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Post by JennyD »

Deep Knight wrote:INTEL 11-12-14





Admiral Bob in Reno? Is that Rear Admiral Robert Eggs he's referring to? I feel better about the Republic(s) being restored now that I know Eggs and Ham are on the case!

"Get me Ham on five, hold the Mayo...." - Captain Clarence Oveur..
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Post by Deep Knight »


Dear General Ham,

For several months Anonymous 2 has been trying to understand why you and your 200 generals are not generating an IMMEDIATE HALT to the chemtrail program? If you and your military cohorts do not know what to do, we respectfully and strongly suggest you instruct them to call the USA CORPORATION AIR FORCE CABAL CHEESE IN CHARGE and the CIA CABAL TRAITORS AT EVERGREEN AIR IN OREGON AND NEVADA AND, WITH GREAT EMPHASIS ON YOUR INSTRUCTIONS, ISSUE ORDERS TO BOTH TO STOP THE SPRAYING IMMEDIATELY OR BE SHOT DOWN. Two calls and it will be done. If they fail to follow your order, START SHOOTING THE BASTARDS DOWN ……….

King Bernhard, Netherlands, and Billy Bop Gates, (former) Microsoft wizard, and wife should be arrested and their finances and personal assets confiscated. These %$#@&*% murderous idiots are the ones supplying the M A J O R financing to support the poisonous chemtrail spraying worldwide, as well as weaponized injections designed to cripple and even murder humanity. These murdering ding bats are SLOWLY AND PAINFULLY KILLING humanity and animals worldwide.

As a 25 year medical researcher, I (as well as many others) can provide hours of information and proof of what these f#*%ing ahos are doing to the whole world’s health. Their endeavors are also seriously negatively affecting A L L your friends and families as well. We are arriving at the conclusion that if this aerial bombing does not stop …… you and your fellow Generals do not have enough ump-pah to get the job done.

As Americans, we demand that these chemtrail and HAARP attacks STOP for good NOW (NOT TOMORROW) ….. Taking these steps will prove to be a worthy humanitarian beginning to address all the criminal cabal ills affecting the people of the entire planet. It will provide evidence to the people that GOOD things and the RIGHT things are being addressed, which just may give them a little faith and confidence in you.

We are angry about the storms and other atrocities being caused by the chemtrails and by HAARP, yet another weapon used against humanity and the entire planet. We no longer accept the lies professed by the NAZI ‘politicians’ who proclaim the chemtrails and HAARP are to PROTECT the planet from CO2, from alien invasions, and other such tripe. Many of us are doing our own extensive research and deep investigations into the reasons being expounded and into those professing such garbage. The evidence is over whelming as to their REAL backgrounds, their REAL loyalties and their reasons for selling out humanity. We want them STOPPED – We want them GONE.

‘Agenda 21’ is another issue to be seriously addressed both for America and for the entire planet. Through this ‘program’ this criminal UN / NWO criminal organization is dictating to the people of the world how they are to exist, who is to live and to die, and rules and reigns over the people and the nations as though they are a giant MONOPOLY GAME, simply toys on a playing board that can be manipulated and destroyed at will. THIS CRIMINAL ORGANIZATION HAS TO BE REMOVED FROM OUR NATION. AMERICA SHOULD NOT HAVE A PART IN SUPPORTING OR PARTICIPATING IN ANY WAY IN THE UN / NWO CRIMINAL ENDEAVOR.

If we have come across to you as being PO’ed …. We are …. WE have had ENOUGH of being lied to and deceived. We have witnessed what these murdering psychopaths have done, not only to ourselves but to our parents, brothers, sisters and friends, and we want it to S T O P ….

General Ham, Americans have been lied to since the late 1800s, but many of us no longer agree to succumb to these lies and to the serious damage, including murder, that is a result of the lies worldwide. Either you ARE a TRUE PATRIOT, or you and your generals are NOT….. You and your 200 generals need to PROVE WHO YOU SERVE. Time will definitely demonstrate what your goals are, and who you truly serve. WE ARE WATCHING.


Very concerned Americans

By Anonymous 2
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Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Anonymous 2 -- a profile in courage.
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Post by Gregg »

I am almost tempted to call these nutcases up impersonating "General Ham" and offer to be a guest on one of their conference calls. Then on the call tell them they're all nucking futz and leave me alone, I'm not running any secret shadow government coup in waiting, I'm working on my golf game and retired!

