On the Road to Erasmus

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Deep Knight »

Rassy Dinar hasn't shown up yet and he's getting more than a bit paranoid.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

One businessman wanted a copy of the common law trust of one of the richest families in America and he stated that he had to pay $20,000 to receive a copy of their family common law trust. Even years ago it was common to pay an attorney with any knowledge how to set up common law trusts legal fees such as a low of $5,000 on up to $20,000 or more to set it up for anyone! ... Some time back years ago I picked up the copyright licensing rights to one of these common law trusts prepared by one of the smarter lawyers in America in this field and I am sure that this was not cheap when he used the format I was supplied to create his basic common law trusts for his clients. ... they used to be very effective many times to create tax-free legal entities in America for use under federal or state law. Under special angles or factors of law in special situations, I would assume they could still be used for tax-free angles if the involved financial angle is already technically tax-free under law.
I will briefly offer as a free bonus offer with the Omni Law Loan Program my package of legal material which I previously sold for $495.00. This shows you how to set up a common law trust for yourself and how it is run by you once set up. ... And I supplied some historical material on the Common Law Trust as I was a history major at the university and when in high school apparently rated by national testing as the top history student out of American high schools that year. I won a postgraduate college scholarship in political science off of that testing and while still in high school. ... Years ago when I once previously offered this to the people, I had this collection of Common Law Trust material offered for $175.00 plus state tax if they ordered it within 10 days. After that, this Common Law Trust package of material would cost $495.00 for it. At this time through Oct. 10, 2015, I will send to you this Omni Law Legal Package for free if you put $100.00 or more in my Omni Law Loan Program shown on my national website ... you may even have to pay out $500 to get it then one way or another after Oct. 10., 2015. It is all copyrighted and I allow you to use it for your private use and run extra copies for your own use and your family, but not to be reprinted nor shown to others. This is valuable legal property and I retain legal rights to it.
Yours for God and Country, Erasmus Of America (Pen name for that American who likes too much the freedom America was founded upon in 1776 to let Obama and other despisers of the founding principles of America in 1776 take away from us freedoms and a great nation to live in for us and our descendants we want to carry on the America that we love and want for the future!)
Posted by Dan at 6:10 PM

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Let's begin with a few historical notes on the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Bill of Rights to indicate that this critic below is likely a federal plant out to trick the naive and gullible of the public who never researches anything for themselves. He does not want you to be able to practice your legal rights under American law. He wrote this as a comment to my report posted last night Sept. 29, 2015 with Nesara News. My report was: HOW TO HAVE A COMMON LAW TRUST CHEAPLY AND FOR MANY LEGAL USES! FROM ERASMUS OF AMERICA - SEPT. 29, 2015

Anonymous September 29, 2015 at 7:28 PM
To: ERASMUS .....You Best stick to ALL the rest of the stuff you are the worlds foremost authority on.... Number one a Common law trust is revocable and can be breeched by the Infernal revenue service....and does not offer the security of a Spindrift Irrevocable trust..... You need to study this as our team could tear this BS to shreds....
The spendthrift irrevocable has been called the Rockefeller trust or the Harvard trust and is the only trust that cannot be breached and is good for 200 years.... Besides it is 20times easier to use...

My report was posted at 6:10 PM. His comment back was posted one hour and 18 minutes later. He was waiting to pounce on this report once released and posted. I mention that because two of us went under very savage apparent federal hacking attack for maybe one hour or more trying to block the release of this national report to Nesara News. Some wild hack apparent C.I.A. style hacking tricks were tried trying to block this report by any means possible such as the report instantly became two reports of the same at once, parts of the report disappeared, some copies of the report we sent to ourselves to proofread disappeared and never arrived back at our email address. Both of our computers were instantly attacked at the same moment as we tried to make one good copy of this report, but our apparent C.I.A. hackers assigned by Obama to block us at all costs were coming up with many electronic tricks trying to make it impossible to send this report out. We finally figured out a trick way to get out one good copy of this report and it was posted shortly afterwards by Dan at Nesara News. Various functions of both of our computers were operating in the electronic twilight zone where it was hard to get any functions of both computers to work right. After the report got sent, the electronic hacking attacks stopped.

