On the Road to Erasmus

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Deep Knight »

Erasmus of America thread #3. Let the insanity begin. Only no politics, religion, or descriptions of Gassy Rassy having sex that's 1,000 times better than normal.
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notorial dissent
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by notorial dissent »

Even my willing suspension of disbelief goes only so far. And the whole thought, let alone the topic, is just EWWWW, I repeat EWWWWWW!
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
Deep Knight
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Deep Knight »

notorial dissent wrote:Even my willing suspension of disbelief goes only so far. And the whole thought, let alone the topic, is just EWWWW, I repeat EWWWWWW!
This is a completely normal response. There are some things even the forces of evil won't touch because they're too icky.

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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by ashlynne39 »

Moving on from Erasumus's sexual exploits, such as they are, it looks like Rassy is blaming DK for the bombing in Boston. Here is his latest posting on Nesara, though I couldn't bring myself to post it all because it just goes on forever and eventually he switches to how he is the new Christian leader and tries to give a history of the Christian church:
Tuesday, April 16, 2013


I had already posted on the internet on Nesara News that notes we copied from the websites for Deep Knight and his self-declared Illuminati associates stated they wanted him to murder me by or on April 15, 2013. They indicated if he did not murder me by April 15 (hinting April 15 was a very important date to them and their plans for America), then he was to be replaced and more professional murderers would be sent by the Illuminati to murder me by the end of April, 2013. Separately they had references that they were setting things up in America in April, 2013 so Obama could take over as military dictator of America after they set the stage for him by things that would happen first in America. April, 2013 was their target time to soften up the American people after which Obama could make his pitch for dictatorship over America with the people ready to accept him.
Deep Knight made some fatal mistakes with us. When he engaged in his earlier round of murder threats against me which he said he was authorized to do SO in the name of Obama in the White House, as many noticed and he boasted, he would not be arrested by the U.S. Justice Dept. as the Illuminati controlled the U.S. Justice Dept. under Eric Holder, U.S. Attorney General. And he indicated that Obama himself was also part of the Illuminati leadership in America. He strongly asserted that the Illuminati (secret Satanist society of top bankers, etc.) controlled the federal government in Wash., D.C., so he and associates could not be arrested for any felonies they openly or secretly committed. I wanted him to be overconfident so he would talk too freely and his own words would come to haunt him and associates later on. I pulled this same military intelligence tactic on Soviet intelligence much earlier in time and the same tactics worked on the Illuminati too arrogant and self-confident to be smart in what they said or did! They talked! I listened and recorded them! They have beautifully hung themselves under law! Now the ambush is revealed!
This boy was so self-confident that he could not be touched that much earlier we put his name in search engines and found a link with him as apparent moderator of a website organizing the overthrow of a Middle East government allied with the West. We wondered why this website was so heavily in English with just a little Arabic to it. After reading their training material how to organize revolutions against national government, I will say this appeared to be a well-thought out document which sounded like it was written by C.I.A. for training of revolutionary groups and how by terrorist acts such as bombings, etc. maneuver the people to where they finally accept joining a revolution against the government currently in power. It was very skillful psychological warfare to destroy the national government in power and win the people to accept the violent acts used to overthrow the government in power. A researcher with me asked the same question as I thought and that was why this website was so heavily in English with Islamic flavored concepts about the smart way to overthrow governments in power that you targeted. The answer finally hit me that Deep Knight and associates were using this website to train American Islamic terrorists for the planned overthrow of the U.S. Government in Wash., D.C. In fact, for the type material used, that seemed to be the only answer that made sense as to what we saw on this website run by Deep Knight and his associates from his other websites in America.
The bombing which occurred in Boston yesterday is very typical Islamic terrorist style and used for the same reasons as used in the Middle East to destabilize Middle East government and populations to where finally they have triggered off the civil war they wanted for their Islamic cause in the name targeted by them.
Over a decade earlier I had released the warning nationally in America but Americans did not want to believe that extremists among Islam would actually engage in such a plan against America. Islamic extremists boast that they are serious about their religious cause whereas Christians are weak, soft, and not committed to victory for their side. So Islam will win the world and not Christianity is the argument of the Islamic extremists planning to put America through a national bloodbath before it is all over for America. The plan I got from informants in Muslim mosques in Atlanta, GA., SC, and elsewhere ran as follows. Pretend to be moderates in America while organizing the violent overthrow of America. They would be bringing in secret funds from the Middle East to put into the White House a Trojan Horse Muslim who would fool the Christians and other patriotic Americans. He would first consolidate power over the federal government. Then consolidate power over the American people. Then he would kill off all the Jews in America and all Christians who did not convert to Islam. If the Trojan Horse Muslim President could not pull it off from the White House for the total Islamic takeover of America, then organized cells of Islamic extremists would have bombing attacks across America to destabilize our nation and people. The Muslims would be secretly organized in America. The Christians and others would not be organized. The conspiring Muslims would keep violence going until they took over America like they earlier took over Lebanon which had once been a Christian Arab nation in the Middle East. The Christians tried to be tolerant towards those who were their total enemies in their nation while the Muslims would look for the weaknesses to defeat the Christians with and then take over their nation with Sharia Law if they could.
There is a lot of high treason going on in Wash., D.C. and Deep Knight and his associates made it plain that something stinks in Denmark meaning Wash., D.C. as William Shakespeare would have called it. After issuing rounds of murder threats against me by him and associates and no federal arrests by the U.S. Justice Dept., massive hacking attacks by them trying to block the release of our book "The Early Roots Of Apostolic Christianity" by Erasmus of America, and Deep Knight made mistakes identifying himself as the hacker who battled with us for several hours on a Sunday trying to destroy our electronic files used to compose this book, the U.S. Justice Dept. looks the other way showing that they are corrupt as all hell itself as a claimed legal agency of Wash., D.C. On March 26, 2013, Deep Knight and/or associates prepared an intended legal frame-up letter from Denver, Colorado and mailed it to Obama at the White House threatening him with bloody murder. Their approach was so amateur that even the Secret Service knew that this was an intended legal frame-up by someone as no one is ever dumb enough to send a murder threat to the President at the White House and put their name and address on the outside of the envelope in giant letters composed on a computer. All text was done on a computer and no handwritten material in the letter. The Secret Service asked me who would pull such a stunt to try and get at me. I said it was obviously Deep Knight and his associates on his websites. With the websites identified, it was easy for the Secret Service to track down Deep Knight and his associates. Why has Deep Knight not been arrested yet for threatening the President of America with murder by open letter? The Babylonian level conspiracy of total corruption and high treason in Wash., D.C. is the only possible answer why Deep Knight and associates have not been arrested yet as their comments said they knew what he was trying and were cussing him out for failing in his missions against me that they had assigned to him to do. We copied their comments for legal record later on when it comes time to legally hang him and all his identified associates.
I had said in an earlier posting on Deep Knight that he was obviously a psychopathetic criminal personality who would likely kill people and likely enjoy it if he thought that he could get away with it. If he had been arrested earlier by the U.S. Justice dept. instead of trying to protect him from legal prosecution, then likely we would not have had this horrid, insane Boston Massacre of April 15, 2013. This took the thinking of a totally twisted criminal mind or minds to do this and the style of attempted mass murder is a trademark of extremist Islamic organizations which believe in total extremist violence as the way to win for their cause of Islam in society. The technique of bombing was professional. Deep Knight would make such an operation professional. However, he is morally totally insane if he did this. And what was so important before the fact with April 15, 2013 MENTIONED by him and his associates as we recorded off of them if they did not set up the Boston Massacre of April 15 or else knew of it as they knew in advance who would do it? Deep Knight and associates talking of April, 2013 as the month to set up the events which will make Obama dictator of America soon afterwards makes it overwhelmingly sound like they set up the Boston Massacre of April 15, 2013. Because of politics involved where Wash., D.C. tries to do "political damage control" when things get out of hand, I stated bluntly the real legal issues that need to be investigated unless this is to just be another legal cover up by Wash., D.C. since the truth must be hidden from the American people at all costs?
As the Banker's Love Letter To You" posted on Nesara News April 12, 2013 said among many other things, "We want a civil war..." He says this as a fellow Illuminati banker. And they are trying to set up the total destruction of America by pulling the strings while ordinary Americans stare and do nothing. He also said, "But civil war is only part of the plan to destroy America." The Illuminati are composed of Satanists who hate you the ordinary Americans and want to make Satan who they call Lucifer their "god" over America and the world. They think that you the ordinary Americans are a laughing joke to them as they judge you will not stand up to stop them. As one of the Rothschild Illuminati once stated to me when he tried to recruit me to join what he called "the secret government of America," "The American people are too stupid, too irresponsible, and too morally unfit to be allowed to run the government, so we secretly do behind the scenes in Wash., D.C." He indicated that the Rockefellers, other key banking families, etc. were all part of the secret government of America running America, not you the American people. I did not join them, so had a wave of federal murder attempts on my life after that as I knew too much how high treason and corruption run Wash., D.C., not the American people.
Pass this report all over America. This report likely identifies what source or sources set up and carried out the Boston Massacre yesterday of April 15, 2013. My trick which worked so well in military intelligence so many times when out to crack the security of secret sources is make them so mad at me, they forget their smart brains and talk too much and blow their security and cover in the process. By the time they realize what they have done, I have totally cracked their security and they told me many to most of their most guarded secrets they had never intended to tell anyone. And that means especially me!
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Erasmus sends us all a hidden message in his last tirade:
I have totally cracked
"There is something about true madness that goes beyond mere eccentricity." Will Self
notorial dissent
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by notorial dissent »

