NESARA Loves Orly!

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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by davids »

notorial dissent wrote:There's a lot of crazy out there, and there seems to be a whole cottage industry of coming up with all sorts of really crazy and convoluted theories that they like better than the simple (and verified)truth that born in HI to Stanly Ann and Obama SR, because otherwise all their crazy theories fall completely apart. Zullo is just on of the more prominent and persistent grifters at the trough.
I am convinced that almost any crazy conspiracy that defames Obama would be bought hook, line and sinker by that crowd. I believe these kinds of believers are motivated by racial animus and just can't come out and say it. I unfortunately know of one of these types (family member of a friend) and he fits the mold to a tee: low i.q., emotional instability, lives at home on disability, and works a job in the under the table economy to supplement his public assistance...and is a racist. And, of course, it's easy for them to believe that a black guy is connected to a notorious figure like Malcolm X.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »


The Obama-Malcolm X "theory" is one of my favorites because the "proof" is usually an appeal to look at a set of pictures. See, they're both black guys with an extended finger. When challenged to show any points of similarity, they double down on the stupid and say things like "they're EXACTLY alike" without further details.

Of course, Illuminati insiders like myself (I'm part of the most exclusive bloodline, AB positive), know that Obama is actually the love child of Sponge Bob. They look EXACTLY alike.

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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

Orly, in her crusade to keep west Africans with Ebola from our southern border, filed a lawsuit and the government responded yesterday (said she had no standing, imagine that!). Same old birther stuff, but I liked this comment.

Obama’s response to the First Amended Complaint filed, actual brief does not exceed 20 pages, I am working on a reply

Posted on | October 3, 2014 | 1 Comment

One Response

Dee Dee
October 4th, 2014 @ 1:52 am

To the government and attorneys of this case if you read this… Just give us our country back. You know what you are doing is wrong. The majority is totally against you. This is a dictatorship, what you are pulling off here. And we, the people, are getting tired of this, and you will be in jail some day if you continue. Just stop this all now!

You know there has been chatter everywhere if you have failed to hear it with your NSA. They all want republicans in the senate and will never vote Democrat ever again. All because of Obamaa and what he has been doing and put you up to. We are over 220 million strong and will stand up to you.

220 million strong! You tell 'em, Dee Dee!
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

Stay classy Orly.

“The Only Country Outside Of Africa That Has An African President Is The Only Country Outside Of Africa That Has Ebola”

Posted on | October 5, 2014

“The Only Country Outside Of Africa That Has An African President Is The Only Country Outside Of Africa That Has Ebola”

Coincidence? No. It’s an African psychopath’s punishment and revenge for the humiliations of slavery and colonialism, a general attack for his general hatred of the US, and a desire to make America suffer just like his home continent, kind of like saying “You, America, are no better than Africa.” Obama’s advisors told him that without a flight ban, Ebola was 100% guaranteed to enter the United States. He is terrorizing and infecting the country on purpose. Somebody needs to be man enough to stop him immediately. Screenshot from International SOS. The list of countries with an ebola outbreak is in the left column:

Strange, in the same news reports that said the poor man who came to the US from Liberia had died from Ebola in Texas there were comments about hospital cases in Spain, France, Germany and the UK. I guess they hadn't checked with Orly first.

PARIS (Reuters) - A volunteer nurse who was the first French national to contract Ebola has left hospital after being successfully treated for the disease, France's health ministry said on Saturday.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by AndyK »

If only Obama could come up with some way to copy the "sell infected blankets to the Indians" or "catapult plague victims over the castle wall" with respect to ebola and ISIL (ISIS -- whatever)

Just thinkin
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

Yesterday afternoon Orly posted:

Second suspected Ebola patient in San Francisco, suspected cases in Los Angeles and New York

Posted on | October 8, 2014 | No Comments

This got changed from "San Francisco" to "Frisco" last night when others started laughing at Orly's stupidity because this article was about the suburb of Dallas with that name. Then it came out that this was from a hoax story posted by some kids, and Orly jumped on that too!

