Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by LightinDarkness »

Newest TNT Tony lie: Iraq has RVed, but the rates are different for everyone in country. There is a (I kid you not, this guy actually said this) a "welfare rate", a "widows rate", a "senior citizen rate", etc. Yeah, because you know if you are a senior Iraqi citizen that means you get a higher RV rate...I mean it doesn't even make any sense. If the mythical RV was real it would be one rate for everyone. That his followers simply buy this without question speaks volumes to the levels of stupidity in involved here.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Deep Knight »

That's right, as we type the citizens of Iraq are exchanging their Dinars for $US at 27 separate rates, depending on their income, social situation, and body mass index. Then, the collected Dinars will be re-issued to the population, again at different rates depending on shoe, glove and hat sizes. Meanwhile, back here safe at home, Paper Boy has a wanker story.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

at TNT:
Paper Boy: I have my own bank story.... hold on to your hats

I live out on Long Island New York. We don't have a lot of Wells Fargo banks but there is one that I passed several times and today when I passed it at approximately to 2:10 p.m. I decided to stop in..... I was greeted by a young banker who was very cordial and asked if he could help me.... I didn't want to beat around the bush and went straight to the point "do you exchange currencies here?".... sure we do he responded at that point he started to put a grin on his face. What currencies are you talking about?... I told him why don't you tell me what I'm talking about; you seem to have a look on your face like you know what I mean..... he said I believe I do know which ones you have and at that point I told him I had dinar and dong..... he said in order to exchange I would have to open up a checking and savings account with a minimal deposit..... and that I was about the 40th person to open up an account in the last 2 weeks...
I asked him what he has heard lately about a time frame..... he said they are hearing tonight maybe tomorrow.... and then he said but we've heard that before as you know..... Bottom line..... they know about it... they've opened up accounts to accommodate people and according to him... it's going to happen it's just a matter of time.... and he believes sooner than later... I'm still shaking!!!!!!

I have to add to my story that, we spoke about exchanging.... the availability of money and he was knowledgeable of everything.

I was told the money would be readily available but I should be careful as to taking it out with regard to the red flags..... we spoke about some personal matters to which I'm sure he would not like me to talk about but trust me they know what's going on out here.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 9:06 PM 0 comments
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Alcibiades »

Banks fined record $4.3 bn for corrupting integrity of currency trading
Swiss watchdog probes 8 banks over currency rate manipulations
These stories dominated business news recently. It was even mentioned on some of the
Dinar forums, but just ignored as ho-hum.

It seemed to escape the razor-sharp minds of Dinarians that while the breaches uncovered cost the banks plenty of dough, these improprieties would pale into insignificance compared to what Gurus have been telling everyone concerning the secret business of banks in relation to Dinars. These include cashing out select customers in advance of any actual currency revaluation, exchanging friends and family of bank employees as a first priority, planning to give greatly different rates to different customers, offering a distinctly higher "contract" rate, cartel-like conspiracies, etc etc.

None of it is true, of course, but perhaps those who actually swallow this nonsense are hoping that banking regulators will never find out about such abominations, because it's all secret-squirrel business, with non-disclosure agreements in the mix. What a pity it's all over the internet, serving as a source of amusing entertainment for non-Dinarians.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by JamesVincent »

Just for shits and giggles I message my buddy who works for Wells Fargo on occasion and demand the Dinar and Dong to be RVed. And he always sends me a message back that just says, You said dong..... That pretty much sums up our conversations, and his interest, about the RV.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

"There is something about true madness that goes beyond mere eccentricity." Will Self
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by LightinDarkness »

Oh, Tony had an excuse to explain how ISIS is making its own currencies since they would be trillionaires if the RV were real and they could "cash out" at $3.58 per dinar. You see, its a GOOD thing because ISIS is running scared that they won't be allowed to cash somehow this news means the RV is near.

Seriously, he really said this.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Deep Knight »

Reno intel. A friend of mine named "Johnny" once shot a man in Reno, just to watch him die. They sent him to Folsom Prison, evidently he didn't have the kind of power the Chinese families did.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

On Sat, Nov 22, 2014 at 4:46 PM, Xxxxxxx XxXxxxx
Heard anything yet about going in?

From: "Xxx Xxxxx"
Date: Sat, Nov 22, 2014 at 21:40 Subject: Re: A MAN


On Sat, Nov 22, 2014 at 6:37 PM, Xxxxxxx XxXxxxx
Anymore updates on him going in?