Which I'm sure would more or less be the real General Ham's response, he was little reactionary but that's a relative term among the very damn few people who ever get to be a 4 star General. I would guess he's a little to the right of John McCain and a bit to the left of Ron Paul.
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Post by GMac »

Did y'all see the pissing and whining on the NESARA blog about the supposed appearance of General Ham in front of the new Congress? A couple of people calling the whole RV/PP thing a scam, but a lot of speculating about how the Cabal blocked the video feed... :haha:
However, their version of science is flawed because real science predicts no survivors left alive on earth if my father's Vatican endorsed food process is not revived and frankly immediatly is none too soon! -ERASMUS OF AMERICA
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GMac wrote: A couple of people calling the whole RV/PP thing a scam, but a lot of speculating about how the Cabal blocked the video feed... :haha:
Well, that was Deep Knight who blocked the feed. But it wasn't as sinister as it sounded, DK just wanted to show off his new chest tattoo and got in front of the live camera:

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Post by Gregg »

GMac wrote:Did y'all see the pissing and whining on the NESARA blog about the supposed appearance of General Ham in front of the new Congress? A couple of people calling the whole RV/PP thing a scam, but a lot of speculating about how the Cabal blocked the video feed... :haha:
I'm assuming none of them has heard of C-Span?
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Post by GMac »

Gregg wrote:I'm assuming none of them has heard of C-Span?
but but but C-Span is under the control of the Dark Cabal and the de facto! You can't expect them to report the Truth! Like McHalfwit does! :haha:
However, their version of science is flawed because real science predicts no survivors left alive on earth if my father's Vatican endorsed food process is not revived and frankly immediatly is none too soon! -ERASMUS OF AMERICA
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Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Howcum the Evil Dark Cabal (or whatever you call them) can bring about a total news blackout on C-SPAN and every media outlet in the world, but somehow lack the power to shut down sites like MacHalfwit's site?
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Post by Deep Knight »

The Observer wrote:
GMac wrote: A couple of people calling the whole RV/PP thing a scam, but a lot of speculating about how the Cabal blocked the video feed... :haha:
Well, that was Deep Knight who blocked the feed. But it wasn't as sinister as it sounded, DK just wanted to show off his new chest tattoo and got in front of the live camera:
I don't know where you get your information, I killed the tattoo artist after he made it just as a precaution, but you are wrong. Let's just say it would put an Indian Head where He Who Must Not Be Named might see it at an Illuminati Summer Picnic or other casual-dressed events, and you know how he feels about minorities. And the rest of it is just weird. This is the correct tattoo.


What can I say, I love my wife (and since she's an NWO assassin and I'm a dog, it never hurts to pander to her - but the nipple piercings did!). As for blocking the feed, it was child's play. We could do the same to MacHaffie, but let's just say his posts serve our purposes. Bwaaaahahahaha!
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Post by Funkalicious »

Looks like someone's excited for the impending RV!
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Post by Deep Knight »

Wednesday, February 18, 2015




With all due respect, We the People of these united States present this, our open letter, to you and your support staff with our sincere hope that you will read this – several times if necessary – and seriously ponder what we are presenting here for your consideration and, hopefully, stir within each of you a change of heart and direction for this nation from what we understand you presently intend.

We wish to give credit to Judge Dale as we have used much of his thoughts and opinions to formulate this in our open letter to you below. Judge Dale is the expert in the law – we are not – but we understand and agree with what Judge Dale has published, as he represents the findings of our own research and thoughts completely.

General Ham and staff, it is our understanding that you have decided to restore this Republic only to the Constitution as it was in the time of Abraham Lincoln wherein Congress passed the Organic Act of 1871 which created a government corporation within the District of Columbia called: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. This would indicate that you are in bed with the BAR ASSN – attorneys who have sworn their allegiance to foreign interests, thus becoming traitors to this nation, attorneys which occupy many ‘government’ positions and who have been primary in the causation of most of the problems for this nation.

Restoring the Republic to the 1871 Constitution presents grave concerns to We the People. In short, this act and time frame preserves the ability for various treasonous actions to be automatically re-instituted and approved, moving us right back in to the position we desire to be rid of, and thereby leaving this nation no better than the current state in which we find ourselves.

General Ham - Is it your intention to do this because you have decided to give your loyalty to those who would destroy us? To those who maintain titles of nobility in nations abroad? To retain titles of nobility upon America’s soil to begin once again the tyranny and traitorous activities of a ‘government’ from which the people of this nation desire to be set free?

Is re-enacting the 1871 Constitution simply a method by the USA military to maintain control of all aspects of the nation and its people, and to manipulate the nation and wage war to invade, kill and steal? Including of its own people? As in 1871?

Would this nation thus be trading one slave master only to be subject to another, perhaps more brutal than the ones to which we are currently subject?

In truth, are you simply attempting to create the ILLUSION that you are restoring the true Republic of this nation when, in fact, you are not?

The current corporation government formed in 1871 after the Civil War replaced the Municipal Charter for the District of Columbia, a move that egregiously led to the fraudulent rewrite and adoption of what appeared to be the organic American Constitution. This erroneous rewrite is described as a corporate “mission statement” with the original 13TH Amendment “omitted,” and it was this Constitutional rewrite that was inadvertently published for all to see – deliberately misleading the American people.

