NESARA Loves Orly!

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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by The Observer »

notorial dissent wrote:Apparently it is either this or actually work for a living and we know how well that turned out for her.
I don't know how well that turned out for her. Are you saying that she lost her dentistry practice?
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Oily probably gave up her dental practice to work on Much Greater Things. She is probably knock-kneed-terrified of having to go back to obscurity again, without hordes of acolytes hanging on her every word.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

Fight this order? I believe she means "find," but those med's she's on ... Can someone please help Orly fight or find this non-existent order?

I remember seeing an order by Clinton to disarm troops on bases. Can someone fight this order

Posted on | April 4, 2014

I remember seeing an order by Clinton to disarm troops on bases. Can someone fight this order?

Some Obama supporters point to an order in 1992, but it was related to police personal in DOD and I do not see any signatures by the president, which president finally signed this directive to take away the arms from members of the military on bases, to take away their Second Amendment rights and make them sitting ducks for terrorists and people on some psychotropic drugs.

It is time to turn the chairs on our ruling mafia: rescind the order depriving members of the military of their 2nd amendment rights and make the White House and the Congress “gun free zone”, no armed security for Obama and Congress, they can wait a few minutes for the police, if some terrorist or crazy man start shooting.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

A FIRST - Orly admits to a mistake.

Correction: Apparently the order to disarm members of the military on bases was signed by Bush Senior, please, call every congressman, demand rescission of this order, which made members of the military into sitting ducks

Posted on | April 4, 2014
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by notorial dissent »

The Observer wrote:I don't know how well that turned out for her. Are you saying that she lost her dentistry practice?
I'm saying that whatever she may have had for a dental practice is probably nothing but a sham at this point, as she has had neither the time nor the inclination to actual practice of late, and there is no evidence that she ever actually made a living at it.

Her law practice certainly qualifies as a hobby, and it is more than likely that her dental practice does as well at this point.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by davids »

Definitely right that she's trying to diversify. She has her nonprofit that brings in $$$, and all she has to do is criticize Obama and blab conspiracy theories to keep the tap running. I think she wants to keep that going. She has an office in Rancho Santa Margarita, CA and her website has perpetually run an ad for office space she is subletting there. One can reach one's own conclusions as to why it is seemingly always available. She also runs a perpetual ad for her dentistry practice, so one can assume that she does that still. On Yelp there are zero reviews for her dentistry practice...which hardly screams "thriving."

Woo0hoo, I made "Pirate's Mate" whatever that means...I think it means I just made my 100th post - under this moniker.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

Orly outdoes herself with this monumentally stupid post.

No evidence that the autopsy report for Loretta Fuddy exists and that the next of kin gave a consent to the AP reporter to obtains such report

Posted on | April 4, 2014 | 4 Comments

Press release: Researches were refused a copy of an allegedly existing autopsy report for Loretta Fuddy, request for explanation sent to AP reporter Jennifer Cinco-Kelleher, who claims to have a copy of the report. No evidence the report exists, no evidence the next of kin gave AP reporter a consent to obtain an autopsy report, which is private under HI law. Is the reporter criminally complicit not only in the cover up of Obama’s bogus IDs, but also assassination of Director of Health Loretta Fuddy?

Attorney Orly Taitz, as well as researchers Sharon Rondeau and Linda Jordan requested Fuddy autopsy report from both medical examiner Dr. Harle and Maui police department. None of the researchers got the autopsy report, which allegedly exists and which allegedly was signed by Dr. Harle and found that Fuddy died of arrhythmia. Maui police department states that there has to be a consent of the next of kin to get the report. Letters were sent by a number of researchers to the AP reporter Jennifer Cinco-Kelleher who described the report in her article, but did not post the report. At this point there is no evidence that the report even exists, whether it was signed by the medical examiner, Dr. Harle, and that it says, what Kelleher claims that it says. There is no evidence that any of the relatives of Fuddy gave Jennifer Cinco- Kelleher a consent for the report either.

What! An AP article where the reporter claims to have a copy of the autopsy report! Treason! Orly even includes a copy of the article which starts:

Cause of death for Health Director Fuddy released
Posted: Jan 13, 2014 4:17 PM PSTUpdated: Jan 13, 2014 6:57 PM PST
Associated Press

Hawaii’s health director died of an irregular heartbeat that was triggered when a small plane she was riding in lost power and crash-landed off the Hawaiian island of Molokai, police said Monday.