How dumb is that? Police arrests a teenager for a photoshopped Ebola story, but refuses to arrest Obama for sitting in the White House with photo-shopped garbage IDs. How dumb is that?

Posted on | October 8, 2014 | 2 Comments

Frisco police have arrested a juvenile male from Frisco High School in connection to a picture of a bogus news article that mentions Ebola cases in Frisco.

The bogus article, which was made to appear to be from myFOXdfw, was being passed around on social media, but was not published by FOX 4.

It said it was written by an “AP Medical Scriber,” claims “there could be as much as 6 new victims” and mentions several schools in Frisco.

The image is inaccurate and was likely created using Photoshop and this article to spark fear.

Frisco police said the false article resulted in several concerned parents to call the school district, and some students even remained at home.

But Orly is ready to turn on a dime yet again, and immediately afterwards posted this about a sheriff's deputy who when into an emergency room in this suburb of Frisco due to concerns about his being infected.

Dallas county Sheriff’s deputy, who went into Duncan’s apartment, shows signs of Ebola

Posted on | October 8, 2014 | 4 Comments

A real article about this.

Texas deputy not showing any signs of Ebola infection, hospital says
Published October 09, 2014

The Dallas hospital treating a sheriff's deputy who went into the apartment where an Ebola victim was living says the deputy is showing no signs that he's also infected.

Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Dallas said in a statement Thursday that Micahel Monning remains in good condition one day after he was taken by ambulance to the hospital.

The hospital says Monning does not have a fever, vomiting or diarrhea. Results of further testing are expected later Thursday.

Officials had said earlier that Monning was hospitalized out of an "abundance of caution" after falling ill Wednesday.

Monning went to an urgent care clinic in Fisco, a northern suburb of Dallas, and was exhibiting enough symptoms of Ebola to trigger a preliminary screening, Frisco fire Chief Mark Piland said. He did not specify the symptoms.

Monning was one of the deputies who went inside the apartment where Liberian national Thomas Eric Duncan was staying. Piland said Monning had contact with Duncan's family members who are now in isolation. Duncan died Wednesday.

Officials say none of Duncan's relatives have shown any signs that they are infected. The disease can only be spread through direct contact with the bodily fluids of an already sick person.

So, by Orly's own logic, she should be arrested for spreading rumors.

Ebola is serious stuff, and an international dialog on such things has been needed for a long time. Orly is only interested in how it might be used to get that black guy out of the White House.

The first comment to Orly's posting isn't about this, but telling none-the-less.

Rod Riddle
October 8th, 2014 @ 7:29 pm

The St Louis Grand Jury that heard the evidence in the Ferguson, Mo shooting is expected to issue a “No Bill” on the case clearing Officer Darren Wilson of any wrongdoing. That’s great news! The bad news is the same criminal group that took advantage of a tragic situation by looting and destroying property is planning on doing it again. Looks like Obama, Holder, Sharpton, etc were once again on the wrong side of a case. Just another perfect example of their blatant racism against whites!
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

We LOVE bad poetry here, and Orly delivers!

An Obama Haiku from my supporter Mike. I am working very hard for this Haiku not to become a reality
Posted on | October 18, 2014

My Haiku To Obama

Through incompetence
And vindictiveness
You, President Obola
May have killed us all

A Haiku is a Japanese poem consisting of 3 lines and 17 sylables, with the number of sylables in the lines in order being 5, 7 & 5. Hmmm, something is wrong with this one, and I just can't seem to put my finger on it...
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

John Cooper Clarke wrote something like:
To write a haiku
In the original way
I find is diffi
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

Is Queen of the Birfers Orly Taitz Orange County's First Known Enterovirus-68 Victim?
By Matt Coker Tue., Sep. 23 2014 at 7:03 AM

Four sick children in Ventura and San Diego counties have been confirmed by state health officials to be the first Southern California victims of enterovirus-68, a rare respiratory virus. But could victim No. 5 reside right here in Orange County? Rancho Santa Margarita lawyer/dentist/real estate saleslady/"The Lucy Ricardo of Law"* Orly Taitz is not a child but, according to documents she filed in federal court in Texas, she likely contracted a respiratory infection from a kid in the country illegally. An this is based from a courtroom expert-for-hire who believes Taitz makes a great case for the spread of enterovirus-68 by border crossers.

