Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Deep Knight »

This post from NESARA News and its comments are long, so I've removed the less-interesting (or perhaps less-silly) parts for your enjoyment and so you don't lynch me (almost happened twice last week, IMHO the villagers who live below my castle should have let me know they didn't want the monster re-animated BEFORE I made commitments).

Friday, September 23, 2016
Intel SITREP Report - GCR/RV, Republic, Military, Cabal, NESARA/GESARA

Good afternoon currency community,
Ok, here's what we know after last nights intel drop…

The final military special ​forces ​ops and ghost ​tactical sweeps have begun​, we are hearing the mission is casually being called "Operation Catch & Release​" for obvious reasons. This ​sweep ​includes corporate bad actors of the cabal as well as military and government ​high profile ​targets​, basically anyone on the ​"​super naughty list​"​ is ​now ​being ​permanently terminated--no questions asked​, no arrest​s, no courts, no stinking badges.

Sadly​,​ this ​is the ​​ultra aggressive military action many have been asking for. ​It's cold blooded and comes without warning. It also was ​astrologically and strategically ​begun ​after Mercury ​Retrograde went direct in Asia​, as this is what the Chinese believed was the optimum day and time to start the final phase of execution. Know they are very precise with everything they do and say. So as arrogant and entitled Westerners, it's wise we listen to what the Chinese have to say now… as they're running the world's finances just as Russia is now the new international super​cop on military scene. Ears open, mouths shut 'cause there's a ​few new sheriffs in town.

​The month of ​September was ​always the month for final implementation of all aspects of the GCR, with the RV and Paris Agreement being key components. As October 1, 2016 marks the international legal and fiscal start of the new CIPS/Promise/Quantum Satellite delivery platform.​ All monies have long been settled in necessary domiciles and accounts, and it sits waiting for mass release. Smaller releases have occurred, and continue to occur, with the larger release still awaiting "go authorization" from the military generals now in charge. ​

So whatever hot spots militarily remain, or political like ​here ​in the USA, ​consider all now being satisfactorily resolved before the month's end. Know​ too​ that all solutions ​to existing problems have long been in place and ​just ​waiting ​on ​execution orders​ once the adversary has bleed out and surrenders. There is no struggle on the part of the new global authority to impose their will​ on the cabal​.​ their higher mind strategists have mathematically eliminated the cabal going back centuries… yes centuries this process started to arrive at this historic moment of transition and release. ​
​This is also why we believe Putin ​holds all the final RV release cards ... (because no nation good or bad can hydrate without Russia's ratification paperwork). ... It's a genius strategy actually ... that's just how incredibly close​ we are​ to receiving this amazing blessing, yet still ​we must ​helplessly wait ​as ​the ​hard​​ core cabal actors accept ​complete ​defeat.​
Now yes, sadly, excruciating suffering is also being allowed ​in third world nations​, all nations of the world in very different ways, in order to set the GCR/RV/GESARA foundation right to insure this new platform of human existence can properly hold the moral weight of an upcoming 1,000 years of light.​ We're all paying an earthly price for s a heavenly blessing, because just as we all suffer so too shall we all be blessed beyond our wildest comprehension.

As for the US Presidential elections ... neither Hillary Clinton nor Donald Trump, nor any candidate presented in the current election scenario can win an office that legally no longer exists. ... the old Republic of the United States be resorted per the original US Constitution circa 1776, and as a result, quietly without public mention, leaders for the Republic of the United States were selected and seated without attention. These leaders have been running the affairs of Americans for nearly two years now without mass knowledge (for everyone's protection). In October, or perhaps a little before, public knowledge of this restored constitution Republic will be made known, and both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump will be removed from consideration as potential Presidential candidates. The election cycle will be lengthened per Congress' authority, per the original Constitution, till January 3, 2017. New candidates will enter the arena, that have been pre-approved by the Chinese, Russians and World Court in agreement with the temporary leadership of the temporary leadership of the Republic (General Joseph Dunford).
All of this information is offered now so that you fully understanding why you get to redeem currency for such a high price, without a massive public revolt or overt coup d'tat on your own soil. What's occurring folks is biblical yes, but more so divine in nature and scope. Humanity is being released, not just 800#s, and we're all being allowed to experience such infinite wealth because God has declared our sovereignty--not the Chinese, not Russia, not the World Court Head Magistrate, not the Elders, not Putin or Xi Jinping, and certainly not the better discernment of mankind on his own.

