On the Road to Erasmus

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by ashlynne39 »

I think we need to demand that Rassy post his school transcripts from kindergarten through college (dare I include college). The bs bragging irritates.
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

ashlynne39 wrote:I think we need to demand that Rassy post his school transcripts from kindergarten through college (dare I include college). The bs bragging irritates.
Oh, he may have attended "college". It's probably a place like "South-Southwest Puckyhuddle State College"; or maybe some place like "Oxford Classical University" which awards credits for "life experiences" and is known only to the online promoters and the marks -- er, "students", who pay the tuition fees and keep the promoters in new Jaguars every year.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by The Observer »

Erasmus wrote: I did not have to say it but Obama and Eric Holder are at the top of the list now for all these criminal tactics now with this latest attempt to block this report from reaching the American people.
Wow, Deep Knight is no longer at the top of the list? Despite Operation GridEx II?
...t may totally collapse the American economy after Nov. 13-14 when the nation can't restore its electrical power.

Now why would the US not be able to restore electrical power after those dates? Does that mean we could restore power BEFORE those dates?

Anyhow doing a little investigation reveals that November 14 is Word Diabetes Day. Suddenly it all makes sense. Operation GridEx II not only is going to collapse our national electrical grid, but will also cause every Americian to develop diabetes, thus shorting out their bodies. How? Once the power goes out, Americans will panic and immediately eat everything in their refrigerator before it spoils. The massive intake of all of those carbohydrates at one eating will overwhelm the inuslin in our bodies and the pancreas will just shut down in absolute fright.
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Deep Knight »

The Observer wrote:Wow, Deep Knight is no longer at the top of the list? Despite Operation GridEx II?
Rassy doesn't care that I've gridded my Ex twice, he's more worried that my lawyer, Dr. Dildo is going to invoice him for $1000 if he uses my name because of that damned OPPT UCC thing I sent him. But he's not afraid of the New World Order...

If you read about this actual drill, you'll find that no grids will be taken down. A simple 5 second search, although I'll be the first to admit that 19 of the first 20 to come up were right-wing nut job sites which had made the same mistake and were screaming "false flag" and "Moslem usurper" at the top of their CAPS-locked keystrokes.

A sane site wrote:... an emergency drill in November that will simulate physical attacks and cyberattacks that could take down large sections of the power grid.
A crazy site wrote:Why are they shutting down the grid in the dead of winter when temperatures fall below zero in most of the USA and Canada and millions depend on a grid heat source?
An even crazier site wrote:This drill is scheduled to begin November 13, 2013. What is not being discussed is how much of the nation will lose power or, since it is a three-nation drill (United States and parts of Canada and Mexico), the entire U.S. will go “offline” so to speak. What we are told is that all food and water transport will stop, business and banking will stop, transportation and shopping will stop, communications will stop, and there will be no heat in homes, schools or places of business. ... Approximately 80% of our military will be sent off US soil during the drill.
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Deep Knight »

texino wrote:I am upset by the lack of new episodes of "...Erasmus" as it is my favorite program. I hope that the conflict with the writer's union and the producer, Mr. Knight, reaches a fair outcome and that we hear those magic words "IT'S SHOW TIME!" very soon.

Tomas "Tommy" Texino
It's as close to show time as you get with Erasmus.



First of all, Gassy Rassy goes on and on about Communism in Washington DC (hundreds of well-known Commies bragged that they had a black guy ready to be installed as president as early as 1918!) but then jumps on the "Obama is funding a Moslem Museum" bandwagon.