Orly Taitz Border-Crosser Lawsuit in Texas Allowed to Proceed ... With Major Conditions

Luuuuuucy, this is gonna take some 'splainin' ...

When we last caught up with the Queen of the Birfers--the birfers or birthers maintain Barack Obama is foreign born and thus ineligible to be president of the United States--she had been told by U.S. District Court Judge Andrew S. Hanen in Brownsville that her lawsuit against Obama and others in the federal government over the "illegal" transportation of undocumented immigrants from South Texas to California and other states could proceed.

The grounds of her original complaint was undocumented men, women and children spread infectious diseases like Ebola, but the judge ordered her to file an amended complaint that was less broad, telling her she had to show how she personally was harmed by moving immigrants around. And so, Taitz filed documents that claimed she had been sent immigrant children to treat at her dental practice, that they breathed on her and that she now suffers from respiratory concerns requiring use of a positive pressure oxygen machine.

Oh, wait, back up a step first. Taitz had batted about what Hanen said was required of her on her always-entertaining Her report drew this response that she posted on her site Sept. 11:

I have done a little research on the enterovirus outbreak. This strain of enterovirus (EV-D68) is uncommon. I believe that you have a good case to make that this outbreak is associated with the influx of illegal alien children.
The reason why I believe this stems from the unusual geographic distribution of the outbreaks of EV-D68 reported to the CDC. The 10 most affected states are Colorado, North Carolina, Georgia, Ohio, Iowa, Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma and Kentucky. It is unusual that these states run across the center of our country, and that the states on the border of Mexico are not reporting such an outbreak.

I believe that the border states have populations that already had been endemically exposed previously over time to EV-D68 from prior exposure to illegal aliens carrying this virus. This means that the new influx of illegal alien children did not cause any outbreaks of EV-D68 this year in states bordering Mexico, because those residents are already immune from past exposure to illegal aliens. However, I believe that this new massive influx of illegal alien children has been transported to the above listed states, and thus they have infected children who had never been exposed to EV-D68.

The children who are being hospitalized with acute EV-D68 infections are those who are especially susceptible to new infections due to their compromised health status from asthma, severe allergies or other underlying health condition. These children had never been exposed previously to such a large population of infected illegal alien children.

Just my thoughts.


Vera, as it turns out, is Ukiah epidemiologist Vera F. Dolan, who has built a nice niche career testifying in court in insurance underwriting cases. She's also obviously the perfect "expert" to lend credibility to Taitz's claim of being personally harmed physically from the movement of undocumented immigrants from South Texas to South County. And so, Taitz's amended complaint includes this affidavit from Dolan:

As an epidemiologist, I believe that Dr. Taitz's respiratory infection originated from close contact with infected patients who were sent for treatment to her office, in particular immigrants who were detained by the DHS without quarantine or medical treatment for existing communicable diseases and then transported to California. I believe that Dr. Taitz is in further imminent danger of similar additional infections from immigrant patients detained by the DHS without quarantine or medical treatment for existing communicable diseases.
Now, this might actually represent a knockout blow for Taitz the lawyer--if she'd included an affidavit from an actual physician who examined her in person and diagnosed her with enterovirus-68 or the less specific "respiratory infection" of Dolan's affidavit. Near as I can tell, the complaint includes no medical records at all.

Hey, since Taitz's suit is seeking the "emergency" quarantine of undocumented children because of the potential for the spread of disease, and ol' Orly contracted something from one of them, doesn't it stand to reason that she should be quarantined as well?

Then there is the logical question: If one dentist in southern Orange County contracted enterovirus-68 or some other respiratory infection treating children in the country illegally, why are there not outbreaks among the border agents and other folks who are exposed to these kids much more frequently?

