Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

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notorial dissent
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by notorial dissent »

Let's see, Mad Martha's life sucks and she's been picked on poor bunny and her life is falling apart around her. She believes in all these prophecies that have told her she is going to get everything she wants, and unicorns, but she doesn't say whose prophecies, all these great signs have come and gone and NOTHING. She's upset. She's a Dinaridjit. Apparently Tony the liar is one of her prophets, explains a great lot. Oh, she has a point, amongst all that morass, but then she loses it. She KNOWS all these things that no one else seems to have ever heard about, always a bad sing on the reality quotient. I keep wondering why they keep going on about smartcards, when Iraq of all places probably has fewer ATM's and electronic systems than my own one horse home town.

I do think Mad Martha is doomed for yet another round of unhappy and disappointment as this magic date too has come and gone with things unchanged.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Alcibiades »

You have to give full marks to Martha for her resilience. She has swallowed her latest disappointment with equanimity and holds forth again:
8/18 could be our day if certain markers come together .right now the citizens have not been paid as of yet;China was still in the red but the devalue caused barely a flinch; the Forex is still looking and waiting.I know of groups who have been told Wed/Thurs for the bank.We know,by Iraq's actions that things are signed being implemented. Taxes and tariffs are being collected again.It has been said that when the people of Iraq receive their blessing then we will also.Every date that we have calculated has had something completed of great importance in our journey.We as Dinarians have pulled together to educate and learn from each other how to handle our gift .I for one spent hours helping to calculate the numerology astrology calenders and even international time.All I can say is that THIS is our time and our week. (I hope) but if not then 8/22 is our start.The full moon is 8/29 ,UN operational rate is due 8/28 and maybe the public 9/1.Just remember I'm not giving a real date but just sharing a scenario.One other interesting thing is that we have been off by 2 weeks since what seems forever.Tony had info which was always 2 weeks ahead or turned out backwards.This has been one big puzzle that I will be happy to put away.I thank all of the sites for helping to bring this "baby" to life.
This RV not only has religious faith, but numerology, astrology and the power of positive thinking going for it, so I cannot understand what is holding it up. Let's not forget the collective wisdom of Dinarians whose grasp of the principles of economics is in a class all of its own.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by notorial dissent »

It also helps to be barking mad and clinically clueless.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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I thought that the dong was supposed to RV

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

I just saw this story: ... market%20p

Hey -- all of the Dinarian experts said that the dong was going to RV, just like the dinar. This isn't a RV, though -- it's a DV!. I wonder how many of the Dinar Gurus will mention this inconvenient little fact.... :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Deep Knight »

One Stalled American is pissed off again...

Monday, August 24, 2015
One Pissed off American … STALLED AGAIN!!!

It’s been awhile, I have sat back to read, watch, listen, and not speak or in this case write. Stop telling us how complex this is and we would not understand it. You know, maybe you don’t understand it, every think about that one!!

Oh come on, again, another stall! It was last night, 8-23-2015, this RV / GCR was to go, but one cluster after another, and it was stalled again!!

What to my surprise, the Chinese stopped it? Why you ask? They are afraid of the shaking in the market place which is fragile, no kidding! The current stock markets around the world are built on quicksand with the use of the OLD system money – Fed Rev Notes, Euro, etc. They are going to shake, some more than others, why, ARTIFICALLY INFLATED … Dah!!

Latest rumor, its due to Greece & China’s economy, oh, come on, your moving from FIAT to ASSET backed, and don’t you think people are tired of the same old story. Value goes up and down unless you’re controlling the value with artificial methods! Do you think we’re stupid (diputs)!

You worried that the financial markets will collapse, well, the OLD system (aka fiat Currencies) has to come down or you will never move forward … its call CATCH 22! Didn’t you read this in school? Get this in your head! The Chinese wanted to see how Monday will go … bullshit!