​Do remember ​this tutorial when you are participating in the restoration of your planet, ensuring the survival of your species and actively engaging in the second greatest moment of human history ever recorded; ​because such an honor ​does ​comes with a steep price, as it should, as it must​; for to much is given, much is expected. So ​try and ​remain grateful ​as you wait this final phase out because to be even slightly aware of what is going on behind these scenes ​separates you from the overwhelming major of your family, friends, community, country and continent have absolutely no clue what's going down, let alone what's coming up.​ And the whole point of this global reset and revaluation of currencies, is to unify mankind and expose the cabal lie that we are in any way separate from one another. ​

Sobeit. God is with us.

​(SIDE NOTES: ... if you can stay plugged in, wait it out with all your brothers and sisters across the globe, there is infinite reward waiting for you far beyond your wildest dreams. Do you believe this? Well, that's up to you. It's risky either way you decide. But consider this, at least you have been given some context as what's occurring​ in real time​​… and maybe, just maybe, the world is being reset ... no frequency of scarcity or lack will exist outside of such a harmonious setting. That means poverty, disease, hunger, homelessness, unemployment, ignorance, war, crime, hatred, toxic air and water, etc… just won't be allowed into this new benevolent paradigm. ​​​​Again, at least you have been offered some intellectual food for thought if nothing else. Please do consider all possibilities pre and post RV as it relates to this being spiritual event.)

RV, Republic, Military, Cabal, NESARA/GESARA -

Posted by Popeye at 12:00:00 AM

Anonymous September 23, 2016 at 3:29 AM
I take several issues of claims made within this article, so I will address them one by one ...
Please explain to all of readers as to exactly what corporate bad actors as well as military and government high profile targets have been exterminated! This statement lacks credibility as the entire CFR, Council of Foreign Relations as well as all members of the Military Industrial Complex are still 100% alive, still war mongering, still running weapons and drugs as well as human trafficking for the Roman Catholic Church and it’s Satanic Agenda!
Please explain to all of readers as to these supposed necessary domiciles and accounts. Likewise, please explain how General Dunford who is part of the Cabal trying to re-establish itself as the New Republic; incorporated in France. Why has General Dunford not been exterminated with prejudice?
Please explain to all of the readers how you can sit there and state that there is no struggle on the part of the new global authority to impose their will on the cabal when it is clear that cabal is working in full gear and this supposed new global authority has NOT DONE SHIT TO BRING THEIR AGENDA TO A HALT! They are still doing their chem-trails, still letting the CDC kill off people with the help of the WHO, World Health Organization, through use of their killer vaccination programs, as well as explain who this new global authority is and how it is not the often referenced NOW, New World Order! Likewise, please explain how the Chinese or Russians have any authority over America; as you are well aware the United States is a corporation (NOT AMERICA) and they have NO LEGITIMATE power or authority over America. Thus, America and its people are not responsible, accountable, or liable for the debts or actions of the CRIMINAL CORPORATION known as the United States.

jay w September 23, 2016 at 8:46 AM [in response to the comment above]
You are a perfect example of the classic educated moron,, apparently , this is too much for your college level brainwashing and mind control to handle . This is why all had to be done , in secret, but not really if you are capable of higher thought and discernment , however unlikely in your case that may be........ I doubt you can even comprehend my comment at all , regardless of your advanced level of indoctrination and brainwashing..........You dig.........

Anonymous September 23, 2016 at 10:53 AM

Anonymous September 23, 2016 at 3:31 AM
Please explain to all of the readers how you can sit there and state this crap about carbon taxation when it has already been not only disproven as a hoax to collect more taxes as well as instituted by the Rothchilds themselves. Likewise, your own statement of “there is nothing new or shocking about this tactic” proves that those engaged in this PARIS TREATY are just as corrupt and untrustworthy as the CABAL! Anything that cannot be implemented out in the open should always be denied - PERIOD!
Please explain to all of the readers how you can sit there and spout this crap about sovereigns when all Law Enforcement, CIA, FBI, DHS and other corporate agencies calling themselves the government claim SOVEREIGNS as the number one threat to the United States. I guess they could be right if they mean their corporation not the True American Republic. Without the extermination of all BAR MEMBERS the illegal law system will continue!
Please explain to all of the readers how you want to give Dunford control of America when he is in fact part of the NOW, New World Order, and his agenda is to defraud America into excepting the CABAL as the NEW REPUBLIC!

jay w September 23, 2016 at 8:48 AM
See comment above , you are the only crap spouter in the room..