The original Constitution addressed the serious issues associated with members of royalty, PhD’s, lawyers, squires and bankers, “Titles of Nobility.” Re-enactment of the 1871 Constitution would only serve to subject this nation and its people to a new wave of deceit, destruction and corruption by the US military and the BAR, not only within this nation but upon the entire planet.

During the American Civil War, the country was under Martial Law by President Lincoln and, after the War, Lincoln’s policies were to be abated and everything was supposed to return to normal but it didn’t happen quite that way. Will this happen again today with your decision to return to the 1871 Constitution instead of the 1789 Constitution and the 1791 Bill of Rights?

General Ham - have you decided to make the same mistake that did Lincoln, thus committing deceit and fraud upon the people of this nation? Have we not learned our lessons from the 1871 omission of the 13th Amendment?

Research of America’s history will prove beyond doubt that those who have sworn oaths to the BAR ASSN and who held titles of nobility, in particular occupying various political positions, judicial and even military positions have been the significant traitors of the nation. It is they who have distorted the Constitution, the courts, the judicial system, the congress and the presidency. It is they who have used their positions to gain political and financial benefits. It is they who have ‘passed laws’ that are unlawful and present tremendous burdens upon the people while excusing themselves from being bound to those same laws. Are we to be bound to this treasonous and abusive type of ‘government’ once again because you have decided to revert to the 1871 Constitution with its exclusion of the 13th Amendment, preventing those who have sworn oaths to foreign powers from holding office? Are you not committing treason yourselves by doing this?

Each year since 1871, Lincoln’s Martial Law has been renewed by Congress and, currently, all state and federal governments are dominated by legislators with "Titles of Nobility." What was once regarded as a service to country is now a political career.

The 13th Amendment was specifically designed to bar candidates who, having sworn oaths to foreign allegiance and thus holding such "Titles of Nobility," from ever holding a seat in government! If you continue with your plan to revert to the 1871 Constitutional Republic, then you, too, are committing treason as you are serving those who would manipulate and abuse our nation, its people and its resources.

We the People desire a nation of, by and for the people – not of, by and for the military and those swearing allegiance to other nations and powers via their awarded and sworn titles of nobility. One cannot serve two masters. One will serve either the one or the other but cannot serve both. Choose whom you will serve. Choose whom you desire to be your brother and sister. Should you choose the 1871 Constitution without inclusion of the original 13th amendment, then you are the People’s enemy within, making yourselves sworn enemies of the people of this nation.

General Ham, We the People do not want to be deceived once again. We desire to have our true Republic form of government restored in its entirety, including the reinstatement of the original 13th amendment concerning Titles of Nobility and NOT the fraudulent reference to slaves.

General Ham, are you confident enough in your leadership capabilities and informed enough of the original foundation of this nation to have a heart for the people and an ear to lend intently to their voices? You can choose to serve and to walk hand in hand with this nation and its peoples, or you can choose to continue to serve and to force upon the people your slave masters, continuing the same deceit and destruction from which we currently seek your capable deliverance. Which is it General Ham? The people are waiting for your response.

In closing, we have one final question: General Ham – WHY do you NOT want the full restoration of the 1789 Constitution with the 1791 Bill of Rights and the original 13th Amendment – Titles of Nobility?

The people are waiting for your response. If you are to be the ‘President’ of the restored Republic, then YOU OWE THE PEOPLE YOUR RESPONSE.

If you believe you are above the People and that you do not need to provide your response to the issues raised by the People, then you are NOT the leader we desire to represent us and the restored Republic. You are either our leader, or you are our enemy. Which is it? If you do not respond, then you make it clear the position you have chosen.

Posted by Olive Oyl at 11:18 PM
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Post by Deep Knight »

The Republic (shouldn't that be "Republics?") are being restored!

Sunday, June 7, 2015
The Transition - A New Republic

7:36 PM
Decimus Payne
May 31, 2015

It is my duty to inform the common public to fathom how the United States will be transitioned to a New Republic.

The Magnitude and Complications of Transitioning to a New Republic

Once the arrests of all politicians who are a member of the United States Corporation have been completed. Understand that the entire country will be left without leadership. This will cause chaos among it's citizens especially to those who are unaware. Politicians down the chain of command to mayors will be arrested. All politicians who will not accept transition will be arrested.

Now with thousands of political offices empty, they will have to be filled by qualified individuals of the New Republic. The New Republic will have to assume control of 50 States and 350 million people. I am to inform you that this will not be a smooth transition. This is what Jade Helm is for, folks. Currently at this moment, the Pentagon is sided with the New Republic. The Pentagon controls the United States Military.

Jade Helm is the preparation of this transition. Politicians will be arrested left and right and citizens will be in panic. The U.S. Military is required in order for this transition to be successful, without the military it is impossible. The U.S. Military will send out a message through the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) prior to the operation commencing in order to prepare the masses for the transition.

