Rise of a new NESARA guru - "East Coast"

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Rise of a new NESARA guru - "East Coast"

Post by LightinDarkness »

I have a odd hobby. When I'm cleaning my apartment I like to listen to dinar conference calls. The insanity is just so fascinating. Well, I've stumbled upon one that I believe is the craziest I've yet seen. This guy makes TNT Tony look positively sane.

There is a conference call hosted by a woman called "Dr. WC" and she calls it "The Real Truth Call". Every Monday and Tuesday this call hosts someone who calls himself "East Coast" - from what I can tell a young guy (25ish) from outside of Charlotte, NC. This guy is very popular with the people who listen to this call. They line up to ask him questions about... "The Event."

I call East Coast a "The Event" prophet. The idea of some sort of global "event" which will show the world that all the conspiracies are right is popular amongst the nutcase community. What exactly is in the event varies greatly - alien landings, prosperity program releases, etc. But East Coast offers one of the most popular concepts of the event: the release of NESARA.

Its like Dove herself has been reborn here. Every call East Coast tells the true believers that NESARA will be released any day now. Every major news event is spun by him as proof that NESARA is new. Egyptian government steps down? Because NESARA is coming. Ukraine revolution? White Knights did it because NESARA is coming. Stock market down? NESARA is coming and the corporations are scared.

Its almost cult like - there is an entire mythology promoted by this guy of The NESARA Event. It goes something like this:

(1) The stock market will crash but everyone should rejoice because this means NESARA will be released within 48 hours.
(2) President Obama, who according to East Coast is a White Knight, will come on TV and announce that all your favorite conspiracies are true - the federal reserve is evil so were shutting it down, the dinar RV is released, disclosure of every government conspiracy will be reveled.
(3) TV networks for 2 weeks will have round the clock program showing every conspiracy you can imagine has always been true but just hidden by the government. Aliens, NESARA, prosperity packages, etc.
(4) Everyone who has lost money to corporations will be repaid through prosperity programs. Had your house foreclosed on? You get it back. Paid off a credit card? You get the money back. Why? Because all that money was fake federal reserve money. The money you get back will be gold back treasury notes. There is a debt jubilee, you now have no debt as its all zeroed out.
(5) NESARA releases prosperity funds and everyone in the United States gets $250k per month per year for the rest of their life as long as they are not a lawyer (this guy really has a hatred of lawyers).
(6) All court proceedings are stopped and everyone is released from jail unless they "harmed" someone. Sov'run citizen common law is put in place and you can do whatever you want as long as you "cause no harm" (guess things like drunk driving are OK...as long as you don't kill anyone).
(7) The galactics, who are currently hovering cloaked above earth, will reveal themselves and share their technology with us. Everyone gets a light chamber (heals you from everything with light). The galactics will destroy niburu, which is going to destroy earth but don't worry the aliens will zap it with space lasers.
(8) People who want to can ascend to other dimensions.

Folks, I've heard a lot of absolutely fruity stuff over the years listening to conspiracy theorists, prosperity program promoters, and dinar conference calls. This one tops the cake. They all believe this IN THE EXACT ABOVE ORDER is coming...any day now.

Deep Knight, I know you followed the NESARA insanity closely with Dove, you'll LOVE this guy - hes just as insane.

The calls are here: http://www.iqdcalls.com/therealtruthcall.html This call has 2k-3k callers listening every Monday/Thursday.

The website for the conference call is: http://www.therealtruthcall2.com/
Last edited by LightinDarkness on Tue Feb 25, 2014 9:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Rise of a new NESARA guru - "East Coast"

Post by LightinDarkness »

If you want an example of how insane this guy is, listen to the conference call from 2/24 and go to 93-94 minute mark.

From what I can tell, East Coast went bonkers after racking up massive credit card debt and then several years later having his home foreclosed upon. Then...late last year...he lost his second home to foreclosure because he didnt want to pay (not sure how he got two loans in such a a short period of time given his credit must be trashed). At the time, he had a lawyer in his family - his uncle - who he asked for help. His uncle told him he couldn't help because he didnt specialize in that area, and since then East Coast has had an absolute hatred for lawyers. He spends half an hour a week saying that all attorneys are registered to the English bar and swear a oath to the Queen and thus will be excluded from prosperity programs.
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Re: Rise of a new NESARA guru - "East Coast"

Post by Jeffrey »

Pretty interesting that the 4/24 call starts with them discussing the "banker suicide" story that's been making the rounds among the tinfoil websites.

