NESARA Loves Orly!

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NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

New thread for Birther broadsides.

Yesterday, Orly posted a cryptic post about subpoenas.

Press Release 14 U.S. Congressman and House Judiciary committee were served with subpoenas with attached Urgent Demand for Verification to be provided within 2 weeks by March 19th. If they do not comply, they are in contempt of court. Most of the congressmen served are members of the Judiciary committee. Most of them are attorneys, former prosecutors and judges. Proof of service on every Congressman is being posted on today and tomorrow. Copies are being sent by certified mail to the US Attorneys’ office-Department of Justice and are being filed with the presiding Judge Morrison C. England. Donations to cover expenses are greatly appreciated. Law abiding U.S. citizens have a right to contact their congressmen and demand that they comply with subpoenas expeditiously.

Having watched and learned from Orly, I immediately knew I didn't know what she was talking about. Luckily for me, she posted this today.


On 12.12.2012 a legal action Grinols, Odden, Judd, Noonen and MacLaren v Electoral College, President of the Senate, Congress, Barack Hussein Obama, aka Barack (Barry ) Soetoro, aka Barack Barry Soebarkah, Governor of California and Secretary of State of California was filed by several Presidential electors and minor presidential candidates. The case number is 12-cv-02997 Presiding Judge Morrison C. England Eastern District of California. U.S. Attorney Benjamin Wagner and Deputy U.S. Attorney Edward Olsen made an appearance as attorneys representing U.S. Congress, President of the Senate, Electoral College and Barack Obama. A motion for a TRO (temporary restraining order) was filed by the plaintiffs to enjoin the certification of the electoral votes for Obama and enjoin taking of the oath of office by Obama pending adjudication on the merits of his legitimacy for the U.S. Presidency in light of the fact that he is using a Connecticut Social Security number 042-68-4425, which was never signed to him according to E-Verify and SSNVS, due to the fact that in his mother’s passport he is listed under a different last name, Soebarkah, due to the fact that multiple experts and members of law enforcement found his Selective Service application and long form and short form birth certificates to be computer generated forgeries and a number of other reasons. U.S. attorneys Wagner and Olsen filed an opposition to the TRO. Their opposition means that each and every US congressman, U.S. Senator, each and every Elector; all 435 US representatives, all 100 Senators, all 538 Presidential Electors oppose adjudication on the merits of above issues and do not want to get answers to the questions essential to the U.S. National security prior to the inauguration. It came to the attention of the plaintiffs that a number of Defendants actually shared the concerns of the plaintiffs and did not know that the US attorneys represented them and opposed the motion for TRO. You are requested to fill out the questioner below and clarify whether you were aware of the facts and evidence provided with the complaint and that you authorized Wagner and Olsen to oppose the TRO.

So, her legal theory is: Those opposing her case were representing everyone, so if everyone didn't get copies of her pleadings it's illegal? As for the obviousl question as to how she can subpoena people in a trial that's over and gone, I guess it's her revolutionary "post trial discovery" theory that covers this.

Anybody out there know if she can get into trouble for serving people with these or the
"contempt of court" claims?

For your ammusement (and little else), the subpoena questions (subpoenas are questions?)


1. I was notified that U.S. Attorney Benjamin Wagner and Deputy Attorney General Edward Olsen(hereinafter Wagner and Olsen) are representing me in Grinols et al v Electoral College et al12-cv-02997 Eastern District of California, presiding Chief Judge Morrison C. England

2. I authorized Wagner and Olsen to file an opposition to TRO, opposing a stay of certification and a stay of taking the oath of office by Obama pending adjudication on the merits of the evidence of forgery in the Selective Service Certificate, long form birth certificate and short form birth certificate of Barack Hussein Obama, aka Barack (Barry) Soetoro aka Barack (Barry) obama Soebarkah and evidence of fraudulent use by him of Connecticut Social Security number 042-68-4425 by Barack Hussein Obama

3. Wagner and Olsen forwarded to me a sworn affidavit of the retired Chief Investigator of the Special Investigations Unit of the U.S. Coast Guard and former special agent for the Department of Homeland Security Jeffrey Stephan Coffman, where Coffman states under the penalty of perjury that the alleged application for Selective Service by Barack Obama is an altered document

4. I was given by Wagner and Olsen the TRO motion, where it is explained that a male who did not register with the Selective Service and who does not have a valid registration for the Selective Service (not an altered or forged one, but a valid one) is disqualified from holding any position within the Executive branch of the United States government pursuant to 5 USC § 3328.

