Poof "Intelligence Guru" Passes Away

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Poof "Intelligence Guru" Passes Away

Post by LightinDarkness »

There are lots of "intelligence gurus" in the conspiracy/new age/fruitcake movement these days. Like Doveofoness, they all do the same thing - provide weekly fantasy stories about how the cabal is being arrested/the economy is about to collapse/etc. The lunatic fringe relies heavily on these people to reinforce their delusions.

One of the biggest - if not the biggest - intelligence gurus went by the nickname Poof. Apparently Poof passed away a few days ago, and the lunatic fringe has been mourning his passing.

Poof has been telling True Believers that prosperity packages were in the mail/the dinar was going live tomorrow/the global cabal of evil bankers has been arrested every few weeks now for years. He had weekly or biweekly "poof reports' telling the masses what they wanted to hear. And when nothing happened, much like NESARA news, they had an entire made up cast of fictional characters that like movie villains stepped in to stop the prosperity packages. Villians with names like General Dong (I'm not kidding), the Dragon Family, etc. It was truly living in an alternative universe.

If anyone is familiar with this guy I am interested to learn what actually happened to him. I am inclined to believe it was a perfectly uninteresting cause of death, as if it had been something like a suicide or car crash or something the fruitcake fringe would claim the malicious cabal silenced him. His real name was James, but I am trying to search the lunatic fringe sites to see if I can find his last name...
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Re: Poof "Intelligence Guru" Passes Away

Post by LightinDarkness »

Well that was quick, was on the front page of NESARA news. James Holmes - 60. That is quite young to die, I wonder what the cause of death was.

http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/citize ... bLoggedOut

Interesting the obit was not put out by family, its the funeral home asking for relatives to contact them.

Ultimately when anyone dies, especially when its of a relatively young age like that, its a tragedy. I hope it was not from some preventable cause where Poofness didn't seek treatment (like cancer) because of "alternative medicine," as if often the cause with lunatic fringe people.
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Re: Poof "Intelligence Guru" Passes Away

Post by Deep Knight »

In the early days he was "Truthwarrior" and a big NESARA booster and intel source. I have to admit I liked his Poof persona better, if for no reason other than he wasted true believer's time with his song lyrics.
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Re: Poof "Intelligence Guru" Passes Away

Post by The Observer »

LightinDarkness wrote:Interesting the obit was not put out by family, its the funeral home asking for relatives to contact them.
It is a strong indicator that he died alone and without a support group or family around to take care of the final arrangements. It may also imply that he did not have the financial sources in place to pay for those arrangements. All in all, my inference is that he was a guy scraping by, day by day, and lacked the social connections and interactions that we take for granted. Lone wolf, miserable, and supporting a scam on the Internet; I find it hard to believe that any relative would come forward.
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Re: Poof "Intelligence Guru" Passes Away

Post by AndyK »

Latest information reveals that he was crushed to death, in his home, when stacks of multiple trillions of hoarded Dinars collapsed on him.
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Re: Poof "Intelligence Guru" Passes Away

Post by Deep Knight »

The following was posted on "Mission Galactic Freedom" under the title "The Continuing, Tribute to the Poof" and dated May 20, 2013.

James Holmes, 60, Asheville, died 05-23-2013.

I am sorry to hear that after a valiant battle with his illness POOF ( JAMES HOLMES ) has passed on to the other side

My thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends specially SUSAN who must now accept this sudden reality. I hope good memories can help ease the pain of this loss.

Words cannot express how sad I was to hear of his loss. Although I wasn’t close to POOF( James Holmes ) , I always admired his energy and positive attitude and Eagrly waited for his Coded Articles each Week and really enjoyed it. And I did seem to understand most off after a long time . He must have been a magnificent support for you as a Boss and as a great friend.

I know this must be a very difficult time for you and all of us, Our love and thoughts are with you & his Family.