ArthurWankspittle wrote:Erasmus sends us all a hidden message in his last tirade:
I have totally cracked
Like it wasn't really totally evident before???

That's what happens when the world's alleged foremost mind and super genius uses salvaged radiators from the junk yard he is hiding/living in to make coolers for his moonshine(excuse me super duper ultra top secret rocket fuel), and starts sampling the output. Of course the moonshine(excuse me super duper ultra top secret rocket fuel) won't be any better than any of the rest of his scams er schemes, and remember after all we are dealing with the world's foremost authority here(at least in his lone grey cell), so it is probably more water and lead than anything else, since that would be in keeping with Rassy's past track record of accomplishments, thus Rassy's current state of dementia.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by JamesVincent »

I'm pretty positive that with all of DKs experience he could have come up with something better then that.
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Deep Knight »

The mutilation and murder of those people is horrifying and nothing to either joke or spread wild accusations about. Martin Hunter has in the past threatened a laundry list of people, including the President, but that was all fantasy (or a 7 year old death). This is real and disgusting.

I go from the "somebody should tell someone" (as if anyone reading this won't think YOU'RE crazy for bringing it to them) to "I should have a lawyer write a letter" (too expensive). While I'm sure it's against the law to threaten the President, I think that his oft-quoted "drop slowly into boiling acid" threat passes the "you've gotta be joking" line and nobody would pay any attention to it. Ditto his super-duper blockbuster bombs, secession of The South, repossession of the Louisiana Purchase, and invitation to the Russians to remove Obama from office. Any suggestions for something to make Erasmus rue the day he accused Quatloos of being a "website to train American Islamic terrorists for the planned overthrow of the U.S. Government in Wash., D.C.?" Musta missed that post.

As for the "visit by the Secret Service," I see that story has also grown in the telling. Now it's due to an "open letter" to Obama at the White House, "threatening him with bloody murder," meant to be a "legal frame-up." Funny he can't give a link to this "open letter," one would assume it was posted here in "giant letters composed on a computer." Who knows what innocuous post he might have twisted into being such a threat in his mind. I mean, fair's fair, If I was supposed to have made this threat, I'd like to know what it was.

