On the Road to Erasmus

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notorial dissent
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by notorial dissent »

Gregg wrote:You mean you can't grow oranges in Siberia?
Or wheat or potatoes, or really much of anything that requires a growing season of more than a couple months. Trees, reindeer, muskox, mammoths, things like that don't seem to mind so much.

Gassy Rassy doesn't seem to grasp, among a whole long laundry list of things, that there is NO unappropriated land left in the US that doesn't belong to either the US, state govts, or the Indian tribes. None of which are really inclined towards sharing at this point. None. NADA. So how are they going to "homestead" all that "undeveloped" land, expropriate it from the owners, wasn't that a communist thing, and we all know much Rassy hates communism, or does he?
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Gregg wrote:
Pottapaug1938 wrote:The Man Who Spent Eleven Calendar Years In Military Academies said:

"Look at the American map of the wide land areas where no cities exist, no national parks to preserve wildlife, and we have the land not used now which can make this National Homestead Act For America work in reality!"

Gee -- you'd think that if the land was worth being used for farming or ranching, it would already be used as such. This reminds me of Khrushchev's "Virgin Lands" fiasco, which was supposed to bring prosperity to the Soviet Union by opening up, for agriculture, lands which previously had gone unused. Ol' Nikita quickly found out why they had previously never been judged to be suitable for agriculture....
You mean you can't grow oranges in Siberia?
Well, here's a link to what they couldn't grow:

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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Deep Knight »

Gregg wrote:Now that I think about it a bit, I doubt Rassy was influenced by Knapp (who pioneered the ideas that money need not be tied to commodities and should exist mearly as a marker and not a store of value) If I had to guess, I'd say Rassy is a gold bug.....
Gassy Rassy made a mistake and studied the German Sebastian Kneipp instead, which is why he believes that currencies can be healed by water therapy. This is why Albert Einstein referred to his economic theories as "all wet."

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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Deep Knight »

Back in April & June, Gassy Rassy told us that only he could solve California's water crisis through his remarkable engineering knowledge. And recover gold from seawater too. But we had to pass Omni law making him Tribune first. It was so important to the future of the entire nation that he had to re-post it.

Monday, July 6, 2015

This is an Awareness Blog to consider the future of your world. Actions are being done now to restore our world. Watch and become AWARE! This blog is an online legacy of John Machaffie a super patriot who gave everything to help his fellow man.
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Some other national reports are also available from Erasmus of America on water crisis in America due to California and how to solve water crisis of California, but Wash., D.C. under Obama does not know how to solve water crisis of California and does not care to solve water crisis of California. Recently the Los Angles Times stated that California will run out of water for the human population in California before June, 2016 is over and California will apparently collapse as a state to live in then, The Weather Channel on July 5, 2015 stated that California will run out of water in June, 2016 and then California collapses as a state. Erasmus of America has already list of scientists and water researchers to solve water crisis of California but Obama Wash., D.C. not interested.

Erasmus of America son of woman once rated by I.Q. test most brilliant child in American history up to her time and entered a state university without prior formal education after self-educating herself. She was a child actress and had no time for formal education. Erasmus of America (pen name for a leader in technology and other fields) was rated by I.Q. test in Wash., D.C. as once scoring one of the two highest I.Q. ratings ever tested in Wash., D.C. according to the testing center in Wash., D.C. Two top engineers of America seeing his inventive ideas stated they rated him the new Thomas Edison of America in inventive genius, but Wash., D.C. has tried to block him from setting up new industries in America. He had been an engineering student with an engineering school after being a history major at a major university and before that spent eleven calendar years in military academies including one session at Black Fox Military Institute in Hollywood, CA when young. He also studied with six of the most brilliant economists of America and Europe. An international Who's Who type organization once wrote him up as "The Einstein of American Economics." He was the son of a prominent industrialist who invented the most important food process in human history according to the Vatican and other sources. . His mother's father was a super genius in inventions and invented around 700 inventions which were used in America afterwards. Inventive talent is hereditary from both sides of the family. Erasmus of America worked with the most brilliant defense engineer of America in 25 years of the Cold War and they designed a new water system for California and other areas of America or the world needing water, but did not find interest from business sources to back it. Timing was too soon back in 1991 for this water system.