Also, Obama has several times away from the American public admitted that he is a Muslim to others including to one of the Ambassadors from Egypt who told on Egyptian TV what Obama told him back then. The following email shows that Obama dearly cares about the Muslim cause in America, but remains silent when Christians are being mass killed at this time by Islamic extremists in Muslim nations in the Middle East. And Obama sees nothing wrong in the various attempts of Islam to invade Western Europe before the Crusades started in attempts to conquer Europe back then including Spain and France in the early days.
By the way, Obama put out his own money to open a museum of Muslim history in America, but would be horrified if asked to sponsor a museum of Christian history in America! He is a hypocrite and a con artist trying to play on the gullibility of the public in many major issues. And as many of the educated in America already know, it is a fact and not rumor that Obama was legally born in Kenya, not America, and could not legally run for the White House under the U.S. Constitution. But is it $5 billion from George Soros in 2008 to finance Obama's run for the White House that overthrew the U.S. Constitution in 2008 on this legal issue?
The International Museum of Muslim Cultures in Jackson, Mississippi is temporarily funded by President Obama. Washington, DC — While up to 800,000 federal workers faced life without a paycheck as Day One of the government shutdown kicked in, President Barack Obama held a press conference to announce that he is using his own money to open the federally funded International Museum of Muslim Cultures.
“During this shutdown, people will have to deal with some of their favorite parks and museums being closed,” Obama told reporters. “Just keep in mind, they will always be there. The Grand Canyon and the Smithsonian are not going anywhere.” Obama continued, “The International Museum of Muslim Cultures is sacred. That is why I have taken it upon myself to use my own personal funds to re-open this historic piece of American culture.”
The International Museum of Muslim Cultures closed its doors Tuesday as parts of the federal government shut down after Congress failed to reach an agreement on spending. On Monday, the Senate rejected the latest budget proposal from the House of Representatives. The fiscal standoff stems in large part from Republican attempts to block President Obama’s healthcare initiative.
“The Muslim community deserves our full acceptance and respect,” Obama said. “We have killed millions of Muslims overseas since the September 11th attacks. They are not all bad. In fact most of them are good. So during this shutdown, now is a great time to learn about the faith of Islam. I encourage all of you to celebrate the Muslim community, the ‘Sunnah’ and the magic of the ‘Quran’. All of this can be found at the newly re-opened International Museum of Muslim Cultures.”
Khaled Matei who is a member of the Muslim Brotherhood‘s Freedom and Justice Party told CNN he is pleased with Obama and his actions. “I spoke with President Obama by telephone yesterday and personally thanked him for what he is doing for the Muslim community,” Matei said. “This is definitely a step in the right direction I explained to him. Praise Allah.”
Obama finished the press conference explaining to reporters how thrilled he is to see the museum open again. “Folks, this is a time to focus on things that are important to us in America. Sure, we would all like to see the government open, it just is not that simple. What is simple is me funding the International Museum of Muslim Cultures so that it can stay open during this horrible time in our nation’s history, all thanks to the echo chamber which is called the Tea Party.”
The International Museum of Muslim Cultures is located at 201 E Pascagoula Street in Jackson, Mississippi. It is open Tuesday – Friday from 10:00 am – 5:00 PM. The museum is closed Friday from 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM in observance of the Jumah Prayer.
- See more at: http://nationalreport.net/obama-uses-mo ... Sm3Yt.dpuf

Now on a surprising different angle in this report which is exposing how Obama is trying to make America a combined Communist-Muslim nation if we the American people allow him to. Under Communist concept of law, America becomes Prison America for all ordinary Americans. Under Suria Islamic Law, America becomes Prison America for all ordinary Americans threatened with convert or off with your heads! (What do you think all those federal guillotines bought from China for America are for? Nursury school for American kids?) Why does Wash., D.C. have a reported 30,000 drones in America which can be used to mass kill Americans? Again, for nursury schools for American kids? Convert to Islam under Obama in America or off with your heads! If some are allowed to live, you are supposed to become the slaves of your Islamic masters in America then! If you resist, the federal drone air fleet of 30,000 federal drones can attack any Americans or part of America trying to resist the Islamic takeover of America by Islamic Obama in the White House.

I suggest everyone visit the link that is the source of this explosive report and read their disclaimer:
*DISCLAIMER: National Report is a news and political satire web publication, which may or may not use real names, often in semi-real or mostly fictitious ways. All news articles contained within National Report are fiction, and presumably fake news. Any resemblance to the truth is purely coinidental . The views expressed by writers on this site are theirs alone and are not reflective of the fine journalistic and editorial integrity of National Report. Advice given is NOT to be construed as professional. If you are in need of professional help (and you may be if you are on this page), please consult a professional. National Report is intended for a mature audience and not for children under the age of 18.
Finally, if you've been thinking of reprogramming your DNA, Erasmus has got what you need, and it will soon become an amusement park!

