Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Burnaby49 »

Dinars? RV? I have a dim memory of them being an actual live issue way, way, back before I joined Quatloos. But now, as far as I can see, notwithstanding some sporadic impotent eruptions from a few, very few, pathetic believers too invested to quit, the circus has packed up its tents and left town. This is as dead as the Dove discussion. Sad for me that one, I loved Dove.

While I do ramble on from time to time about my booze related issues I try not to actually hijack a thread with them. But as far as I can see there's nothing left to hijack from this one.

A bit of personal insight from this posting. I'm way, way too fond of commas.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by notorial dissent »

Now, now, there are some people who seem to have never heard of them and will ramble on for pages with nary a break or pause until you have no clue about what they are on about. I'll take the one over the other any day.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

Leaving a drink unfinished seems to be a cultural thing. British and British derived peoples never seem to to do it, Europeans happily get up and walk away leaving glasses of wine or whatever unfinished.

I blame it on British licencing laws. You finished that drink because it was closing time and it would be hours before you could get another one.

Europe, drinks available all day, walk away, another available any time.

All day drinks have been available in the UK for years, will this change habits? I really do not go where young people go so I cannot collect evidence myself. If young people are now commonly abandoning half finished drinks I consider this supports my closing time hypothesis.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Deep Knight »

Siegfried Shrink wrote:Leaving a drink unfinished seems to be a cultural thing. British and British derived peoples never seem to to do it, Europeans happily get up and walk away leaving glasses of wine or whatever unfinished.
This explains something, although I have to admit it hadn't been something that I had thought of since it happened. The only time I ever drank anything alcoholic in England was when I had a weekend to myself in London in 1994. I was staying at Piccadilly and Old Park Lane, which I figured was a "posh" neighborhood, so I went to some bar with a classic English name (like the "Rose and Codpiece"). There I met some friendly people who fit more the "Football Hooligan Skinhead" mold than that from adjacent Mayfair, but what the hell. Had some fish and chips (another bucket list goal) and some tasty brown ale. Or rather, about 2/3 of the pint. They all called my attention to this as I got up to leave, I figured it was just that they were younger and with limited funds "beer was more dear," not something cultural.

One other thing. I have a "classic Midwest" American accent. This is not what I started with, I took language lessons when I was 5 & 6 so I didn't have that trace of Metis (French-Canadian) accent that didn't let you "pass." This left me with an accent not that different from Johnny Carson's (so I have been told). Anyway, I had to say everything twice in London on that trip. And I was enunciating and speaking slowly. Lots of people said things like, "Oooh, you 'av a loovly accent" (no offense) and I would blush, but it was really hard adapting to this. Now I grew up watching BBC programs on TV, had British friends, and the only British person I've ever had trouble understanding was from the rural Highlands of Scotland, and then only because he had been drinking heavily. Don't they watch American TV in Old Blighty? I thought the whole world knew us through programs like Dallas.

Oh yeah, the RV thing isn't quite dead, every so often a once true believer gets the urge and reports a juicy rumor, but you can only cry wolf so many times. What am I saying? These guys would cry wolf till hell froze over about some things. Still, the 100 Trillion Zim notes I once bought for about $1 as novelties and gave all but one away, still go for more than $60 on E-Bay...
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Gregg »

A lot of the dinar RV boards are still very active, etc...
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Deep Knight »

More on that Marine raid on Langley. And when I say "more" I mean "more" since its Fulford, so give me a minute to the snip repetitive and less-manic bits out.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017
Huge actionable intelligence haul from Marine raid
By Benjamin Fulford White Dragon Society 109 Comments
The good guys are winning, folks, and it will not be long before the last brainwashed slaves are freed from the Khazarian debt-slavery mind-control matrix and the criminals rounded up.

The Marine raid last week on CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia has yielded a huge haul of actionable intelligence, say Pentagon and other sources. “... pedo rings busted in China as well as the Philippines, Africa, and Germany. Military tribunals and sealed indictments across the USA are approaching 4,000,” according to Pentagon sources.

... recall retired military to active duty in order to “take down the Bush-Clinton cabal, the Jewish mafia, and purge the CIA and FBI of traitors,” the sources say.

The sources say that during the November 18th raid on CIA headquarters, computers and documents were seized and as a result, “some 400 drug facilities were located and the U.S. military began bombing them in Afghanistan on November 19th.” They added that the bombed locations were labelled as the Taliban’s in order “to be politically correct.” In other words, they do not want the world to think there is a civil war going on inside the military-industrial complex.

In any case, “The Marines have proven once again that they are semper fidelis (always faithful), as this was not just a military operation but an intelligence operation, a psychological warfare operation, and the largest anti-drug operation in history,” the sources continue.