Love U POOF♥♥♥


Immediately below this was posted with the date May 26, 2013

Poofness 5-26-13…”The Continuing”

Greetings and Salutations;

So, it’s the end already, the work is done and it’s all over but the shouting! That’s what you said last week now what in heaven’s name is the hold up. NOTHING! Let’s just cut the crap and let me splain things to you if your man enough to take it. IT AINT NEVER BEEN DONE BEFORE! Now there that’s as crystal clear as if Mark Twain himself had said it. Besides I said “it’s close enough to smell.” The hard cold fact is nothing is wrong and everything is rolling smoothly as this mechanical process is working pedal to the metal but some documents handed down through the generations need to be handled carefully which slows things a bit. Also, returning the “Republic” to it’s glory days is a very delicate process needs to be massaged into place. We are on a week to week schedule for final completion. Like preparing a gourmet meal the process at times is meticulous but oh is the wait so worth it. “A Promise is a Promise” the masses are next and very, very soon!

While your waiting a minute reflect on these words……..How can you call yourself a christian and not follow what the master said about taking care of the ‘least’. There are principles of nature that even effect govs, greed will get you in the end. The st germain trust exists because it’s intention was always to shift the wealth of the world from the greedy to those in need and make life’s principles real for the common folk. Nature will always make a balance and no amount of politics can change that. They joined withe the dragons because their purpose was the same. The elders joined them both for the same reason. They could see the eddies of time moving to the big shift and they have ‘age’ on most. They broke the code on longevity and have lived accordingly ever since. The secret is ‘attitude adjustment’. Change your mind, change your life. Take ownership of your own crap. Man, it is time to end serfdom for the masses. The lords are being whupped big time, from the top and not a thing they can do about it, they borrowed and failed to pay back, the casino has been foreclosed upon.

The skies have been rumbling and the weather forecasts rain on all the crops. A harvest for the world, as it were is close at hand. Reagan’s appointee will finally be able to take a much needed vacation from his labors and I can go sit my butt on a nice beach and drink umbrella drinks…and never speak of this change over again.

Thank you all for the prayers for my continuance. My job keeps going. I celebrate your ability to hold your ground and a promise, made so long ago. That day of arrival is shortly and like a lightning bolt on a clear day.

So, at face value this GH knew about Poofs death on the 23rd on the 20th, and a 3-day-dead Poof wrote his last post on the 26th. Now, the simplest explanation is that "GH" was simply sloppy with his dates and tardy with his posting (big surprise), but imagine if this had been some posting about the Boston bombing - it would immediately have been picked appart as the evidence of a "False Flag" or other conspiracy. On the theory that what's good for the goose is good for the gander ...


Insider intel reports have confirmed that the Obama administration is using the "reported" death of Poofness as a "false flag" to cover-up previous false flags which themselves covered up even-more previous scandals. Said a high-up inside source, "The timing of Poof's death is a little to convenient to be real, taking place as it did on May 23rd. I mean, what are the odds of that happening? 1 in 365 or 0.27%, that's what. You want us to believe that with odds of about a quarter of one percent this still happened? Plu-ease! How stupid do you think we are?
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Re: Poof "Intelligence Guru" Passes Away

Post by notorial dissent »

I would expect from current evidence, that Poof either had no family left, or else had so alienated them that they broke contact with him altogether. Either scenario is regrettably possible. My suspicion is that Poof was seriously disturbed, a loner, and probably had very little contact with the outside world, other than what was on his computer, and was apparently living in a total fantasy world judging by his postings.

The fact that he found so many like minded who swallowed his every word and took him seriously I find more disturbing.
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Re: Poof "Intelligence Guru" Passes Away

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

The passing of this great financial genius requires that the song which occupies the bottom rung on the Quatloosian Hit Parade be revised:

RV John
What's that tinfoil you have on?
Could it be your favorite clothes from days gone by?
And did I hear you say
You were meeting them here today
To take them to your RV in the sky

He's 41 and everyone calls him Tommy
He's single and he still lives with his Mommy.
But he thinks he'll soon go very, very far
'cause Iraq will soon revalue its dinar.

All his life he's worked as a lowly chicken plucker
All the grifters know that he's a stupid moth... er, sucker
for every two-bit hustle, scam and con.
Just as soon as he saves money, it is gone.

Now he listens to a man named John MacHaffie.
All the folks 'round Brownsville think he's daffy
to buy dinars and then hide them 'neath his roof
‘cause they know his fortune is as dead as Poof.
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Re: Poof "Intelligence Guru" Passes Away

Post by Deep Knight »

I missed this on Sunday, but found it today repeated on a CMKX forum and dug it up.