Separately when talking on a couple of business calls yesterday, I experienced savage hacking attacks of extreme scratching sounds while the business calls went on. When I called and talked to several other sources, there was no interfering sounds to try and block the calls. They meaning the federal Obama Boys were trying to censor my calls on issues of national scandals, etc. I outwitted the Obama Boys where they did not know my true strength built up from some time back, but when I ordered a small foreign currency shipment to me from California, I knew almost instantly something was wrong when constant false tracking information was posted on what was supposed to be the national postal website for America. They invented many different promised deliveries both forward and in reverse of time (already delivered!). When they heard I mentioned on the phone that I would soon be contacting the local postmaster in charge of deliveries to our area and the Postmaster General in Wash., D.C. to investigate this matter, the missing shipment long overdue suddenly showed up.

I had received this package from a company I had ordered from before. Something caught my eye as not right with this package. I pulled out another package I had received the same type shipment from in an earlier month. The new label was a clever mimic of the old, but two mistakes made to cover my package had been opened by C.I.A. or whoever did this criminal act and when they realized a criminal investigation was about to be pushed for, they had to invent a shipping label to look like the old original used on it but they had removed. They made two mistakes showing that this package had been opened by them and then resealed it once they realized this was too hot to try and block this shipment from me. And their fingerprints may still be inside this package! I then deliberately with another company placed one more small order and they did not cover the shipping by a tracking number where the other company did. This second package has never showed yet and is very overdue now. This was a legal trap so I could later swear out an arrest warrant for Obama at the White House and subordinates of his in this criminal conspiracy. Some friends of mine knew that I had set up a legal trap for Obama at the White House but Obama and gang were not smart enough to smell how deadly this situation was in attempted robbery of the U.S. mails. When the legal charges come, this is going to become a big criminal case against Obama at the White House. He can be removed from the White House over this criminal act ordered by him. He is the only federal source with the authority to order federal personnel to commit criminal acts like this, so we know who ordered this attempted robbery of the U.S. mails. I can be a dangerous person to try criminal tactics with as I am no fool at law and at investigations of such criminal tactics if tried against me. Obama is in hot legal water over this now!

Okay, back to the Common Law Trust report I offered in my national report last night. ... Lecture on American history and common law trusts over!

If the U.S. Supreme Court, U.S. Congress, White House, State governments, etc. try to outlaw common law trusts such as founded during the American Revolution, they commit formal high treason against their oath of allegiance to uphold the U.S. Constitution as the national law of America.

I looked up the terms as formalities in the search engines for Google mentioned by the critic pretending to be such an authority on common law trusts. One of the legal references brought up by the Google search engine stated that "the spendthrift trust" that he referred to was complex to handle and must have an attorney to handle it. An irrevocable spendthrift trust has been breached by the I.R.S. or state authorities according to some references listed by the Google search engine. An irrevocable spendthrift trust was governed by state law and at times creditors could penetrate its security to try and place liens on the trust assets. An irrevocable spendthrift trust was designed to make beneficiaries unable to have any control in the trust and others would basically have to be hired to run it for the listed beneficiary or beneficiaries normally of the family as they could have no voice in what happened with this type trust. The Rockefellers have lost some of their family value in assets using this type fund over the decades. The search engines did not come out in wild praise for what is called a Rockefeller trust and was apparently expensive to set up and run. The search engines recognized the term Harvard trust in only limited way. There was formally a Harvard Property trust and after that except for direct use by Harvard University they did not list other versions of a Harvard trust for ordinary people to use.

After reading all the legal comments on the spendthrift irrevocable trust as supplied by the Google search engines, I like many features of the common law trust much better than what I saw listed in the type trusts suggested by my critic. It is cheap to set up. It can be turned into a spendthrift trust by adding the sentence stating it is also a spendthrift trust ...
Yours For God And Country, Erasmus Of America (Pen name for that American leader who respects the legal principals America was founded upon 1776! ...)

P.S. As I know the training in psychological warfare for some of the military and federal civilian personnel to control the thinking and actions of the American people, I will repeat this part of the report yesterday which is what the other side wanted to erase from your minds if you had read it already.

I will briefly offer as a free bonus offer ... Please allow a little time to send out legal package for you as we need to know how many copies to prepare for filling orders.