From: "Xxx Xxxxx" Date: Sat, Nov 22, 2014 at 21:50 Subject: Re:





Posted by John MacHaffie at 6:38 PM
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by LaVidaRoja »

I'm betting this will be just about as logical as putting a man in prison in California for a crime he committed in Nevada. Johnny never did explain that, either
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Deep Knight »

Sunday, November 23, 2014
One Pissed Off American

One Pissed off American … We THE People have something to say – it is time!

Bullshit. What the hell is going on with this Global Reset, Global Currency Revaluation, Fines & Penalties, Farm Claims, JR Robinson, Herman and Herman, CMKX, Omega and all the other Prosperity Programs?

The latest information is saying next year, mid Jan. What? You know mid Jan comes, its now mid-March and the cycle continues. We are getting played! You got to be kidding, right! This is a sick joke if your playing one. You jackass are not going to pull a Kuwait again. That is just wrong.

You remember the statement made from the Whitehouse, not until I am out of office … 2016! Just great.

Why would the world, who has been ramping up for this monumental occasion (big words), working like rabbits being chased by wolverines, all a sudden put the brakes on, an stop in the middle of the train tracks with an engine baring down on thems. Its just bad wrong!

Then we get this type of shit. I understand that those Red Dragon fellows thinks, we Westerns, are not spiritual enough to handle the money. Come again, you say what? I cannot manage money, make my pickup payments! Hey, buddy, come see me in the alley, I show you some spirit. Who the hell is the one who would pull this plug? Stupid!

What an arrogant statement by some Red Dragon spokesperson to say Westerns are not spiritual enough. U understands that I know more about the bible, lived real bible experiences, and even stopped a dam storms in its track. Can you say that Mr. Red Dragon spokesperson! This is a bunch of hog wash!! You know this country sends more spirit filled missionaries around the world than any other!

What bugs me even more is the good folks here in America have been screwed or duped by Politian’s for years and now we get our time to feed our families, friends, hell the crappy neighbor if need be. We get to have unalienable rights not those privileges that the US Corp folks claim.

And you Royals think we are not spiritual! So why you Chinese Royals stop this from happening? You worried about some threat by the bad guys, hell, turn them over to us good old boys, we will take care of business. We’ll put those folks to work, we got lots of garage to clean up, they should do just fine pickup garage since they know all about feeding garage to us over the last couple hundred years.

Hell, good hard work for them will help them understand what the hell we have been doing to support their life styles of unlimited medical, unlimited expenses, unlimited travel, unlimited lies, unlimited pay and that other shit. My smart body says indentured servants … yea, that be good, I want first pick on one of those shit head presidents to work with me. I help him understand, shit, I even will let him sleep out in one of the animal barns not under bridges or over passes or in cardboard boxes.

Well, as I see it, this Pope Francis this shit is your problem too based on Secret Treaty of Verona in 1213, where you pope types vow’d to stop all representative systems aka republics; the laws of today are based on Roman Law / Canon Law (you think me stupid, hell no), and these laws set how corporations work; you got to step in and fix this crap. (for you pope) The thought that comes to me, “What would Jesus do?”

You aint no Jesus, so you aint able to figure this out. I knows. I have read the bible since I was knee high to my daddies knee. I have reads it years, I seen really bible experiences with my own eyes and even stopped those nasty storms in their tracks because bible said we can. Thanks Jesus. So pope, you need to stop all this crap from US Corp, Crown, UN, and all the other corporations from stealing, killing, torturing, petrifying our children, slavery, financial ruin, and release these wealths into our hands since wesen will do more than any Politian would ever for our people, humanity. I gots Americans who are starving, needs medical, losing their homes and needs to fix this right here and right now. Oh, I would expect you take all those funds in your bank under the names of Politian’s, Government Officials and Pentagon types, and give that money back to the world? Ok, Vicar of Christ, do yours job!

So why are those hairy legged skirt wearing sissy boys in that funny shape building not taking matters in their hands and get rid of those cabal type people anyways. At least we can be happy about something this Thansgiving! No they are afraid to do their job. Sissy boys, sissy boys!!

Hell, they can’t even stop those chemtrails, that shit is still falling on my head, land and animals. Why haven’t you guys told DOD to stop weather wars, stop Queen of Netherlands and other royals from funding … shit take their money and give it to the world for FEEDING people. Oh. No GMO shit. You get it!