Speaking of making no sense, Taitz's new, amended allegations now include defamation of her character. Taitz claims in her court papers that U.S. Border Patrol officer Ron Zermeno was pressured to sign an affidavit that was not true, and that the federal court docket had been manipulated to defame her before Hanen and to derail her case because she is a political activist and leader.

This concerns her original complaint stating that Zermeno had waived his right to avoid testifying in Texas because he works in California. Zermeno's affidavit claims he did not waive that right. Taitz now claims she has spoken with unnamed Border Patrol employees and others who claim Zermeno was forced to sign that affidavit.

"So, yet again, there was a case of manipulation, fraud and falsification of record by a John Doe/Jane Doe, employee of the court, which was done with the scope of hiding evidence, obstructing justice and defaming (the plaintiff)," Taitz wrote.

"It is widely believed that each District Court and each U.S. Attorney's office has individuals who are embedded in those offices and who are working for (National Security Agency) and FBI and not only gather information, but also tamper with records, similar to NSA tampering with phone records and e-mails, as reported by the federal whistle-blower Edward Snowden."

Can we send Taitz over to join Snowden? Er ... I mean ... Ms. T is seeking unspecified damages "for two counts of defamation" and a court order that the portion of the documentation that was apparently sealed be unsealed. The U.S. Attorney's office has until Oct. 13 to respond. Pray Orly's infected lungs hold out that long.

*Hat tip to the commenter on either or who coined "The Lucy Ricardo of Law" nickname for Taitz.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by notorial dissent »

Kind of amazing really, how Taitz's case of "undiagnosed" TB has now transformed in to a case of "undiagnosed" EV-D68, particularly considering it is largely a children's disease, and curiously enough, she was "sick" long before the outbreak of EV-D68 began.

It's nice she has a fore real expert backing her up on the epidemiology and diagnosing for her, except, of course, her "expert" is an expert actuary and nothing else, but little details like that have never bothered Orly before, so why should she start now.

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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by fortinbras »

A strange twist among the birfer ranks. Despite some considerable birfer support for his candidacy, at least one prominent birfer - namely Richard Mack - has decreed that Canadian-born Ted Cruz is ineligible to run for President. ... -president

Don't you love it when they make problems for themselves?!
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

Orly says Ted Cruz is constitutionally OK based on the "they didn't do anything about Obama so they can't about Cruz" rule in law. Look it up.

As for Orly, she's a bit testy these days, what with screetching "Fire" in a crowded theatre to get a panic going before the mid-term election. She posted this on Saturday:

Thank you for everyone who supports me, it is a tough battle, but we have to win
Posted on | October 25, 2014 | 5 Comments

I would like to thank everyone who supported me over the years. It is a very tough battle. Some critics attacked me in the past, saying that I might have not done enough in the case of Obama’s lack of eligibility and his use of bogus IDs. I know that if for some reason Judge Hanen would not rule in my favor on Wednesday in regards to Ebola ban, some jerks will attack me saying that I did not do enough.

However, I would like to bring a couple of examples to illustrate that there is an enormous pressure on judges to rule for the regime and it is extremely hard to get a ruling against the regime.

Firstly, 46 attorneys and hundreds of prose litigants filed legal actions challenging Obama’s legitimacy and bringing forward undeniable evidence that he is using bogus IDs. None of these cases were heard on the merits. So, it was not the fact that Attorney Taitz did not do enough, it is our rulling oligarchy pushing the strings to dismiss all cases against their puppet, regardless of how good the attorneys are and how good the argument is.