Anonymous September 23, 2016 at 3:32 AM
Please explain to all of the readers how you can sit there and state this crap about Stump when the CABAL who did their little dog and pony show with the congressional hearing told him that he was bad, yet no action was taken against him to throw him in jail! He was allowed as all the other criminal bankers to go SCOTT FREE!
Please explain to all of the readers how you can sit there and state this crap about a world court when the American people never ever agreed to be under the authority or ruling of this CRIMINAL COURT which has REFUSED to take any action against any member of the CABAL that is visible to the everyday person! Likewise, give proof that these supposed leaders have been running the affairs of the Americans for the last two years. (If they have, they have done a PISS POOR job!)

jay w September 23, 2016 at 8:50 AM
Please explain how you have become the voice of all the readers.........

Anonymous September 23, 2016 at 11:05 AM

Anonymous September 23, 2016 at 3:33 AM
Like you really expect me or any sane person to trust or believe in or trust anything being done by the Satanic Pedophilia Leader of the World? Sorry, just not that gullible! Once again you claim covertly and without public knowledge…. ANYTHING DONE IN PRIVATE OR WITHOUT PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE IS NOT TO BE TRUSTED!
You once again reference humanity and these 800#s yet I know of NO ONE with any of these 800 numbers….. I GUESS THESE 800 NUMBERS ARE ONLY FOR THE RICH ELITISTS! DON’T SPOUT THIS CRAP --- PROVE THESE NUMBERS AND THE AMOUNTS THAT IS TO BE RELEASED OR STFU

Jay Dee September 23, 2016 at 3:41 AM
Oh Good...
Just in time to WAIT some more.
This is such a load of BS and has been for 20 years.
WAKE ME when the "Cabal Surrenders"...
Till Then, STFU

Anonymous September 23, 2016 at 9:49 AM
Good Thing I Had My Rubber Boots on Before Reading This!!!

Anonymous September 23, 2016 at 10:55 AM
Oct well come & pass-Nov well Come & pass-Dec well Come & Pass-Jan well Come & Pass-Donald Trump or Hillary well be President Of The USA & There well Sill be "NO RV"-The Intel well be Publishing Their Lies & False Hopes

Anonymous September 23, 2016 at 11:10 AM
Get the dictionary out and look up 'well' vs 'will'; also look up 'sill' vs 'still' - learn it - you might have to USE IT!
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by texino »

I wrote a mighty reply using morons and maroons and went on to imply that the dinar RV was as hopeless as sending troops from New Zealand to Gallipoli. I also mentioned that I was in remission, so ragging on me was OK. I think it was well done, but I lost the damn thing when I went to post. So there.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Burnaby49 »

texino wrote:I wrote a mighty reply using morons and maroons and went on to imply that the dinar RV was as hopeless as sending troops from New Zealand to Gallipoli. I also mentioned that I was in remission, so ragging on me was OK. I think it was well done, but I lost the damn thing when I went to post. So there.
Do what I do. I write almost all of my posts on Word then copy and paste to Quatloos. If I screw up on posting (a frequent event) I still have the Word document as backup.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Jeffrey »

From the comments it seems that some of the outlandish claims coming from Fulford and other Currency Reset sites has gotten so outlandish it's turning off adherents. Fulford is pushing the claim that Hillary is currently dead. That as part of a GCR there will be disclosure of the existence of aliens. That the blackout in Puerto Rico was somehow tied to the IRS being based there (which it's not).
notorial dissent
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by notorial dissent »

Oh say it ain't so, that Ben Fullofit is getting too outlandish, not the Ben who brought us all those breaking news and intel info items, say it ain't so???? :snicker: Why the next thing you'll be saying is that he wasn't being entirely forthcoming or truthful, and then where will we be? Now I ask you...... :snicker:
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Gregg »

A perfectly innocent little meme had I not found it on Dinar Vets (where the "smart" Dinaridgits hang out)

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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Chaos »

it was next to this one wasn't it:

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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by LightinDarkness »

Listened to an interesting conference call that showed a previously unknown (to me) new angle on the RV scam:

We all knew about dinar dealer gurus (paid by the dealers) who pumped up the dinar/dong/etc. There are now also apparently roving scammers that are taking the currency at fake "private exchange" meetings. Holders of these currencies get "invited" to fly out at their own expense to random places in the United States. Then the scammers come in and make them fill out tons of personal/bank account information forms. The scammers also take the marks currencies.

