NESARA Loves Orly!

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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Well, when I type "Orly Taitz" into my search engine, I get results for "dim-witted blonde (genuine?) with centipedes on her eyelids".
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

JamesVincent wrote:Everytime I try to type in "just" in my phone it changes it to "jugs". Now, I like talking about jugs as much as any other male so maybe the autospell feature is just reading your mind.
That explains a lot! In my case it's when I type in "just" I get "if there was any justice, Orly would be in jail right now."

Far left outpost: Southern Poverty center launches another attack

Posted on | February 27, 2014 | 2 Comments
Corsi: Obama’s Father May Have Been an American Communist ... communist/

Orly Taitz is not happy. For the past several years, the California-based swimsuit model-turned-lawyer has poured her heart and soul into an endless series of lawsuits alleging …

Orly, Orly, Orly. The article was:

Corsi: Obama’s Father May Have Been an American Communist
By Leah Nelson on May 1, 2012

In English, we use the past tense for things that happened in the past. It's a subtle concept, but you'll get the hang of it. So it's "Southern Poverty center launched another attack, almost 2 years ago, but it start out being about me so I'm posting it."

By the way, what line of swimsuits did you model? I would like to avoid girls who wear them.

Orly Taitz is not happy. For the past several years, the California-based swimsuit model-turned-lawyer has poured her heart and soul into an endless series of lawsuits alleging that President Obama is not a U.S. citizen and is therefore ineligible for office. Now, she says, Jerome Corsi – the devoted birther and conspiracy-monger who authored last year’s ill-timed Where’s the Birth Certificate? – is ruining everything.


Actually, what Corsi is doing is a little lazier than that. Perhaps realizing that the “birther” fad is winding down despite the release, last November, of his e-book Where’s the REAL Birth Certificate, the relentless right-wing attack dog has tentatively embraced someone else’s alternative theory of Obama’s provenance. In a recent article for WorldNetDaily, Corsi suggested that a new documentary makes a “compelling case” that the president’s real father was not Kenyan-born Barack Obama Sr. at all.

Instead, the documentary argues, Obama was sired by the late Frank Marshall Davis, a Honolulu-based black labor activist.

“Dreams from My Real Father: A Story of Reds and Deception,” is a direct-to-DVD project of Joel Gilbert, a filmmaker and writer whose work to date includes a raft of anti-Muslim tomes and tracts. According to its website, the film “weaves together the proven facts with reasoned logic and speculation in an attempt to fill-in the obvious gaps in Obama’s history.”

“The ‘Birthers’ have been on a fool’s errand,” Gilbert is quoted as saying. “To understand Obama’s plans for America, the question is not ‘Where’s the Birth Certificate?,’ the question is ‘Who is the real father?’”

The far right has long obsessed over the president’s relationship with Davis, who had ties to the Communist Party, was friends with Obama’s grandfather, and about whom the president wrote fondly in his memoir.

Driving the rampant speculation about the two men’s relationship has been gay-hating columnist Cliff Kincaid, who runs an antigovernment “Patriot” group call America’s Survival and is director of “investigative journalism” at the ironically named rightwing outfit Accuracy in Media (AIM).

Gilbert’s new film has Kincaid in a frenzy of excited speculation. “I have always called Davis the ‘mentor’ of Obama. I have also referred to him as Obama’s surrogate father and role model,” he wrote Saturday in an E-mail to members of America’s Survival. “But what if Communist Party member Frank Marshall Davis was more than a mentor? What if he was Obama’s real father?

“I have seen the new shocking film, ‘Dreams from My Real Father: A Story of Reds and Deception,’ which makes the case that Davis was indeed Obama’s father. It is not a matter of DNA evidence. But director Joel Gilbert has assembled a lot of circumstantial evidence.”

Holy cow, circumstantial evidence? We here at Hatewatch are already half-convinced.

