NESARA Loves Orly!

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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by davids »

Deep Knight wrote:I believe Orly uses the term "case" loosely, if she's still filing some nonsense appeal or complaint, the case is "open."
Yes, exactly! This is birthersphere logic 101. I had a birfer once tell me that Orly was a great lawyer because she "made it all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court." As if losing a case, then losing its appeal, then seeking certiorari, only to have it denied, was a measure of success. :brickwall:
Deep Knight wrote:
While searching for her own name (if you're reading this, Hi! You're the slang term for a woman or low appeal and morals!), Orly found herself mentioned in a sarcastic post at Daily Kos which noted the sudden support amongst certain Obama detractors for Vladamir Putin as the Anti-Obama, a trend which has extended to Orly and MacHaffie's sites. In fact, Orly is all for the invasion and defends it (I wonder if she would feel the same if he marched into Moldova?)
Just last week on her site Taitz was bragging that the former Ukranian Prime Minister, Julia Tymoshenko - who was released from a Ukranian prison during the recent uprising which deposed her successor - had "friended" Taitz on Facebook. As if that means anything significant. But isn't Tymoshenko on exactly the opposite side of the fence from Putin in this matter?

I guess it doesn't matter. The whole point of Taitz' blog is to post nauseating self-congratulatory tripe, and poorly reasoned conspiracy theories, so that her loyal but deluded cadre of shut-ins, lunatics, and half-wits can show up to daily worship her false eyelashes.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by rogfulton »

How did we miss this? Or did we?

Orly Taitz Allegedly Manufactures Tea Party Backing of Her CA Attorney General Run

Some of the comments are priceless.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by fortinbras »

rogfulton wrote:How did we miss this? Or did we?

Orly Taitz Allegedly Manufactures Tea Party Backing of Her CA Attorney General Run
Now this baffles me because, to California voters, the tea party endorsement is about as helpful as cholera.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by fortinbras »

A report in yesterday's (Friday, March 7th) ARIZONA REPUBLIC, based on a Freedom of Information request made a year-and-a-half ago, is that the FBI thoroughly investigated Crazy Joe Arpaio two years ago, and, altho the FBI was convinced that Arpaio has misused his office, misused sheriff personnel, and perverted the ends of justice sufficient to justify prosecution, the US Attorney wasn't so confident and didn't carry the case forward. ... e/6152807/

Of course, now that Arpaio has made a big deal out of his birfer accusations, maybe that file will be dusted off.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by notorial dissent »

Yabut, according to her, they are the saviors of modern democracy. They should be honored she chose to allow them to endorse her. I don't know which could be more damaging to credibility.
fortinbras wrote:Of course, now that Arpaio has made a big deal out of his birfer accusations, maybe that file will be dusted off.
Considering where they would have to try him, they probably figured the odds weren't good, since to date Arpaio has cost the local taxpayers millions(53 million is the last figure I remember seeing and still rising) of dollars in settlements exactly because of the very things the DOJ uncovered and they still keep electing him, I suspect they were a bit leery of trying him, even though he has done all they've identified, and probably worse.

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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by ashlynne39 »

rogfulton wrote:How did we miss this? Or did we?

Orly Taitz Allegedly Manufactures Tea Party Backing of Her CA Attorney General Run

Some of the comments are priceless.
Don't forget to watch the Orly movie trailer for "Liar, Liar" towards the bottom of the page linked above.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

Hold the presses!

More interesting facts in regards to Obama’s records showing his origin as Equatorial Guinea, not Kenya

Posted on | March 9, 2014 | 1 Comment

In 2009 Deportation officer John Sampson provided me with evidence that Obama used Equatorial Guinea, not Kenya as his place of origin. One of Obama’s half brothers was Roman Obama. It was reported that Roman died in a car accident. However, in a 1992 article, which appeared in the state of Washington, in DC and Chicago, the author quoted one Roman Obama, as a student in the University of Patrice Lumumba in Moscow, which is widely known as a hunting ground for KGB recruits among students from African, Asian and Latin American countries.

What is interesting, is that Roman Obama was the same age as Barack Obama, he had the same country of origin as Barack Obama in his records and had the name of his half brother. It is also interesting that the article was changed in 1997 and the name and country of origin were changed. This seem to follow the same pattern of cover up.

Please, see an attached article

In 2012 right before the election Investigator Sampson admitted on the air on Peter Boyles show that Arpaio, Zullo and him made an agreement not to appear in court and not to testify when they were served with the court subpoenas from the state court in Indiana.

