Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

It's not just greed. It's an unwillingness to accept unpalatable facts. When faced with these, the dinaridjits adopt the fingers-in-the-ears, "la-la-la-I-can't-hear-you" approach.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
notorial dissent
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by notorial dissent »

I have to agree here, with the Dinaridjits, I don't think greed is as much of a component, except where the promoters are concerned, as just pure overwhelming desperation. This particular con seems to pray on the extremely gullible, and those going down for the fourth and last time more than anything else that I can see. Which is what makes it particularly heinous and evil in my eyes.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Gregg »

You want evil? You want to see someone taking advantage of the more desperate and gullible among us?
I hate to do this, and I hated to even read it, but this guy, who uses the fake name Adam Montana (real name James Wolf, from Wisconsin) is pretty much the MOST respected voice for dinaridgits, he's the "expert authority" and charges hundreds of dollars a year for his "VIP Access" over at and I only post this to show you what a vile human being he is. Notice also in this free session how he plugs the VIP Access...
Good afternoon everyone!

I'll just get to the point immediately - you know me well enough by now to know that if I'm not here to waste anyone's time!
We are, as we have for the past few weeks, on an HCL watch.
We had two potential scenarios - A: Parliament slammed it on the books and we blazed right into an RV and we all scrambled. B: They don't do A.
Obviously they chose option B :lol:
The only way I'd be getting discouraged is if there was backwards or negative progress... and that's not the case.

March 9th 2 more points in the HCL passed Parliament.
March 10th 5 more were approved.
2 more were slated for today (this?) if I'm not mistaken, and also if my information is accurate there is a total of 16 items to get through...
They *could* do all 9(?) by tomorrow, which would be absolutely AMAZING! My gut feeling, however, is that this will drag out to next week... sorry to everyone hoping that Friday was "payday".

I'll eat a whole table full of crow pie if I'm wrong, with a huge smile on my face! That's just my opinion, nothing more.
So, where are we right now?
That's easy - we're sitting on the sidelines, watching our team march towards the goal, steady and sure.
That's a pretty good feeling if you ask me!

The weekly Q & A:

jar41 Good Morning Adam, I have had dinar for several years but just recently joined your site. I have family that contantly talk about you and your knowledge of what is going on. When i joined i was expecting more insite on everything that is going on..i know you do weekly posts. but as things are moving so quickly could you give yp a drive by.. instead of just basically saying theres alot going on. wait and see ? dont mean any disrepect.. i was just disappointed there is not more input from you. i have read your books which were great but alot has went on since then..thank you adam

No disrespect taken jar! And welcome to the site.
I'm not here to waste people's time - when I have valuable insight, I provide it. If there's nothing to report, I won't fluff things up to get some more ad views. That's not my style.
Take me as I am or don't take me at all. :tiphat:

(If you're in the VIP group, I suggest you spend more time in there - I post several times a day in there at least!)

Jonesy Hey Adam.. thanks for all you do.. With the recent reports of the strength of the dollar increasing around the world... Wouldn't you think that a revalue to match the dollar 1:1 would be more attractive to Iraq now more then ever? Or, [rethinking this...] would it have been far more to their benefit to revalue when the dollar was at a low point several years ago?

ABSOLUTELY YES - that's even more reason for them to shoot for pegging to the dollar rather than another basket of currencies.

Happy1 Adam, thank you for all you do...... but I have to ask you the hard question, hoping not to open any can of worms for you but, for those of us who are awaiting your text notification should the dinar RV, have you ever considered running a test to ensure you system works?

I have ran it, and the system has been verified by several other groups in different industries as well.

Candy01 Adam, Do you think they will finally pass the HCL THIS week?
Thanks Much!

In a word - "no". See my weekly update comments at the beginning of this post.

Jaygo I hear that the articles that came out about pulling in the 50 notes was not official and that currently there is no need to sale them back at this time. What's your take on it?

