Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Jeffrey »

On one level I admire the guy's audacity.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Deep Knight »

Monday, October 24, 2016


M1 released GCR/RV on Wednesday 10.19.2016 @ 6pm PST.
World Court then released a ruling that all GCR/RV funds globally were to be released, and gave clear arrests orders for anyone attempting to stop said RV… release.

World court attorneys then issued an injunction that all elections globally were to be immediately suspended in order to bring forward NESARA.

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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by texino »

It seems that the dinarians are rejoicing a comment supposedly made by the CBI that the Central Bank is increasing the value of the dinar to the USD. Anyone hear this?
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by notorial dissent »

Some one really really ought to tell the dinaridjits that the Chinese don't got the money, the last melt down of the Chinese Stock Exchange was just a dry run for the next one and the next one until it eventually implodes spectacularly, since unfortunately they are imitating what the US was doing at the turn of the century and not really paying attention to their stock exchange, and look how well that turned out, until it starts hemorrhaging yuan like it did the last time, WF don't got the money, and really could care less, they are not in the FE business to begin with, and they have their own troubles to worry about right now as well as some monumental fines to pay. If there ever is an RV then the CB of Iraq will handle it themselves with NO middlemen and spectacular it won't be. China doesn't really have millions of anything, except maybe exploding Galaxy Notes that can't be given away at this point. Real hard money I expect is in quite short supply considering the way they are spending it the last few years. Dinaridjits is dinaridjits.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by TheNewSaint »

This thread is amazing, if only for its length and comprehensiveness. Three and a half years' worth of "the dinar revalue and arrest of world leaders is coming this weekend" followed by "oh no, the dark forces prevented it again". Which is the same story as Dove of Oneness' NESARA packets. Which in turn was the same story as Clyde Hood's Omega Trust and Trading, over 20 years ago. And yet people continue to believe it all. It is a monument to how gullible, greedy, and just plain stupid some people can be.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Burnaby49 »

TheNewSaint wrote:This thread is amazing, if only for its length and comprehensiveness. Three and a half years' worth of "the dinar revalue and arrest of world leaders is coming this weekend" followed by "oh no, the dark forces prevented it again". Which is the same story as Dove of Oneness' NESARA packets. Which in turn was the same story as Clyde Hood's Omega Trust and Trading, over 20 years ago. And yet people continue to believe it all. It is a monument to how gullible, greedy, and just plain stupid some people can be.
Please, it's painful to have you compare Dove to these idiots. She was an artist, a maestro of the long con. She started slowly, building up from the shattered remnants of Clyde Hood's scam. She slowly and carefully built up from that until she could introduce the supernatural in the form of the Blessed St. Gervais yet she still retained her extensive base of supporters. After her fans accepted St. Gervais and other mythical beings she expanded into the galactic realm until, at the end, she was sending us reports from outer space where she was fighting with Pleiadian commanders to stop them from destroying earth!
The last report with her signature closing ("Blessings and Love, Dove of Oneness") appeared May 18, 2010. She groaned about galactic struggles. There were problems with efforts to correct Earth's orbit.

"I did not do a Dove Report in April 2010 because I have been working non-stop talking with the Pleiadian commander who has been betraying us," she wrote. "He has realized that he is at risk of his own death unless he does the right things before the end of May 2010."
She even changed the orbit of the earth!
Now the Pleiadian commander knows that he must go into a clinic which will give him therapy to clean up his aura which has turned black over the years. He also found out that he must request a replacement team for himself and seven huge Pleiadian ships to surround the Earth and move it to its correct orbit to prevent the earth changes.

I will have proof if he does this and he is claiming he will do it this coming week.

If you have a telescope and watch the stars, you may see when the earth changes its position. It will be further from the sun after the orbit is fixed. Earth changes are currently expected the first week of June 2010.

The Pleiadian commander has learned the Prime Creator has a monitor on if/when the earth changes begin. Then the Prime Creator will arrive within 10 minutes and destroy the males responsible for allowing the earth changes to happen. The Pleiadian commander was told the Prime Creator would never check on the mission, but now he knows he will be killed if he does the wrong things.

The Prime Creator has created about 50 Universes including this one and the Prime Creator has been taking the “male power hierarchies” out of power because the males do not take good care of their responsibilities so they are losing their power and will be killed when they do the wrong things.

For example, the Sirian ETs are lying to Sheldan and the world. They plan to pick up healthy, under 30 years old people to put into suspended animation to use for good DNA when the Sirian ETs need new DNA for their race.