Chicago Tribune (pre-1997 Fulltext) – Chicago, Ill. (referring to 1992 article)
Interesting they changed his name in the Chicago article
Interesting Bill Clinton visited the Univ in 1969

http://community.seattletimes.nwsource. ... ug=1475488

Soviet Collapse Leaves Foreign Students Stuck
By Deborah Seward
Thursday, February 13, 1992

MOSCOW – For nearly a decade, Roman Obama’s life at Patrice Lumumba University was almost paradise. He studied for free and got warm clothes and cheap airline tickets that let him see the world.

“We had so many possibilities. Maybe it was not a luxurious life, but we could travel and do things,” said Obama, 31, a law student from Equatorial Guinea.

The former Soviet Union spent huge sums of money over the past few decades to educate tens of thousands of foreign students – mainly from the developing world – in the name of “peoples’ friendship.”

Young people from Asia, Africa, and Latin America studied medicine, agronomy, law and Marxist economics.

For those students, the place to be was Patrice Lumumba, founded by Nikita Khrushchev in the early 1960s when dozens of Latin American, Asian and African countries won independence.

Now Lumumba’s dorms are crumbling. The Russian government and the university have little money. Once a Soviet showcase, the university and its students are now a burden.

In Obama’s building, the elevator lights do not work, the garbage chute is clogged and heating is a problem. Named for a Zairean revolutionary, Lumumba was considered in the West to be a ideological training ground for future cadres in Soviet-backed regimes such as Ethiopia, Nicaragua and Vietnam.

As the collapse of communism became more apparent, Obama revised his thesis to address the problems of cooperation between the International Monetary Fund and Africa. He hopes to work in private practice or for his country’s government.

Sitting on his bed, which takes up most of his dorm room on the 13th floor of a deteriorating high-rise, Obama wonders how he will survive his last semester.

His scholarship of 137 rubles a month is now worth about $1.37. He has no money to pay for the airline ticket that would cost 215,000 rubles to return home to Equatorial Guinea.

Obama’s room is more cramped than usual. His countryman Luis Alonso, who was studying in the Ukrainian city of Odessa, managed to buy a plane ticket at the old price and is headed home. But hotels cost too much, so Alonso is camping out with Obama until he gets an exit visa.

“It’s impossible for us to study. The universities have no money and our government has no money. We are hostages,” said another countryman, Enrique Edu, 29, a law student at Baku University in Azerbaijan.

Edu came to Moscow to plead for help for his wife, their child and about 150 other students from Equatorial Guinea in the former Soviet Union.

Baku University no longer gives foreign students any money and wants foreign students to pay a dollar a day for their dorm rooms, Edu said. He still gets his former Soviet stipend of 150 rubles ($1.50) but is not sure how long even that small sum will continue.

The students’ plight was raised last week at a meeting of heads of government of the Commonwealth.

Deputy Prime Minister Gennady Burbulis of Russia said the commonwealth members agreed to seek new accords “taking into account the obligations of the former Soviet Union and preserve them in order to guarantee normal vital activity of foreign students.”

Obama remembers the days when he and his friends could buy airplane and train tickets for rubles. They went around the world, often stopping in West Berlin to buy electronic goods that they would bring back and sell for high prices in the Soviet Union.

Now, they can’t afford even a second-class train ticket to Berlin, and Obama said, “These days, life is good if we have bread and chicken.”

Copyright (c) 1992 Seattle Times Company, All Rights Reserved.
______________________________________________________________ ... 4042/posts

42 posted on September 20, 2009 2:16:14 AM PDT

To: BP2
Odd the Chicago paper carried ran the story but used another guys name:

Third World students stranded in Russia
Chicago Tribune (pre-1997 Fulltext) – Chicago, Ill.
Author: Vincent J. Schodolski, Chicago Tribune.
Date: Feb 16, 1992

When Yadate Debrework came here six years ago to study international law, the world had barely heard of Mikhail Gorbachev, there was still a country called the Soviet Union, and the young Ethiopian had enough money to survive.

“I can’t even afford to go home,” said the 31-year-old graduate student. He will complete his studies at the Patrice Lumumba University this summer and literally does not have the fare back to Ethiopia.