And you readers understand, no public notification of why they aerial seed, cloud seed, chemtrail, etc.? What is in the release? When they will release? That this is trespassing on your unalienable rights! On your God given rights! Hell, even think it like an act of WAR against you and me. So, why aint the POPE; Pentagon Types; stop this shit … against God’s people? Hell is going to get full I see.

Oh, hairy legs, another think, you supposedly support this Republic General Ham? You Supreme Court, oh the non-lawful-court since you’re a corporation, you supposedly swarmed Ham in as interim president. If you jerks did, then take control and get this done by removing the cabal types.

What I laugh about all the time, when the contract is signed by good old Admiral, then the Republic will be funded and we can get rid of these shit heads. Here is the logic, get rid of the shit heads, then sign the contract, you still get the money. Wow! Since your not removing the shit heads, you Pentagon types have just declared your intent as mercenaries for hire to do any ones bidding. So you only defend yourself, no one else especially the Declaration of Independence of 1776. Hmmm.

By the way Corporations, you ever figure that corporations are property of the Vatican since they use their law “Roman Law”, “Canon Law”. In a corporation, you gots board of control, executive level, owners, investors, workers or slaves. So you readers figured where you line up with corporation yet, yep your not the executive level, your not the board of control and your not investors / owners, especially paying taxes. You won the prize “Slave”. So why do we need our federal government as Corporation when we are people. Aint that suppose to be a body politic representation of the true government which are the keys to the kingdom or better known as YOU and ME, We The People, who are living, breathing men and women that actually walk on the lands we call United States of America. Not an all caps entity or fictional entity called corporation. Go figure!

Oh by the way, You Rothschild, crown, city of London, banking cartel, and your Pope Buddy, we the people own our own birth names, small or large caps. You cannot trademark something you do not own. Those birth certificates, baptismal certificates, belong to the living breathing man or women, not you! You committed fraud to embezzle those certificates for your financial gain. Guess what, you lose! Pope Francis, another issue to address to the world, release claim, release back to the world and punish the Crown!

Enough of this shit, I need money, I got family who needs help, I got retired military family that needs help. The weather wars are screwing up my farming with all the excise water and snow. They keep starving west coast with no water to destroy the food production since 80% of the food comes from southern west coast.

The stopping of the release of wealth to his people of the world is crazy, it seems that all the parties are playing into their hands of evil. So I got to ask the question, since when “O1”, “GRANDFATHER” ever listening to and comply with the evil one’s? These characters are nuts, crazy, focused on staying in power and destroying America in any means possible – industrially, financially, morally, ethically, spiritually, and any other “ly” you can think of. The whole world see’s this happening! … Why don’t you? … oh, the media is controlling the air waves … oh, yea.
We got to have change now to rid us of the controllers, evil ones, etc. I want God’s blessing, for YOU, our land, our planet, our humanity, our overall health, etc. Jeremiah 29:11 from NIV bible, ‘For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’ Another meaning is shalom.

This is time for We the People to win, to all my friends around the world, we stand in one voice, it is time to rid us of this evil on planet earth. Your people request freedom from evil!
One Pissed Off America, signing off for now. Remember, You too believe the same way, just scared to say or do, so lets change this together!

One Pissed Off American

Posted by John MacHaffie at 12:35 PM


Anonymous November 23, 2014 at 12:47 PM
What is going on with Russia right now has everything to do with the money we wait for. Reagan/Wanta bankrupted the old USSR and then the Baltic States declared the independence from Moscow. Now Putin wants them back.
We should all pass this book around. Make it go viral. I understand that a movie will be made as well.

Anonymous November 23, 2014 at 5:49 PM
Wanta, the sole trustee of all the funds, has an agreement with Putin to give Russia $30B. Maybe he wants more.

Anonymous November 23, 2014 at 1:15 PM
Here we go again! More hopium and false info. God Almighty, guys! How many times does this need to happen to convince you? The ONLY way Obama will ever be removed is by force of the "good" military and NOT by his own volution!!