They are trying to get good DNA from humans the same as the grey ETs have been. Not all ETs in this universe are good.

I am hoping the right things get done this week. I will have physical proof if they do. I will let you know.

NESARA will be announced if we avoid earth changes. NESARA now!

Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
Executive Director
International NESARA Take Action Teams
This only ended with her death which was reported and discussed here;


Even then she retained a loyal following hoping for her resurrection after she'd finished using her new astral form to fight even harder.

How can you compare these pathetic one-trick morons to that?
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by The Observer »

St. Gervais? St. Gervais?!

It's St. Germain.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by TheNewSaint »

Burnaby49 wrote:Please, it's painful to have you compare Dove to these idiots. She was an artist, a maestro of the long con.
I said only that it was the same story, not that it was told with the same level of skill. I agree with your assessment that these guys couldn't hold a candle to Dove of Oneness.

Personally, my favorite Dove moment was:
“I remember how happy I felt on September 10, 2001, when I heard this so-called last step had been accomplished and that it looked like we would have NESARA announced in the next 48 hours."
I'm sure you can work out the rest of the story. It took serious chutzpah to make that claim so soon after the attacks occurred. And she pulled it off! She was indeed a master of the craft.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Burnaby49 »

I was a huge fan. Over the years Dove posted thousands of Dove Reports and I saved many of them and read them when I want some entertainment. Some, like this one, were blatant in their demands for money;
NESARA Success! NESARA HAS IT! Request
May 3, 2006 9:22 p.m. PDT

Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,

Years of long hours and continuous efforts are NOW producing BIG RESULTS!

NESARA has its first investor gift of $140 Million to take into a trading program!

Early next week, I must fly several thousand miles to set up a bank account for the $140Million to be used by NESARA’s corporation in a trading program to raise funds for NESARA’s gold!

I need YOUR help with funds to fly to this distant bank and set up NESARA’s corporation bank account for the $140M!

The investor will let me know in the next few days into WHICH BANK he’s putting NESARA’s $140 Million. I need to be ready to book my flight and go as quickly as possible.

YOU can help make sure we get NESARA announced at the SOONEST possible moment by donating funds so I’m ready to book my flight and fly to the bank as soon as I am told which bank it will be.

All donations will help, however, because it will be a LONG flight and I will have to reserve it at the last minute, it will be EXPENSIVE!

Therefore, I’m asking those of you who are able donate $500 or $1,000 or more to REPLY immediately to this email with your first name and telephone number. I will call you to discuss how you may make your donation in the quickest way so we can SPEED NESARA forward.

Here are some of the options for making your donation quickly which enables your funds to be available when I need to book the airline flight:

1. If you have a Bank of America Bank in your city, I will give you my “Dove” account number and you can go and make a deposit this week so the funds will be there when I need the funds to book the flight.

2. Or you can wire transfer funds into my “Dove” account.

3. Or you can Fed Ex a check payable to Dove to:

3430 Pacific Ave SE
Suite A6-217
Olympia, WA 98501

NESARA needs YOUR HELP! Please help with your donations NOW!

This is IT! With this $140 Million gift to NESARA, NESARA is launched into the trading programs to generate the funds to buy NESARA’s gold!

NESARA takes a quantum leap forward! NESARA Now!

Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
Executive Director
International NESARA Take Action Teams
Others were pure entertainment;
NESARA’s Announcement Heralds the Golden Age

Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,

On this first day of year 2004, we can know that the Ascended Masters of Light are supporting the bringing forth of NESARA’s announcement for the benefit of all Earth’s people. Now that a secret group of White Knights has engaged the assistance of the Ascended Masters of Light to carry out NESARA’s announcement, we can be encouraged that NESARA’s announcement is assured. Seventy years ago, Beloved Ascended Master Saint Germaine spoke of America’s destiny and its import to other nations:

“America has a destiny of great import to the other nations of the earth, and Those who have watched over her for centuries still watch. Through Their protection and Love, she shall fulfill that destiny. America! We, the Ascended Host of Light, love and guard you. America! We love you.” [From the book “Unveiled Mysteries, page 42.]

Because America is the melting pot of people from all over the world, people from all nations are effectively involved in bringing forth the great Golden Age which begins in America with NESARA’s announcement. We see in the quotes below that Beloved Ascended Master Saint Germaine knew “the sinister force attempting to create chaos and destruction throughout the world, will be completely destroyed.”

