NESARA Loves Orly!

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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by davids »

Saw this today, and wasn't sure where to put it. But apparently Sheriff Arpaio lost a challenge to the current Administration's immigration policies today. ... migration/

In the world of competing birfers, Orly Taitz of course announces this on her page, going so far as to saying "all hope" rests on her similar lawsuit: ... efore-him/

There seems to be a rise in persons trying to make a name for themselves politically by using the legal system inappropriately.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by GMac »

Question - I keep seeing references to FMotLs and sovruns as being denied further abuse of the legal system for being "vexatious" litigants; what keeps this from being applied to folks like Oily Taters and Larry Klayman? :beatinghorse: Why do they keep being allowed to waste court time with their bullpuckey?
However, their version of science is flawed because real science predicts no survivors left alive on earth if my father's Vatican endorsed food process is not revived and frankly immediatly is none too soon! -ERASMUS OF AMERICA
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by davids »

GMac wrote:Question - I keep seeing references to FMotLs and sovruns as being denied further abuse of the legal system for being "vexatious" litigants; what keeps this from being applied to folks like Oily Taters and Larry Klayman? :beatinghorse: Why do they keep being allowed to waste court time with their bullpuckey?
Well, it COULD apply to them. I know that Mr. Klayman has had the book thrown at him in other ways as has Orly Taitz. Both are somewhat similar in that they use the legal system to grandstand, which seems to be something they achieve much more readily than success in the courts. Although Klayman may have had some success at a thing or two and appears to have been a practicing lawyer. Taitz is a real attorney and has had the book thrown at her in the form of sanctions. (I am dealing with a similar though lower profile moron in court at present).

One reason it hasn't been applied to them is that they usually represent another entity, if only their own nonprofit organization. This takes them out of being strictly "pro se" or "pro per" as we say out west. Most vexatious litigant statutes deal with persons who are self-represented.

Most also require a number of cases to be pursued unsuccessfully while self-representing. Often it takes years for a case to get through the system and so whatever issue it is that gets a vexatious litigant fired up to wage a pro se war can go on for years before a court is willing to use that designation.

Some states allow even a pattern of action within a single case to suffice. I've tried that once and it didn't fly, presumably because the court was already so fed up with the person that it almost simultaneously threw out the case. I have a case right now where an attorney is in pro per and engaging in frivolous attacks and I may very well try this again, after a few more faux pas by the offending lunatic. :!:
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by fortinbras »

You will all be delighted to know that the NESARA website now reports that the Republic has been restored TODAY, January 2nd 2015, because of the complete default of the US govt yesterday. And that 200 Generals - I didn't know the Army had that many - are now teamed up to make NESARA go through. And, oh yes, the NESARA Prosperity Packages are being delivered THIS VERY DAY.
(that's the current blog on Jan. 2, I don't yet have a URL that will enable it to be found on a future date)

I am so happy about this that I am not going to keep the fact that I kidnapped the Lindbergh baby a secret any longer.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

I love that bit about the 200 Army generals.

I remember the first time I visited a NESARA web site, and learned about how, when the Supreme Court heard the NESARA case, Army generals and Navy admiral packed the public galleries in the Court's chambers and, by their very presence, convinced the Court of the righteousness of the NESARA proponents' case. Gee -- given the fact that many news organizations keep reporters on duty to watch the goings-on at the Court, you'd think that SOMEONE would have noticed all of those flag officers walking towards the Supreme Court building, well before the Court could possibly have imposed any gag orders on anyone, and broken a news story about the fact; and you'd think that many of the field-grade officers below the flag officers would have wondered why ALL of their bosses suddenly flew to Washington on the same day, and would have started asking questions. You also have to wonder why, in cases like the Pentagon Papers, prior restraint of publication was denied by the Court, but why the Court is now able to prevent a peep about NESARA from being discussed, for more than 20 years, in any mainstream news media.

But then, when have the NESARAites ever have been encumbered by things like facts or logic? :snicker:
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by notorial dissent »

Or reality for that matter. McHalfwit hasn't been close to that in years.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Gregg »

from wiki
The United States Code explicitly limits the total number of four-star generals that may be on active duty at any given time. The total number of active duty general officers is capped at 230 for the Army, 208 for the Air Force, and 60 for the Marine Corps.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Gregg »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:I love that bit about the 200 Army generals.

