Famous NESARA/Prosperity Package Intel Gurus

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Famous NESARA/Prosperity Package Intel Gurus

Post by LightinDarkness »

As anyone whose watched this area of the lunatic fringe for long enough knows, there are several major "intel gurus" in the NESARA/prosperity package community. What fascinates me about them is that while they are all preaching the same message - prosperity packages to be released "soon" - the tales the spin about their heroic efforts to fight the Dark Cabal are so outrageous I find it hard to believe anyone is stupid enough to believe them. Here are a few examples:

Benjamin Fulford - http://benjaminfulford.net/
Ben Fulford started out in a seemingly sane career, he used to be a bureau chief for Forbes. Somewhere along the way he seems to have cracked, if any of these gurus are actually mentally ill I think this one is. He is constantly giving stories whereby he and the Forces of the Light engage in international political intrigue and fight against the Dark Cabal. Every world event is somehow involving him and the Forces of Light. He tells people he is friends with the White Dragon Society and all variety of completely made up groups. There are weekly or monthly claims to having been attacked by Dark Cabal ninjas (no really, ninjas) in efforts to silence him.

Poof/Zap - http://www.oom2.com/f128-zap-report-poof-archives
This one probably gets the points for being the most insane because it doesn't even make any sense even if you wanted to believe. You may recall that the guy behind Poof, who had been calling for the Global Currency Reset/RV every week for 5+ years, recently died. Now someone napped "Zap" is basically doing the same Poof song and dance. Its the same story every week, Poof/Zap has all the inside intel on global meetings about how the GCR is for sure coming in a few days. Then next week there was some delay, but don't worry its coming this week. His weekly newsletter doing this has tens of thousands of subscribers who breathlessly await it every week.

White Hat Auxiliary - http://whitehatauxiliaries.wordpress.com/
This is a new spin on the same old White Hat/Light Worker BS. This blog claims to be made by someone who has personal contact with a "White Hat" who is working against the Dark Cabal. The blog posts are a series of "fact checks" either confirming or denying various GCR/RV/prosperity package rumors. Of course, when the GCR never occurs, there is always an excuse, last week it was the IMF. The owner acts like hes engaging in a Q&A session with his highly placed "White Hat" source, who just happens to be 100% wrong about everything (but this blog gets tens of thousands of hits still).

There are probably a dozen of these prosperity package gurus, feel free to chime in with your favorite. I'd also like any thoughts on what is up with these people - if anything is dancing the line between wanting attention on the internet and being mentally ill, this is it. Are all these people doing this because they want conspiracy theorists to lap up their weekly promises that the RV/GCR/Prosperity Programs are coming "soon"? And what about the weekly epic clashes they make up involving them and the Dark Cabal - its all complete fiction, after all - maybe they are role playing? My first thought was money, and I am sure they all do make some money - all of them beg for donations (even though people like Fulford claim to be in daily contact with people like St. Germain) or have ads on their website. But is that really all there is to it?

These people have created an entirely fictional world of their own making. That is scary, when you think about it.
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Re: Famous NESARA/Prosperity Package Intel Gurus

Post by Deep Knight »

You mention Saint Germain, but not the crowd of channelers who claim to have messages from him about NESARA/prosperity payments/the Dinar RV/Ascension/first contact. I can't keep track of them all, Saint is a popular guy. Then there are the other space demigods and Ascended Masters of the Great White Brotherhood. They all agree, if NESARA was a mailman, he would be putting his package in your box right now!
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Re: Famous NESARA/Prosperity Package Intel Gurus

Post by fortinbras »

Last month there was the "UFO Congress" in Phoenix, Arizona, bringing together hundreds of flying saucer afficianados, including dozens who claim to have been more or less willing passengers aboard flying saucers, ....

http://www.phoenixnewtimes.com/2014-02- ... -congress/

... and I would have thought that crowd took the prize for freakiness but these NESARA gurus - whose lives are obviously so terribly interesting, thanks to NESARA and the Galactic Mouseketeers - beat them cold. The only distinction is that the NESARA gurus are so very few, maybe fewer than a dozen (and isn't it amazing that they never stumble into each other in all their constant adventures!!) acquainted personally with the Galactic Mouseketeers and compulsively talkative White House/Pentagon/Illuminati insiders, and the rest just waiting at home to hear the latest revelation. On the other hand, the UFO people have hundreds who have seen, talked to, and even had carnal relations with our cosmic visitors.
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Re: Famous NESARA/Prosperity Package Intel Gurus

Post by The Observer »

Someone coming up with a baseball trading card format for these gurus could make a mint. Of course you would need to compile stats (# of RV predictions made, # of victims scammed, dollars-collected percentage, etc.) but at least it would be easy when computing the "batting average" of successful predictions made.
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Re: Famous NESARA/Prosperity Package Intel Gurus

Post by DailyPlanet »

The White Dragons are NOT "totally made up"

I know someone I consider to be of impeccable integrity,
who has met such folks along with Ben.

