NESARA Loves Orly!

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notorial dissent
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by notorial dissent »

Squirrely, dear Squirrely, I almost started out by saying she is slowly becoming a laughing stock, but the plain fact of the matter is that she achieved that status a very long time ago, and even within the birfer community, such as it is, she is a pariah, and more importantly, a joke, and a bad one at that, although she still thinks of herself in grandiose terms as the great litigator and civil rights attorney, and queen of the birfer community, none of which she is or ever will be. She has made a comedic fool of herself running for office in CA twice now and has barely achieved also ran status each time, and her life is now centered around her screeching on her, so aptly called, webstye. Her true followers at this point probably number in the tens, and many of them may simply be people egging her on to bigger and more epically foolish things since she will do just that in her search for attention. Her level of crazy has certainly reached new heights of shrillness and absurdity of late, and I agree that if she actually had a following, she would be seriously dangerous, but at this point, I feel that her followers consist of the geriatric and house bound, and the prankers who have nothing better to do than keep her stirred up. As an example, her great picket of the President’s speech at the graduation ceremonies in CA last month consisted primarily of her, well actually her and whoever’s placards she could steal. Which doesn’t alter her level of general all ‘round vileness and nastiness.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by AndyK »

Why do I get the feeling that a significant number of her 'followers' are in the equivalent of "Go ahead. I'll hold your beer (snicker)", mode ??
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notorial dissent
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by notorial dissent »

Probably 'cause......
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

Orly screeches a call to action!

BREAKING: Texas Gov. Perry To Send 1000 National Guard To The Border. Please, call Perry to thank him, demand that every governor of every state do the same and help deport all of the illegals, where ever they are. TX should sue Obama for financial damage to the state

Posted on | July 21, 2014

Deep Knight urges you to call your state's governor and DEMAND he send National Guard troops to your state's borders to close them. Who knows what those "out-of-staters" are really doing when they "visit" your state with their funny-colored license plates. As for the expense, suggest he sue Obama for it.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by fortinbras »

Deep Knight wrote: (March 22, 2013)
Oh sure, the birthers can scream "voter fraud" til they're raspy and sore. Deep down, they know full well that the 2012 election was won because the majority of American voters actually LIKE Barack Obama and think he's doing a good job even with an obstructionist Congress. Which catches them on the horns of a dilemma.

See, they can't admit they're wrong. They've spent too much time and effort trying to prove long-debunked claims, too many efforts to convince people there really is something off about that scary looking black man. They can't admit, not to friends, not to family, not to themselves that they were wrong. So we see a retreat.

Some of them retreat to blatant racism, giving voice to what they've really felt. Others fall into conspiracy land, hoping by blaming some shadowy fringe group, they can somehow make sense of something that makes no sense to their own minds. Others blame the GOP, believing that if the message or candidate had just been different, then everything would have been better.

They can't stand that [- i.e. being debunked]. And so, in the last few months, we have a cluster of birthers attacking debunkers. Walter Fitzpatrick calling people in hopes of getting a hit piece for Sharon Rondeau. Lucas Smith harassing and spreading lies about Dr Conspiracy and family. Noel Lawler/Yoel Lawlor harassing and spreading lies about yours truly. Mark Gillar taunting people to go get teamed up upon at his show. Oh sure, we always had the Tracy Fines and Sam Sewells and Jerome Corsis and Rambo Ikes to harass the debunkers. But we've not really seen this focused an attack before.