Sunday, June 2, 2013
Poofness 6-3-13 TIME FOR PLAIN TALK Newsletter

"Impossible Dream"
by Luther Vandross / Lyrics
To dream the impossible dream
To fight the unbeatable foe
To bear with unbearable sorrow
And to run where
the brave dare not go
[You can look up these lyrics yourself, so I’m cutting them here, but still have to ask the question, “do they realize this describes a delusional Don Quixote who’s seeing things that aren’t there? ]
And I'll always dream
The impossible dream
Yes, and I'll reach
The unreachable star

Greetings and Salutations;
I would like to reintroduce myself. Many know me as Susan, I have "been behind the curtain." My forever partner has ascended as he promised - Not necessarily the way I would have wished. For me, this has been "The Time Travel of Shock," loss and re-adjustment. I know that Poof, Serenius, believed in you as much as you believed in Him. His transition was fast, shocking and life altering - He lives in your Heart as he will forever live in mine and he remembers that You and I are always in HIS....
Now on to the news...................
This is a dynamite newsletter today that is sure to grab your attention! Now is the "Time for Plain Talk" and we are so blessed to have a very special contribution from ZAP. His realm is the "Nose Bleed Section." He speaks with those in the very top positions in China and around the world. Today he has taken the time to share his knowledge and wisdom of where we are right now and how we arrived here with our newsletter family. Make no mistake this is neither rumor nor conjecture but fact, a time for truth and a "Time for Plain Talk."
From ZAP.........
Poof is gone, but not gone - We are here to continue the information dissemination and provide clarity while wading through all of the "Muck."
The first piece of real news: It looks like there will be a tad of sunshine peeking through as the "first ever" download of funds for the redemption of historic assets, occurred shortly before the settling bank closed last Friday for the weekend. This is of extreme significance, because before the Global Settlements or the announcement of the RV of the Dinar/Dong could occur, the release of the Matrix Funds (Humanity's Wealth) needed to be done. None of this would be possible without Basel III being fully instituted globally. This action then allows the process for completely removing all "Historic Assets" (bonds), which have plagued our humanity for decades through theft, obviation of agreements and treaties, and greed in general.
Once these funds start moving through the system paying out to the various holders of these "Historic Assets," then the settlements will begin and the RV becomes an inevitable reality. Never mind all of the constant rumors regarding the RV, this is the process and sequence of events. Prior to this release all of the Federal Reserve boxes, debt notes, bonds and all other interesting debt obligations had to be not only settled but all had to be completely destroyed after the fact by disappearing into the nearest furnace. Our humanity could not afford to have this historic debit from the bond redemption and other debts spilling into the "New System." It would be like dragging a 1 ton anchor behind while trying to run a 440 meter race. Now maybe you can grasp the extreme significance of the action that took place last Friday. Let the celebration begin!
Who pushed the button? The correct answer is: The Chinese Royal Family along with the USA, China, and the occasional backing of the Russian Government (in conjunction with all the other countries).
We hear so much regarding China these days in our national news that some may actually fear their involvement in world affairs. Let's be very clear we are not talking about the Chinese government here. The Chinese we speak of were chosen by the Celestials millennia ago to be the "Keepers" (Guardians) of humanity's wealth (the Matrix Funds), because they can keep secrets, care for our humanity and they have great integrity.
Over time, the Chinese created many complex systems to keep the secrets, secret. But through the generations when the "Keepership" was handed down Father to Son/Daughter, the Son/Daughter sometimes forgot the true mission and meaning of their "Keepership" and decided the wealth in their keep was actually their inheritance and therefore theirs. That's where part of the problems started. The other part was the various leaders of our nations who caught the greed bug.
The "Family" is often times called "The Dragons," the "Elders," etc. Yes, "The Dragons" come in many colors, white, blue, gold, black, green, etc., with colors designating administartion, treasury, guardian, etc., and to make it even more interesting each dragon is assigned a number. There is no one "Dragon" that is the supreme entity, it's more like a council of "Dragons." Or shall I say Dragons, Tigers, Butterfly, Lotus and other animals and fruits and vegetables. I think they are so caught up in themselves they exhibit the intelligence of a parsnip when it comes to common sense, and the true purpose/mission of helping humanity. The hierarchy is comprised of the Dragon Lords (Celestials) with the lesser human Dragons, of whatever color, and earthly councils being in charge of their designated tasks.
The head of the family, let's call him Grandpa, of the various factions ( there are many and some are vying for position like in all systems) has started an internal cleanup. He is a few centuries old, but still considered a youngster. They don't really start to take you seriously until you hit 500, but he is an exception. Grandpa supposedly died sometime ago, but he didn't really and everybody was looking for his replacement. Then as usual the jostling for position problems occurred. In the mean time, Grandpa sat back and watched the circus for a while and made a list of who was naughty and nice. He them announced he was alive, back and ready to start the clean up. This will extend the mass arrests when the clean up hits that level. As you can see and hear in the news part of this clean up has already started.
Remember that as in all cases, there are bad apples in every bushel and the "Family" is no exception. For the most part they are good people with their hearts in the right place and holding the intent high for the benefit of all. Then there are ones who feel the "Matrix Wealth" in their keep is theirs....they have lost sight of what is real and what their mission really is. The "Family" weeds those out and they either disappear if their ego and greed are so great they can actually harm the "Matrix," or they just get stripped of their responsibility and a replacement is installed. That is a snapshot of the basic system of "Keepers" and why they are here. I could spend hours going into details on this but this will suffice for now.
So, there you go a bit of clarity to munch on! This is a little different for me to speak like this, but my dear brother James showed me something that was needed in these times, so I am happy to speak out a bit. Thanks James for being here for us and shedding light on a whole dump truck full of dark...Here comes the front end loader full of light.
In Love and Light in our service
It seems this is a "Time for Plain Talk" with the plethora of questions surrounding the Global Settlements, RV, Basel III, Announcements and Humanitarian Projects. If you have particular questions and wish a consultation to further clarify information presented here today please feel free to contact Susan in Poof's office. We will contact ZAP when he is available for any answers to questions beyond our scope. There are limits at times to the answers we may be given and sometimes no answers may be given due to the time sensitive nature of the current goings on. Please be patient with us as work through our calls and emails.
For those of you who wish to express your condolences to Poof's family we have provided a link to our online "Condolence Book" which will allow you to record a brief expression of sympathy to be treasured by the family. http://www.ashevilleareaalternative.com/index.php
Love and Kisses,
From the Office of Poofness
Posted by John MacHaffie at 7:18 PM