I would write the people who are handling the Profitable Sunrise scam in South Carolina, which I believe is the same Attorney General's Office Mr. Hunter was threatening to contact a couple weeks ago to have me arrested, and tell them my suspicions about his shilling for them, but, a) I'd be surprised if more than a handful of his reader bit and b) someone with standing, that is who actually lost money, would have to get involved, and I don't know who that might be.

Any ideas? As you can tell, I'm starting to get annoyed.
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by ashlynne39 »

You're right DK. Its nothing to joke about and I hope you didn't take my post that way. I wanted you to know what he was saying but in retrospect maybe should have sent you a PM. I do have some thoughts about dealing with rassy that I'm going to explore. Its clear there is some sort of mental issues with him.
notorial dissent
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by notorial dissent »

I agree with both you and DK on this. Rassy is either having one long drawn out leg pull, or is a seriously disturbed individual, and I am betting on the later. The problem with people like that is that they can also be dangerous not only to themselves, but others, and I am not sure where he fits in this.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
Deep Knight
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Deep Knight »

ashlynne39 wrote:You're right DK. Its nothing to joke about and I hope you didn't take my post that way. I wanted you to know what he was saying but in retrospect maybe should have sent you a PM. I do have some thoughts about dealing with rassy that I'm going to explore. Its clear there is some sort of mental issues with him.
No worries. I didn't take your post that way, I was actually talking to myself about not playing this as a joke. It was also a reaction to the huge number of "it's a false flag" and "we're pulling details from our butts" posts on MacHaffie's site.

While getting lunch I heard that they might have made an arrest. Rumor is they have video of the second bomb being placed. Good.

As for Martin Hunter, my tolerence for him is over. Please look into the mental health aspect, and I'll look into the high-yield investment shill aspect. What can I say, he messed with the wrong ficticious Illuminati this time!
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Deep Knight »

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


We live in a Matrix version society in America in 2013 where truth is myth and lies are reality according to our Big Brother Government in Wash., D.C. I received an intelligence briefing yesterday on the Boston Bomb Massacre. So many pieces conveniently all on line for it before it happened! I smell a rat but why bother to elaborate in Matrix controlled America with controlled press, controlled TV, controlled politicians, etc.? To misquote Napoleon Bonaparte, "Truth is a myth commonly agreed upon by man." ...

The wild accusations he posted yesterday about the tragedy in Boston were the result of an intelligence briefing? How the story changes with time. I blame the Matrix-controlled press.

America is in a dark ages today of censorship and lying propaganda to replace reporting of key pertinent facts to important issues and telling the truth instead of mass government generated lies to fool those incapable or else unwilling to think for themselves. Many people want to be lied to so they have the excuse to evade what the truth and reality is in America today. …

Fast pass the Omni Law First move smart and sound! But slam the brakes. ... I can show you how by pretending that Wash., D.C. did not mass lie to you since 1913 on recover for you up to $1,000 trillion dollars owed to you and swindled from you by these sharp boys who were miles higher than you in thinking capacity because they hired the smartest brains from your Ivy League colleges how to set up this astronomical swindle of you and your family in America for generations since 1913 on. When the Omni Law is passed, I will bring out the legal angle I have hidden from both you and the big swindle boys called the central bankers. I can show how they under current claims of law owe you up to maybe and likely even $1,000 trillion of dollars. Because you lacked the self-confidence in your own brains is why I had to let out which I hated to do as I love my privacy that my mother had once been rated by I.Q. test to be the most brilliant child in American time up to her time. You know damn well that I have the brains to financially skin them alive and you don't have the foggiest idea how to get back the vast fortune swindled from you and owed to you by the biggest con artists in human history as Thomas Edison called them years ago. Pass my Omni Law and I will recover all I can for you. …
Now are you still going to hold it against me that I studied with six of the most brilliant economists of America and Europe including a German economist who was personally endorsed by Albert Einstein to be teaching the only true economic science in the 20th Century? Will you still hold it against me that a very prestigious international organization once wrote me up as "The Einstein Of American Economics" saying that this was some economists had said of me after hearing me and seeing what I said? If you want a professional and knows how to do the above right, I am the one you need. Pass the Omni Law and stop the million and one excuses why you can't back it and now in America. The people get united and we will storm the nation getting it passed like lightning once the politicians see the American people are taking back control of America and now! Stop being cheapskates with me and back me right with what finances you can so we storm America like a lightning political campaign and win in America in 2013. Why wait until 2014 when we can win in 2013 if America suddenly stands up as a united nation to reclaim America back for the American people?

Stop being so mad at me for wanting to restore prayer and the Bible to the public schools of America. A 1987 national economic study concluded it cost you the American workers an estimated one trillion dollars a year to have outlawed prayer and the Bible from the public schools of America. And cost American business an estimated one trillion dollars a year in a smaller national market to sell to by having outlawed prayer and the Bible from the public schools of America. …

I did something no economist had ever done before. I hated doing it but forced myself to sacrifice my own self-interests and work I guess at least 30 different professional fields in order to have an intimate insight into national economics no other economist in the world has. I found powerful answers here not taught by any of the economists as they did not know these practical answers. ... I respect brains and will be surrounded with brilliant people in economics, etc. as I have to make sense to other brilliant people or else I will not push what does not make sense to other brilliant people also. I take like a fish to water with other brilliant people and we always fast merge into a united think tank. We understand each other well and we will become your united team loyal to the American people contrary to Wash., D.C. at this time. … Go to Obama who only knows voodoo economics from deepest Africa or equivalent. He will utterly ruin America if allowed to. You want a team leader. I am that. I say an army is a team all pulling together for victory and if victory is won, all deserve credit for the victory or victories won. When a leader truly represents all that is gifted and noble in a people, then we become a national team and the victories won will be ours, not mine. I am your team leader if you want that for America. You want a dictator and unqualified to seriously lead you, go to Obama. He will ruin America forever because he does not believe in you the American people nor in the principles that America was founded upon as a nation when it started on the right track but then went the wrong way. …

