Things that Make You Go WTF?

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Things that Make You Go WTF?

Post by Deep Knight »

That's right, there's a lot of WTF in NESARA-land, a million strange stories that pass in the night, like ships, or gas. This is just one of them.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014
Iran says "Tall White Space Aliens" control America

Documents leaked by NSA Whistleblower Edward Snowden conclusively prove that the United States has been ruled by a race of tall white aliens who also assisted the rise of Nazi Germany in the 1930s.

These revelations about our alien overlords might not cost you any sleep. But the part that should concern you a tad is that the UFO Story was released by the Fars News Agency, the English-language News Service of Iran, a nation that may be very close to acquiring nuclear weapons.

Iran says "Tall White Space Aliens" control America

This is interesting on many different levels. First of all, Fars News Agency is an arm of the Iranian Government. Secondly, there are a lot of people who believe that the "end times war" will be fought between various extraterrestrial factions. No matter whether thats true or not, if people - especially people in power - believe that, its going to affect all of us.

In the past, many Iranian leaders themselves have voiced their belief in a number of conspiracy-theories. Ahmadenijad, the previous head of state, for example, publicly said that he believes "9/11 was an inside job". Why is the Iranian Government so quick to embrace conspiracy and alien ideas?

In this case they seem to be associating what they consider "evil" with the rumoured race of tall, white ETs. Some people have speculated that Hitler crafted his racist theories based on an image of "tall, white and blond aryans" which were inspired by ETs.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 11:48 AM
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Re: Things that Make You Go WTF?

Post by Deep Knight »

Monday, January 13, 2014

We have been reading about advance Galactic devices that will be arriving shortly to treat your medical problems. They are supposed to be arriving shortly after the event.

This is a request from us who need treatment NOW.


PLEASE HELP ------ John MacHaffie

Posted by John MacHaffie at 9:22 AM

OK, you're probably saying, "so John-boy just got divorced, is hitting the bottle (Boone's Farm), and wigging out more than a bit. So new." But you haven't read the comments!

9 (or less) comments:

Anonymous January 13, 2014 at 2:07 PM
Time to walk the talk, Galactics!

Anonymous January 13, 2014 at 2:12 PM
In answer to this question I found this to be the best answer to this question and of course one would have to decide...
"Nobody can save us, nobody can step in and do the work humans need to do – we need to do this for ourselves or the whole of human existence, past, present and future becomes pointless.
 When we have achieved our goal of soul re-integration, the other races are ready and willing to step in and help us with our adjustments to our new full-soul state – and they would be very welcome.
What we are faced with is a human problem that requires a human solution.

There is nobody “out there” that can solve this problem for us – there are no other humans in this, or any other universe. The Earth and human life are unique throughout the whole of Creation.
There are two reasons why there has not been full “disclosure” about UFO’s and other races. Firstly, the military want to keep all “alien” secrets to themselves.

Secondly, and by far the biggest reason, is that the other races do not want disclosure of their existence to be fully known as they are fully supportive of what is happening here on Earth, at this time, and they realise the magnitude of the events that humans are resolving but that it can only be resolved by humans. Their intervention at this time would not serve any useful purpose as far as soul re-integration is concerned",

Anonymous January 13, 2014 at 2:14 PM
From Cancer, Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, Heart Problems, Arthritis and it's side kick secondary effects on the body, Pulmonary Illnesses, to Tooth Decay due to so much Fluoride, Obesity (Due to all the Junk Food and artificial food additives no to mentioned growth hormones to Poultry and Cows, Pigs, Sea Food) WE NEED HELP NOW!!!! So, Galactics, John is right, the time to intervene is RIGHT NOW!!

Anonymous January 13, 2014 at 4:05 PM
Yeah. right! Just watch the old episode of the "Twilight Zone" called "Serve Man". This is what's going to happen if the galactics come down to Earth.

Anonymous January 13, 2014 at 5:10 PM
Rumor has it that galatics = energy force. Got any rebuttal... or Just brain washed by religion sect?