Today (August 19th) Walter Francis Fitzpatrick, retired Navy Lt. Commander, was sentenced, on the basis of a June conviction by a Tennessee jury, to three years of prison for extortion and aggravated perjury, arising from his efforts to persuade the country grand jury to indict Obama. He had previously been sentenced to 2 months in the local jail for his attempt to make a citizen's arrest of the grand jury foreman for not cooperating with his wishes. He's luckier than his supporter, Darren Wesley Huff, who was sentenced, in May 2012, to four years of prison for his effort to arrange an armed takeover of the courthouse to coerce the grand jury to do Fitzpatrick's bidding.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by fortinbras »

I am very curious about the charges under which Fitzpatrick was convicted. Inasmuch as he was sentenced back in 2012 for trying to arrest the foreman of the grand jury, I wonder what this latest conviction involved - the same incident or something else. And what precisely was the extortion and what precisely was the aggravated perjury - (evidently perjury is "aggrvated" when made in a criminal proceeding)? These questions were not answered by the newsclippings in Lexis and WestLaw.

If anyone knows, I would be very appreciative if they'd share that info.

PS: I am not the only person in the dark. The birfers are having a field day over the strange offenses:
notorial dissent
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by notorial dissent »

Wandering Wally's currentest conviction has to do with an incident that happened a short time ago, same tango, different dance. He again attempted to coerce/force the local Grand Jury foreman to take his charges before the local Grand Jury, which apparently he did, and they laughed at them and declined to go further. When Wally was told that he started going off the deep end.The perjury charge came from one of the documents he tried to file that was deemed to be perjurous(if that is a word) and the rest all gets very complicated. If you really want to look in to it further, there is a very good thread at Fogbow that pretty well delineates the life and times of one Lt Commander Walter Frances Fitzpatrick III, USN-Ret. At this point, he has three convictions to his name, two in the current county, and one in the prior county in TN for approximately the same thing. The major part of the charges come from his, very misinformed, opinion that the Grand Jury Foreman is not legally seated and is therefore corrupting the Grand Jury process, and between his ongoing efforts to get his nonsense petition before a grand jury, harassing the grand jury foreman and the grand jury members, and his campaign to clean out (non existent-at least in this matter)corruption in the TN court system, this is where he has now ended up.


The perjury charge comes from a false affidavit he filed against the Grand Jury Foreman, the other charges arose from his threatening the foreman and interfering with the jury.
Last edited by notorial dissent on Wed Aug 20, 2014 10:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Gregg »

One (of may) legal flaws I see with his reasoning is that, it is not against any Tennessee laws to hold the office of President of the United States in any illegal way. Has the Naval Academy really sunk to the level of graduating people who don't even understand the basic concept of Federalism?
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by fortinbras »

Here is the explanation I got when I posted the same question on another website:
IIRC the perjury piece came about when the Faltering HalfWit swore out an affadavit demanding a restraining order against one of the Grand Jury Foremen which was chock full of nuttines and outright knowing lies and had it thrust at the Grand Jury.

The extortion piece was around a set of outright libelous and slanderous statements and publications made by Walt about the judge, grand jury foreman, court reporters AG’s, dog catcher, sewer inspecter and Uncle Tom Cobbly and all with the apparent intent to intimidate, coerce or force a positive outcome for Wally.

I am happy to be corrected, the Walter Mitty show has been going on for so long and at such wild tangents it gets hard to remember all the details……
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by fortinbras »

Gregg wrote:One (of may) legal flaws I see with his reasoning is that, it is not against any Tennessee laws to hold the office of President of the United States in any illegal way. Has the Naval Academy really sunk to the level of graduating people who don't even understand the basic concept of Federalism?
Quite right, Fitzpatrick was trying to coerce a state grand jury to indict for what might be (if it is a crime at all) a federal offense.

Quite bluntly, I don't know what crime Obama could be charged with for being born somewhere other than Hawaii. All the tangible and official evidence points to a Hawaiian birth. Since this is what was in Obama's earliest American school records and so forth, the President always believed he was born in the USA. If his parents fibbed to him (and to all official authorities) about it, then it's not his crime. To hear some people tell it, there is a law criminalizing "Presidenting While Black".

At the same time the "natural born citizen" requirement for President is already considered (as stated in a number of law reviews well before Obama ran for President) to be the most useless, pointless, unnecessary provision in the Constitution. You may recall that bunches of reichtwingers were agitating, circa 2001, for "the Arnold amendment" - to amend the Constitution to remove that very provision so we could have Arnold Schwarzeneggar as our Commander-in-Chief.

