On the Road to Erasmus

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Deep Knight »

I have received thousands of e-mails from Illuminati minions around the world expressing their anger at Gassy Rassy having his computer/e-mails/websites "hacked." As one coworker whose name must not be mentioned or even whispered said, "Damn it Deep, this must not stand! What in the world were you thinking, hogging the fun to yourself?"

The thing is, we're not doing anything to Rassy's computer. Not only isn't it necessary 'cause he's doing it to himself, we have it on good authority that his computer is so infested with viruses and malware from nutjob conspiracy websites that we're afraid we'll get more than we give by linking to it and infect NWO computers. And if you think Illuminati field agents are evil, you should see our IT department.

But that doesn't mean we can't summon up demons to infect both Rassy's digital and reproductive equipment. Even if it is gilding the lily, icing on the cake, and polishing the knob, it's still fun. And most importantly it let anyone who's ever beaten their way through one of his run-on paragraphs feel as if they can contribute to Rassy's demise.

So, without further ado, here it is.

1. Find a dark and dank place that's out of sight and never gets visitors. This can be indoors or outdoors. Most people use the place they hold their black masses by simply moving the altar to the side.

2. Draw a large pentagram on the floor or ground and put a human skull on each of the points. The skulls must be clean and bleached white, freshly dug-up skulls should be left in full sun for a month or run through a dishwasher 2 or 3 times.

3. Get 10 clear quartz crystals, large enough to fit snugly in the eye sockets of the skulls, and clear their energy. This is done by collecting seawater at midnight during the dark of the moon, and then washing the crystals in it during the next full moon. Then, orient the crystals so the most-perfect point faces north and expose them to the next first quarter for the first half of the night, the next full moon for the entire night, and the next last quarter of the moon for the last half of the night. Bury it in the ground during the next dark of the moon and it will be ready to use for the next 28 days. Or, if you're in a hurry, give it a few quick passes with a electronic tape head demagnetizer (Radio Shack has an inexpensive model).

4. During the full moon, insert the crystals in the skulls at midnight while chanting the following chant:

E to the i dx dy
E to y dy
cosine, secant, tangent, sine
three point one four one five nine
square root, cube root, log of pi
dis-integrate them, Illuminati!

5. Sacrifice a goat in the center of the pentagram, and smear it's blood on a young virgin dressed in white. If a willing virgin cannot be found, a virgin goat dressed in white can fulfill both rolls.

6. Reciting the Lord's Prayer backwards, log onto Rassy's website and place the still-steaming entrails of the goat on the keyboard.

7. Sing "Theme from The Monkees" (see http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=07NskEqxG_Y ) and close out the ceremony by all present saying, "So be it, it is done."
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by notorial dissent »

You are a sick sick and twisted individual. You who is personally responsible for the current shortage of virgins, and you know very well there isn’t a goat, virgin or otherwise, in the tri-state area, not to mention six surrounding states that will let you come with 5 miles of them. And this is your solution? The Monkey’s Theme, that’s just cruel and inhuman, even for your division. We have standards to uphold, but really!!!!
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Deep Knight »

You think deflowering thousands, perhaps millions, of virgins a night is fun? Keeping up that pace is not only hard physically, the psychological strain is crippling. Can I keep it up? Will I wear it out? Am I violating basic laws of time and space? It's not easy being fictional.

As for the goats, I had very little to do with that.

Yours for Satan and the New World Order, Deep Knight (pen name of the one American who refuses to be crushed by the Vatican-endorsed tactics of brain-dead bread bakers).
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by notorial dissent »

Deep Knight wrote:As for the goats, I had very little to do with that.
Not what I heard, or what the goats said, and let's not even go in to the pictures shall we, they take up two whole internet sites as it is, and the hosting companies are still complaining about the overload on their storage facilities, and we won't even go in to the bandwidth usage overloads. Coming out of your budget by the way per accounting.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

notorial dissent wrote:You are a sick sick and twisted individual. You who is personally responsible for the current shortage of virgins, and you know very well there isn’t a goat, virgin or otherwise, in the tri-state area, not to mention six surrounding states that will let you come with 5 miles of them. And this is your solution? The Monkey’s Theme, that’s just cruel and inhuman, even for your division. We have standards to uphold, but really!!!!
So THAT'S why all those virgins are fleeing the tri-state area and heading up to New England! Well, that's all the more for the Boston Chapter!