Others are saying that Wall St. has to come down another 400 points … ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!! It’s already rumored 600 point drop at opening sound of the bell … the big boys have already pulled out so who are you kidding … caring for the people? Or is it caring for certain people/person so they can get their assets out of the market or swoop in to make a fortune with the market turn … are you paying off a bribe to some greedy bastard so they will “let” the RV/GCR go through?

Right, if you DO give a shit about the people, you would have arrested all these bastards, pushed the button, gotten the gold in place, called out the RV / GCR, the GR, freed every one of the debt and shut down the derivatives so the banks can never come against its clients … you know, banks are service organizations and we the clients or the customers. Remember Repositor which is us and we control our money, not Depositor which the bank controls our money!!!

You have been hanging your heads into the clouds too much … snorting chem trails are YOU!!! Will you guys QUIT listening to all the expert BAR attorneys and big university economists, they have all been trained and brainwashed in the old system and have vested interest in keeping it running or something very much like it going so them can keep making money and stay in control. Are you actually listening and acting upon the recommendations of the ones who have been trained and educated in creating and perpetuating this screwed up system to begin with … please, tell me it ain’t so?

Well thinking through all the bullshit excuses, Mr. Elder, did you again place the money on trading platform once again? Rolling money again! Did you get approval from the big trust in the sky? All the excuses sure seem to be delay tactics ... Get this off the platform!! Well, I am so glad that you’re so spiritual – enlighten – half in / half out of this world … hmmm!! You’re forgetting those who live on planet earth! So what is really controlling you, FEAR, GREED, POWER or APATHY? Hmm, which one is stopping you from getting this done!

It makes a lot of sense to me that you will let people die to save humanity, riiiight!!

OK, listen up, you ENLIGHTED people, it’s the people of the world had enough of all this bullshit, if your listening, we the people of the world are SCREAMING – GET IT DONE!!! Do you really want the people of the world to stand up! You best take notice!!!

general dunsford, done over, done under, WTF, where are these announcements? Republic, TRN, ARREST??? I thought you were the one with some guts and glory to get this done – COMMANDANT OF THE MARINES! So where is the ACTION TO BACK THE OATH to defend this country from foreign and domestic enemies … It seems you’re in the same boat as that Hairy Legged, Skirt Wearing, Sissy Boys - Ground Pounder Dempsey - with lots of fake brass on your chest that works behind the desk at funny sided building. Hmm! Just as an oh by the way, MY FAMILY OF MARINES ARE NOT HAPPY WITH YOU, THEY STILL STAND ON THEIR OATH, EVEN OUT OF UNIFORM! FU!

To all my friends around the world and here in USA, we the people of the world must stand in one voice, it is time to rid us of this evil on planet earth, release new technologies which will stabilize and grow the world economy and fix all the screw ups from the controllers over the past hundreds / thousands of years. GOD, YOUR PEOPLE REQUEST FREEDOM FROM SURPRESSING EVIL!

One Pissed Off America, signing off for now. Remember, you too believe the same way, just too scared to say or do anything, time to buck up and man up, so let’s change this together!

Posted by Olive Oyl at 12:43 PM
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by thunter »

Yeah, that's the way to make stuff happen. Send another few thousand words into the vacuous trillions of other words on the Internet. Do these rants make these people feel powerful? Add some veil of meaning to their empty lives?

I just don't get it.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Alcibiades »

There's nothing quite like a bit of incoherent raging against the system to make one feel better. The folk looking for the GCR/RV want the current evil financial paradigm to be overthrown, but not by too much. They still want to join the ranks of the wealthy, rather than wishing that the world revert to a barter and backyard self-sufficiency arrangement. They would like just enough market-driven capitalism to see them personally sitting pretty.

It is also amusing to see the gurus not miss a beat when it comes to factoring in the global share-market correction. Just what we are looking for, they say - the inevitable and necessary prelude to the GCR. It would not matter what sort of disaster was forthcoming - if the world were to slide into a global recession, oil prices test record lows, deflation take hold as central banks run out of interest rate options, an asteroid collision - it would all be welcome news. Everything would be clearly be lining up for the RV!
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Deep Knight »

Monday, August 24, 2015
TNT Tony Updates

TNT Tony reports….