In addition to cutting off heroin money from Afghanistan, the cutting off of air flights and land connections to North Korea ...
Also, one of the largest corruption cases in U.S. military history has led to the investigation of 440 people, including 60 admirals—one third of the Navy’s top brass. The removal of these corrupt officers, mostly stationed in Asia, means the 7th Fleet is soon going to stop protecting the corrupt politicians in Japan, South Korea, and the secret Khazarian colony of North Korea. This will mean that U.S. arrests will be followed by similar arrests in Asia.
He bribed the Navy’s elite with the finer things in life that only a crooked businessman could provide: Money, the finest liquor, luxurious trips for their families.

And, of course, prostitutes. Lots of prostitutes.
Imagine if war had broken out with North Korea or China, and our ships were in the wrong port because a Malaysian multimillionaire bribed the right commander with champagne and hookers?
The Japanese criminals involved in the March 11, 2011 tsunami and nuclear mass-murder attack on Japan, fearing for their lives, have detained whistleblower and Gnostic Illuminati Grandmaster “Alexander Romanov,” aka Slasha Zaric, and confined him in inhuman conditions at the Hasegawa Hospital in Fuchu, Tokyo. The hospital phone number is 81-422-31-8600. Former Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone, former Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori, the mayor of Koganei City, the Police Chief of Koganei City, and all other criminals involved in the Fukushima crime against humanity will be jailed and eventually executed unless they release Zaric and immediately hold press conferences to confess their sins. Their assets will be impounded and Zaric will be compensated for the harm that has been done to him, say White Dragon Society (WDS) sources. Of course, senior masterminds in the U.S., Italy, and Switzerland will also be brought to justice for these crimes.

Many top Khazarian mobsters like Bill Gates and George Soros have already been “taken out of commission,” WDS sources say. Next among the most prominent people expected to be taken down are Eric Schmidt of Google, Jeff Bezos of Amazon, Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook, as well as Masayoshi Son of Softbank and many other oligarchs who have been used as funnels to launder privately-owned central-bank fiat money into the real economy. Japanese right-wing sources say that Son has “already been dealt with.”

Meanwhile, a source within U.S. Marine headquarters also provided sordid detail of other Khazarian crimes that were uncovered in the raid. This was received via e-mail from a CIA white-hat:

From a Marine at CIA headquarters Sent from my iPhone

The U.S. Marines raided the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in Langley, Virginia this past weekend. The Marines retrieved a lot of evidence implicating well-known politicians of embezzlement, election rigging, identity fraud, assassination plots, murders, domestic terrorism, and pedophilia. I’ve listed the following 23 ITEMS to pique your interest and summarize what’s happening:

ITEM 1: CIA headquarters has been raided, the FBI has been neutralized, and $35 trillion of U.S. Treasury embezzled funds have been recovered. About $100 trillion has been embezzled by the Bushs and the Clintons.
ITEM 4: Alex Jones of Infowars is a traitor and national security threat who is connected with a division of the Mossad, the State of Israel’s Secret Intelligence Service.

ITEM 5: Hillary Rodham Clinton had ordered the murders, through domestic assassination squads, of Ron Brown (Commerce Secretary), William Colby (Director of Central Intelligence), Vince Foster (Deputy White House Counsel), and John F. Kennedy Jr. (son of assassinated President John F. Kennedy) — and others.

ITEM 6: Then-Republican Presidential candidate Trump was right that Sen. Ted Cruz’s father was implicated with Lee Harvey Oswald.
ITEM 8: Barack Obama was born in Kenya and the former President has committed identity fraud. Obama should be arrested for identity fraud.

ITEM 9: Sen. Cruz is a Canadian citizen who faked his birth certificate to become U.S. Senator and has committed identity fraud. Cruz should be arrested for identity fraud.
ITEM 12: They now have proof and evidence that Hillary Rodham Clinton has committed election fraud, treason, and sedition. She’s a drug dealer. She’s committed mass murders. She’s murdered people at the State Department as a murder-for-hire scheme.
ITEM 14: This country will not have a deficit once protocols are implemented. $100 trillion comes in, $35 trillion goes right into the U.S. Treasury, and there’s a $15 trillion surplus. We can cut taxes, rebuild the military, create a great infrastructure program for this country, and Donald Trump will go down as the greatest President since Ronald Reagan.

ITEM 15: George H.W. Bush tried to assassinate President Reagan three times during Reagan’s eight-year presidency.