Posted by Dan at 6:30 PM
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Gassy Rassy has become extremely boring. All he ever does is regurgitate the same rewritten garbage, post after post.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by notorial dissent »

That's the " same badly rewritten garbage", FIFU. But then originality or creativity were never his long suit.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Deep Knight »

Yes, it's badly written with run-on sentences, confused grammar, repetitions, repetitions, and typos. And garbage? Just take a whiff. But then, nobody's perfect. Besides, his garbage is so delusional and just plain crazy I find it quite charming. Then again, I thwart prosperity deliveries for a living, keeping good things like the Dinar RV from happening to good people, so don't listen to me.


I do not think that the Russian scientists have to be infallible in scientific issues, but very smart - YES! And generally far more down to earth and not political than too many scientists in America working for the federal government and bend the truth at minimum to match "politically correct" politics of Wash., D.C. From what the Russian scientific brains have said, if their scientific studies are accurate, then the earth faces from a pending brutally punishing winter on earth which could lead up to a new latter day ice age on earth on up to the end of the human race on earth in a colossally huge and fatal ice age on earth at this time of history. ... Science is science and dangerous to add fiction to it to suit political purposes! That can lead to disastrous results for the human race listening to Washington based con artists in science altering sound science to a myth to serve political purpose in America.

I have two aces which can alter the way history goes and decide what nation or nations ends up leading the world in our age. I maybe did not deserve it due to birth, but my father discovered the most important health food ... My father had a big enough plant that it could have supplied the food needs of even one tenth of America with it, but Wash., D.C. by trick means finally suppressed my father by federally tricked engineered bankruptcy instead ...

Now to my second ace which helps decide the future of America and maybe all the earth with it. If I back America with my two aces, America becomes undisputed leader of the world and probably the wealthiest nation in all of human history. But there are terms to me backing America with my two aces.

My industrial father put me through some of the finest education in America including eleven calendar years ... German exile scientific team from Nazi Germany which ended up with the top ultimate weapon design and technology of Nazi Germany ... this German weapon system modified in part can be used for forms of weather control. The Nazis did not even see this angle to it as they were in too much of a rush to build it before they lost World War II to America and the Soviet Union and their joint allies. Once my Omni Law is passed in America, then under my terms of control as I will not let lunatics like Obama get control of this by any means, I can then build this weapon system I nicknamed "The Wrath of God" and use it for good for America and the world.

If the earth is to suffer a colossally severe world winter leading to a new ice age in America, we can use this German military technology to add enough heat to our weather to block this building ice age and restore the earth to a decent temperature all can live comfortably under. If the earth is getting too hot for any reason, we can cool down the earth a bit until the weather is nice in temperature for all the human race to live under. And this military weapon technology used for peaceful purposes instead of warfare is much safer to use than what is called "H.A.A.R.P." which is very dangerous to use for weather control or influence of weather patterns on earth.

This German military technology is my second ace deciding whether America becomes the undisputed world leader and potentially richest nation in all of human history or else what other nation I would have to allow to sponsor me in building this German Wrath of God for peaceful purposes instead of warfare in case America went insane and did not want this German technology for America. America Has to pass my Omni Law or America cannot have this military technology nor my father's trade secret super health food ... stop the B.S., and pass the Omni Law and now or else members of Congress are traitors to America and care nothing for the American people or America as a nation.

And having several apparent federal murder attempts on my life while Obama has been in the White House, Congress, yank him from office so I can proceed to build this food industry for America and build this German weapon system for peaceful purposes instead of for warfare but this will be under a form of international control per my terms so the wrong people can never gain control of this Wrath of God technology. and It is never to be used for Islam to try and conquer the world with, or a form of Communists, or other nutcases burning with dreams to conquer the world for their special cause they are backing.

