Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Nellie »

LightinDarkness wrote:Nellie: That is fascinating, I had no idea Tony had previously done jail time. That kind of give mes hope. With a previous record like that hopefully the judge will not show any mercy. I am yearning for the dinar community hysteria that will ensue if Tony has to go to jail. What will they do without their guru making up intel and telling them the RV is every day? Which guru will rise next to the top of the (BS) pile?

Deep Knight: Wow, not only is that person getting testy, hes demanding mass murder. Stay classy, NESARA believers.

Yep, Tony has been lying, cheating and stealing for years. Seems like there were 77 felony charges and he pled down to one or two and served four years. I didn't print out a hard copy and am too cheap to spend $1 to see it again. ... rList.aspx He and his lovely wife Tamara also don't pay their bills and aren't above writing a bad check now and then.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by chronistra »

Nellie wrote:How could Tony possibly qualify for any kind of 'pre-trial diversion' program?
Note that it is his co-defendant William Fox who appears to meet the qualifications for pre-trial diversion, not Tony (or at least Tony isn't mentioned in that particular motion).
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Deep Knight »

I don't know about you, but I'm starting to get a bit tired of the Dinar Gurus and their somewhat low (0%) record of accuracy. Dream analysis seems like a better alternative.

Friday, October 3, 2014
Global Reset in a Dream...with a date!
The Rumor Mill News Reading Room
Posted By: NationalDreamCenter [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 3-Oct-2014 10:08:59

Remember before proceeding that dreams in and of themselves have some (just some) predictive power. However, when combined with DreamBot linguistics, holy cow. Well, we SORT OF have an overlap developing. This is only preliminary at the moment, but the dream itself looks VERY compelling.

What's more...the dream was submitted just this morning, and it came from a dreamer who incubated for October 7 and 8, 2014. Folks, that's less than 1 week away!
Please take the date with a grain of salt for now, but the dream is definitely worth your time... ... obal_reset

The linguistics half of this equation can be found and followed here (starting to be a lengthy conversation)... ... php?tid=65

Posted by John MacHaffie at 10:40 AM

The "very complelling" dream.

I found myself late for class. But this wasn't was some sort of strange classroom setting. Where are we? I asked no one because I didn't want to seem confused or lost. I played it cool.

As I listened to the group talking before class, I realized that I am in what is called the rumormill reading room. Hmmm, I don't see anyone reading. This is strange. Then I was looking a computer screen and it said, money overflowing. I read this out loud and everyone said that the reset has happened. I said reset? Is it October 7? someone yelled, "the money is here...we just have to find it!!"

Everyone started walking around the room casually thinking of where the money is hidden. It was strange, like I could tell they were all wanting to get to the money first, but they were all playing it cool, too. They wanted the money, but didn't want to trample each other to find it. For some reason, I said, "Hey everybody, I don't think this is what the reset means...there's no money stashed anyhwere."

Then someone in the back of the room with a baseball cap on said, "Oh my gosh, I've got it!!" He jumps out of his chair (apparently having received the clue from his computer) and runs to the front of the classroom. He frantically looking behind things. I ask, "Are you looking for sliver or gold?" He says, " actually."

Within what seems about 20 seconds of frantic looking, he swings open the bottom cabinet and looks behinds some books. "GOT IT!!" It's a smallish gray bag, and he unzipps it. There's hoards of cash in this's just hanging out in clumps. He has friends, and the friends ensure that everyone in the classroom gets the pre-determined number of bills. As I recall, the determined number was 2 x $100 bills (or were they $1,000 bills? Pretty sure they were just $100). However, there were more than enough. The friends began distributing in bigger clumps. I got a nicely-folded up batch of bills. I put it in my pocket.

I was wondering if they had enough money for all the other people, and telepathically from somewhere else, the suggestion in my head say, "There is plenty for all."

Metaphors: Could the classroom be considered Classroom Earth? Could this whole dream symbolize the long-awaited global reset? October 7 and 8 is right around the corner though. No signs in the physical realm to confim this. $100 bills looked different, but I didn't have time to study them. Same color, but different. Bigger than the older bills.