It doesn’t look like much has changed, but the entire situation has changed. Every single source that I talked to today said that they received the same information……….The RV was finalized at 11pm last night. Bankers came in at 7am and they were told that the rates were live and that the currency exchange would start when the doors opened, (we can see that didn’t happen).

They then were instructed that the time had been moved to after 3pm est, that didn’t happen and now we are being told look for it tomorrow.

Now, while this may sound like bad news to you, or that they have just been given the run around all day, I don’t look at it that way. I look at it like this……RV finalized….(a lot of money was paid last night to make this happen)……Final Rates agreed to…..The rate in the meeting is the same rate that is now showing on multiple banks screens across the country…..without a hold placed on it.

The final piece to the puzzle is that the UN requested a 24 hr hold before making it public. This was to see the reaction of the markets and the global economy to the shut down of the U.S. government. Now we wait…………


I found this posted on Dinar dot me with today's date, but it's really from TNT DINAR on Tue Oct 01, 2013 8:36 pm. Then again, does it really matter?
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Jeffrey »

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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Deep Knight »

From MacHaffie 4 1/2 years ago, but recently referred to in a comment on the dinar-friendly site Wealth Coaching. I believe the original "story" was from 6 years back.

Saturday, January 22, 2011
Trump Buys $30 Million USD of Dinar

Trump Big Buy Into Dinar
United States real estate mogul Donald J. Trump has been diversifying and moving East with his properties and it now appears he is in the Far East buying Dinars, $30 Million U. S. Dollars.
Donald J. Trump “It’s time for all of us to diversify our assets and take back the American dream” . the Donald trump list of investments grows as we speak; Trump Casino, Trump International Hotel, Trump Marina Hotel and Casino, Trump Taj Mahal Casino Resort and Trump Tower, TV Shows, properties in New York, Las Vegas; Chicago; Miami; Los Angeles; the Caribbean; Hawaii; New Jersey; Scotland; Dubai; Dominican east region, Reality Dating the Trump University, vitamin and health products and now the New Iraqi Dinar.
“It’s time for all of us to diversify our assets and take back the American dream”. Donald J. Trump
It appears now Trump Big Buy into Dinar is confirmed. There has been a rumor about this for a while but it has remained unconfirmed for the most part until very recently. In the past week the source of the sale a dealer involved and a person in the hi-raise industry have confirmed the Big Buy.
Donald Trump - synonymous with luxury high-rises, his TV show and a distinctive hair style - is now putting his money into the Dinar investment / speculation arena. It is not for resale but as a hedge and as with many in anticipation of the revalue of the New Iraqi Dinar.
Many believe that the Dinar will return to its historic value of $3.20 as opposed to it value today of less then one cent.
The source lives in Bagdad and has been involved in the Dinar business for the past 5 years and sells to 21 dealers in North and South America and has confirmed a stepped delivery schedule of $30 million dollars US. They have all been delivered at this point.
The dealer lives in the mid west United States and stated that he was contacted by an agent who was looking for a source to obtain the 30 million dollars of Dinars about a year ago. He was unable to put the deal together by himself and set up the original teleconference between the source and the agent for a finders fee. The agent never revealed who he was representing but the source did the day the deal was put together.
Final confirmation was made last week in a unrelated interview. The interview was about the New Trump Network that just launched with a person who has been close to the Trump Empire, and the Trump / Dinar rumor came up.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 6:54 AM
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Deep Knight »

Monday, September 28, 2015


Elmerf123456: After reassuring the United States that its economy will be propped up by China, Obama has given his thumbs up to the inclusion of Renminbi into the IMF’s SDR basket of currencies.