And if that weren’t enough to persuade us to whip out the credit card and order a copy for everyone in the office, Kincaid also offers a titillating warning: “[T]his story involves perversion and pornography. In assembling this evidence, Gilbert traces nude photos of Obama’s mother to Davis’s home. … The nudity is central to the story, since Joel Gilbert makes the case that Davis was sexually intimate with Obama’s mother, and that the relationship resulted in Obama’s birth. It was covered up for reasons explained in the film.”

Describing Davis as a “sex pervert who had sex with young girls,” Kincaid writes, “You can draw your own conclusions. But you owe it to yourself to see the evidence.”

Perversion, nudity and communism all in one film? Sounds great!

Sorry, Orly. We’re sold!
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by The Observer »

Deep Knight wrote:By the way, what line of swimsuits did you model? I would like to avoid girls who wear them.
This from the guy who has bragged incessantly about bedding hundreds of thousands of bikini models? I guess I can understand the motivation for your question - is there a little bit of fear that you might have had a close encounter of the 4th kind with Orly?
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by notorial dissent »

I hate to say it, but even DK has his limits of depravity and other world grossness.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

When you have millions of supermodel lovers, your ability to do comprehensive background checks is limited, and easily-vetted criteria such as swimsuit manufacturers are a HUGE time saver. Look for the little tags in the back, right below the size information and washing instructions.

WOW! In HI Coleen Hanabusa is leading in her race against Obama’s accomplice, current Senator Schatz, who signed falsified OCON (official certificate of a candidate). Huge rebuke to Obama!

Posted on | February 27, 2014

So, the people of Hawaii have finally gotten tired of the coverup and are clamoring for justice, eh? About time!

HONOLULU -- Just five months before the first votes are cast in Hawaii, likely Democratic primary voters are evenly split on who to support for the U.S. Senate.

A new Honolulu Civil Beat Poll shows U.S. Sen. Brian Schatz and U.S. Rep. Colleen Hanabusa with 40 percent each. Another 20 percent are not sure who they'll vote for.

This is the third time Civil Beat has polled the Schatz-Hanabusa matchup in eight months, and there has been very little movement in either direction for either candidate.

"They are in a holding pattern," said Matt Fitch, executive director of Merriman River Group, which conducted The Civil Beat Poll. "I think for many people this may be one of the more high-profile Senate primaries, and it is unusual because there is not a massive ideological division between the two candidates. They are two popular choices."

Fitch added, "What is unusual is that the incumbent is slightly less well known than the challenger."

Hanabusa and Schatz began their political careers at the same time, 1998. Hanabusa has served as state Senate president and first made it to Congress in 2010. Schatz, a former state House representative and Democratic Party chairman, was appointed to the Senate in December 2012 following the death of Daniel K. Inouye.

As most everyone who follows politics -- from the State Capitol to the U.S. Capitol -- knows well, Inouye wanted Hanabusa to take his place but Gov. Neil Abercrombie chose Schatz, his lieutenant governor.

Yeah, like reporters from a Honolulu paper know what's going on over there! Orly has her fingers on the pulses of the people, and as soon as they get feeling back in their arms they'll rise up in righteous anger and rebuke this usurper-facilitator! Hail Orly!
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

Orly get's sent a message and taunted.

More vandalism of my car, it looks like there is remote control tampering with the electronics of my car

Posted on | February 28, 2014

For the past several years there were multiple incidents of vandalism of my car. Previously someone disconnected the fumes emissions hose on my car and hot combustible fumes were going back to the engine. Several tires blew up.

Just last Saturday a tire blew up yet again. Today suddenly there was a red signal light showing open trunk. I checked and saw that both the trunk and the gas tank doors were open and there are signs of someone braking the lock of the trunk, there are signs of somebody using something sharp to brake the lock. Later I saw that the gasoline indicator showed that the gasoline was below zero, even though I recently filled gasoline. I filled gasoline again and indicator was showing below zero again. As I started driving, I did not switch on the radio. Suddenly, as I was entering the freeway, the DVD started playing on full volume without me switching it on. It happened several times, the DVD would go on and off by itself. It is as if someone is trying to send me a message, taunting me.