There will be chaos, there will be panic. This transition may last for weeks or even months. I urge you to prepare for this upcoming transition as it is going to be a Revolution.

In other news, is there a message being sent to the Cabal?

Recently, Beau Biden, son of the Vice President of the United States passed away.

"Beau Biden, the former Delaware Attorney General and son of Vice President Joe Biden, has died at 46, the Vice President’s office announced Saturday night. The cause of death was brain cancer."

John Kerry, strangely had an accident and was injured around the same time of Beau Biden's death.

"U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry broke his leg in a bicycle crash Sunday, apparently after hitting a curb, and scrapped the rest of a four-nation trip that included an international conference on combating the Islamic State group."

Slowly you will be witnessing news like this more and more as the Cabal and their system slowly crumble to the ground. Do not be fooled by mainstream media as I've reported that intermittent arrests of the Cabal had started weeks ago.

Their time is at an end. The Liberation of Sol had already begun yesterday.

Posted by Freewill at 1:19 PM


[14! Finally a topic to get the internets buzzing!]

Anonymous June 7, 2015 at 1:28 PM
America ought to be very cautious of this and watch closely....that so called transitional republic is going to turn into the Anti-christ chambers with the IMF financially in charge. And before that will be more civil wars.

Dan June 7, 2015 at 1:43 PM
If you want backup on this idea of a New Republic then listen to at least the intro on the Landa Global Conference calls, and they are every Wednesday, but you can go to the replay here:
May 13th is when they give the most recent details till the Blackout on May20th, yet they still have people asking questions during the shows, even on the last one.

Anonymous June 7, 2015 at 3:31 PM
If Only This Is True If Only This Is True If Only This Is True If Only This Is True If Only This Is True If Only This Is True If Only This Is True If Only This Is True If Only This Is True If Only This Is True If Only This Is True If Only
This Is True If Only This Is True If Only This Is True If Only This Is True If Only This Is True If Only This Is True If Only This Is True If Only This Is True If Only This Is True If Only This Is True If Only This Is True: If Only...

Anonymous June 7, 2015 at 3:37 PM
I only have one question regarding this post. If Jade Helm 15 is supposed to be a cover story for the military to be able to seamlessly maintain order during a point of civil unrest in a transition to a new republic why are the majority of the exercises taking place in such close proximity to each other? For that to be a logical possible reason for the exercises shouldn't they be taking place in the northeast, southeast and all the other areas of the US as well?

[What! A logical question? Who let this guy in?]

Freewill June 7, 2015 at 4:30 PM
Think it is just a coincidence that Jade Helm is concentrated the same areas as Obummer's illegals?

Anonymous June 7, 2015 at 5:07 PM
freewill you are convinced the story is true why have we not heard of decimus payne before? freewill tell us more

Freewill June 7, 2015 at 5:17 PM
I have no idea who Decimus Payne is.. The postings by Payne are in harmony with the good things happening.

Anonymous June 7, 2015 at 10:40 PM
I hope that people will understand that "countries" are created by Man and that is why this business against "illegals" may be considered uncharitable. Realize that Man has "muscled" his way into native territories and brought disruption
instead of peace. Mexico has had water headed toward it diverted by the USA. The USA has enjoyed resources and polluted the world and this way of living is going to turn to enjoying responsible use of resources and cleaning up the
world while making kindness and tolerance the norm. The patriotic view of protecting the "country" is propaganda. We all live on Earth together and must live harmoniously. This doesn't mean we have to live on top of each other. This means we need to find a way to live in peace on the same planet and respect each others differences and similarities. We can live with those we want to live with in communities of our choosing. Live and let live.
It is largely due to patriotic brain washing that Jade Helm is necessary. Jade is taking the helm. China is taking the helm as they have been intrusted to do so for the sake of the human race.
Please people, don't over react. It is a revolution, but leaving the corporate rule is a good thing. They have brain washed you to fight for your rights... No, you want to be calm and your rights will come to you this time. It is all about time. Time is up for the bad guys, don't resist change and you won't get hurt.

Anonymous June 8, 2015 at 1:00 AM
Well... thanks for that bit of information. Us dumb dumbs here in the good ole US of A are too damn dumb to know that. Let me tell you something. Tolerance??? hmmm That is why we are in a huge problem. Thank you very much! Mexico is not any better because if it was... then the mexican's would not be trampling over the border, now would they? Mexico has just as many dumb people and maybe more then America. Ok.? We tolerate good people and working people and people who [appreciate] our generosity to ALLOW you or any other FOREIGNER to come here since "We the people" of America ARE the government. What we will not stand for and do NOT tolerate are people who think that they are entitled to what is not theirs as that is a privilege to be granted the right to live in America with good people for the most part. We will not tolerate people who think that they have a right to come here (entitled people) and when they get here they expect everything for free, and they want to change our language, and our way of life, and our religion, and implement their own agenda. You are right when we get back our republic it will be better because"We the People" will have control over OUR OWN TOLERANCE LEVEL. FYI. We will be more PATRIOTIC THEN EVER! Live your life and enjoy it but do not push your TOLERANCE and PEACE agenda on Americans as we are smart enough to decide how much tolerance we will give. Thanks for your input though..