The promise is that the scammers will cash out the currency and deposit it into the marks bank accounts in a few days. Of course, that never happens. But now the scammers have thousands of dollars worth of currency they can sell back to the dealers and do some identity theft with all the bank account information.

The marks are told they are under strict NDAs, so even after YEARS pass with nothing happening most of them don't talk about it. We knew this has happened in Reno several times, but apparently they are doing this dozens of times per year across the US in places like Utah as well.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Jeffrey »

Could that be what that group in Canada that got caught with a bunch of Dinar was doing?

It fits the description.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by LightinDarkness »

Exactly what I thought. These guys are doing tons of these "private exchanges" and amassing enough currency that it actually has some value (simply by sheer volume).
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Red Panda »

Dave Schmidt and thousands of others submitted Dinar, Dong and Zim about a year ago. I was wondering what the "buyers" would do with it. The Dong has market value, so they could exchange that, but I was wondering what they would do with the Dinar. I didn't think it would be that easy to resell, but evidently there is still a market for the Dinar.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Jeffrey »

Wasn't there a mention in the Sterling FBI documents that actual Dinars are now hard to obtain? This currency exchange might simply be a solution to that problem.

In theory an enterprising con-man could take Dinars from a seminar with suckers at State A, then cross over to State B and resell the "private exchange" dinars to the fresh batch of suckers. Then simply repeat the process. You can resell the same batch of physical dinars over and over.

I suspect they probably get the suckers to sign NDA's so they wouldn't blab and potentially figure out the scam.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by LightinDarkness »

Jeffrey wrote:Wasn't there a mention in the Sterling FBI documents that actual Dinars are now hard to obtain? This currency exchange might simply be a solution to that problem.

In theory an enterprising con-man could take Dinars from a seminar with suckers at State A, then cross over to State B and resell the "private exchange" dinars to the fresh batch of suckers. Then simply repeat the process. You can resell the same batch of physical dinars over and over.

I suspect they probably get the suckers to sign NDA's so they wouldn't blab and potentially figure out the scam.
I don't think they even have to cross to State B and sell them. Couldn't they just dump them on ebay? Or maybe these scammers are sanctioned by the dealers, and the dealers are using this as a way of getting more dinars to sell?

The NDAs are definitely to keep it all quiet. Which is funny because since the "private exchanges" are fake, the NDAs aren't real. It is just a way of making sure the marks don't go tell others that they were scammed. And the scammed are so dumb they can't figure out that the NDAs are fake - they must think if they are quiet long enough they'll finally get to cash out.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by notorial dissent »

I would think that at this point the market would be beginning to be saturated, but never underestimate the stupidity of suckers.

I think the NDA's are more of a magic words thing to add to the verisimilitude of the con. The suckers know those are magic important words, and if the dealers are using them then it must be legitimate, that and it does lessen the possibility of the suckers blabbing.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Deep Knight »

NESARA News has tended to shy away from RV talk since Big John died, but occasionally they still get sucked in.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016
"Volume + Vision = Victory" - RV Op Ed.......

Why in the world is everything suddenly all about Zimbabwe as it relates to the RV?

It's only the 61st largest nation by square miles (roughly about the same size of Japan) and a nation of less than 15 million people. And sure it's valuable, but so are a lot of nations in Africa. We're told there are enormous deposits of rare earth elements, easily accessible minerals and massive precious metals deposits, plus plenty of water (not typical for most African nations) which creates an unusually fertile agriculture industry.

But what about this out-of-print "collectible currency" everyone keeps talking about? This magical ZIM rate? What's the rub?

Well, there are two simple reasons for Zimbabwe's sudden rise to prominence on the global monetary scene, and few know either. One has to do with volume, and the other vision, and together they have equated to victory.

Let's explore the theoretical space shall we...

Volume. Largest stack wins at the poker table nearly every time, right? Well, the ZIM back in 2008-2009 was sure printed with unprecedented volume. The ZIM currency has been out-of-print until just recently, and now they've resorted to printing sovereign bonds that act like currencies to gain trust against with locals. But what if there was precedent for such a monetary decision in Zimbabwe?

The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe has done this before, the last time was in 2008-2009 but they didn't tell anyone.