Anonymous November 23, 2014 at 2:51 PM
Dear John,
Zap stated in his last update that he would address the po'd American. I believe you have a good understanding if nesara, with that being said, could you please ask Zap why he talks about the TRN or NOTE which is s iou/debt instrument and under nesara all debt instruments will be gone along with the old system. What is he saying or not saying if he is "in the know " and continues on about the TRN? This is a red flag imho. Also, what is his connection with Humanus / Landa Global which is a Corporation (?) Something smells fishy.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by texino »

"One pissed off American" needs to hightail it to the nearest FEMA Camp: Now listen up. Dinarian? Politian? Omega Fund? The Lord's Warehouses are full of cash, so we will make it easy for you Brother; Fed-ex will drop off a small packet containing a debit card preloaded with your share. Stop! Go no further because right there you have Clyde Hood, the master, in the proper court room with the proper flag and he is testifying that the whole thing was a scam
gone out of control. People questing for the high return of God's own prime banker by sending cash wrapped in tin foil. Clyde just wanted to pull a quick Ponzi, but the money keeps coming and he has no idea that this will lead to NESARA and further spread into the mess we discuss on these pages where to me, it seems Oakie and Tony will become Vladamir and Estragon in tacit agreement that waiting must be the best posture.*

*Hi it is texino recovering from a fall to the head trying to write a post while coninvced that I am waiting at a whistle stop somewhere in Siberia. Those Russians are getting scary again huh?
OK best to all, Tomas
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

MacDaffie said:

"You know this country sends more spirit filled missionaries around the world than any other!"

Methinks that HE is "spirit-filled", in the liquid sense of that word.... :twisted:
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by The Observer »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:Methinks that HE is "spirit-filled", in the liquid sense of that word....
I think he is trying to supplant or least top Erasmus of America:
U understands that I know more about the bible, lived real bible experiences, and even stopped a dam storms in its track...
I have read the bible since I was knee high to my daddies knee. I have reads it years, I seen really bible experiences with my own eyes and even stopped those nasty storms in their tracks because bible said we can...
Hey, buddy, come see me in the alley, I show you some spirit.
yea, that be good, I want first pick on one of those shit head presidents to work with me. I help him understand, shit, I even will let him sleep out in one of the animal barns not under bridges or over passes or in cardboard boxes.
*Hi it is texino recovering from a fall to the head trying to write a post while coninvced that I am waiting at a whistle stop somewhere in Siberia. Those Russians are getting scary again huh?
Hope you are feeling better, Texino, and hang in there. As soon as we can get DK to turn loose of our QEG Infinite Energy Machine here in HQ, we will teleport you out of Siberia.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Deep Knight »

The Observer wrote: Hope you are feeling better, Texino, and hang in there. As soon as we can get DK to turn loose of our QEG Infinite Energy Machine here in HQ, we will teleport you out of Siberia.
Why would he want to leave Siberia, now that the weather is just starting to get nice?



Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Goomba1:"The Reno, NV. Private Exchange is still SILENT-NO MOVEMENT......."

Sqwatchy:And will be...until the Paymaster is funded, and clear for dispersal. Paymaster was in route last night, as we received INTEL he boarded a plane set to land in Reno. Anytime between now and Saturday looks like a High Alert Status once again.

Nothing we can do but watch it play out..

Posted by John MacHaffie at 11:30 AM

If you can't trust intel by someone named "Goomba1," what can you trust?

Wednesday, November 26, 2014


Paymaster is reported as TO have boarded a plane...heading to Reno. Just now!

This is the Admirals Paymaster....


Posted by John MacHaffie at 8:17 AM

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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by The Observer »

Deep Knight wrote:Sqwatchy?
You know, the person you can trust when you can't trust Goomba1.
Why would he want to leave Siberia, now that the weather is just starting to get nice?
Like he said, the Russians are getting scary.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by LightinDarkness »

TNT Tony held a call yesterday (Friday) with just him and not his chief propagandist Winston. He started it out by reading a letter that he THOUGHT made him/dinar believers look good - but it was really just tragic and sad.

It was from some dinar True Believer who says they won't tell their family/friends about dinar because when they did so in the past they were told it was a scam. So instead, they admit to going deeper into debt to buy more worthless currencies so that, when it RVs (AKA never), they can gift it to their family members. And then their family will be rich and be forever grateful to them.

Just another day in dinar land: people going into debt to buy worthless currency with money they don't have, on the hope for an RV that will never come. And TNT Tony encourages it. Because thats the only way hes going to make those commissions from Sterling!
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Alcibiades »

I'm not sure if Tony is still getting commissions from Sterling. One of the twitterers from #wearethepeople has put up a recording on You Tube purportedly saying that Sterling dumped Tony a while back. I'm uncertain how genuine this might be.

That notwithstanding, there is always the DONATION.