Why don't I have dreams like this? All of mine are the same old thing with beautiful extra-supple super-models fullfilling my every desire. And then their's the linguistics half of this equation. From what I can gleen from the link, "DreamBot" is a program that looks at posted dreams in a database and identifies words that aren't commonly used - no doubt under the asumption that this must be meaningful. For example, if I described my dream as including "48DDD blondes" and 48DDD wasn't in the database, then this would be flagged as the most significant part of the dream (it wasn't, such women are common both in my dreams and waking life). Is this new online science amazing or what?
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Deep Knight »

Not only Okie's latest, but another Banker story! Go RV!!!

Friday, October 3, 2014

10-3-2014 Intel Guru Okie_Oil_Man














Harleymom: WF Bank Story just now in Texas

My hubby and I decided to go to WF to open up an account before the RV hits. So we walk in to the main branch and was greeted. Girl: how may we help you? Me: we r here to open a bank account. Girl: have a seat and someone will be with you shortly.

Rep: Mr and Mrs *** please follow me. We did and was seated. Rep: what kind of an account are you looking for? Me: checking account.

Rep: with direct deposits like your pay check the fees will be waived which is 10.00 per month. Me: no paycheck we are expecting a large sum of money to come in soon.

Rep: let me notify one of our wealth advisors at a different location. (She was typing info to wealth advisor.

Rep: how much are we looking at? Me: right at this moment I don't know what the rate will be but mimium we r looking at over 10 mill.

Her phone rings. She hands me the phone it's the wealth manager.

WM: where will the funds be coming from? Me: currency exchange. WM: is it the Iraqi dinar? Me: no I only have VNN.

WM: that is great and when this hits I would love to have your business. I have your contact information and I will be in constant contact with you. Me: Thank you

Next thing we knew we were getting major royal treatment. Then all of a sudden there were no more fees, going to keep an eye out for us plus managers and supervisors coming out to meet and shake our hands.

Folks this is the real deal. We just need to wait and let the greatest thing of our life come to us.

We held our composure until we were several blocks away and then let out a whoop whoop
Posted by John MacHaffie at 4:47 PM
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Cosmicbee »

Those phone calls go on almost every day of the week and for years now and they keep saying soon for Dinar RV etc. (while others say that Germain is handling everything). (Have always asked myself if the Galactics are handling everything how can they let so many people live in poverty for so long and wonder where their next bite of food is coming from and keep saying soon.) :|
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by LightinDarkness »

While TNT Tony has been claiming that the entire population of Iraq is lining up at the banks to cash out (even as ISIS gets closer to Baghdad), we're now ready for the next date change. Tony is now dropping hints that while it "could happen any time"..."there are some that don't want it to go until after the election."

And then after the election we'll hear that its scheduled for before Thanksgiving, then before black Friday, then before Christmas, then before New Years Eve, then before New Years Day. Its like clockwork, he does this every year - its even the same dates (although election days only during election years).
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Deep Knight »

Thursday, October 9, 2014
Santa is ready to deliver our packages.

Never have done this before so here is what I got out of the clues Santa is ready to deliver our packages.Is anybody out there. Waiting in the dark and in the silence.

It is finish and done. That’s all folks!Its now time to break out the bottles of Champagne and toast to our new life!Read your book case. We need to review our cash out procedures and prepare to exchange at the banks.

Aloha leslie: Clues coming Forward: All Tier Groups are getting ready to get paid And they (we) are all on pins and needles…. anxiously waiting…waitingYayyyyy! It’s snowing. Here comes Santa Claus…here comes Santa Claus… right down Santa Claus Lane

Publicado por Dinaresgurus FORO DINAR GURUS en 6:33 AM

Posted by John MacHaffie at 3:16 PM

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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by LightinDarkness »

Sterling Currency has made so much money off the dinar scam, but they've been pretty careful about not directly discussing the mythical RV. I have always suspected that has been because the owner knows how to dance the line on the legal line (selling worthless dinar as a "collectors item").

But now they've started making videos about how they will exchange in the event of a "potential huge change in the value of the dinar" - an event they know won't happen. But its interesting they are now making videos, perhaps business has been slowing down? Such videos will give dinar true believers confidence that they will be able to exchange with Sterling and it will make the RV seem all the more real.

Currency dealers and the pumpers they employ are one reason why this scam will never die, we'll be talking about it in 2050 still even if Iraq has a country no longer exists. I would bet this has become a multi-billion dollar business at this point (if you include all the major dealers), and the margins are huge - these guys make 20-30% plus on buying worthless currency (dinar, dong, etc.) and selling it at a markup to the global reset crowd.