I will wait and see :twothumbs:

Hellifiknow Maddness!!!! Maddness !!!! Anything solid n confirmed that has any effect on walue of dinar??
valtar WELL?

ONLY MADNESS!!!!!! aaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!

one2one the C.B.I. does not have enough money to handle an RV--70 to 100 billion in reserves :
so, who would cover it ? I.M.F. , W.T.O., U.S.T. ?

The US doesn't have enough "money" to cover it's trillions in debt, yet the dollar is still worth a dollar... how is that possible?

The answer lies in how a fiat currency works. Here's a link to start learning:

eburt I hope I am wrong but are we looking at 2016 possible RV? The reason I ask articles in regards to HCL look like it's gone to take Iraq sometime to work this out. What does your Intel have say about this subject HCL?

I'm hopeful that the HCL will work out much quicker than that.

HBO Hi Adam. Currently HCL is on the right track and it seems promising. Are there any other laws or anything major that we have to monitor before the RV/RI? Thanks.


Of course there are other things that *could* pop up, but at this time I know of nothing major.

vietnam1969 Good morning Adam, mods and other staff members. What is your opinion of the RV taking place soon after the HCL is put into the Gazette? Do you honestly believe that this is the Only major issue we are waiting for to be put in place? Thanks

See above!

waitingondinar Adam, I have read a couple of different articles that stated it could be another couple of years for RV. I thought the only thing
holding us up was the HCL. Early on, Iraq said they agreed on everything, now it just keeps dragging on. Where is the bottleneck now? Jan and Feb have passed and 1/4 the way through March. Where do we stand with this never ending saga? Your info is appreciated.

I don't know what other sources you're talking about, so I can't vouch for their credibility or the value of their comments. Sorry!

rsl1512 Hi Adam Thank you for all you do! With the exchange of the $50 dinar note you thought the time rate to exchange our dinars may be short like the 45 day exchange, Do you still feel that is still the case? I know the 50 exchange was due to a security and counterfit concern, Do you think we would have the same exchange time for the 25k notes even with all of the security features in the bills?

My opinion is like the weather man said... "no change". :)

golfnsr What are the ramifications on a Dinar RV given the Iranian military actively involved in fighting ISIS in Iraq?

Ramifications on a dinar RV... I'm not sure I know exactly where you're going with that. There are ramifications on a dinar RV no matter what you're pulling into the picture.

I don't think Iran has a huge impact on what the CBI will do with their money, so I'll settle for "not much".

nadia Hi Adam...thank you for your kind response a few weeks ago. I am truly grateful for all that you and your members do to keep us all informed. I may not be a vet, but I am an air force brat! So to my question. I'm sure you have answered this, but I can't seem to find it. Why do you think Iraq will RV after the HCL is passed? What does passing the law have to do with it? Again my apologies if I'm asking an obvious always I will blame it on my not so true, hair color.

Hi Nadia! I've talked about that at length - I recently started tagging all my weekly updates with "Adam Montana Weekly", so people can find them easier. That should be a good start. :twothumbs:
Regarding your hair color, you can't use that as an excuse if you're a blonde. My wife is blonde, and unless she cheated on the test she's 2 points higher than me in IQ. (She rarely lets me forget it, either! :lol: )

Off-the-grid Post RV, can't I exchange some of my dinar for dollars, and the rest for the new IQDs? Wouldn't that enable me to greatly reduce my taxable event and hold IQD longer (assuming it will be a float)?

I am assuming the new notes will appear simultaneously with the RV. Is this what you expect?

Hopefully we can hold some and let it rise.

Even more hopefully, we will have reason to. That will remain to be seen. Your tax question falls into the same category.

chess ADAM: Besides the HCL, might not Iraq first reaching a certain level in the importing and
exporting of goods, be just as important to the implementing of a RV?.....thanks

Important, of course! "Just as important"... No, not in my opinion.