(At least they gave a credible account of being part of that society.)
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Re: Famous NESARA/Prosperity Package Intel Gurus

Post by davids »

DailyPlanet wrote:The White Dragons are NOT "totally made up"

I know someone I consider to be of impeccable integrity,
who has met such folks along with Ben.

(At least they gave a credible account of being part of that society.)
Please do tell more. This has to be a fascinating story.

What is it about these people or their "account" of membership in the "White Dragon Society" that you found "credible?" Were they dressed in all-black (or all-white) and did they have Ninja swords?

Also, who or what or why is the other person you refer to, someone you "consider to be of impeccable integrity." Why? I consider it strange to use such an emphatic description but to not state why you think that. Methinks you're pulling our collective legs.

Until someone gives something other than platitudes, I and many others just will think Fulford's nuts.
notorial dissent
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Re: Famous NESARA/Prosperity Package Intel Gurus

Post by notorial dissent »

DP, with all due respect, Fullofit Fullford is the poster child for zero credibility, and quite frankly, I would put ANYONE who hangs around with him, or claims to be involved with him in the same category, for exactly the same reasons.

I quite honestly don't know if he really believes the nonsense he peddles, or is having one absolutely ginormous leg pull of the tin hat brigade, but nothing he has generated in the last bit of history has any level of credibility at all, doesn't even make good fiction when it comes right down to it, but it is of a low enough level to appeal to the audience he seems to be trying for, i.e. the ones with no reality discernment in their on board functions, or McHalfwit, as if there is a distinction.

I really don't know if losing his job with a prestigious publication was the trigger point to his mental collapse, or if he just decided that he had a better career writing bad fiction, whatever, I can't imagine that he is more than living hand to mouth at this point.

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Re: Famous NESARA/Prosperity Package Intel Gurus

Post by JennyD »

notorial dissent wrote:DP, with all due respect, Fullofit Fullford is the poster child for zero credibility, and quite frankly, I would put ANYONE who hangs around with him, or claims to be involved with him in the same category, for exactly the same reasons.

I quite honestly don't know if he really believes the nonsense he peddles, or is having one absolutely ginormous leg pull of the tin hat brigade, but nothing he has generated in the last bit of history has any level of credibility at all, doesn't even make good fiction when it comes right down to it, but it is of a low enough level to appeal to the audience he seems to be trying for, i.e. the ones with no reality discernment in their on board functions, or McHalfwit, as if there is a distinction.

I really don't know if losing his job with a prestigious publication was the trigger point to his mental collapse, or if he just decided that he had a better career writing bad fiction, whatever, I can't imagine that he is more than living hand to mouth at this point.

Addendum to Notorial's comment: Fulford seems to troll Godlike and ATS for stories and expounds on some of the more "out there" theories of the day, and then charges for it, now, how many people actually pay for his daily toilet paper is another story altogether...
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Re: Famous NESARA/Prosperity Package Intel Gurus

Post by Deep Knight »

Here are some new ones: "Nancy from Ohio," and "An elderly lady from SE Ohio."

Heard on a conference call last night

Now, as a follow-up to the "Nancy fron Ohio" story: I just talked to a
contact I was discussing the topic with yesterday. He took the initiative to
contact 3 County Sheriff offices in the area of Ohio where he thought Nancy
lives. Two offices confirmed to him that they were apprised by the military
that they would be canvassing the Sheriff's citizens (one lady deputy said
she herself had been "visited", the third office put him through to the
Sheriff himself. This Sheriff muttered the comment "I knew they couldn't
keep this dog under the damned porch" and confirmed that he had been
contacted but refused to discuss the "reason" for the military making
personal visits.

An elderly lady from SE Ohio came on with a report that she had been visited
that afternoon (by a military enlisted man in an Army Jeep. He came to her
door amd asked her how many people lived at the address, also wrote down the
names. He told her that change was coming in the government, that they would
be soon delivering "packages" and vouchers ($2000.00/person) and that
America would soon return to common law. THIS is NESARA, folks! Curiously, I
can't get to the website where the calls are always archived, since I wanted
to download lst nights call and re-listen to her report.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 5:06 PM 0 comments
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Re: Famous NESARA/Prosperity Package Intel Gurus

Post by LightinDarkness »

What I love is how even when these fruitcakes get on these conference calls and make these claims, what they say and what is reported by the idiots on the blogs are two totally different things. I was actually LISTENING to this call, which is the East Coast/Dr. WC fruitcake call, and heard this women.

What she described was someone pulling up in military vehicle and asking her how many people were living at the address and tapping it on a ipad device. This sounds EXACTLY like what the Census Bureau does for its American Community Survey, which would be going on about now. Depending on the neighborhood, occasionally survey staff will ride around in military vehicles. They also link up with local social services personnel to provide information about social welfare programs people might be eligible for when doing this.

So heres what really happened: The Census Bureau is conducting its routine American Community Survey sample in Ohio and sends a survey taker out with a military vehicle "guard" because its a rough area. Because its a rough area and people need assistance, he likely informs the woman about food stamp and cash welfare benefits she is eligible for based on her stated income and household size.