Here is the Sterling propaganda video where they now directly talk about how they will be operating post-RV (which, again, they know will never happen - they are just doing this because it will get them more sales). Its an infomercial for why you should buy from Sterling basically, but disguised so that the dinar true believers will think otherwise: ... nar-Banker
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by LightinDarkness »

As expected and right on time, TNT Tony has launched another "project" to re-focus all the growing anger at his constant prediction failures. Before it was #wearethepeople on twitter, and now its "My Dinar Story."

What is it? Its actually quite sad and tragic, really. Its a forum where dinar true believers post about how they got into dinar and what the last 3-4 years has done to them (since TNT Tony started). Here is the link: ... nar-story/

Reading some of these stories is so sad, people who have been into the dinar and praying for an RV for 5-10 YEARS. They talk about how their family thinks they are crazy (hint: YOU ARE) but that they just know Tony is going to be right and the RV is going to be any day now.

The supposed purpose, like the #wearethepeople ruse, is so that The Dark Cabal will see what their incessant delays is doing to the poor dinar true believers. Tony actually claims he is going to print all these sob stories out and "send them to Washington." How nice, random DC politicians will be getting these and have no idea what they are since the RV isn't real and they have nothing to do with it. The real purpose, of course, is to get people to channel their anger away from TNT Tony's 0% prediction success rate.

Here is a typical "dinar story", the most sad/tragic parts highlighted:
I have been involved for the last 3 years. For a long time I looked for Mountain Goat on for the information that I was looking for. About a year ago I learned about TNT and the rest of the team. I have listened to them faithfully for over a year and have trusted what they were saying and understood that things can change. If it wasn't for Tony, DC, Pam, Ray and all the others my time waiting for the Dinar to revalue would have been much harder. Making it from month to month has been a challenge as far as an income but the challenges have been overshadowed by the ability to put some money into making our future much more secure. I invited a friend to move in with me so that he would have help with his 26 year old Autistic son that does not talk or function on much more than 2 or 3 year old. We are wanting to put together a program that brings several different modalities into one basket to help these kids live a better more productive life. I have appreciated TNT and their ability to make it possible to understand more fully what is going on and what we need to do to get through this. It is such a blessing in my life to be able to benefit from this to help those in need and to make our lives more stable. I believe that The TNT Team has truly been in this to help us and to make sure that we are treated fairly. I do appreciate those who have been working to make this possible for all of those who have the currency that will revalue. I understood and agreed with the TNT group that we are not in this to influence the big picture but we are here to make sure that we are treated fairly. This revaluation will make it possible to work with and help others that need help. It has been a roller coaster ride but I understand information changes and what they shared with us was correct when they shared it with us. I really think those of you in the US pulling the strings should be thankful that they were here to help us understand and to keep us from doing anything to mess things up with our ability to receive this blessing. My hope is that the TNT Team will be able to maintain contact with us even after the RV even if they are not allowed to participate in politics. They have become a friendly connection in a world that seemed to care less about those of us who became WE ARE THE PEOPLE and I will always be grateful for their efforts and their concern. I guess that what I am really trying to say is that if you who are pulling the strings would have looked out for us like the TNT team you would not be worried about the TNT Teams influence and following. You would have it instead us backing you instead of questioning your motives. When it is all said and done I want to thank you for allowing the TNT Team to be there for us and to help us in ways that would not have happened without them.
This person has been spending money they don't have on dinars that will never RV for 3 years, all while singing the praises of and worshiping at the altar of TNT Tony...even though he has been wrong every single day since he started. But despite the overwhelming evidence, they just can't believe that TNT Tony could ever be wrong - its that the Dark Cabal keeps changing things!
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by JamesVincent »

I don't think someone that is unhinged enough to swallow that BS should be allowed around a low-functioning Autistic, much less help taking care of them. I just don't see that ending well.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Nellie »

LightinDarkness, Along with a project to keep the sheeple busy, it could provide Tony with another income source when he sells all the new email addresses. They closed the original TNT forum to new members a while back because of all the negative comments that were appearing.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Nellie »

There is a new thread at TNT about how the RV has impacted marriages.