Anonymous June 2, 2013 at 8:10 PM
Dear Lady Poof and Zap, thank you for still being here to help us understand. a question please. Will we see and hear a full NESARA public announcement within the coming week/ Thank you

Anonymous June 3, 2013 at 1:01 AM
You need to stop asking the question is like a broken record, all the info you need to know is here, read it again you will find your answer.

Anonymous June 2, 2013 at 8:49 PM
Ahhh yeah boyeee!!!!

nbakay June 3, 2013 at 2:27 AM
HALLELUJAH…praise to God!!! Thank you.

Anonymous June 3, 2013 at 10:19 AM
susan.....what about the rumors that the dong rv'd in europe about two weeks ago at $2.20?Have you seen this? when is the basel 3 going to take place so the rv will occur espaecially for the dong? thanks, southtexascutter

KeeperoftheRainbow June 3, 2013 at 4:51 PM
Oneness Blessings to Susan and Your/Our Poof... Thank you for all of your (both) time and service ...Sending Love and Light your ways.... Again Thank You.... I am in awe and in honour... Please see in your mind's eye the bow I am relaying at this time....

Anonymous June 3, 2013 at 6:17 PM
I hear all this talk about RV basilIII AND OTHER GIFT MONIES but I still wonder why anyone would believe that money is the answer to our current issues... I truly believe that if we were ever to evolve as a species become enlightened
.. that money would play no role within our lives... I have read so much about aliens coming to save us or white hats coming to save us... and I finally realized that no one is coming to save us... there will be no money handed to you... money is not the answer.... being awake and enlightened is the answer.... standing up for what is right and helping yourself is the answer.... helping your fellow human beings and working to be self sufficient is the answer.... I do not mean for money I mean growing food and helping each other.... being self sufficient and open minded and willing to help each other and trade for things this is the only way out of our current crisis.... you can look back the last several years to people like poof or others have claimed that someone or something is going to save us.... and it never happens so I wonder why people still keep believing in this.... I know it sounds nice but I wish people would wake up to their own personal empowerment.... I wish people realized that we are gods in our own spiritual right we are creative beings and we are creating our own existence as we speak... no one on this planet or from another planet is going to save us.... and there is never going to be a time that money saves anyone.... the principles of money are corrupt and bad....