Ezrapound Adam, kudos to you and what you do. I have to ask though, how do you and quite a number of others maintain the faith with all this? I mean, it's been the same old let down now for almost 10 years for me...and we STILL haven't seen an r/v. Devout Dinarite that I have been for 10 years, I have to say my faith in this is wavering precariously.

I don't think it's been the "same old let down" - in fact, quite the opposite.

I know people who listened to the weekly pumpers that always talk about bank screens and inside info and yada yada... but for me, it's a steady progression of good news, with each bit getting me closer to the finish line.

Slow and steady will win the race, so I just stay patient.

double_duce_duce Adam,in your opinion what is holding up the HCL to be voted on? thanks

"Nada", my friend! They are working through everything in a VERY timely manner in my opinion!

Annika There's been a lot of articles from experts reporting to media about the zeros and oil and gas laws, I was hoping to hear something from you since it didn't seem to be from obvious no credible sources. What was your reaction,as well as your sources to the amount of info coming out regarding these articles, and any word from your people about the 50's being taken out and how that impacts their process for the other notes?

Zeros - my comment is the same as always. If they do it, they do it. But as much as they talk about doing it, they never actually do it, and I doubt they will do it.

I gave my opinion on the 50 notes last week - here's that link.

That's it for now - I'm going to keep an ear out for the final votes on the HCL, and I'll let you all know if I hear anything major.

Best and warmest RV regards to all!

Read more: ... z3UBjMZE5C
In case you're keeping tabs, I don't think he said one thing about Dinar that is true. Just disgusting.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

The dinaridjits should treat their wads of dinar like wads of losing lottery tickets -- they bet on a big payout; but now all they have are wads of worthless paper.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

All of my old friends have gone away
Now it looks as though I'm here to stay
In Mom's basement, since yesterday

I'm not half the man I used to be
Ceiling rafters hanging over me
In Mom's basement, I plainly see

Once I had a life
A nice home, a job, a wife
She claims I did her wrong
Very wrong, just yesterday

I've been logging on since yesterday
Search the Internet since break of day
To find a way to leave today

The Dinarian web sites show the way
Guaranteed to work, they say
To get me out of here today


Some say nay
Say those sites will cause me hell to pay
How I wish that they would go away
They've made me mad, since yesterday

Golly gee
There is such a big conspiracy
Hoping always to imprison me
In Mom's basement, eternally


With a tray
Mother brings me down my lunch today
"Beefaroni", she will surely say
The same way she did, yesterday

Hear me say
I will get out of here, one fine day
I will be a rich man, from that day
I'll say goodbye to yesterday

If I do what the Gurus say
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Alcibiades »

There is a warning in Dinar Recaps from a DebTarHeelGirl (I am from exotic lands but I recall enough US Civil War history to recognise that 'Tar Heels' is an appellation given to North Carolinians). She advises people to be beware of phishing from sources purporting to be from Wells Fargo, seeking account numbers.

The provision of this helpful warning, considering that her gullible audience are already completely enveloped in a far wider scam, is more than a little ironic.

So be wary, but not too vigilant.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by LightinDarkness »

What is hilarious about the RV mythology (or sad, I guess) is that its the same thing year after year.

January-February: All the true believers are obsessed with the Iraq budget, once it passes we RV baby! And then it passes, and nothing happens, and everyone forgets about it.

March-April: For some reason that boggles the mind every year the pumpers bring up Easter as the big RV date, even though were talking about Iraq here. I think its because most true believers are also evangelicals, so this works really well on them.

July: July 4 is another big "the RV will be our financial independence!" date, which again makes no sense because were talking about Iraq.

November-December: Thanksgiving and Christmas are other big holidays that they always pump around. TNT Tony always talks about how its going to be the "best Thanksgiving ever" or "best Christmas ever." Then we approach New Years which of course they pump again because the The Powers That Be want to RV on a new year...and we start the cycle all over again.

Outside of these time periods, all the speculation shifts to some random current law the Iraq parliament is considering. In this case, this year, passing of a hydrocarbon law will somehow allow the magic RV to happen. Then whatever it is passes, and it is forgotten about as the harbinger of the RV.