5. I am aware that as part of their complaint plaintiffs provided 2009 tax returns for Barack Obama, which show him using a Connecticut Social Security number 042-68-4425, even though Obama was never a resident of Connecticut and according to E-verify and SSNVS this number was never assigned to Obama

6. I have read sworn affidavits of Sheriff of Maricopa County Joseph Arpaio, Investigator Mike Zullo, Retired Senior Deportation officer John Sampson, licensed Investigator Susan Daniels attesting to evidence of forgery in Obama’s birth certificate, Selective Service Certificate and Social Security card

7. I viewed the video tape of the press conference by Maricopa County, AZ Sheriff Arpaio and Investigator Zullo, as well as sworn witness testimony of witnesses Susan Daniels, Linda Jordan, Douglas Vogt, Felicito Papa attesting to evidence of fraud and forgery in Obama’s IDs

8. I read the passport records of deceased Stanley Ann Dunham, the mother of Barack Obama, obtained under Freedom of Information Act, included with the complaint, showing Obama listed under the last name Soebarkah in his mother’s passport records. I understand that one has to be sworn in under a correct legal name.

9. I read the sworn affidavit of the assistant clerk of the office of the Registrar of Hawaii Timothy Adams stating that it was a common knowledge in the office of the Registrar of Hawaii that there is no birth certificate for Obama in any hospital in Hawaii

10. I reviewed the biography of Barack Obama submitted by Barack Obama to his publisher Acton-Dystel in 1991 and kept on the official web site of Acton Dystel, where Obama stated that he was born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia. I understand that this biography was removed from the official web site of the publisher in 2007 when Obama decided to run for the U.S. President and needed to be a “natural born” U.S. Citizen

11. I understand that Obama’s alleged selective service certificate contains a two digit year stamp “80″, while for over a hundred years all U.S. stamps have a four digit year, such as “”1980″

12. I understand that Obama’s alleged copy of his long form birth certificate contains letters of different shapes and different sizes, which is impossible when the documents is created with a type writer.

13. I understand that not one single judge or jury or forensic document expert was allowed to see the original birth certificate for Obama, the original application for the Selective Service and the original application for the Connecticut Social Security number used by Barack Obama

14. I understand that in his School registration in Indonesia in 1967 Barack Obama is listed as a citizen of Indonesia. I understand that there is no record of him changing his citizenship after returning to the U.S. from Indonesia and relinquishing his Indonesian citizenship. I understand that even if Obama/Soetoro/Soebarkah were to change his citizenship upon his return from Indonesia, he would be naturalized and not natural born citizen as required for the position of the U.S. President according to article 2, section 1 of the U.S. Constitution

15. I understand that in his school registration in Indonesia Barack Obama is listed under the last name of his step father Soetoro. I understand that there is no record of Obama ever changing his name from Soetoro to Obama

16. With full knowledge of above facts I authorized Wagner and Olsen to file an opposition to TRO, opposing a temporary stay of certification and a stay of taking the oath of office of the U.S. President by Barack Hussein Obama, aka Barack(Barry) Soetoro, aka Barack (Barry ) Obama Soebarkah pending adjudication on the merits of the evidence of forgery in his Selective Service Certificate, his long form birth certificate and short form birth certificate, evidence of fraudulent use of Connecticut Social Security number 042-68-4425 by Barack Hussein Obama and other related issues

Please, forward the signed form to the Attorney for the Plaintiffs

Orly Taitz etc.

I wonder how the Congress ever gets anything done with this requirement that they review all the pleadings in every federal case in the US. The price of freedom, no doubt.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by notorial dissent »

Squirrely strikes again, and as usual OUT!!!!!

She just can't seem to get proper service down right.

What I'm wondering is who issued the supposed subpoenas, since I am quite sure that Judge England didn't, and I can't imagine he will be too thrilled when this starts trickling back to him.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by wserra »

notorial dissent wrote:What I'm wondering is who issued the supposed subpoenas
Lawyers in federal court issue their own subpoenas - subject of course to being quashed, which these are certain to be. Assuming Taitz ever serves them.

Oh, and DK, the case isn't over. Yet. It won't be long, though.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by notorial dissent »

Wes, quite right, that's what I get for posting when I am still half asleep. She has so many cases going I can't keep track of which ones she is actually playing laywer in and the ones she is pro se in. Like there is really much difference.

I still can't imagine Judge England is going to be amused at this latest little flutter of hers.