Anonymous January 13, 2014 at 8:53 PM
Yeah, I've got a rebuttal. Prove it. Have your galactic buddy post on this blog when they're going to save the world with their energy force. Betcha can't!
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Re: Things that Make You Go WTF?

Post by littleroundman »

John MacHaffie wrote:This is interesting on many different levels. First of all, Fars News Agency is an arm of the Iranian Government.

an arm of the Iranian government is the first place I'd go for up to the minute news, especially with their record for breaking the news first and accurately.

OH !
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Re: Things that Make You Go WTF?

Post by wserra »

Deep Knight wrote:Why is the Iranian Government so quick to embrace conspiracy and alien ideas?
Thereby pegging irony meters around the world.
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Re: Things that Make You Go WTF?

Post by AndyK »

Remember: The aliens are here 'to serve man'
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Re: Things that Make You Go WTF?

Post by obadiah »

AndyK wrote:Remember: The aliens are here 'to serve man'
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Re: Things that Make You Go WTF?

Post by JamesVincent »

DK, I am going to have to insist you renew your WTF license. I think you just exceeded your limit.
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Re: Things that Make You Go WTF?

Post by Deep Knight »

Wednesday, January 15, 2014
The essence of my ‘3rd Leg of Reconstruction’ analysis

Hello Tony (sharing w/all Patriots bcc herein),

I see that your ‘light bulb’ has been lit and that, as a Good Northerner, you are beginning ‘To Connect the Dots’. You are quickly becoming a Confederate my friend as a result.

Please click on the Gum-Ball machine herein & below and sit back and watch because it echoes, NO SCREAMS, the essence of my ‘3rd Leg of Reconstruction’ analysis.

You WILL SEE the utter disbelief on the faces of your fellow Americans with jaws a drop and their heads shaking in disbelief.

Afterwards, PLEASE refer back to my ‘3rd Leg of Reconstruction’ that this Washington/National ‘Government’ unleashed upon us in 1965 with their REVISED IMMIGRATION ACT.

The reasons for their actions were NOT, NOT for ‘Humanitarian’ reasons but for reasons associated with the advancement of their Demographic voting base.
PLEASE NOTE that Humanism is the CORE element of the Marxist Ideology that allows them ‘entry’ into the Halls of those Republics, each of whom They have DESTROYED thanks to their ‘Collective Mind-Set’.

Open the Gum-Ball machine now and perhaps IT WILL all begin to makes sense as to what has been & continues to be done, to you.


It was NEVER a ‘Regional War’ nor was it a War fought over a single issue- only thru a Central Government could the Wealth & Power associated with a Central Government be realized by the Marxists THEN…..and as TODAY.

If you believe in the Jeffersonian Principles of Government, then that makes YOU a Confederate!
Do I hear ‘many Light Bulbs’ going off?

When the Republic of the Confederation lost, so TOO did TWO Countries, but only We Confederates knew it at the time……and still do!

Craig Maus,
President, The Confederate Society of America
Will You Join Us Now?
From: Tony Smith
Sent: Wednesday, January 15, 2014 1:17 PM
To: undisclosed-recipients:
Subject: A Simply Fantastic Illustration Which Every Single Educator (teacher,Pastor) must Understand

Read final commentary, please.

Immigration Explained
This in a simplified manner tells us exactly the problem with immigration - It is a worth while talk !
Poverty explained by world population in gumballs... Can immigration to the US help?
Watch as it is explained... Click on the Gum Ball Machine:

Now can anyone not understand that we should bring the troops home and stop using them to make the USA appear to be a bad ‘mother-in law’ to every other nation in the world. Many in those remote countries now are our enemies due to that very reasoning. Our current plan is totally upside down. If you believe that you can help someone in poverty any place in the world help themselves, then pack your bags and utilize your own money, energy, and time to fulfill your own dreams. IF THIS IS WHAT YOU WANT TO DO, PUT YOUR OWN MONEY ON THE LINE AND FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS TO YOUR HEART'S CONTENT!!