As for the Naval Academy standards, well, they sank a bit over the years judging from some recent cheating scandals. It turns out that Fitzpatrick was courtmartialed back in 1990 for using his ship's recreation funds to send a delegation to the funeral of the brother of his commanding officer.

A timeline of his career from 1988 thru 2005 appears in the Bad Fiction blog on -- it turns out that blog has several article on Fitzpatrick. Here is the timeline article: ... k-rap.html
Doing The Walter Fitzpatrick Rap

The following is a timeline of Walter Francis Fitzpatrick, III from 1988 (when he was XO of the USS Mars) to 24 March 2006. The info is put together from Washington State Court Records, Records from the Kitsap County Sheriff's office, Kitsap County Superior and District Courts, Clallam County Superior and District Courts, the Seattle PI, Kitsap Sun, PNW Local News, the USS Mars Reunion Association and the 7 July 2010 Hearing Exhibits in "State of Tennessee v Fitzpatrick and Huff"

Fitzpatrick claimed he moved from Kitsap County to Tennesses "Three Years ago", or around 2007. Which dovetails with the lack of court records on him after spring of 2006.

1988-89 - LCDR Walter Fitzpatrick serves as XO (Executive Officer) of the USS Mars (AFS-1). During this time, Fitzpatrick uses funds from the ship's Morale, Welfare, and Recreation Funds to send a delegation of sailors from said ship to the funeral of the CO (Commanding Officer)'s brother.

1990 - LCDR Fitzpatrick is court-martialed and convicted on one count of being "derelict in the performance of those duties (as executive officer) in that he willfully failed to follow proper procedures for the accounting and expenditure of Morale, Welfare and Recreational Funds" A letter of reprimand is placed in his personal file, and he is "beached"

1991 September 23 - Case 91-2-02080-1, Kitsap County Superior Court {near Seattle, Wash.}. Domestic Violence charge against Walter Fitzpatrick by one Cathleen Marie Fitzpatrick.

1991 November 14 - Case 91-2-02443-1, Kitsap County Superior Court. Domestic Violence charge against Walter Fitzpatrick by one Cathleen Marie Fitzpatrick.

1993 - Fitzpatrick's court-martial conviction is downgraded to simple negligence.

1993 December 22 - Case 93-2-02837-9, Kitsap County Superior Court. Domestic Violence charge against Walter Fitzpatrick by one Cathleen Marie Fitzpatrick.

1994 July - LCDR Fitzpatrick is mandated to retire from the Navy after having been passed up for promotion to Commander three times, triggering retirement under "Up or Out" guidelines.

1994 September 21 - Case 94-2-02352-9, Kitsap County Superior Court. Domestic Violence charge against Walter Fitzpatrick by one Cathleen Marie Fitzpatrick.

1996 September 4 - Case 96-2-00825-0, Clallam County Superior Court. Unlawful Detainer charge against Walter Fitzpatrick and Cathleen Fitzpatrick by the Port of Port Angeles

1996 November 19 - Case 96-004625, Clallam County District Court. Case against Walter Fitzpatrick by the Port of Port Angeles

1996 December 5 - Case 96-9-01126-4, Clallam County Superior Court. Judgment against Walter Fitzpatrick and Cathleen Fitzpatrick in favor of the Port of Port Angeles.

1996 December 9 - Case 96-2-03601-5, Kitsap County Superior Court. Abstract of Judgement against Walter Fitzpatrick and Cathleen Fitzpatrick by the Port of Port Angeles.

1996 December 9 - Case 96-9-03910-9, Kitsap County Superior Court. Judgment against Walter Fitzpatrick and Cathleen Fitzpatrick in favor of the Port of Port Angeles.