And Wash., D.C. has zero credibility with me ... Obama blocked me in 2014 from receiving a $400 million commercial loan ... I expect you to pay me the $400 million that Obama in effect stole from me ... I am owed far more money than this by Wash., D.C. so this does not settle what money is owed me by Wash., D.C., but this gets me startled ... turn the government over to me and I will hold a national election in America to replace the traitors with patriots in Congress. I would only act as a temporary six month trustee if things got so out of hand in America. The people have to have a leader or leaders they can trust to restore honest government to Wash., D.C. and America at large. ...
And let Wash., D.C. hear loud and clear! No tricks ... If you do this, I will not support Wash., D.C. but will call for Wash., D.C. to be replaced with a new national government and I already have authority on behalf of some of the states to do this if required to save America from destruction by traitors in Wash., D.C. Do not try to call my bluff on this. This is no bluff and if once this process is started under law, the end result should be end of the present government in Wash., D.C. and establishment of a new national government which the main military would be glad to see if it happened. They do not like traitors in Wash., D.C. either!
... I have probably just saved your necks from a pending World War III with Russia. I know how the Russian people and leaders think, and since I descend from a minor branch of the Czarist line of Russia ... I already know where the Russian weapons are logically located at intended to annihilate America if World War III comes between America and Russia due to headstrong Obama in the White House. As Jesus said, "Blessed are the peacemakers!"

Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America (Pen name for that American leader who by intelligence tactics was admitted by the head of Soviet intelligence in America talking to an F.B.I. undercover agent he thought was a fellow Communist said that I saved America from a planned World War III by the Soviet Union (Russia) against America and disappeared just before Soviet intelligence was to kidnap and murder me making it look like a suicide. Moscow was mad at me for tricking them out of victory against America when they judged that they could now win the Cold War then if they struck at America then to destroy it as a world military power at that time. The plan of destroying America was based upon "The Pearl Harbor Doctrine" of the Moscow Institute For Nuclear Studies which coached the Soviet generals on how to nuclear annihilate America. Also, it was based upon "The Ring Of Steel" doctrine which was the secret code name of the Soviet Union for the annihilation of America then if they judged it necessary to stop America then and forever. I cracked the security of the Moscow Institute For Nuclear Studies which is why I know these top secret code names of theirs for the planned nuclear annihilation of America at that time!)

Posted by Dan at 5:50 PM 0 comments
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Burnaby49 »

You enjoyed reading this?
From what the Russian scientific brains have said, if their scientific studies are accurate, then the earth faces from a pending brutally punishing winter on earth which could lead up to a new latter day ice age on earth on up to the end of the human race on earth in a colossally huge and fatal ice age on earth at this time of history. ..
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".

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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by rogfulton »

From what the Russian scientific brains have said, if their scientific studies are accurate, then the earth faces from a pending brutally punishing winter on earth which could lead up to a new latter day ice age on earth on up to the end of the human race on earth in a colossally huge and fatal ice age on earth at this time of history. ..
Kind of makes you wish he would tell you where this was happening. :sarcasmon:
"No man is above the law and no man is below it; nor do we ask any man's permission when we require him to obey it. Obedience to the law is demanded as a right; not asked as a favor."
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Deep Knight »

Rassy IS getting a bit tiresome, even I have to admit it. A one-trick pony. Then again, he sometimes comes up with new lies, er, revelations, and of course there's his amusingly dreadful grammar. Still, I almost posted Monday's garbage in full, since it was so chock full 'o fantasy. But perhaps a brief summary in outline form would be good...