If California is not saved from state collapse prior to June, 2016, there is a strong chance that the collapse of California will trigger off the collapse of all America with starvation and national bankruptcy the likely result from this and even Wash., D.C. helpless to stop the collapse of all America and the death of most Americans in North America after that. Congress and the White House have made no moves to solve the water crisis of California and just waiting for California to collapse now. Pass the Omni Law ... and the legal authority will then exist for Erasmus of America and his team of scientists and engineers to fast solve the water crisis of California before it is too late to save California at all! All people of California and America rally behind Erasmus Of America fast and act like the Wrath of God towards Congress and Obama to act immediately for passage of the Omni Law shown on his national website or else millions of Americans may march in the streets to show that they support the immediately passage of the Omni Law and no nonsense. about it! Since Congress and Obama White House have proven irresponsible and incompetent to solve the California water crisis and immediately. Pass the Omni Law and Erasmus of America will be able to bring in his professional team to save California from this water crisis that could end America as a nation if not solved like lightning. Wash., D.C. has for four years known this water crisis was heading towards California and did nothing to prevent it from happening. It has made the situation colossally dangerous to all Americans now. We need a crash program and likely started within weeks if Congress and state legislatures pass the constitutional amendment of the Omni Law and immediately. They have stalled doing nothing so long, it turns a crash program to save California into nearly taking a woman to deliver one baby in nine months to now be told to deliver nine babies in nine months in a crash program created by the stupidity and irresponsibility of the present leadership in Wash., D.C. both Democrat and Republican. California and America can still be saved, but this will be by sudden lightning passage of the Omni Law and not due to the politicians in Wash., D.C. who fiddled while Rome (America in this case!) was burning down! The Omni Law gives the American people the right of national referendum over Wash., D.C. and it is already known that Americans will overwhelmingly vote to save California from collapse due to lack of any real serious water left in California.

[Crash program? A prominent who's who's list maker once listed Gassy Rassy as one of the top 10 people to crash your program.]

Use the enclosed links to read more reports from Erasmus of America warning about California while Wash., D.C. did not even want to hear about the water problems of California at this time! ... And please ask Congress to stop the Obama Boys federal operatives from trying their dirty tricks trying to block us from raising help to save California from collapsing due to the super deadly water crisis in California now. Yours For God And Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name for that American leader who thinks that America is worth saving, not just watching it collapse and disappear as a nation from the map of the world.)


Posted by Freewill at 10:19 PM

Black Fox Military Institute? The Black-Foxe Military Institute was a school in Hollywood that attracted the rich and famous until that sort of thing went out of style. Probably what he meant to lie about, unless of course he was talking about the Redd Foxx Military Academy, my alma mater.
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Deep Knight »

Thursday, July 9, 2015

The only reason I am publicizing Tom Selleck is to illustrate that water has been tight in California for at least three years now and no one does anything about it ... If the liberal leaders have their way, then "Truth is an orphan in America!" ... the Communists in the Soviet Union under Lenin pushed things like "Gay Marriages" to destroy the family life in Russia. People who have lost their moral beliefs are easy to take over as a Communist nation! The same tactics are pretty much being used in America today and the goal is the same. ... When the Communists first took over prior Czarist Russia, Lenin declared all women in Russia "nationalized" so any man in Russia could rape them at will off the street, etc. This was to distract the Russian people while the Communists were quietly killing maybe 10 million Russians while the nation was being distracted by wild sex suddenly claimed legal for Russia. Confidential plans for the other side in America include killing off maybe 50 million Americans while distracting them with nonsense issues ...

When in Wash., D.C., I headed up a military intelligence group that the Joint Chiefs Of Staff had secretly backed after my success with the Slavic Royal Alliance Ruse which tricked the Soviet Union out of guaranteed victory over America as they had cracked White House security and knew all the key military secrets of America then. Having the novelty of having spent eleven calendar years in military academies, I was a novelty and easy to recruit operatives for our military intelligence group which finally had connections in 35 nations of the world. We also did better than the F.B.I. and cracked the Soviet spy ring by trick tactics which gave us access to all their secret plans for the takeover of America. We are in 2015 in the advanced plan for the intended soon Communist takeover of Wash., D.C. and America with total overthrow of the U.S. Constitution, U.S. Bill of Rights, free enterprise, Christian and Western civilization, etc. The only thing that will save America now is passage of our Omni Law ...