ITEM 16: “Daddy Bush” (and Hillary Clinton) have also tried to assassinate President Donald Trump seven times. And Bush, throughout the years, has been involved with 25 assassination plots against other major political figures — specifically, Congress members and Senators.
ITEM 19: The November 3, 2017 Rene Boucher assault on anti-war/pro-life Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul was attempted murder. “That guy [Boucher] was chipped,” because Paul knows too much and he can’t be controlled.

ITEM 20: A reporter in a major network was going to break a story — which he is sitting on to this day — that the government contacted orphanages around the country and paid these orphanages to transport orphans to Washington D.C. so Dick Cheney and George H.W. Bush and other pedophiles (e.g. Barney Frank) could pick out the kids they wanted to have sex with. Then they took those kids to parties. Hookers were present at these parties. Congress members were drugged and photographs were taken of politicians and these orphans in sexually compromising positions. A huge portion of Congress was (and now is) controlled through blackmail.
ITEM 23: California Democrat Gov. Jerry Brown has ordered a pedogate investigation of his own party, involving California Rep./Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and U.S. Sen. Kamala Harris.

The information above is not entirely in accord with what our own sources have been telling us, but it is comprehensive enough that we have posted it practically verbatim. For example, our own sources say that Barack Obama was actually born in the U.S. but has committed identity fraud, since his real father was the American Communist activist Frank Marshall Davis.

Also, we cannot confirm that the Wanta protocols will be activated and $100 trillion will come in. However, we can confirm that Janet Yellen was forced to resign as Governor of the Federal Reserve Board even though her term was supposed to extend until 2024. This means that the US $ printing press will be taken away from the Khazarian mob and, in theory, that unlimited funds can be made available to make America great again along with the rest of the world .

There is still a lot left to be done, though, before the Khazarian mob is truly defeated, so now is no time to rest on our laurels.
Overall, it was been truly a spectacular week of victories for the people of planet Earth. There are also undeniable signs that regime change is coming for Israel, Japan, Germany, Italy, France, and England. If this happens and is followed by mass arrests, we will know the nightmare of Khazarian Babylonian debt slavery is truly ending.

A new dawn for humanity is arising. Let us all keep up the pressure to make it happen.

Posted by Olive Oyl at 9:53:00 AM 0 comments

NESARA News may have zero comments, but not the son-of-the-original re-post.

Could not help myself, I cried when I read this post. Praying to God on high it is true. Praying also for safety and stamina for all lightworkers world wide, keep up the good fight! But most of all, in eternal gratitude…..

Victory to the Light….!
My grandfather – a Marine- has been guiding me for 60 years on this incredible conquering of evil…” the good guys are winning “ thanks to millions of higher consciousness White Hats and Lightworkers. What an incredible time to be on this earth…..

Wow!!! Happy to read all this.
Thank you Ben .for keeping us informed And all the other work you have done & continue to do.
Of course the MSM wouldn’t say a word about the raid on the CIA headquarters. They would have a lot of explaining to do… and they would have to admit their part. That would really tear apart their role in the time space continuum of the khazarian mob. Ha. I am looking forward to them being exposed!
Now to stay focused on the forward-moving victories. We’re all in this together. It’s good to know the shadows are being exposed to the light. Again – Wow!

super primo works by our fine writer mr.benjamin fulford…..bravo et namaste fine sir….. you crazy canuck…..hahahahaha….. skilled wordsmiths in quest for truths and high lightquotient energy transmission models of operations….. writers,dancers,musicians,public speakers,teachers,healers etc…. with lots of creative juices flowing adds rainbow colorscapes,in effective and efficient liberation processies ongoing….. the gods(g) awake into their mansions of cosmic mind expansions…..
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by nancydrew »

Little drama going on between one Tank aka Steffen Rowe, and the FB ACH group.

Thought I’d share these links for someone’s enjoyment. ... p-12-29-17

As well as his blog, which he and his cohorts are trying to do a class action suit.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Deep Knight »

nancydrew wrote:As well as his blog, which he and his cohorts are trying to do a class action suit.
He doesn't say what exactly the class action suit is for or even who exactly it's against, but it's no doubt to force "them" to "release the RV/GRC." Good thinking.

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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by JohnPCapitalist »

nancydrew wrote:Little drama going on between one Tank aka Steffen Rowe, and the FB ACH group.

Thought I’d share these links for someone’s enjoyment. ... p-12-29-17

As well as his blog, which he and his cohorts are trying to do a class action suit.
I have only read a little bit on the Dinar RV scam, because it's pretty obvious (to me, like it is to most of us) that there's nothing really clever or new there. But I checked out this guy's site and he really appears to be around the bend. Maybe even "Erasmus of America" crazy.