Release of my latest technical report of Oct. 1, 2013 brought in a surprise I did not expect. My report was "7 Suppressed Angles How To Greatly Improve Your Health Or Lifespan Or Both" - By Erasmus Of America (my pen name). The first reaction to this report starting to go out across America is the material in it is incredibly powerful and never seen by the public before. A brilliant scientific brain who I know called me up last night and was so excited over the release of this technical report of mine. He offered me an angle and explained to me how it should be possible to do. I can't say that he has to be right, but his theory has a lot of credibility to it and I told him that I will back his concept with research work at my Camelot location once set up. He and I are both familiar with a major scientific breakthrough the public knows nothing about at this stage. This angle as he pointed out should potentially be able to reprogram our DNA in our bodies to carry out new functions they are not currently doing. Grow teeth back where they are lost. Grow hair back where lost or take old grey hair and make it change to its younger color and looks younger again. And take old skin and make it look youthful again. And the bombshell comes here. His concept which made pretty good sense technically and might well work (tests could fast confirm that) could reprogram your DNA to give you physically a body maybe 20 years or so younger than it is now. In other words, the health and strength of a younger man or woman could be restored to the body of maybe even a 60 to 70 year old man or woman. He wants my Camelot to have this technical answer as a trade secret of Camelot once we are ready to test it and then use it if tests confirm it works as evaluated it can. Almost forgot to mention it. Regrow back damaged parts of the body to health and thus potentially eliminate diabetes, heart disease, and many other things so many Americans and others suffer from today. This technical angle works and I will invite John of Nesara News to get a new reborn, super healthy heart to reward him for his patriotic services in running Nesara News for the good of the American people and America as a nation. As for building my proposed Camelot, I will use an old Walt Disney construction tactic and it should fly up in construction and within a few months enough of it will be built to start operating this Camelot for the purposes it will be built for including the largest research and development center in the world. Also, bet it becomes the most popular tourist attraction to visit and live at in the world before it is over!
Yours For God And Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name for a leader who dares to tell the truth and stand for what is right for America!)

Posted by John MacHaffie at 3:24 PM 0 comments

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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by texino »

I wonder if the scientific brain who calls rassy at night is human, or maybe one of those things living in a jar of charged aspirin solution and classic coke? I think that the GI Joes are bedeviled by an evil brain. I would not be surprised if Erasmus was hooked up with one either.
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Deep Knight »

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

He must mean us. Funny, I don't remember asking any question.

Yesterday Oct. 14 was an interesting experience. Due to heavy hacking interference, went to three wireless locations to get report finally out on "DRIVE 124.6 MILES PER GALLON - COVER HEADLINE 2013 NATIONAL MAGAZINE, FROM ERASMUS OF AMERICA - Columbus Day - October 14, 2013.

I have this image of Gassy Rassy driving around in a rusty Chevy looking for a WiFi hotspot he can use because they shut off his cable.

For some reason Obama dirty trick operators were fighting hard to try and block this report from being posted with Nesara News. They failed but among interesting things they did which I don't follow their logic for, they removed from two email accounts of mine the email address for my assistant who works by my side a lot these days. No problem. I just reenter the missing email address to my email listings for these two email accounts.

It's inexplicable, but he KNOWS it must have been them government agents and not his clicking on the "remove" button instead of the one marked "send e-mail."

But they need to learn the lesson "Don't mess with me!" I will call this major criminal violation No. 5 of the Genocide Treaty signed into national law by President Ronald Reagan and now raise the federal settlement figure with me up to $100 Trillion Dollars. As I have won legal upsets before, don't be too sure that I won't once more win in an upset and suddenly federal officials behind these criminal acts get sued each for $100 trillion in damages and even their minor dirty trick operators if we can track them down will also get sued for $100 trillion each in damages as part of a totally criminal conspiracy done by federal operatives for Obama at the White House.

Oooh! $100 trillion! That will take a while to work off washing dishes.

Since apparent operatives under orders of Obama posted hot air comments trying to trick the people not to take seriously my report of yesterday which you can easily read in the archive listing for yesterday for Nesara News under the report name of "Drive 124.6 MILES PER GALLON - FROM ERASMUS OF AMERICA, this endorses my report as must be strongly feared by Obama federal elements so folks you read it now if you did not see it yesterday! ... But these comments posted yesterday by obvious Obama federal dirty trick operatives under apparent order of the White House said the report yesterday was all con and no substance to it and I had no merit in what was presented to the American people in this report of yesterday, I post now for later grand jury investigation and international genocide investigation that these federal dirty trick operators are under American law guilty of "high treason" and under international law guilty of "genocide conspiracy" as the future of America hangs in the balance whether America gets my father's Vatican endorsed food process or else the nation collapses because of genocide conspiracy within the federal govenment now under shadow of Obama.