I remember the first time I visited a NESARA web site, and learned about how, when the Supreme Court heard the NESARA case, Army generals and Navy admiral packed the public galleries in the Court's chambers and, by their very presence, convinced the Court of the righteousness of the NESARA proponents' case. Gee -- given the fact that many news organizations keep reporters on duty to watch the goings-on at the Court, you'd think that SOMEONE would have noticed all of those flag officers walking towards the Supreme Court building, well before the Court could possibly have imposed any gag orders on anyone, and broken a news story about the fact; and you'd think that many of the field-grade officers below the flag officers would have wondered why ALL of their bosses suddenly flew to Washington on the same day, and would have started asking questions. You also have to wonder why, in cases like the Pentagon Papers, prior restraint of publication was denied by the Court, but why the Court is now able to prevent a peep about NESARA from being discussed, for more than 20 years, in any mainstream news media.

But then, when have the NESARAites ever have been encumbered by things like facts or logic? :snicker:
Seeing as one of the more prominent things the crazies are trying to prevent is the imposition of martial law, you gotta wonder how they all are such bug fans of what amounts to a coup d' etat
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Gregg wrote:
Pottapaug1938 wrote:I love that bit about the 200 Army generals.

I remember the first time I visited a NESARA web site, and learned about how, when the Supreme Court heard the NESARA case, Army generals and Navy admiral packed the public galleries in the Court's chambers and, by their very presence, convinced the Court of the righteousness of the NESARA proponents' case. Gee -- given the fact that many news organizations keep reporters on duty to watch the goings-on at the Court, you'd think that SOMEONE would have noticed all of those flag officers walking towards the Supreme Court building, well before the Court could possibly have imposed any gag orders on anyone, and broken a news story about the fact; and you'd think that many of the field-grade officers below the flag officers would have wondered why ALL of their bosses suddenly flew to Washington on the same day, and would have started asking questions. You also have to wonder why, in cases like the Pentagon Papers, prior restraint of publication was denied by the Court, but why the Court is now able to prevent a peep about NESARA from being discussed, for more than 20 years, in any mainstream news media.

But then, when have the NESARAites ever have been encumbered by things like facts or logic? :snicker:
Seeing as one of the more prominent things the crazies are trying to prevent is the imposition of martial law, you gotta wonder how they all are such bug fans of what amounts to a coup d' etat
Especially since they claim that Delta Force troops and SEALs were used to deliver the quorum calls to the Senators and Congressmen (like taking elite combat troops and turning them into process servers)....
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

fortinbras wrote:You will all be delighted to know that the NESARA website now reports that the Republic has been restored TODAY, January 2nd 2015, because of the complete default of the US govt yesterday.
When they opened the court early on Jan 1 the Judge was so hung over from the party the night before he let the default papers go through without reading them.
fortinbras wrote: And that 200 Generals - I didn't know the Army had that many - are now teamed up to make NESARA go through.
The generals in question are all members of various unorganized and unincorporated militias, and they've been giving those promotions out like doses of the clap in recent years. At last count almost 90% were generals or field marshals -- only way they can keep up membership.

However, an elite commando force of generals would be an awesome unit. Not only would they have years of combat skills, the actors in movies like REDs and The Expendables are older than most Generals and can still kick butt in a big way. We Illuminati need to get one of these, I suggest recruiting some former generals from the Soviet Union, they're free and used to work for a sister company.

fortinbras wrote:And, oh yes, the NESARA Prosperity Packages are being delivered THIS VERY DAY.
That "hot" information was more than a week late. The packies were delivered exactly on the 25th.
fortinbras wrote:I am so happy about this that I am not going to keep the fact that I kidnapped the Lindbergh baby a secret any longer.
OK, blab it here, but take my advice and don't add it to your yearly Illuminati review. You would think that after 80 years the big guy would have forgotten, but he remembers ever cent he ever lost and that was one expensive fiasco. I figure it's just the cost of doing conspiracies, and given that we can have the Federal Reserve print as much money as we want, I don't see why it's a big deal. But you know Satan. "When I was a kid we knew the value of a Zaaxbaht!" Yeah, right.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Gregg »

We Illuminati need to get one of these, I suggest recruiting some former generals from the Soviet Union, they're free and used to work for a sister company.
I don't care what you do with the Illuminati Army, The Imperial Illuminati Air Force won't be having any Russian generals as long as I run it!
Vodka, attack helicopters and Elite Wiener Dog Combat PuppyTroopers do not make a good combination?
You ever see a drunk dachshund? I have and let me tell you, I wish I could erase the scar it left on my soul.


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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Gregg »

For those of you who say it's just silly to think wiener dogs can be airborne troops, I present this top secret (so hi up even Erasumas of America isn't allowed to see it) picture from a recent training exercise in the UK.


