Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by The Observer »

I could have sworn the first time I read that, it had said, "ALL YOUR BANK ARE BELONG TO US."
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Pottapaug1938 »


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They pull the packies in
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They do the old NESARA
And they hear MacHaffie shout:
"The packies are coming out!"
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by JamesVincent »

The Observer wrote:
I could have sworn the first time I read that, it had said, "ALL YOUR BANK ARE BELONG TO US."
They could never be that cool. It is an impossibility.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by LightinDarkness »

So you may recall that TNT Tony promised that Tuesday was going to be a "very good day" for everyone because it was FOR sure going to RV! But wouldn't ya know it, the Dark Cabal has stopped it yet again!

What I love about TNT Tony and his sidekick DC is that they aren't even trying to make up good excuses anymore. They know they've got so many people buying from Sterling Currency and have hyped the dinar so much they don't even need to do anything except promise the RV is soon. Tuesday's call had a long explanation about how the Iraq's central bank was sending out personnel to train banks on the RV and how they had a parade on Sunday and Iraqis were yet again dancing in the street over the RV. This has got to be the 30th time DC has given this myth. What makes it even more hilarious/sad is that (1) dinarians believe Iraq is throwing parades and people are dancing in the street in the middle of a war with ISIS and (2) that all the foreign journalists in Iraq right now would somehow miss a parade with announcements that Iraq is filthy rich.

The other thing these two idiots love doing is talking about how there are "announcements in the mosques" - as if the government has some sort of announcements in mosques every day like you did when you were in school and someone came over the speaker and did morning announcements.

Also, the third major reason why we had no RV? Because the banks argued that since everyone was coming back to work after a long weekend, it wouldn't be worth it. I am serious this is the sort of excuses Tony tells people now.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Deep Knight »

Friday, September 5, 2014
Intel Clues

GT: New Clues.....

NATO Meeting is done

Dignitaries that wanted to attend the announcements in Iraq flew a straight shot to Baghdad

They have arrived for the CELEBRATION

ANNOUNCEMENTS are going PUBLIC from Baghdad

Stockings are being hung for Santas Arrival

Vinman: Dignitaries flying in straight from NATO meeting into Baghdad for the celebration and the announcements from the GOI.

Condor: I'm thinking between midnight and 2 am Central time tonight the public announcements in front of dignitaries will be made. That will be between 8 am and 10 am in Iraq.

BREAK THROUGH: GREAT NEWS!!! EXO here is one of those that got called!!!!!!! My friend in Oklahoma received a call from Chase Bank on Thursday Morning on the wealth side of the bank. He talked with a gentleman from Scottland and the UK for 1 1/2 hours. Set up another appointment for next week. My friend purchased all of his VND from this bank. THEY WANT TO MANAGE HIS WEALTH! :) MY VERY FIRST TIME TO ACTUALLY PERSONALLY KNOW SOMEONE WHO GOT CALLED. IT MADE IT SO MUCH MORE REAL AND VALID

Posted by John MacHaffie at 8:43 PM

Naw, getting a report from someone who claims to know someone who got "the call" doesn't make it "much more real," but it actually happening would.

Friday, September 5, 2014
DC & Tony

DC : The main player is Iraq right now...Since 5am, they said the seating of the 32 ministers will be in the next few hours. That’s on all their media. Many dignitaries from around the world at there, waiting – over 100 of them. There are several locations that are prepped for everybody to show up and start announcing the government. The digital version of the Gazette says they will announce this in the coming hours. The US is absolutely ready, waiting on the starting pistol from Iraq. Many who have been fighting this are now extremely supportive of the situation...It’s still prepped for a 2 minute release. I fully expect this weekend to be super-fantastic. We are waiting on the announcement. Whenever that goes, we’re game

Tony: You should be excited – it’s a super-fantastic day, weekend, next week. Yesterday we were told it was supposed to take place between 8 and 10, don’t know if that’s our time or their time. The only thing we hear they are waiting for is the end of the NATO Summit, which just closed, and a few more arrivals from that NATO conference. The good news is they are not saying in the coming days or weeks, but in hours. We know people who have used their Qi cards at more than three dollars. We have said several times that it is loaded internationally at a consistent rate of $3+. There is not going to be any LOP, not going to be 10 cents, not going to be 90 cents or one-to-one. This is the best place we’ve ever been in, according to all the media. By Tuesday at the latest, the nightmares will be over and the dreams will begin.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 8:42 PM

The excitement is building and I can hardly contain myself.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by JennyD »

butbut but DK, how does Tony reconcile the recent news out of Iraq that Islamic State is only miles away from taking over the country of Iraq and how will that affect the RV?