Renminbi is the official “people’s currency” of China; Yuan is the primary unit of that currency. This will pave the way for the exclusion of the fiat dollar from the global financial system in the coming days.

The Obama administration took a step toward backing China’s bid to have the yuan recognized as a global reserve currency, as the U.S. softened its insistence that the Chinese implement financial reforms to win support.

The shift in the U.S. position follows the administration’s failed attempt to prevent allies from joining the China-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank earlier this year, a strategy that was faulted by former policy makers including ex-Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson.

Winning the IMF’s endorsement would validate efforts by Xi to push through policies aimed at making the world’s second-biggest economy more market-oriented, boosting China’s prestige as it prepares to host Group of 20 gatherings next year. At least $1 trillion of global reserves will convert to Chinese assets if the yuan joins the IMF’s reserve basket, according to Standard Chartered Plc and AXA Investment Managers.

Friday’s shift brings the U.S. closer to the positions of the U.K. and France. In a speech Tuesday in Shanghai, U.K. Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne said he’d like to see the yuan added to the IMF basket as the currency becomes increasingly important in global markets and “meets existing IMF criteria.”

Elmerf123456: That my Folks spells out A BIG WIN FOR OUR HOME TEAM! Remember back...I said China doesn't play games. They do what the set out to do!!!!!

Fancy01: E lmer Am I wrong in thinking with this that the Yuan Remnibi is in the first basket?

Elmer123456: Fancy count of this. The gov never tells the whole story. I like what I'm seeing and the Market also heard China's voice loud and clear

Fancy01: Elmer Considering that China always gets what they want- I am thinking yes

Elmerf123456: It also points out that over 100 heads of state including the Chinese President did not come to play Bridge but rather to mend a few.

elmerf123456 : DOW futures unchanged right now but we should see a shake put a little later. What direction still remains. I suspect we will see SOME green tomorrow.

Publicado por FORO DINAR GURUS en 9:19 PM PDT

Posted by Dan at 11:30 AM


Anonymous September 28, 2015 at 2:07 PM
The IMF is nothing more than a central bank, just like the FED. It has no juice and is going down, just like the FED. All central banks are going down and banks will be controlled by the country's governments where in they reside. The good news is that those governments will also be changing to lawful, constitution obeying entities, with their monies being produced by government treasuries, not central banks, and backed by precious metals.

Popeye September 28, 2015 at 3:37 PM

Olive Oyl September 28, 2015 at 4:31 PM
Anon 2:07 If I am not mistaken, the BIS is also part of the Rothschild IMF and FED. Most of us that are aware of what you said can hardly wait to see their system go down! We can only hope and pray that their criminal system is totaly destroyed and not replaced with something worse yet. The damage they have done to the people of this planet is immeasurable, and no dollar value can be affixed. I am concerned about the pending digital banking system due to hacking as well as the up and coming computer that will be so smart as to take over all affairs, including banking, and will be able to block and steal digital funds at will. We cannot and should not rely on outside sources to control our funds. It is imperative that all Americans begin now - if they haven't already - to work with family and friends and neighbors to establish barter groups for survival - as we will be removed from their 'system' and will need to be able to rely solely on ourselves. Thank you for your comments.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by LightinDarkness »

I always think it odd that the RV mythology has the true believers making things up about China or Russia. I mean, why would any RV of IRAQ'S CURRENCY involve China?

By the way DK, what do you think Tony is going to do after he gets sentenced to his year in jail? How is he going to explain it to the prosperity cultists? Make up some story about being silenced by The Dark Cabal?
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Deep Knight »

LightinDarkness wrote:I always think it odd that the RV mythology has the true believers making things up about China or Russia. I mean, why would any RV of IRAQ'S CURRENCY involve China?
Part of secret, unpublished common law as codified in the UCC.
LightinDarkness wrote:By the way DK, what do you think Tony is going to do after he gets sentenced to his year in jail?
Go to Disneyland (it's what I did the last 2 times).
LightinDarkness wrote:How is he going to explain it to the prosperity cultists?
"My dog ate it."
LightinDarkness wrote:Make up some story about being silenced by The Dark Cabal?
He won't necessarily have to make up a story, everyone I know in the cabal would like to wad up some socks and stuff 'em down his throat. Kinda hard to talk afterwards.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Jeffrey »