In one of my new favorite blog posts, he says he went into his Wells Fargo branch and asked to start exchanging his dinars for dollars and they threw him out, while they were exchanging plenty of other people's stacks of dollars for giant piles of $100 bills.

I can only imagine what the bank employee must have been thinking when some random guy shows up and demands to change a giant stack of dusty Iraqi bills for US dollars. Last time I checked, most US bank branches don't stock even the most common foreign currencies (EUR, JPY, UKP, etc.) and have to special order stuff, with concomitant huge fees and ruinous exchange rates. Then when this guy goes completely off the rails demanding his money, potentially involving a call to the police, it must have been pretty scary. I'm sure the bank teller is probably in therapy.

Also, one of the more recent blog posts ( is full of New Age woo, just like all the nonsense on Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf's "" site, which was part of her "OPPT" scam. Is it coincidence or is New Age mummery a prerequisite for this sort of financial thing? In other words, do they sell New Age "quantum harmodynamics" and the vision of a peaceful, harmonious world to rope in the suckers who don't want to feel so nakedly greedy?
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by notorial dissent »

That's just scarily sad and pathetic.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by nancydrew »

JohnPCapitalist wrote:
nancydrew wrote:Little drama going on between one Tank aka Steffen Rowe, and the FB ACH group.

Thought I’d share these links for someone’s enjoyment. ... p-12-29-17

As well as his blog, which he and his cohorts are trying to do a class action suit.
I have only read a little bit on the Dinar RV scam, because it's pretty obvious (to me, like it is to most of us) that there's nothing really clever or new there. But I checked out this guy's site and he really appears to be around the bend. Maybe even "Erasmus of America" crazy.

In one of my new favorite blog posts, he says he went into his Wells Fargo branch and asked to start exchanging his dinars for dollars and they threw him out, while they were exchanging plenty of other people's stacks of dollars for giant piles of $100 bills.

I can only imagine what the bank employee must have been thinking when some random guy shows up and demands to change a giant stack of dusty Iraqi bills for US dollars. Last time I checked, most US bank branches don't stock even the most common foreign currencies (EUR, JPY, UKP, etc.) and have to special order stuff, with concomitant huge fees and ruinous exchange rates. Then when this guy goes completely off the rails demanding his money, potentially involving a call to the police, it must have been pretty scary. I'm sure the bank teller is probably in therapy.

Reminds me of the video of the guy trying to get Chase to take his promissory note so he can buy a house.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by notorial dissent »

The last I heard WF no longer handles dinars at all just because of this kind of nonsense. Their large branches usually have a Foreign Exchange window but those only deal in large denomination bills and then only some currencies. This moron is just SOL.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

I'm again recalling a time -- probably within the last ten years -- when I was at a foreign exchange kiosk in Boston's Copley Square. In line ahead of me was a guy who was plunking down a huge wad of US dollars (I think that it was in the thousands) to buy over 1 million IQD. I recall him having to sign some sort of document advising him that he would have trouble bringing that money into Iraq, that he would have trouble selling it again (THEY weren't going to buy it back), and that all of the stories about an RV to come had no validity whatsoever.

Let's just say that the guy didn't look like he worked for any contractor having any business presence in Iraq. Sometimes I imagine having to yell, once again, "hey, Ma -- I toldja --this money is going to make us rich, VERY soon, and we can finally move out of the projects."
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Deep Knight »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:I'm again recalling a time -- probably within the last ten years -- when I was at a foreign exchange kiosk in Boston's Copley Square. In line ahead of me was a guy who was plunking down a huge wad of US dollars (I think that it was in the thousands) to buy over 1 million IQD. I recall him having to sign some sort of document advising him that he would have trouble bringing that money into Iraq, that he would have trouble selling it again (THEY weren't going to buy it back), and that all of the stories about an RV to come had no validity whatsoever.