Any ideas? I hope one of the judges would have the strength of character and integrity to order production of documents and discovery, so we can identify all these people and end all of this thuggery

I was at the meeting where this was planned and know the inside story. I can't tell you who else was there, but it included a lot of Satan's relatives and in-laws (it's WHO you know, not WHAT you know here in the Illuminati). True to form, when the choice between "disappearing" Orly and messing with her car came up, messing won. Then these geniuses decided to pry open the trunk, break her fuel gauge, and put a remote switch into her car's DVD player. As you know, she likes to watch her own YouTube videos while driving, and they figured that if this came on while she was entering the freeway at full volume, even Orly would be driven mad by the screeching. The fools, everyone knows that loud Orly causes physical damage to anything but Orly, in this case the bald tire that "blew up" (melted thru the steel belt like butter).
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by fortinbras »

We are now into the month of March, which Mike Zullo scheduled for his revelation of "universe shattering" proofs of Obama's non-citizenship.
I am willing to take bets on whether the universe remains unshattered by the end of the month.`
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

fortinbras wrote:We are now into the month of March, which Mike Zullo scheduled for his revelation of "universe shattering" proofs of Obama's non-citizenship.
I am willing to take bets on whether the universe remains unshattered by the end of the month.`
I don't know, "where there's smoke there's fire," and last time I saw Zullo in a YouTube video I swear smoke was coming out his behind. It's perfectly rational that the Cold Cut Posse has damning evidence they're just sitting on instead of rushing out and stopping the usurper who's installing gay Islamic socialism as I speak. Making universe-shattering announcements successful requires proper timing, presentation, and a above all, lengthy preparation.

I'll take some of that action, what do you say to 1 Iraqi Dinar?
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by fortinbras »

It turns out that a Texas candidate for Congress is bragging (sort of) of an endorsement from Crazy Joe, which, of course, saddles her with some baggage. ... -the-pain/
Last edited by fortinbras on Sun Mar 02, 2014 7:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by notorial dissent »

We somehow managed to survive Khoutek, the end of the Mayan Calendar, the collision with the dark planet, and whatever the other earth ending event was I noted recently that I didn't pay any attention to either, so I somehow expect that we weill not only survive, but not even notice Kommandant Zero's latest pronouncement, when, or more likely IF, he ever makes it. At any rate, I am not reserving any time on this year's calendar for it.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by fortinbras »

A timeline of Crazy Joe's birfer crusade: ... -timeline/

Still waiting for the universe to shatter.

For those of you interested in the supposed million-man putsch planned to force Obama out of office on May 16, 2014:
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by notorial dissent »

fortinbras wrote:A timeline of Crazy Joe's birfer crusade: ... -timeline/

Still waiting for the universe to shatter.
I'm still waiting for any of them, not just Shurf Joe or Kommandant Zero, to come up with something that isn't the modern equivalent of an opium pipe dream. So far, no takers, not even close.

Last I heard, the great March announcement and frogmarching had been put off indefinitely.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by fortinbras »

Judging from a supposedly authoritative report on Feb 28 in the Birther Report, the shattering of the universe is still on schedule for the month of March: ... dence.html

It is also claimed that the internet opposition to the birfers is the work of paid members of Obama's circle. I am deeply annoyed. The Prez has never communicated with me nor shown me any hospitality, and he sure as hell hasn't paid me! Where's the money, dammit?!
Last edited by fortinbras on Mon Mar 03, 2014 3:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

Orly takes time out from supporting Putin in the Ukraine to complain that she never got an Oscar for her performance.