Loretta Fuddy’s irregular heartbeat was the result of stress from the Dec. 11 crash, Maui police announced, revealing the findings of an autopsy conducted two days after the crash. The pilot and seven other passengers on the Makani Kai Air flight survived without major injuries. ... h-released

So, the Maui Police made an announcement about the cause of death, which is how the reporter knew. Orly jumped to the conclusion that the reporter must have gotten the autopsy report they wouldn't share with her, and in her rage can't see anything else even though it's perfectly clear. And this lady passed the California bar? If you ask me, there's somethin' mighty suspicious there, perhaps a conspiracy ...

Meanwhile, irony meters have gone off scale with this comment to Orly's post above.

Thomas Heron
April 4th, 2014 @ 8:10 pm

Apologies for being off topic, but this is so strange that I have to bring it up. The “Anti Birthers” at the conspiracy website have now decided there is something wrong with Trig Palin’s birth certificate. They have no evidence, but they believe it because they want to.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by fortinbras »

The irregular heartbeat explanation should not have caused either surprise or doubt. Taitz is - try hard to remember - a dentist. She was UNDOUBTEDLY taught in dental school that some dental patients, perhaps as old or older than Fuddy (age 65), have weak or irregular hearts whose symptoms are easy to overlook but which might yield to the anxiety and stress of a dental procedure.

Compared to a dentist's chair, a plane crash and being dumped in the ocean too far to swim to shore is off the freaking scale.

I am Fuddy's age also with a weak heart and I don't dare take roller coaster rides.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by notorial dissent »

Deep Knight wrote:Orly outdoes herself with this monumentally stupid post.
Oh, come on!!!! Where Orly is concerned, that is kind of like saying water is wet!!! Of course she made a mind numbingly stupid post, it seems to be the only kind she knows how to make.

Squirrely has another mad on because she not only got told NO, but hell NO!!!! It seems that HI really means it when they say certain records are non-public, autopsy reports being one of them. She and Sharon Rondeau both got told, once they figured out who to properly ask-which took a good deal of time, that those reports were not EVER public, and NO they could not have copies, so now Squirrely has convinced herself, or at least her flying monkeys, that the report doesn't really exist. Beats having to explain that she doesn't know the difference between public and non-public records. She has been throwing a regular foot stomping tantrum ever since she got told go away once again by HI. They just don't do that to Lady Liberty and not get charged with treason and misprison, and I'm sure we'll get a REEKO charge in here somewhere eventually.

Actually it would be more of a surprise if someone of Fuddy's age, dumped into icy water after a plane crash didn't have some kind of cardiac incident, it is surprising that some of the younger ones didn't as well. Shock kills perfectly healthy 13 year olds so there is no reason to be surprised when it kills an older woman under those conditions, unless you're Squirrely.

Incidentally, there is no proof Squirrely is really a dentist other than that she managed to con CA into giving her a license. The Israeli dental school she supposedly went to will not confirm that she was ever a student, let alone if she graduated.

After all, she has a law license, but there seems to be no real proof she's actually an attorney either. Certainly not by her court track record or pleadings any way.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

One of the comments about the "Fuddy autopsy report" complains that not enough information was released to harass the author of the AP piece.

April 5th, 2014 @ 9:04 am

What’s Jennifer Sinco -Kelleher’s Email address. Please post it. More birthers need to do their part and get involved and email Jennifer to find out answers. If you post her email address, it can posted far and wide on blogs.

That's right, she MUST be part of the conspiracy, so harass her with e-mails until she cracks! The regime must fall! All hail Orly!

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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

3 helicopters are circling here now, at 12:05 am

Posted on | April 13, 2014

Um, are those black helicopters, Orly?
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by JennyD »

Deep Knight wrote:3 helicopters are circling here now, at 12:05 am

Posted on | April 13, 2014

Um, are those black helicopters, Orly?
DAMN she caught us trying to find out what kind of underwear she uses, we were going to try and see if she was a thong type or a grannie type... and then plaster it all over the internet...

We thought better of it after realizing the world is better off not knowing what kind of britches Orly wears.... *shudder*
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by AndyK »

Beverages down:

Commando :?:
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by fortinbras »

Mike Zullo, who turned out to be a fourflusher when it came to "universe shattering" proofs about Obama, now has a new career -- touting day trading, today's classic get-poor-quick scheme. He's trying to bring in the suckers by badmouthing American currency. ... -currency/

Although the birfers were irrelevant to taxes and finance - the REAL topics of Quatloos - I still believe we should have a category devoted to them for comic relief.