1997 June 4 - Case 97-2-01631-4, Kitsap County Superior Court. Collection by Bank of Monogram (Credit Card) against Walter Fitzpatrick and Cathleen Fitzpatrick

1997 June 8 - Case 97-9-02140-2, Kitsap County Superior Court. General Recovery Judgment against Walter Fitzpatrick and Cathleen Fitzpatrick in favor of the Bank of Monogram (Credit Card).

1997 July 14 - Case 97-9-00557-2, Clallam County Superior Court. Judgment against Walter Fitzpatrick and Cathleen Fitzpatrick in favor of the Port of Port Angeles.

1997 July 17 - Case 97-2-02062-1, Kitsap County Superior Court. Judgment against Walter Fitzpatrick and Cathleen Fitzpatrick in favor of the Port of Port Angeles.

1997 July 17 - Case 97-9-02283-2, Kitsap County Superior Court. Judgment against Walter Fitzpatrick and Cathleen Fitzpatrick in favour of the Port of Port Angeles.

1998 March 2 - Case 98-3-00247-1, Kitsap County Superior Court. Marriage Dissolution with Children by Cathleen Fitzpatrick against Walter Fitzpatrick.

1998 March 2 - Case 98-2-00638-4, Kitsap County Superior Court. Miscellaneous court case by Walter Fitzpatrick against Luke Poulson.

1998 March 4 - Case 98-3-00266-8, Kitsap County Superior Court. Divorce and Separate Maintenance by Cathleen Fitzpatrick against Walter Fitzpatrick.

2000 March 31 - Case 00-2-01014-3, Kitsap County Superior Court. Miscellaneous court case. Trustee is Robin P Church, Grantor is Walter Fitzpatrick.

2000 September 6 - Kitsap County Sheriff's Office, K00-015635 ID# LW 63000 Victim - Miscellaneous

2000 November - Fitzpatrick is elected as a port commissioner for the Port of Tracyton (WA)

2001 May 21 - Kitsap County Sheriff's Office, K0 1-008018. ID# LW 104969 Suspect - Coercion by use of threat

2002 February 21 - Kitsap County Sheriff's Office, K02-003212. ID# LW 145591 Fitzpatrick files a criminal fraud complaint with the Kitsap County Sheriff’s Office claiming the Port of Tracyton's budgets were false.

2002 March 14 - Kitsap County Sheriff's Office, K02-004397. ID# LW 148723. Mentioned.

2002 May 9 - Kitsap County Sheriff's Office, K02-007543. ID# LW 156902 Reporting - Miscellaneous

2002 June 13 - Case Y2-002436, Kitsap District Court. Against Walter Fitzpatrick by Roy Lee Anderson (Roy Lee Anderson was a Port of Tracyton Commissioner)

2002 June 14 - Fitzpatrick demands sheriff's deputies remove a fellow commissioner (Steve Hoffman) due to Fitzpatrick's claim the man in question is no longer a port commissioner.

2002 June 18 - Case Y2-002469, Kitsap District Court. Against Commissioner Steve Hoffman by Walter Fitzpatrick

2002 July 1 - A temporary restraining order is granted to Fitzpatrick against Steve Hoffman due to claims by Fitzpatrick that Hoffman threatened him.

2002 October 11 - Kitsap County Sheriff's Office, K02-016254. ID# LW 178929 Victim - Violation of Civil Anti-harassment Order

2002 December 16 - Kitsap County Sheriff's Office, K02-019706 ID# LW 188010 Reporting Party - Harassment

2003 January 31 - Port Orchard Police Department, D03-000237 ID# LW 197605 Suspect - Harassment

2003 April 22 - Walter Fitzpatrick sends a letter to Washington Attorney General Christine Gregoire asking that the Port of Tracyton be dissolved.

2003 May 8 - Kitsap County Commissioner Patty Lent schedules a special meeting to appoint a second Port of Tracyton commissioner. Fitzpatrick threatens legal action if this action is taken.

