NESARA Loves Orly!

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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by fortinbras »

It gets crazier, and not in a funny way. Here's somebody talking about killing Members of Congress who refuse to come over to the side of the Birfers: ... aud-obama/

We already had at least one nut publicly announce that he felt himself authorized to kill Obama, and now this. I am extremely concerned about this particular insanity.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by notorial dissent »

In case anyone really cares, this exercise in vomitiousness by someone who is neither moral nor matters, is courtesy of one Nathan M. Bickel
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

Orly lost badly in the California AG primary last Tuesday, but I had been waiting for her to announce this, which she did late yesterday.

My latest vote count is 93,031. I wrote in my candidate statement that I will prosecute officials who were complicit in cover up of Obama’s bogus IDs. So, by the time the vote is final, we’ll have at least 150,000 who want these officials prosecuted

Posted on | June 4, 2014 | 1 Comment

Norman Worcester
June 4th, 2014 @ 8:25 pm

Kamla Harris has claimed victory. Is this true?

Then today:

my latest vote count is 93,919, votes will be added until July 4 deadline. Please, join me June 14 protesting Obama’s commencement speech at UCI. what will he teach the graduates: how to commit treason (and that’s assuming he ever became a legitimate pres)

My husband and I were two of the 90,000 Huff Post made fun of this morning. We are very sorry you lost and will be following your search for truth and hoping you find it. Thank you for your service, we remain in your corner, Keitha and Steven Culwell San Diego, CA

Posted on | June 5, 2014 | No Comments

OK, at this moment with 100% of the precincts reporting Orly is shown as having 93,919 votes (3.1% of total). I assume she's expecting to get another 56,000 votes from somewhere, perhaps ones lost in the mail 'cause they were addressed incorrectly by Orly supporters who can't get anything right?

Democratic candidate Kamala Harris got 53% (1,597,296) and Republican Ronald Gold got 12.7% (93,919) and these will be the candidates on November's ballot.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by notorial dissent »

You ought to know by now that math and reality aren't two of Orly's strong points.

While I'm sure she thinks there are another 56,000 votes out there for her just waiting to be counted, I seriously doubt it, unless she somehow pulls them out of her nether regions, and then who'd want them. According to reports, anything left would be mail in and provisionals, and I really doubt if most of her partisans are smart enough to follow those directions. So, I think she'll have to settle for come in second to last. Just as an aside, can you imagine having to go through life saying that you lost to Orly Taitz?
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by The Observer »

notorial dissent wrote:You ought to know by now that math and reality aren't two of Orly's strong points.
I am just very disappointed that there 93,000 or so people out there that voted for her. That's 93,000 more idiots that could, at any given moment, ruin one's day.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

The Observer wrote:
notorial dissent wrote:You ought to know by now that math and reality aren't two of Orly's strong points.
I am just very disappointed that there 93,000 or so people out there that voted for her. That's 93,000 more idiots that could, at any given moment, ruin one's day.
I don't know how many of those 93,000 voted FOR Oily. There are more than a few people out there who take the attitude "I don't like any of the establishment candidates, so I'll vote for one of these other people."
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by notorial dissent »

I'll see your disappointed, and see you an appalled! Severely appalled!
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

Orly is pumped by the Brat primary win, and is upset at others who aren't. Her rant about this is good to the last drop.

Sell out of Rand Paul. A legal strategy of supporting Ted Cruz to expose Obama

Posted on | June 11, 2014 | 3 Comments

I did not want to touch this issue before, but this was the last drop. Rand Paul is claiming that Cantor was not elected for some other reason, not because of amnesty, while in reality David Brat campaigned nearly solely on anti-amnesty issue.

I have to say that there are several issue of concern for me in relation to Rand Paul’s candidacy for President. While I appreciate Rand Paul’s support for curbing the NSA spying, he was dead wrong and went against the wishes of his constituency on many areas:

1. he showed zero leadership on the issue of amnesty. He was wishy -washy changing his opinion from day to day depending which way the wind blows. The only ones that were strongly anti-amnesty were Mike Lee, Ted Cruz and Jeff Sessions

2. Rand Paul tried to appease African-American voters by speaking out against voter IDs. You can’ t have clean elections without voter IDs. Bogus votes hurt all constituency: white and black alike.

