Christmas Party Pics

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Christmas Party Pics

Post by Deep Knight »

Since this year's party was such a blowout (funded by those Dinars we got to cash out early), I thought I would give all of us a place to post some of the pictures.

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Re: Christmas Party Pics

Post by The Observer »

Ted Turner was admitted to the Illuminati? How did this crime happen? Can I get a refund on my initiation fees?
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Re: Christmas Party Pics

Post by wserra »

Don't sweat it, Obs. He thinks he's an insider because we let him skipper the yachts, pay for the parties and run a couple of the basic mind-control routines on his stations. He has no part in the important stuff.

At least since the Fonda divorce.
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Re: Christmas Party Pics

Post by LightinDarkness »

Hey...where is the freemason symbol? Who forgot to put up the Freemason hosting table?!
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Re: Christmas Party Pics

Post by Deep Knight »

The big guy mugging for my smartphone camera.

The line for the buffet went around the room.

I won our table's centerpiece in the raffle.

Marge from Accounting is on the left.

We danced until dawn. A GREAT time was had by all.
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Re: Christmas Party Pics

Post by Deep Knight »

LightinDarkness wrote:Hey...where is the freemason symbol? Who forgot to put up the Freemason hosting table?!
I wouldn't make too much of this if I were you. You know how sensitive you-know-who is about you know what. It was six months until she started dating again.
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Re: Christmas Party Pics

Post by The Observer »

LightinDarkness wrote:Hey...where is the freemason symbol? Who forgot to put up the Freemason hosting table?!
Hey, the Bohemian Club table was there right up front as the sacrificial altar. What more do you want?
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Re: Christmas Party Pics

Post by JamesVincent »

When did Destro join? Must have missed that memo.
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Re: Christmas Party Pics

Post by Gregg »

My pictures turned out great, but you'll have to get into the NSA mainframe to see them. And did anyone else like Tony Blair's robes?
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Re: Christmas Party Pics

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

My pictures turned out great; but at the request of the other ... um, "participants" in the activities portrayed in the pictures, I have placed the relevant memory card in a place which a friend assured me was totally secure -- the office safe in the head office of the publisher of the National Enquirer.
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Re: Christmas Party Pics

Post by fortinbras »

The artwork that started this thread is from an ouvre which, depending on your racial attitudes, can make your blood boil or run cold.

Naturally I am curious about any background info on the artiste.
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Re: Christmas Party Pics

Post by Deep Knight »

I got the first picture from an insane screed about, well, everything in the world, posted on MacHaffie's Nesara News (formally RAP NESARA, but RAP got downgraded) website. There were other illustrations, but none by this anti-Semitic creep whose razor-sharp mind is attested to by this recent illustration from the link above (under the title "PSY-OP Against Dees").


This insightful investigation into 9/11 and how them Jews like to brag about about their crimes 22 years early. I also understand they kill cute baby kittens and say disparaging things about your mother's virtue.


And finally, another version of the party photo that started all of this. Can you spot all 14 differences?

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Re: Christmas Party Pics

Post by The Observer »

Deep Knight wrote:Can you spot all 14 differences?
1. In the 2nd picture, George Bush has $27 million more dinar squeezed into his robe's left pocket.

2. Soros is wearing pink underwear underneath his robe in the 2nd picture (he went commando in the first picture).

3. Rosie O' Donnell was substituted for the crying infant.

4. Alan Greenspan is carrying a supply-side economics book written by Laffer.

5. Orly Taitz is the sacrifcer in the 2nd picture (Slim Whitman was in the original picture).

6. Tony Blair wears a Romney mask .

7. Third mustache hair on the left side of Turner's lip is out of position

8. Bill Gates has swiped all of the hors d'oeuvres from the buffet cart next to him

9. In the 2nd picture, Deep Knight is inspecting Dove's tonsils with his tongue (just behind the drapes).

10. Bernanke is riding a goat

11. Obama is without a teleprompter in the 2nd picture (thus explaining why his mouth is closed).

12. The eyeball in the Illuminati logo belonged to a Cyclops who failed his inititation rite.

13. FEMA death camps have all been relocated to Canada on the globe.

14. Hillary Clinton has replaced the silver-skull guy from the first picture (this was a tough one, you have to look really, really, close).
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