlined in the form of a long hybrid OPPT-Freeman-on-the-Land spiel which has as its central thesis the familiar notion that there is a $10 billion trust account for every citizen just waiting to be claimed. Stop paying your mortgages, electricity, water and rates bills, she urges, the PTB are relying on fear to control you, etc etc.

Well, very shortly after that performance, it seems that the local constabulary paid her a visit at her house in London, Ontario (I think the bailiffs had already seized it - she had broken back in), arrested her, and hauled her before the local judiciary:
Then I was taken to the London City Court House and placed into a cell there with two young girls also placed under false arrest. On the way to the court house to be taken to court one fake officer threatened me with two years jail for signing as the "witness" instead of the stolen name and said they should put me in the Exeter Road jail until noon the next day so I could remember the name. By the way once anyone tells you criminals pretending to be Police Officers, judges and lawyers the name is not theirs you are to refrain from asking again as you place yourselves in a position of execution for treason against the people you took an oath to serve and protect.

Now I am placed in a little box in their court room. The judge ask me what my name is? I tell him it was bought to my attention about six months ago that the name is not mine that it was copyrighted by the Crown and so it is a fraud for me to use it and that he was not allowed to ask me for it again. He then asked if my birthday was correct. I told him no as far as I know it is just hearsay. Then he asked the lawyer (liar) for the fraud mortgage company what their charges are against me? She said they charged me with trespassing (in my own dwelling no less), assault against the police officer cause I slammed the door shut as he was pushing through and resisting arrest which I never had a chance to do being jumped on by to men three times the size of me. Then the duty council offered to help me so she came and asked me if they could call me one of the names cause there are so many different versions of it and I said yes so long as you know that none of those names are me or mine. My identity is stolen by the Crown! then the judge demanded I give him an address where I would be staying and told me I was to come back to the police station the next day to confirm I was staying there and I was to show up in court on Thursday morning or they would have me arrested again. Having no place to go to I not knowing the address of friends or family the duty council told me she would call and check to see if their is a crash bed at the women's mission. She checked and said there was none so I would have to stay at the men's mission and sleep with the men. The judge then re-iterated to me that I was to return to the police station and confirm my address and I was released but would be arrested if I did not return. Then everybody scurried out of the court room leaving me with the clerk who lead me to the office to sign the release documents. The counter clerk gave me the papers and I signed them the "witness" which she started to protest but changed her mind and said you will be arrested if you do not return here. To which I said, " "When and if I come back to this court house there will be a lot of people arrested but I will not be one of them."
The whole grisly story can be found here: ... e?filter=2

Hardly a shining exemplar to other One People followers thinking of treading a similar path. Heather and her cronies must be bursting with pride at the tangible consequences of their deeds.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by LightinDarkness »

Thanks so much for providing that about dear Bonnie, OPPT failures to me remain one of the most astonishing in all of the prosperity world (which is saying something, given the levels of stupidity prosperity mythology inspires).

What I loved most was listening to that interview where the interviewer - even though its a new age/conspiracy/prosperity show - even seemed a tad bit skeptical. She kept asking exactly HOW we would access our mythical $10 billion. Bonnie told her that we simply change the NAME to lower caps name and put "Exempt from levy" on the account. The interviewer then asked how that would enable us to get access to the $10 billion. Bonnie then repeated the same thing. This repeated for some time.

As always, OPPT true believers are a testament to the idea that when it comes to crazy stuff, the desire to believe something is true is more powerful than any amount of logic or facts. The life motto for these people is:

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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by DailyPlanet »

None of the OPPT cult members seem to be able to use a calculator.

If they could, they would do some basic research to find out how much Tangible Wealth is on the planet. I have done the calculations several times, looking at things like: Real Estate, Stock markets, privately own corporations, Gold and Silver, plus making some guesstimates on things like Diamonds and other jewelry. Every time I make that calculation, I get a result which looks something like $250-300 trillion - for Total Tangible Wealth on the Planet. So, be generous and call it: $300 Trillion.

When you divide that by 7 Billion people on the planet, you get:
$300,000 / 7 = $42,857 per person. That is a miniscule amount, compared with $10 Billion.

If you bother to point this out to one of the cult-ees, they will say:
"Oh, well THAT doesn't matter, because WE ARE THE VALUE.
And our value is infinite."

(Here they beginning to sound like Ben Bernanke, who has said that printing presses can produce infinite amounts of money. But none of them have thought it through that far, or considered the hyperinflationary consequences, to trying to print up $10 Billion to had out to every one. Basically, they live in a fantasy world where numbers, calculators, and researched facts get instantly discounted.)
Last edited by DailyPlanet on Fri Sep 26, 2014 11:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Alcibiades »

DailyPlanet wrote:none of them have thought it through that far, or considered the hyperinflationary consequences, to trying to print up $10 Billion to had out to every one
Indeed. Reminiscent of the late unlamented Zimbabwean dollar, the Hungarian pengő or the Deutschmark in Weimar Germany (which came to be about 4.2 trillion to the dollar, so that a family's life savings would not buy an egg.)

The immediate result of issuing everyone with 10 billion somethings (it's usually quoted as US dollars, as the world reserve currency) would be that whatever currency it happened to be is rendered immediately worthless. Relative wealth and buying power is all about being on the correct end of the uneven distribution of a desired commodity.

We can only presume that any economists amongst the One People obtained their credentials from inside a cornflakes packet.