Monday, October 5, 2015

1. The melting and vaporizing temperatures of gold prove that the huge amount stored in the Twin Towers was stolen by the CIA.
1a. And secret contacts saw trucks driving away.
1b. The video tape showing this was stolen from him.
1c. But later returned after he "reported on this in a national report."
1d. The CIA must have been scared shitless.
2. This was the biggest bank robbery in human history, and used for the evil government
2a. This upsets Rassy "I am a dangerous person for intelligence sources to pick a fight with as I am very good at investigation and finding out the facts that they are trying to hide from the public."
2b. His website is still down for non-payment, and "Now I am investigating this webhosting firm and preliminary legal evidence indicates that they can potentially go to prison for many years over their legal fraud and can pay me so large a sum in a massive lawsuit against them as to maybe bankrupt them for eternity!"
3. "As I judged this website sabotage was arranged likely by C.I.A. on orders of Obama at the White House, I am on the warpath now to destroy those who thought that they could destroy me."
3a. He finally got his package with "enough foreign currency to be worth some serious money when the right time came" in the mail, which proves the CIA is still afraid of him.
3b. But they had obviously been tampered with, which he can use as proof that they were gonna be stolen.
3c. "They are legally hung if I press for grand jury investigation which would also force Obama out of the White House if I file the formal criminal charges now."
4. But there is a way out that will satisfy Mr. of America
4a. "But I think it is time to give some corrupt, treasonable sources a lesson that it is not wise to pick a fight with me. When I get mad, time to flee for your lives, lose your security in life, etc. symbolically speaking."
4b. So, unless you can prove it to him otherwise, he'll take the stolen money or sue everyone for an astronomical sum, more money than exists.
4c. "Therefore as the gold and currency from the Twin Towers is stolen gold and money from America, I lay claim to this stolen money as part of the money to pay off the intended $660 trillion in lawsuit claims to me against members of Congress, etc."
4d. Deliver it to him now. "I suggest that you at a minimum have sent to me tomorrow a federal check for $525,000"
4e. "$660 trillion dollar lawsuits will be delivered to many in Wash., D.C. where things would not go so far if common sense and decency was suddenly shown by Wash., D.C. before things go too far and cannot be stopped!"
5. BTW. "I would suggest to our new Attorney General to earn your salary and tell this webhosting company BrainHost.com even tomorrow to stop the nonsense and restore my website tomorrow or you will prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law. You do nothing to restore my legal rights and fast and you then get sued for $660 trillion in damages for being a prime boss continuing the one half century conspiracy to suppress my father's great ..."

This is a clear warning what has happened here that Obama intends to be dictator of America if you let him and he has no regard for the U.S. Constitution nor U.S. Bill of Rights at this time. I have had no time to look at it yet, but a friend of mine has sent me a copy of a report indicating that Obama wants to declare America to be an Islamic Republic at any moment he thinks that he can get away with it and establish Sharia Law in America to replace the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Bill of Rights that would be thrown in the trashcan then by him! And he wants to be dictator of America for life under Sharia Law and wipe out Christianity in America if he thinks that he can get away with it with you the American people not stopping him. Enough said! You pass this report on to others.
Yours for God and Country, Erasmus Of America (Pen name for that American leader who is blocking Obama from turning America from the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Bill of Rights to Sharia Law under an Islamic Republic to replace the national government of America. Send in by mail until our website is restored to posting on the internet. What is the difference between America, Nazi Germany, and the Soviet Union over the attempted suppression by Obama of our website? Only location if Obama has his way! He does not believe in your freedoms but a police state, not free enterprise but a socialist Marxist economy of America, not the God of the Bible but the religion of the sword by Mohammed the Prophet where your head is chopped off if you don't become a Muslim in America! Obama has forced the issue. Time for the American people to stand up and say No Dictatorship Under Obama and Sharia Law!)

Posted by Dan at 8:00 PM

If they won't listen to logic, perhaps they'll listen to threats. You go Rassy!

Finally, his post today, in ultra-brief.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015
America was initially mass colonized by European races which according to what I saw in ancient historical records were in turn mainly or entirely descendants of the so-called "Ten Lost Tribes Of Israel." ...
Pass this report on to others. John MacHaffie of Nesara News and I used to do a lot of private talking together as we thought on the same wavelengths! I said that he was training the future leaders of America by getting honest reports to them and intelligent in content. I asked him if he would be the editor for a national newspaper of the truth founded under the Omni Law and I liked his style of running the Nesara News blog. And after the Omni Law won, I was going to see that he got a lot of money to reward him for having been such a patriot for the best interests of America. He already knew that I was planning to do this. He maybe did not realize this, but by my always copying reports of mine posted with Nesara News with his format on top maybe gave Nesara News the equivalent of even one half million dollars in free advertising and promotion by how I promoted Nesara News and others did not. His circulation went up fast after I joined his team as a regular feature writer with him. He had a small circulation before I joined with him!

The critics always try to sound so loud and like they represent the people which normally they do not, but we got emails from all over America and a number of other countries where people said they liked my reports so much and wanted to see each report when I released a new one through Nesara News! I think some of his other regular writers also did a great job and I had a plan of how I could offer positions to some if they wanted it to help advance America after we won by passage of the Omni Law. Enough said for now!