And, as you say, the end is nigh, although, not quite nigh enough.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

I guess I should have said the Denial of a Temporary Restraining Order, which I mistook for a some sort of final judgement. To be honest I get really confused when trying to sort out Orly's cases, I don't know why. Which case of her's was that again?
Grinols v. Obama

On December 13, 2012, Taitz filed in Sacramento, California a lawsuit of behalf of James Grinols (a Republican elector from Minnesota), Robert Odden (a Libertarian elector from Minnesota), Keith Judd (a federal prisoner who was on the West Virginia Democratic primary ballot), Edward Noonan (who won the American Independent Party presidential primary in California), and Thomas MacLeran (who filed to run as a Republican for president) seeking to prevent Congress from certifying the Electoral College's vote. The lawsuit also sought to prevent California officials from certifying the election results from the 2012 presidental election. On January 3, 2013, District Judge Morrison C. England Jr. denied the plaintiffs' request for a temporary restraining order to prevent Congress from certifying the Electoral College's vote. At the hearing, the judge told Taitz, "Your argument, it doesn't make any sense whatsoever," and at one point asked, "Why do you keep filing these lawsuits when they keep getting rejected?"
Maybe I was thinking it was Noonan, Judd, MacLeran, Taitz v. Bowen, you know, the one with the mountain of unsubstantiated accusations from California. You sure they're really not the same cases with the same evidence?
wserra wrote:Lawyers in federal court issue their own subpoenas - subject of course to being quashed, of course, which these are certain to be. Assuming Taitz ever serves them.
I assume that she also had to file these with Judge England, who would review and quash them, quash 'em good, and then? Order her to contact, or have the court clerk contact, the people who they were issued to and tell them to forget it 'cause she's a crazy @#$%!, in some official way of course?
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by wserra »

Deep Knight wrote:I assume that she also had to file these with Judge England
Actually, no. In federal court, judges only get involved with subpoenas in the event that there is either a motion to quash or for contempt (in the event one is disobeyed). Yes, that gives someone like Taitz plenty of opportunities for abuse. Still, as Taitz has already found out on a couple of occasions, there are always sanctions.

Hint, hint.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by notorial dissent »

Just as an aside, and there are far too many asides in this farce now to keep track of, since she served the congresscritters individually, doesn't that make the service faulty, since in this case they can only be sued as gov't officers, and doesn't that have to go through the Justice Dept?????
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

Well, I may be a simple ol' country boy who don't know a bunch o' fancy words beyond those necessary fer breedin' mules, but the relevance of her questions to the case at hand escapes me. Wouldn't the judge suspect some, what's the Latin term, monkey-doodle and take offense, and isn't that an unwise thing to do? In fact, one would think that Orly would have to be crazy to ... never mind.


What is is that NESARA so loves about Orly? A quick bio from Bad Fiction (where I stand in awe of Patrick McKinnion - his Birther Mythbusting section is masterful and the sections on Vogt and De Vattel must reads - this is from "cast of characters").
✜Dr. Orly Taitz, DDS, Esq, aka "Dr. Orly" - A Molvania-born woman with a dental degree from Hebrew University in Jerusalem, a JS from an on-line law school in Santa Ana, California, and fake eyelashes from Bobo's house of exotic spiders. Known for an ever-changing number of plaintiffs in her cases. Also involved in a lawsuit against her filed by Philip Berg. Accent and way of speaking makes one think she's actually looking for Moose and Squirrel. Likes to convince military plaintiffs to violate the UCMJ and has been known to call for military-led coups against Obama. Was sanctioned in Rhodes v MacDonald for her courtroom behaviour, is now involved in a Quo Warranto case as a pro se plaintiff. Ran for California Secretary of State, lost, currently planning to lose the US Senate race as well. Pretty much a media and attention whore. Her website is known for malware infestation. Being sued by Philip Berg. Also being sued (along with her husband) by ex-lover CEL3, who is being helped by Berg and Kreep in said lawsuit. De Vattelist One of three birther attorneys who lost to an empty table. Post re-election, has become increasingly anti-american and just plain nasty. What once was amusing is now seen as bitter, angry, and evil.

The fact that Dr. Orly Taitz continues to mispractice law is the strongest proof possible that the California Bar Association could care less about professional ethics. She's a sedition-filled, lying, nasty, delusional woman who has no problems taking a dump on everything this country stands for, and in my honest opinion, has violated her oath of citizenship when she naturalized and should be deported
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by fortinbras »

She's a sedition-filled, lying, nasty, delusional woman who has no problems taking a dump on everything this country stands for, and in my honest opinion, has violated her oath of citizenship when she naturalized and should be deported.
You mustn't bottle-up your feelings. Tell us how you really feel about her.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Burnaby49 »

Orly is married? I'm devastated! I thought, since she was coming to Canada and just a few hours away by car and ferry, that she and I had a chance to maybe get something going. I'll scrap that trip to Victoria.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by wserra »

Burnaby49 wrote:she and I had a chance to maybe get something going.