Even though nominally the groups repeating that story have completely incompatible agendas, white supremacist, black supremacists, libertarians, socialists, prosperity funders, etc. They all apparently draw from the same common core of conspiracy theories to keep the followers interested.

It should be noted JPMorgan has 255,000 employees. A few of them dying, while sad, isn't a surprise.
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Re: Rise of a new NESARA guru - "East Coast"

Post by LightinDarkness »

I was thinking that myself. The whole "banker suicides" thing is very typical of the fruitcake crowd - its part of what it means to be a conspiracy theorist - finding patterns in nothing. They love to do this also with animal deaths. Every now and then there will be crowds of animals that die together - schools of fish, flocks of birds. Every year to two years in the conspiracy world they begin to string together those random events of "mass animal deaths" and decry that it must be evidence of something.

Like you said, banks have hundreds of thousands of employees. Some of them will commit suicide. There is no pattern, it means nothing, but because its bankers (who are evil to conspiracy theorists) they proclaim there MUST be a meaning to it.
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Re: Rise of a new NESARA guru - "East Coast"

Post by Deep Knight »

LightinDarkness wrote:Deep Knight, I know you followed the NESARA insanity closely with Dove, you'll LOVE this guy - hes just as insane.
Yes, but if he's an "Obama is a White Knight" guy I predict that his popularity will be short lived. There was a branch of the original NESARA that believed this, and they waned while the "they're all against us" group waxed.

As for Dr. WC, she's obviously not from the UK where these initials are used for something completely different. Well, maybe there are similarities, especially having to do with smell. As for East Coast, I especially liked the falsetto voice he used for "the media" and his assurance that the NESARA implementation will be "smooth" like "rolling around in hot butter and then goin' down the slide." NESARA NOW WON!
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Re: Rise of a new NESARA guru - "East Coast"

Post by rogfulton »

Deep Knight wrote:As for Dr. WC, she's obviously not from the UK where these initials are used for something completely different. Well, maybe there are similarities, especially having to do with smell.
Which reminds me of a story (joke?) heard in my youth (probably at youth camp or some other church related activity) about a woman from England who was about to have a holiday in Switzerland and, unable to research it properly (no Internet in those days), decided to write the parish priest in the vicinity of her hotel regarding the situation regarding WCs in the county (she being too genteel to write out the phrase).

The priest, not being English, thought the woman meant a Wayside Chapel and described some local ones in the most glowing of terms, including how some would only accommodate two or three persons but a few were large enough to seat 8-10.

Supposedly, the English woman immediately cancelled her trip.

I might be mis-remembering who she wrote to - it may have been the hotel which had no English speaking employees and the letter was given to the parish priest since he could both read and write English.
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Re: Rise of a new NESARA guru - "East Coast"

Post by Deep Knight »

This joke became famous because of Jack Parr. See https://witwisdom.wordpress.com/2011/02 ... nt-page-1/ Strangely enough, I have seen "WC" used to mark bathrooms in the German-speaking part of Switzerland.

My father LOVED watching Jack Parr, and I still have really good memories of his show.
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Re: Rise of a new NESARA guru - "East Coast"

Post by texino »

Jack Parr was pretty cool, but I recall him opining on the lack of Black swimmers in the Olympics.
His theory was that, over time, Africa's abundance of crocodiles had created a racial wide fear of the water. I don't believe Parr meant any harm with this leap of anthropological genius. He seemed to be a nice guy. I wonder if anyone recalls The Joe Pine Show. He was mean as was Mike Wallace in his show "Mike Wallace Interviews" (before he got on 60 min.) I should have looked these guys up before spouting off. These days I am suffering a bit of the old brain impedance and have taken to seeing things that aren't. I think I'm trying to say that Rush Limbaugh was not the first person to take to the airwaves with the intention of being rude for the sake of rudeness.
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Re: Rise of a new NESARA guru - "East Coast"

Post by LightinDarkness »

http://www.reductress.com/beyonce-admit ... lluminati/

This article was the hot topic on East Coast's call in show. They discussed it as if it were 100% real, even though you can tell its a parody website. The fact that these people are so delusional that they can look at something like that and not figure out its a parody says so much about them.