Feds are taking their sweet time on this, 3 months since the Sterling raid and nothing?
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Deep Knight »

A persistent claim in RV-land is that new Dinar exchange rates "come up on the screen" but by the time you get there to see, they've changed back. Well, that's when the bad guys are exchanging, keeping you from sharing in the wealth! The meanies!

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

HI All,

We are hearing allot of things are going on but we believe, as usual, that everything is a distraction for the bad boys to get in and get out under cover as fast as they can with their loot while we the people are being distracted under the pretense that something good is happening. We have been suckers to that promise every time for years now, as the story tellers are getting better in their pretend bull shipe…..
Starting a while back we were led to believe we would see these things start… Well, here is what we believe as of today!!
Recently we have become aware of NUMEROUS Private Placement Programs going on like there is no tomorrow…??

We have been hearing from several reliable sources that GREEN lights have been witnessed coming on and then going off in 5-10 minute timeframes at the teller screens, meaning that SANTA CLAUSE is/was there for a few minutes to give us a gift if we were at the bank to see it… This open door was being utilized by various platforms in the sending and receiving banks (in this case for the bad boys) to tranche their clients’ money. It could very well be in dinars (in the form of SKR’s) or any foreign currency that comes ‘alive’ for a few minutes while the green light is on…THAT IS WHEN THE SKR’S ARE ALIVE AND HAVE VALUE (this is why we believe it has RV’ed) JUST LONG ENOUGH TO START TRADING…. IF we were at the bank when this occurrence happens, TNT Tony has told us that bankers have said we can exchange. …. Even a banker we spoke with said ‘Yes, you can’.

By the way, we believe that the RV/GCR has occurred for these bad boys to pull this off … Well, our good friend John McHaffie posted an article by Anonymous 2 explaining this exact thing 1.5-2 years ago. Two days after that post went up he received a phone call from some top level corporate bankers asking him to explain how he got this information, and John politely told them (only as John could) to go suck a *&^%$#. That is/was the John McHaffie that we all knew and loved so dearly…

So, John, ..
this one’s for you!
Only an idiot says the banks and cabalists are broke….
Are you kidding??

It boils down to this…We believe the cabal is still using the Private Placement Programs to bring in millions to trillions of dollars. By using their Private Irrevocable Trust accounts that are not in their personal names and thus are difficult at best – if possible at all - to trace, these greedy shysters deposit their trust monies earned by using their SKR’s put up on platform bullet programs (7-10 days) or other 40 week programs which makes them @#$%%^&* loads of moola quickly. These trades can be done over and over and over again, using the compounded acquired funds to make even more profits each time the tranche is completed. In the meantime you and I are still waiting for our turn to exchange, all the while being told ‘delay’ after ‘delay’ after ‘delay’ for ridiculous reasons (almost always it was Iraq’s fault or Obama’s) while these shysters continue to accumulate unbelievable sums in their trust accounts.

Isn’t there a law that says double, triple and quad dipping using these SKRs is illegal and prosecutable?

The banks may also be placing “administrative holds” on monies deposited in their banks in order to participate in these programs to create even more money for their banks… we have heard this has happened many times before!!

Someone has to be allowing this to go on! We bet you know who it is….come on now, take a guess!?????? WHAT YA GOING TO DO SINCE THEY ARE STEALING YOUR BLESSING????


Everyone we know is wondering why it definitely appears that nothing is being done for us to be able to exchange our currencies. Instead we are told that the 'good guys' are 'doing this'?? And 'doing that'?? AND never has one thing happened providing PROOF to make us believe that ANY thing has come to pass for OUR BENEFIT…..