Here are some of the posts:

Hey all--just wondering if I'm the only one who has a good to great marriage, been together a long time, but having a tough time due to this roller coaster ride.
Its been a particularly hard day for my husband and I in that we have been invested for over 4 years and seen all the ups and downs and seen how close we get and then it stalls. And he doesn't believe it's even close and I know it truly is coming finally. And though hubby has a job, we need extra income so I "should" be looking for a job (I am a real estate broker by trade) but I keep putting it off since I don't want to tell an employer "Cya" after 2 days or whatever!!! I'm far from lazy, but ya know what I mean???
So here we are in debt, first child going off to college in a year and I really just want to have a healthy marriage and its just a difficult time.

Well, yes, we argued while she kept telling me not to invest as it won't save her in time and to use everything I had to keep her alive. I did both. But, she died a few months ago remaining in disagreement that it would ever happen. Up to the last day she still could have been saved. It looks like it will have been a few months too late. This is the third death and the third person I could have saved. So, how did it hurt marriage ?
it made a constant disagreement when things were really really tough already and made her look at me as caring more about money than love, when I was spending so much time on it. thats what happened to the marriage.
I still believe it is going to happen. I still have more people to help. Be grateful if your spouse is still living when it happens. That is the ultimate of luck.
Honestly you are putting too much faith in the RV. I WAS married and in a similar situation. We lost all of our money in real estate crash. We had Dinar since 2007 and really since 2011 watching it daily. She had the attitude... Why get a job if the RV is just around the corner.... After 2 years of it, I became very resentful of her not helping me with the bills. We had no children and in our early 40s , able bodied and capable of working, yet since I made enough money to cover us, she just rode the free ride I was providing.......
Yes she kept the house cleaned and laundry was done... But we needed to get out of debt.

Now we are divorced and I am stuck paying off the debt AND paying her alimony. (Thxs Washington State laws)... Her justification was always the RV... She even fought me on the divorce to wait until the RV happened. Needless to say, put the RV aside and look at your marriage. Are you carrying your fair share or are hoping for the easy out of coming into money and your marriage will. In my case it would not have mattered. I had already been taken advantage of ( in my opinion). I was the one working 50 hours a week... Getting up at 6am every morning... Even after begging her to get ANY job. Every dolla she could bring in could straight to paying off debt. Instead we are divorced and it has taken 4 years to pay it off....

I can totally relate to what you said. You do have company. I believe this will happen very soon (even this weekend) and my husband is really tense about it all and partially doesn't believe it will happen. It has been hard on our relationship, which is normally wonderful in many ways. We go almost everywhere together. I would like to hear him laugh again and be relaxed.

We got affected by the economy as far back as Dec 2007 and have struggled to make it to today.

We have home damage from Hurricane Irene and need money for heat for winter (it gets down to -25 to -30 degrees some in Jan/Feb/March), we need many things right now so it makes things tense on the home front. We had to turn off heat for the past 2 winters in part of our home and it is musty and have mold on items on the first floor. I can't wait to have money to get everything fixed, be debt free, invest and have money to help family and charities. It will take so much tension away.

I am extremely grateful for hearing about this from an MLM friend and also to have had him tell me about TNTDINAR over a year go. I have been on this ride since early 2011. I have been on almost every call for over a year now.
I would not say suffer, but my wife no longer believes the RV will ever happen and says: I have wasted our money buying VNN and IQN and ZIM. My wife gets really disgusted at me following TNT now and I have to admit, it does follow the definition of "insanity" def: doing the same thing over and over expecting different results. It has become very difficult to listen to the calls every day, especially listening to the same callers and questions every day. I can't help but believe the callers are lonely desperate people that somehow feel a part of this RV by hearing their own voice over the radio every call. Does it make them feel included, important or just ease their loneliness by getting to talk to someone?
I got laughed at and belittled by my spouse. Now exspouse.
Without sharing too many details, I will say that just within the last 7 months, we went from the best marriage in the world (almost 30 years strong) to now having to rebuild and refocus on the very foundation. It has been very eye-opening to say the least!
Any decisions or expectations based on the RV being made before it happens are irresponsible and irrational. I have seen too many marriages suffer, health wane and lives lost over this event to rely on it for anything.
CVGGAL: to your question; my bride does not believe that the RV we all track here is real. Back in Nov. 2013 when we were all hearing it was going to be $38.86 exchange for the Dinar and it was going to be any moment; WINK-WINK and be sure to take your phone to bed with you she did sit with me and urged me to gain perspective and grounding regarding this possible event. Clearly, we were not in agreement which is rare for us and anytime that happens it does cause some small tension - its the way we are both wired. Quick answer is I agreed to tone it down - no moving heaven and earth in both our schedules to insure I heard the conf call; no furious note taking from the conf. calls; no constant calculating on the calculator; etc. etc. I haven't even listened to a conf. call since Dec. 2013 and only now read the cliff notes from the calls once or twice a week. So the tension that had surfaced regarding the imbalance of time I was putting into it has disappeared and she was right to have rightsized my energies into involvement on this possibility.
yes -- you have to not believe it is going to happen tomorrow and move on with your life and get a job. I know someone who waited and waited and waited to try and get a job two years ago because it was going to happen any day. Well he finally decided to get a job so his car and house would not be reposseded and foreclosed on.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by JennyD »