“Oscars” dedicating a presentation to heroes and courage. Well, it takes a lot of courage to go to court and challenge a charlatane with stolen and fabricated IDs usurping the WH. It is particularly hard when people who call themselves constitutionalists, civil rights leaders and supporters, stab you in the back

Posted on | March 2, 2014
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Well, Oily has certainly delivered an Oscar-worthy performance by contending "yes, I have a brain" when "no, she clearly doesn't".
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

I want to thank all of you out there for your hard work. Let's go for 3 days!

2 days of vandalism of the web site, car and cell phone of Attorney Taitz

Civil rights Attorney and Candidate on the ballot for Attorney General of California, Orly Taitz, has experienced coordinated vandalism of her car, her phone and has been prevented from posting any articles on her own web site

Her car electronics was vandalized and stopped working yesterday, and is being checked by the dealership. Her cell phone is constantly going dead and she is prevented from posting articles on her web site When Taitz is trying to log into the control panel of her web site, she gets a response “code 404, unable to find web page”, so she cannot post any updates, press releases or articles on her site and she is unable to read any comments from her supporters. When she tries to contact NetworkSolutions, her hosting company, the phone goes dead, and after several phone calls Network Solutions was not able to fix the problem. Her supporters are asked to call Network Solutions and demand that they provide immediate support and fix the web site.

The platform of the web site is WordPress Additionally, members of CRA are asked to present to CRA tomorrow her candidacy for endorsement for Attorney General of CA. Due to family obligations Attorney Taitz would not be able to attend the nominating session of CRA tomorrow.

End of press release –

Dr Orly TaitzESQ 29839 Santa Margarita pkwy, ste 100 Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

March 5, 2014, still no “Universe shattering” evidence promissed which was promissed to be released in March of 2014 by Sheriff Arpaio and CCP director Mike Zullo after two and a half years of heavy fundraising for investigation. Demand from Arpaio and Zullo immediate release of evidence, if any, so Attorney Orly Taitz can submit it to judges in ongoing cases in MD, MS, DC and CA

Posted on | March 5, 2014

March 6, 2014, still no “Universe shattering” evidence which was promissed to be released in March of 2014 by Sheriff Arpaio and CCP director Mike Zullo after two and a half years of heavy fundraising for investigation. Demand from Arpaio and Zullo immediate release of evidence, if any, so Attorney Orly Taitz can submit it to judges in ongoing cases in MD, MS, DC and CA

Posted on | March 6, 2014

Deja vu!

March 7, 2014 Was there a quid pro quo (an understanding) in August of 2012: Obama does not file a criminal complaint against Arpaio in exchange Arpaio does not submit a criminal complaint against Obama and sabotages a star witness for Attorney Orly Taitz, deportation officer John Sampson? Still no “Universe shattering evidence” promised for March after nearly three years of heavy fund-raising for instigation of Obama’s IDs by Arpaio and Zullo. Demand that Arpaio and Zullo release all evidences that they gathered (if any), so attorney Taitz can submit it to court in ongoing cases in MD, DC, MS, CA or demand that Arpaio and Zullo refund all the donations they solicited from public for this investigation

Posted on | March 7, 2014

Will Orly shame the Cold Cuts Posse into shattering the universe, or is she simply looking for a new job?

After both GOP and Dems reject Obama’s nominee to head the Civil Rights division, liberal reporter Dave Weigel throws in a suggestion of nominating Orly Taitz as a compromise candidate to head the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice. This, of course, will never happen with the Democrat in the WH

Posted on | March 6, 2014 | 3 Comments

daveweigel as @daveweigel
I nominate Orly Taitz as the obvious compromise candidate for DOJ’sCivil Rights Division.


3 Responses

March 6th, 2014 @ 7:41 am
Perhaps, in a “Taqiyya kinda way,” Obama Looks like a Democrat while he is really something quite different. Newsmax is reporting this:
Iran Expert Timmerman: State Dept. Befriends Radical Islamists

Sting Ray
March 6th, 2014 @ 11:53 am
Orly wouldn’t want to work under O…and have to take orders from him, with his evil, psychotic decision making skills!!