On a final note, this is pathetic:
ezrapound Adam, kudos to you and what you do. I have to ask though, how do you and quite a number of others maintain the faith with all this? I mean, it's been the same old let down now for almost 10 years for me...and we STILL haven't seen an r/v. Devout Dinarite that I have been for 10 years, I have to say my faith in this is wavering precariously.
How incredibly stupid do you have to be to become involved with this scam and stick with it for 10 ***YEARS***? And your faith is JUST NOW beginning to wavier? Despite gurus predicting the RV every day for 10 years, and despite the fact that the only people getting rich are the gurus, pumpers, and dinar dealers?
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by LightinDarkness »

By the way, on TNT Tony's call the other day someone said they were terminally ill and were waiting for the RV to pay for their treatment - claiming they had 18 months to live. Assuming its true, it just demonstrates another reason why pumpers and dealers deserve the lowest circle of hell. Instead of doing everything possible to seek out treatment he can afford, or enjoying the last 1.5 years of his life...the guy is sitting on a conference call listening to Tony tell him the RV will be any day now.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Gregg »

The one holiday they are obsessed with that at least, by dinaridgit standards anyway, makes sense is Ramadan. Every year "it has to RV before Ramadan so the people have money for their holiday" or "It will RV immediately after the GOI returns from Ramadan, heavy negotiations go on behind the scenes during the holidays.

Even though not a few of them have asked "how is Iraq going to pay for an RV?" they haven't made the logical leap yet that an RV would cost Iraq all those trillions in new money they are going to magic out of thin air, and even though a few have noticed that there are not in fact enough dollars, yuan, yen or euros to convert the Dinar at even 1-1, they still cling to the logic that Iraq is gonna have the foreign central banks keep the Dinar and eventually trade it for cheap oil.

The fallacy of this of course is, if you do the math, the trillions involved represent about 3,500 years worth of the total oil production of Iraq and the not tiny problem that most Iraqi oil is more or less useless in the USA because our refineries aren't set up to process it, and to do so would not just cost a fortune but would also mean they couldn't process the oil we do use a lot of from Canada, Mexico Venezuela and domestic crude.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by notorial dissent »

Alcibiades wrote:There is a warning in Dinar Recaps from a DebTarHeelGirl (I am from exotic lands but I recall enough US Civil War history to recognise that 'Tar Heels' is an appellation given to North Carolinians). She advises people to be beware of phishing from sources purporting to be from Wells Fargo, seeking account numbers.

The provision of this helpful warning, considering that her gullible audience are already completely enveloped in a far wider scam, is more than a little ironic.

So be wary, but not too vigilant.
Probably the one honest thing shes said in all her time as a whatever she is. On an average I get between 2 and 3 of those sort of things every month, and those are just the ones the spam filter doesn't catch. Of course I am getting them from banks I've never heard of or have never done business with, but still, if you are pinning all your hopes on a mythical RV through WF, who don't even handle dinar anymore, then you would be particularly susceptible. I don't imagine many of these people even have bank accounts anymore, but still.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Deep Knight »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:Yesterday
You're lucky conspiracy theorists have proven that Paul died in 1966, otherwise this would have done him in.

LightinDarkness wrote:How incredibly stupid do you have to be to become involved with this scam and stick with it for 10 ***YEARS***?
All the way, full tilt stupid!
LightinDarkness wrote:And your faith is JUST NOW beginning to wavier? Despite gurus predicting the RV every day for 10 years, and despite the fact that the only people getting rich are the gurus, pumpers, and dinar dealers?
But, but, but ... Okie and Tony got inside sources!
Gregg wrote:Even though not a few of them have asked "how is Iraq going to pay for an RV?"
Simple, they keep a few Dinars for themselves, and pay for it with the HUGE profits they make from these bills.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Deep Knight »

Friday, March 13, 2015
Have you had enough yet??