We have products offered on our website including our Romanian line which among other things is designed to turn around anti-aging in the human body. We didn't know it at first, but the testimonials coming back show us that our HIgh Grade but especially our Premium Anti-Aging Nutritional Supplements are restoring the sex drive of married couples and making them having a great time in marriage again! Modesty holds us back from telling how sensational and how great are the reports we are hearing from those now using this! Well, our products were to help finance our drive to pass the Omni Law in America. I think we have got some winners especially in this Romanian line we have now nationally released. Maybe God saw we got the right products to help fast finance our Omni Law drive. …

Keep a copy of this report with you and don't lose it! Make copies and help push this nationally with any and all sources you can think of!... My mailing address for finances to advance the Omni Law is NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679 . Make checks, etc. out to NIFI and say "For Omni Law." For legal reasons, we will treat such financial backing as loans, not donations. When the Omni Law is passed, I have such large sums owed me by the federal government as will easily pay off any money received as this time. Also, if needed, I get the 15% finders fee mentioned above, it automatically can pay off anything sent our way at this time. Just to make the game more interesting. We get the 15% finders fee as I anticipate we will, we will so long as funds there which should be, pay you 10 times more than what you loaned us and we will then call it a "patriot's reward" for those who wanted to save America. Also, with income tax likely abolished then, you would get to keep the principal returned and 10 times reward with it and not pay a dime of tax on it!

I have said enough. Pass the Omni Law and the Dark Ages Of America In Economics, Education, Moral Values, Etc. Is Over In America!

Yours For God And Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name for the one the evil and corrupt love to hate because he is on your side, the American people, and cannot be bought off or threatened to make him change sides! I have already received many threats because I am on the side of the American people. God gave me plenty of guts so I am not going to fail you through fear or bribery. I will give you my best loyalty and effort. Beyond that is up to God! I am an honest leader in a highly dishonest America! Back me if you care about America or your future in America!)

Posted by John MacHaffie at 1:58 PM

1 comment:

Anonymous April 17, 2013 at 5:16 PM

Your posts are way too long and people will not read them as they are busy and/or not interested in reading a book to get info. If you can please make your point short and sweet more people might read your articles. Also, who are you really? Is the Omni Law even in congress to be passed? If so, what is the bill number? If your Omni Law is really that great I would love to push it but give me/us a reason to believe in it.
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Deep Knight »

Sometimes crazy will amuse you, sometimes crazy can hurt you.

WASHINGTON — Details were beginning to emerge Thursday about the Mississippi man the FBI said it "believed to be responsible'' for mailing letters that tested positive for poisonous ricin to President Obama, a senator and another official.

Paul Kevin Curtis was arrested at his home in Corinth, Miss., on Wednesday the FBI said.

Curtis is "the individual believed to be responsible for the mailings of the three letters sent through the U.S. Postal Service which contained a granular substance that preliminarily tested positive for ricin,'' the FBI said in a statement.

Multiple online posts on various websites under the name Kevin Curtis appear to show a man who believed he had uncovered a conspiracy to sell human body parts on the black market and claimed "various parties within the government" were trying to ruin his reputation. The posts refer to the conspiracy he claimed to uncover when working at a local hospital from 1998 to 2000.

The author wrote the conspiracy that began when he "discovered a refrigerator full of dismembered body parts & organs wrapped in plastic in the morgue of the largest non-metropolitan healthcare organization in the United States of America."

Curtis wrote that he was trying to "expose various parties within the government, FBI, police departments" for what he believed was "a conspiracy to ruin my reputation in the community as well as an ongoing effort to break down the foundation I worked more than 20 years to build in the country music scene."

In one post, Curtis said he sent letters to Wicker and other politicians.

"I never heard a word from anyone. I even ran into Roger Wicker several different times while performing at special banquets and fundraisers in northeast, Mississippi but he seemed very nervous while speaking with me and would make a fast exit to the door when I engaged in conversation..."

He signed off: "This is Kevin Curtis & I approve this message."

The FBI says preliminary tests on a letter sent to President Obama indicate the presence of poisonous ricin. It comes the day after officials said a letter sent to Sen. Roger Wicker tested positive for poisonous ricin. (April 17)

The White House and Capitol Hill were on alert after initial tests Wednesday showed that suspicious letters contained ricin, a deadly toxin.

As federal authorities investigated the letters to Obama and Sen. Roger Wicker, R-Miss., several other senators reported that they, too, had received suspicious mail. The reports prompted U.S. Capitol Police to close portions of two congressional office buildings for a brief time.

Preliminary tests on the granular substance in the letter to Obama showed evidence of ricin, but additional lab analysis is underway to confirm that finding, according to an FBI statement. Similar testing is being done on the letter to Wicker, and results can take 24-48 hours.

Both letters bore a Memphis postmark, law enforcement authorities said. In an intelligence bulletin obtained by the Associated Press, the FBI reports that both letters say: "To see a wrong and not expose it, is to become a silent partner to its continuance." Both are signed, "I am KC and I approve this message," wording that candidates use at the end of their broadcast political ads.
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Deep Knight »

Martin Hunter's New High Yield Investment Program

Friday, April 19, 2013

8 pages single spaced with narrow margins. Mostly the same old thing, and nothing about arresting insane Deep Knight, but some wonderful financial opportunities and gives his lega opinion as to why they're not illegal. It involves genocide and his father's bread, naturally.