By the way, I went to a Lewis Black standup comedy show last night. He was foaming that the recent federal govt shutdown had cost the government $24 Billion - and that Detroit could have been saved by a stimulus infusion of a mere $19 Billion. Also, Arizona recently passed a law against destroying whatever guns are collected at those church (and other) buy-back bazaars where cash or merchandise is given in return for turning in a firearm; so in Arizona there's a law to protect guns from people, which seems to be backward.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

Call every congressman: demand RICO complaint to be filed by the US Congress and Tea Party against DOJ, FEC, IRS, Eric Holder, Lois Lerner and others for obstruction of Justice and criminal conspiracy to deprive civil rights of Tea Party members and file bogus criminal charges against Tea Party members

Posted on | April 17, 2014

Orly is demanding that others file bogus criminal charges against people she claims are filing bogus criminal charges?
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by fortinbras »

You gotta wonder if Taitz cheated on her citizenship exam when she got to stay in the United States.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

fortinbras wrote:You gotta wonder if Taitz cheated on her citizenship exam when she got to stay in the United States.
I score better at the US citizenship tests than I do at the UK ones. :shock:
Besides, Taitz married a US citizen didn't she? So did she actually have to take the test?
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

ArthurWankspittle wrote:
fortinbras wrote:You gotta wonder if Taitz cheated on her citizenship exam when she got to stay in the United States.
I score better at the US citizenship tests than I do at the UK ones. :shock:
Besides, Taitz married a US citizen didn't she? So did she actually have to take the test?
I turned that around, and tried the UK test. I've only spent a total of 2 weeks in the UK in my life; yet I scored 80% when I took it.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

Sometimes you find the most interesting stuff while digging into Orly’s claims. This is what she posted on Sunday (after attending a 4-20 rally?).

I just received this information, if true this is a frightening case of an impeachable judicial misconduct
Posted on | April 20, 2014

If true? Wouldn't a responsible person check to make sure it wasn't some @#$%&! with an axe to grind?

Impeach Judge Larry Alan Burns
December 22, 2012

On May 4, 2012 the Ninth Circuit Court opened an investigation concerning Judge Larry Alan Burns’ illegal use of armed force. Burns sent armed court police to the home of the pro se couple referred to on this site in apparent retaliation for this sites posting of information citing court documents that proved Burns lied in a court ruling he made.

The investigation was opened as the result of the pro se couple filing a judicial complaint with the circuit court. Docket number 12-90052 was assigned to the investigation process. In a May 4, 2012 letter to the complainants Cathy A. Catterson of the executive office of the Ninth Circuit informed the pro se couple that Chief Judge Kozinski of the circuit court and Chief District Judge Moskowitz were investigating Judge Burns.

In late September 2012 an unidentified person, apparently from Federal District Court in San Diego sent an anonymous email to the editor of this website,, threatening retaliation if this site was not removed from the internet. This threat came just a few days after the pro se couple contacted Cathy A. Catterson to inquire what the status was of the Judge Larry Burns investigation.

Per Ms. Catterson’s statement in response to the inquiry of the complaint status, as of October 31, 2012 the investigation is still ongoing. [It was actually dismissed October 30, 2012]

House Judiciary Committee Complaint:

A complaint was submitted to the house judiciary committee informing Darrell Edward Issa, U.S. Congressman from San Diego County, of the threat Burns made against the pro se couple at their home. The judiciary committee has subsequently opened in independent investigation of Judge Burns.

Update: December 3, 2012

On November 28, 2012 the Ninth Circuit Court opened a Judicial Counsel investigation into the alleged intimidation and threats Judge Larry Burns committed by ordering armed marshals to the pro se couple’s home in apparent retaliation for exposing his lies and fraudulent rulings on this website. [No, there was an appeal and the 9th court reviewed and affirmed the dismissal in January 2013]

What really happened was this - David & Martine Mednansky (who go thru great length to keep their names confidential) bought the lease for a cabin on National Forest land. They could continue the lease if they kept up the property and if the Forest Service said they could. But they fought with the Forest Service instead, building things they refused to remove and living on the site full time in violation of their agreement (these are meant as vacation homes). So they started to lie.