We actually sacrifice raccoons, though. Not only are they plentiful, and not only are people pleased to get rid of them; but their pelts make a really cool hat....
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by notorial dissent »

Rats! Now he's gone and done something GOOD, albeit unintentional, and it will have to be reported, that's at least a 100 demerits for him and hours and hours of paperwork for whoever gets the lucky task.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by JennyD »

notorial dissent wrote:Rats! Now he's gone and done something GOOD, albeit unintentional, and it will have to be reported, that's at least a 100 demerits for him and hours and hours of paperwork for whoever gets the lucky task.
Thanks DK now I can't go on my 4th of July Sacrifice.... I gotta do paperwork.. really fun...

Someone save a few virgins to sacrifice for me please?
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Deep Knight »

Saturday, July 5, 2014

...Vatican endorsed world industrial food process ...

For God And Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name for that economist who did not sell out to the "politically correct" interests but maintained his professional integrity in the field of national economics. I had various offers from the other side including they would make me "President" if I would join with them, but I happen to be on the side of the American people, not their nightmarish dream they want to put mankind under and especially for America as for reasons I do not understand, they fiercely hate America and want it ended as a nation and people!)

Posted by John MacHaffie at 12:34 PM
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Deep Knight »

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

"Truth is stranger than fiction!" - Old Saying
I descend from prominent business leaders on my father's side of the family line. On my mother's side, it is a colorful and unusual background of many things of gifted and bright people. There was a family claim that one part of this family line descended from a line of prophets and there are old family stories which indicate that somehow this family line had had the gift of prophecy for generations and generations. I believe I have given you a sound explanation of what early Christianity expected for this our age and time. This line had the family coat of arms represented by the incident with the Roman Emperor when meeting with the two grandsons of St. Jude who wrote the Epistle in the New Testament around 100 years after Christ. This incident was well written of in both Christian and Roman history. The family coat of arms is implied to mean descent from one of the two grandsons of St. Jude when they met the Roman Emperor visiting Jerusalem at that time and had Roman soldiers sent to bring them to him so he could cross-examine them. They were descendants of King David of Israel and he wanted to know if they were a security threat to lead an insurrection against the Roman occupation of Palestine. When they talked of Jesus returning much later as King over the earth, he thought that they were harmless fools and let them live and released them to return to their 30 acre farm in Palestine. They became heroes to the Christians then because he stopped his persecution of the Christians after meeting with them now judging that all the Christians were fools and no threat to the Roman Empire after all. That is in Eusebius's history of first Christianity and other historical references of this incident.
Now for the finish of this report and getting back to more conventional material from the early Christian writings.
This life is short. Eternity is for all eternity and never ends. ...
Yours For God And Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name for that Christian scholar who believes in doing what the Bible says! Let us reason together and we can solve the problems of America and of Christianity! And if Jesus is returning soon, I plan to be prepared to meet with Jesus at such a time and not be dismissed with the words, "Get out of my sight! I never knew you!" I am a smart common man. That is why the common people really understand me. I am one of them, just bothered to get the technical facts and knowledge so I can help better my fellow man in America and on earth.)

Posted by John MacHaffie at 4:00 PM
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Deep Knight »

Saturday, July 12, 2014

TO SUM IT ALL UP...................................................


Once RV occurs, smart to have passed our Omni Law as this will protect YOU from federal grabs of most of your money made swiftly any way in America. Only the Omni Law will give you allies in Wash., D.C. on your side to see that your money is not taken from you ...
We did send an initial filing to the International Court Of Justice at the Hague against Wash., D.C. for a long period of genocide conspiracy pulling all sorts of criminal tactics trying to block this Vatican endorsed industrial food process from being established in America when medical lab reports from all the world say the human race will soon biologically collapse and cease to exist on earth if this super health food is not added fast enough to the diet of all mankind on earth. Wash., D.C. is in far more legal hot water over this issue than anything they realize now and it will be smart to fast pass our Omni Law and work with us to establish this Vatican endorsed food process in America and fast as can be done. We are going to win! It is not a question of if, but only when!
Yours For God And Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name for that economist and "loose cannon" of military intelligence who spent eleven calendar years in military academies and comments that our Mickey Mouse amateur Obama in the White House delivers incredibly incompetent leadership in military and economics. On the military side, he draws defeat from the jaws of victory so we will have to fight later wars to undo the damage by how he sabotaged the outcome of wars so they will turn into defeats instead of victories for America. Pretty good chance that Obama by the wrong moves has set up America for a later World War III and potentially annihilated in such a war! In economics, he is undoing most of the economic potential America has built up over 200 years and setting America up to crash as an economy and nation if his bad moves are not undone in time! Pass the Omni Law and get the American calvary in power in Wash., D.C. in time to change the direction of America from coming disaster to coming victory and good times in America!)

