Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Alcibiades »

You are probably right, LiD. We have seen disillusionment and wavering before, only to have it replaced by a flush of new-found conviction. And while the ranks of the previously prolific and enthusiastic twitterers do seem to be thinning, who knows what hidden reservoirs of acolytes lurk and never betray their presence online?

As always, we await the next flourish from the prince of lies designed to settle the baying mob and have them helpless with anticipation again. I agree with you that the 'cashing out of the elites' was a brilliant diversion and that many still seem be quite happy to swallow that tale without a single shred of evidence.

He's going to have to come up with something special again.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Gregg »

I agree with you that the 'cashing out of the elites' was a brilliant diversion and that many still seem be quite happy to swallow that tale without a single shred of evidence.

My new jet notwithstanding... :snicker:
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by thunter »

I think we need to hand out some paper bags to all the Dinar Gurus out there. They are positively hyperventilating tonight from the posts on Dinar Guru and Dinar Detectives blogs. Haven't seen so much spin since the Hula Hoop days when I was a kid.

John Kerry has become their GOD! Too funny.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by LightinDarkness »

That would be right on target with the weekly pumping rotation, which goes something like this.

Thursday/Friday: The RV is this weekend! Gurus take random world news events related to Iraq and spin them into meaning the RV is soon. TNT Tony et. al. claim their intel shows the RV is scheduled for this weekend.

Saturday/Sunday: Radio silence. Dinarians work themselves into a frenzy with delusions of riches.

Monday/Tuesday: Depression and anger. Yet another weekend passes without the promised RV. How could this be? Gurus explain that while the RV was scheduled, some dastardly force/nation/person stopped it. However, don't worry, the RV is now re-scheduled!

Wednesday: Delusion affirmation call day. All the major calls focus on how to interact with the bank during the cash out (you have to say "currency exchange" and not "cash out"!), how to start trusts (Tony's brother has seminars you can pay for!), etc. The purpose of this is to wipe out the memories of the last failed prediction, set up for the next prediction of the RV the next weekend, and to act like its such a certain deal that they can avoid talking about why the RV didn't happen for all the calls.

Rinse, repeat.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Nellie »

Looks like Tony has a fan who put together a cute little video about him. This will rally the troops to get behind their dear leader and proclaim his innocence. It's gonna be fun to watch. Enjoy! ...
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by LightinDarkness »

I love the guy who made that video, he does things like tweeting the RV has gone live and tells people to call a number to make their bank appointments. The number he gives is TNT Tony's cell phone (not sure how he got it). Then he tweets it using #wearethepeople and sits back and watches the hilarity ensue. Tony absolutely hates him, which means in my book hes a good guy.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Gregg »

To really get to him, don't release just his number, but his families (having to explain something like this to Mom really takes the fun out of being a guru), people who he knows socially, the church etc....

Its one thing to be the big man on the internet, but even if your friends know you have some vague internet thing going on the sheer stupidity of it is hard to maintain to the people you are around every day.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by LightinDarkness »

So, ISIS is so bad that a coalition of governments is now having to bomb Syria. I can't wait to hear how this means the RV is near from TNT Tony on Wednesday.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Gregg »

Gregg wrote:
I agree with you that the 'cashing out of the elites' was a brilliant diversion and that many still seem be quite happy to swallow that tale without a single shred of evidence.

My new jet notwithstanding... :snicker:

Or my new boat!
(ah, well, I do have some minor connection to the boat)

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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by texino »

Speaking of planes, our favorite sky pilot Okie had this to say 9/22





For dispensing this bilge, the oil man was awarded 14 positive and gushing comments of the "We love you Sir Okie" variety. Truly OOM deserves to be cast as a Super Maroon* (* Maroon: an actual Quatloosian word used to pin someone as a super moron)
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

"Maroon" is also straight out of Warner Brothers. It can be heard, used by Bugs Bunny, in "Bully for Bugs".
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by LightinDarkness »

I can't quite figure out how Okie keeps getting nothing but praise from dinarians when they do not appear to lavish the same accolades on other pumpers of hopeium. On TNT Tony's website the "Intel/Rumors" section has daily posts on all sorts of other people who do the same stuff Okie does with promising the RV is today/tomorrow, and while most of them believe it there are always a feel negative comments. Whenever Okie comes out to provide his latest round of cow manure, it seems almost 100% praise.

Is it because he was among the first/most vocal in promising the RV would be tomorrow and at insane rates?