Anonymous June 8, 2015 at 9:20 AM
Anon 10:40 here. We must change the mindset about our brothers and sisters that have not been brought up "American". Like patriotism brain washing, Americans have likewise been brainwashed to underestimate the value of those outside our culture (yes, I'm American born and raised and white at that, if you must know). The brainwashing hurts those who devalue humanity as much as it hurts those for whom the negative opinions are held. This is an inner transformation as much as an outward transformation. It manifests in this cloud of dust on the outside because it reflects those beliefs held closely on the inside that are being hit by explosive Light from the cosmos. I mean that literally. Earth is traveling through space, just like microwaves change the structure of food (i.e., don't use them), the cosmic rays are affecting all in this planet.
It is my hope that when explanations show up on TV, people will accept and go with the flow and not scream "This is our land!". Uh... How did you get the land for the "country"? Through bullying those living on it as it is usually done? How can you claim the moral high ground knowing what you do about the publicly consumed history, never mind the hidden truths. Well, I'm not altogether against "private property", but we must be charitable and I know that is best done in a "win win" situation where everyone has a fun place to live and play. It is a false notion that there are "too many people" to live together in peace. It is an illusion. It is demonstrated by cities, ghettos, crowded areas.
People tend to group together. They do it to improve survival, they do it for Love, but when survival is no longer an issue, when people don't need to live in make-shift homes of dilapidated buildings and huts, when they have sanitation, etc., you will find out how sophisticated they are underneath it all and you'll think, "Hey, these people are more like me than I imagined."
Here's the main issue you wanted addressed: The "bum" factor. We are living way, way below what is technologically possible. If we could all be "bums" eventually, there wouldn't be an issue and that is where we are heading and fast.
What is about to happen is a stage of development.. a physical and psychological stage of evolution where "projects" start in primitive ways, relatively speaking, and quickly turn to leaps in lifestyle changes.
Be full of Peace and Love at all times, as much as you can, and I'm not targeting you and claiming you do not have the best intentions, I'm saying ALL of you, especially born 'n bred Americans, so you will be part of this new world and live in this super cool community of Love. Don't miss the boat because of old beliefs - they were planted for your consumption to divert you from evolving at this time. Be happy, be smart, be free.

Anonymous June 7, 2015 at 11:33 PM
So JH is concentrated in same areas as Osleazebag illegals, correct. Are you saying they are going to round them up? That would be incredible and Americans would likely appreciate that.
I have great suspicion about the Republic people actually doing the job, especially if this is the same folks that are TT's group. Sure many of them have the right idea, but many of them are just as power hungry and corrupt. I know this from personal experience with that group.
I think this Payne guy is a typical demonic newager type that spews the same stuff that the republic group has been spewing for years with his own twist of aliens, disclosure etc.
Sorry, but when it comes to the whole disclosure thing, all I see is Nephilym coming back and creating even more hell on earth according to Revelation,

Seeker June 8, 2015 at 12:39 AM
Anon 10:40 kudos, that was a very rational, thoughtful & intelligent post and it was well received.

AnonymousJune 8, 2015 at 9:21 AM
Anon 10:40 here. Thanks 4 the feedback.

[How can Anon 9:21 also be Anon 10:40 who is 79 minutes later? Is this an example of that 5D timespace we're always hearing about?]

Anonymous June 8, 2015 at 2:18 AM
We have heard this for years. So it has already started? Does Desimos Payne realize that if Americans are the ones in the Fema Camp and not the elite that his credibility will shot. Lol where is the proof? Many factions want to take out the Elite. That is not proof.
Are you saying that this could last for months? Does that mean martial law? Or does it mean a disruption in electricity and food and gas?
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Saturday, May 23, 2015
Everything you need to know about 'The Event'

8:46 AM Dinarland, GCR, IQD, RV, Secret News, US Military, USA 4 comments

Decimus Payne
May 23, 2015

The Event is set to first commence in the US, afterwards spreading across the world. It is my duty to inform the public of what is in and what will happen during 'The Event'.

First and foremost, there will be a carefully prepared and recorded message from Chief Justice Roberts about our fake American history with corrections. This recorded message will be broadcasted through the Emergency Broadcast System in the US. The contents of this message will contain evidence of crimes committed by various politicians within our Government. This message will educate Americans nationwide of how our country was secretly manipulated and controlled for a global agenda since the late 1700's.

During the time the recorded message is being broadcasted, the US Military will commence an Operation which has been frequently updated since the 1950's. This operation includes the removal and arrests of nearly 2000 individuals whom are living in the US and sitting in our government.