Posted by John MacHaffie at 5:31 PM
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Every time that Gassy Rassy mentions his eleven calendar years in military academies, I can't help thinking something like "otherwise known as third, fourth and fifth grades". :twisted:
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by notorial dissent »

You too huh!!!
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Deep Knight »

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Yesterday I was called on an unlisted cellphone and my regular name used by the stranger calling instead of my pen name. This was from a woman I had never talked to before and I checked her out later through friends and none had referred such a woman to call me about our Tree Of Life Moringa seeds. She called from a 215 exchange. I used resources available and soon had confirmed the neighborhood she had called from and it was in Philadelphia, PA. Her questions were like taken from a federal legal frame-up course and if recorded could be altered to make the person talked to sound guilty of some criminal act that he had not done. I don't know if this was a call from an NSA operative, CIA operative, or just a private citizen who had access to private information about me which was not available on the internet. The name she gave over the phone did not sound like the name I found the phone listed for.
I do check out people sometimes when it may be necessary. But this incident forced me to a legal decision. I am not going to submit to any future legal attempts at frame-up or interference with legal activities by a federal operative trying to tie up my time so I cannot take care of activities that must be taken care of to win for passage of the Omni Law in America. Some time back, one man was trying to force a meeting with me and indicated I would get heavy support from him. I called the phone no. for an organization that he was supposed to be connected to. They had never heard of him! Some kind of fraud was being tried or else he or they were trying to set me up for a federal murder attempt. However, I would not lose heavy time with a con artist or would-be federal murderer of some sort!

So, Rassy gets a strange-sounding call (I would imagine that's a pretty normal occurrence 'round his house) and decides it's federal murder. Must have been a slow day.

I had been notified that some heavy money supposed to help start the reestablishment of the Vatican endorsed food process in America had been blocked from being sent to me until the RV of foreign currencies occurs. The federal claim I understood was that the movement of heavy money to me could create problems with the pending RV of foreign currencies so would not be allowed through banking circles until the RV occurs. The amount of money involved was rather huge and would start the Vatican endorsed food process on a big foundation able to handle the American and international market. Friends of mine suspected that this was a federal dirty trick operation trying to block me from reestablishing this Vatican endorsed industrial food process back in America, so invented a b.s. legal excuse to block it for now from America.

So, the RV is being blocked to punish Rassy? Someone call TNT Tony with the inside info!

... my legal patience is finally at a total end. I now up my planned legal financial damages action against Wash., D.C. and criminally involved officials and employees within the national government up to $500 trillion. I would have cancelled this planned legal action if Wash., D.C. had shown any honesty in this matter which they have not. Time is up! The children of Israel in the Old Testament believed that names given at birth were prophecies of the future of that child. Part of my name given at birth in Hebrew means God's Judge or the Judgment Of God. If my name at birth predicts my future character, then Wash., D.C. is in one colossal legal jam as of now! I have engineered legal upsets before and know how the legal game is played to do this! I not only intend to file but also collect $500 trillion in damages from Wash., D.C. and from the evil cabal that it is the front for and which cabal is legally liable for the national government of Wash., D.C. when it commits criminal acts against the American people and people of all nations on earth. I will have business sources sign their certification that my claimed figure of $500 trillion in damages is justified from business standards and not a wild figure invented from thin air! And I might as well go ahead and collect it soon! And by unexpected legal moves, expect to collect fast and not have this fought in courts for years! I know how they play legal games, but they don't know how I play legal games when I intend to make sure I win!
Yours For God And Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name for that economist who scares the daylights out of Obama and associates of his if their panic actions are any indication and also the evil cabal is now feeling the heat as they are hidden no longer from public view!) My report "Which Way Will America Go?" lists the bonus offer on the 110 royal suite apartments for the proposed Camelot project with any amount of $25 loan credits created now through the end of July, 2014. ...
I have engineered legal upsets before and there is timing and logic to how this is done under law. Obama had to try one more dirty tricks operation on us and it was a legal ambush for him as he will now find out! We hold the aces, not him!(We will also serve $500 trillion lawsuits as accessories on those in government who carry out criminal acts against the American people and hiding behind the government to protect them from civil suit and criminal prosecution!)