To: All
From: Popeye
RE: Have you had enough yet??

I am posting this concerning the GCR/RV and any other BS that is being dealt to ALL Americans. Most of you know my thoughts regarding our beloved America and what has been being done to Her by the International ‘big shots’.

I feel that, as long as we keep sitting by doing nothing, they (meaning the Int. boys operating out of D.C.) will just keep throwing us a bone to keep us quiet and to continue to string us along day to day.

I remember when I was about 15 or so that this son of a COP, who had this ‘tough guy’ image, hit me in the upper thigh real hard with his fist (for no reason) and how I literally had to crawl 6 city blocks home as I could not stand up. For the next week I had to use a set of crutches, and he taunted me for the next 2 months at school. You ask why he did this…..and I still have not figured that out except that this was just his nature.

Well, one day I had had it with him. He said some idiotic things and turned his back to catch up with his friends. …. I walked up behind him and said “Hey Harry!”…..When he turned around to face me, I kicked him in the shins like I was kicking a field goal….. WOW!! The idiot hit the ground and he was saying how he was going to ‘get me’……I walked up close to him and said “If you want to try that again, I will put you in the hospital!”…. The kick I gave him broke (shattered) his shin bones, and he wore a cast for about 2 months….

POINT…..The reason I am saying this is that he never bothered me again….. AND…… we, as Americans, need to do the same….. initiate get tough measures to get rid of the Int. boys if we are to survive individually and as a nation. Until we strike back and let them know that WE are not going to take this anymore they will continue or step up their actions against us like they appear to be doing right now….

It is time to put the bullies down…. If the Military won’t help, then we need to tell them to stand down and go home… they are no longer welcome on US soil – PERIOD.

Posted by Popeye at 3:14 PM


Anonymous March 13, 2015 at 3:28 PM
I totally agree with you 100%, lets get started?

Anonymous March 13, 2015 at 4:27 PM
Take heart. Things are happening behind the scenes. BRICS in the East, Hudes in the West. Hang on and believe the best is yet to come. :)

Popeye March 13, 2015 at 5:39 PM

Anonymous March 13, 2015 at 5:35 PM
Does putting the b******ds in PRISON, being held accountable for THEIR bullying, count? And while we're at it, why don't we, while THEY are in PRISON, being held accountable for THEIR bullying, give THEM a taste of THEIR OWN MEDICINE???? Sure hope those things happening behind the scenes are, at the very least, better than the gestapo crap we're putting up with now, the end of which CANNOT COME SOON ENOUGH!!!!

Anonymous March 13, 2015 at 5:46 PM
Sold all my Dinar back to Gidassociates and bought Silver bullion. I suggest you all do the same.

Anonymous March 14, 2015 at 4:25 AM
Fighting words will only bring bad press on your cause. You think you have all this down by making idle threats? You are clueless. Every time an angry word is spoken, you are fueling the opposion, they laugh because that is their intention to get us angry enough to come after them with force, then off to jail we go. Sad but true. I also am frustrated with the stench of lawlessness that our politicians display day to day. The majority of them have sold America as well as their souls as they hang us out to dry. Not enough of our military and law enforcement are ready to restore America, because they have all been brainwashed by the corrupt system. The few who are awake are overwhelmed with fear of reprisals against them and their families if they stand up for God and Country. You can't win this fight without God, and the only way to God is through his son Jesus Christ. Popeye your anger will lead to a common violence if you don't learn to harness your fear. What are you going to do, get people angry enough to commit violent acts against the system? Not a very smart move. America will be judged by God because it has turned it's back on God because of her love for sin. We live in a fallen world and no amount of gratuitous violence will solve anything. The new world order will come to pass as American leaders are leading the charge. They believe themselves to be untouchable as they continue to remove the U.S. Constitution and The Bill Of Rights from us. No man can stop Bible Prophecy or change it's destiny. What can anyone do? Pray diligently for our nation to be spared from the evil men who have hijacked it. We've lost our way decades ago because of the wrong decisions we've made by electing fools to govern us. We've become fools for thinking we can beat these people at their own game. Stirring up the masses as a call to violence will cause the civil unrest our intended masters expect us to do, which will no doubt usher in martial law and our emperor Obama will indefinitely become dictator and removed what little rights that we have left. The answer is prayer, I know many people will not agree with this, but it has to be said. Stay well Popeye.

