Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by GMac »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:"I got a new bike, some video games, a snowboard, some strings for my guitar and some ski boots. What did you get, Tommy?"
"Just a big wad of money from Iraq. I'ma sell it to these dumbasses on eBay who think it's gonna be worth something someday. See? *holds up smartphone* These dopes think it's going to be worth $3 each, so I figure I can sell it to 'em for 10 cents each so they think they're gonna make all kinds of profit. Then Mom and I are going to go to Vegas on the money *I* get from Dad's stupid deeneers, and she's gonna find me a new Dad who isn't an idiot!"
However, their version of science is flawed because real science predicts no survivors left alive on earth if my father's Vatican endorsed food process is not revived and frankly immediatly is none too soon! -ERASMUS OF AMERICA
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Gregg »

Just saw this post over on DV....and it kind of pisses me off. And yet, this idiot still thanks Adam Montana, the guy who runs DV, and has half a dozen side scams that it feeds to like the VIP subscription, plans for Trusts, LLC, overseas banking etc....

You can't fix stupid
Just wanted to say thanks, i am not sure how long i can hold on. I have lost everything within a week.

Family gone, savings gone, house gone, and the list goes on. Yes it was my mistakes that have done

this to me, Just looking for a light anywhere in the tunnel. I am not a bad person, just not very smart much of the time.

If you have it in your hearts please send a prayer towards me. I am in a very dark place right now.

That is why i wanted to say thanks to Adam
. Honest, straight forward, no games.

god bless and hope this works out for all of you


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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by GMac »

Gregg wrote:And yet, this idiot still thanks Adam Montana
Holy-oke Massachusetts, that's messed up. :evil:

I mean, it's one thing to laugh at the RV That Never Comes, but when it's doing that to people - words fail me at the evil going on in some minds. And the worst part is that these people are clinging so close to this empty promise being sold to them by soulless monsters that I can't see how you could wake them up.

Only thing I can do, I guess, is to laugh, because if I don't I'd be out garrotting some dinar gurus.
However, their version of science is flawed because real science predicts no survivors left alive on earth if my father's Vatican endorsed food process is not revived and frankly immediatly is none too soon! -ERASMUS OF AMERICA
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by JamesVincent »

GMac wrote: I mean, it's one thing to laugh at the RV That Never Comes, but when it's doing that to people - words fail me at the evil going on in some minds. And the worst part is that these people are clinging so close to this empty promise being sold to them by soulless monsters that I can't see how you could wake them up.
And yet that is an almost everyday occurrence in Dinar land. People have mortgaged their houses, stripped their savings, sold off the young children.... well, maybe not that .....yet. I can't count the number of times I've flipped through some of the threads on Dinar sites where people were begging for the RV since they were months behind on their mortgage, utilities were being cut off, yet they knew their savior was gonna come through for them and RV tomorrow..... or the next day....... or the following day...... but they knew it.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by LightinDarkness »

It is really sick how delusional these people are - and the gurus that feed them this BS deserve the lowest circle of hell for it. On TNT Tony's Christmas Eve call he pulled out all the hopium stops:

- Called a solider to say "thanks for all you do" to distract from having to take any hard question calls. Which of course just shows how evil he is since hes happily even urging soldiers to spend their money on worthless currency (not that I am surprised, this man would scam anyone).

- Conveniently had a few sycophant callers lined up to praise him as a "blessing" and "gift" even though hes been wrong for 4 years.

- Even though we were FOR SURE going to RV today, the banks of course delayed it again (thanks Powers That Be!). But don't worry folks Iraq has announced they will RV tomorrow (Christmas). And so we'll all be rich and lining up at the banks the day after Christmas.

And when nothing happens on December 26 it will become December 31 (to do it before new years!) Then January 2 (to start off the new year!) and round and round we'll go. I just pray this guy gets thrown in jail after his trial this summer.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by thunter »

Spent a few bucks to do some background research on MacHaffie's "Lynda" who he keeps begging for money for, as she is "homeless and disabled."

It seems her real name is Linda Beville, age 67, who lives in a $600,000, six bedroom home in Marietta, GA. and works for the North River Forest Homeowners Association. Married to John Beville, also age 67.