The RBZ printed bonds that acted like currency, and used the last hyper inflated series (AA,AB,AC) to pay back IMF loans that were imposing brutal austerity measures against their population. That final ZIM dollar series was circulated just like a currency, but with the notes having an incredibly high face value, and holding an even higher sovereign bond value.

So why hide a sovereign bond beneath the facade of an everyday currency? There must have been a good reason, just like ZIM bond/currency suddenly being reissued today, yes?

Yes. But few were aware back then, and even less are today. Turns out the 2008-2009 ZIM currency was secretly printed on special sovereign bond paper in Germany--at the same bond printing company that printed China's sovereign bonds--and together, they colluded and engaged in a clandestine printing without the awareness of top white cabal European leaders.

When the Europeans found out of course they promptly shut down both the Zimbabwe bond/currency printing and destroyed the plates, but the damage was already done as quintillions upon quintillions of high valued sovereign bonds were already circulation.

This means that each of you are bearer bond holders with legitimate title to the land and assets of the Sovereign Nation of Zimbabwe. Don't believe it? Well, look at the front of your bills… see what it says in the far left quadrant. See the words "I promise to pay the bearer on demand…" yup, that means it's a bond, printed on sovereign bond paper, and you're the final bearer of said bond. Cha-ching!

So why would fiercely loyal Zimbabwe leadership intentionally give away such valuable sovereign bonds to foreigners? And why were some of these "bond/currency" printed with face values as high as 100 trillion units?

This makes absolutely no sense unless there's a much bigger vision at play. Now everyone would agree that Africa is very old continent… sure. And China too? Sure. Both probably have some very old even ancient families that know each other very well, and maybe a few control a majority of the world's raw assets do to age and experience. Ok, that's all reasonable.

So, if that's true, then maybe these old families probably keep a very close eye out for younger, power hungry races like the Anglo-Saxons of Eastern Europe, who's appetite to accumulate, steal, rape and pillage everything on planet earth is historically well documented. White people are freakin' crazy, yo...

It also was no secrete the Vatican attempted to seize the entire world--for God--through self-imposed laws and doctrines in the middle ages, and the military arm of the Vatican (The Jesuits) had long attempted to infiltrate and overtake both the African and Asian continents to absorb their vast wealth.

So it stands to reason that the African and Chinese Royal Families might have hatched a plan several hundred years ago to defeat the young white European invaders once and for all. It's even rumored they set a clever economic trap using the in-ground raw assets of Africa as bait, allowing resource hungry European bankers to issue as much institutional debt as they could bear in order to default all the European banks at once.

This trap was neither cheap, nor a short-term strategy. We're talking about a few centuries to execute let alone accomplish victory. But in the high stakes global poker game of world domination, the player with the shortest natural resources stack always loses, as eventually the larger stack waits out all opponents through a series of masterful moves demonstrating both unparalleled patience and discipline.

And that's exactly what the African and Chinese Royal Families did, they waited out Rome and the Europeans because they knew collectively they had no significant raw asset holdings (shortest stack), thus their potential was limited and their vast natural resources (largest stack) would wear them down over a long-enough timeline if they remained patient and disciplined. Which thankfully they did.

They also knew their fiat money lie would one day to collapse under it's own deceptive weight, exposing the Roman, European and American fractional reserve central banking network until it ultimately burned out from lack of financial oxygen--raw assets. Which as of Friday, it has.

Keep in mind, fractional reserve banking was not new to to ancient cultures. Usury had been in existence since the days of Ancient Egypt, but never to this extent where it threatened human survival. And it only really became a serious threat to humanity in the last two hundred years when central banking was introduced as a monetary savior mechanism by a few hyper aggressive Eastern European Banking Families who like to call themselves the "Dark Nobility."

So yes, ancient African and Chinese Royal Families used Roman and European aggression to their advantage, and began slowly accumulating the world's remaining raw assets while also depleting their cash and buying up their bogus government treasuries. And when they needed some military muscle, they recruited the Russians. And when they needed to ensure oil supply, they recruited the Persians… first Iran, then Iraq… both were more than willing to team up with the BRICS Alliance.

With Russia agreeing to provide military cover it meant that the Romans and Europeans could be kept check, and along as the Iranians (and later the Iraqis) could supply future oil reserves to fuel this alliance, together they had a winning combination that could both stop and defeat the Great Satan (i.e. The Money Changers). Which is what we are seeing play out on a global stage daily. Told you white people were whak...