For example, this was one of the "top stories" on the site when I was looking at the above parody article:
http://www.reductress.com/hide-virginit ... n-concert/

Again, how can people be this stupid? They even discussed it being satire, and the person "reporting" on the article said she didn't think it was.
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Re: Rise of a new NESARA guru - "East Coast"

Post by LightinDarkness »

East Coast also announced that he has determined that all mass shootings in the past year have been hoaxes. And, he declared, the Sandy Hook and Boston Marathon bombings were also hoaxes.

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Re: Rise of a new NESARA guru - "East Coast"

Post by LightinDarkness »

Dr. WC also informed us on tonight's call that McDonalds engages in Illuminati sacrifices of children and then grinds them up and we eat them as hamburgers.

I am beginning to think East Coast and Dr. WC might be so delusional its getting into paranoid schizophrenia territory.
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Re: Rise of a new NESARA guru - "East Coast"

Post by Deep Knight »

LightinDarkness wrote:beyonce-admits-to-being-a-member-of-the-illuminati

This article was the hot topic on East Coast's call in show.
Most people have known about Oprah being an Illuminatus for a long time, but what they don't all know is that she's a member of the "black Illuminati," not the normal organization. You see, Satan actually runs the New World Order and isn't known for his racial tolerance, so we have strict rules - no minorities of any sort. That includes race, nationality and religion (the last might be a surprise 'cause we're all Satanists, but you gotta be the right kind of Satanist). So the rejects all try to make their own evil organizations like the red Illumninati (former Commies like Putin), the green Illuminati (both Irish and environmentalists), and the blue Illuminati (people suffering from depression).
LightinDarkness wrote:Again, how can people be this stupid?
You've got to have faith in human potential. When others try to tell these people they can't possibly be that stupid, they don't let that limit them, but instead answer "Yes, we can."
LightinDarkness wrote:East Coast also announced that he has determined that all mass shootings in the past year have been hoaxes
Hoaxes? Do you have any idea how many people it took to cause them and then cover up our involvement? I call them a lot of darn hard work for which we didn't even get paid overtime (the devil also has strong opinions about labor unions and workers' rights).
LightinDarkness wrote:Dr. WC also informed us on tonight's call that McDonalds engages in Illuminati sacrifices of children and then grinds them up and we eat them as hamburgers.
OK, you got me there. At least they don't use worms.
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Re: Rise of a new NESARA guru - "East Coast"

Post by LightinDarkness »

East Coast has a blogspot!


Also two face books pages "HERE IT COMES" and "HERE WE GO" if anyone is on facebook (I deleted my account on there long ago).

Marvel in the insanity
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Re: Rise of a new NESARA guru - "East Coast"

Post by LightinDarkness »

Dr. WC gave another amazing example of her "research" on Monday nights fruitcake call. She was told that Obama may a reference to NESARA in a speech so she went to watch it and agreed he did because he said that Russia should not mess with Ukraine's "sovereignty." Dr. WC and East Coast both agreed this was HUGE news because Obama used the word "sovereignty", which means he must know that we are all soverign and NESARA will set us free.

Apparently they both failed to pay attention in 8th grade social studies, where the term "sovereignty" in respect to the innate right that nations have to self-govern and maintain affairs within their own borders is a common term...

By the way East Coast has determined the NESARA announcements will be at the end of this week (they've been hours/days away since I started listening to these crazies). Its like the whole "Waiting for NESARA" documentary but in conference call form.

Finally, in other news, Dr. WC and East Coast declared that all the conspiracy theorists on conference calls that say Obama is part of the Cabal are actually Illuminati disinformation agents. John at the NESARA News blog was declared as an agent of the Dark Cabal this evening too since he doesn't like Obama.