3. Paul endorsed Mitch McConnell and stabbed the Tea Party in the back by endorsing establishment pro amnesty McConnell against Tea Party candidate, even though Paul owes his election to the Tea Party. Maybe, if not for sell out by Rand Paul, McConnell would not have reached 60% of th Republican vote. Many believed that Rand Paul’s endorsement tipped the scale.

Based on all of the above I will not vote for Paul in 2016.

I hope Mike Lee or Jeff Sessions will run and I will support them. If not, and Ted Cruz runs, my response will be: yes he is not constitutionally eligible to be the US president, as he was born in Canada and his father was not a US citizen at the time of his birth. With that being said, we no longer have a rule of law, as Obama is in the White House with a stolen CT Social security number and bogus IDs. We got such corruption and lawlessness that Constitution is no longer respected. So, I will actually support Ted Cruz over Rand Paul or anyone else in the GOP, as the rest f the candidates are clearly on the take and support the mega amnesty which is stealing American jobs. I hope he wins the GOP primary and I hope that Democrats file a legal action to deem him as not eligible, as it will give us an opening to adjudicate Obama’s fraud. If anyone brings a law suit against Cruz, I will bring an intervener action seeking resolution of lack of legitimacy of Obama due to his use of bogus IDs. I will use Cruz election campaign to continue my work in exposing Obama, as not only Obama is not eligible, but he is a clear and present danger to the US and many of his executive orders have to be undone as unconstitutional and he has to be criminally prosecuted for massive fraud.

So, let me get this straight. Orly has been dedicating her life to seeing someone she thinks could be foreign born with a non-citizen father removed from the presidency, but is supporting someone who admits he's foreign born with a non-citizen father? And this is because legal challenges will allow her to make more legal challenges against Obama? What a @#$$%! legal mind!
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by notorial dissent »

She really does have a mad on for poor old Rand, of course that's what he gets for being a true whiffle waffle. :haha: I suspect she'll scream and rant some more before it is all over with.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by AndyK »

If anyone brings a law suit against Cruz, I will bring an intervener action ...
Is that anything like her usual neener-neener action?
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by fortinbras »

Not about Orly, but one of her allies, Joseph Farah, publisher of WND, self-proclaimed father of the birfer movement, was caught trying to sneak a loaded gun onto a passenger jet. ... s-airport/

This is a very serious crime and I'll bet you'll never guess who is the one person with authority to pardon him.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

At first I thought this as a different Joseph Farah, from the one who "publishes" the "newspaper" World Nut Daily because the age was 10 years off. Luckily, HateWatch was on the case.


Joseph Francis Farah, a leading ‘birther’ who runs the right-wing, conspiracy website WorldNetDaily, was reportedly caught by TSA agents on Sunday with a loaded .38-caliber revolver in his carry-on bag as he passed through security at Dulles International Airport outside Washington.

Farah, who denounced TSA screening practices in a 2010 column, faces a class 1 misdemeanor charge for carrying a gun in an airport terminal, according to a spokesperson for the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority. He was released pending a summons.

The Washington Post first reported the incident yesterday but described the individual in question as Joseph Farah, 49, of Centreville, Va. Hatewatch confirmed with the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority today that in fact Joseph Francis Farah, who is 59, was cited for the weapon charge.

No doubt a false flag.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by notorial dissent »

It was all a bag job, donechaknow!!!!
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by rogfulton »

I would like to have posted this to a more appropriate place (like a thread of his own) but we don't have one for birthers.

Sheriff Joe is at it again! Who knew he was thinking about running for Governor?

Sheriff Joe closing in on Obama forger

It's World Nut Daily, so assign it the appropriate spot on the truth-o-meter.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by notorial dissent »

Wing Nut Daily is, as usual, quite a ways behind the curve. Shurf Joe backed out of the Governor's race quite some time ago, officially or otherwise.