Posted by John MacHaffie at 8:31 PM

The gumball machine is this picture.


When you click on it you get another copy of the same picture. Figuring that MacHaffie left out a link, I went searching for pieces of text, and only found a Hungarian OPPT site which must have had the text parts hidden, 'cause they and the gumball machine were nowhere to be found. WTF?

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Re: Things that Make You Go WTF?

Post by Deep Knight »

MacHaffie raving on about NESARA is one thing, but lying about Deep Knight's brother "Black" is another! 13 thousand year old satellite my furry polka-dotted behind! I love mom, so I won't blab about her tryst with Frank Marshall Davis that produced "Black," or how long it took to get the stains out of the curtains. At least he's not the son of millionaire Thomas Wayne like our other brother, "The Dark."

Tuesday, February 11, 2014
The Black Knight, A 13000 Year Old Alien Satellite? ... satellite/

The Black Knight, A 13000 Year Old Alien Satellite?

Space Junk or Extraterrestrial “Satellite”, the “Black Knight” as it’s called today– has been around for quite some time now. This discovery is perhaps one of the most (in)famous space objects that orbit our Planet. This “Artificial Satellite” has caused mayor media interest since the late 50′s, and it has become one of the most talked about objects in space. First thought to be an Russian spy satellite, the Black Knight has gripped the interest of millions worldwide.
According to monitoring agencies around the world, The Black knight has been transmitting radio signals for over 50 years now.

The USA and Soviet Union have shown particular interest in this “unidentified space object”. Since its discovery this satellite has interested countries such as Sweden and enthusiasts worldwide. One of them is a Ham Radio operator who apparently had decoded a series of signals received from the UFO Satellite and interpreted it as a star-chart centered on the Epsilon Bootes Star System and that the Black Knight originated from this System 13.000 years ago. (The Epsilon Boötis is a double star in the northern constellation of Boötes. It has the traditional names Izar and Pulcherrima. The star system can be viewed with the unaided eye at night, but resolving the pair with a small telescope is challenging; an aperture of 76 mm (3.0 in) or greater is required. — Wikipedia)

But according to many, this discovery was made much earlier than we thought. Rumors are that it was Nikola Tesla the first man to “intercept” a signal from this otherworldly satellite in 1899 after building a high-voltage radio device in Colorado Springs. After Tesla’s discovery in the next 30 to 50 years the signal was being intercepted more frequently until it was apparently “decoded”. Since the 1930′s Astronomers worldwide have been reporting strange radio signals which allegedly come from the “Black Knight”.

In 1957, Dr. Luis Corralos of the Communications Ministry in Venezuela photographed it while taking pictures of Sputnik II as it passed over Caracas. The strange thing was that unlike the Sputnik one and two, The Black Knight Satellite orbited Earth from East to West. Sputnik one and two orbited West to East using Earth’s natural rotation to maintain orbit.

The story of the Black Knight made its media debut in the 1940′s when the St. Louis Dispatch and The San Francisco Examiner wrote about the “Satellite” on May 14th 1954. The Time Magazine wrote about it on the seventh of March, 1960. Here is what they said about it.
Three weeks ago, headlines announced that the U.S. had detected a mysterious “dark” satellite wheeling overhead on a regular orbit. There was nervous speculation that it might be a surveillance satellite launched by the Russians, and it brought the uneasy sensation that the U.S. did not know what was going on over its own head. But last week the Department of Defense proudly announced that the satellite had been identified. It was a space derelict, the remains of an Air Force Discoverer satellite that had gone astray. Read the complete story by visiting the Time Magazine website.