I know this jumps around (it did without the excerpt taken out too), but he seems to be saying that these comments were obviously by the same operatives. More about that later.

I invite Congress when they are capable of moral integrity to investigate this situation and order the arrest of dirty trick operatives of Obama for violating a number of sections of federal law currently on the books. And I will be willing to cooperate with over 100 member nations of the United Nations for their national investigations into Obama and his operations which also threaten the lives of the people of their nations including all nations of Europe, Africa, Middle East, Asia including China, Russia, Central and South America, etc. Under the Genocide Treat since these elements in Wash., D.C. are engaged in genocide conspiracy which can kill off the people of Europe and all other nations on earth, they are fair legal game to have arrest warrants issued for them from all threatened nations in the world.
I am no coward and these criminals hiding in federal employment had better hide low now as governments all over the world will see this notice and not think it funny when Obama and criminal crew in Wash., D.C. are trying to engineer the mass murder of their people and nations by doing all they can to try and suppress this Vatican endorsed great food discovery that may well be the deciding factor whether mankind lives or dies on this earth according to old university tests and later tests by medical labs from across the world as publicized by even Al Gore.

Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America pen name for the wrong person to mess with!)

Posted by John MacHaffie at 5:51 PM

Wow! The comments about this previous post must be some real hot stuff from us folks here at our lit'l ol' New World Order! Probably revealing that his Vatican-endorsed bread makes you impotent or something.


Anonymous October 14, 2013 at 6:32 PM

Ya know Bud, I have no problem with anybody making a living, but you have all the markings of a flimflam man. Here's a thought. You really want to help people, give it ALL away and let them pay you what THEY think it's worth. If you're the real deal, you'll need a Brinks truck to get it all to the bank. My guess is you'll starve to death. You talk a good game, but the time for talk is over. It's time to stand and deliver...

Anonymous October 15, 2013 at 4:19 AM

I'm in full agreement with the 'con' in this presentation. .....Someone so knowledgeable would at least know how to put together proper sentences for his presentation!
.......There is a great law of reciprocity that will take care of all our real needs, but this article has a stench to it that I find truly offensive!

Anonymous October 14, 2013 at 9:12 PM

I agree, time for selling technologies to better the nations of the world has passed. Give it up and you will get back people's benefits.

Anonymous October 15, 2013 at 11:32 AM

Funny thing, when you read a story that contains "tiny truths" in it, yet seems to be connected to another story about getting rich, or with little or no effort. As a mechanic I have personally seen a carburator that gets around 80 mpg. Anyone can go to radio shack and buy a set of rabbit ear antenna and connect to digital connection and receive HD tv for free. You can also go to the dollar store and buy a metal wallet looks like a tiny piece of luggage that will stop anyone stealing credit card data. Many stores have baby hydroponic systems where you can raise plants on top of your fish tank. Your website is a dead give away you do not have peoples best interest in mind. If you know something that will help your fellow man dont charge for it. That form of greed has held this world back for centuries.

Rassy, er, Anonymous replies

Anonymous October 16, 2013 at 1:25 PM

I agree that all of you people who wrote these rude comments above should definitely give away whatever it is you are doing to earn money to support your families. You are all very greedy and ignorant, rude people. You the auto mechanic, quit charging people to fix their cars, and just give it to them, and while you're at it, you pay for the parts to fix their cars too. I will be sure and come to your shop and make you fix my car. Why don't all of you, who definitely will end up living on the streets just go on and go live in the FEMA relocation camps. They're designed for people of your intellect!
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by notorial dissent »

Somehow I've always seen him driving around in a puke green, beat up splotchy, rusting out Gremlin, that farts black oil smoke periodically. That seems more like his style to me. You know things are bad when the denizens at McHalfwit's palace of fruitcakery think you are a conman and a fraud, and come right out and call you on it to your face, when they'll obviously believe almost anything with out thinking about it.

He really threw a nice little petulant temper tantrum right there at the end, so cute!!!!
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Deep Knight »

Wednesday, October 16, 2013
First they came for the Tea Party
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Tea Party member.
Then they came for the church members
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a church member.
Then they came for the political independents
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a political independent.
Then they came for me
and there was no one left to speak for me. Then America fell into a total federal police state of Wash., D.C. covering all of America as a vast concentration camp for all who thought or wanted freedom in the nation.