Debrework and an estimated 84,000 other students from all over the world have found themselves abandoned as the economic collapse that accompanied the USSR’s demise left the government without money to support them.
____________________________________ ... nton-asset

KGB Operation “Bill Clinton”
Mikhail Kryzhanovsky - 3/5/2012

On December 31, 1969 Oxford student and anti-war activist Bill Clinton came to Moscow through Holland, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and Finland for 5-days vacation at expensive “National” Hotel. The only person he knew in Moscow was Anik “Nikki” Alexis, a daughter of a French diplomat . Clinton recalls, “One night I took a bus out to Lumumba University to have dinner with Nikki” .
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by fortinbras »

According to the 1992 article, Roman Obama had been in the USSR at Patrice Lamumba U for about ten years. Which was the time period that our President was a student, and editor of the law review, at the nearly as prestigious Harvard Law School.
So I am inclined to doubt that Roman and Barack are the same person.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

fortinbras wrote:According to the 1992 article, Roman Obama had been in the USSR at Patrice Lamumba U for about ten years. Which was the time period that our President was a student, and editor of the law review, at the nearly as prestigious Harvard Law School.

Yes, but the greater the challenge, the greater the glory. Not only did we new world orderists cover this up and create a whole new background, we made Roman Obama look absolutely nothing like himself, so nobody would know he was him! See the link below. ... oman-obama
fortinbras wrote:So I am inclined to doubt that Roman and Barack are the same person.
Thanks. But Orly still isn't fooled.

Why Wikipedia does not list Roy Obama? Did Roy use the name Roman? Did he change his name to Malik?

Posted on | March 10, 2014 | No Comments

Barack Hussein Obama, Sr.BornBaraka Obama[1]
18 June 1936[2]
Kanyadhiang Village, Rachuonyo District, Kenya Colony[3]Died24 November 1982 (aged 46)
Nairobi, Kenya[4]Cause of deathAutomobile accidentResting placeNyang’oma Kogelo, Siaya, Kenya[5]NationalityKenyanEthnicityLuoAlma materUniversity of Hawaii
Harvard UniversityOccupationEconomistKnown forFather of U.S. President Barack ObamaReligionNone (Atheist)[6]
Spouse(s)Kezia Obama
Stanley Ann Dunham
Ruth Nidesand
Jael Otieno[7][8][9][10]

Malik Obama (b.1958)
Auma Obama (b.1960)
Barack Obama (b.1961)
Mark Ndesandjo (b.1965)[11]
David Ndesandjo (1968–1987)
Abo Obama (b.1968)
Bernard Obama (b.1970)
George Obama (b.1982)ParentsHussein Onyango Obama andAkumu Habiba[5]

So Orly did a Wikipedia cut 'n paste, which resulted in the links being copied. If you click on the link for Malik Obama you get the answer to her stupid question.

Malik Obama Barack Obama's half-brother, also known as Abongo or Roy,

You just can't make this stuff up.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

Orly has been all over plane crashes since the one where Ms. Fuddy died, hypothesizing at least twice that they were part of a White House coverup (of what, she doesn't say). This is her latest on the tragic and mysterious Malaysian Airlines story.

Sick, for 4 days Malaysian authorities were silent about the fact that the plane turned around, flew all the way across country and reached the Straight of Malacca. They let 40 ships and some 30 airplanes of 9 nations comb the Gulf of Thailand by Vietnam, when they knew that the plane was already on the other side of the country. If passengers died or were killed during these 4 days, these officials should be tried in the International Criminal court in Hague, this is criminal

Posted on | March 11, 2014

So, we know that the plane was last seen not in the Gulf of Thailand, but in the Straight of Malacca. what is the closest land mass to the straight of Malacca? Either Malaysia itself to the East and Sumatra, Indonesia to the West. Are there landing strips on Sumatra, which are long enough and sturdy enough for 777 to land?

It was criminal for Malaysian authorities not to reveal this information immediately. this looks more and more like hijacking. If there was a catastrophic failure, the plane would be found close to the original course. the fact that the plane was tracked 200 miles of course, flying in the opposite direction across country, makes hijacking more likely, switched transponder and a possible involvement of one or both of the pilots.

Is there any information on the pilots?

You go Orly, file some lawsuits in Malaysia, I'm sure they'll humor you.

This is classic Orly. Making hay from the "normal" confusion and ghosts that get chased whenever there's a major story. In the Fuddy incident, Orly demanded that every contradictory report fit into a simple narrative, or else something was "funny." Now we get the situation where, after not finding anything yet, they widen the search area and start to consider possibilities that were out of bounds before. Sounds logical to me. To Orly it sounds SICK and like an international CRIME, because from a single line she can PROVE that the military knew and let them search in the wrong area for 4 days.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

How Orly's knowledge of the conspiracy has grown.