Man, do you need to wash out your mind with soap.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

Burnaby49 wrote:Orly is married? I'm devastated! I thought, since she was coming to Canada and just a few hours away by car and ferry, that she and I had a chance to maybe get something going. I'll scrap that trip to Victoria.
STAY AWAY! I have it from an inside source 38 levels above the Governor General that the RCMP (who Orly has referred to as the "Royal Canadian Mountain Police") is preparing for her visit.

Friday, March 8, 2013
Canada Prepares For Martial Law, Economic Collapse:

RCMP Armored Trucks – More Proof Of The Militarization Of The ‘North American Union’?
Thursday, March 7, 2013 18:37
(Before It's News)

You have got to check out this video below ... This clearly shows that America is not the only North American country being heavily 'militarized'. Is this more proof of the coming North American Union? What will the govt in Canada be using these vehicles for, hostage situations as the govt states or economic collapse and martial law? After watching the video, please let me know what you think. "If people don't see the walls being built around them, I'd say they're quite naive." First, a bit of background on this video/story from the Canadian Awareness Network.:

Not too long ago the new department of homeland security armored vehicles hit the streets of America. The vehicles are massive and are built for nothing short of all out war.
Now the RCMP is rolling out their new armored personnel carriers according to a Navistar Defense Canada press release.

The RCMP version comes with multiple gun ports, and can carry a full tactical team.
As we watch countless police forces around our nation and even our national police force the RCMP totally militarizing, we must stop. Take a step back and ask is this really necessary? Do we need or want military vehicles in the hands of local police? And most of all. When do we start calling Canada a total police state?

Posted by John MacHaffie at 6:34 AM
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

For 2 days O’Reilly is trying to push the regime propaganda, tell him “NO”, speak up the truth or you will be tried as an accomplice

Posted on | March 7, 2013

I noticed that since yesterday, after I served the subpoenas on members of Congress Bill O’Reilly, who has the highest number of viewers, is trying to brainwashed the viewers and telling them: When you talk about the birth certificate people tune out and later don’t listen when you talk about important staff, like debt.

Tell this bought and paid for scoundrel O’Reilly to stop committing treason and stop being criminally complicit. Obama’s forged and stolen IDs can send him to prison for the rest of his life, this is #1 ace in the deck of law abiding Americans. O’Reilly should either report the truth or one day we will try O’Reilly for complicity to fraud and treason. O’Reilly is a part of Obama-Nazi regime media playing the role assigned to him, the role of the conservatic

Come off it, Orly! Bill O'Reilly has never played the role of the conervatic right, if you ask me (I think his delivery should be more like a Shakespearean actor). If you want to make idle and empty threats towards him, at least do it for something he does right!
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by The Observer »

Burnaby49 wrote:Orly is married? I'm devastated!
I would have thought you would have been devastated more by this:
Also being ex-lover CEL3,...

After all, if you can't be first, why even try?
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Burnaby49 »

The Observer wrote:
Burnaby49 wrote:Orly is married? I'm devastated!
I would have thought you would have been devastated more by this:
Also being ex-lover CEL3,...

After all, if you can't be first, why even try?
I thought that it meant she had been having unnatural congress with a robot. R2-D2 and C-3P0 are reportedly also very bitter.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by The Observer »

Burnaby49 wrote:I thought that it meant she had been having unnatural congress...
I'd be careful with using the word "congress" in the same sentence that refers to Orly. She is very unhappy with Congress for failing to impeach Obama, so the last thing you want is her dragging you into a suit for defamation of her character by implying that she had been having an illicit affair with Congress and a robot.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

The Observer wrote:I'd be careful with using the word "congress" in the same sentence that refers to Orly. She is very unhappy with Congress for failing to impeach Obama, so the last thing you want is her dragging you into a suit for defamation of her character by implying that she had been having an illicit affair with Congress and a robot.
No need to make such a sordid and frankly degrading implication - the video is all over the Internet! See wwww.yootoob.Orly_Congress_Cyberpervert_Bodyfluids_Disgusting.vid
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Also being ex-lover CEL3,...

She's being sued by a sex toy?
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by The Observer »

ArthurWankspittle wrote:
Also being ex-lover CEL3,...

She's being sued by a sex toy?
Not really.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Burnaby49 »

That's quite a story. However I feel that $132,560,000 in damages is a bit excessive for:

Defendant further promised Lincoln a long list of benefits including comprehensive dental care, special medical care and a “holistic” program of therapy for which Defendant Dr. Orly Taitz would pay, plus all sorts of bizarre promises about buying the Plaintiff fine furniture and a new stylish and expensive wardrobe, complete with exotic items such as Vicuna jackets, none of which ever materialized, needless to say.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".