Yours For God And Country, Erasmus Of America (Pen name for that scholar who refuses to be controlled by the "politically correct" and instead seeks the truth in national reports that I release. I have probably released even 600 to 800 national reports since starting with Nesara News. This also got Nesara News listed hundreds of times with search engines all over America! That was free publicity to help Nesara News with without cost to Nesara News! Of course Nesara News was a valuable asset for me also! We helped each other!)

Posted by Dan at 5:54 PM

That's right, God's REAL chosen people are us!
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Deep Knight »

rogfulton wrote:
From what the Russian scientific brains have said, if their scientific studies are accurate, then the earth faces from a pending brutally punishing winter on earth which could lead up to a new latter day ice age on earth on up to the end of the human race on earth in a colossally huge and fatal ice age on earth at this time of history. ..
Kind of makes you wish he would tell you where this was happening. :sarcasmon:

All over! Especially this winter, which I suppose limits it to the Northern Hemisphere since the Southern's is backwards and that would be summer there. And then there are the tropics that never get winter ... hmm ... let's say above the tropic of Cancer and only where there is winter during winter. Then it's a gonna be baaaaaddddd! If you pee outdoors it will freeze in midair, and if the frozen part travels back up the stream to you, watch out! And snows so deep they'll force you to shovel. I've heard stories from up in with wilds of Canada, and this would be those on steariods, just without the Mounties or St. Bernards. And no maple syrup beer. If we freeze our asses off this winter, it will be Rassy that warned us, if not, the Russians fault. Just like the world not ending last month.
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Burnaby49 »

DK is showing, yet again, his profound ignorance of Canada. We don't use St. Bernards for rescues. That's those effete Swiss and their cute little doggies.

We strap brandy kegs around the necks of adult grizzlies and send them out to rescue lost trappers. They wrestle the bear for the keg then ride out on its back. We use moose In swampy terrain.

And before DK starts questioning the credibility of my comments about Canadian customs he should look in the mirror. I've read "Opening the Portals, a Two-Fisted Deep Knight Adventure".
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".

notorial dissent
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by notorial dissent »

Deep Knight wrote:Rassy IS getting a bit tiresome, even I have to admit it. A one-trick pony. Then again, he sometimes comes up with new lies, er, revelations, and of course there's his amusingly dreadful grammar. Still, I almost posted Monday's garbage in full, since it was so chock full 'o fantasy. But perhaps a brief summary in outline form would be good...
Calling Gassy tiresome, is kind of like calling the sun warm.... And I know you wouldn't be guilty of understatement, at least provably in a court of law.

Gassy really needs to cut way back on the cheap moonshine, will help him not have some many delusions and crazy moments.

So it is the CIA, Obama, the Illuminati, stuff that is messing with his website and computer, and not just him being a deadbeat incompetent?? Yeah, I'll beleive that, right along with the rest of his arglebargle.

So Gassy thinks, I know, not a provable or verifiable concept, but, there you are, that Obama has as little regard for the constitution as Rassy obviously and provably does. projection much????

So Rassy and McHalfwit the dimmer were on the same wavelength, that certainly explains a number of things, disturbingly so in fact.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Deep Knight »

Burnaby49 wrote:DK is showing, yet again, his profound ignorance of Canada. We don't use St. Bernards for rescues. That's those effete Swiss and their cute little doggies.

We strap brandy kegs around the necks of adult grizzlies and send them out to rescue lost trappers. They wrestle the bear for the keg then ride out on its back. We use moose In swampy terrain.

And before DK starts questioning the credibility of my comments about Canadian customs he should look in the mirror. I've read "Opening the Portals, a Two-Fisted Deep Knight Adventure".
Switzerland, Canada - who cares what the geography is when it's COLD and covered in snow? As a secret descendant of both the Canadian and Swiss Royal Families (don't bother to look 'em up, they're secret too!) I can tell you that both are more-or-less the same except for the language and the funny hats. And the chocolate, canoe paddles, and cuckoo clocks. Come to think about it, there are a lot of difference, but they don't matter now, what matters is that some Russians say it's gonna be cold, so Rassy suggests we panic. Plays right into our hands.
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Gregg »

Switzerland is where the Templars went when Phillip the Fair kicked them out of the civilized parts of Europe, Canada is where a bunch of drunks ended up when they got kicked out of England and were too stoned to find Boston... :Axe:
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Deep Knight »

Enough Canada bashing, even though they deserve it (not being hated by the rest of the world is pretty rude if you ask me, it would never happen the the good ol' USA). Instead, think back to those days of yesteryear when in 2012 Gassy Rassy tried to use the lost treasure of Enoch to raise money for "Camelot."