Imagine, all of this was planned long before the United States of America was even founded back in 1776 (which ironically the American Revolution was funded by the Chinese Royals, and why Americans pay tribute by shooting off Chinese fireworks every 4th of July). The world is a very old place, and America is a very young country. It's sad they don't teach real history in public education anymore, but it is not unexpected… that will change dramatically in the upcoming century.

So getting back to the little African/Asian/Russian/Persian save the world saga… it's very important to understand this pre-forged alliance in respect to modern day events because all defaulted or historic sovereign assets (bonds, currencies, bank instruments, loans, trades, ETF's, etc..) must now be reconciled by the new global monetary authority--who's raw assets are used as tangible collateral collectively known as the Global Collateral Accounts.

Zimbabwe did its part by appearing to be economically destitute when in truth they were fabulously wealth, as was the plan per the Chinese, Russian and Persian Royal Families. Zimbabwe then over printed their ZIM bond/currency knowing full well that one day all debts would be reconciled as part of a worldwide Golden Jubilee Year of Debt Foreignness. Even the Vatican was made to release all corporate claims on its foreign assets / nations / populations, including assets they acquired several centuries prior in Africa.

Where the European Banking Families faltered is instead of folding for a few centuries, they doubled down and manufactured a terrorist false flag (9/11) which lead to war everywhere on the planet. This really pissed off the world community, which lead to the overt dismantling of their fractional reserve central banking system, as well as many of their private banks, which have all been drained down to the point of complete insolvency. See Deutsche Bank, Barclays, Royal Bank of Scotland…

Remember, the poker player with shortest stack always loses given enough hands… well, ultimately time and patience won the day. This means that not only has Zimbabwe's national debt been covered in full, but the bond/currency you hold is also mercifully now being allowed to be redeemed at modern values based on Zimbabwe's audited in-ground natural asset reserves. So the entire world can abundantly benefit, and you personally can enrich yourself, home, community, country and continent.

And that's exactly what happened folks, a patient and disciplined pathway to victory through volume and inspired vision means that you and 144,000 of your closest friends will all be depositing an incredibly high volume of these digital ZIM credits onto a Chinese global financial system right here the new Republic of the United States this weekend; which by the way not only resurrects our own Republic of the United States economy in record time, but also thrusts Africa into most valuable continent status overnight!!!!!

Talk about win-win-win-win for Africa, China, Russia, Iran/Iraq, North America… and an insurmountable defeat for Rome and the Anglo-Saxon European Union. Yo, what an awesome strategy to ponder, let alone participate in and profit from. Just amazing. God is so great.

Side note: Due to the ZIM's incredibly high deposit value on China's new financial system, global circulation percentages and central bank holding reserves will rise exponentially and literally within the first few hours post RV, making Zimbabwe the wealthiest per capita nation in all of Africa--bar none. Which will allow Zimbabwe, in the near future, to lean on China's and Russia's powerful diplomatic leverage and qualify the ZIM Dollar as Africa's first and only representative in the IMF's Special Drawing Rights (SDR) basket of global reserve currencies.

We understand the ZIM will be added eventually along with the Russian Ruble to create a basket of seven global reserve currencies (there are five now, including the United States Dollar, British Pound, Japanese Yen, Chinese Yuan, and European Dollar). But that's another tale of volume plus vision that has yet to be written.

So maybe just enjoy the ZIM's rich buffet of blessings with this little history lesson as desert. For as you cultivate and steward your own family fortune moving forward, remember that it takes the mastery of patience and discipline to both achieve and maintain generations of victory.

God is with us.
Terra Zetzz at 6:55:00 AM

Posted by Popeye at 11:40:00 AM

The person who is really Deep Knight bought five 100 trillion Zim notes some time back (for less than $1 each, if memory serves) to give as gifts, keeping one. I could sell this for about $70 today online, but haven't because it would go to some fool who thinks it's worth something "for real." Anyway, the "I" in the "I promise to pay the bearer on demand" is the person who signed below, Dr. G. Gono. Mr. Gideon Gono (the "Dr." was an honorary one given him after he was appointed to head the board of the University of Zimbabwe) was the Governor of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) and the one these folks would have to talk to about getting paid. However, you'll have to travel there to do this, because "Gono is banned from travelling to the United States and EU member states because of his position in the government of Zimbabwe. He was added to the EU's list of individuals subject to personal sanctions—a ban on travel to the EU and the freezing of any assets there—in 2007."