2 individuals with stolen European passports traveled on crashed or downed Malaysian air flight

Posted on | March 8, 2014

Are 2 Caucasian men with stolen Italian and Austrian passports happen to be Kiev snipers? If so, who would be interested in silencing them via a plane crash?

Posted on | March 8, 2014

Is there any connection to Kiev?

Posted on | March 8, 2014

China inter-ministerial meeting held on Malaysia flight

Posted on | March 8, 2014

Aside from 2 passengers with stolen passports, 5 passengers checked in their luggage, but did not board the plane. Authorities claim that they removed the luggage from the plane

Posted on | March 9, 2014

We need the names and nationality of 5 passengers, who sent their luggage, but did not board the missing Malaysian plane. We need the security camera pictures of the 2 thieves that boarded the plane with stolen passports

Posted on | March 9, 2014

High likelihood that Malaysian plane was hijacked, as such it can be used for another 9/11 type event or a false flag event to precipitate a military conflict. Debris found by Vietnam was proven not to be connected to the flight

Posted on | March 10, 2014

Families of the 3 Americans on board missing Malaysian plane should demand from Malaysian authorities security images of 2 individuals with stolen passports and 5 individuals, who checked in their luggage, but did not board the plane

Posted on | March 10, 2014

Missing plane
Richard Machina to Orly Taitz (51 minutes ago)

If the plane was stolen to be used at a later date it may be used to carry a Nuclear bomb to a country while acting like a passenger plane or just another airline landing. It is big enough to carry it.


Posted on | March 10, 2014

Mystery fake-passport holders on flight MH370 were Iranian Telegraph co uk, however there is no explanation for the statement by the Malaysian official that one of them looked African, looked black, Iranians are not black. also, we still do not know the nationality of 5 people that checked their luggage, but did not board the plane

Posted on | March 10, 2014

There is more evidence pointing to the transponder being deliberately switched off. Was there a prior connection between the pilot of MH 370 and the two Iranian men that flew on stolen passports and 5 passengers, who sent their luggage, but never boarded? Did the pilots travel to Thailand or Iran?

Posted on | March 10, 2014

Where was the security when 2 Iranian men bought one way tickets for cash using stolen passports? Why Malaysian authorities are hiding from the public the nationality of 5 people who checked in their luggage and did not board the plane? why are they hiding the security video pictures of them and of 4 suspicious individuals who boarded the plane?

Posted on | March 11, 2014 |

BOEING warned of computer takeover of 777…

Posted on | March 11, 2014

“Malaysian military officials said the aircraft changed course away from its planned route north towards Beijing near Kota Bharu, where it last made contact, and then “took a lower altitude”. “The Boeing then may have flown west, reaching as far as the Malacca Strait off Malaysia’s western coast, around 500 kilometres away from where the plane was earlier thought to have disappeared, military officials told Reuters.” “The new revelation came on the fourth day of search operations, as aircraft and vessels from eight countries continued to unsuccessfully scour the Gulf of Thailand and the South China Sea northeast of the country, and began to expand the search into the Malacca Straits.”
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

Orly Taitz wrote:Sick, for 4 days Malaysian authorities were silent about the fact that the plane turned around, flew all the way across country and reached the Straight of Malacca. They let 40 ships and some 30 airplanes of 9 nations comb the Gulf of Thailand by Vietnam, when they knew that the plane was already on the other side of the country. If passengers died or were killed during these 4 days, these officials should be tried in the International Criminal court in Hague, this is criminal

So, we know that the plane was last seen not in the Gulf of Thailand, but in the Straight of Malacca. what is the closest land mass to the straight of Malacca? Either Malaysia itself to the East and Sumatra, Indonesia to the West. ...

It was criminal for Malaysian authorities not to reveal this information immediately. this looks more and more like hijacking. ... the fact that the plane was tracked 200 miles of course, flying in the opposite direction across country...

Malaysia Military Denies Tracking Missing Jetliner
March 11, 2014

The Malaysian military is backing away from reports that it tracked a missing passenger jet far away from its intended flight path, casting further doubt on the plane's whereabouts.

In a statement Wednesday, Air Force chief Rodzali Daud said he could not rule out that the Malaysia Airlines jetliner veered drastically off course. But he said a media report that claimed the military tracked the jet over the Strait of Malacca was "clearly an inaccurate and incorrect report."

The Strait of Malacca is off the west coast of the Malaysia peninsula and is hundreds of kilometers from where civilian air traffic controllers lost contact with the Boeing 777. The initial search for the plane had focused mainly on the South China Sea, which lies off the east coast.