After the arrests have been completed, the currency of Iraq will then revalue thus triggering a Global Currency Reset. This will be done under the command of an operation currently on-going in Reno, Nevada. The current order of operation is: Michael Cottrell receives his payment, the Admiral then gets a call of the transaction completed thus triggers a fund release which signals Iraq to go ahead with a currency revaluation. The Admiral's release of funds, will be the time groups will start exchanging their IQD.

Global projects will then begin and humanity will enter a new era of prosperity and technological advancement. This era will then trigger the communication of extraterrestrial beings whom have been watching and helping us.

The Event already started

In recent reports, George W. Bush Sr. had died approximately a month ago in a Hospital in Houston. Witnesses were told not to disclose this under the matter of National Security. This was Bush Sr. #41, his 41st clone to have passed. It has been claimed that Barbara Bush is now running things. Barbara Bush is the illegitimate daughter of Aleister Crowley, which is the founder of the Satanic Church.

[Really? Barbara, you bad girl! Call me.]

There are a couple of reports from my sources that arrests have already begun. Except one problem has existed and it is that Obama has been arrested several times but he spasmodically gets replaced by an unlimited supply clones. This has caused one of the members of the New Republic registered with the Hague to be depressed. This unlimited supply of clones are originating from the underground facility of the Montauk Air Force Station in Long Island. The Resistance Movement is currently in the process of solving this problem.

The Clinton's and Dunford's are currently negotiating to not be arrested as well as other individuals.

We are the victims of a proxy war between dark and light forces. Please be patient, be vigilant and be well.
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Post by The Observer »

...Obama has been arrested several times but he spasmodically gets replaced by an unlimited supply clones. This has caused one of the members of the New Republic registered with the Hague to be depressed.
That is understandable. I 'd be depressed too if I was a justice in the International Court, finding Obama guilty for the 493rd time, only to find out that Interpol had just arrested another Obama clone and we had to start Trial #494.
"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

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Post by Judge Roy Bean »

Except one problem has existed and it is that Obama has been arrested several times but he spasmodically gets replaced by an unlimited supply clones. This has caused one of the members of the New Republic registered with the Hague to be depressed. This unlimited supply of clones are originating from the underground facility of the Montauk Air Force Station in Long Island. The Resistance Movement is currently in the process of solving this problem.
Wow, that's a relief!

Poor Michelle! :snicker:
The Honorable Judge Roy Bean
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Post by Gregg »

Some Random Bigot wrote:...What we will not stand for and do NOT tolerate are people who think that they are entitled to what is not theirs as that is a privilege to be granted the right to live in America with good people for the most part. We will not tolerate people who think that they have a right to come here (entitled people) and when they get here they expect everything for free, and they want to change our language, and our way of life, and our religion, and implement their own agenda.
We Agree Wholeheartedly!

Supreme Commander of The Imperial Illuminati Air Force
Your concern is duly noted, filed, folded, stamped, sealed with wax and affixed with a thumbprint in red ink, forgotten, recalled, considered, reconsidered, appealed, denied and quietly ignored.
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Wednesday, July 1, 2015
Public Notice From The Republic 3rd Notice

Not only do they got 3 notices, they also got time travel technology!

Deep Knight
Monday, June 29th, I hope
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Post by Deep Knight »

Missed this last week, but better late than never!

Monday, August 29, 2016


We believe this news is being blocked by Google and others. Please help us find this news so we can let everyone know...

Posted by Popeye at 2:17:00 PM

You think you've got all the bases covered, then something like this happens.


Anonymous August 29, 2016 at 2:26 PM
Americans are the only ones who don't know anything about it

DIANA Q August 29, 2016 at 8:45 PM

Anonymous August 29, 2016 at 9:54 PM
A friend of mine has a son that luvws in Mexico and he told her and confirmed that he saw the information scrolling on tv screen in Durango.

Olive Oyl August 29, 2016 at 9:56 PM
Sooo ----- they weren't watching the TV 'news' at the right time or on the right channels, or not listening to the radio broadcasts on the right stations at the right time. Just because your people didn't see or hear it doesn't mean it did not happen! The ONLY reason we are attempting to pursue this is because if it is true that the Republic government WAS announced, WHY have they NOT announced it yet in our country? That is the REAL issue here.

LKC213 August 31, 2016 at 5:54 AM
Excuse me, everyone, I have a question that someone might be able to help me with. What does RV stand for? Thank you.

Rabies Virus

Beyond Infinity August 31, 2016 at 12:05 PM
Revaluation - As in, the adjusted real value of all the world's currencies ($,€,£) in real backed money valued in gold, silver, platinum, as well as commodities. The bringing back of real economies without fiat money with mo value created on computers. The end of hyper-inflation and most of the world being poor.