The Articles of 1954:
St. Louis Dispatch and The San Francisco Examiner articles about the unidentified satellite.
On August 23, 1954 the technology magazine Aviation Week and Space Technology released a story that angered the Pentagon who were trying to keep the information secret. The short article stated:

Pentagon scare over the observance of two previously unobserved satellites orbiting the earth has dissipated with the identification of the objects as natural, not artificial satellites. Dr. Lincoln LaPaz, expert on extraterrestrial bodies from the University of New Mexico, headed the identification project. One satellite is orbiting about 400 miles out, while the other track is 600 miles from the earth. Pentagon thought momentarily the Russians had beaten the U.S. to space explorations.

Interest in the Black Knight was higher each year, in 1957, an unknown “object” was seen “shadowing” the Sputnik 1 Spacecraft. According to reports, the “unidentified object” was in Polar orbit, at that time The United Stated nor the Russians possessed the technology to maintain a spacecraft in Polar Orbit. According to our research the first Polar orbiting satellite was launched in 1960. Polar orbits are often used for earth-mapping, earth observation, capturing the earth as time passes from one point and reconnaissance satellites. This would put the Black Knight in the category of a observational Satellite, the only question here is, who placed The Black Knight in a polar orbit and for what purpose?

The Object continued to amaze Astronomers World Wide. In the 1960′s the Black Knight was located once again in Polar Orbit. Astronomers and Scientists calculated the objects weight to be over 10 tons which would be at that time the Heaviest Artificial Satellite to orbit our Planet. The Black Knights orbiting was unlike any other object orbiting Earth, as it was moving as twice as fast when compared to the man made Spacecrafts.

There are also several reports that the Grumman Aircraft Corporation gave much importance to this mysterious “Satellite”, On September 3, 1960, seven months after the satellite was first detected by radar, a tracking camera at Grumman Aircraft Corporation’s Long Island factory took a photograph of the Black Knight. At that point people all over the world started identifying the object in the sky, which could be seen as a red light moving at higher speed compared to other satellites in a East to West orbit. The Grumman Aircraft Corporation formed a committee to study the data received from the observations made but nothing was made public.

In 1963, Gordon Cooper was launched into space. On his final orbit, he reported seeing a glowing green object in front of his capsule in the distance moving towards his Spacecraft. The Muchea tracking station, in Australia, which Cooper reported the object to, picked up this Unidentified object on Radar travelling East to West. NBC reported this but after Cooper returned to Earth, the Reporter were not allowed to ask Cooper about the unidentified object. The official explanation given to Coopers sighting were “high levels of carbon dioxide, which caused hallucinations“.

The Black Knight has been a topic of interest all around the world. Until today most of the “official” information on the mysterious object is kept safe and away from society. No one has answered some of the most simple and logical questions to ask, who placed that “satellite” in Polar orbit? To what purpose?

Is the Black Knight an Extraterrestrial satellite sent to Earth to study the Human race? Did the Satellite attempt to communicate with the human race? Have we ignored attempted communications? One thing is for sure, The Black Knight remains as one of the most mysterious objects to orbit our planet. Is there a connection between this (in)famous space object and ancient mankind’s achievements?

We strive for accuracy and fairness. But if you see something that doesn’t look right please contact us.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 1:29 PM 0 comments

Anybody with half a mind can see this isn't my brother. Of course this doesn't include most people who read MacHaffie's site. As to the satellite, this summation at Astronotes says it better than I could.

So although claims of an ancient 13 000 year old satellite originally from the constellation of Böotes, has reportedly been spotted and photographed by NASA astronauts as it travels in polar orbit; in reality this is not the case. Black Knight is a jumble of completely unrelated stories; reports of unusual science observations, authors promoting fringe ideas, classified spy satellites and people over-interpreting photos. These ingredients have chopped up, stirred together and stewed on the internet to one rambling and inconsistent dollop of myth. The Universe is big place, and astronomers are trying to find signs of other life, some have even searched for alien probes near Earth; however the Black Knight satellite is not the answer and it never has been.
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Re: Things that Make You Go WTF?

Post by Deep Knight »

The mystery has been solved!

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Re: Things that Make You Go WTF?