Anonymous June 3, 2013 at 11:19 PM
anon 6:17 no one ever said that money is the answer to all our needs. It is merely a temporary remedy so that they people who don't have food or shelter can get back on their feet and out of fear. Have you been there yourself? If not, good for you but you don't know what you are talking about. Eventually we won't need money but right now there are people who do need it to feed their families and get their heads straight. Self sufficiency is where we are headed but many people have not had a fair shake or do you blame them for the families they were born into also? If so, then you are the one who needs the help.

Anonymous June 4, 2013 at 1:40 PM
@anon 6:17,
Yes, Anon 11:19 is writing the truth of the present reality on earth. The majority of earth's population lives in scarcity right now. The people in asian, south american, as well as the african countries, even in the so called rich countries in the western part of our planet lives in scarcity. You may have followed the financial crisis in the EURO Zone.
The money or the prosperity funds and packages are meant to free humanity completely from the "shackles" of FEAR and WORRIES. As long as a human being is in fear or worry (either no food, no drinking water, no shelter, no proper medication for his/her serious illness, especially those who are not yet awakened, he or she cannot find peace of mind to contemplate about himself and about the real meaning of his life on earth because his/her daily activity is "just" to SURVIVE.
That is the reason why Saint Germain has established a World Trust to help humanity on Earth in their transition for ascension. But the new monetary system is just a BRIDGE until humanity reached the full fifth dimension which enable humanity to create everything it needs and wants by thought. A barter system will also come into place when the monetary system is no longer needed.

The link takes you to a site that says:

Asheville – James Serenius “Poof”, 60, of Asheville passed away peacefully on Thursday, May 23, 2013. He was a native of Altoona, PA and was the son of the late Raymond Holmes. Surviving is the love of his life, Deborah Susan; three step children, and a step grandchild. The family will conduct a private service.

LOTS of tributes from readers, some of them on the theme "it's too bad he died when he were so close to his being proven true..." I would have posted another opinion, but it would have been in bad taste and I was always taught not to speak ill of the dead (assuming he really died).
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Re: Poof "Intelligence Guru" Passes Away

Post by AndyK »

Asheville NC :?:

If so, he ascended from one of the major locations in the United States for retired hippies.

Asheville's downtown streets feature a significant number of gray ponytails hanging behind severely receeding hairlines.
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Re: Poof "Intelligence Guru" Passes Away

Post by Deep Knight »

Has anyone else noticed that Poofness has been posting more frequently since he died?
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Re: Poof "Intelligence Guru" Passes Away

Post by JamesVincent »

Deep Knight wrote:Has anyone else noticed that Poofness has been posting more frequently since he died?
Something like the 6 albums Tupac released after he died?
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Re: Poof "Intelligence Guru" Passes Away

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Deep Knight wrote:Has anyone else noticed that Poofness has been posting more frequently since he died?
Well, why should mere physical death affect the emanations of wisdom from someone like Poof? I'm sure that MacLaffie will be more than willing to vouchsafe, to us, the methods by which he does so (I was going to try to parody Poof-style language; but that language is its own parody).
Last edited by Pottapaug1938 on Mon Jul 15, 2013 6:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Poof "Intelligence Guru" Passes Away

Post by The Observer »

I think it is proof that the RV happened, but it happened to Poof rather than dinars.
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Re: Poof "Intelligence Guru" Passes Away

Post by LightinDarkness »

In case anyone is wondering, even though dear Poof is no longer with us...his scam lives on. The people who helped prepare his newsletters (which always include begging for more money) have since May 2013 been doing the same thing under the name of "Zap." Its not clear exactly who zap is, but I suspect its Susan (the person who did the email lists for Poof). She makes money off this by including pleas for funds every time she puts one out.

Even though Poof is gone, its the same thing with Zap - RV this week, cabal to be arrested this week, etc. And the entire RV/GCR community of crackpots is still eating it up.