Although we have the sinister force of the Bush regime attempting to create destruction worldwide, NESARA’s announcement heralds the clearing of the sinister force and the Children of Light carrying out their great improvement missions worldwide.

NESARA’s announcement is our door to the Golden Age and we are approaching that door. NESARA Yes!

Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness

January 2, 2004
NESARA Economic and Financial Transitions will be Smooth

Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,

There have been thousands of people working for many years to ensure that the transitions to the new monetary and economic systems worldwide initiated by NESARA’s announcement will go smoothly.

We know from Alan Greenspan’s famous remarks in his article written in 1966, which is included in the Dove Report of December 7, 2003, that a precious metals backed currency will make our economy MORE SECURE and that people’s money will be able to MAINTAIN its value and will not lose its value over time due to inflation.

I also quote U.S. Representative Ron Paul’s comments and information on Greenspan’s gold and security article in my August 6, 2003 Dove Report. Please notice that these people are not stupid people; Greenspan is the world’s foremost expert on monetary systems and how a monetary system impacts the U.S. and world economies. Ron Paul also understands deeply that a precious metals backed currency will bring more security and evenness in our economic and financial affairs.

In the year 2000, we had a report that the French Finance Minister also alluded to NESARA and a better worldwide economy. We had a recent confirmation of NESARA from another country’s Finance Minister several weeks ago. Over 150 countries have sent their Finance Ministers (including Secretary of the U.S. Treasury) and heads of their banking systems to hundreds of meetings over the last four years discussing NESARA and how to implement the NESARA’s ripple effects in the international banking laws in their own countries.

There have been hundreds of meetings and conferences attended by the world’s top banking and economic experts of over 150 countries as part of years of activity involved in getting ready for NESARA. The international banking laws were revised years ago in preparation for NESARA and these revised laws are sitting on shelves waiting to be released and put into action after NESARA’s announcement.

We know that in August 2001, there were dozens of big, thick red manuals full of NESARA guidelines which were delivered by court order by U.S. Marshals to the heads of every U.S. government department. These manuals have very extensive and detailed guidelines for how ALL these government departments and agencies are to conduct their governmental activities AFTER NESARA is announced. These same kinds of preparations have also occurred in other countries’ banking and economic departments and ministries.

In the U.S. we have had many, many confirmations that the personnel of banks in the U.S. have received their training on NESARA’s banking improvements. This is part of the preparation for the orderly and smooth changeover from the current Federal Reserve banking system to the new U.S. Treasury bank system. Again, another PROOF that NESARA will be implemented in a calm, organized, systematic fashion which will enable an easy and beneficial transition.

We all need to realize that there have been thousands of people quietly preparing for the wonderful improvements that ripple out from NESARA worldwide. It is because of ALL these MASSIVE and EXTENSIVE PREPARATIONS occurring over the years that NESARA’s transitions will take place SMOOTHLY and in an ORDERLY fashion here in the U.S. and worldwide.

NESARA will improve most people’s lives and these improvements will be done in an orderly and beneficial manner! NESARA Yes!

Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by The Observer »

If only someone had purchased her a one-way ticket to Somalia...
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Deep Knight »

TheNewSaint wrote:This thread is amazing, if only for its length and comprehensiveness. Three and a half years' worth of "the dinar revalue and arrest of world leaders is coming this weekend" followed by "oh no, the dark forces prevented it again".

Easy for you to say, for me this was three and a half years of blood, sweat and tears (along with other body fluids I'm too modest to detail here), long nights and lost weekends. What really irks me is that people forgetting the hard work that went into the Illuminati's thwarting prosperity, as if it just happened on its own. Especially my boss, he who must not be named, during end-of-year performance reviews. Sure, evil is its own reward, but a decent raise and private office would be nice too.

At least I won't be getting my backside burned off like George for letting the Cubs finally win the series. As far as those same dark forces are concerned, a billy goat curse is a binding contract, and there will be hell to pay when Hell doesn't get paid by Cleveland. Ouch!