Anonymous March 14, 2015 at 6:56 AM
How do you eat an elephant?
One bite at a time.
If the depth and breadth of the criminality is such that it has gone on for so long,
then it stands to reason that it is going to take a fair amount of time to undo it,
however long it humanly takes.
The clues of progress exist, and the means to that end are progressing s l o w l y.
The undertaking to defeat the main aspects of this global tyranny are absolutely massive in scope.
You have to look at the big picture, not just one part of it.
We must steel ourselves and stay the course; so much is at stake.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Alcibiades »

Gregg wrote:The fallacy of this of course is, if you do the math, the trillions involved represent about 3,500 years worth of the total oil production of Iraq and the not tiny problem that most Iraqi oil is more or less useless in the USA because our refineries aren't set up to process it, and to do so would not just cost a fortune but would also mean they couldn't process the oil we do use a lot of from Canada, Mexico Venezuela and domestic crude.
One of the persistent fantasies is that the US banks are going to pay people a premium exchange rate for dinars so that they can then resell them at a profit to China, who in turn will trade them back to Iraq for oil-credits. (I could never understand why China couldn't buy them direct from dealers or the internet at their current miniscule price - some mysteries are inpenetrable, I suppose).

Similar to Iraq in being a largely petroleum-based economy, but with the bonus they aren't under foreign invasion (not that their domestic politics are any picnic), the Venezuelan economy is in a parlous state because of the global oil price slump and inflation. They also have a weird exchange system, now with 3 different exchange rates for the bolivar. The difference between the government-controlled rate and the market rate is huge. They should have taken a leaf out of the book of astute dinar commentators, who have observed that when you're running a bit short of cash (as Iraq has been in recent times), the obvious solution is to suddenly and vastly increase the value of your currency - not decrease it - and whatever you do, don't even partially float it. Just peg it to some arbitrary value against the US dollar. Overnight, your problems are solved.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Deep Knight »

The $3.91 telephone game story.

3-21-2015 Intel Guru Mnt Goat ...the RV rollout has begun...The major obstacle is ISIS as it is slowing down the rollout more than was in the original plan. But be assured it is occurring. Some...are still...talking about the IQD rate coming out at the provisional or program rate (around 1166). This is of course foolish... First we know for a fact that Iraq is already paying out on Qi cards the adjusted rate of $3.91. This is a converted rate from their 1166 program rate to USD. Second if the rate was to come out so low...the hedge funds and money managers would come in and gobble up trillions worth literally within hours...and drive up the value very quickly in doing so. ...the IMF said...the IQD would come out at least equal to the value of $1.00 USD. The IMF needed a stable currency. They would not RV until it could be valued at least to $1.00. This is all they were saying. Then in being questioned by the news media in 2010, Dr Shabibi even said the dinar could sustain a value up to $16.00. Why would he say announce this to the world if he intended to come out with initial value of 1166 or 40 cents or even $1.00? The rate upon going international is going to be way over $3.00 ($3.91+). ...they have begun to rollout the new rate of $3.91 to the provinces but not yet to the international arena. All the mechanisms to do so are implemented, even the banks have the new rates and are live (but you need exchange codes to conduct transactions) but until the new rates flow to the international money markets and exchanges, the money spigot is not yet opened entirely to the rest of the world. This is what we need.