My father was one of the most brilliant inventive geniuses in America. My mother's father was one of the most brilliant inventive geniuses in America and invented around 700 things later used by the American people. My parents were startled when at the age of 6 or 7 years old, I was a natural at inventing and they I assume realized that this trait was inherited and not by random chance. Later two of the most brilliant engineers in American history saw many of my inventive ideas and though not dealing with each other, both came up with written endorsements that they rated me to be in effect the new Thomas Edison of America in inventive genius. Charles Kettering, head of research for General Motors before World War II and later President of General Motors, was rated one of the few most brilliant inventor engineers in America and likely knew Thomas Edison, Tesla, etc. before he died. He saw my inventive concepts after he had retired and wrote that he rated me to be potentially the most brilliant inventive genius that would ever arise in American history. The other super genius engineer was the most brilliant defense engineer of America in 25 years of the Cold War and never wrong in any engineering stand even one time when 20 national engineers said that he couldn't be right. He pushed his engineering concept to the test and he was right and his 20 top national critics wrong. He gave American defense the edge so the Soviet Union could not defeat America in the Cold War. He and I worked on an ultimate weapon system together and later he wrote that he rated me to be the new Thomas Edison of America in inventive genius. He made a comment that he rated me to be the most unorthodox engineering brain that he had ever worked with in his life and if we had worked as a team on various Pentagon defense projects, we would have delivered answers in weeks that regular R & D teams would take years to come to the same answer. He said though I was the most unorthodox engineering brain that he had ever worked with, my engineering was always sound and he totally trusted my judgment in whatever engineering concepts I came up with. My mother had once been rated by I.Q. test to be the most brilliant child in American history up to her time and she encouraged me to develop my abilities in whatever fields I had natural talent in.

The State Government of California and Wash., D.C. plan to let California crash over the extreme drought issue which the Los Angeles Times just stated California should run out of water by June, 2016 and then humans cannot live in California after that. The Weather Channel just a few days ago said the same basic thing. There is supposedly a UN report out how the UN will lead the people out of California and then take over California as a UN territory after June of 2016 and no longer part of America. I judge these extreme policies of government intended for California are not needed and California can be saved and restored to full health in water and economy.

I had a good water solution engineering system for California I worked out years ago. However, it take too long to set up so will not be used. I am always governed by systems of logic in science and engineering which shows me what to do in order to achieve success in that field. I plunged into the natural factors that could be used to restore effective water to California. I soon have the same system of logic that was used by Tesla and Einstein and not duplicated by other engineers and scientists in America. We visualize the laws of science and watch processes or scientific answers and see if they will work for the given situation or not. I have four answers that can save California if used fast like lightning. We use all four answers, not just one engineering answer. Due to the time factor of the systems must be operational before 12 months are up, this is a percentage game logic of how to save California by having each water system set up like lightning and each one covers water angles the other systems do not. In combination, I think we can save California against all usual odds! It can be done! I want Congress and the State Government of California to forget all usual politics. I am like lightning to be made the water czar of California and America. I will have unlimited authority from both sides and move with tremendous speed to get operational the water systems that can save California from pending collapse due to lack of enough water to survive with.

I also studied economic science with six of the most brilliant economists of America and Europe. I see if California collapses by June, 2016, this has the likely potential to bankrupt all of America with it and through the Doomsday Factor to Industrial Economics, then before it is all over, the potential is there that up to 99% of all Americans will be dead before it is all over. That is of course also the end of America as a nation. This disaster would also greatly hurt economies all over the world.

I want the nonsense to stop in Wash., D.C. ... Politicians are too slow in wits to follow the rapid succession of engineering decisions and scientific decisions that have to be made to make this project work to save California from total collapse due to lack of water to survive on. We can briefly raid some federal funds which do not have to be spent immediately and once the water project is started, there is a large outstanding debt owed to America as I understand. Get it paid and we have tons of money to finance all the water projects in California, help out other states with water problems, and there should be enough money left over to help finance Wash., D.C. in other national projects if wanted. My lips are sealed as to where this huge amount of money should be.
You the American people send this report by email to your elected officials both federal and state. They are cold blooded and will not likely read the emails but count the number to see if serious support is behind proposed passage of the Omni Law. Send them a copy printed on paper and sent by regular mail to their offices. On the outside of the envelope, mark "Pass Omni Law Now!" That impresses them more than the emails. Got their phone numbers. Then call them! Can you gather people to visit them, then visit them and put them on the spot by asking them to pass the Omni Law and fast!
If much of the nation is backing me, the pressure and heat will be enormous and they will pass it!