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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Gregg »

Sure, evil is its own reward, but a decent raise and private office would be nice too.
You don't even get a private office?
I feel a lot better now about only having 2 Well Armed Bunker Complexes..... :haha:
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by NYGman »

:snicker: I am glad someone had been working hard to find out the latest RV Intel so as too thwart their plans every step of the way. Keep up the good work.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by TheNewSaint »

Deep Knight wrote:At least I won't be getting my backside burned off like George for letting the Cubs finally win the series.
Yeah, that does seem to violate some fundamental law of the universe.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Jeffrey » ... -of_4.html

Inteldinarchronicles has really jumped the shark lately. They are now claiming GESARA (I assume a ripoff of NESARA) was implemented today globally in every single country on Earth. And then there's this:
On Friday Nov. 4, 2016 at the UN there will be an announcement that the 2015 Paris Agreement on Climate Change (aka GESARA) was being put into force, publicly and globally. UN Chief calls for action as Paris Agreement enters into force
For some insane reason I cannot comprehend this website is claiming that a Climate Change treaty is actually secretly either the RV treaty or the GESARA treaty. Which means their opinion of their readers is so low they think they can blatantly lie to them about the contents of the treaty.

A related myth I've seen spread by the same crew is the idea that the Basel 3 accords contain a secret provision to abolish fiat currency and replace it with gold backed currency or trigger the RV.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by TheNewSaint »

Where do they get the acronym "GESARA" out of "Paris Agreement on Climate Change"? No name for the event, in any language, is even close to that series of letters. I realize I shouldn't be ascribing logic to these things, but still.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by NYGman »

I heard a from a reliable source that the RV will absolutely happen until after the election. My sources tell me that the Iraqi government doesn't want to RV before the election so as not to interfere with the vote. The window for the RV will be between the election and the presidential swearing in as this should will also give the Iraqi government enough time to retake Mosul, to prevent ISIS from benefiting and present the next president from objecting. My source said that one of the candidates is against an RV so soon, you can probably guess which one that is :) This explains the current military push in Mosul. I have been told to use this time wisely, to set up trusts to protect the RV value, as they need to be in place prior to the RV, to work. If you need help, I know a company that has a Trust in a box product for $300, just contact me for their details, as they don't want to publicise this service in case others try to copy it. They have been working with Dinar holders to prepare for the RV for some time...

That was fun, So can I be a Guru now?
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Gregg »

For some insane reason I cannot comprehend this website is claiming that a Climate Change treaty is actually secretly either the RV treaty or the GESARA treaty. Which means their opinion of their readers is so low they think they can blatantly lie to them about the contents of the treaty.
I think the genesis of the significance of the Paris Treaty might go back to the Paris Agreement that erased a substantial portion of Iraq's sovereign debt somewhere around 2004 or so. At the time, the fact that countries were letting this debt go was to be the source of the funds to redeem the Dinar. Never could they be made to think that maybe the reason this debt was forgiven was because Iraq was (and pretty much remains) flat broke and were never going to repay it anyhow. The holders of the debt were trying to avoid making Iraq 2005 the new version of Germany 1919.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Gregg »

This little tidbit from the GESARA (Global Economic Security and Reformation Act) law raises a few questions for me...
Forbids the sale of American birth certificate records as chattel property bonds by the US Department of Transportation
The Department of Transportation? The Department of Transportation was established in 1966, so obviously they weren't selling our Birth Certificates any time before that. Does that mean I, and everyone else born before April 1867 didn't get our souls sold at birth?

Not that the plot didn't have a few holes before I noticed this one....
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Deep Knight »

Jeffrey wrote:Inteldinarchronicles has really jumped the shark lately. They are now claiming GESARA (I assume a ripoff of NESARA) was implemented today globally in every single country on Earth. And then there's this:
On Friday Nov. 4, 2016 at the UN there will be an announcement that the 2015 Paris Agreement on Climate Change (aka GESARA) was being put into force, publicly and globally. UN Chief calls for action as Paris Agreement enters into force
For some insane reason I cannot comprehend this website is claiming that a Climate Change treaty is actually secretly either the RV treaty or the GESARA treaty. Which means their opinion of their readers is so low they think they can blatantly lie to them about the contents of the treaty.

A related myth I've seen spread by the same crew is the idea that the Basel 3 accords contain a secret provision to abolish fiat currency and replace it with gold backed currency or trigger the RV.
GESARA (Global Economic Security and Reformation Act) was an effort by Candace "Tasty" Frieze to make NESARA global so folks outside of the US could get scammed too. Rejected by the usual suspects, she took her toys home and is now playing with, er, by herself at a site called Abundant Dope, er, Hope.
Candace Frieze, President of AbundantHope
By Candace
Jan 5, 2006 - 8:00:00 AM

Hi, my name is Candace Frieze. I am President of AbundantHope. I created AbundantHope in 2000. At the time, I was pretty conscious that this world seemed to be on the wrong track. September 11, 2001 convinced me of my assessment. I wanted to do something for this planet. Although I had created the name, I was unsure of the journey my organization would take.