2003 May to July - Gary Keenan is appointed as a interim port commissioner.

2006 June 17 - Kitsap County Sheriff's Office, K03-008735 ID# LW 230396 Offender - Harassment

2003 July 11 - The Port of Tracyton has problems with finding a quorum. Fitzpatrick sees his 600-page allegation of criminality against other public officials thrown out of court due to lack of evidence. Fitzpatrick at this time is board chairman, and has claimed to have canceled all port meetings for the rest of the year. There are calls for Fitzpatrick's removal.

2003 July 16 - Fitzpatrick is warned that he will be dropped as a commissioner if he fails to attend any more meetings.

2003 July 30 - Kitsap County Sheriff's Office, K03-011066 ID# LW 240719 Reporting Party - Civil Dispute

2003 August 16 - Fitzpatrick is removed as a commissioner, and attempts to disrupt the next meeting of the port commission. Pat Wright is appointed to take his place.

2003 September 4 - Kitsap County Sheriff's Office, K03-012975 ID# LW 249207 Offender - K03-012975

2003 September 5 - Fitzpatrick is escorted from a Port of Tracyton meeting by sheriff's deputies, to applause from the 20 residents attending.

2003 September 16 - Kitsap County Sheriff's Office, K03-013600 ID# LW 252123 Mentioned in Suspicious Incident / Investigation

2003 October 10 - Bremerton Police Department, B03-009688 ID# LW 258131 Offender - Unwanted Subject

2003 October 14 - Case Y3-003962, Kitsap District Court. By Cheryl Fitz Williams (Staffer to Rep. Norm Dicks, D - Washington's 6th congressional district), against Walter Fitzpatrick.

2003 October 14 - Case Y3-003969, Kitsap District Court. By Paula Blake (Staffer to Rep. Norm Dicks, D - Washington's 6th congressional district), against Walter Fitzpatrick.

2003 October 27 - A one-year restraining order against Fitzpatrick is obtained by Cheryl Fitz Williams and Paula Blake.

2003 October 31 - Reports are the Port of Tracyton are back on track following the removal of Walter Fitzpatrick. There are also reports that Fitzpatrick's address changes and his phone is disconnected around this time.

2004 January 30 - Kitsap County Sheriff's Office, K04-001313 ID# LW 286222 Offender - Theft 1

2004 March 11 - Fitzpatrick is cited in an article about a damaged nuclear missle at the Bangor (WA) Sub base.

2004 April 26 - Bremerton Police Department, B04-003919 ID# LW 308380 Offender - Violation of Restraining Order

2004 June 2 - Case 10388406, Kitsap District Court. Defendant is Walter Fitzpatrick

2004 July 27 - Kitsap County Sheriff's Office. ID# WA 40101. Violation of Civil Anti-harassment Order

2004 August 29 - Kitsap County Sheriff's Office, K04-011434 ID# LW 343270 Offender - Assault 4 - Domestic Violence

2004 August 30 - Case 10388407, Kitsap District Court. Defendant is Walter Fitzpatrick

2004 August 29 - Kitsap County Sheriff's Office, K04-003738. ID# AR 50933. Arrest, Assault 4 - Domestic Violence

2004 August 30 - Kitsap County Sheriff's Office. ID# JM 200406132. Jail Booking

2005 July 29 - Kitsap County Sheriff's Office, K05-009064. ID# LW 425753 Offender - Criminal Tresspass 2

2006 March 24 - Kitsap County Sheriff's Office, K06-487443 ID# LW 487443 Reporting Party - K06-003615
Last edited by fortinbras on Wed Aug 20, 2014 8:10 pm, edited 3 times in total.
notorial dissent
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by notorial dissent »