(that is a real, undoctored photo by the way)
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

The look on that dog's face is so "You're doing it wrong".
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

Gregg wrote:
We Illuminati need to get one of these, I suggest recruiting some former generals from the Soviet Union, they're free and used to work for a sister company.
I don't care what you do with the Illuminati Army, The Imperial Illuminati Air Force won't be having any Russian generals as long as I run it!
First of all, the generals wouldn't be generals, they would be commandos under the command of a general who didn't use to be a general until he got to command commando generals. So your officer corps can rest easy, assuming they ever rest easy given that incident we don't talk about, their jobs are safe.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by GMac »

ArthurWankspittle wrote:Image
The look on that dog's face is so "You're doing it wrong".
"Let the flaps out and back off on the stick. No, flaps out. OUT! Aw, jeezul, shove over and let me fly before you kill us all!"
However, their version of science is flawed because real science predicts no survivors left alive on earth if my father's Vatican endorsed food process is not revived and frankly immediatly is none too soon! -ERASMUS OF AMERICA
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

GMac wrote:
ArthurWankspittle wrote:Image
The look on that dog's face is so "You're doing it wrong".
"Let the flaps out and back off on the stick. No, flaps out. OUT! Aw, jeezul, shove over and let me fly before you kill us all!"
Now I see why this is on the Orly Taitz thread, THIS is how Obama killed Loretta Fuddy AND disappeared Malaysia Airlines Flight 370! Someone must be willing to investigate this, maybe that hot new wife of George Clooney ...

Press release, Open letter sent to Amal Clooney, urged to her to investigate Obama’s use of fabricated IDs

Posted on | January 3, 2015

Press release, Open letter sent to Amal Clooney, urged to her to investigate Obama

Today, far left media is heavily promoting Amal Alamuddin, Muslim Lebaense wife of actor George Clooney. Amal is a human right attorney, known for her representation of Julian Assange and Yulia Timoshenko, even though she was a failure in both cases, she was not able to free either one of them. Assange is still hiding in the Ecuadorian embassy and Timoshenko sat in prison until the Maidan revolution in Ukraine. However, Clooney is being promoted as this great attorney, possibly due to her efforts to embarrass the government of Egypt, which stopped Obama supported Muslim Brotherhood uprising. Obama is clearly not happy with his failures in Egypt. Today, Amal Clooney is in the news due to her claims of being threatened with an arrest in Egypt due to her criticism of the government and judiciary in Egypt.

This current letter to Amal Clooney is seeking her actions in investigating corruption and criminality in the US government and judiciary, which allowed a charlatan with a stolen CT Social Security number and bogus IDs, Soebarkah-Soetoro-Obama, to sit in the WH for 6 years and do such an enormous damage to this nation. Regardless of what Amal Clooney does, it is a win -win situation for us. If she chooses to investigate Obama’s usurpation of the US presidency with bogus IDs, it is great, we might get closer to removal from office and criminal investigation of Obama. If she does nothing, we’ll expose yet another liberal phony.

Open letter
Posted on

Dear Barrister Clooney,

Recently Barbara Walters named you a person of the year. You are well known for representing Julian Assange and Yulia Timoshenko and recently you made news again due to your claims that you were threatened with an arrest in Egypt for criticizing the Egyptian government and Egyptian judiciary.

I am sending this open letter to you, to urge you to look at the corruption and flagrant criminality in the US government, particularly during Obama regime.

I am forwarding to you this file, attached, Table of evidence of forgery and fraud showing Barack Obama’s using a Connecticut Social Security number 042-68-4425, which was never issued to him, but rather issued to a resident of Connecticut born in 1890 and presumed to be deceased with no heirs. The file, also, provides a sworn affidavit from a retired Chief Investigator of the US Coast Guard stating that Obama’s selective Service certificate is a flagrant forgery. This 150 page file shows expert opinions and affidavits of government officials attesting to the fact that citizen of Indonesia, born in Kenya, Barry Soetoro, aka Barry Soebarkah, aka Barack Obama is using all fabricated IDs.

This was never heard on the merits. Top US officials, including Attorney General of the US Eric Holder, Commissioner of Social Security, Carolyn Colvin and a number of high ranked judges committed treason in being complicit in this cover up.

Civil rights attorneys, like myself, were persecuted. In multiple cases documents were removed from court records and falsified. In one case in Eastern District of Pennsylvania, a court reporter removed 14 pages, the whole cross examination of a party, from the official transcript and removed all mention of these pages from the table of contents. Subsequent complaints to the Chief Judge f the District, Chief Judge of the Circuit, Judicial Council, District Attorney of Philadelphia did not yield any action for a period of 4 years.

I believe, that the ruling international oligarchy picked Obama as they sought the most compromised puppet, they could find on the face of the planet, to pull 9 trillion dollars of accumulated National debt in just 6 years of Obama regime, trillions of dollars redirected from the US treasury and US taxpayers into the pockets of the oligarchs. A compromised puppet with bogus IDs will do anything, and he sure did.

So, I hope that as a human rights attorney, fighting corruption and lawlessness in the government, you will be willing to investigate and bring to the international media all evidence of corruption, criminality and treason in the US government and US judiciary.

Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

Orly Taitz's Open Letter to George Clooney's Wife Amal Deserves an Open Letter to Orly Taitz
By Matt Coker Mon., Jan. 12 2015 at 7:33 AM
Categories: Bat Shit Nuts

Rancho Santa Margarita lawyer/dentist/real estate saleslady/poison pen pal Orly Taitz's open letter to Amal Clooney, the new bride of actor George Clooney, deserve an open letter to Rancho Santa Margarita lawyer/dentist/real estate saleslady/stamp licker Orly Taitz.

She posted this letter on her website [Letter in post above]

And now for the open letter to the open letter ...

Open letter to the open letter

Dr. Orly Taitz,
Defend Our Freedoms Foundation

Dearest Doc,

You know and I know and the American people know Barack Hussein Obama was born in a Marxist camp in Kenya, delivered by enslaved elephant to an Indonesian drum circle, and taken from there by Somali hijackers of Tom Hanks' cargo ship to a Hawaiian hospital as part of a 40-year plot to put half a black man in the White House.

But while I applaud your life's work at exposing the obvious, with all due respect I believe some constructive criticism is required of your latest strategy. You see for while you wrote a thoughtful and totally rational letter to Amal Clooney, I am afraid you may have also turned her off to investigating Barry Soweto as you urge her to do.

The mistake was running your open letter to her on the same online page as and just below your explanation to your many Mensa followers. Thus, when Ms. Clooney reads ...

Today, far left media is heavily promoting Amal Alamuddin, Muslim Lebaense wife of actor George Clooney. Amal is a human right attorney, known for her representation of Julian Assange and Yulia Timoshenko, even though she was a failure in both cases, she was not able to free either one of them. Assange is still hiding in the Ecuadorian embassy and Timoshenko sat in prison until the Maidan revolution in Ukraine.

... I am a wee bit afraid she may become offended and unsympathetic to your cause, no matter how just. Sure, you do immediately try to win Amal back ...

However, [Ms.] Clooney is being promoted as this great attorney, possibly due to her efforts to embarrass the government of Egypt, which stopped Obama supported Muslim Brotherhood uprising. Obama is clearly not happy with his failures in Egypt. Today, Amal Clooney is in the news due to her claims of being threatened with an arrest in Egypt due to her criticism of the government and judiciary in Egypt.

I just pray it's enough to convince her to, as you wish, probe the "corruption and criminality in the U.S. government and judiciary, which allowed a charlatan with a stolen CT Social Security number and bogus IDs, Soebarkah-Soetoro-Obama, to sit in the WH for 6 years and do such an enormous damage to this nation."

Amen, sistah!

I just wish your message to those of us in the know still had been posted somewhere far, far away from your excellent open letter to the wife of that former E.R. doctor. For then she may not have read what was in that first block of type above or your end note.

Regardless of what Amal Clooney does, it is a win-win situation for us. If she chooses to investigate Obama's usurpation of the U.S. presidency with bogus IDs, it is great, we might get closer to removal from office and criminal investigation of Obama. If she does nothing, we'll expose yet another liberal phony.

Er ... uh ... ixnay on the iberal-lay ony-phay.


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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

What’s going on? After Harry Reid suffered broken ribs and blue eye, Gov of Virginia, Obama bundler Terry McAuliffe brakes 7 ribs. I am not even mentioning all the banks with weird accidents
Posted on | January 19, 2015 | 3 Comments

Virginia governor hospitalized after being thrown from horse

RICHMOND, Va. (AP) – Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe was hospitalized Monday in Richmond with complications from being tossed by a horse and breaking seven ribs during a holiday trip to Africa with his family, a spokesman said.
Category: Uncategorized

3 Responses

January 19th, 2015 @ 5:44 pm
Ribs are one thing but Nancy Pelosi appears to have lost her marbles:

January 19th, 2015 @ 8:45 pm
Obama may just be upset , perhaps the Obama Thugs are retaliating against those that have foiled the Kenyans plans

1.Jerry G
January 20th, 2015 @ 7:08 am
The story about Reid’s injuries are laughable .The manufacturer of that piece of exercise equipment should sue for libel. Who beat him up and why?

Harry Reid has blue eye? Isn't that even worse than pink eye? And she's not even mentioning the banks with weird accidents!
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by fortinbras »

President Obama has just (March 12, 2015) that he will shortly make a personal visit to that notorious Veterans Hospital in Phoenix, Ariz.

This is Crazy Joe's golden opportunity to slap the handcuffs on the Kenyan usurper and arrest him and reveal his universe-shattering proofs.

What are the odds??
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by wserra »

fortinbras wrote:What are the odds??
Hmm. Not sure. Is the Presidential Secret Service detail drunk?
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