Unfortunately, they didn’t keep track of the lies, Judge Burns caught them contradicting themselves, and noted this in his judgment. This impeachable judicial misconduct outraged them! So when the Forest Service and sheriff tried to evict them (and they didn’t answer the door), this became “retaliation.” They filed a complaint, which was dismissed as frivolous in 2012, then appealed, and the appeal was dismissed.

My favorite example is the claim that they stopped opening letters from the Forest Service because they upset Martine and prevented her from going to work during a period during which she was unemployed. They believe this is a legitimate excuse for not responding to the deadlines in the letters, which it’s not. Judge Burns made of point of noting they quoted things from NFS letters they received during the same period (a form letter and postcard were offered as “contractual documents”). They also fought requests to remove things for 5 years, and then at the last minute used the “if you had only told me earlier, we would have had time to do it by the deadline” excuse at the last minute.

They also started a website dedicated to harassing Judge Burns, The NFS showing up to evict them became Judge Burns getting payback for them bad-mouthing him on their site. I’ll let them continue the story from here:

Judge Larry Burns retaliates, violates citizens Free Speech Rights, sends armed thugs to intimidate and threaten innocent citizens with deadly force.

On February 25, 2011 Judge Larry Burns sent court police, U.S Marshalls, to the home of the pro se couple mentioned on this website. For half an hour they banged on the doors and windows of the home shouting the names of the owners. The Marshalls were dressed in combat uniforms, bullet proof vests, boots, ammunition bandoleers around their torsos, and armed with rifles and hand guns. The pro se couple was inside the home in fear for their lives.

After the Marshalls left the couple learned that Judge Burns had ordered the Marshalls to question them about this website, This act is reminiscent of Nazi Germany when soldiers went to the homes of Jewish people demanding to know if they were Jews. The Jewish people knew full well they would be put to death if they answered to the affirmative. What would the Marshalls, or Judge Burns, have done if the couple opened the door and acknowledged they made this website? Put them to death? The couple did not want to find out. Like the Jews being persecuted for being of Jewish ancestry, the couple had been persecuted for being American, exercising free speech rights, at the hands of a United States Federal Trial Court Judge no less!


February 25, 2011 Judge Burns retaliated against the existence of this website by sending heavily armed thugs to terrorize and threaten those he suspects of exposing his corruption. As a result of Burns' retaliation friends of late famous investigative reporter Sherman Skolnick are hot on the trail to uncover evidence that would indicate a troubled past. Investigation now expands into Larry Burns' personal background due to this bizarre retaliatory infantilism type of behavior. Investigators are looking into his Tucson Arizona and California history including his childhood home in Pasadena and Arcadia. Search has expanded into his parents, Tom and Grace Burns, attributes as well. The search into Burns' past solely entails public records and news stories at this time. Preliminary evidence reveals interesting facts pointing to a deprived childhood of a lower class upbringing and psychological trauma associated with the original family name of 'Cockburn", and abuse from a father who beat into him a 'strong work ethic' and 'power over ordinary people' arrogance derived from his fathers inferiority complex that found an outlet by becoming a policeman. Psychological profile is being developed as more evidence and facts accrue.

Psychological evaluation of preliminary data suggests Burns suffers a secondary disability from higher psychological functions. Childhood humiliation, segregation, behavioral and emotional trauma as well as deprivations appear to be some of the factors that may be responsible for some of the aberrant behaviors Burns has exhibited. Data suggest that Burns suffers delusionary disorder. He thinks this website is solely focused on him and is a threat to his physical safety! This is referred to as a non-bizarre delusion.

Burns' actions to intimidate and threaten should preclude him from sitting on the judicial bench. Perhaps the Judiciary should consider putting him on a bench in a nice quiet place where things are beautiful all day long and where padded walls can keep him well!

I especially liked the amateur psychology.

As far as I can tell, 3 years after the eviction these people haven’t yet vacated this house (at least they’re still using the address in early 2014). Not exactly what I would call an example of a draconian government out of control.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by fortinbras »

The latest bit of nonsense from Mike Zullo .... having missed the March release date of his "universe shattering" proof of something, without even a public statement, he now is whispering to a handful of sycophants that, oh yes, revelations too astounding to be revealed, and the reason nothing came out in March is that now he's got so much more than the original universe shattering stuff, and so on. ... 6wTAMcAIrg

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