Here is Iko Ward, one of the regular TNT boosters (possibly Tony himself) trying to elicit a fresh wave of donations by suggesting that such a move en masse would show solidarity and convince the PTB that they should release the RV. He is almost begging towards the end. It is too pathetic for words.
So I think the PTB care very much about us, and these delays are now partially about how to handle a bunch of new millionaires in the US. Neither political party wanted to deal with a wild card in the mid-terms. Remember how we look to outsiders – veterans and church groups, toothless crack-heads, conspiracy freaks – and that’s just for starters.

Now that the mid-terms are over we are still a demographic to be “handled”. Not just the TNT crowd, who have demonstrated a degree of sophistication, but the Dinarian rank and file who are going to do what their church leaders say, and a large group of veterans with non-combatant in-country experience.

In other words, people who vote. Contrary to what Hollywood wants us to think, most vets do not ever want to go back, and they don’t want their kids going into another police action disguised as a war. Want to know what it’s like to be a vet? Read “Redeployment” by Phil Klay, most dead-on book about the war to date. Jives with what the vets in our support groups say about their lives. You think a “thank you for your service” and a free meal once a year cuts it for the average veteran man or woman? Think again.

And a word about Tony. Man does that guy have guts. How can any of us ask him to put his life and the well-being of his family on the line so we can get rich? Don’t kid yourself, that’s what he’s done. And have faith in his wisdom as to when to move, ‘cause if he is forced to move he has to have 100% support from the good guys. This means senators and congressman and power brokers of all shapes and sizes, world-wide. Think those people are going to risk their careers on some pissed off self-important Dinarians?

This thing has to be black and white, iron clad, not even the hint of a shade of gray. Going public will ruin the lives of people who don’t give a darn about ruining other’s lives. If it comes to that this could be as big a Watergate. Actually, bigger, ‘cause it will involve the private sector as well. The private sector doesn’t mess around. There are trillions of dollars at stake here. I know people who were killed over a hundred grand back in the union hey-days of the ‘80’s. How many of you are willing to have your life and the lives of your loved-ones ruined for a fellow Dinarian? Not many, I’ll wager.

How dare you ask that of Tony or DC or Pam or Ray. This isn't as lottery ticket, this is the big time. Like it or not, some of you are about to see what the big time is really like. You think you’re going to walk off into the sunset with a 100M USD? Guess again. Be careful what you wish for.

I know many of you will scoff at what I say. I've seen enough feed-back over these past months to gauge how this will land. We all need to step up and be counted. It is critical we be seen as a cohesive group. I tried to say this last month and it came off badly, but you guys need to hear it this time. The PTB does not go by gut alone, they like polls and experts and consultants. They like charts and graphs and Power Point presentations. They may be Fidiots, but they are far from idiotic. They don’t listen to the mob unless the mob is in the streets and the last time that happened was ’68 in Chicago. I don’t see a Million Dinarian March on Washington happening any time soon, do you? So what’s the next best thing? Be a vocal minority. Not through twitter, any numskull can tweet. That was a great initial tactic but won’t cut it now. If we have to go to twitter you can kiss the RV goodbye for months, maybe years. That will open an entire factory full of canned worms.We need to get focused; we need to show we are focused, and we need to do it quietly and non-violently to demonstrate our potential.

The best device at our disposal right now is the donation. One Dollar is like voting. Giving money, any amount of money, is a powerful act. Get onto Pay-Pal and give a dollar bill. I guarantee most of you are going to wait and see what happens over the weekend. Can’t blame you. But if we are still here Monday AM at 10:00 get on your computers and go to PayPal. No more excuses. Show up. Please.

Put yourself in the PTB's shoes. “They did what? Twenty thousand people donated a dollar to show solidarity? We got a problem.”
What about this:
Not just the TNT crowd, who have demonstrated a degree of sophistication
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by LightinDarkness »

Interesting - and I agree, that is probably Tony himself or one of his pumpers (he seems to have about 5 of them that pump him up on the forums/calls). Do you have any information about him no longer being paid by Sterling?

I agree the donations are probably good money, probably in the tune of a few thousand a month or more, but the commissions were the big dough.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by thunter »

The guy talking in the video is definitely Frank from Sterling. I've talked to him on the phone (back when Tony let it slip that he worked for Sterling) and that is his voice and way of speaking.

Of course, none of that matters to the TNT worshippers. But, interesting none the less.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by LightinDarkness »

Wait, what video?
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Nellie »

The video has been taken down. Frank from Sterling said Tony was paid a flat fee, but they have since cut him loose. The man who made the video has been a major pain in Tony's side and has done a number of cute videos.


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