This is not a leisure time project to push. I am probably the only technical brain in America who can do "the impossible" and save California from collapse over water and in less than 12 months from now. Also, if the jackass Obama operative will return to me the stolen paperwork on my electrical super cheap system to make engineering projects cheaper to build I had spent maybe ten months on to develop going through mountains of engineering formulas and technical specifications to come up with the answer I did, please return it immediately! You stole it from my work studio behind my house and as I was still working out details with it, I had not made copies of it yet. It is probably written so those you work for cannot understand how the complex system works, but it would take months to reduplicate this research work again! Do not return it somehow and if I have the authority, I will have you arrested later on under law for high treason and those with you. I probably know who you are and where located. You work for C.I.A. and you made a colossal mistake stealing this research work I had spent maybe ten months on in spare time when I had it. You made mistakes identifying who you are! You have trademark tricks and your trademark tricks were obvious to identify you. Sorry for the personal note here, but I have no other way of getting the message to the federal thief to return it fast or else he and associates may end up spending the rest of their lives in federal prison for a crime as serious as trying to steal the top secrets of the Manhattan Project of World War II which developed the atomic bomb for America suggested by Albert Einstein to President F.D.R. at the White House when he told the President how to set up the Manhattan Project for America.

Financial support is good support to push the Omni Law and in time to save California and then America at the same time. ...

Yours For God And Country, Erasmus Of America (Pen name for that American leader who had some God-given gifts that he wanted to share with the American people in making America freer and richer as a nation, but Wash., D.C. did not want America blessed with more freedom and national prosperity. A note for China. We solve the water crisis for America, then we can help China with her water problems. Then Russia if she wants more water to mass grow wheat and other crops across the vast lands of Russia. Then Canada, Mexico, Europe, Africa, Middle East, rest of Asia, etc. As for the Jade Helm15 military forces, the moment the Omni Law is passed, your present military project is cancelled and you can then work in saving California from collapse due to no water to maintain California as a state much longer. American soldiers work for us in California. Any foreign soldiers with this military project, go home as we are not sharing top trade secrets to our water systems with other nations at this time! America will survive and prosper, not collapse!)

Posted by Freewill at 7:26 PM
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by wserra »

Gassy Rassy wrote:my work studio behind my house
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Gregg »

America's best Engineer/General/Economist/Spy/Spycatcher/bloomingloony wrote:Also, if the jackass Obama operative will return to me the stolen paperwork on my electrical super cheap system to make engineering projects cheaper to build I had spent maybe ten months on to develop
Most of that ten months was spent getting it wound up on the little cardboard tube...
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by The Observer »

wserra wrote:
Gassy Rassy wrote:my work studio behind my house

And Rassy in action in his work studio.
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Deep Knight »

Monday, July 13, 2015
Censoring History to Control America. From Erasmus Of America - July 13, 2015 5:27 PM


[You guessed it, pages on Gassy Rassy's accomplishments and military school attendance, followed by how the South and Civil War were vastly misunderstood. Then there's this revelation!]

Right after writing this things interfered and I was not able to finish writing this report on Saturday July 11, 2015 as originally planned. I had a dark hunch that something important was going to come my way before Monday to add to this report. And to my amazement, a religious bombshell reached my hands on July 12, 2015.

A woman had attended a local Pentecostal church service Sunday evening near Seneca, SC . An evangelist from originally Kentucky was preaching a revival at this church that evening July 12, 2015. He startled the congregation by telling them that he had received a vision recently ... God said that He was going to get America annihilated. All states across America were shown in black. Only the Southern States originally called the Confederate States of America were shown in light and two Southern states were shown in extra bright light in contrast to the total blackness seen in all of the Northern states. He said that God said that only the Southern States could save America from being annihilated and especially South Carolina and North Carolina which had brighter lights coming from them than the other Southern states. It was understood that the Southern States had a way of saving the rest of America from being annihilated as God was arranging to get America annihilated now.