I mean these are my burning burning questions right now..... I NEED TO KNOW!!!!!!
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by LightinDarkness »

Its funny you say that JennyD, because once every few weeks someone will get through on TNT Tony's call and ask him something like that. Things like "you say the RV is soon, but all I see in the news is that ISIS is taking over the country and the situation is not stable - so how can the RV be near?" The answer is always the same: the entire media from all the outlets covering ISIS (including the dozens of reporters on the ground) are all engaged in an international conspiracy to cover up just how good Iraq is doing so that dinarians won't believe the RV is soon.

And while anyone who is capable of rational thought can see why that kind of answer is BS, we are dealing with dinarians here. They will believe anything as long as it goes along with what they wish were true (which is - THE RV IS SOON!!!!).
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Alcibiades »

The thing that is not discussed on Tony's calls is that ISIS allegedly stole 500 billion Dinars from banks in Mosul and the other cities which it has overrun (not mention having access to oil-fields, the multi-million black market in antiquities, etc). Under Tony's RV scenario, this would make them potential Trillionaires (even more with the so-called "contract" rate!). With that sort of loot they could raise a vast army, buy any amount of armaments and possibly the odd spare nuclear device from North Korea.

After the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait the large quantities of banknotes which were stolen by the invading forces were effectively demonetized following liberation when a new banknote series was introduced. Such a prospect would terrify the Dinarians, so best leave it unmentioned. Interesting, though, that the Kuwait RV fantasy is part of Dinar folklore.

As other commentators here have observed, the latest concocted condition for the RV is the full installation and functioning of the new Iraqi government. And never before have I seen a group of Americans take such a keen interest in the governmental mechanics of another country, with the minutiae of the process of negotiations over Ministries, passing of the budget, whose in and whose out, etc being keenly scrutinised and discussed. I daresay some Dinarians will be better informed about all this than they are about the procedures of their own government.

What the Iraqi government seems unaware of, but which D.C. – that paragon of insider knowledge - is aware, is that the voting in of Ministers is being managed by The Bank of International Settlements and the IMF: "They are not just waiting for those votes to be taken, they are actively involved." Fancy that.

Of course as the new government beds down and the days go by with no RV, the Gurus will have become more creative with their lies in order to explain the mysterious absence of what they all swore black and blue would come to pass.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Jeffrey »

never before have I seen a group of Americans take such a keen interest in the governmental mechanics of another country, with the minutiae of the process of negotiations over Ministries, passing of the budget, whose in and whose out, etc being keenly scrutinised and discussed.
Do they actually follow real Iraq government news or is it fake news they get from Tony?
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by notorial dissent »

And still not have clue one as to what is actually going on.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by LightinDarkness »

Just a guess but I'd say less than 5% of dinarians actually follows real news sources on what goes on in Iraq. It may be even less than that. Anytime anyone on the call asks why Tony says something that conflicts with reality (ie, what the news says) they get lambasted on the forums by dinarians calling them stupid/ignorant/idiots.

For every piece of news that shows why the RV could never happen, Tony makes up a story to explain it away and they just believe it. For example, Alcibiades, you mention about how ISIS stole 500 billion dinar. Tony immediately had an answer for that - he claims the Iraq government recovered it all. And even though there is no news story to confirm that...and even though it would be impossible given the circumstances...his callers just believe it.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by DailyPlanet »

"... ISIS stole 500 billion dinar..."