What you may or may not know, is that before sentencing, he concocted a 41 page document charging nearly ever one he could think of with a whole list of crimes that he was going to file as a criminal information with someone. He managed to get it published on a couple of his fan sites, I don't know if he actually filed it or not.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by davids »

fortinbras wrote:
Quite bluntly, I don't know what crime Obama could be charged with for being born somewhere other than Hawaii. All the tangible and official evidence points to a Hawaiian birth. Since this is what was in Obama's earliest American school records and so forth, the President always believed he was born in the USA. If his parents fibbed to him (and to all official authorities) about it, then it's not his crime. To hear some people tell it, there is a law criminalizing "Presidenting While Black".
I think you've hit the nail on the head. I am usually, almost always, reluctant to call out racism as a motivation for things. Too often people get called racists for simply believing in states rights, voting Republican, supporting free market ideals, etc. But here, I have to agree with you. When someone is a birther, they really are just a racist who is looking for an argument other than racism with which to criticize the President.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by AndyK »

:sarcasmon: To his credit, Fitzpatrick appears to have escaped the 'Tailhook' scandal.
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notorial dissent
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by notorial dissent »

Only because 1) he isn't a pilot, and 2) he wasn't invited, otherwise he'd probably have fit right in.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
Princeps Wooloosia
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by fortinbras »

News from the OC WEEKLY about Taitz's harebrained suit about the Guatamalan refugee kids: ... _hanen.php
Illegals, Illegals, Illegals!
Orly Taitz Border-Crosser Lawsuit in Texas Allowed to Proceed ... With Major Conditions
By Matt Coker Thu., Aug. 28 2014 at 10:54 AM

Categories: Bat Shit Nuts, Illegals, Illegals, Illegals!, Politics

See the update at the end of this post on the judge allowing Orly Taitz's suit to move forward--with major conditions.

ORIGINAL POST, AUG. 27, 6:31 A.M.: Rancho Santa Margarita lawyer/dentist/real-estate saleslady/Three Wishes Keks Orly Taitz is hailing a federal judge granting her motion to subpoena four Border Patrol agents to testify today in her "emergency" challenge to the U.S. government transporting undocumented immigrants from South Texas to California and other states.

But the Queen of the Birfers may have tipped off in a letter to the office of vehemently anti-immigrant Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Huntington Beach) that she "shopped" for a Brownsville jurist most sensitive to her cause.

U.S. District Court Judge Andrew S. Hanen earlier this month set a Wednesday hearing for Taitz's lawsuit, which seeks to have the undocumented deported immediately or quarantined for two months on grounds they rob American citizens of jobs, wages and benefits and expose them to crime and epidemics of infectious diseases, including at least one Taitz claims to have contracted while performing dental work on an illegal immigrant.

On, Taitz posted a letter to Rohrabacher's Executive Assistant Kathleen Staunton that announced Hanen set the hearing date and urged that the news be spread to other like-minded Members of Congress.

"Judge Hanen is a judge, who previously excoriated the US government for acting as human smugglers," Taitz mentions in the letter.

Shopping Taitz v. Johnson--as in Jeh Johnson, the Department of Homeland Security secretary, although Obama, Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia Burwell and the U.S. Border Patrol, Rio Grande Valley Sector, are also named as defendants--to Hanen would be unethical at best and illegal at worst.

On her site Monday, Taitz also proudly posted Hanen's document granting her motion to compel four officials with the U.S. Customs and Border Protection union local 1613 to appear at today's 1:30 p.m. hearing. They are: president James Harlan; vice president Chris Harris; media representative Gabriel Pacheco; and health and safety officer Ronald Zermeno.

Brownsville's Valley Morning Star reports each border agent is California-based. Hanen's order stated that it had been represented to him that none of the four objected to attending the hearing although it is not within 100 miles of where they reside, work or do business as federal rules limit.

UPDATE, AUG. 28, 10:54 A.M.: Federal Judge Andrew S. Hanen in Brownsville, Texas, on Wednesday allowed Orly Taitz's lawsuit to move forward, but that's about the only good news for the Rancho Santa Margarita lawyer/dentist/real-estate saleslady/nut-to-the-wing.