My father's side of the family had no supernatural gifts that I know of, but on my mother's side, there has been strong family legend how her mother's side of the family had for maybe even one thousand years or so the gift of prophecy in the family line. ... St. Augustine ... wrote that in the Latter Days that there would be "interpreting prophets" who could explain passages in the Bible ... In this category, let me approach this prophecy issued by this evangelist and if I do have prophetic insights that the average Christian would not, let me give an explanation to what this vision meant that the evangelist explained was the vision just given to him recently.

Strange wording that God had arranged the annihilation of America as a nation but excludes the Southern States which were called the Confederate States of America from this judgment of annihilation from God against the Antichrist North. God is arranging to "get" America annihilated since (Northern) America has pushed God to the point of utter disgust with Wash., D.C. and the Northern states supporting it as their accepted national government. God could arrange to annihilate America directly by many mans including forces of nature, but God is arranging to "get" America annihilated. That sounds like God is going to use some nation on earth to annihilate America, so God has passed judgment to "get" America annihilated since America (Northern version, not Southern) has pushed God to utter disgust and to total judgment against Antichrist Wash., D.C. and Antichrist Northern states. And the vision of this Pentecostal evangelist says that only the Southern States can save the Northern states from "getting" annihilated by arrangement of God, so how can the South save the North from annihilation from the Wrath and Judgment of God. The answers in logic are there, but let's cover this step by step how to save the North from impending annihilation by God who the North has pushed God to the utter limits forcing disgust and forced judgment from God the Father and maybe Jesus Christ refuses to stand up for the fake Christians of the North now from judgment from God now.
... Only two ways this annihilation can be stopped of the North ... if this vision is for real which unfortunately is probably quite real ... Northern states now legally declare themselves to be Confederate States and will join the formal Confederacy once the legitimate Confederate Government is back in power in the South. Also, they will fly the Confederate flag before their state capitals to show that they have now joined the Confederate States of America ... If all the Northern states act quickly to do this, they are now in the eyes of God part of the Confederacy and no longer part of the Antichrist North and Antichrist Wash., D.C. Also, weaker point, but smart to do before God is to push for passage of my Omni Law as a new constitutional amendment in America. It will be part of the Confederate Constitution and will be a government of the people, not intended masters over society as Wash., D.C. under Obama is aiming for. If the Northern States quick adopt the Confederate Cause and fly the Confederate flag over their states, God will see that they live and are not soon annihilated. If they do not, both White and Black will die in mass annihilation if this vision is for real from God as makes sense that it is.

If the black states with no light of the North marked now for destruction by God quickly change sides to that of God, there will be no secession from Wash., D.C. Rather a new government of the Confederacy will replace in Wash., D.C. the Antichrist Government of the corrupt in America which presently rules over America as a wild Antichrist government spitting daily in the face of God and daring God to do anything to stop them from new wickedness and evil every day of the week! And if we pass the Omni Law about the same time for America, the Omni Law based upon the teachings of God in the Bible will restore moral government and good policies to America again.
Just found out the feds turned on the erasing software programing trying to sabotage the completion of this report. Have a witness as things started disappearing from this report! Send this report everywhere.
Yours for God And Country, Erasmus Of America (Pen Name for that American leader who stands for the real principles America was founded upon in 1776. But for corrupt financial interests subverting government in America, we would have no racial strife left in America now! The evil make society evil. The good make society good! Under the Confederate Cause, the good will lead reborn Christian America and Russia will call off her plans to annihilate America. Russian intelligence already knows that I plan to heal wounds between Russia and America once we win! And secretly since they know that I also descend from a royal branch of the royal line of Russia, they know that Russia will have a friend and not enemy once the Confederate Cause and the Omni Law win in America!)

Posted by Freewill at 8:16 PM

I hope y'all are workin' on yo' Southernese, 'cause some changes is sho' a-commin'!
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Deep Knight »

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

In his last spew (wisely edited out), Gassy Rassy went on and on about how the Sabbath was Sunday, which upset a commenter who supported Saturday. Not one to let this challenge to his authority pass, he lectures on and on about how early church history that only he has studied proves his position. Your normal religious authority is "weakened" by not being a well-read or smart as Erasmus, don't cha know. But, while going on and on, he does reveal, for the first time on our stage, yet another medical miracle that happened to him.