Secondly, recently DC judge Reggie Walton dismissed most of the complaints against the IRS filed by Tea party groups. These cases were filed by Cleta Mitchell and I believe someone working with the judicial watch. Cleta Mitchell is 64 years old, she’s been around for a while, she is experienced. I had nothing to do with these cases. I never filed any cases against the IRS, and even jerks criticizing me, cannot state that a negative decision in my case somehow influenced these cases, yet it was a major loss for the citizens of this country and a major win or major lawlessness triumph for the ruling oligarchy . In my opinion the decision by Judge Walton was totally unconscionable and he is paving the way to persecution of dissidents and opponents of the regime. He claimed that because IRS granted these Tea Party groups non-profit status 4 years late, after these groups lost donations for 4 years, it was somehow ok and nobody at IRS should be penalized. There was a clear case of the deprivation of civil rights of the members of these Tea party groups, there was clearly a violation of equal protection. Lois Lerner granted a non-profit status to Obama’s half brother in Africa only 2-3 weeks after he filed a request, even though he did not even have a proper mailing address for his group, yet Lerner harassed Tea party groups for 4 years and dragged her feet in not granting the Tax Exempt status. Judge Walton thought it was ok.

I brought these examples to illustrate, how hard it is to fight the regime and a few jerks, who attack me misrepresenting these attacks, as if they came from others, need to get a life and do something productive with their lives instead of being a pest.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by JamesVincent »

Deep Knight wrote:Orly says Ted Cruz is constitutionally OK based on the "they didn't do anything about Obama so they can't about Cruz" rule in law. Look it up.
Gee, and here I thought it was because most legal experts have said that it was because he is eligible. That and a court ruled that McCain was eligible even though he was born in the Panama Canal Zone to an American father. Go figure.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Deep Knight wrote:Orly says Ted Cruz is constitutionally OK based on the "they didn't do anything about Obama so they can't about Cruz" rule in law. Look it up.
Oh shit! Orly is going to run for President.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

What Orly said 'bout Ted.

Here is my answer to the question of eligibility of Ted Cruz
Posted on | August 6, 2013

Many on the left are trying to bait me and use use me in launching attacks on Ted Cruz.

Here is my answer: We are seeing now 5 years of documented complete corruption of the US government, including the U.S. Judiciary, dismantling of the rule of law, United States of America descending into the mob rule and the rule of a criminal enterprise.

Multiple high ranking judges had and have now in front of them clear undeniable evidence showing Barack Obama using:

1. a stolen CT Social Security number 042-68-4425
2. using fabricated Selective Service Certificate with a fabricated cancellation US stamp
3. using a fabricated birth certificate. Judges are covering it up.

We are seeing judges covering up multiple instances of fraud, manipulating the docket, giving advanced notices to one party in a case, while keeping orders un-docketed for days, covering up the fact that in a number of instances court reporters are falsifying the transcripts

In the Third Circuit high ranking judges going up to the Chief Judge of the Circuit, Judge McKee, covered up the fact that a court reporter removed 14 pages from the official court transcript to benefit a party in a litigation, which makes the court itself criminally complicit to the falsification of the official court records and it is done specifically in a case filed to attack me, launched as a collateral attack on me.

In CA a Federal judge keeps on the docket of a case an attorney listed as a lead attorney after the license of such attorney was suspended and the judge was notified about it, the judge allows such individual to list on the official transfer of attorney a suspended license as if it is a valid law license and the judge signs off on it and makes the US District court complicit in allowing the use of a suspended license, as if it is a valid law license . When I see such complete lawlessness in the court of law, my response in regards to Ted Cruz, that it does not matter any more, whether the candidate is eligible. We have no rule of law any more.

If this continues, we simply should do the best to bring to the White House someone, who will not aim to destroy the US economy and US defense. There are a few individuals who are not perfect, but who make some sense. Among them are Dr. Ben Carson, Governor of WI Scott Walker, Senator from Utah Mike Lee and Senator from TX Ted Cruz. While Rand Paul makes sense from time to time, he flip flopped on mega amnesty and therefore I am questioning whether he can be trusted.