We probably know the secret location for the cup really used by Jesus Christ at the Last Supper. As the descendant of two cousin lines of Jesus Chris, I have first legal claim to this cup hidden away in Europe. When people drank from it, they were instantly cured of incurable diseases, ailments, etc. We will see if we can get this cup delivered to Camelot and in a safe display let all the world see the real cup used by Jesus Christ at the Last Supper. This has been hidden by loyal Christians for a long time in history. I will see if I can arrange for the Holy Shroud of Turin to be delivered to us. I will give a very attractive offer to Turin for this. I have a trick angle in engineering how we build fast what should be the largest and most beautiful cathedral ever built in Christianity. We will likely display the real cup from the Last Supper there, and also the Holy Shroud of Turin. I closely examined the scientific evidence pro or con whether the Holy Shroud of Turin is genuine or else a fake. I am satisfied that it is the real Holy Shroud of Jesus Christ and paid off some so-called experts tried to testify against it, because the enemies of Christianity were afraid how strong Christianity might become if everyone knew this was the true Holy Shroud of Jesus Christ. Also, I probably know the real location of the Ark of the Covenant and if events play into our hands, would like for it to end up at Camelot. I showed where I evaluate the oldest city in the world is located, which Genesis called Enoch. If we confirm that we have located it, we may display relics from the city of Enoch..... A boy good at military intelligence, can also use the same talents to crack some of the best historical secrets of the Bible. I don't know this part plays out. But according to ancient Jewish legend, the greatest treasure on the earth, is hidden near the destroyed and hidden city of Enoch. Some of the citizens of Camelot may want to join our expedition to see if we successfully locate Enoch or not. And if you know the entire secret why this colossal treasure really exists according to the Bible, you may be allowed to see a treasure so huge, that this will totally shock you in awe.....

Now, in his latest posting, he argues that ancient Enoch is in Pennsylvania.

We have a Bible scholar who discovers from a coal vein in Pennsylvania an ancient metal cup that he evaluates originally came from the City of Enoch founded by Cain and was the first city founded in the world according to the book of Genesis. If his find was validly identified and he was a very competent scholar, then what we call America was in Genesis called the land of Nod which Bible scholars have never been able to figure out where it was located. But look at Genesis at the four rivers branching out from the river from Eden and the direction they point to as origin of the river waters and we point right at America today. Science shows where North America and Europe used to be joined together as one land and then pulled apart. The Bible seems to indicate that what we call America today was originally called Nod in the Bible. The City of Enoch is located in the land of Nod. And a metal cup claimed evidence from it indicates that it came from the City of Enoch and this cup found in a coal vein in Pennsylvania would imply that the City of Enoch was located in America once called Nod in the Book of Genesis. The City of Enoch was destroyed in the Great World Flood. When we visited one mountain in the area of our planned Camelot Project, we found strong evidence that a likely world flood had taken away one side of the mountain we looked at and a strange scientific fact we found in the area which will not be repeated here indicated that we had likely found the correct location for the once existent City of Enoch in Nod.

Martin Hunter, Hereditary President for Life of the Confederate States of Nod.
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by The Observer »

Deep Knight wrote:Martin Hunter, Hereditary President for Life of the Confederate States of Nod.
Are those states Wynken and Blynken?