Wash., D.C. has been engaged in an active conspiracy of genocide ... block the reestablishment of my father's Vatican endorsed trade secret food process … Having inherited some good brains from both my parents, I have advanced my father's trade secret food process to where now it could potentially keep people healthy for maybe 110 years old or older. If I can recreate one scientific discovery made by accident by some scientists years ago, I may be able to extend human life and good health to maybe 500 years old to 800 years old or a little bit older. The maximum multiplication factor to extending human life is about 14 to 15 times longer in life than the usual life span of humans today ...
Wash., D.C. lies like fury, twists laws into versions never intended nor authorized by the Founding Fathers of America … They claim this is the law you will accept or else they will send you to prison or else fine you to total destruction in life. I am tired of their con artist legal tyranny and now I make the legal stand that forces the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Bill of Rights to now again be legally obeyed in Wash., D.C. or else this whore of corruption of a non-legal government is going to collapse and be replaced by a new national government with legal integrity to it.
... legal documents expressly legally forbid the federal government and state governments from licensing, regulating, or registering security offers of stocks and bonds as this would hurt the growth of the American economy … From this hour forth I make this legal stand. Any federal or state source trying to violate the legal rights of stock and bond offers to be issued in America without licensing or regulating by either federal or state government, this shall be treated as an act of high treason against the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Bill of Rights as originally written and intended as the national law for all Americans both federal and state. I referred to the state actions against ProfitableSunrise.com by a James Paris in Florida as an example of what I was targeting. This business entity had been paying its members since 2009 through the beginning of 2013 for 5 calendar years and just closed its membership to new members which is contrary to the pattern of Ponzi scheme operations. It didn't want new people and did not want their money. Smells of a very honest business fund! Now with the usual actions that state and federal government pull on financial ventures which have been paying their members with satisfactory results for long periods, the legal source or sources sabotages the business venture so it can no longer operate, seizes their funds, pocket the money and then tells the people, "See, we told you that this fund was not honest!" A typical con of the legal agency stealing the funds of a business venture which had built up a large pool of money the government thieves wanted to steal from the people who this money belonged to. And its legal foundation is that you guilty under law and punished until and unless proven innocent, not you are innocent until proven guilty under law. Also, the U.S. Bill of Rights says that government may not seize your property, money, etc. until a trial by jury has ruled you guilty and then authorizes government to take away your property, money, etc. and give it away to others designated to receive it by law. The federal government and state governments are acting contrary to constitutional law in how they seize and pocket property, money, etc. Government by thieves is not what the American Revolution was fought to establish in America as the new system of government for the American people.
America might well have 500% more industry in America and good jobs for all Americans if we retire the thieves in federal and state governments and let the industries be financed that give America a great future and great prosperity for all. So from March 19, 2013, I have drawn the line in the sand with law. Once the Omni Law is passed as I predict it will be, all illegal acts ... high treason and then trial by jury to convict them when proven legally guilty and let the court decide if life imprisonment or else execution be the correct sentence of the court. When millions of Americans can no longer support their families due to high treason against the legal terms of the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Bill of Rights, this is no longer a minor crime but close to the highest form of high treason designed to destroy America forever if we tolerate it. I will not tolerate it and will push to hang the traitors if that is what is required to get the message delivered that the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Bill of Rights are now once more enforced under law and are to be obeyed by all as the national law of America or else!
Okay, I have made my stand on constitutional law grounds for what I am about to offer to the American people. Now on to the Genocide Treaty which Wash., D.C. says is now the national law of America and binding on all including government leaders, employees, etc. of either federal or state government. … Under the terms of the Genocide Treaty no American laws are valid which try to stop me from reestablishing my father's Vatican endorsed food process either in America or anywhere else in the world I want to set this trade secret family food process in. Two pillars of authority for what I am about to offer the American people.
I am no fool at law and these two pillars of law give me many ways American officials can end up in prison for life or else executed under law if they dare even say one word of legal protest to me now. … I seek loans from the public and from business sources in America. Only if I do not see enough support in America to cover my goals will I then agree to also accept financial backing from abroad as well. I will not issue titles to securities, but will record in my business files how much credit I will assign to those backing me in setting up my father's Vatican's food process once more in America. But for Washington conspiracy my father's multi-million dollar plant would never have been closed in America and today our family would be the symbolic kings of the food industry in the world. But that is ancient history now!
I am assigning a 30 year royalty of 10% net profits before taxes for the first 30 years my father's food process is operational again and we start selling in either the American market, the world market, or both. This royalty will be split pro-rated between the amount of credit any individual or business has in my business files for this. I can refuse to accept loan money from any source I understand is hostile to why I am setting up this loan fund to reestablish my father's Vatican endorsed food process. I can refund money to anyone who tries to pick a fight with me how these funds are to be used. My goal is to raise $100 million which is more than I think I will really need to carry out my goals. I assign no rights to the people backing me except what I expressly grant to them. No one has the right to learn my trade secret family food process because they financially backed me. I was a finance consultant years ago and not naive in legal matters like this. Once the Omni Law is passed, I am confident that I will have a $100 billion settlement from Wash., D.C. and that is cheap compared to how much I can squeeze them for if I decide to. I am a very blunt person at times. … This should soon be a huge income for any and all credits you have with us. Not a dumb statement in business common sense!
Don't be fooled. Even though I talk strong religious values, I am still as sound of a businessman as you could ever deal with. I know the ways of the world and am no fool in business. Twice in business I started with roughly $1,000 and built in one year flat each time two basically $100 million retail and wholesale markets with two generic products I started with then. …
Go to my website at www.fatbootyamericaneconomy.com . Use the $25 NIFI Certificates On Up To $1,000 And In The Instruction box tell what the money is for. Say "For Loan Program." Each $25 constitutes one unit of credit in the pool of credits of others up to a maximum of $100 million for all who put money into this program. I do not forget those who have wanted to back me before. Part of the $525,000 federally stolen from me a few years before belonged to backers of mine. You get $25 credits for how much your money was as listed in my records until Wash., D.C. laughing at us as they did this, they stole from us our $525,000 fund we had then! …
As the funds come in as I predict they will now, I will hit Wash., D.C. like a sledgehammer with newspaper ads, etc. as I rally and mobilize America to pass the Omni Law as soon as possible. I will probably put on my hit list those in Wash., D.C. or allied interests who I feel need to face the new reality rising in America and they suddenly have delivered to them lawsuits for $100 billion in damages and when they realize this is for real and not a joke, I don't think that they are going to be very happy!
… I am in effect the general in the field and I will decide how the funds are spent to set up the national and world victory for this food industry. … Those who want to join me, join me by backing me now. Don't be one of those sad people in history like the man who once could have bought controlling interest in Ford Motor Co, and wouldn't pay the $5,000 for it! … Everyone who eats on earth is a potential customer for us! It is like the old sales story of two shoes salesmen sent to an obscure Pacific island. They got off the freighter and one wired back to his boss, "Send me a return ticket! The 15,000 natives here don't wear shoes!" The other salesmen got off the freighter and wired his boss, "Boss, send me 15,000 pairs of shoes! Natives here don't wear shoes yet!" I am the second salesman, not the first in vision, and see the giant world market before us! I have been in business a lot of years and know the ropes to it well!
You have churches, etc. who should see this, civic groups, friends, family, etc., send this report to them. I am going to bring a booming economy to America, not Obama who is a babe in the woods when knowing how to boom national economies! ...
Yours for God And Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name for the one who will drive all the corrupt lawyers and legislators crazy … let's get the ball rolling in America!)