Isn't the price of the Dinar going to recede even further as the stolen Dinar
"trickle" into the FX market?
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by LightinDarkness »

So TNT Tony has bad been hyping up the RV as being Tuesday or today, and part of his "evidence" was that Obama's address to the nation tonight would be announcing the RV :haha:. Now that the US is becoming more involved in Iraq - because the situation is getting worse - the Friday pumping call will be popcorn eating amusement. Listen and be amazed and Tony assures everyone the RV is still coming soon and that Obama lied and things in Iraq are getting better. And his callers will believe it, as always.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by LightinDarkness »

It seems to be the ratio of planted callers on TNT Tony's 3x weekly pumping calls is getting larger. That, or his callers are getting dumber - not sure which. On the Wednesday call there were multiple people calling in asking Tony how much they should invest in "other currency investments" - worthless currency like the dong, the Zimbabwe (which isn't even in use anymore), etc. The amount they were hinting at were tens of thousands of dollars. Can anyone really have that much disposable income and be stupid enough to throw away their money on worthless currency? I suppose so, and there are a few people that are upper-class who have fallen for the RV scam. But the number seems to large, I am beginning to think they are plants so Tony can drop that Sterling sells all these currencies in huge amounts.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Funkalicious »

Apologies if this is too OT, but does Sterling actually sell Zimbabwean dollars? How does that work, given it's no longer a currency?
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Nellie »

DailyPlanet wrote:"... ISIS stole 500 billion dinar..."

Isn't the price of the Dinar going to recede even further as the stolen Dinar
"trickle" into the FX market?
Maybe ISIS should expand into currency selling..... Set up a website, start their own conference calls, etc. Thanks to Tony and others, there seems to be a ready market with people willing to purchase with a large markup.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by LightinDarkness »

I believe Sterling Currency used to sell Zimbabwe currency as a "collectible", and only stopped after they found out it interfered with one of their licenses. They currently only sell dinar and a handful of other worthless currencies that Tony pumps like the dong. Tony doesn't actively pump Zimbabwe anymore, he only does it when asked specifically about it, but I have a feeling that is so anyone who purchased theirs from Sterling will buy other currencies from them. Sterling Currency's entire existence is based upon the dinar RV scam (and the other currencies true believers now link to it), but when it comes to their taxes and licenses as far as I can tell they are very careful to keep things "legal."

Also, a very good point about ISIS setting up their own currency sale website - they could make far more off the dinar pumping the RV than they could doing anything else with it. Which is a testament to the stupidity of RV true believers.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Alcibiades »

Revolution seems to be brewing within the TNT rank and file. Tony and DC are spinning their wheels in the conference calls, now that the Government is (mostly) sorted and the promised RV is nowhere to be seen. TNT has also now lost some of its most experienced mods (jumped ship by the looks) and the #wearethepeople twitter roll has turned into a litany of lamentation, wailing and the gnashing of teeth.

T and DC have also been caught out in claiming the government is fully formed and all positions decided when it has become quite clear that 3 key ministries remain unfilled.

Tony says that people are frustrated in Iraq because they were preparing to celebrate and were disappointed again. I seem to recall various other occasions when people were dancing in the streets because of the RV (after all, most of the population would become instant dollar millionaires). All announced in the mosques, too (how many times is that, now?) .... it seems that in Iraq people get all their financial info in their houses of worship.

Some of the best moments on previous conference calls involved the speculation that ISIS would cease hostilities as soon as the RV was announced, because.... why would rich people fight? I bow down to the perspicacity of the man. Money is undoubtedly the key motivation for a bunch of religious fanatics!

Tony also mentioned the sad case of a woman who exchanged over the weekend - she even sent him a receipt as proof. Then the bank realised it was a mistake, just a test, and now they want their money back.

Methinks that TNT is in a terminal decline.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Don't worry. Some loser will invent a new prosperity program, and shear a new flock of sheep.

Ahem -- who wants to buy bonds of the Holy Roman Empire???
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by LightinDarkness »

Alcibiades, I agree the flock is getting restless. However, I don't think TNT Tony is going anywhere - in my experience, this happens periodically with his followers. Once it reaches a certain level what Tony does is make up a big event like he did with #wearethepeople and the fake "politicians/dignitaries/rich people are cashing out!" ruse in February 2014. This will direct all the angst and anger away from him, and after a few weeks he will proclaim the mythical problem he made up has been fixed. And then we will continue on and on until the cycle happens again.