By the way, there are massive Miracles ... even today and what are the churches doing keeping quiet on stunning Miracles of God which would win nearly all to belief in God? Scared to honor God in our modern society? Two times I had stunning Miracles of God in my own life. I had a broken toe for four years, looked like a bent fishhook and when Evangelist Ronald Coyne of the "Plastic Eye Miracle" prayed for me, my toe bones floated apart which felt incredible and then my broken toe in my left foot was instantly straightened out and healed totally in maybe 30 seconds flat! ... the ministry of Rev. Ronald Coyne who saw with or without plastic eye inserted into his empty right eye socket. He lost his right eye when around 6 years old and was in a startling miracle crusade was instantly healed of his blindness in his empty right eye socket around 7 years old and could then for the rest of his life see with plastic eye or else empty right eye socket. He was written up in Oklahoma when this happened and the startled newspaper reporters stated that they could not explain how he could suddenly see with plastic eye socket or else empty right eye socket when the plastic eye was taken out.

And of course, he can save us all.

... For whatever reason which I may not know why, it seems that Jesus likes me and I should be the one representing America when America is to face the pending judgment and wrath of God against America. If I can make promises to God on behalf of the American people that America is now returning seriously to God, God will take my word on behalf of the American people and give you the chance to prove that you intend to straighten out as a people and nation. I understand that I am allowed to bargain with God for a second chance for America with God. I am no messiah, just I always felt the smile of God and God likes me for whatever hidden reason. If God likes me, might as well use this to help out the American people with. God can love a people, but not like them due to their rotten ways or evil that they live for rather than God and good in life.
Posted by Freewill at 6:42 PM

"Ronald Coyne of the plastic eye miracle," "became hugely obese and died wedged between the toilet and wall of a motel bathroom."
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by notorial dissent »

I personally think Gassy Rassy was the first experimental human brain transplant recipient, and it was a tragic failure.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by LaVidaRoja »

No. It was a GREAT success!! They transplanted in the brain of a long-dead chiuahua.
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Gregg »

oh phuck all I can't come up with anything that would be funnier than using his real name wrote:... For whatever reason which I may not know why, it seems that Jesus likes me and I should be the one representing America when America is to face the pending judgment and wrath of God against America. If I can make promises to God on behalf of the American people that America is now returning seriously to God, God will take my word on behalf of the American people and give you the chance to prove that you intend to straighten out as a people and nation. I understand that I am allowed to bargain with God for a second chance for America with God.
If this nutcake had any friends I'd be worried about them all holing up on the compound and mixing up the kool aid.
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by notorial dissent »

The only friends Rassy has are the ones in his head, and I'm not sure about all of them either.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Deep Knight »

Saturday, July 18, 2015
Clocks In Heaven. Forwarded By Erasmus Of America - JULY 18, 2015 - 11:38 A.M.

Erasmus of America died and went to heaven. As he stood in front of St. Peter at the Pearly Gates, he saw a huge wall of clocks behind him. He asked, "What are all those clocks?"

St. Peter answered, "Those are Lie-Clocks. Everyone on Earth has a Lie-Clock. Every time you lie the hands on your clock will move."

"Oh," said Gassy Rassy, "whose clock is that?

"That's Mother Teresa's. The hands have never moved, indicating that she never told a lie."

"Incredible," said Rassy. "And whose clock is that one?"

St. Peter responded, "That's Abraham Lincoln's clock. The hands have moved twice, telling us that Abe told only two lies in his entire life."

"Where's my clock?" asked Erasmus of America.

And St. Peter replied "Your clock is in Jesus's office. He's using it as a ceiling fan."


I have put out many serious national reports due to the problems facing America today. It does not hurt sometime to take a brief humor break to release something comical instead. I do stand for passage of my proposed Omni Law shown on my website. Full name "The Omnibus Civil Rights Act For America" creating the biggest joke that Wash., D.C. has ever heard that the American people be given the legal right of national referendum over the federal government. They must roar with laughter at the idea that the government is supposed to be the servant of the American people rather than attempted master over the peon American people who are supposed to have no legal rights in America under the current federal concept of law for the American people.