Post by Deep Knight »

I'll get you my pretty, and your little dog Toto too!

Thursday, February 13, 2014
Hillary Clinton (a 6th level Illuminati witch & sadistic Monarch slave handler)

And you thought you knew all about her ..............


One of the basic ideas of creating a mind-controlled slave is to control the entire milieu of the slave. This is expressed in Nexus Seven. The environment of the slave is designed for what is called story immersion.. A Monarch slave who has been given the basic Alice In Wonderland and Wizard of Oz programming will see objects connected to these story lines in almost every store. Restaurants in Dallas and San Antonio (The Time Machine Restaurants) which are used to reinforce programming, have mirrors on their walls, doors and ceilings and their waitresses dressed like programming script characters--such as Dorothy of the Wizard of Oz.

It is no accident that one of the leading Satanic singers calls himself Ozzy Ozburn, or that a certain Mexican witch calls herself Oz. It is no accident that recently a witch wrote the book The Witches of Oz. It is no accident that the elite have promoted the Wizard of Oz theme with television product advertisements. It is no accident that the U.S. has Oz stamps, that television has Oz cartoons, and Oz characters are appearing all over the place. For a while even Kansas had an Oz theme to their license plates (.Land of Ahs.).

Hillary Clinton, (a 6th level Illuminati witch & sadistic Monarch slave handler) received a witch's hat in anticipation that she would be called 'the wicked witch of the West', and that Mary Matalin (who married Clinton's top campaign advisor James Carville) had a photograph of Hillary Clinton as 'the Wicked Witch of the West' on her wall with the caption: "I will get you, my pretty, and your little dog too!"

The witch's hat and the caption both are popular with these people associated with the White House because they are so rich in triple and quadruple meanings. The deadliest meaning is that the Monarch Slaves that sexually service Hillary and Bill Clinton have Wizard of Oz programming. Hillary is really 'the Wicked Witch of the West' to these poor Beta slaves.

The constant bumping into Wizard of Oz paraphernalia or pictures of it helps focus the slave's mind onto their Wizard of Oz programming. MGM Grand recently built a multi-million dollar pyramid complex with a theme park which is based on the Wizard of Oz and the Alice in Wonderland themes. The hotel at the MGM Grand is the world's largest with 5,000 rooms, which shows that mind-control is big business. A team of actors dressed up in the Wizard of Oz theme like Dorothy and her friends (Tin Man & Scarecrow) and walked on a yellow brick road constructed in the MGM complex. Emerald City is part of the theme park. The complex cost $1 billion according to the Las Vegas Review Journal, Dec. 19, 1993, page Al. This complex is given the occult name Luxor and is at 3900 Las Vegas Boulevard South. It has been advertised as the 'Next Wonder of the World.' It's a shame that the 1990's big wonder is a programming center.

Another part of the control of the Milieu is labelled 'planned spontaneity' by the controllers. The Monarch victim repeatedly finds experiences 'just happening'. These are the 'coincidences' that are so mystical that people feel there must be a higher significance to the event. Many of these are well-staged events. A slave may try to escape marrying the person they are commanded to marry. The handlers stay one step ahead of the slave and, through a series of 'coincidences', introduce another acceptable person. The slave, in an effort to escape, grabs the first available substitute who has been coached on how to push all the correct green mental buttons to get the escapee to marry them. The slave jumps from the frying pan into the fire.

Things which validate the programming and the mystical beliefs of the cult will be repeatedly introduced. The skill in introducing these secretly into the life of the slave are amazing. There is no limit to what can be attempted, and some of these staged events are worthy of Houdini.

The occult world has placed their symbols all over the United States. The most esteemed institutions, such as Walt Disney, are fountains of the occult. Walt Disney movies are steeped in magic, and yet American society is so drowned in the occult they have been desensitized to how it permeates American culture. The concept of 'Sacred knowledge' versus 'profane knowledge' is introduced. If the slave should escape, the first choice is to send someone who can pick them up. I have heard of slaves escaping from Europe on the plane only to be picked up by a handler when they land in New York.