And I'm stuck in the middle with Dinar...
And I don't know when it is I should RV,
I'm so scared that TNT TONY isn't telling me,
All the facts I need to get off my chair...

Okie to the left of me, DC to the right.
Here I am stuck in the middle with Dinar.........

(picture this being sung by Tony at someone he's razoring up a-la the scene in Res Dogs)

Nunc pro dorkus, pizza pizza, no rights reserved....
notorial dissent
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by notorial dissent »

A whole bunch of people living in a total fantasy world, ignoring all the obvious signs that there is something wrong, destroying their lives, and it would seem the lives of those around them. I can't help wondering what is going to happen when this thing finally does implode for real. I just don't know if they are going to go into complete emotional collapse as their fantasy world disintegrates, or go deeper and deeper in to denial and irreality. This is a very cruel and destructive fraud.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Jeffrey »

Are they still managing to spin the ISIS news or merely ignoring it?

From October 9th:
It is finish and done. That’s all folks!Its now time to break out the bottles of Champagne and toast to our new life!Read your book case. We need to review our cash out procedures and prepare to exchange at the banks.
Meanwhile in real life Iraq:
Baghdad (CNN) -- ISIS fighters stood Saturday on the verge of taking not just a key Syrian town along the Turkish border, but also an entire province on Baghdad's doorstep -- spurring leaders of that province to urgently plead for U.S. ground troops to halt the Islamist extremist group's rapid, relentless assault.

Already, some 1,800 tribesmen in the province have been killed or injured in the struggle.

Al-Karhout said his provincial council has intelligence that ISIS has dispatched as many as 10,000 fighters to Anbar from Syria and Mosul in northern Iraq. ... index.html

This is a very impressive level of bullsh*t.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by LightinDarkness »

TNT Tony's sidekick and chief propaganda minister - who is only known as "DC" - handles the downplaying of ISIS for him. While he acknowledges ISIS exists (which is more than I thought), he claims its all a distraction by the Dark Cabal and that the media is overplaying their power. The other constant thing he says is that ISIS actually helps the RV because "rich people don't fight" (yes, really, this is his logic). Of course, all the TNT followers believe him. :brickwall:
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by JennyD »

LightinDarkness wrote:TNT Tony's sidekick and chief propaganda minister - who is only known as "DC" - handles the downplaying of ISIS for him. While he acknowledges ISIS exists (which is more than I thought), he claims its all a distraction by the Dark Cabal and that the media is overplaying their power. The other constant thing he says is that ISIS actually helps the RV because "rich people don't fight" (yes, really, this is his logic). Of course, all the TNT followers believe him. :brickwall:

Hence my little song... this is about how the Dinar-idjits (as Notorial calls them) sum up their little whatever fantasy world they live in, by always claiming that some Dark Cabal is really covering up the true RV with distractions........

And it's sad to note that the reason people believe people like TNTTony and OkieSnakeOilMan is that they have become so disillusioned with the major news outlets that anything that confirms that the news is lying is auto-gold and reinforces their beliefs..