Posted by Popeye at 7:00 PM


Anonymous October 14, 2015 at 9:38 PM
New people have taken over and we will have an RV.
I can tell you that Wells Fargo can not give people a SKR. They can give them a receipt and deposit slip with administrative hold on the money so they are not doing what you think they are and they can not trade on a receipt or deposit slip.
Some people have trades that are going as soon as the RV is live.
Even some that have managed to get into trades one way or the other are not getting paid and they money is being held until the TRN's are live in the US.
Banks may be going thru accounting and book-keeping procedures with certain high value clients and groups to get then out of the way but don't know anyone that has received cash to spend.
Things are being worked upon for the RV and yes there are some problems but the ones in charge are very capable and will make this happen. Know that it will and remember "it is what it is". The Cabal can still be trouble makers but are just adding more charges to what they already have. They will not get a free ride for what they are doing. They are being slapped down. Ken T.

Anonymous October 15, 2015 at 1:04 AM

Anonymous October 15, 2015 at 12:54 AM
Hi Ken,
We are sticking to or guns unless we see evidence to the contrary... The list of repulsive scumbags in charge from Rothschild's babe on down the line alone tells all 10 of us this is still B.S. ....We would like to see it differently we have ALL lost our sunglasses and have witnessed too much bull-shipe to believe any thing except what we posted.... There is a ton of evidence to show that there is an extraordinary amount of PPP's going on....Ken it is they that are doing the slapping....Our good guys ( so to speak ) cannot even get the chemtrails stopped and they have added lithium spraying .....this is being done by the Air-Farce... They are HAARPING the hell out of the country from anyone of the 24+- HAARPS they now have brought on line and they are using them to wipe out California and the West coast well as splitting the country in half.....We know folks, and they are NOT seeing anything getting done... I guess we may be cynical ...but we are not going allow them to dupe us any more...with out evidence..... Lets just say that traders we know.....know this post is correct and someone is looking 180 degrees in the opposite direction... Lets just say they or anyone else needs to prove they are right and what we posted is wrong........
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by The Observer »

So now the scammers have invented a new pseudo-financial term (Safe Keeping Receipt) that has no real meaning but will keep the Dinar addicts on the hook for another few months. And when the SKRs no longer have clout, they will come up with another false finance document, like "Cash Related Accounting Proceeds" (CRAP), to revive it all over again.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by notorial dissent »

Just goes to show that you really shouldn't DRINK your breakfast, particularly if you are using the really cheap cutrate bootleg stuff.

I will give them this, they have come up with a whole new LOAD of pseudo financial babble to bemuse and befuddle the already dim and bewildered. And I will freely admit, that they lost me after the first half sentence, after all I only did this for twenty very odd years, so what do I know? Actually, they almost got one thing right, a SKR is a real though really little used thing, in brokerage, where you want a/the brokerage to hold a certificate(s) for you in, get this, in safekeeping, that there is either no or no ready market for, but you want it somewhere safe and where you might possibly be able to sell it someday, which seldom if ever happens. The only one of those I ever personally encountered was a real work of the engraver's art, 19th C Chinese from CA as I recall, really a beautiful piece of work, where I got hooked on Scripophily, and as far as we could ever determine absolutely and totally worthless, but the client wanted it held on the off chance he could find someone to buy it from him, so we did, not like we weren't making a mint off of him otherwise as I recall. We also used to do it for 144 stock as I now recall, on the off chance, in the very slim possibility in some cases, it would become salable through one action or another as the clients usually really wanted to unload it ASAP as a rule, as otherwise it was generally pretty much useless marked up paper.