Posted by John MacHaffie at 5:32 PM

Martin Hunter, son of Vatican wonderbread dude Alfred Martin (?) got ceased and desisted for this sort of thing before by the same Assistant Attorney General who issued the same for Profitable Sunrise. The document is available below.

http://www.scag.gov/securities/securiti ... rs.C&D.pdf

Maybe her office needs to hear about this.
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Deep Knight »

Friday, April 12, 2013

After ashlynne39, Illuminated Legate of Illustrious Legs, covered the better parts of this post of 10 days ago I never posted any of it, but just recently saw the comments and a conversation I had with Gassy Rassy without taking part. Just listen.

Yours For God And America, Erasmus Of America (pen name for the one the evil most hate and most fear of all in America according to comments I have seen from their side. I must be doing something right to scare the daylights out of them like this! They are afraid that the American people may actually listen to me and then I save America from the Illuminati now controlling America but secretly from the government, etc.)

Posted by John MacHaffie at 7:09 PM

Christian Lightworker April 12, 2013 at 10:07 PM
Please, ERASMUS OF AMERICA, please tell us more.
"They apparently judge that I am the only effective Christian leader in America with the potential to stop them from pending total victory in America."
Yes that must be it. Your supposed "intel" is anything but yet they're making all kinds of offers of rewards in exchange for you changing allegiances.

Reply - Anonymous April 13, 2013 at 12:11 PM ['Rasmus, 'zat you?]
What kind of work do "Christian Lightworkers" do? Are "they" able to turn the economy around and make life better for the masses? Tell us about it, please, as I'm sure the people would like to know which "type" of leadership to follow. It's quite apparent that the leadership which is now in place isn't working for anyone. Oh maybe temporarily for the "bought off" polititians who are fixing to lose their lives and those of their families. Who bought them off?, you say.... well, the illuminati did, who else has all of the stolen money that could have been used to provide good jobs and sound education, and a good life for everyone instead of satan's death and destruction. Does God want us to have leaders who can help the people or does God want us to have leaders who cannot or will not help the people?

Anonymous April 12, 2013 at 10:09 PM
Erasmus, although I disagree with wome of your beliefs and interpretations of the bible, I do respect what you are trying to do//I will keep it that simple and say what the problems is
If you didn't keep patting yourself on the back at every turn a spouting all of your accomplishments and how smart you are, it would be easier to read your messages. Now the cabal thinks you are this that and the other thing...I haven't even read this article, nor have I read the last 10 because I don't want to read about how great your are..it isn't about YOU.
I am being kind, so please get a clue. God exalts the HUMBLE. He doesn't promote or exalt those that promote themselves.

Reply - AnonymousApril 13, 2013 at 12:19 PM [Warmer, we're getting warmer]
Maybe some people would like to follow the lead of their local trash collector, or Walmart Greeter. SHhhh... Don't tell anybody you're a Christian or tell them about the true miracles of God! And by all means, don't tell anyone that you have qualifications that would make you an ideal candidate to handle the responsibilities of such a position as leadership. Why do we want qualified leaders for America when we have such as Obama who has no more knowledge of economics than an ordinary ditchdigger you see along the road.

Anonymous April 12, 2013 at 11:34 PM
wanna be blow hard vain janglings maybe even a paid shill, hard to know these days since they are made in many varieties

Reply - Anonymous April 13, 2013 at 12:25 PM [100% certain]
hey it's probably you again, DK. Who else puts out such b.s. and hot air? By the way, why aren't you in jail yet when Erasmus' report said apparently you or one of your colleagues sent Obama a nice murder threat by mail with Erasmus' supposed address on it in bold letters on the front of it from Denver, Colorado?

Would I write something like that? Something that didn't comment on the small size of his penis or it's flaccidity? Come on!

And you really want to know why I'm not in jail? Simple, I have a "get out of jail free" card (the game Monopoly was based on the Illuminati's domination of Atlantic City real estate).

Meanwhile, Martin Hunter's investment program got even better!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Last Friday, April 19, 2013, I posted the extremely deadly legal report "Under Authority Of The Genocide Treaty I Make This Offer In America!" From Erasmus Of America which was read all over America and across the world. Many intelligence services I figure read this across the world! After this was posted, I then sent copies of this posted genocide report to groups all over America. Then today Monday morning April 22, 2013, I sent printed copies of this posted genocide report by regular mail to: 1. Chief Justice, U.S. Supreme Court. 2. Director, F.B.I. 3. Chief of Staff, The White House 4. Secretary of State, Department of State 5. U.S. Attorney General, Department of Justice 6. Chairman, Democratic National Committee 7. Chairman, Republican National Committee 8. Secretary General, United Nations 9. Apostolic Nunciature to United States. I am laying the groundwork for massive criminal charges against Wash., D.C. and potentially rapid passage of the Omni Law in the process.