The whole thing stinks of cover-up! I suggest Orly file against them in Malaysia, The Hague World Court, Federal Court, and Mississippi. Demand that a crash report, autopsies, and video of the crash be produced immediately!
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

Orly doubles down on the stupid using her trademark baseless speculation to uncover a conspiracy!

Malaysian military admits that it traced missing plane to Andaman an Nicobar islands, which are in the Andaman sea by the Bay of Bengal. Was there a plan to fly the plane West and execute 9/11 style attacks in Israel, Saudi Arabia, Europe or as far as NY or DC? all are within 17,000 kilometers range of 777?

Posted on | March 12, 2014 | 4 Comments

New information on missing 777 point to the hijacking. Now Malaysian military admitted that they tracked the plane going in the opposite direction, West and located as far as Andaman and Nicobar Islands. these islands are in the Andaman sea close to the Bay of Bengal. I prepare three small maps below and charted course to show the readers that this plane could have been navigated to the most dangerous spots in the World. 777 has an amazing range of 17,000 kilometers without refueling. NY and DC are only 15,000 kilometers from Kula Lumpur, which is well within range.

The holes in the recent reports are glaring. It was reported that one, Mr. Ali, who was known to be connected to Iranian intelligence, purchased the tickets for 2 young men, who were traveling on stolen passports. It was later stated that the hijacking was unlikely and the 2 men were seeking asylum in the West and freedom.

Does it make any sense to anyone with at least half a brain in his head that Iranian intelligence officer would be buying airplane tickets for 2 men who are looking to defect and seek freedom and asylum in western countries, which Iran call the “great devil”/ Really?

Would CIA buy tickets for Edward Snowden and pay for these tickets in cash, in foreign currency and supply foreign passport to help Edward Snowden defect to Russia and spill the beans? Really.

We were told that these 2 men did not have known ties to terrorist organizations. Let’s stress the word known. A 19 year old could have been a new recruit, so of course there are known ties. When would he develop “known ties”, when he was in the elementary school or kindergarten?

We are seeing a scenario very similar to 9/11: we are seeing young men from a radical Muslim country, intelligence officer of this country aiding them, they are buying one way tickets, paying cash, using stolen passports, the plane changes course, flying in the opposite direction and lowers altitude, which could be to evade radar detection.

If indeed there was a hijacking, what could be a target?

Currently there is a tag of war between Iran and Saudi Arabia, Obama regime under watchful eye of Valerie Jarrett is getting closer to Iran. could a target be a large government building in Saudi Arabia? Look at the map, that is 9,600 kilometers going from Kuala Lumpur to Andaman Islands and continuing toward Riad.

could Jerusalem or Tel Aviv be on of the intended targets? It is definitely possible, look at the map.

A referendum in Crimea is due on Sunday. could a government building in Simferopol be a target? absolutely. Kiev? Yes. If you continue going West, you hit NY or DC, it is within range.

the public can make a difference. Families of 3 Americans on board should file an emergency action seeking declaratory relief, discovery and letters rogatory to the governments of Malaysia, Indonesia, Myanmar (Burma) and India and seeking radar reports, which should provide for more information. Malaysian airlines should disclose the names and nationality of 5 passengers, who checked in their luggage, but did not board. 19 nations which had their citizens on board this plane should file complaints in the international criminal court and seek the same information.

It seems that Orly isn't just a realtor, dentist, and Supreme-Court-approved lawyer, but also a international terrorism expert! And what happened when someone brought up new evidence that didn't agree with Orly's theory?

March 12th, 2014 @ 10:02 am

Hopefully, this is good information.

MAJOR UPDATE — Oil rig worker claims he saw #MH370 airliner go down, gives horrifying account w/ coordinates… ‘It appeared to be in ONE piece’ while burning at high-altitude…
March 12th, 2014 @ 10:37 am

I believe it is a hoax, planted to sway the researches. If he were to see the accident, he would have reported it 4 days ago

'Cause if there's one thing Orly knows it's when she's right!
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

The stories do not add up

Posted on | March 12, 2014

Fishermen Find Life Raft Near Port Dixon, Malaysia in Malacca Strait

Chinese claimed to see satellite pictures of 3 objects that they think might be parts of the missing plane, however the objects were seen near Vietnam and now fishermen found a raft on the other side of Malaysia, in the straight of Malacca. There is no way for a raft to surface in the straight of Malacca if the plane went down in the South China sea.