The term, howsumever, does not and never did apply to currency, at least as far as I know, they generally call those trading accounts and the currency is held in electronic form, since real currency dealers/speculators usually don't want the real item in hand, too hard to get rid of if necessary. These dimbos don't even really qualify as speculators either, just gullible idjits getting taken for a serious ride by their conartist of choice.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by LightinDarkness »

One of the things that most intrigues me about the RV mythology is how the myths just keep evolving. Note in the "intel" posted by DK all the references to private placement programs. I love this one because its the myth that The Powers That Be are secretly getting dinar holders into groups and providing them with early cash outs with huge rates. What slays me though is that there is absolutely no logic behind it. I know, we're talking about a mythical RV, so why would we expect logic? But why exactly do the marks think banks or governments are giving people millions/billions for worthless currency which, according to the official exchange rates, is still worthless?

The private placement mythos has opened up a new way for scammers, by the way. They go around inviting people to their non-existant PP programs which they claim are with Wells Fargo or some other big bank. Then the marks send in their piles of dinar/dong. The scammers send it all to a dealer and walk away with tens of thousands, never to be heard from again.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Gregg »

LightinDarkness wrote:One of the things that most intrigues me about the RV mythology is how the myths just keep evolving. Note in the "intel" posted by DK all the references to private placement programs. I love this one because its the myth that The Powers That Be are secretly getting dinar holders into groups and providing them with early cash outs with huge rates. What slays me though is that there is absolutely no logic behind it. I know, we're talking about a mythical RV, so why would we expect logic? But why exactly do the marks think banks or governments are giving people millions/billions for worthless currency which, according to the official exchange rates, is still worthless?

The private placement mythos has opened up a new way for scammers, by the way. They go around inviting people to their non-existant PP programs which they claim are with Wells Fargo or some other big bank. Then the marks send in their piles of dinar/dong. The scammers send it all to a dealer and walk away with tens of thousands, never to be heard from again.

Kind of sort of, I'm sure that happens but most dinaridgits are way to paranoid to ever part with their pretty paper. There have been groups of people herded into cheap motels in Reno for weeks, months at a time, desperately waiting for the window to open and they attend seminars where any number of useless non tangible stuff is sold, TNT Tony's brother has some gig going where he sells a package of asset protection trusts and such for a few hundred dollars, and if you're gathering a group of sheep for your own little scam he'll cut you in on his action if you let him show up and pitch to the stupid.
The Reno situation would have been kind of sad had it not involved a group of people so terminally stupid to have in fact deserved it, some guru claimed that Wells Fargo had a branch in Reno where they were going to let a group do a favorable terms exchange, THIS WEEKEND ONLY! and a few hundred people showed up, more than a few of which so depleted their non-dinar holdings as to be unable to leave when it turned out to be just another psuedo convention of dinaridgit vendors trying to attract a few suckers. For reasons unknown since this epic failure, both Reno and Wells Fargo have both achieved near mythic status in Dinar Fantasies, sort of like the Babylonian Currency version of Sweedish Cheerleader Twins, and invoking either one of them in any pitch almost assures a core audience.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by LightinDarkness »

An excellent point. I hadn't thought of it, but it is very true - for some reason Wells Fargo and Reno are name dropped all the time in the dinar world. What amazes me is why they would choose that city/bank. If you wanted to use a real financial center, why not New York or London? And why not a bank that caters to the wealthy like JP Morgan? It is simply bizarre.

I do remember that Reno fakeout weekend. Dinar idiots from around the country gathered to cash out..only to find out it was a dinar scam conference. It was hilarious and sad.

I also think Ray Renfrow (TNT Tony's brother) deserves a special place in hell for selling sham trust products. Like his brother, his entire life has been scamming. Before pumping dinar he was involved in preparing illegal tax returns, and the IRS had to bar him from being able to "assist" anyone else with filing. Now he probably makes more money than ever before (and most likely splits it with Tony). I believe he charges $495 ***PER PERSON*** plus expenses to do one of his sham trust seminars, and he will only do it with groups of 20 or more. That is $10k a pop, and he does one at least every other month. That is $90k a year (more than 20 people always show up) for scamming that involves only working a few hours a month.