Wonder if she knows John is raking in donations on her behalf?

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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by LightinDarkness »

MacHaffe, lying? Surely you are not surprised!

I do sometimes wonder how much money he makes off that blog. He is not shy about begging for donations, and of course there is no transparency on how much money he actually receives. Given that his blog is like the #1 authoritative source for prosperity lala land (which is sad but unsurprising, given what these people believe)...I bet he pulls in at least $3kish a month. Maybe more when he puts a lot of donation banners begging up. Prosperity believers are cheap but they ARE willing to pay when it comes to getting their hopium fix. Anyone who tells them the RV/prosperity programs are soon will get donations.

By the way, did I miss the RV again? Tony promised everyone Iraq said they were RVing on "the 11th hour" on the 25th and that while it wouldn't be in time for Christmas you could do your Christmas on December 26 instead because you'd be filthy rich. Looks like Deep Knight stopped it again! Dastardly Powers That Be, always stopping people from being rich! How many dinarians spent their last pay check at Sterling last week and didn't get their children presents because they just KNEW they'd be able to cash out on the 26th?
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by LightinDarkness »

Ding, ding, ding! Just as expected, on today's TNT propaganda call the new date was...drumroll please...January 1! You see they really were going to RV on December 25, that is what they were scrolling on Iraq TV, but there are just a few more minor things to do.

And then once we get past January 1 we will go back to the RV being for sure every 2-3 days until the next major holiday, which would be Easter. For some reason even though this is Iraq Tony love's predicting that they will RV on Easter (and Christmas...every year).
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by LightinDarkness »

My favorite part of TNT Tony's calls is how...after he gives some BS reason for why the RV failed again...he immediately starts taking callers. And NO ONE ever questions the BS reasons they just heard. For example, today he spent 20 minutes with someone asking about how much dinars he needed to buy to ensure he got the mythical 'contract rate' ($30/dinar) instead of the pathetic 'international rate' ($3/dinar). Tony wouldn't give him a specific number - he said even 10 million dinar may not be enough (that means someone is stupid enough to spend $10k on dinar) - which will no doubt result in more currency sales from dealers so all the idiots ensure they get the fantastical $30/dinar rate.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by The Observer »

What happens when the Dinarians buy up every single last dinar?

Is Iraq:

(a) forced to use another currency that the Dinarians won't "invest" in?

(b) going to have print up more dinars at the risk of having a flood of dinars come in when the Dinarians finally admit defeat and cash in?

(c) planning to hunt down the Dinarians one by one and take back their dinars?
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by notorial dissent »

Actually, if Iraq had any sense or monetary policy, they'd be busily selling all the dinar they can get their hands on to the dinaridjits for hard currency, and cuttign out the thieving middlemen, they might actually get an economy out of it yet.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by JamesVincent »

The Observer wrote:What happens when the Dinarians buy up every single last dinar?

Is Iraq:

(a) forced to use another currency that the Dinarians won't "invest" in?

(b) going to have print up more dinars at the risk of having a flood of dinars come in when the Dinarians finally admit defeat and cash in?

(c) planning to hunt down the Dinarians one by one and take back their dinars?
I wondered that in a different spot in this thread I believe. Namely, would the dinarheads buying up loose Dinar actually affect the value and use of the Dinar in Iraq.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Gregg »

It is, and has been since before the current bills issue, illegal to remove dinar from Iraq, and I fully expect when they do re denominate their currency they will make it hard to repatriate them, darn near impossible to having done so remove hard currency from Iraq and in general ensure that their final screwing is the best.