... My latest joke for Washington, D.C. is a trick way to increase national wages by maybe 20% without costing the employers anything and costing the government nothing in new taxes to have set up under the Omni Law. And this will not create inflation in America. And my joke for the big jokers in Congress and the White House, guess how I can create this big joke of 20% increase in national wages average which is no joke in the end and does not create inflation in the process contrary to Obama's brainstorm to skyrocket hyperinflation in America which sounds like an increase in wages but ends up through hyperinflation reducing the real wages of the American people and lowering profits in business?

I studied with six of the most brilliant economists of America and Europe and just spotted a new way to create this wage increase for workers and increases profits for businesses as well without setting off inflation or hyperinflation in America in the process. Well, maybe the laugh is on the politicians for a change instead of the American people who were promised "Change" before, but the one promising this forgot to tell the American people that the change would be downward, not upward in direction for the American people! So the joke ended up on the American people! Washington style of humor on the American people! Are you laughing now along with Obama? Oh, our Obama clowns you call federal operatives just showed up and desperately trying to stop this report by bouncing the letters around I am typing! They have a great sense of humor with criminal acts like this! Laugh with them as they think it is a big joke to block the American people from seeing the truth in print if they can!

Yours For God And Country, Erasmus Of America (Pen name for that American maverick leader who has a bag of jokes including that he knows how to set up the Jesus Money system used with wild success 4 times in history to skyrocket prosperity for both workers and businesses until our nasty banker clowns overthrew it 4 times in history. They thought it a bad joke to see all the people prosperous and employed and business so loaded with profits instead of losses that they smiled all day long while open for business.

How the letters bounce around with the clown hacking tricks of the federal clowns who apparently are not laughing as this report is written! Sorry I wasn't able to make them laugh with this report! When the Omni Law is passed, then I show America how Jesus Money has worked with wild success 4 times in history and even got endorsed by Albert Einstein (censored for daring to show such an act of integrity in modern society! They didn't laugh at his endorsement! Others who were brilliant economists and other brilliant people endorsed this, but the joke is on our corrupt! When they censored the allowed history that the American people were allowed to study or not, they censored the information from also themselves how Jesus Money has worked such as 100 years of non-stop super prosperity for France which was not any Dark Ages in France when everyone got rich off of Jesus Money as taught in the New Testament of the Bible! The joke of the wicked in power is censorship of the truth from the people they wish to rule over as tyrants of the nation. I have had typed letters fly all over this report as federal clowns try to turn this national report into a federal joke with their hacking tricks! American people, have the last laugh on the federal clowns assigned by Obama to try and block release of reports like this to the American people. Pass this report around to all of America and the laughs of the federal clowns of Obama will be turned into tears as the old Bible teaching proves true that "The Truth Will Make The People Free!")

Posted by Freewill at 10:11 PM 0 comments
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by AndyK »

Erasmus wrote: ... I have had typed letters fly all over this report ...
:?: Idiot is using a laptop and his knuckle keeps hitting the touch pad while he's typing; thereby jumping the cursor to wherever the pointer happens to be :?:

Nah -- no one can be that consistently stupid
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Deep Knight »

Monday, July 20, 2015

[Gassy Rassy tries to fight the Civil War once again, and comes up with all these arguments about how the north was wrong, wrong, wrong - but…]

When discussing how the federal government broke its legal agreement with the South in order to found the U.S. Republic under the legal terms for the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Bill of Rights, federal operators of Obama apparently leaped in to try and turn on erasing software to try and destroy this report after that. Attempted censorship does not change the history of law how the United States of America was founded and then the legal agreement with the Southern States was broken by the federal government. Okay, I was not going to add this legal note to this report, but Obama operators pushed me over the line here. The States of Illinois, Indiana, part of Pennsylvania including Pittsburgh legally belong once more to the State of Virginia and the citizens there may legally consider themselves to be citizens of the Confederate States of America now if the South decides to become an independent nation again in all aspects instead of working to restore states' rights and other constitutional rights back to the people of the South so we may be one nation under constitutional government instead of a constitutional government in the South and a dictatorship under Obama in the North.

The land claims of the South are far bigger than the federal government realizes. But I will not pursue that subject further at this time.