Of course, Wikipedia had a different interpretation:
"Nod" (נוד) is the Hebrew root of the verb "to wander" (לנדוד). Therefore to dwell in the land of Nod is usually taken to mean that one takes up a wandering life.
This seems to be more apropos for Erasmus who has done a fair bit of wandering in that mind of his...
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Deep Knight »

It has been more than a fortnight since Gassy Rassy has posted on NESARA News. Perhaps they gave him his walking papers, which might explain the last part of his last post.
On Oct 7 Erasmus of America wrote:John MacHaffie of Nesara News and I used to do a lot of private talking together as we thought on the same wavelengths! I said that he was training the future leaders of America by getting honest reports to them and intelligent in content. I asked him if he would be the editor for a national newspaper of the truth founded under the Omni Law and I liked his style of running the Nesara News blog. And after the Omni Law won, I was going to see that he got a lot of money to reward him for having been such a patriot for the best interests of America. He already knew that I was planning to do this. He maybe did not realize this, but by my always copying reports of mine posted with Nesara News with his format on top maybe gave Nesara News the equivalent of even one half million dollars in free advertising and promotion by how I promoted Nesara News and others did not. His circulation went up fast after I joined his team as a regular feature writer with him. He had a small circulation before I joined with him!

The critics always try to sound so loud and like they represent the people which normally they do not, but we got emails from all over America and a number of other countries where people said they liked my reports so much and wanted to see each report when I released a new one through Nesara News! I think some of his other regular writers also did a great job and I had a plan of how I could offer positions to some if they wanted it to help advance America after we won by passage of the Omni Law. Enough said for now!
The NESARA News crowd is as clueless as they come, but even they have realized that Gassy Rassy's BS is BS. And Omni Law ain't nothin' close to NESARA Law (which will be announced any day now, 2015 is the year of NESARA). If true, it is a real shame, because I don't think Martin Hunter has many avenues of expression left to him, the supporters of Omni Law being quite limited. Those 11 calendar years in Military Academies may end up going to waste.
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by notorial dissent »

Far more likely he didn't pay his internet/electric bill again, and it is all a grand conspiracy to silence him and all Obama's fault, or he went to the Ilene de Mova website once to often and his TRS-80 finally melted, and he's been struck dumber and silent for lack of a working computer, than the crowd at McHalfwit's sump and slough of despond got wise to something, unless maybe they got the idea that he was trying to cut in on some of their grift, but I don't think any of them are that bright.
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Deep Knight »

So far, no more Erasmus of America on NESARA News (or anywhere else), so it's starting to look like he's been dumped by the bottom-feeders who took over from MacHaffie. Add this to the Freewill imprisonment, er, kidnapping by the government, and you have a conspiracy story that writes itself. Well, you do if like Deep Knight there's still a child inside of you who thinks it would be funny to call drug stores and ask if they have Prince Albert in a tightly sealed can ("You'd better let him out, then").

The story goes like this.

Frightened by the hints of the first stages of a tidal wave of support for Omni Law, Obama pulled out all the stops to stop the pull of this revolutionary return to the democratic ideals of the Roman Empire. Knowing that hundreds of thousands were reading NESARA News to get the latest from Erasmus of America, they first tried killing John MacHaffie as a warning to him, but he didn't heed it and turned his website over to a group who continued the posts. So, they kidnapped Freewill, and even after he bought his way out of slavery in Crawford Co., Bay Co. put him right back into jail. And then there was the food, every bite a death threat, and in order to save him they had no choice but to stop posting Gassy Rassy's wit and wisdom.

If I thought that Erasmus of America could find his way out of a paper sack I would find a way to "reveal" this to him and start an online vendetta between him and Popeye and Olive Oyl. But, for some reason, I think it's more likely Gassy Rassy will simply fade away, being unable to find anybody else who will post his stuff.

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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Either that, or else people got tired of Gassy Rassy offering the same script, day after day with only rewordings to keep us from boredom, if only for a few seconds.
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by notorial dissent »

Or, more likely, his Trash-80 finally died and he can't get the COCO to fire up and his mommy won't buy him a new one. I'd come closer to believing that than that the bunch at McHalwit's slough of despond wised up, borrowed a brain cell, bought a clue, etc, UNLESS, they thought he was trying to cut in to their grift, and then he'd be gone in a heartbeat. All things considered I think the dead computer, or didn't pay his internet bill, angle is the more likely and reasonable.

And as you point out, he couldn't find his hindmost with both had with detailed verbal instructions, picture instructions, and a guidedog.
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by The Observer »

Or it could simply be that Rassy shuffled off his mortal coil and went to that big Camelot in the sky. After all, he is (or was) in his 70's.
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