Posted by John MacHaffie at 8:06 PM

$500 Trillion!
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by JennyD »

notorial dissent wrote:You too huh!!!
Wouldn't 11 Calendar Years mean he was kept back a LOT? Or am I reaching here Notorial?
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by The Observer »

Deep Knight wrote:So, the RV is being blocked to punish Rassy? Someone call TNT Tony with the inside info!
No, no, no, that is not how the Illuminati deal with this tidbit. You treat it like this:
So, the RV is being blocked by Rassy because he can't get his way with Omni Law and the Vatican endorsed food process?
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by notorial dissent »

JennyD wrote:
notorial dissent wrote:You too huh!!!
Wouldn't 11 Calendar Years mean he was kept back a LOT? Or am I reaching here Notorial?
Yeah, considering the various proofs he's given us, I would say that's about right, you'll notice that the original accounting didn't include his graduating from the sixth grade? All things considered, I think it is probably over generous to assume he got that far.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Deep Knight »

Friday, July 18, 2014

... As one of the top bankers once boasted to me that he and some of the other top bankers were the secret government of America and used Wash., D.C. as their front to rule the American with as the American people “were too stupid, too irresponsible, and too immoral to be allowed to govern America.” As it was a Satanist banker saying this, I wonder what his concept of being moral was? ... One of the most interesting deals I saw there when seeing on the internet this secret world market was that you could for as little as one million dollars get 1,500% return on that one million dollars at the end of 90 days. When the evil cabal found out that I had access to their ultra-secret world monetary market, my house was smashed into and the back door could not lock after that, They stole the copies of the 47 page list of contacts across the world for this ultra-secret world monetary market from the office in my house. I had shown this listing to a couple of friends of mine before it was stolen and as one commented, this list was worth a fortune as it was the secret confidential financial contact list for the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and other powerful sources beyond the law as they had bought off the U.S. Government and other governments to leave them alone with their secret world monetary market. I later repaired the door but left the wood not repaired in appearance so it still showed the breakin and how the door had been smashed by the federal operatives acting under their orders. My wife then said that she felt raped by them by how they had smashed into our house.
Pass this report around as your government has been hyjacked by criminal elements that make the Mafia look like Sunday School choirboys in comparison!

Yours for God And Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name for that American patriot who despite federal murder attempts on my life and other ultra-criminal acts is not intimidated, not stopped and probably will have the Omni Law passed in 2014. I know how these criminals operate and wrote the proposed national law called the Omni Law that checkmates them and restores control of the federal government back to the American people who they try to control by tactics of national propaganda and selective massive censorship of news in America. Their actions say that they are scared to death of this planned Omni Law and realize that it takes national power away from these criminals in high places and restores honest government to America by restoring control of the federal government back to the American people!)

Posted by John MacHaffie at 6:22 PM 0 comments
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by JennyD »

They took his contact book but not his daddy's ultra awesome Vatican Endorsed Food Process secrets?

Erasmus, you're getting sloppy.... :D
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

JennyD wrote:They took his contact book but not his daddy's ultra awesome Vatican Endorsed Food Process secrets?

Erasmus, you're getting sloppy.... :D
(The stuff that kept his dad alive until he was what 50 or 60?)
I haven't the time or inclination to pull apart his stories but that ^ plus his 111 years in military intelligence and he hasn't got a copy somewhere else?
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by notorial dissent »

Gassy Rassy barely, if at all, qualifies as computer literate, and I seriously doubt if his filing system consists of anything more than him tossing things in a pile somewhere, probably in a corner of his "office". If he'd quit skimming the porn sites he'd quit having the computer problems he is always blaming on someone else, and I'm curious to know how he'd know if someone had tossed his office, since I'm more than certain it already looked like that before they got there, always assuming I believe a word he says, which I don't.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.