Initially, I wanted to financially assist local disabled and elderly people living on inadequate incomes. I was disabled myself, and my social security came nowhere close to playing my minimal bills. I tired of asking for handouts. But as time went on, especially with 9/11, I realized that this vision was merely a band aid on the problems of this world. I saw that many churches and other charitable organizations were able to only provide band aids, and this seemed not enough to solve the huge and long range problems.

I have always been upset by war on this world, and with 9/11 fully realized how religion was used as a tool of war. So initially I set out to provide education and support to encourage those in organized religion to see this problem, that they were used to promote war, the never ending game on this planet, of getting one people to kill another, in the name of God.

Worthy goal, but just a bigger band aid, should I succeed. The chances of making this a success in a short time seemed limited, and the Earth does not have endless time to solve its problems. I knew that one day, Christ would return, in fact knew he was back, working behind the scenes. It seemed not enough.

One day, I sent a statement to the Christ, Christ Michael of our universe of Nebadon, and made the statement that we needed many messiahs. I offered to be a "granny messiah," as I am a granny. I offered to recruit messiahs, and so AbundantHope's mission expanded. My offer was accepted, and AbundantHope is now the official Second Coming organization, in full partnership with the Planetary Prince Mission.

It is still necessary to deal with the use of religion to control people on this planet, so I will continue to work on education to the various organized religions, primarily the three Abrahamic religions, as God is very poorly understand on planet Earth. We are very separate here from God in many ways, because we see God as outside ourselves, when in fact, we are ourselves, God, or at the very least, God in training.

In addition, I have always had a problem with money on the planet, and its use to control and enslave people, so why not just include working on that problem too! We will be busy here at AbundantHope.

I am currently now 60 years old. I am not originally from Earth, but this is my 6th incarnation here. I am from a planet called Myrua, and there are many Myruans incarnate on Earth, as well as many other people from other places in creation. I have many family members and friends from Myrua here with me at this time.

My sun's name is Merope, and it is one of the "Seven Sisters" of the Pleiades. In fact, Earth's sun belongs to Pleiades also. Pleiades has over 500 suns, and all these suns revolve a very large sun in the center, called Alcyone. Suns at the center of large systems such as Pleiades, are called Great Central Suns. Alcyone is also one of the Seven Sisters, visible to the naked eye from Earth.

We are to have the Second Coming which begins in earnest with the stasis event we have placed material about on this site. In January of 2005, I began to publish telepathic messages from the one who is known as Jesus, and also Christ Michael of Nebadon, and many other Masters working to heal this planet and prevent her destruction.

There are many Ascended Masters from the stars incarnate on Earth to assist her salvation and evolution into what is known as Ascension into a higher way of being. Many will create the messianic missions necessary to heal our planet. The goals of AbundantHope are posted elsewhere. You are invited to participate in your own way to heal a planet in very great need.

Now, one more important detail about myself. I have attained a very advanced level of mastery in my journeys through time. My level of mastery entitles me to call myself a Sananda, meaning that I have graduated (rather recently) from the Central Universe, and I belong to a class type of graduates known as Mighty Messengers, and this group has been heavily tested in dealing with rebellion of all sorts. A Sananda is a Mighty Messenger. The once called Jesus, 2000 years ago, the man, Sananda Esu Immanuel Kumara, earned his Sananda title with that incarnational experience. I will update this with a somewhat more detailed brief autobiography at a later date. I AM THAT I AM, Sananda Candace Frieze.
"NESARA/GESARA Being Released" - Important to Read: Community Brief
2:50:00 AM Intel

From: Suzy Star
Sent: Sunday, September 18, 2016 9:22 PM


This tests out as very accurate... NESARA/GESARA is being released globally following the Paris agreements and the G20. This is a precursor to the EVENT.

May you be blessed,




The final roundup of the cabal is underway which will open the door for NESARA/GESARA, GCR and RV announcements. With that comes the bank closings (from 3-15 days) to switch to the CIPS system, updating of all bank accounts and replacement of old currencies with new asset backed currencies in banks and ATMs… worldwide. This can start anytime, beginning Monday 9/19/16.

May you be blessed,


99.9+% of humanity now in 4D.
99.9+% of cabal now corralled.
99.8% of Unity Consciousness.
94.0% of Weapons Neutralized.
91.0% of Truth must be spoken.
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