Mt. Shasta.s programming site, accessed by helicopter, specializes in reprogramming escaped slaves. Jerry Lee Lewis has a notorious reputation among the Network as being exceptionally sadistic in reprogramming escapees. However, if the slave is not needed and is wanting out --tens of thousands of them have been locked up in mental hospitals as paranoid schizophrenics. In the mental hospitals they can continue to get drugs and electro-shock -- the very things that caused their problems in the first place. The insiders have a name for these slaves. They call them 'broken butterflies.'

If the slave tries to go to court, according to some, the 'Non Compos Mentis Law' prevents them from testifying against their abusers! At any rate, with or without this law it would not be easy for a victim to get his testimony accorded the respect it deserves. If they get psychiatric help, their therapist can not tell anyone about what they have suffered, and the therapist is hamstrung about what they can do in court for the client. Recently 15 states have created statutes of limitations on sadistic rape. This is in response to all the Monarch slaves who have begun recovering memories.

The extent that entire culture and society protect the Monarch Programming is enormous. Anyone admitting MPD (aka DID) is in fear of being labelled crazy and losing some of their rights and their job. Because the conspiracy (the Network) is so vast, an examination of how the Illuminati controls society would be needed to cover the subject of milieu control. This would take an entire book. The reader is encouraged to read some of Fritz Springmeier's other works which expose how the Illuminati's control extends over all levels of society. Most people have settled their minds on this issue without getting the facts. When the real facts are shown, it blows people's minds.

Some of the easiest and everyday items to show people are simply a dollar bill with its Illuminati symbol on the back, and a can of vegetables which has a bar code on it. Every bar code has 3 secret and non-functional numbers in the bar code, which are 666.

The silent hammer that strikes out at the Monarch slave is that everywhere they go, the occult world is there. Several cars are named after Satan. The name Saturn, and Belair are well-known as occult names for Satan. When Freemasonry.s greatest philosopher/ Illuminati Mind-control Programmer/Grand Druid Council member Manly P. Hall wrote Cabalistic Keys to the Lord.s Prayer (Los Angeles, CA: The Philosophical Research Society, 1964, p. 10) he wrote 'Saturn = Hallowed be thy name.' The men who head these auto manufacturing companies are in the Illuminati. There is no question that they were NOT ignorant of the significance of these names. Many other occult names of big significance to the Illuminati involving eagles have been placed on cars. Electra is a recent car named after a demon. Viper is a slow and deadly creature. Why would one want to use it to name a car? Viper is also the name of an important demon. Viper is found in Black Widow Monarch slaves.

Some readers may begin to feel that things are being stretched. The connections of numerous car names to the occult could be exposed, but that is not the purpose of this book. We will quote straight from a company their own explanation for their car's name in this next paragraph simply to make the point. Whether others perceive it or not, the Monarch slaves have to exist in a world full of satanic/ occult symbology that ordinary people don't understand. Mazda's president, Norimasa Furuta, published a book in 1990 which it intended to give to all its employees. The book explains its purpose ...."We have written a booklet to explain how MAZDA became the name of our corporation and what it means in order to help everyone who is related to MAZDA enhance their creativity and develop their potential." The book entitled The Globe: In Search of the Origins of Mazda goes on to explain about the founder of Mazda car company, Matsuda Jujiro, who is heralded as a great seer who 'believed in himself, in his friends, and in heaven, and he achieved a truly global vision.' Mazda company's book, The Globe, then explains that the company name Mazda comes from the god Ahura-Mazda which was the 'god of light' and the 'god of wisdom' according to the book. Jujiro believed that Mazda represents the .origin of civilization.. The 'god of light' (Lucifer) is often credited for starting civilization by those who aren't Christians. The name Mazda according The Globe symbolizes 'unlimited possibility and stimulates people's dreams.' Mazda.s book puts down in writing their New Age goals to 'establish peace for mankind with a global point of view'. and 'a spiritual foundation' toward which to work toward a 'new age.' The book further states civilization started in Egypt and that Christianity evolved from the pagan mystery religions.