As to his "investigation" it kind of imploded rather limply and insipidly when it was discovered by a local news source that his main source of information for his "universe shattering" press conference, which was probably going to be a lambast against Holder and the District Judge who nailed the Shurf for his profiling oopsies, that's only almost four months late now, was a well known con man who had in fact conned even the US gov't with his fake intel. At any rate, since the exposure of the connection, the Shurf, and Zullo have been astoundingly quiet. I think it is safe to safe that Joe decided the almost certainty of being reelected Sheriff over the possibility of being elected Governor was a better bet.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

What nd said. Plus the more cynical of us think if he stays sheriff he is in a better position to cover up explain and defend his sheriff-ing decisions than if he left and became governor. Notwithstanding that his chances of getting elected governor are anything like as good as getting elected sheriff again.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by notorial dissent »

Quite true, including the enormous amount of money he's cost the county so far with his extra-legal activities, and the ones yet to come.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

Orly has been doing a lot of crazy things lately, but nothing actually lovable. But she's back with this effort and I suggest all of us pitch in and help her. The next time you meet a billionaire who would benefit from having lower-paid workers, find out his/her address and send it along to Orly!

Billionaires are pushing Congress to give them more cheap labor by opening borders and amnesty for 42 million illegals. We need rallies in front of the homes of these billionaires, send them an invoice for 3.7 billion for care of illegals brought here by their America hating Indo-Kenyan puppet Barry Soebarkah-Soetoro-Obama

Posted on | July 11, 2014 | 1 Comment

It was reported today that several billionares, among them Bill gates, the richest man in America and possibly in the world, are pushing for amnesty for more illegals. Immigraion reform is nothing short of an amnesty. The proper answer is deportation. In 2000 we deported 1,86 million illegals, nearly 2 million. In 2013 we deported only 370,000, less than 20% of what we have been deporting before. This is happening because a number of U.S. billionaires bought the most corrupt politicians money can buy, among them Obama, and placed them in positions of power through rigged elections. In turn these corrupt politicians appointed a number of corrupt judges.

Attorney Taitz is calling on the public to publish addresses, e-mail addresses, phone numbers of several billionaires, who bought the most corrupt politicians and who are pushing for open borders and amnesty to an estimated 42 million illegals who are currently residing in the U.S.

Demand that these billionaires pay an invoice for 3.7 billion, which will cost American citizens to provide for the illegals, who reside in this country due to actions of these billionaires.

We have to start with the protest of American militias in front of the house of Bill Gates. Gates has shown himself as a callous scoundrel who hates American citizens. ](*,) Apparently 76 billion, that he made on us, is not enough for him. He is greedy and wants more. Time to tell Gates: stop inciting, aiding and abetting violations of the US immigration laws.Enough. We have the lowest labor participation in 36 years. Young people cannot find jobs. Estimated 42 million illegals are a drain on the economy and social services, bankrupted this nation and stole jobs from Americans. thanks to your anti-American puppet Obama-Soebarkah, carnival baker, we are sitting with 17 trillion debt, nearly double of what we had before.

Gates, stop incitement of violations of immigration laws, stop incitement of this grand theft from American citizens. Pay us an invoice of 3.7 billion for the cost of caring for these illegals, who are here due to your incitement. Take them into your house, pay from your own pocket for the lifetime sponsorship of as many illegals as your 76 billion pocket can cover. Do it on your dime, not our dime.

If you like illegals, go to Mexico or Central America, #-o reside there and give them the rest of your 76 billion, let your own 3 children support themselves and look for jobs as our children do :-? and don’t let the door hit you on the butt, buddy, as you are leaving the United States.

Please, help me get the address of Gates mansion, so that American organized militias can stage a protest in front of his house.

Similarly, we need patriots and members of the citizen organized Second Amendment militias to stage a protest in front of the house of another anti-American greedy scoundrel, Warren Buffet. Buffet resides in Oklahoma and we have even more militia members, community organizers and civil rights leaders in Oklahoma to send the message to Warren Buffet, let him know what we think about him. Buffet is worth 66 billion. Buffet, pay the invoice and join you friends, illegal aliens in Mexico. Go away, Buffet
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

I'm starting to feel a bit uneasy about Oily. Her calls for militias to become involved in her fantasies cannot produce anything good.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:I'm starting to feel a bit uneasy about Oily. Her calls for militias to become involved in her fantasies cannot produce anything good.
True but as someone on Fogbow pointed out, she is the self appointed Commander in Chief of All Militias so not everyone even within Militias takes her seriously.
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