- Americanized version of an old German quote by Erasmus of America

Comment By Erasmus of America
Washington, D.C. under Obama control apparently got wildly upset Columbus Day, Oct. 14 with my report "Drive 124.6 Miles Per Gallon" which they were apparently reading my report by electronic spying as I wrote it. This report was telling about a driving system developed by a university professor which was just correcting bad driving habits and no devices used ... In panic, apparent Obama boys of Wash., D.C. did all they could to try to block this report from being nationally released. ...

Since I went under savage hacker attack while preparing this report showing the ordinary Americans how to potentially greatly increase their gas mileage by correction of bad driving habits, I don't submit to police state tactics as was just tried here to silence me by Obama boys working for apparently the White House in Wash., D.C.
Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America (patriotic pen name)

Posted by John MacHaffie at 6:14 PM

In his ravings, Rassy talks about this 124.6 MPG report and "7 bonus items" that the government tried and tried to suppress. These are actually 7 come-ons that are things you can buy from him, including what currencies to invest in 'cause of the RV. No foolin'!

6. As many of my friends have become interested in the RV field of foreign currencies, a smart friend of mine who associates with a lot of smart people who share their angles with him, he gave me his special list of three foreign currencies to look at. If an RV occurs and you exchange your money, it might not hurt to have some of the exchanged money now be in one, two, or even three of these currencies in case the U.S. dollar is worth less at some point due to Washington policy. Of course, this is not a guaranteed list of three currencies, but some smart people did come up with these as ones they would want to exchange some of their money for as reserves in case the U.S. dollar got hurt in value down the road.
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Cathulhu »

The only way I can see that someone's driving habits would cause their gas mileage to change would sorta involve never ever using the brakes, for starters. I'd certainly encourage Rassy to try driving down from the mountain my sister lives on without brakes! I think my four-wheel drive has saved my butt a couple times there. My sister takes an evil delight in scaring hell out of her passengers--there's one spot where she speeds up and from the back seat it looks like you're going right down a cliff.
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by notorial dissent »

I think it is quite obvious what Rassy is full of. He just keeps proving it. We keep telling Gassy that he needs to stay away from the porn sites, but does he listen, nah! So his computer is always crashing, always assuming it isn't just gross operator error to begin with, which I'm not.

On a lighter note, your sister is an evil woman, must run in the family, we need more of them.
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by texino »

That was a great "rassy" episode! Thank you. The bonus part about mountain roads sure brought back some creepy memories . It seems that people who dwell at altitude have a warped idea of good fun. I mean you are riding around taking in the sights and someone will say, "Oh, want to take the road Wilson's Creek?" (Wilson's Creek being 25 miles straight down)

Texino a pen name that stands between me and The Pen.
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Cathulhu »

Yes, my sister is most definitely evil, and has been since birth. Her daughter has possibilities, and is in training as an Evil Minion. She still can't really manage the evil laugh, which is one of my strong suits.

Texino, you still rock!
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Deep Knight »

texino wrote:That was a great "rassy" episode! Thank you.

Texino a pen name that stands between me and The Pen.
You're welcome. I just hope that Rassy's "writing" doesn't have any long-term effects.

A little taste of what MacHaffie posted from Rassy today.

By the way, it is being reported that all Americans are supposed to take the microchip mandated by Obamacare in 2017. You will be threatened with prison if you resist we understand. The microchip as part of the international computer system will have as Dr. Jack Van Impe pointed out years ago the numbers of 666 to it. As secretly stated at a C.I.A. meeting where a friend of mine attended, they had to trick the American people into taking this chip so they could set up electronically a total federal police state in America. Also, a medical researcher tested one of these chips and said it had an engineering flaw to it that eventually might kill off all Americans who take this chip under their skin as dictated by Obamacare! This is not funny to threaten American citizens with federal prison if they do not take it! Time to stop this! Pass the Omni Law and no cons from Congress trying to sidestep passing the Omni Law and now!
Pass this report around and we can throw off this would-be 666 government for America Obama wants to give us if we let him! Let some other people and nation later fall for such a totally evil government if they want to, but not America! See all members of Congress and state legislatures see this report and let's stop this before America becomes another Nazi Germany or Soviet Union, only much worse in America if Obama has his way!
Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America (pen name for one whose forefathers fought in the American Revolution to found America for freedom and God-given rights to govern our lives. Obama hides it but apparently some of his forefathers were Arab traders selling Black slaves from Africa while my forefathers fought for freedom in America in 1776! Obama apparently wants to make Islam the national religion of America and outlaw Christianity from America! Stop him by passing the Omni Law and now!)
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by The Observer »