These 2 facts do not add up. If the parts of the plane were seen on the radar on the 9th, why didn’t Chinese report it then? Also, if those parts were at the spot of the last communication by Vietnam, why didn’t 40 ships and some 34 airplanes circling the area did not find anything?

More classic Orly. So used to the maze that is her conspiracy theory about birth certificates and SSN numbers, Orly chases similar ghosts here and then is angry they can't be caught. A lack of information and scattered reports that may or may not have anything to do with the plane are just that. But it provides an empty canvas for conspiracy theorists. Here's a completely different take on this posted by John "THIS BLOG IS BEING TAKEN DOWN BY NSA/GOOGLE" MacHaffie.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Good read today. Hope you can share!!!
So we have a plane that supposedly went down. Three days ago this passenger jet just vanished in the skies. There was no mayday calls, no nothing at all. It just went POOF!

I for one know planes don’t just disappear. The black boxes alone are built to withstand anything as well as being submerged thousands of feet deep. There is reported to be no signals coming from such a device anywhere on the planet. All they have to go on is a couple oil slicks in the ocean which we know could, or could not even be from the plane. For an entire plane with 239 people on it to just vanish is like something out of a science fiction novel. Reportedly calls to the passengers and crews cell phones are going unanswered. Five of the passengers were under the age of 5. According to the, not so trusted mainstream media there were also passengers on board using stolen passports. Then we hear there were people working with free energy on board, then bankers. Yet here we are today speaking about this in these specific times when the planets magnetic fields are rising which has been scientifically documented; and reports from others that there are portals all over the earth activating in these times. Some say this is part of the shift, these portals and fields rising. Personally I have felt something big is going on for a long, long time now. Could this be like the Bermuda Triangle stories of missing aircraft?
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Posted by John MacHaffie at 9:28 AM
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by The Observer »

These 2 facts do not add up.
You do realize, slowly and surely, she is drifting closer and closer to the Chewbacca Defense?
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by fortinbras »

The mystery of the Malaysian air tragedy (I feel I can call it that because the chances of that jet landing safely in some unknown spot are about zero) is compounded by a number of factors, primary among them is that this involves a number of Third World nations, a multitude of different languages, a persistent sense that some of the people high up in various aviation ministries got where they are for some reason other than technical expertise, the possibility that some third word airports are less than soignee about doing maintenance work, probably some conflicting national concerns about military secrets and whether they want certain other nations trolling their territory (this was one of the causes of WW1), etc. The Chinese waited a few days to reveal their satellite photo of an oil slick - maybe because there was an internal argument about revealing how good their satellite photos were. So far, the oil slicks didn't have any jet fuel, so they've been discounted.

Last night Rachel Maddow discussed a bunch of major league aircrashes involving leading edge European airlines in the last decade or so. A very vulnerable part of a jetliner is its pitot tubes - a very fragile thing sticking out of the plane and serving as a sort of speedometer, and evidently very easy to go wrong and cause the pilot to make bad decisions. About 15 years ago HBO did a film about that Korean jet liner in the 1980s that wandered over Russia and was shot down - the movie suggested that the jet went off course because it takes hours for the jet's guidance system to properly line up radio landmarks while the plane is supposed to be absolutely motionless on the tarmac - but that some jerk at the Korean airport ordered the plane towed even a short distance while that process was going on, so its guidance was completely futzed up. Lots of possibilities, many of them so high tech that if we knew of them we'd say "I didn't know that could become a problem."
Last edited by fortinbras on Thu Mar 13, 2014 7:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Burnaby49 »

That's pitot tube. Air France flight 447 crashed in the Atlantic on June 1, 2009 after a cascading series of problems that started with the pitot tubes failing because they iced up.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by fortinbras »

Princeps Wooloosia
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by fortinbras »

It appears that one of the primary birfers has seen the light, or at least seen that Crazy Joe and his Cold Case Posse is scamming people: ... p-barrier/
Deep Knight
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

All the real experts agree with Orly.

US aviation and security officials agree with me, believe the plane was hijacked to be used in future terrorist acts. The plane flew 4-5 hours after the pilot switched off the transponder, data was transmitted by the engines of the plane to Rolls Royce, engine manufacturer. Last known location of the plane was at Adaman islands. We need cooperation of India, U.S., Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran in getting their radar readings. India was our best ally until Obama regime instigated outrageous charges against an Indian diplomat, which soured relations.

Posted on | March 13, 2014
"Follow the Money"