Anonymous August 29, 2016 at 2:27 PM
Time will tell, let's hope so

Anonymous August 29, 2016 at 6:31 PM
Reported on Mexico tv scrolling at bottom of screen announcement of New Republc in US

DIANA Q August 29, 2016 at 8:45 PM

Olive Oyl August 29, 2016 at 9:47 PM
See Anon 6:31 PM above; info came in from overseas sources and checked out by others on Mexico TV - info was scrolled at bottom of programming; why don't you do some checking on it yourself? We are trying to obtain confirmation but nothing appears to be in print

Joseph Basinger August 29, 2016 at 3:11 PM
Wish this would be true, what in Washington, D.C. Is not a government, it's a bunch of ambulance chasing lawyers pretending to be a government. Maybe the currency rv will go along with it.

Goddess Of Humanity August 29, 2016 at 6:28 PM
Washington is a corporation!

Anonymous August 29, 2016 at 7:50 PM
What happened to all that talk about the Emergency channel broadcasts.. this is too fishy..
but like everyone else.. I sure hope it happens.. I'm sooooo tired of all the BS.. so let's
all think positive and pray it happens..

Olive Oyl August 29, 2016 at 9:50 PM
Fishy? None of us have the scheduling of what is to be done or when. Much of the 'intel' information that has and continues to be put out by 'gurus' is incorrect - being fed to the talkers who then post it on websites, etc. All of us are tired of the BS - don't blame us - we don't write it and for the most part we don't post it - only that which comes in to us from those we deem to be reliable sources but even they get lied to, or plans changed through no fault of theirs - or ours

TruthandFreedom August 29, 2016 at 8:11 PM
This is not a TRUE REPUBLIC! It's the same establishment being incorporated through RENO and being backed through the control of France on paper. This New Republic is as every bit a fraud as the Corporation that copyrighted the name United States and then masqueraded, defrauded, and assumed the role of government through FRAUD!

Bluesky August 30, 2016 at 12:00 AM
Right you are, that Republique is a farce operated by House Speaker
Paul Ryan and Traitor General Dunford together with the same crooks
in the WH and Congress. They are trying to fool us again just to keep
their scam against the American people going, stealing our money and
our liberties. WAKE UP AMERICA!! The real true Republic will be
re-established NOT a "new republic".

Anonymous August 29, 2016 at 9:13 PM
My prob with this kind of announcement is.. NO LINK.. no mention
of which TV station.. nothing.. very suspect..

Olive Oyl August 29, 2016 at 9:53 PM
You know - WHY don't YOU try to locate sources and provide to us? We are trying to obtain reliable sources ourselves and we could use some help rather than complaints or disapproving comments. NO LINK was provided - it was HEARD ON RADIO BROADCASTS and SEEN ON SCROLLED ANNOUNCEMENTS AT THE BOTTOM OF THE 'NEWS' broadcasts. Kapish? When source links ARE available, WE POST THEM!!!! TAKE A LOOK AT THE BOTTOM OF THE POSTED ARTICLES AND SEE FOR YOURSELF.

Anonymous August 29, 2016 at 11:33 PM
Olive Oyl,o you have name of news broadcast...there may be a recording in their site...worth a try, I'm also researching, this is wonderful.

Anonymous August 30, 2016 at 12:25 AM
Nothing about this makes any sense at all. This is classic disinformation, misinformation intended for the sole purpose to send us into a frenzy like a rat in a maze. Let me see if i understand this correctly....people in Holland are watching Mexican TV? really? WHO DOES THIS MAKE SENSE TO?

Olive Oyl August 30, 2016 at 12:48 AM
Anon 11:33 - no - no name of the news channel in Mexico - wish we did have it and trying to find out by posting this article here - reliable sources in Holland saw the announcement on their TV - and yes Anon 12:25 AM - it was on a station in Mexico - and yes - people in different nations watch TV in other nations - I fail to understand why Anon 12:25AM would question that? Most of us who are tuned in to alternative media are well aware that the media in this nation is totally controlled, and we are not being provided with valid 'news' - only reports of car accidents, breakins at the local 7-11 store or a home, a murder of a family member by someone in the family, etc. We don't get REAL news in this country. Many of us refer to news broadcasts in other nations. You will find out more what is happening in the States doing that than by reading or watching America's propaganda TV. The Hillary Clinton propaganda about her being waaaaay ahead of Trump in the 'polls' is absolute proof of that. The media is controlled by the cabal, and the Clintons and others are paying the media (Soros) to report what THEY want reported, NOT TRUTH. Anon 12:25 AM - EXPAND your horizons and LEARN something worthwhile.

Anonymous September 2, 2016 at 12:41 PM
yes you are right about Clinton leading in the rigged polls, and they will probably announce that she won by a land slide too.

Anonymous August 29, 2016 at 10:55 PM
WOW.. lighten up Olive.. been in this for over 10 years and I think everything is fishy or suspect unless I
see some confirmation.. wasn't blaming you nor this board.. BUT.. when someone posts this type of extremely
important information.. ya don't just say.. "I saw it on TV".. just saying kid..