Erasmus of America wrote:Obama hides it but apparently some of his forefathers were Arab traders selling Black slaves from Africa while my forefathers fought for freedom in America in 1776!
By the way, did any of those forefathers engage in commerce with those Arab traders? I am betting that there is a good chance they did.

Edited to correct quotation punctuation. You're welcome.
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by notorial dissent »

The only real danger I can perceive from Gassy Rassy's scribblings is perhaps in inadvertently cracking a rib from laughing so hard at his serio-comic antics. I have made it a point to have all beverages and food items in the down position before taking on any of his parapathetic scrawlings.
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Of course, the fact that Kenya is in EAST Africa while most people brought to America as slaves came from WEST Africa has surely escaped Gassy Rassy.
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by notorial dissent »

And this should be any different than any of the whole rest of reality???
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

notorial dissent wrote:And this should be any different than any of the whole rest of reality???
Not at all. Why let facts get in the way of a good delusion?
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Deep Knight »

If you want a good delusion, check out Rassy's do-it-yourself advanced weapons.

Saturday, October 19, 2013
As for the top military commanders that Obama has fired in the last two years because they were too loyal to the American people, constitutional government, etc., they are all welcome to join our military staff that will be operational at Camelot once built. We will pioneer military technology such as the world has never seen before. But a few military toys I worked out the designs for in order to let those military backing Obama for the planned military takeover of America know that they will not win if they try to crush the American people with Washington force of arms, here is a partial list of military toys I can show the American people how to make if Obama tries to become military dictator of America as many reports I have received from military and civilian sources indicate. I have a simple, deadly answer that can shoot out of the sky all 30,000 drones or so if used to try and crush the American people who want no violence in America but just peace and justice in America. I can be a clever boy in designing military toys if I decide to. The engineering school I studied with judged I was very gifted in engineering so I got to study one week of engineering every day instead. I have a simple weapon that can wipe entire military camps of those who are mercenary soldiers and glad to crush the American people for Obama if put into the field. I have another toy designed to destroy any armored vehicles and kill off the crews inside. I have an experimental approach I once found the angle for many years ago in tests in food and health. I maybe found a way to increase the strength of bacteria up to maybe 100 times stronger than they are now. I had no interest then in pursuing such an angle of research, but if necessary I can take two of the deadliest forms of skin disease which eat up the human body and probably magnify their ability so they will wipe out all soldiers trying to crush the American people for Obama. This means that their lungs would be eaten up alive inside and their external body all flesh eaten up until only the bones are left intact. This could be sprayed at all commanders for Obama if he tries to start a civil war against the American people who have no interest in starting or fighting a civil war. They love peace, not war. I would use the bacteria that infects you from the water and the one that infects your skin from contact and not water borne. These are not the kind that would spread easily but could be sprayed to wipe out all military leaders and soldiers that would be willing to crush the American people in a civil war started by Obama in Wash., D.C. and the American people did not want a civil war. Also, as for the reported hidden capital at Denver, Colorado. I have a special weapon design that should be able to penetrate your security there and kill all civil and military leaders hidden there. However, the way you would all be slaughtered would be by slow death so you scream your heads off with colossal pain as it takes forever for you to die.
As for Obama, I would have a biological surprise for him wildly beyond human imagination. My father was a genius in common sense. My mother was once scored by I.Q. test to be the most brilliant child in American history up to then. Don't provoke me to teach Americans how to fight your military tricks and tactics. I might be smarter in military answers than you give me credit for.
Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America (pen name for one who belives in the values which made America a great nation and people. Obama does not believe in these values represented by 1776, so is doing all he can to overthrow them and make the government and nation totally evil as he is in character. Intelligence information on you shows you to be incredibly evil in character and only a foolish people would want you in office now.)

Posted by John MacHaffie at 2:48 PM 0 comments

Some secret weapon that produces "slow death so you scream your heads off with colossal pain?" Gassy Rassy's writings?
"Follow the Money"