Who cares, we want to know how he sweetened the deal!

For the first 100 people who pay for one or more $25 NIFI Certificates from my website and say "for loan program" instead of getting a pro-rata share of 10% royalty for 30 years of active operation from the projected $100 million, their $25 credits for the loan program will be changed to $125 credits creating in effect a rate equivalent of 50% royalty before taxes split pro-rata for the same amount of money raised by $25 credit loan units loaned into our loan program. ... The next 100 people loaning money for this week for $25 credit units with this food loan program will have their credits multiplied by 4 times which is basically equivalent to 40% royalty on net profits before taxes when divided pro-rata between the pro-rata share owed to people with the regular $25 credit units splitting pro-rata 10% royalty per year before taxes on profits made from the national and world market food sales. ... And after the 40% equivalent royalty quota is filled, then anyone else putting money into the loan program by April 26, 2013 will have a tripling of credits given them for every $25 credit unit created by their money, so their original $25 credit units get turned into $75 credit units in our loan program. And whether Paypal is used on our website or else checks, etc. made out to NIFI is postmarked by Friday, April 26, 2013, after April 26, 2013, all horse drawn carriages turn back into pumpkins and our usual 10% royalty rates resume. Concerning our loan program I have not firmly decided yet, but may have a commission plan set up after this week where if you have some money in our loan program, then I will let those wanting it to participate in a referral plan with this loan program. You would get a 5% commission on loan money you set up and 5% credit in our regular $25 credit units based upon what others you line up put into our loan program. If anyone interested, send us an email and say, "Send referral plan." If no one interested, then we may not offer this.

Make even more money by shilling for Rassy! MacHaffie's readers are excited (as of yet no "anonymous" replies)

Posted by John MacHaffie at 4:09 PM

Anonymous April 22, 2013 at 4:16 PM
"For the first 100 people who pay for..."
Call TODAY! Limited quantities! Sale! Sale!
When are you going to get that this is a shill?
Remember when he spent three paragraphs describing how he was the greatest genius in the USA? Then he made product placements.

Anonymous April 22, 2013 at 6:19 PM
Booyah..I second this remark...
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Deep Knight »

Black Spot (Treasure Island)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Black Spot is a literary device invented by Robert Louis Stevenson for his novel Treasure Island. In the book, pirates are presented with a "black spot" to officially pronounce a verdict of guilt or judgment. It consists of a circular piece of paper or card, with one side blackened while the other side bears a message and placed in the hand of the accused. It was a source of much fear because it meant the pirate was to be deposed as leader, by force if necessary—or else killed outright. In Treasure Island, Billy Bones is much frightened by it but remains determined to outwit his enemies; however he suffers a stroke caused by the consumption of spirituous liquor and dies. Later Long John Silver receives the spot, but is calm enough to notice that it has been torn out from a Bible, and warns his associates of the ill luck this will bring upon them.

The origins of Stevenson's Black Spot might be in the historical tradition of Caribbean pirates of showing an Ace of Spades to a person condemned as traitor or informer. The card was putting the person dangerously "on the spot", since the ace bears a single pip.
Wednesday, April 24, 2013


Well, I give the Washington boys credit for knowing how to shoot themselves in the foot! They made the dumbest move a government charged with genocide could ever make. …
I released my roasting legal report on Washington genocide policy in my April 19, 2013 report … posted with Nesara News which guaranteed wide viewing of it across America and across the world with even a lot of U.S. intelligence and foreign intelligence services viewing it if I am correct as I know how the military intelligence game is played in the world. I waited to see how Wash., D.C. would react to being so openly and effectively exposed to a huge audience nationally and worldwide. … Also, I think they stole from 6,000 to 20,000 American citizens as well as foreigners in maybe 130 member nations of the United Nations as Wash., D.C. pocketed all this money to divide between themselves in federal circles.