Another book associated with Mazda cars is the book The Meaning of Life given to everyone who test-drives a Mazda--that was as long as book supplies last. I quote the book ....'The time when regions and continents existed keeping a certain distance from each other is a thing of the past. We are eager to transmit the meaning of MAZDA to the children of MAZDA who will create a new MAZDA.' With a strong desire for peace and through the production and sale of automobiles and machine tools, MAZDA has advanced on a course to unite the people of the world. [bold added] (pp 78-79.) An adept of the Illuminati is taught about Ahura Mazda.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 8:21 AM 0 comments
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Re: Things that Make You Go WTF?

Post by wserra »

Deep Knight wrote:Hillary Clinton (a 6th level Illuminati witch & sadistic Monarch slave handler)
Feh. Clinton is a second level. We don't even clue you in to the heroin in the Cracker Jack boxes until the fourth. And the Monarchs will let anybody in.
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Re: Things that Make You Go WTF?

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Don't forget that there was once a brand of GE light bulb called "Mazda". My father once told me that, as a boy, he used to earn extra money changing light bulbs in the local Illuminati headquarters in Washington; and he was under strict orders to use none other, on pain of being stripped of eligibility and of clothing and then thrown into the Potomac River.
Last edited by Pottapaug1938 on Fri Feb 14, 2014 4:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Things that Make You Go WTF?

Post by The Observer »

Deep Knight wrote: Jerry Lee Lewis has a notorious reputation among the Network as being exceptionally sadistic in reprogramming escapees.
Especially that 13-year old cousin he programmed into marrying him.
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Re: Things that Make You Go WTF?

Post by fortinbras »

I keep asking: How can I join the Illuminati? What's the mailing address of its HQ? After decades of quiet desperation, I'd like to be on the winning team.
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Re: Things that Make You Go WTF?

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

fortinbras wrote:I keep asking: How can I join the Illuminati? What's the mailing address of its HQ? After decades of quiet desperation, I'd like to be on the winning team.
You should have been Chosen long ago. I'll speak with my chapter's Selector to see what she can find out for you.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: Things that Make You Go WTF?

Post by wserra »

fortinbras wrote:I keep asking: How can I join the Illuminati?
If you have to ask . . .
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Re: Things that Make You Go WTF?

Post by The Observer »

wserra wrote:
fortinbras wrote:I keep asking: How can I join the Illuminati?
If you have to ask . . .
It has been explained to fortinbras time and time again that bringing up the subject of applying for membership is the quickest way to ensure that he doesn't get accepted into the Illuminati. But like Orly, the RVers, the NESARAites, the Dinarians, he insists on making the same mistake over and over, thinking that somehow this time he will succeed.
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Re: Things that Make You Go WTF?

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

It reminds me of the Order of the Arrow, the honor camping society of the Boy Scouts, and of the Knights of Tamara, the camp honour society of Tamaracouta Scout Reserve in Quebec. You cannot apply for membership in either; rather, you must be chosen for membership by others, based on your active participation in Scouting (and, in the case of the K of T, in the life of the camp). Actively campaigning for election is one way (especially in the case of the K of T) of ensuring that you will be passed over for election.
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Re: Things that Make You Go WTF?

Post by AndyK »

fortinbras wrote:I keep asking: How can I join the Illuminati? What's the mailing address of its HQ? After decades of quiet desperation, I'd like to be on the winning team.
You are in serious trouble. You have ignored ALL announcements of your appointment AND have failed to attend any of the neophyte introduction meetings.

When was the last time you checked under the rock by your back fence? I'm sure you'll find several out of date documents there, waiting for your review and response.

We are not responsible for your failulre to check your designated drop.
Taxes are the price we pay for a free society and to cover the responsibilities of the evaders