Lemme give you a completely plausible scenario:

The Central Bank announces 6 months ahead of time they are issue the new "no zero" currency, and will exchange them 1000-1 for the old currency for 180 days after issue, after which the old notes become pretty pieces of paper but no longer money. In a few days even the Dinaidgits begin to catch on that all that currency they paid a 20% premium to buy is going to be worthless within a year and now the big topic on the Dinar boards will turn to "Where did all the Gurus go?, Do you think all the US Treasury Registered Dealers might have followed them? and How the hell do we change all our currency for the new stuff, in case it RV's afterwards?"
(believe it, just because the CBI comes right out and says they're exchanging them 1000-1 there will still be a cottage industry around how they're still going to be rich.) A million Dinar sells for $99 on E-bay...for a while.
Fast forward 9 months and by now they've finally realized that the only way to even get something, anything, back for the notes they hold, they're going to have to actually travel to Iraq and trade them in, the dealers have all disappeared, no bank will touch them, Iraq has made it more or less illegal to bring them back into the country (it was illegal for them to be reomved in the first place) and well, the first adapters among them will start booking trips to Kuwait to go do it themselves. Naturally, they'll take some for their friends in many cases and they show up bright eyed at the border at 9 in the morning of the first business day after their 32 hour flight....say they have 25 million Dinar stuffed in the suitcase. And whether true or not, the border guard tells them they can only bring in 1 million a day...after they argue, beg, fight, beg and then start to go find another way...the guard approaches them and tells them, for a little "tip", he might forget to search that suitcase if the come back in an hour...20% is they are down to 20 million dinar. The finally get into the country with the cash and go to the nearest Warka bank, only to find that they can only cash in 500,000 day for dollars (roughly $5,000) due to currency restrictions, but they can, if they want deposit the money into an account, which they assure you you can withdrawl from the US. They are of course, allowed to exchange old dinar for the new ones.
So they're sick, starting to get scared , and a little bewildered...but they take their 19,000 new dinar, pack em up, and start to head home, trying to figure out how to explain to the other suckers why they just took another 25% haircut on this investment. They get to the border, and the same border guard sees them, motions smiling for them to come over and when he opens the suitcase this time, he tells you about the 40% tax on Dinar leaving Iraq (which may be true or may be just what he thinks the market will bear that day, there are rumors of corruption in Iraq), leaving the intrepid traveler with 11,400 dinar, worth about $9800 he has managed to salvage from the $25,000 initially invested. To save the $9800 he spent $5,000 on airfare to Kuwait another grand on shit hotels leaving a net of $3800.
And since the mount he was bringing back was, when converted at the official rate, close to $10,000 he gets on the radar of half a dozen agencies for the next 6 months.

And not one guru, dealer or subscription selling website owner will be anywhere to be found.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

My scenario is more like the customs man says "Are you crazy? You can't try and get that into the county here. You need to go to a quiet border crossing up north where my cousin will take care of you."
One overpriced taxi ride for hours through nowhere and our intrepid dinarian arrives at Wadi El-iziz, where his dinars are "taken care of" and his ISIS captors thank Allah for delivering them another hostage.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by woodworker »

Gregg wrote:It is, and has been since before the current bills issue, illegal to remove dinar from Iraq, and I fully expect when they do re denominate their currency they will make it hard to repatriate them, darn near impossible to having done so remove hard currency from Iraq and in general ensure that their final screwing is the best.

Lemme give you a completely plausible scenario:

The Central Bank announces 6 months ahead of time they are issue the new "no zero" currency, and will exchange them 1000-1 for the old currency for 180 days after issue, after which the old notes become pretty pieces of paper but no longer money. In a few days even the Dinaidgits begin to catch on that all that currency they paid a 20% premium to buy is going to be worthless within a year and now the big topic on the Dinar boards will turn to "Where did all the Gurus go?, Do you think all the US Treasury Registered Dealers might have followed them? and How the hell do we change all our currency for the new stuff, in case it RV's afterwards?"
(believe it, just because the CBI comes right out and says they're exchanging them 1000-1 there will still be a cottage industry around how they're still going to be rich.) A million Dinar sells for $99 on E-bay...for a while.
Fast forward 9 months and by now they've finally realized that the only way to even get something, anything, back for the notes they hold, they're going to have to actually travel to Iraq and trade them in, the dealers have all disappeared, no bank will touch them, Iraq has made it more or less illegal to bring them back into the country (it was illegal for them to be reomved in the first place) and well, the first adapters among them will start booking trips to Kuwait to go do it themselves. Naturally, they'll take some for their friends in many cases and they show up bright eyed at the border at 9 in the morning of the first business day after their 32 hour flight....say they have 25 million Dinar stuffed in the suitcase. And whether true or not, the border guard tells them they can only bring in 1 million a day...after they argue, beg, fight, beg and then start to go find another way...the guard approaches them and tells them, for a little "tip", he might forget to search that suitcase if the come back in an hour...20% is they are down to 20 million dinar. The finally get into the country with the cash and go to the nearest Warka bank, only to find that they can only cash in 500,000 day for dollars (roughly $5,000) due to currency restrictions, but they can, if they want deposit the money into an account, which they assure you you can withdrawl from the US. They are of course, allowed to exchange old dinar for the new ones.
So they're sick, starting to get scared , and a little bewildered...but they take their 19,000 new dinar, pack em up, and start to head home, trying to figure out how to explain to the other suckers why they just took another 25% haircut on this investment. They get to the border, and the same border guard sees them, motions smiling for them to come over and when he opens the suitcase this time, he tells you about the 40% tax on Dinar leaving Iraq (which may be true or may be just what he thinks the market will bear that day, there are rumors of corruption in Iraq), leaving the intrepid traveler with 11,400 dinar, worth about $9800 he has managed to salvage from the $25,000 initially invested. To save the $9800 he spent $5,000 on airfare to Kuwait another grand on shit hotels leaving a net of $3800.
And since the mount he was bringing back was, when converted at the official rate, close to $10,000 he gets on the radar of half a dozen agencies for the next 6 months.

And not one guru, dealer or subscription selling website owner will be anywhere to be found.
One correction (if I may). All the fees/taxes/bribes etc. must be paid in US Dollars. The Iraqis would rather have USD than Dinar.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by GMac »

Just found this gem on the NESARA blog:
7:21 AM PT Already Blessed wrote


Posted by John MacHaffie at 12:08 PM
oh the irony... :whistle: :whistle: :whistle:
However, their version of science is flawed because real science predicts no survivors left alive on earth if my father's Vatican endorsed food process is not revived and frankly immediatly is none too soon! -ERASMUS OF AMERICA
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by JamesVincent »

What would be even more classic would be for our intrepid heroes, back from their desert cruise and mind boggling corruption, to be charged the 35% tax for repatriating money into the US.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by notorial dissent »

I wonder if any of the dinaridjits realize they will have to declare the money they are bringing back in to the country, customs will pay all sorts of attention to them on reentry to the country, and will automatically incur a tax on it, probably as well as a lot of unwelcome questions.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

More than one country which has "lopped zeroes" off of its currency unit, come out with a new issue of currency or otherwise changed its legal tender system has made it extremely difficult, if not impossible, to bring "old currency" into the country. For example, in 1961, Cuba came out with a new issue of currency; and knowing that many Batista supporters had taken vast hoards of pesos out of Cuba when they fled, wishing to strike back at them and at those who initially supported the Revolution but then had fled Cuba when things went bad, and knowing that companies outside of Cuba had the ability to print Cuban currency and (hypothetically) use that ability to attack the Cuban economy by printing "unauthorized" currency, the Cuban government ordered a new issue of currency, and among other things imposed importation limits which destroyed the value of the exiles' peso holdings. Eventually, the old coinage was demonetized as well. That's why, for example, my 100 peso note from the issue of 1959 has numismatic value but is worthless as legal tender.

The dinaridjits will soon find themselves in the position in which many Germans found themselves after the hyperinflation of 1922-23, namely that their piles of money were more useful as fire starters or as wallpaper than as money (I remember seeing one particular issue used as wallpaper; and when I was a teenager I got a stack of these same notes in their original bank wrapper).
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by GMac »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:The dinaridjits will soon find themselves in the position in which many Germans found themselves after the hyperinflation of 1922-23, namely that their piles of money were more useful as fire starters or as wallpaper than as money (I remember seeing one particular issue used as wallpaper; and when I was a teenager I got a stack of these same notes in their original bank wrapper).
I used to have (wish I knew what happened to it) a note from that period; I think it was a 100 Million Mark note from 1923. I'm sure at the time it was all but worthless.
However, their version of science is flawed because real science predicts no survivors left alive on earth if my father's Vatican endorsed food process is not revived and frankly immediatly is none too soon! -ERASMUS OF AMERICA