Obama is a White Knight and we know that, according to East Coast, because hes been in office for and not been put in jail for all the things conspiracy theorists accuse him of. Of course interestingly enough George Bush - who according to Dr. WC and East Coast was Illuminati and the Cabal - also did not go to jail. It turns out according to another caller that Obama is actually in the incarnation of Jesus Christ and when NESARA is announced all will bow to our Lord. Its true he doesn't have a birth certificate, but not because hes from Kenya but because he was beamed here by benevolent aliens who are currently cloaked above the earth.

Again, the line with these people between delusional and mentally ill is so blurred....
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Re: Rise of a new NESARA guru - "East Coast"

Post by LightinDarkness »

Well everyone, I know Dr. WC told us LAST week (AND THE WEEK BEFORE THAT..) that the NESARA announcements were merely days away. But this time, shes ABSOLUTELY SURE. On this Monday's night call I would call Dr. WC's mood as...for lack of a better word, orgasmic.

Dr. WC has determined that Fox's new documentary Cosmos is actually part of disclosure and by the end of the series they will be revealing the fact that millions of Galactic space ships are hovering above the earth and cloaked. She determined this because apparently on the first episode the narrator uses a "space ship" (even though he says its imaginary, Dr. WC says thats just code) to talk about space. Thats a real space ship, according to Dr. WC. The fact that apparently President Obama introduced the series is further proof that the NESARA announcements are soon and it proves, according to East Coast, that Obama is part of the White Knights.

Another caller, who was also orgasmic, breathlessly reported that Obama's introduction meant NESARA was near because the flag behind him didn't have a gold fringe! This woman was so elated she sounded like she was alternating between orgasmic and sobbing tears of joy. She had watched it 5 times and said that Obama was giving the message of the ascended Jesus.

There was much celebrating, as all this means that the stock market will crash and everyone will be getting their prosperity packages...within a few days...they mean it this time!
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Re: Rise of a new NESARA guru - "East Coast"

Post by JamesVincent »

some twit wrote: She was wrong last week and the week before but now she's ABSOLUTELY SURE
It's a done deal now, he used ALL CAPS! Power to the people!
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Re: Rise of a new NESARA guru - "East Coast"

Post by LightinDarkness »

East Coast announced tonight on the Real Truth Call that he was SO SURE that NESARA and prosperity packages would be released by Monday that it would be his last call! The announcements are coming in days! And not only that, but when he gets his prosperity package next week he'll be using his millions to run for Congress (but only on a common law agenda, of course!).

There was much rejoicing at this news. Many callers called in to report that they would stop paying all their bills and utilities immediately since NESARA will wipe away their debt and give them all their utilities for free.

And when nothing happens on Monday and hes back again, what will the excuse be? Anyone want to guess?
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Re: Rise of a new NESARA guru - "East Coast"

Post by LightinDarkness »

Well even though NESARA was supposed to be announced last Monday because East Coast promised...looks like the Dark Cabal (IE, us at Quatloos) have delayed it again!

No worries though, East Coast just skipped right over his prediction of NESARA and acted like it didn't happen. Instead, he spent 2 hours babbling about how the missing plane isn't really missing, but has been pulled into a higher dimension by the Galactics.

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Re: Rise of a new NESARA guru - "East Coast"

Post by LightinDarkness »

There has been a overlap of the lunatics on the most recent East Coast call. East Coast has found out about Fake President Geiger and RuSA, but has determined Geiger is really President but just the corporation President while Obama is the NESARA/"real republic" President.
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Re: Rise of a new NESARA guru - "East Coast"

Post by davids »

LightinDarkness wrote:
No worries though, East Coast just skipped right over his prediction of NESARA and acted like it didn't happen. Instead, he spent 2 hours babbling about how the missing plane isn't really missing, but has been pulled into a higher dimension by the Galactics.

The Galactics must've heard that there were Chinese on board, 'cause it's well known that they have a hankering for "Chinese food" :) . The problem is they'll now want to commandeer yet another plane, because the Galacticans were hungry again just an hour later!