Now I figured the release of my genocide report of April 19, 2013 was going to create a lot of legal heat and political heat behind the scenes of Wash., D.C. I was curious whether they would be honorable and try to undo the great evil they had done or else use criminal tactics to try and bury this issue so it would not be legally investigated. But Wash., D.C. lived up to my expectations of them how evil they really are in secret circles of Wash., D.C. So on Sunday, April 21, 2013, they gave me the secret but apparently official legal answer back to my genocide charges against Wash., D.C. contained in my legal report of April 19, 2013. I have metal storage buildings behind my house. This is Sunday, April 21, 2013. I go to the back yard and see stuck in one of the metal doors in the back a white paper sticking out half under the door and half sticking out into the open air. It is intended that you cannot miss seeing it! As the metal door is sealed and you cannot slip a paper notice under it except to open the door and close the door over it to have it go under the door, I was curious what this paper was. A financial paper from my private files is what is sticking out. To get it and put it there under the door meant a person had to know how to unlock your doors without your keys. Intelligence personnel are trained how to do this! This person had to go inside to where I had private files of mine, look through them, pick one that he thought would make obvious that he had visited my private files at my house. He picked one dated from 2009. He then put a death mark on it to represent a murder threat and how I was to be murdered. If you remember your Treasure Island movies, book, etc., the pirates would give a piece of paper with a death mark marked on it to tell the person who had it handed to him that he was shortly to be murdered by the pirate gang. The person who broke into my property would logically be a federal intelligence operative. Normally for operations like this, you have lookouts so you are warned in time in case someone suddenly shows up that they had not planned on. This is a federal operation and probably run from the intelligence center now fully functional as I understand underground at Denver, Colorado. The death mark on the financial paper of mine from my private files is to tell me an easy way to murder me with the implication that I cannot stop them from murdering me if they want to. They know that I am not a fool and will get the message loud and clear! They figure I will be afraid for my life and not push any longer for passage of the Omni Law which in turn gives me the hand to establish my father's Vatican endorsed trade secret world food industry in America. In other words they are trying to protect the federal policy of worldwide genocide by keeping suppressed my father's Vatican endorsed food process if they can get away with it. Having received too much publicity, it is getting very hot to try and murder me without the nation promptly figuring out that Wash., D.C. murdered me. It is a dangerous legal risk to try and murder me and maybe get caught at it. Maybe I am even prepared to arrest them if they try it. But they incorrectly calculate that what is understood as an obvious federal murder threat will scare me to death and stop me from proceeding to pass my Omni Law …
Wash., D.C. has spoken loud and clear by this obvious federal murder threat and my first legal act to it is to report their federal murder threat to all of America and the world. Another post to Nesara News coming! Heart failure in Wash., D.C.! They miscalculated! I am no coward and threatening me with murder is to provoke me to fight harder and fiercer than ever, not surrender or hide in a dark corner like a little cowardly church mouse! The reason why I was very good at military intelligence over the years is that I didn't really give much of a "damn" whether I lived or died and so fear could not control me, only focused logic and common sense how to win! … That is why they are scared to death of me. I will restore honest government to Wash., D.C. Boo! Hiss! How dare the American people be given back control of the government that used to be their national government instead of the government of secret, corrupt, totally evil sources and leadership who now own and control it in secret!
These wicked, secret power elite for insane reasons hate people all over the world and especially you Americans in case you haven't figured it out yet! That is why they love murdering billions of people and no one catching on to their game of mass hatred of people all over the world and mass murder of them worldwide by secret Washington policy. … They love to poison you with tricks in vaccines, corrupt health policies, sabotage of national and worldwide agriculture because they hate you savagely even though you have never done them any wrong at all. They want to kill you off by federal policy because they hate you. Passage of my proposed Omni Law ends all this and reestablishment of my father's Vatican endorsed food process ends their policy of mass hatred for you and intended mass murder of you if you let them do this to you through your ignorance created by censorship of the truth and trying to make you too mentally lazy so you never find out the truth in America or abroad! Maybe a minor point with you! … Ordinary Americans, send copies of this report to your elected state representatives in the state legislatures and federal representatives of Congress. Tell them you want the Omni Law and no nonsense! … Okay folks, now that you know that Wash., D.C. is comfortable with its current secret federal genocide policy against Americans and all other races on earth, it is time for you to show Wash., D.C. that you the American people are the bosses of Wash., D.C. by passage of the Omni Law and stop the sellout of America to secret, powerful financial sources who want a corrupt government they can secretly control rather than you the American people.

Yours for God And Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name for the descendant of the founder of the first newspaper in Texas which was The Bonham News if I still remember its name right! My family both sides has been in newspapers for generations and always champions of the truth through the news media. My father was a circulation executive with Randolph Hearst and good friend with Col. Cormick (1880-1955) of the Chicago Tribune who back then tried to bring strong integrity to American journalism. America will either have distorted or censored news to influence its thinking or else the truth. I prefer the truth as it frees us. Corrupted news is intended to enslave us!)

Posted by John MacHaffie at 12:53 PM

Arrrgh matey, doesn’t sound anything like the black spot to me. Erasmus must be thinking of that other book, “Crimson Permanent Assurance,” where the financial files are riffled through by pirates. As for this being a secret message to Erasmus, it is. It means, “Stop leaving your papers out where they get scattered around and get a job!” At least this finally explains Rassy’s obsession with Denver Colorado, it’s the locations of the world’s best known secret airport with underground runways!
The Bonham News, Fannin County's first newspaper, was founded in 1866 by B. Ober.

Yes, Erasmus, Be Over.
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Thule »

Deep Knight wrote: This is Sunday, April 21, 2013. I go to the back yard and see stuck in one of the metal doors in the back a white paper sticking out half under the door and half sticking out into the open air. It is intended that you cannot miss seeing it!
Trash in his garden? Right, who's the joker who switched the Killbot setting from "Pulverize" to "Litter". It wasn't funny the first 658 times, you know.
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by notorial dissent »

Why do I keep having the unshakable feeling that the "metal building" in Rassy's junk er back yard is really just his tin trash can that he forgot to put the lid on tightly? After all, he's not too tightly wrapped either.

As an aside, I would point out that Deep's preparatory bit about the black spot was clear and concise, made a whole lot more sense, and had some basis in reality, unlike than the pages and pages of nonsense Rassy posted. I'd think even the factually bewildered over at McHalfwit's parlor of fantasy and delusion would be getting tired of this non-stop drivel by now.
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by The Observer »

I am just more fascinated that while the Illuminati was killing 8 billion people yesterday, the only thing Erasmus was paying attention to was his financial record being left in the door of his storage sheds. When we first launched this genocide plan, one of the problems we faced was how to distract Rassy so he wouldn't get in the way. After too many late-night planning sessions over this issue without any solution, one of the rookie coordinators in sheer desperation suggested trying the old "break-into-the-storage-shed-and-leave-a-financial-record-stuck-in-the-door" trick. Most of us thought it would never work, that someone like Erasmus, the James Bond of America, would never fall for it. Since there were no other solutions we went ahead and give it a whirl. Much to our surprise and relief, Rassy went for it, hook, line and sinker.
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

As Chief of the Black Operations Division of the Boston Chapter, I can assure you that this is one of our standard methods -- perhaps more subtle than pinning the records to the door of the storage sheds with a knife rubbed in poison ivy, but in the end much more effective since it helps to convey the message that We Cannot Be Stopped.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools