Tony Renfrow Fraud Trial (TNTTony, Dinar Guru/Conman)

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Tony Renfrow Fraud Trial (TNTTony, Dinar Guru/Conman)

Post by LightinDarkness »

I wanted to start a separate thread with this because TNTTony (Anthony Renfow) is probably the biggest dinar guru out there right now, and his upcoming trial for MLM fraud might finally see the collapse of his empire.

For the past week, Tony has been ratcheting up the hysterics on his conference call by telling his legions of followers that the banks are letting rich elite cash out but have on purpose decided to not let your average dinarians cash out. Tony's biggest claim to fame has been his myth that dinarians would cash out at insane rates like $38/dinar, and that is why he has the following he does. He diverged from his usual pump cycle (its RVing "today" but CERTAINLY by Friday, making sure everyone buys from Sterling - the company he shills for - before the weekend) as of last week with this tactic. For the past 5 conference calls hes been getting his followers into a hysterical anger over telling them that they are "only" getting a rate of $3/dinar and all the rich people are getting the $38/dinar.

There is only one reason why he would risk whipping his followers into a frothing rage over the non-existent RV: he needs to prepare to explain why hes about to go to jail. So I am calling it now - if his trial leads to jail time, he will claim that it was all a giant conspiracy by The Powers That Be to silence him for letting it out that they were cashing out elites but not his followers and that they wanted to stop his followers from getting the $38/dinar rate. His followers will respond by pouring in tons of donations so that he will have a full canteen account in prison and his family can live off it.

Tony was indicted in 2012 but has been able to get extensions until this month. He appears in court on Monday, January 27.

Case information: USA v Renfow, 2:12MJ00126-GGH-1
Charges: 18 USC 371 and 1349, 18 USC 1342 and 2
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Re: Tony Renfow Fraud Trial (TNTTony, Dinar Guru/Conman)

Post by thunter »

This is TNTTony's Blogtalk Radio show from Yesterday, and it simply boggles the mind. They are creating this full blown fantasy from thin air about this conspiracy to allow only the wealthy and well connected to cash in at the $38 dollar rate in great detail. It's crazy enough on its face, but when you completely grasp that they are making 100 percent of this nonsense up, it's really insane. ... an-22-2014
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Re: Tony Renfow Fraud Trial (TNTTony, Dinar Guru/Conman)

Post by Nellie »

On the call yesterday Tony was encouraging every to follow him on twitter. I'm sure going to miss this guy. From his forum this morning:

We just keep doubling on Twitter!

First we were at 13,000 the next time I looked, it was over 25,500 and just now over 51,000!!!!

At this rate, will we be to 100,000 by morning? Whoohoo!!

Oops, make that over 53,000!!!

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Re: Tony Renfow Fraud Trial (TNTTony, Dinar Guru/Conman)

Post by Deep Knight »

LightinDarkness wrote:There is only one reason why he would risk whipping his followers into a frothing rage over the non-existent RV: he needs to prepare to explain why hes about to go to jail.
My view of Tony, Okie, et al, was that they don't plan for the future, but make it up and roll with it as they go along. But, facing jail time, I can see this as a possibility. Then again, it could also be Tony's rage at getting caught and him just "lashing out" at the Powers That Be.
LightinDarkness wrote:So I am calling it now - if his trial leads to jail time, he will claim that it was all a giant conspiracy by The Powers That Be to silence him for letting it out that they were cashing out elites but not his followers and that they wanted to stop his followers from getting the $38/dinar rate.
Granted, but IMHO he would do that regardless of any previous plans. Nothing is ever scamster's fault, don't cha know.
thunter wrote:it's really insane

BTW, Mr. or Ms. Darkness, thanks for putting this up. I think most people here would enjoy watching reality and the law catch up with these folks.
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Re: Tony Renfow Fraud Trial (TNTTony, Dinar Guru/Conman)

Post by LightinDarkness »

Thanks DK - and its Mr. Darkness, although Ms. Darkness helps alot with my summaries sometimes (I can only listen to Tony for about 30 minutes before I can't take it anymore) :D

Tony held yet another conference call today, notable because he usually only holds conference calls Monday/Wednesday/Friday but has been doing them almost daily since last week. I'm not sure how else to describe what hes doing except working his followers into hysterics - I've said it before, but its what he keeps on doing. If he had previously ratcheted up the hysterics into a 9 out of 10 level, we are now at a 11 out of 10 level. He keeps on telling them (made up) numbers of how many rich elites have cashed out, currently he says its over 80,000, and that the US government and US banks just don't care about dinarians and they will get the "international rate" of $3/dinar instead of the "contract rate" (was supposed to be for TNT Followers only and a few others) of $38/dinar. As an example of the type of theater we have going on in these calls, Tony announced today that he had been "informed" (also known as making it up as he goes along) that big banks and the US government had joined the call. He then let his co-host, a friend of his called "DC Guy" (a really good BS artist of making it sounds like he knows how the government works) go into a 10 minute long speech about how these poor people deserved the $38/dinar and it was just so wrong. You would have thought DC Guy was talking about war crimes committed against TNT Tony followers.

On a final note, TNT Tony's big "call to action" was to have people follow him on twitter and they would all re-tweet his call to arms hash-tag "#wearethepeople." Which by the way, is kind of sick, using the phrase "we are the people" as if this were some sort of epic civil rights or democratic struggle. They got to the trending list on twitter, but everything didn't go 100% according to plan. Some people starting responding to the tweets by linking his indictment and Monday court date, which then got posted on the TNT forums, and at least a few posters said they were shocked and didn't know what to believe now (apparently their due diligence in this "investments" didn't go as far as googling their guru before now). People tweeting back that the dinar was a scam or Tony was a criminal were shut down pretty quick though, they had threads organizing each other in Tony's forums to report any such tweets as spam - causing those accounts to be temporarily suspended.

DK, since we know your close to The Powers That Be (you might even BE The Power That Bes!) - are you now shaking in your boots that TNT Tony has showed you how powerful he is by having his minions retweet about you cashing out the rich with #wearethepeople? I'm sure that sent everyone in Illuminati headquarters into the war bunker! :haha:
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Re: Tony Renfow Fraud Trial (TNTTony, Dinar Guru/Conman)

Post by Deep Knight »

LightinDarkness wrote:If he had previously ratcheted up the hysterics into a 9 out of 10 level, we are now at a 11 out of 10 level.
You can't say that Tony isn't giving 110%! It's what he's giving that makes his zeal less desirable.
LightinDarkness wrote:DK, since we know your close to The Powers That Be (you might even BE The Power That Bes!) - are you now shaking in your boots that TNT Tony has showed you how powerful he is by having his minions retweet about you cashing out the rich with #wearethepeople? I'm sure that sent everyone in Illuminati headquarters into the war bunker! :haha:
I don't tweet, retweet, wear boots, or shake inside of footwear of any sort. Well, at least not since the Christmas Party. As for the war bunker, Satan pretty well keeps that plush little pleasure pit for himself and his PTB friends, which isn't me since the Christmas Party. Lesson learned - just say "no" to dried puffer fish powder.

Did we and our slavish friends cash in? Of course we did! At the highest possible rate! Which is 1/12 of a cent last time I checked. I bought a cup of coffee.
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Re: Tony Renfow Fraud Trial (TNTTony, Dinar Guru/Conman)

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Deep Knight wrote:Did we and our slavish friends cash in? Of course we did! At the highest possible rate! Which is 1/12 of a cent last time I checked. I bought a cup of coffee.
Our coffee machine takes coins and weighs Dinars.
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Re: Tony Renfow Fraud Trial (TNTTony, Dinar Guru/Conman)

Post by wserra »

LightinDarkness wrote:I wanted to start a separate thread with this because TNTTony (Anthony Renfow) is probably the biggest dinar guru out there right now, and his upcoming trial for MLM fraud might finally see the collapse of his empire.
Case information: USA v Renfow, 2:12MJ00126-GGH-1
Charges: 18 USC 371 and 1349, 18 USC 1342 and 2
I just drop in and out of this forum, so may have missed it. But "TNTTony" is really Anthony Renfrow (note correct spelling) of 14DailyPlus infamy? Wow.

A couple more corrections, though. The docket above is a Rule 5 proceeding - Renfrow was arrested in CA on the warrant from his indictment, and arraigned there. The actual case is 12cr20041, pending in the District of Kansas. The salient part of the indictment:
12. During the period from in or about March 2006, to in or about May 2007, in the District of Kansas and elsewhere, RENFROW and FOX, together with each other and others, both known and unknown to the Grand Jury, knowingly devised a scheme to defraud individuals to join as “investors,” and to obtain money and property by means of material false and fraudulent pretenses, representations and promises made to individuals to convince them to join

13. It was part of the scheme to defraud and to obtain money and property by means of material false and fraudulent pretenses, representations, and promises, and in furtherance of it, that the defendants knowingly and intentionally engaged in and caused the following activities:
a. Recruited individuals to become investors in, when in truth and in fact there was no investment vehicle;
b. Enticed purported investors with the promise of a 14% daily return on the purported investment, when in truth and in fact such a return was completely unrealistic;
c. Falsely promised a return on the purported investment to be realized by merely clicking on certain web pages for a limited amount of time each day;
d. Recruited additional “investors” used as the basis for the individuals to receive the “return” on the original “investment,” when in truth and in fact no such returns were made to the “investors”;
e. Solicited “investment” funds to be paid in cash up to $9,000, which made the tracing of funds more difficult and avoided currency transaction reporting requirements;
f. Regularly conducted conference calls via telephone and Internet for recruitment of new “investors” and conveying assurances of the program, when in truth and in fact, these were utilized to lull the individuals into believing the program was a legitimate investment vehicle; and
g. Promised returns on the “investments” despite having no secured method to process payment of the investment returns.
Nice guy, Tony.

Does any of this sound familiar?
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Re: Tony Renfow Fraud Trial (TNTTony, Dinar Guru/Conman)

Post by notorial dissent »

Apropos of nothing, any indication of why KS? I just can't quite see that one, since I'm sure he never gets any further from CA than he can help.
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Re: Tony Renfow Fraud Trial (TNTTony, Dinar Guru/Conman)

Post by thunter »

A link I found to an old 14DailyPlus forum. Always interesting to watch these things go bad over a few months. Tony is a real bad guy. ... e=threaded
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Re: Tony Renfow Fraud Trial (TNTTony, Dinar Guru/Conman)

Post by Nellie »

Maybe someone can interpret this: ... row_et_al/

6/13/2012 14 MINUTE ENTRY for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge David J. Waxse: DISCOVERY HEARING as to William Fox held on 6/13/2012. Defendant William Fox appeared telephonically per Consent (ECF Doc. 11 ) along with attorney William W. Brown, who entered his appearance for defendant in the Southern District of California but has not yet moved for admission pro hac vice in the District of Kansas. Motions due by 7/17/2012. Response deadline 7/20/2012. Motion Hearing set for 7/24/2012 at 01:30 PM in Courtroom 476 (KHV) before Chief Judge Kathryn H. Vratil. Release order continued in effect; defendant released on $50,000.00 secured bond. (mg) (Entered: 06/14/2012)
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Re: Tony Renfow Fraud Trial (TNTTony, Dinar Guru/Conman)

Post by LightinDarkness »

Wserra, you are of course correct, its tony RenfRow, not Renfow, I had been reading it spelled both ways and should have looked closer at the actual case information. I have put in a request to change the title of the thread.

Its now crystal clear Tony is preparing to act out his court case as if he were being singled out for "exposing the truth" about the dinar. Over the past few conference calls hes been dropping hints about his upcoming strategy to explain his probable jail time - saying for example that hes been getting phone calls from "high level" government officials saying hes a terrorist for revealing DAH TRUTH about banks cashing out the rich elites. Hes building a platform for his team of fraudsters to claim he was arrested for making to much noise.

By the way, although Tony is crazy and his followers are nuts but generally harmless, I have to say I have been surprised at the amount of internet slactivism support hes been able to generate. His twitter account jumped from 2k followers to 190k followers in a matter of days, based on the idea that the mythical Powers That Be would be quaking in their boots when all of his followers kept tweeting about the RV with the "#wearethepeople" hashtag. Even if half of those twitter accounts are fake, thats still 90k people who believe this idiot. That is a shocking amount of stupidity - and, correct me if I am wrong - probably the biggest flock of idiots we've ever encountered on Quatloos. It dwarfs the like of RuSA (a few thousand people) or the OPPT (perhaps 10k people at its peak).
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Re: Tony Renfrow Fraud Trial (TNTTony, Dinar Guru/Conman)

Post by wserra »

At the request of the OP (LightinDarkness), I edited the thread title to correct the spelling of "Renfrow".
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Re: Tony Renfow Fraud Trial (TNTTony, Dinar Guru/Conman)

Post by wserra »

Nellie wrote:Maybe someone can interpret this: ... row_et_al/

6/13/2012 14 MINUTE ENTRY for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge David J. Waxse: DISCOVERY HEARING as to William Fox held on 6/13/2012. Defendant William Fox appeared telephonically per Consent (ECF Doc. 11 ) along with attorney William W. Brown, who entered his appearance for defendant in the Southern District of California but has not yet moved for admission pro hac vice in the District of Kansas. Motions due by 7/17/2012. Response deadline 7/20/2012. Motion Hearing set for 7/24/2012 at 01:30 PM in Courtroom 476 (KHV) before Chief Judge Kathryn H. Vratil. Release order continued in effect; defendant released on $50,000.00 secured bond. (mg) (Entered: 06/14/2012)
It's a standard-issue arraignment, except that Fox appeared (with the Court's consent) by telephone. Fox apparently retained one William W. Brown to represent him, but Brown is not admitted in DKansas. Pretrial motions (if any) had to be made and responded to by the dates in the order, and a hearing date was sent in case Fox moved for something. Fox remained at liberty on $50K bond secured by some unspecified property.
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Re: Tony Renfrow Fraud Trial (TNTTony, Dinar Guru/Conman)

Post by LightinDarkness »

Thanks for the name change. Is there any way to tell what Anthony had to put up to secure his release?
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Re: Tony Renfrow Fraud Trial (TNTTony, Dinar Guru/Conman)

Post by wserra »

That docket entry had to do with Renfrow's codefendant, one Bill Fox. Renfrow is at liberty on unsecured bond, meaning that the Court required only Renfrow's signature and perhaps those of family members. According to his docket, Fox's bond is secured only by the signatures of two FRAs (financially responsible adults).
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Re: Tony Renfrow Fraud Trial (TNTTony, Dinar Guru/Conman)

Post by LightinDarkness »

Well thats a little bit depressing then, as it means the court considers the seriousness of the charges for Tony to be less than the other defendants.

By the way, Tony's twitter account now has 200k+ people following it - again, I think this is the biggest conman we've ever tracked on Quatloos in terms of a active flock of followers. Signing up for twitter, following Tony, and issuing threats to the mythical Powers That Be on twitter using the #wearethepeople hash is a fine example of internet slactivism, but its more than dinar idiots have ever done before.

For a laugh, have a read:

Tony is now telling his followers that everyone at Davos was listening into his call on Wednesday and were appalled at how all the elites were getting cashed out :haha: :snicker: And now, with each conference call, his co-host "DC Guy" (another conman who acts like he works for the federal government) boldly announces that "high level politicians" or "high level bankers" are now listening in and gives a 10 minute monologue begging them to RV for "the people" as if a lack of the (non-existent) RV for TNT followers was a violation of human rights.
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Re: Tony Renfrow Fraud Trial (TNTTony, Dinar Guru/Conman)

Post by LightinDarkness »

By the way, wserra, do you think Tony's dinar pumping is something the government might bring up in the trial? I know its not technically illegal, even though Tony flat out lies about his sources and "intel" he could just say hes role playing or genuinely believes there is a "global currency reset" coming. Being nuts isn't illegal, I know, but doesn't it show that he continues to engage in a pattern to defraud people by being a dinar pumper?
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Re: Tony Renfrow Fraud Trial (TNTTony, Dinar Guru/Conman)

Post by Alcibiades »

Tony is merely adhering to tried and tested propaganda fundamentals. Joseph Goebbels put it this way:
The English follow the principle that when one lies, one should lie big, and stick to it. They keep up their lies, even at the risk of looking ridiculous.
For 'The English' read 'Dinar Gurus'
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Re: Tony Renfrow Fraud Trial (TNTTony, Dinar Guru/Conman)

Post by Nellie »

Wserra, thanks for the explanation of the docket entry. I've read that the court date has been moved to March 25.