3-23-2015 Intel Guru TNT Tony On Saturday there was an article saying Dr. Abadi will activate the private sector on Tuesday. On Sunday, there were announcements in the mosques explaining how their cards would operate in Iraq and overseas. ON Thursday, there were letters saying their cards would be activated at $3.91 on Monday, and that didn’t happen so far today. People we talked to today in Iraq said they are expecting this any moment, and on television they showed the celebrations all weekend. They also said that tomorrow they will briefed on new rates of Iraq to dollars. We are in a good place so far as Iraq is concerned. So senior people are sequestered, and everyone else is being called in including security. Everyone is excited and on their toes because they are anticipating this happening today, tomorrow… this is right now, and the information can change in an hour. It changed five times yesterday! But we are ready to go right now.


3-25-2015 Intel Guru TNT Tony I don’t think we’ll get out of this month, because news is saying any minute, hour, or day. Their television is scrolling “economic reforms will be done for all citizens of Iraq” and that is being shown here in the US on Iraqi stations, which are usually two days behind events in Iraq. We have contacts in Iraq saying that has been done in-country, with a rate of $3.91 or slightly higher. It’s happened over there, but it is being revealed in stages. We always thought that it would be revealed everywhere at the same time, but they have decided to reveal it in controlled stages. We are not waiting for the RV and GCR to happen – it’s already happening. Too many people are being exchanged or given appointments right now, here and around the world. This is a good thing! Iraq they expect this any time within the next few days.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Gregg »

So if you have an ATM card that is in Dinar, and its being loaded with Dinar, does a Dinar @ 1166/$ load any differently than a Dinar @ $3.91?

These are some really stupid people, the people who fall for 419 letters even know better than this.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by The Observer »

Gregg wrote:So if you have an ATM card that is in Dinar, and its being loaded with Dinar, does a Dinar @ 1166/$ load any differently than a Dinar @ $3.91?
Yes, but only if you have the magical RV Dinar Diner Card. I know there has been a rush on these lately and you can't find them anywhere, but I would be willing to part with the one I have for $1166.00. It has one Dinar on it at the moment, so when the RV happens, your investment will pay for itself!
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Gregg »

At long last, in a flurry of electronic transactions that happened in less than a millisecond from start to finish, the Iraqi Dinar Revalued last night to the rate it held prior to the first Gulf War.

It was all part of the long rumored but until now never confirmed Global Currency Reset, in which all of the globe's 168 widely held currencies realigned.

As soon as the Dinar changed its peg from 1166 dinar to a dollar back to the Saddam era rate of $3.64 per Dinar, the rest of the world's currencies all RV'd in one nanosecond, for instance, the USD went from $3.64 per dinar to 1166 dinar per dollar, a move also mimicked by other currencies, such that the net effect of the GCR was, well, bupkiss....


Dinar Gurus, as usual, missed it.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Deep Knight »

Gregg wrote:less than a millisecond from start to finish
Gross exageration. I understand that it was significantly more than a millisecond, 1.2 milliseconds to be exact. Just long enough for our International Banker Division to cash in our reserves.

3-27-2015 Intel Guru TNT Tony There is so much intel to be excited about! It’s been a good week in Iraq. They have finally lined up all their banks, and in the mosques they said the financial crisis will end for all Iraqi citizens this weekend. The Parliament is supposed to briefed on what will happen before it occurs. They can do the RI before the briefing or the other way round. Everyone is geared up and it’s scrolling on the television. They have changed the rate slightly from $3.91. The dinar has been seen at $4.10 on some screens right now. We have seen dong at $1.57 to $1.77, and zim at .15 to .18 minus six zeroes. In Iraq, they are saying the financial crisis should be over for every Iraqi citizen this weekend. They are supposed to briefing everyone by Saturday morning on the final process of phase four. It could be sooner.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by The Observer »

...and zim at .15 to .18 minus six zeroes.
This might be the moment that Tony jumped the shark, when he felt brazen enough to trot out the Zim as an investment vehicle that is missing 6 zeros.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by rogfulton »

I wonder how the RV went. Wasn't it happening over this past weekend? I may have missed hearing about it while I was doing some yard work. :whistle:
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