Sad but true..
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by JamesVincent »

JennyD wrote: Sad but true..
It's funny you use that phrase. I'm going to leave this here to think about:
I'm your life
I'm the one who takes you there
I'm your life
I'm the one who cares
They betray
I'm your only true friend now
They'll betray
I'm forever there

I'm your dream, make you real
I'm your eyes when you must steal
I'm your pain when you can't feel
Sad but true

I'm your dream, mind astray
I'm your eyes while you're away
I'm your pain while you repay
You know it's sad but true

You're my mask
You're my cover, my shelter
You're my mask
You're the one who's blamed
Do my work
Do my dirty work, scapegoat
Do my deeds
For you're the one who's shamed

I'm your dream, make you real
I'm your eyes when you must steal
I'm your pain when you can't feel
Sad but true

I'm your dream, mind astray
I'm your eyes while you're away
I'm your pain while you repay
You know it's sad but true

I'm your hate
I'm your hate when you want love
Pay the price
Pay, for nothing's fair

I'm your life
I'm the one who took you there
I'm your life
And I no longer care

I'm your dream, make you real
I'm your eyes when you must steal
I'm your pain when you can't feel
Sad but true

I'm your truth, telling lies
I'm your reasoned alibis
I'm inside open your eyes
I'm you

Sad But True
Metallica, "Sad but True"

Sound familiar?
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Deep Knight »

Monday, October 13, 2014
Dinar Intel Updates 13 Oct

Omegaman: if the GCR is LIVE as of now, from East to West; then Forex should go live tonight then the Admiral should go in tonight then we should be at the banks Tuesday...IF........BELIEVE...

Rv/gcr: Just off the Phone with the big guy and what I just heard was the release of funds is moving from east to west and we don't know when exactly the public will start...I am not so worried about that as I want to see the privates start my reasoning for this is because the public's follow the private and as long as the public knows the privates have started we know we are the next thing to look at is back to when is IRAQ going to be announced into the World Trade Organization with the International currency...THERE YOU HAVE IT......they cannot keep it from the public any further than that regardless so lets stay positive and see if this starts the privates either tonight or in the morning so we know as currency holders we are next

10-12-14 R.V. / GCR: The Money is just now released and moving EAST to WEST.

Last tidbit for dot dot.......pursuing the claim for theft of gold from the Philippines with the US Marines....happy timberdays….

This intel just in - the 800 numbers are still supposed to be given out at any given time when they say GO... Just heard the privates could start tonight or tomorrow... you know if the privates’ start, that pretty much includes all of you.

FORO DINAR GURUS en 7:00 PM No comments:

Posted by John MacHaffie at 7:59 AM
"Follow the Money"
Deep Knight
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Deep Knight »

Monday, October 13, 2014
Meat of TNT call

Tony: "Lots of stuff does not make sense for where we are at." Caller – . . . if you guys (Tony & DC) can’t talk, how will we know if peeps got contract rate? Tony - I am connected with the system and I will know. DC will know. You have to believe we will do the right thing.

T - They don’t want us to talk to you after the RV. They don’t want us talk to you, to instruct you afterwards.Tony was offered the opportunity to exchange but he would have had to stop doing the calls. He would have been under an NDA. His NDA is with the government, not the banks. Tony, “they don’t want one guy to have influence over that many millionaires.”Abadi rumors of being ill are UNFOUNDED. NOT ill.RV: was supposed to go down on the w/e and there was a “system interruption.” Then it was scheduled for Saturday, and there was a formal request, again,for a couple more days.FOX news report over the weekend that says Iraq has completed cabinet positions, gave names and they are the names Tony mentioned previously.KURDS: on board 100%. Abadi announced the Kurds get their 17% they have wanted.DATE: Other countries are being told, this should be finished between Oct 14 – 24th. Tony is being told the 14th. On the 15th a whole lot of bills due and people want paid.RATE: Rumor it is coming out at .86 or $1.00. Cards already loaded at $3.58 and heard peeps were told over the w/e they could exchange at $3.71. If it does come out at $1.00, Tony will exchange all he has and then buy all the reserves he can.NDA’S: Unknown if there is 1 for all or different ones. Taking the International rate will not require signing an NDA.TRAPS: Be careful at the banks. It’s the employees job to make money for the bank. Be comfortable you know what your doing. It’s a 20 minute appt. Tony said he will take the time he needs. For peeps with large amounts of currency – if you got enough money they have the time.

DONG: Sleeper. rumor of $2 - $3 may be contract rate. Tony hearing less than 1 million peeps have the Dong. Less people have ZIM than Dong. Posted by John MacHaffie at 2:58 PM

Less than a million peeps have a dong?

"Follow the Money"