… With all I know of Washington scandals, no wonder I had maybe up to 30 federal murder attempts on my life over the years. A Naval Intelligence officer from Annapolis, Maryland once called me "the loose cannon of American military intelligence." I was good at it, but no one could control me! Secret reason: I was honest and wanted the American people to know the truth. To be too honest in Wash., D.C. is like having bubonic plaque. You scare the daylights out of all the professional liars in Congress, federal agencies, etc. President Kennedy was shot when he wanted to be totally honest as a President of America. President Ronald Reagan was not supposed to be elected to the White House. He got in by popular support the power elite could not stop and so apparently they tried to shoot him in the White House later on when they fully knew that they could not control him. President Eisenhower was allowed in the White House and $40 million was spent by the Rockefellers to buy the Republican nomination for him even though he was honest as Sherman Adams was the Rockefeller front who could control General Eisenhower in the White House for them. Senator Robert Taft, "Mr. Conservative", was a good friend of my father and I heard the whole story what Senator Taft told my industrialist father in Chicago, Illinois. … And they try to always have only their boy allowed in the White House so control who you are allowed to have as a candidate from either party. They just tried to smear the hell out of Donald Trump by censoring the ending of his statement on Senator McCain. They just got caught and forced to play the part of the recording that they had censored and never played to you the American people. They tried to smear him with their engineered lie created by skillful censoring of what Donald Trump really said. And key Republican leaders were in on this attempted engineered smear of Donald Trump by deliberately reporting incorrectly what he really said as they censored the end of his statement in order to smear him. Donald Trump is not perfect, but no one is as far as I know who runs for political office in America, but he is trying to be an honest candidate and shows intelligence. I respect that and he maybe has a touch of political bubonic plague like I do because I try to be too honest with the American people and tell them the truth the powerful evil are trying to hide from the American people in order to control them through censorship of the truth. They also use propaganda spin lines not based on the truth in order to try and control the thinking of the American people.

Posted by Freewill at 5:48 PM
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Gregg »

The agreement the United States made (and not with the CSA, but only with soldiers who fought in the Confederate States Armed Forces) was to not disturb them any more so long as they obey the laws of The United States and where they shall reside.

As has been pointed out, ad infinitum, The United States government absolutely refused to act in any way as if the southern states were anything more than regions in rebellion, and the "deal" they got at the end of the war involved occupation by the US Army for 11 years after the war ended. They let them have elections, as long as the freedman could vote.
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by notorial dissent »

Rassy's grasp of history goes right along with well his grasp of well everything else it would seem. As I recall, the Southern soldiers were kind of given a permanent parole at the end of hostilities, and as I recall, things did not go well for those who broke it.
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by The Observer »

There was no formal surrender of the CSA as the government fell apart with the dash of the administration out of Richmond. It was therefore up to the various Union commanders to arrange for surrender of the various CSA field commands that were still in existence at the time. We tend to focus on the surrender of the Army of Northern Virginia by Lee at Appomattox as the end of the war but that was not the case. Fighting and surrenders continued to happen throughout the areas of the Confederacy, the last surrender happening on June 23rd 1865 in Oklahoma. And Lincoln did not live to see the end of the fighting, with the last battle being fought near Brownsville, Texas in May. This was after President Johnson, Lincoln's successor had pronounced an end to the war on April 2nd. Go figure.

And as nd mentions, the surrenders generally allowed for the parole of all combatants, dependent on them not taking up arms against the US. This was practical since most of the South was already under some form of occupation anyway and keeping Confederates in prison would have only added to the cost and burden already taken on by the US during the war. It made much more sense to return the Rebs to their farms (most were poor farmers to begin with) and get them growing crops to feed the South.

In most cases, officers were allowed to keep their sidearms, but weapons and artillery had to be surrendered and the military formations disbanded. Horses were allowed to be kept by individuals if they could show some proof that the horse was theirs and was not Confederate property (this was one of the cheapskate ways that the Confederacy managed to put cavalry in the field, requiring that soldiers provide their own horses. My great-great-grandfather had to do so, and then was set upon by a jealous officer who found my relative's horse to be superior to his own and tried to commandeer it. My great-great-grandfather promptly deserted - with his horse).

So Rassy is out of touch with reality once again and trying to substitute fantasy in the hope that he can make a quick buck.
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