What the kooks think happened: OMG! Nesara personnel are sending around people to collect information for your prosperity package! You'll be getting your package of cash within days!
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Re: Famous NESARA/Prosperity Package Intel Gurus

Post by Deep Knight »

Don't make too much of the report of "military vehicles," the conspiracy community has been known to think any dark-colored SUV is one of those. During Dove's hay-day I remember a picture being posted of a car-carrier filled with Jeep Cherokees being described as a deployment of "Humvees." Then there were the people identifying New World Order secret bases by seeing an "unmarked foreign military vehicle" driving somewhere close (no doubt another dark SUV). You just gotta believe.
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Re: Famous NESARA/Prosperity Package Intel Gurus

Post by Deep Knight »

Friday, March 28, 2014

Report from a well connected American .................................

Date: Fri, Mar 28, 2014 at 10:50 AM
I have NOW been in contact with 5 sheriffs and over 2 dozen former US Marines .. these men / women live in over 22 different Counties in Ohio

NO ONE has confirmed and all started out with open minds... THEY ARE NOT LAUGHING. They are just saddened to believe such misrepresentations are being spread. WE all believe such distractions will in the future be used to disunite many who would rather fight than surrender...

Just OUR 2 cents... and IF you have a more definite county, WE have men/women willing to drive to it within 30 min of notice.

Semper Fi

(*) Intel coming in from Boots on the Ground in Ohio - March 27, 2014
"Report coming in that "good" military are going house to house in areas of Ohio getting names, phone #, and address. Military personnel said that they would be coming back to give $2,000 vouchers to citizens to use when things start to "it's about to break", "it can come right now". "There's going to be a big change coming" said the military person who was going door to door in rural area of Ohio. Military are saying that orders came from Washington D.C. Military is saying to stock up on items of importance. Military personnel mentioned that we "were going back to common law".

Is this a true story? You listen and decide.

PIN: 776046# "

Posted by John MacHaffie at 2:53 PM


Anonymous March 28, 2014 at 3:24 PM
The following interview is given to bring understanding and encouragement to humanity and to help us to respect and love those incapable of caring and loving at this moment in time.
Link 1 - https://s3.amazonaws.com/PROBABLEFUTURE ... 5-2010.MP3
Link 2 - http://www.probablefuture.com/GeraldKey ... 5-2010.MP3

Anonymous March 28, 2014 at 3:39 PM
Sorry we don't believe anything put on this site, this will get removed but we know betterm, we have the proof you have nothing but hacks period

Anonymous March 28, 2014 at 5:45 PM

Anonymous March 28, 2014 at 3:45 PM
I'll believe it when a military person comes and knocks on my door with information like that if he/she has a voucher to give me.

Anonymous March 28, 2014 at 6:10 PM
Military people will not knock on your door unless you have a family member in the military.

Anonymous March 28, 2014 at 4:06 PM
Yeah I live in Dayton, Oh pretty close to the air force base, no one has come by.

Anonymous March 28, 2014 at 4:17 PM
Just a stupid story made up by a very stupid person.
How does $2,000 change someone's life ?
That will only buy you 500 gallons of gasoline.

Anonymous March 28, 2014 at 5:03 PM
I listened to the call and knew immediacy that it was a lie......Betcha the cabal paid the person a small pittance to make the call. The person who supposedly said a military person came to her door and told her that money would be coming to her didn't sound like she knew very much about anything.. Her grammar was bad and words did not sound right. So...the question is why would anyone do a sad prank like this?
Folks, there's no free lunch for anyone so get over it. "Ainta" gonna happen..............

Anonymous March 28, 2014 at 5:30 PM
First hand confirmation from a very connected american vet
559-726-1399 PIN 143153# first 35 minute mark.
you decide.

Anonymous March 28, 2014 at 5:53 PM
I agree with all of you and did not believe her story when i heard it. She sounded a little thick and perhaps she was wishful thinking but it didn't make sense. Then they jumped on the story and she got alot of attention and embellished a bit. I don't like to have to quote Pete Seeger but they were "looking for mysteries without any clues".

Babycakes March 28, 2014 at 6:23 PM
Have you EVER heard in your LIFETIME of the military telling EVERYONE, or ANYONE what they're doing????
Hello people....use your noggin. When they start knocking on doors to verify voucher recipients, THEY WILL NOT BROADCAST IT!! Mind you, those recipients will be going to the commissary to cash in the vouchers. Have you EVER known a civilian to be allowed to purchase ANYTHING on a military base. We don't even have I.D. to get on the premises.
I believe this lady accidentally leaked her experience, with the help of Angels for our sake...just like ALL of the other information we were NOT SUPPOSED TO KNOW.
I'm glad to know that the ones who are laying their lives on the line FOR US will have their families taken care of in the 'gap'.
So don't give up so quickly. Let your heart be your guide.
You might want to make sure that all of your family will have some provisions in case they don't believe you.
They will wonder why you didn't :)
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notorial dissent
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Re: Famous NESARA/Prosperity Package Intel Gurus

Post by notorial dissent »

The only thing their "connected" sources are connected to is either a hookah filled with illegal substances or the joint they found in the couch.

Amazing, even some of McHalfwit's crowd is beginning to wise up.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.