Suing the government over border crossers being transported out of South Texas to California and other states, Taitz was denied a restraining order against President Barack Obama, government agencies and various immigration practices.

And Hanen directed Taitz to come back by Oct. 3 with an amended, more narrowly focused complaint. Instead of suing over the threat to the public at large of the diseases, job losses and other problems undocumented people might bring, Taitz must show how she personally has been harmed, Hanen ruled.

"It's hard to determine what your causes of action are," Hanen told Taitz at the onset of the hearing, according to a Valley Morning News report.

The judge also warned he would not entertain resurrections of the broad, original complaint, including issues Taitz had stated would rely on testimony from several U.S. Border Patrol agents,

"I'm telling you no right now," Hanen told Taitz. "I'm not telling you no forever."

The government was given until Oct. 17 to respond after Taitz files her amended complaint. An Oct. 29 injunction hearing was set.

Email: Twitter: @MatthewTCoker. Follow OC Weekly on Twitter @ocweekly or on Facebook!
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by davids »

Tsk, tsk, poor Orly. She has to find a new boogeyman to go after. She's not getting anywhere with her lawsuits against Obama, and needs a new issue.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

Bovine, Flatulating: wrote:Tsk, tsk, poor Orly. She has to find a new boogeyman to go after. She's not getting anywhere with her lawsuits against Obama, and needs a new issue.

And Orly's got one! She's been spending most of her time recently going after immigrants, and this and my doctor's advice ("cut back on sugar, salt, and vicious @#$%!s") has kept me shy of her site. But that also caused me to miss this last Sunday.

Open letter to Sec of State of CA Bowen: you will overcome your depression and drinking problems if you come clean and declare that you made an error by placing Obama on the ballot while knowing that he is using a stolen SSN and all fabricated IDs
Posted on | September 7, 2014 | 1 Comment
Dear Ms. Bowen,
I read today an article in SFGate about your public statements and your disclosure of your struggle with severe depression and previous alcohol addiction.
With that being said, I would like to point that your actions contributed to depression of the whole state or at least a half of the state and drove many to drink and drink heavily. (for the record, I am not one of them).
See, you had in front of you information on two presidential candidates with some questions about their constitutional eligibility. One of them, was Peta Lindsey for Peace and Freedom Party. You did your own research, found somewhere on the Internet that she was not 35 years old, not eligible constitutionally and you simply threw her of the ballot.
On the other hand, I provided you documentary evidence, sworn affidavits of government officials and government records time and again, which showed that Barack Obama used a stolen Connecticut Social Security number REDACTED, which failed e-verify and SSNVS, fabricated Selective Service registration and a fabricated birth certificate.
A number of individuals forwarded the same information to you. While you kicked Lindsey of the ballot, you chose to keep Obama. You are a licensed attorney, you took an oath to protect and defend the US constitution and you violated your oath of office and you committed treason by placing on the ballot a citizen of Indonesia with all fabricated IDs, you became criminally complicit in fraud, elections fraud and treason.
Your severe depression might be due to bouts of conscience.
It is not too late to show yourself as a decent human being, not as a criminally complicit and treasonous party operative. You have time until you leave office. You can and you have to do the right thing, declare that you made a mistake, that you are launching an investigation and declare that Obama was not eligible due to his use of a stolen Social Security number and bogus IDs.
I guarantee you that you will feel better about yourself if you do the right thing, at least once in your lifetime.

Sincerely Dr. Orly Taitz ESQ
Attorney for plaintiffs in Grinols v Obama, Keyes v Bowen and Keyes v Obama

Orly Taitz, one of the most despicable people in the world.
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notorial dissent
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by notorial dissent »

She has brought a new lowness to lowness.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Why does this slimeball still have a law license? I seem to recall that attorneys are required to have a good moral character....
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
notorial dissent
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by notorial dissent »

That question seems to get asked a lot, and the mythical CA Bar doesn't seem to be inclined to notice or act.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.