There are only two people in the woo-woo land of dinar that seem to get near 100% support from dinar true believers: Okie and TNT Tony.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by LightinDarkness »

TNT's latest call: The Syria air strikes were a good thing, ISIS is no longer a big deal, RV soon. Iraqi TV is running programs telling people to prepare for the RV :haha:
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by LaVidaRoja »

Perhaps (just perhaps) most of Okies and TNT's followers lavishing praise are plants?
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by LightinDarkness »

Yeah, you know I suspected that but there's just so many people that come out of the woodwork to praise every thing they say - but given the amount of money involved, the dinar dealers would make enough shill accounts on various websites to do that. Selling the dinar at huge markups is such huge business, and Tony/Okie are the main pumpers (Tony being paid by Sterling Currency, Okie I'm not sure but I'd bet someone is paying him) - it makes sense to have plants to ensure they maintain their aura of credibility in dinar land.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by LightinDarkness »

Tony's newest intel pulled from his nether region: Iraq is going to RV in order to get rid of ISIS. How so? Because once they RV then all the ISIS fighters will lay down their arms and go buy cars and TVs and won't have a reason to fight anymore because they are rich.

Yes, he actually said that. And the caller he was talking to thought it was a good point. :brickwall:
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Alcibiades »

Things are going a bit pear-shaped at TNT. There have been quite a few mod defectors lately and Pam is worried that they are going to spill the beans on the whole scam. So DC tries to put the fear of God into them and other potential slanderers, assuring his adoring public that the law listens in to every call and is ready to pounce on malefactors:
DC: I want to address something Pam brought up. Some folks have been doing some idle chatter and they like to crap on Tony, me, Pam, or other gurus that are doing their best to bring this information. Do NOT give them that petty back-and-forth chatter. If you don’t like what we say, don’t listen! If you don’t like me, I’ll get over it just fine. We are all adults, and it’s just petty on everyone’s part – the work of idle minds and hands. Also, law enforcement is all over this. They listen to every call we make. Why? Not because we are doing anything bad, but because they want to keep everything straight. They are also worried about intelligence leaks and such. If I were an idiot, which I’m not, if we were doing something bad, let law enforcement deal with it. The very ones who are making claims of law-breaking are the ones under investigation right now. Also law enforcement has done a great job taking down those we have issue with, like those who have double-dipped, or who have conspired to take other people’s money, they will be taken down after the RV because then there will be multiple charges...
If only it were true! Hasn't Tony managed to wriggle out of his court date yet again?
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by LightinDarkness »

Law enforcement is listening I suspect, just not in the way DC thinks - they are listening to collective evidence on Tony's fraud trial. Which, interesting you bring up Tony getting out of his court date AGAIN, because the next date was scheduled for September 29:

However, when I went to look it up, USA v Renfrow is no where to be found. At this point I am beginning to wonder what in the world is going on here. They have dragged this out for what, nearly 3 years now? Why does the court keep granting extensions like this?

Can someone find the new date, the case number is 12-cr-20041: USA v. Renfrow
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by JamesVincent »

LightinDarkness wrote: However, when I went to look it up, USA v Renfrow is no where to be found. At this point I am beginning to wonder what in the world is going on here. They have dragged this out for what, nearly 3 years now? Why does the court keep granting extensions like this?

Can someone find the new date, the case number is 12-cr-20041: USA v. Renfrow
I didn't see anything for a new date. There looked like a new entry on Pacer but I don't have an account and I'm not about to pay for one. Pacer #85758

I will say that everytime I look at Renfrow I get fully disgusted all over again. Every one of the Dinar sites, when it comes to Renfrow, either calls him the biggest conman of all time, unlike x guru who always tells the truth, or he is the subject of a government witch hunt, he is so selfless and caring, wouldn't take a dime from his fellow..... errr...... Dinarians. Even saw one comment about him advising to leave Wells Fargo and go to Chase bank since Chase is the one handling the Dong RV, not WF. I mean, WTF. The man has been indicted for fraud, has continually pumped people for money (these broadcasts don't pay for themselves ya know, please donate lots), and has lied since day one. Even if you did believe in the RV the fact that it has come and gone hundreds of times already, according to him, wouldn't that make you wonder?
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by LightinDarkness »

Can anyone with PACER look up the court case to see what happened? Apparently it did not go as scheduled on September 29 as Tony had yet another conference call, but I am curious to what date its been moved back to now. This cannot go on for much longer, I would hope.