If, on the other hand, we will see the judges starting to actually use the rule of law and not the rule of criminal enterprise, if we will see Obama being found liable for fraud and use of stolen and fabricated IDs, if we will see Obama criminally prosecuted and sent to prison, if we will see all of his accomplices sent to prison, then we will start talking about the eligibility of other candidates. So far we have a dictatorial regime of a criminal enterprise.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by notorial dissent »

So many words, so many lies, so little sense, so little reality.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by fortinbras »

Crazy Joe Arpaio's investigation bogs down, this time amid evidence that it's being subsidized for political purposes: ... ase-posse/

More or less simultanously, John Boehner's threatened lawsuit against Obama is bogged down as a second posh DC law firm (again with impeccible Republican connections) backs out of handing the case. But, gee, I bet Orly would take the case for nothing!
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

Monday, November 10, 2014
Professor From Columbia Has Come Forward Saying Obama Never Attended The University...

Professor From Columbia Has Come Forward Saying Obama Never Attended The University a distinguished PROFESSOR at COLUMBIA UN reports

[Redacted link that has an article that says]

” … until now, I was the only one publicly voicing my suspicions. That just changed in a big way. Meet Professor Henry Graff, perhaps the most legendary and honored professor ever at Columbia University. He was THE American History and Diplomatic History professor at Columbia for 46 years. And he is more emphatic than yours truly that there are no Obama footprints at Columbia.

I was put on Professor Graff’s trail by another Columbia classmate, skeptical about Obama’s story. He told me that Professor Graff had been the speaker for the Class of ’53 last weekend at Columbia. My friend was watching Graff answer questions from the crowd when he was asked about Obama at Columbia. Graff said, “I have my doubts he ever went here.”

I did some digging and located Graff’s home phone number. I called him yesterday. Now retired, he was delighted to hear from me. He agreed to go on the record about Obama. Unlike Obama, Professor Graff clearly remembered me. He was thrilled to hear from his former student. I was in several of Graff’s classes and he remembered me like it was yesterday. He sounded great- like he hasn’t lost any of his trademark sharpness in 30 years since we last met.

I was honored to learn that this legendary historian has been following my political career for many years. But he had no such cheery things to say about the President. Graff said, “I taught at Columbia for 46 years. I taught every significant American politician that ever studied at Columbia. I know them all. I’m proud of them all. Between American History and Diplomatic History, one way or another, they all had to come through my classes. Not Obama. I never had a student with that name in any of my classes. I never met him, never saw him, never heard of him.”

Even more importantly, Professor Graff knew the other history and political science professors. “None of the other Columbia professors knew him either” said Graff.

Graff concluded our interview by saying, “I’m very upset by the whole story. I am angry when I hear Obama called ‘the first President of the United States from Columbia University.’ I don’t consider him a Columbia student. I have no idea what he did on the Columbia campus. No one knows him.” “

Wayne Allen Roots

Posted by John MacHaffie at 8:21 AM

Wayne Allyn (Allen, Alyn) Root is the guy who first said that Obama didn't go to Columbia because he did and knew everyone, and then said that everyone at Columbia knew that Obama was a Communist when he went there. Something tells me both can't be true. Now, he's saying he talked to an old professor who knew everyone, and he was angry they were saying Obama was at Columbia because he doesn't remember him. Doesn't he realize that he's left a paper trail people can look up?
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by rogfulton »

Deep Knight wrote:Wayne Allyn (Allen, Alyn) Root is the guy who first said that Obama didn't go to Columbia because he did and knew everyone, and then said that everyone at Columbia knew that Obama was a Communist when he went there. Something tells me both can't be true. Now, he's saying he talked to an old professor who knew everyone, and he was angry they were saying Obama was at Columbia because he doesn't remember him. Doesn't he realize that he's left a paper trail people can look up?
Was he going by Obama at the time?
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

rogfulton wrote:
Deep Knight wrote:Wayne Allyn (Allen, Alyn) Root is the guy who first said that Obama didn't go to Columbia because he did and knew everyone, and then said that everyone at Columbia knew that Obama was a Communist when he went there. Something tells me both can't be true. Now, he's saying he talked to an old professor who knew everyone, and he was angry they were saying Obama was at Columbia because he doesn't remember him. Doesn't he realize that he's left a paper trail people can look up?
Was he going by Obama at the time?
I'm sure that the birfers have the definitive answer on this. :sarcasmon:
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