March 6th, 2014 @ 7:32 pm
IMHO, Orly would be much better suited to the
Supreme Court. SCOTUS needs to replace Ruth G.
Soon, too!!!
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Gregg »

If Obama appointed Squirrely to SCOTUS, would she decline the appointment as being null and void as she doesn't accept that he is the President?
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by JamesVincent »

She has a case in Md?
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

I believe Orly uses the term "case" loosely, if she's still filing some nonsense appeal or complaint, the case is "open."

While searching for her own name (if you're reading this, Hi! You're the slang term for a woman or low appeal and morals!), Orly found herself mentioned in a sarcastic post at Daily Kos which noted the sudden support amongst certain Obama detractors for Vladamir Putin as the Anti-Obama, a trend which has extended to Orly and MacHaffie's sites. In fact, Orly is all for the invasion and defends it (I wonder if she would feel the same if he marched into Moldova?)

Obama’s mouthpiece, Daily Kos, publishes a spoof: Putin wins CPAC poll, claiming Jerome Corsi, Orly Taitz and Tucker Carson found Putin’s American BC in Brooklyn. Well, it probably will be as valid as a piece of garbage allegedly given by conveniently deceased Loretta Fuddy to Obama

Posted on | March 7, 2014

The Ukranian Candidate: Putin Wins CPAC Poll - Daily Kos ... -CPAC-Poll

Daily Kos

16 hours ago - In a stunning upset, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin won the CPAC straw poll by a wide margin, beating Christie Christie, Jeb Bush, Rick …

THU MAR 06, 2014 AT 02:56 PM PST
The Ukranian Candidate: Putin Wins CPAC Poll

In a stunning upset, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin won the CPAC straw poll by a wide margin, beating Chris Christie, Jeb Bush, Rick Santorum and all other prospective candidates by 50 points.

In a related development, a group of CPAC researchers, including Orly Taitz, Jerome Corsi and Tucker Carlson (the “Reverse Birthers”) published the following birth certificate:

Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin
Born: October 6, 1952, 2:00 am
Hospital: Coney Island Hospital, Brooklyn, NY
Length: 17″; Weight: 7.5 lbs.
Distinguishing characteristics: Will not wear a shirt.
Parents: Vladimir Spiridonovich Putin and Maria Ivanovna Putina
Address: 122 Ocean Drive West, Brighton Beach, Brooklyn, New York.(1)

Prior to the vote, a parade of speakers praised Putin:

Rudy Giuliani said of Putin: “he’s what you call a leader”House Republican Mike Rogers rhapsodized: “Putin is running circles around the United States. He is playing chess while we’re playing marbles.”

Bryan Fisher of the American Family Association called the Russian leader a “Lion of Christianity” in large part because of his anti-gay policies.

In her closing speech, Sarah Palin repeated her boffo line, “people are looking at Putin as one who wrestles bears and drills for oil. They look at our president as one who wears mom jeans and equivocates and bloviates.” (2)

By the time of the vote, the result was a foregone conclusion.

(1) According to Taitz and Corsi, baby Vladimir was immediately flown to Leningrad, where he was “born again” at the Mariinsky Hospital at 12:01 am on October 7, 1952 as a Soviet Citizen.

(2) (All actual quotes.)

Not only does Orly show how classy she is with:
Well, it probably will be as valid as a piece of garbage allegedly given by conveniently deceased Loretta Fuddy to Obama
She conveniently did me a service. By steering me to Daily Kos, I found this gem from last night's Daily Show. It didn't mention Orly, but it was on the same subject, spot on and funny. The picture of Putin bare-chested on a horse is worth any time you invest by itself.

MUST-SEE: Jon Stewart blasts conservatives for praising Putin while bashing Obama ... hing-Obama
I'll tell ya, the weirdest thing about this isn't Putin invading Ukraine. You expect a crazy guy to act crazy. The weirdest thing is seeing conservatives in our country point at the crazy guy and go, "Yeah, I'll have what they're having."
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