Olive Oyl August 30, 2016 at 12:38 AM
You are 'just saying'?? Aren't you reading some of the other comments coming forth that are confirming the report here? We posted it to try to get input from readers for the benefit of all of us about whether the reports of the announcement being made in other countries, in this case in particularly Mexico, were factual. Some people just can't 'see' the forest for the trees. Very disappointing.

Anonymous September 7, 2016 at 2:30 PM
Your efforts to inform and uplift us are very appreciated! It is a difficult task that takes so much energy, dedication and cross-checking this against that and so on... if the complainers were so dedicated they would have many answers and insights to add to bring forth a more complete picture... point being: many fully appreciate your selfless dedication! Thank you ♡

Olive Oyl September 7, 2016 at 4:20 PM
ANON 2:30 pm - Thank you for your kind comments. Refreshing to receive since so many have so much negative input to contribute! IF any were following the G-20 meeting these past few days, they would have seen and heard the announcements of our nation being restored to a Republic, of obama no longer being the president, of Gen Dunford having taken over as interim President on behalf of the Republic, of Dunford signing all documentation and completing requirements to be met to take us forward with the rest of the nations in bringing forth the GCR, and of the leaders of the nations agreeing to meet behind locked doors until such time as all were in agreement before disbanding. This info was given to us by both TV and by written media, and is all we have to go on. Let's hope and pray this is for the good, and that peace can be achieved for the benefit of all mankind.

Anonymous August 29, 2016 at 11:05 PM
please everyone try to stay positive

Ken Rankin August 29, 2016 at 11:36 PM
Well, maybe it would make more journalistic sense to verify the source before you post the bullshit.

Olive Oyl August 30, 2016 at 12:36 AM
Hey Ken - What is bullshit to you is important information to others. Why don't YOU verify it? That is the sole reason why this was posted - for people to research and provide information to confirm it via comments on this blog. Geeezzzz - thought you had more intelligence than you are exhibiting Ken.

Anonymous August 30, 2016 at 12:45 AM
possible confirmation. ... read=55261
my problem is we are already a republic. a new republic may just be another nwo trap.

Olive Oyl September 7, 2016 at 4:24 PM
We provided the information to Rumor Mill and Before Its News ......... a common practice between us. Several of our articles have been posted on both websites, including being among the top ten or the recommended news for the day. Your concern about 'another nwo trap' is one many of us harbor and are doing our best to get to the bottom of. We are keeping a close watch and ear to our sources.

Anonymous August 30, 2016 at 1:03 AM
Would love to be positive about this but it reeks of yet another S.C.A.M.
How can there not be ONE valid link available on this anywhere on the globe????
Possible, but let's not count those chickens yet.

Freewill August 30, 2016 at 1:29 AM
This so called "New Republic" is a total fraud! I just reposted the the real and true Original Jurisdiction Republic's response to the French corporation new republic. Read it here!
REPOST: We THE People Interim President Dejure Republic - addressing the fraudulent "New Republic"

brendan griffin August 30, 2016 at 3:11 AM
Lets be posative ite a bunch of bullshit untill we hear otherwise im posative


Hubert Lucy August 30, 2016 at 1:35 PM
I have seen news come across on the little screen underneath the fake news, and it appears one time. I believe this scenario is possible.

Steve August 31, 2016 at 7:40 AM
Far Out Man

shi1haz August 31, 2016 at 9:06 PM
Please don't get caught up in which 'Republic'. Light WINS...Our new government, and the entire world of politics, will be transparent and effective will guidance from above))) Keep your eyes on the target.

ZekeDaMeek September 1, 2016 at 8:12 AM
To access news channels from around the world download the "freetelly" app here. Once installed and launched there is a very easy & short set up. Once done click on the oCloudtv app under the videos section. Then click on the news tab. From there its just a matter of someone catching the announcement or any mention of it. Its not a direct link but its something right? Hopefully we will get some major news today & we wont have to go digging for it anymore.

Valencia J. Ford September 1, 2016 at 2:28 PM
Greetings Olive Oyl,
Thanks for all you guys do! I wouldn't know lots of stuff without you guys! Keep on keeping on! I found this link, maybe it helps. ... 06062.html

Olive Oyl September 1, 2016 at 5:25 PM
Thank you Valencia! Appreciate your kind remarks.

Freewill September 1, 2016 at 5:23 PM
We are not going to trade one corrupt foreign corporation for another foreign corporation.
France holds the charter for the U.S. corporation and France holds the charter for the New Republique or New Republic. Only thing you will get is a name change.
We need the Original Jurisdiction Republic!

Carmen Burgess September 2, 2016 at 2:21 AM
Could this be what Obummer was talking about when he said, "The End of the Republic Has Never Looked Better"?

According to a linked video, this is all part of the RV which HAS to be announced by Sept 1. Oops!
"Follow the Money"