Let's just say that the guy didn't look like he worked for any contractor having any business presence in Iraq. Sometimes I imagine having to yell, once again, "hey, Ma -- I toldja --this money is going to make us rich, VERY soon, and we can finally move out of the projects."
The disclaimers and such only PROVED that such investments were legit and about to pay off. Why else would they do this if not to keep ordinary citizens from cashing in like us rich elites do 24/7? Besides, I have it on good authority it's finally here!!! Wooooooo!!!!!!!!!!
1-2-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Wow! January 2018 has arrived. HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone! Seems like we have been waiting for this timeframe for a VERY long time. It is here now and we are witnessing history being made. I want everyone to know I am not predicting a date for an RV. What I am attempting to do is to give you my BEST possible evaluation of the situation now at hand according to the data presented to us…I know for a fact the new ATM machines are programmed only to handle the newer lower denomination category notes… I know for a fact that some banks still don’t have the software tested and worked out for their machines to be online yet. This is an ongoing project. They hoped to have them all up and running by the end of 2017…This information I am hearing is real this time and I am hearing great things from the CBI. I am hearing from my CBI contact they are going forward this time and can not afford to stall it again. However here is the problem: The CBI is now working closely with the US Treasury to release it. This is the ONLY holdup right now….My advice is to just wait and watch….its coming folks…..!!!!!! Tic Toc, Tic Toc we are on a clock!
1-3-2018 Intel Guru Bruce I do believe it is close and we have indications we might be just where we need to be. We said Iraq is basically is done and operating with a new rate. They haven’t yet put out to the world what that rate is…I know our US Treasury is working closely with the CBI in Iraq. It maybe the CBI changeover or revealing of the new rate on the Iraqi dinar maybe controlled or somehow indicated by our US Treasury…The rates are solid, all good…
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by notorial dissent »

This time fer sure, Rocky.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by JohnPCapitalist »

notorial dissent wrote:This time fer sure, Rocky.
I think of it more like this. Every. Damned. Week. With Bullwinkle, things don't work out due to incompetence. As the "goof gas" story arc revealed, "no brain, no effect."

With Charlie Brown, it's due to Lucy's faux-innocent malice. That's much closer to how the RV fraudsters roll.

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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Deep Knight wrote:
Pottapaug1938 wrote:I'm again recalling a time -- probably within the last ten years -- when I was at a foreign exchange kiosk in Boston's Copley Square. In line ahead of me was a guy who was plunking down a huge wad of US dollars (I think that it was in the thousands) to buy over 1 million IQD. I recall him having to sign some sort of document advising him that he would have trouble bringing that money into Iraq, that he would have trouble selling it again (THEY weren't going to buy it back), and that all of the stories about an RV to come had no validity whatsoever.

Let's just say that the guy didn't look like he worked for any contractor having any business presence in Iraq. Sometimes I imagine having to yell, once again, "hey, Ma -- I toldja --this money is going to make us rich, VERY soon, and we can finally move out of the projects."
The disclaimers and such only PROVED that such investments were legit and about to pay off. Why else would they do this if not to keep ordinary citizens from cashing in like us rich elites do 24/7? Besides, I have it on good authority it's finally here!!! Wooooooo!!!!!!!!!!
The guy had that sort of look on his face, as the woman in the kiosk gave him a verbal reminder of the risks involving buying Iraqi dinars, and of the fact that, even if the dinar WAS revalued, it would be in the form of, say 100 old dinars for 1 new dinar, with no increase in value. He said "I still want to buy the dinars" -- in a voice which, for a moment, betrayed a hint of nervousness about the prospect of blowing his life savings on a wad of essentially useless paper.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by LightinDarkness »

Hai everyone!

I just noticed that Tony Renfrow is back to doing his TNT Dinar Scam show:

He appears to have made a reappearance at the end of December 2017. Until then, his scammer brother Ray had taken over while Tony was in jail. I am trying to wrap my head around how he can legally do this. I thought a condition of his sentencing was that he was NOT allowed engage in dinar pumping anymore? Am I not remembering that correctly?
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

LightinDarkness wrote: Sat Mar 17, 2018 3:18 pm Hai everyone!

I just noticed that Tony Renfrow is back to doing his TNT Dinar Scam show:

He appears to have made a reappearance at the end of December 2017. Until then, his scammer brother Ray had taken over while Tony was in jail. I am trying to wrap my head around how he can legally do this. I thought a condition of his sentencing was that he was NOT allowed engage in dinar pumping anymore? Am I not remembering that correctly?
I'm sure that you are; but I doubt that Tony cares. He is probably sitting on billions, if not trillions, of IQD; and he knows that his ONLY chance, at living above a hand-to-mouth level, lies in going back to pumping (and, hopefully, dumping) said IQDs. If he goes back to the Graybar Hotel, he gets three hots and a cot, for free; and in the meantime, he probably hopes that he can dump his dinars, collect a pile of FRNs, and hide them until his eventual release.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by LightinDarkness »

I guess that does make sense (as much sense as you can make with the dinar gurus!). But it does seem like playing with fire: although Tony has legions of devoted followers, he also has a lot of ex-dinarians who are disillusioned with his 100% failure rate who would report this to the court. The question would be if the court cares enough to do anything, I suppose, as he was actually in jail for a different scam not directly related to dinar.

Honestly though, I presumed Tony was rich from his previous pumping - maybe the court case cost him more than we knew (even though he was using a public defender?)?