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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Burnaby49 »

There is only one part of that posting that makes the slightest sense;
So why would fiercely loyal Zimbabwe leadership intentionally give away such valuable sovereign bonds to foreigners? And why were some of these "bond/currency" printed with face values as high as 100 trillion units?

This makes absolutely no sense unless there's a much bigger vision at play. Now everyone would agree that Africa is very old continent… sure. And China too? Sure. Both probably have some very old even ancient families that know each other very well, and maybe a few control a majority of the world's raw assets do to age and experience. Ok, that's all reasonable.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Deep Knight »

I was skeptical, but if Terra Zetzz sez it's zo, er, so...

Friday, September 30, 2016
URGENT: History Has Been Made, The Future is Ours...

Received via email at 1:42 AM EDT for immediate publication. ~ Dinar Chronicles

Mark it down, on this day the USA, Inc/Federal Reserve Bank's fiat United States Dollar (USD) finally died, and the Republic's new United States Note (USN) was born. The gold-backed Chinese Yuan/Renminbi was born internationally (technically October 1 in Asia at noon EDT). And the European Banking Cabal public surrendered the global financial system. No celebrations. No parades. No recognition. But WW3 officially now has ended.

God is Great!

On this day, starting at 5:00am EDT in the Line Islands somewhere in the Pacific Ocean, humanity has legally, morally and monetarily been set free for a 1,000 years of light.

Heaven is earth once again! All praise and glory to Akua! Hallelujah!!!

Terra Zetzz at 2:29:00 AM

Posted by Popeye at 3:23:00 AM

For some reason, not everyone is joyous.


Anonymous September 30, 2016 at 10:01 AM
We will see what the end result will be- Obama is STILL behind the wheel, and he must be taken out,along with his cohorts, OR it isn't going to amount to a hill of beans-

Anonymous September 30, 2016 at 10:48 AM
There a Good possibility That Obama Might Try Something "IF" Trump Wins The Election Or Before?" If Trump Win A Big Cleaning of The Government will Happen & From Obama on Down will be Facing Treason Charges! IMO

Anonymous September 30, 2016 at 10:52 AM

TUG September 30, 2016 at 10:55 AM
The needed reenactment of the Glass Steagall Act is before the Senate and the House to be voted on. Call your Senators and Delegates to act NOW! End the Wall Street casino!
Impeach Obama for treason because his (now overturned!) VETO on JASTA.
Follow LarouchePac on internet.

Anonymous September 30, 2016 at 12:16 PM
I would take anything Dinar Chronicles with a Grain of Salt! They Do have a "Donate Button" you can push that will keep their Garbage Following Year after Year!!! Just Saying

Jay Dee September 30, 2016 at 3:31 PM
Has all common sense and reason left the planet.
There is not enough gold in the world to back ANY currency in 2016.
This is nothing but pure BS and Hopium like all "info" from Dinar Chronicles, Ben Fulford and all the other lying, hopium shills....
Carry On,

Anonymous September 30, 2016 at 4:56 PM
Gunny, Thank you for that- At least SOME still have common sense!I appreciate all you say and do here for the folks!

Anonymous September 30, 2016 at 5:05 PM
Dinar Chronicles has always been a Scam Web Site making a Living off Working People Sweat!-The only Thing that Works is a Currency that is Asset Back-Gold is to easily Manipulative just look at the price today of Gold & Silver- President Jefferson had it right & it Worked

Freewill September 30, 2016 at 5:38 PM
I know who the owner is and his son that runs it.. They are in a constant struggle to be king of the crap pile!

Naw, Freewill himself is that king.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

"Follow LarouchePac on internet."

If this isn't proof that Freewill is nine cents short of a dime, I don't know what is.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by wserra »

Even with all the wackos that we follow, I've never run across anyone any more batshit crazy than Lyndon LaRouche.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Famspear »

wserra wrote:Even with all the wackos that we follow, I've never run across anyone any more batshit crazy than Lyndon LaRouche.
Maybe some tax protester-freeman-sovereign-whatever wacko reading this thread will get an idea for some really effective marketing of his or her own con game, based on this very theme.

You know, something like:

---"Hi, I'm (fill in the name here), and I'm batshit crazy -- but no more so than Lyndon LaRouche! Please send money!"

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